
Salad with chicken and sun-dried tomatoes. From fresh vegetables

Step-by-step recipes for nutritious and dietary salads with chicken, sun-dried tomatoes, cheese and herbs

2017-09-26 Marina Danko





In 100 grams of the finished dish

14 gr.

5 gr.


9 gr.

136 kcal.

Salad with dried tomatoes and boiled chicken

The truth that fresh, only from the garden, vegetables and fruits are healthier than cooked in any way, is not in doubt. At the same time, sun-dried tomatoes retain the original composition of trace elements almost completely. Dishes with them noticeably differ in taste and texture, a lot of salads, which otherwise would “flow” from excess liquid, can be safely seasoned with olive oil. Any salad with sun-dried tomatoes looks completely different, and this also plays into the hands of a clever chef.


  • sun-dried tomatoes - 200 gr.;
  • one chicken fillet;
  • ten pitted olives;
  • half a medium-sized lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • a small fresh bunch of arugula.

Cooking method:

We wash the chicken fillet, put it in a saucepan and, pouring enough cold water, set it to boil. Be sure to add some salt, otherwise the meat will be bland. We cook the fillet at a minimum boil for at least half an hour from the moment of boiling.

We sort through the arugula - we remove the withered greens. We wash the good leaves thoroughly and lay them out on a towel to dry.

We take out the finished fillet from the broth, put it in a separate bowl and let it cool down a bit. Cut the chicken into medium-sized, proportionate cubes.

We chop sun-dried tomatoes into thin strips, cut olives into rings.

Preparing salad dressing. After squeezing the lemon juice, filter it through a sieve. We measure out a spoon and pour it into a small bowl. Put a pinch of salt and mix well. Salt is desirable to dissolve as much as possible in the juice. Add a couple of tablespoons of oil, be sure to pepper a little and stir thoroughly. Add some mustard for spiciness.

We spread the boiled fillet, sun-dried tomatoes, arugula and olives in a salad bowl. While stirring, dress the salad with the sauce prepared earlier.

Arugula can be replaced with almost any other herb: dill, lettuce, parsley or cilantro. The taste of the salad will change, but this will not make it less attractive. Such a salad is most often served as an independent dish; fried potatoes are best suited as a side dish.

Salad of baked chicken with sun-dried tomatoes and hard cheese

The aroma of spices and the light taste of sun-dried tomatoes gives this dish a feeling of lightness, however, the salad is quite satisfying and can serve as an excellent afternoon snack.


  • 100 grams of sun-dried tomatoes;
  • chilled chicken fillet (breast) - 300 gr.;
  • 50 gr. parmesan or similar hard cheese;
  • five peas of pepper;
  • garlic;
  • sunflower, highly refined oil;
  • "Provencal herbs" - 2 tsp;
  • a third of a spoonful of spicy homemade mustard;
  • a quarter of a lemon;
  • 150 gr. fresh lettuce leaves.

Cooking method:

Grind the peppercorns. If there is no special device, you can grind the peas in a mortar or grind with a coffee grinder, it is important that the pepper is freshly ground.

Pour the pepper into a small bowl, add a third of a spoonful of salt, mix thoroughly. Add a teaspoon of grated or crushed garlic, spices and a little vegetable oil, rub.

After washing the fillet with cool water, remove excess moisture using paper towels. We rub the chicken with the prepared spicy mixture and let it lie down for about a quarter of an hour.

We tightly wrap the chicken with foil and place it on a baking sheet in a hot oven, bake for 40 minutes, maintaining heat strictly at 180 degrees.

We free the finished fillet from the foil, cool well and cut into medium-sized cubes, transfer to a bowl.

Cut sun-dried tomatoes into small square slices.

Lettuce leaves cut into strips or tear into small pieces.

Hard cheese cut into thin short strips.

We spread the pieces of tomatoes, strips of lettuce leaves and cheese to the chicken.

Squeeze juice from lemon. Add mustard, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and stir thoroughly.

We mix the salad with dressing, adding a little salt and be sure to pepper.

When preparing dressing, add salt before adding oil, otherwise it will not dissolve. If you forgot to do it on time, it is better to salt the salad itself and only then season it.

Warm salad with chicken, sun-dried tomatoes and asparagus

A variety of salads, which can be not only a snack, but also a good refreshment. The recipe of southern European cuisine is quite satisfying with a moderate calorie content.


  • half a kilo of chicken breast (fillet);
  • a small head of radicchio (red-leaf head lettuce), can be replaced with a large bunch of ordinary lettuce leaves;
  • half a kilo of asparagus;
  • five sun-dried tomatoes;
  • 60 milliliters of olive oil;
  • 20 ml balsamic vinegar;
  • garlic;
  • a teaspoon of brown sugar.

Cooking method:

We remove the cuttings from the asparagus, cut the stems into three parts. Finely chop the garlic.

Dry the washed fillet, cut into thin proportional strips.

Heat up a little oil in a frying pan. Add chicken and fry quickly. The pieces should be well browned on the sides.

Add asparagus and garlic to the chicken, add salt. Cook until the asparagus softens over medium heat.

While the chicken is roasting, there is time to prepare the dressing. Dissolve sugar in vinegar, add a pinch of pepper, salt a little and mix. Add two tablespoons of vegetable oil and stir again.

Line the bottom of the salad bowl with washed and dried lettuce leaves.

Dried tomatoes cut into thin strips.

We spread the finished chicken on lettuce leaves, lay out strips of tomatoes on top. Drizzle dressing evenly over warm salad and serve.

The fillet will turn out juicier if it is kept in soy sauce for some time. You can do otherwise, add a spoonful of this sauce to the chicken as soon as the pieces are browned. Wait for it to evaporate completely before adding the asparagus.

Salad with dried tomatoes and pickled cheeses

Sun-dried tomato salads with pickled cheeses for breakfast are very good. If a high-calorie diet is not recommended for you, divide a serving of such a salad in two and start and end your morning meal with it.


  • lettuce leaves - 300 gr.;
  • head of sweet onion;
  • 30 gr. sun-dried tomatoes;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • 100 gr. mozzarella, salted cheese or Adyghe cheese, you can mix these cheeses;
  • four tablespoons of olive oil;
  • two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar.

Cooking method:

Dry the washed lettuce leaves with a towel.

We cut the cheese into small cubes, put the pieces in a salad bowl.

We tear the dried lettuce leaves with our hands and put them to the cheese.

Cut the peeled onion lengthwise and finely chop the halves across. We spread the onion to the cheese, add the sun-dried tomatoes.

Cooking honey sauce. Add a little fine salt to the honey, rub it thoroughly. Add oil and then balsamic vinegar, stir until smooth.

After pouring the dressing into a salad bowl, season the salad with pepper and mix all the ingredients well.

If there are no sun-dried tomatoes, a way out can be found as follows. Take fleshy, small tomatoes and cut them in half. Arrange the halves skin side down on a baking sheet or pan, sprinkle with spices. Drizzle the tomatoes lightly with olive oil, then place them in a moderately hot oven for 40 minutes. Use instead of dried ones, after cooling completely. These, of course, are not exactly sun-dried tomatoes, but they are very similar in taste and in this salad they may well replace sun-dried ones.

Tomatoes have been used in cooking for a long time. Now it's hard to imagine a summer lunch without delicious fresh vegetables. In winter, meat dishes and side dishes are served with salted or pickled tomatoes. To make the menu more varied, you can cook a salad with sun-dried tomatoes. There are a lot of recipes with them. They are in themselves even a fragrant appetizer or stuffing for stuffed dishes.

This vegetable will be a good appetizer for the festive table. You can make so many different tomato dishes from them! Of course, you can buy such tomatoes ready-made or make them yourself. To do this, the fruits are chosen the same size and quite ripe. They are washed under clean water, cut in half and the seeds are removed with a spoon. You will also need garlic - just a few cloves are enough. It is cleaned, cut into thin strips. Salt is mixed with oregano and thyme.

Halves of tomatoes are carefully laid on a baking sheet in one layer, the herbal mixture is poured into each, garlic is spread on top and sprinkled with olive oil. Put in the oven, heated at a minimum temperature (no more than 120 degrees), and simmer for four hours. You need to constantly monitor that the vegetable does not become too dry and does not burn. Then it remains to cool and decompose into clean jars. The resulting product is stored in a cool place, or you can immediately start preparing salads with sun-dried tomatoes.

There are many recipes for making salads with sun-dried tomatoes.. Let's consider them in more detail.

Easy version with chicken

Recipes with sun-dried tomatoes are sometimes striking in their diversity. But it’s worth starting with some universal combinations. Therefore, this salad will be a great addition to dinner, and you can cook it from the following products:

  • a piece of chicken fillet;
  • two bell peppers, two cucumbers;
  • tomatoes - about 100 g;
  • vegetable oil, 9% vinegar, spices.

The chicken is first boiled until cooked, then cut into small cubes together with cucumbers. Pepper is cleaned from seeds with white partitions and cut in the same way. Tomatoes are blotted with paper napkins to get rid of excess fat, cut into neat straws and mixed with other ingredients.

Then prepare the dressing. To do this, the oil is mixed with table vinegar and your favorite spices. This mixture is poured over the resulting salad mass.

With chicken meat, you can cook a salad with sun-dried tomatoes and chicken and a little differently. The option is also no less tasty and easy. Prepared from available products:

First, chopped garlic is mixed with spices and salt. The fillet is rubbed with a mass, wrapped in foil and cooked in the oven at 180 degrees for about half an hour. Then the chicken is cooled and cut into small pieces. Cooked in this way, it turns out very tender and fragrant.

Chicken is mixed with sun-dried tomatoes, leaf lettuce, seasoned with a mixture of oil, mustard, lemon juice and spices. Sprinkle generously with grated parmesan on top. If you use the chicken immediately after the oven, you get a more satisfying warm version of the dish.

According to Italian and Greek recipe

If the housewives are thinking about why sun-dried tomatoes are needed, what they are eaten with, where to add such a product, then we can recommend making a delicious Italian salad with cheese, it will definitely decorate any table. A dish is prepared from the available ingredients:

  • package of salad "Mix";
  • packaging of Mozzarella cheese;
  • seven tomatoes;
  • ten cherry tomatoes;
  • a handful of pine nuts;
  • olive oil, balsamic vinegar, pepper.

Cherry tomatoes are washed and cut in halves, leaf lettuce is washed, dried on a paper towel. Cheese is cut in a convenient way, felted tomatoes - in strips. It remains to prepare the sauce from oil with vinegar. Season it with ground pepper. “Mix” is placed on a serving dish, on top - Cherry and dried product with cheese. Then everything is poured over with fragrant sauce and sprinkled with nuts. Everything, a fragrant dish can be served at the table, even gourmets tempted by a variety of tastes will appreciate it.

Greek salad will also appeal to many. It contains many different vegetables, due to this, the dish turns out to be very healthy. You can cook from the ingredients:

  • twelve cherry tomatoes;
  • a piece of feta cheese;
  • three bell peppers;
  • red onion;
  • sun-dried tomatoes, basil, olive oil, lemon juice, mustard seeds.

First, the basil is washed and dried. The dried product is cut into pieces, the peeled onion is cut into rings. Peppers are cut into "sails", cheese - into cubes, Cherry - into halves. In general, cutting is meant so that the ingredients can stay on the skewers. Lemon juice is mixed with mustard seeds, oil, spices are added to taste. Prepared vegetables are strung on skewers, alternating with cheese and basil. Then it remains to sprinkle the appetizer with fragrant dressing.

Can be served at a buffet table. The snack pleases with its bright color and fresh taste. And its portion serving makes the meal very convenient.

With the addition of fetax

Another option for a light but tasty tomato salad. Suitable for a light snack at lunch, they can replace a heavy dinner. For cooking, take the following ingredients:

  • fetax - about 200 g;
  • three tomatoes;
  • shallot;
  • lettuce, olive oil, table vinegar.

If the tomatoes are fresh, then they are first cooked in the oven according to the classic recipe. The onion is cut into half rings, sprinkled with vinegar, salted to taste and crushed with hands. Then set aside for seven minutes. By adding vinegar, it is easy to rid the onion of a sharp aroma. In addition, this is a quick way to marinate a vegetable deliciously.

Tomatoes are mixed in a salad bowl with leaf lettuce (you can take arugula), onions. Season everything with a mixture of oil and vinegar. Spices are added to taste, you can do without them, since spices are used when cooking tomatoes. Sprinkle feta cheese on top and serve immediately.

From fresh vegetables

A variety of vegetables should always be present in the diet, because they fill the body with essential vitamins. This salad is a real vegetable masterpiece, and it is very easy to prepare it from the following products:

Fresh tomatoes with cucumbers are cut into small pieces and immediately put in a salad bowl. Add chopped arugula with onions. All are sprinkled with juice from half a lemon, seasoned with oil and spices. Dried tomatoes, sesame seeds are added, mix thoroughly.

Serve immediately, as vegetables quickly release juice and begin to dry out. After that, the salad becomes less appetizing.

With avocado

If this oily fruit suits your taste and is often on the menu, then it can also be mixed with sun-dried tomatoes. The resulting snack contains many elements that are beneficial to the human body. At the same time, it is prepared in a matter of minutes. The salad option turns out to be no less interesting, although the ingredients are required to a minimum:

  • 150 g of tomatoes, lettuce;
  • 1 avocado;
  • a piece of cheese;
  • half a lemon, pepper, salt.

Lettuce is laid out on a flat dish, chopped avocado, tomatoes are on top and sprinkled with grated cheese. Then sprinkle with lemon juice, pepper and salt to taste. You can pour a small amount of oil in which the tomatoes were. Serving to the table is required immediately.

With fresh champignons

Mushroom salad with tomatoes will please with its characteristic aroma. It turns out very satisfying and tasty. They usually take fresh champignons, which are easy to buy at any time of the year. From the ingredients you need to prepare:

Mushrooms are washed and cut into thin slices. Then pour over lemon juice and leave aside for twenty minutes. Bulgarian pepper is cleaned of seeds, cut into strips, peeled onions - in half rings. Pickled mushrooms are mixed with onions, tomatoes, peppers. Then add chopped greens and salt, pepper to taste. As a dressing for snacks, they take the already familiar olive oil.

You can serve immediately. If you do not want to prepare a salad of freshly marinated champignons, then you can first fry them in oil and add them warm. This option is more satisfying.

Culinary Secrets

In order for a salad with tomatoes to please with its taste, you need to know some tricks that many housewives resort to. General recommendations are easy to remember:

With sun-dried tomatoes, you can cook many different salads. There are a lot of recipes for snacks, it is simply impossible to list them all.

In any case, they are tender and dietary. In addition, sun-dried tomatoes are often combined with various vegetables, and this makes the dish very healthy and tasty.

So you should definitely try to cook a salad according to at least one recipe in order to appreciate its taste.

Attention, only TODAY!

In our country, sun-dried tomatoes are less common than, for example, in Italy. Italians eat tomatoes all year round and it has already become a tradition to use tomatoes in all the most incredible forms from our point of view. Meanwhile, properly cooked sun-dried tomatoes with spices and oil are a real delicacy, once you taste it, you want to come back again and again. Without exaggeration, they can be called a delicacy, if not in terms of cost, then in terms of the amount of labor invested.

Although everyone can make their own sun-dried tomatoes at home. They will cost much less and you can enjoy their amazing taste as much as you like.

Dried tomatoes can be used for decoration, as a filling for sandwiches, put them in hot dishes - soups, pasta. They go well with many foods when cold, so they are widely used in salads. The important thing is that by putting sun-dried tomatoes in a jar and pouring vegetable oil (preferably olive), they can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Some recipes recommend soaking sun-dried tomatoes in water before using them, but this loses much of their rich, savory flavor. In general, this product has a number of useful properties. This is the case when you can say with confidence - both tasty and healthy.

Dried tomatoes contain a lot of vitamins and trace elements, they contribute to good digestion, they are considered a real antidepressant. They contain the so-called happiness hormone serotonin, from which our mood rises and efficiency increases. There are studies that have confirmed the positive effect of this product on brain cells - eating dried tomatoes improves memory and intelligence.

Sun-dried tomatoes contain a lot of potassium, which is necessary for proper cardiac activity. This delicacy product reduces the risk of blood clots and generally improves the condition of blood vessels. It is considered a good prevention of vision problems. Helps to get rid of edema, removing excess fluid.

Sun-dried tomatoes can be a delicious dish and a great appetizer on their own, but they are added to a wide variety of other dishes, from pizza to pasta and risotto. They are combined with fish, meat, and various vegetables. We have collected for you some of the most interesting salad recipes in our opinion, which include dried tomatoes. We hope that you will find something to cook for your family and guests.

How to cook sun-dried tomato salad - 17 varieties

Here's what we'll be using in this recipe:

  • any lettuce leaves, salad mix or just arugula
  • Sun-dried tomatoes
  • fresh cherry tomatoes
  • cucumber
  • fresh cheese Mozzarella
  • Pine nuts
  • hard Parmesan cheese

We invite you to see in detail how this salad is prepared. It turns out exquisite and pleases with a truly unusual taste.

Take these products:

  • chicken breast 0.5 kg
  • radicchio 1 head
  • asparagus ⅕ kg
  • dried tomatoes 3 pcs.
  • garlic 1 pc.
  • olive oil 60 ml
  • vinegar 20 ml
  • brown sugar 10 g
  • ground black pepper 5 g
  • sea ​​salt 5 g

You can add a little soy sauce to chicken meat.

Let's start cooking salad with chicken, asparagus and radicchio:

  1. Cut the chicken into thin strips and fry in a pan with hot oil. Here we add asparagus without cuttings with stems cut into 3 parts and finely chopped garlic. We put salt and spices.
  2. While the chicken is fried, prepare the dressing from olive oil, vinegar (if any, then raspberry), sugar, salt and pepper.
  3. Dried tomatoes are also cut into strips.
  4. Divide the radicchio into individual leaves and place on a serving dish.
  5. We put fried chicken and asparagus on the greens of the ridicchio, put the tomatoes on top and pour over the dressing. Salad ready.

The composition of the salad is very simple:

  • Sun-dried tomatoes,
  • corn,
  • arugula,
  • pickled onion,

Fairly simple and affordable ingredients in a small amount, but the result is amazing.

Watch the video to see for yourself.

A very charming salad and a great dinner or lunch! :) Maximum benefit and a volcano of taste - try it!

We take the following products:

  • Long-grain rice 1.5 cups +- (h=180 ml);
  • Cherry tomatoes 200 gr.;
  • Dried tomatoes 7-10 pcs.;
  • Black olives 200 g;
  • A handful of pine nuts;
  • A bunch of parsley.


  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 4-6 tbsp olive oil (also use tomato oil)
  • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

This salad is prepared like this:

  1. We will not talk about such simple things as the correct cooking of rice - you can always find out in the corresponding article. And there is nothing else to cook here.
  2. Roast the nuts in a skillet.
  3. We divide small cherry tomatoes into 4 parts each.
  4. Cut the olives into rings.
  5. We also chop sun-dried tomatoes and parsley.
  6. Now in a volumetric container we combine all the prepared ingredients and add the dressing, which we prepare separately.
  7. Leave the salad to stand for 15 minutes and serve, garnished with olive rings.

If you do not have sun dried tomatoes, you can easily get out of the situation this way. Ordinary fresh tomatoes (you can use the same cherry tomatoes) cut into halves, put skin side down on a frying pan or baking sheet, sprinkle with spices on top and drip vegetable oil. Put in the oven for about half an hour. It's not exactly sun-dried tomatoes, but it looks and tastes just as good!

We will prepare a salad from the following products:

  • olive oil
  • balsamic vinegar
  • basil
  • sun-dried tomatoes
  • suluguni cheese or mozzarella
  • olives
  • bulb red
  • salt pepper
  • leaf salad

We invite you to get acquainted with the cooking process, filmed in the following video.

A very light spring salad with a pleasant spicy taste. Especially good after long holidays with plentiful feasts.

The products in it are:

  • Salad mix - 200 g
  • Soft cheese with white mold - 0.5 pack
  • Dried tomatoes - 30 g
  • Crimean bow - 1
  • Refueling:
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Olive oil - 20 ml
  • Balsamic vinegar - 10 ml

Now get acquainted with the process of preparing this salad:

  1. The onion will need to be cut into thin rings or half rings if possible. The cheese must first be cut diagonally, so that later thin triangles are obtained.
  2. Prepare the dressing - to do this, beat all the ingredients with a blender or whisk until smooth.
  3. Mix salad mix with sun-dried tomatoes and onions. Pour dressing, knead with tongs or two forks. Then repeat the operation with the addition of cheese. Serve this salad immediately after preparation. Bon appetit!

There are only three components in this salad, but in taste it will not yield to the most "fancy" dishes - elegant and original. After all, everything ingenious is simple!


  • 250 g dried cherry tomatoes
  • 100 g cheese
  • arugula

The video below shows the entire simple cooking process step by step. Watch and cook with pleasure!

Penne is a pasta that goes well with sun-dried tomatoes and can be either a separate salad or a side dish for a meat dish, such as a layered meat loaf.

Here's what we'll need:

  • Penne - 400 g
  • Garlic - 3 s
  • Provencal herbs
  • Dried tomatoes - 6
  • Olive oil

To decorate a dish:

  • Leaf lettuce - 1-2 bunches (I have "Ketezh" salad, salad mustard, regular leaf lettuce)
  • Greens of dill and parsley.
  • Dried tomatoes - 7-8 halves.

For refueling:

  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice - 2 tsp
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • ground pepper
  • Grainy mustard - 1 tsp

Here is how we will prepare this dish:

  1. Boil pasta.
  2. We heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the garlic on it along with the Provence herbs - this way the oil turns out to be a very rich garlic flavor. Throw sun-dried tomatoes here for 5 minutes. And finally add the penne.
  3. Prepare dressing and serve.
  4. Place lettuce leaves on a beautiful shallow plate, on which we spread penne with tomatoes. Or if you are serving with a meat appetizer, then it is better to put the meat in the center (on the leaves), then the penne.
  5. Top everything with dressing and serve. Bon appetit!

Let's prepare the following products for this dish:

  • salad mix 75 g - root and chard
  • fresh cucumber 2.
  • brie cheese 50 g (can be replaced with Camembert)
  • sun-dried tomatoes 50 g
  • pine nuts 20 g
  • olive oil 40 ml
  • pickle 20 ml from olives
  • garlic 1 z
  • balsamic vinegar to taste
  • grated parmesan cheese 20 g

Watch a video about how these products make an aesthetic and very tasty dish with a somewhat unusual, original taste for us.

Salad Ingredients:

  • avocado half
  • cherry tomatoes 10 pcs.
  • dried tomatoes 3
  • salad mix
  • hard cheese 30 g
  • pine nuts 1 handful
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • balsamic vinegar 1 tsp.
  • apple cider vinegar 1 tsp
  • pepper salt

The process of preparing a salad with avocado, sun-dried tomatoes and pine nuts comes down to the following steps:

  1. Pine nuts will need to be dried a little.
  2. Cut fresh cherry tomatoes into halves, dried thinner.
  3. Remove the pulp from the avocado and chop.
  4. Mix everything, add dressing and put on lettuce leaves or in a salad bowl (in this case, first put lettuce leaves in a separate container, then everything else and mix).
  5. Garnish the salad with thin flakes of cheese (you can cut them with a potato peeler) and pine nuts, which are sprinkled on the finished dish.

If sun-dried tomatoes are not dry, but in oil, then it is better to cut them larger. Hard cheese is better to take fragrant, such as parmesan.

Products for the salad will require the following:

  • Champignon
  • Sun-dried tomatoes
  • lemon juice
  • bell pepper
  • Red onion
  • greenery

You can find out more by watching the video below. The salad is easy to digest and healthy. Well, you can judge the taste for yourself - we hope that you will not be disappointed)

We take such products for salad with sun-dried tomatoes and bows:

  • pasta bows 150 g
  • pine nuts 50 g
  • fresh spinach 1 bunch
  • dried tomatoes 3 pcs.
  • green onion 1 bunch
  • red chili pepper 1 pc.
  • olive oil 20 ml
  • ground black pepper 5 g
  • sea ​​salt 7 g

Dried tomatoes can be immediately added to the olive dressing.

Let's cook a delicious, hearty and healthy salad with bows and sun-dried tomatoes:

  1. Cut the onion and pepper thinly, slightly diagonally, after removing the seeds from the pepper.
  2. Dry the nuts in a frying pan.
  3. Grind spinach and sun-dried tomatoes (you can use strips on the tonic).
  4. We boil the pasta and at this time we are preparing a dressing from olive oil, chili pepper, which we cut, and ordinary pepper.
  5. Drain pasta, mix with onions, sun-dried tomatoes and spinach, pour dressing over.
  6. Sprinkle nuts on top.

This dish can be served as a side dish, warm or cold as a salad. Tasty and so and so.

We select products from the list:

  • salad mix
  • pickles
  • sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil
  • olives
  • Chees Feta
  • prosciutto
  • olive oil and spices

The cooking process is recorded on video, which you can watch right now.

Very tasty and, most importantly, unusual salad! Treat yourself and your loved ones to an exquisite dish according to the original recipe.

Here is what we will prepare this salad from:

  • seafood cocktail 500 g
  • broccoli 400 g
  • sweet pepper (red and green) 1 pc.
  • lemon juice 2 tbsp
  • green olives stuffed with anchovies 200 g
  • green beans 300 g
  • handful of shelled walnuts
  • olive oil 2 tbsp
  • a handful of sundried tomatoes

For refueling:

  • olive oil 200 ml
  • juice of 0.5 lemon
  • salt, black pepper

Now let's see how a seafood salad with vegetables and sun-dried tomatoes is prepared:

  1. Boil seafood in salted water for several minutes, drain the water and let cool.
  2. We do the same with the bean pods, then fry them for a few more minutes in olive oil.
  3. We also boil broccoli, after disassembling it into inflorescences. Add a tablespoon of olive oil to the boiling water.
  4. We put the washed pepper in the oven for 15 minutes and after cooling, remove the skin, remove the seeds, cut the pulp into thin strips.
  5. It remains to mix everything and pour over the dressing, which we prepare from olive oil with lemon juice and spices.
  6. We spread it in a large salad bowl or in portions, sprinkle with nuts and sun-dried tomatoes on top. Bon appetit!

Let's take for him:

  • green iceberg lettuce
  • dried cherry
  • bell pepper
  • zucchini

Few ingredients means little cooking time. But a completely unusual combination and a very interesting taste. Watch the video and prepare your culinary masterpiece!

Couscous is an interesting cereal, which is prepared from durum wheat or barley, rice. It can be attributed to dietary products, useful and recommended for use by almost everyone. An interesting feature of couscous is that this cereal goes very well in salads with a variety of products. Its grains are saturated with the taste of the "neighbors" and become unusually pleasant. We invite you to prepare an unusual salad called tabbouleh, in which couscous is almost perfectly combined with sun-dried tomatoes.

For him, we will take the following products:

  • Couscous 150 g
  • Dried tomatoes 100 g
  • Sweet pepper 200 g
  • Hot water 250 ml.
  • Cashew nuts, pine nuts or walnuts 40 g
  • Juice of one lemon
  • Olive oil 3 tbsp
  • cilantro or parsley 15 sprigs
  • Mint 10 sprigs
  • Asafoetida or green onions
  • Salt, black pepper
  • Lettuce for garnish

You can complement this salad with olives and capers.

Look at the video, what is what and how to do it - everything is told in detail, there will be no ambiguities after watching.

In this salad, the tender flesh is very successfully complemented by the spicy and salty taste of sun-dried tomatoes, giving together a piquant unusual taste.

The products we need are:

  • Arugula leaves 200 g
  • Pumpkin seeds, roasted 20 g
  • Iceberg 120 g
  • Sunflower seeds, roasted 20 g
  • Avocado 2 pcs
  • Dried tomatoes (confit) 300 g
  • Olive oil 100 ml
  • White balsamic vinegar 30 ml
  • Salt, pepper, sugar to taste

How to prepare a salad, see the video recipe, which also gives detailed recommendations for serving and decorating.

Fans of salads will certainly appreciate the dish, which "Popular about Health" will tell about today. You want to feel its taste again if you try it one day, and the whole point is in the excellent flavor combination of low-calorie tender chicken meat and incomparable tomatoes. Today we will consider the preparation of salad with sun-dried tomatoes, which is prepared by Yulia Vysotskaya. This dish can be prepared at any time of the year, even in winter, when fresh vegetables are not of good quality, because sun-dried tomatoes can be prepared for future use. We also present to your attention a recipe for sun-dried tomatoes. So let's get started with the salad recipe right now.

Salad from Yulia Vysotskaya

Ingredients: chicken fillet - 400 g; sun-dried tomatoes - 200 g; olives - a handful; a bunch of arugula; dressing oil, preferably olive oil - 20 ml; lemon juice - 10 ml; mustard - dry - 0.5 tsp; salt, ground black pepper; sesame - 1 tbsp. l.

How is this salad prepared? First you need to wash the meat and boil it in salted water over low heat. Then, when it is ready, put the pan off the heat and let the meat cool down right in the broth. In this case, it will be more juicy. Then the fillet is cut into slices and poured into a salad bowl.

Next, let's move on to the olives. Each fruit must be freed from drupes, and then chopped into rings, so the olives look more elegant than when they are simply cut into two parts. Arugula is thoroughly washed, spread on a towel and dried, getting rid of water droplets. Then the greens are very finely chopped and sent to cold cuts. Julia Vysotskaya recommends using arugula rather than parsley or cilantro, as its aroma and taste blends perfectly with chicken meat and sun-dried tomatoes. Tomatoes are cut into thin slices and combined with the rest of the salad ingredients. Now let's prepare a fragrant dressing for our spicy dish.

Squeeze lemon juice into a small bowl and add oil, mustard, pepper, salt. Mix all the spices well to get a homogeneous mass. Dress the salad and stir. Sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds on top, which will give it a unique flavor and add useful properties. From Yulia Vysotskaya, salad is most often used as an independent dish, as it is quite satisfying due to the presence of meat in it. If you are new to making sun-dried tomatoes, read on. There are several ways to prepare them, we will consider everything, including the one shared by Yulia Vysotskaya.

Dried tomatoes from Yulia Vysotskaya

Julia offers to dry tomatoes in the oven. This method is suitable for those who do not have a dryer for vegetables and fruits and there is no way to dry tomatoes in the sun.

It is best to take oblong-shaped tomatoes, like cream, with elastic skins and with a small amount of seeds and juice. That is, meaty ones are ideal. We cut them into two parts. Remove all seeds carefully with a spoon. Then we take a large heat-resistant dish or a baking sheet with high sides. Place the tomatoes cut side up in it.

To add flavor to the tomatoes, you will need the following spices - peppercorns, according to Yulia, you need to take more of it, a small handful. Also pour about a tablespoon of dried basil to the pepper, a good pinch of salt and add three cloves of garlic. Julia recommends taking fresh basil as well. All these spices must be thoroughly ground in a mortar. We distribute the resulting fragrant mass over the surface of the cut of tomatoes, trying not to bypass a single tomato. Then pour refined olive oil into the mold so that the tomatoes are immersed in it by one third.

We put the form or baking sheet in the oven, which must first be heated to 190 degrees. We dry the tomatoes for at least 3 hours, while it is important to control the oil level and add it if necessary. It is better to open the oven door a little, then excess moisture will evaporate. Ready-made sun-dried tomatoes can be used for the aforementioned salad, or you can cork them for the winter by putting them in sterilized jars. The oil in which the tomatoes were dried is also poured into jars. It acquires an excellent taste and aroma of spices. By the way, you can use some of this oil for salad.

If you have the opportunity to dry the tomatoes in the sun, use it. After cutting the washed fruits in half, remove the seeds and juice, lay the tomatoes cut side up on baking paper, salt, cover with cheesecloth to protect from flies and dust, and leave them to dry in the sun for 4-5 days. Such tomatoes can be stored in ordinary clean jars with a lid in a dark place. Similarly, you can dry tomatoes in the dryer, only it will take much less time - several hours.

Now you know how to make your own sun-dried tomato salad according to Yulia Vysotskaya's recipe. This dish is very tasty and healthy. This is especially true in winter, when fresh vegetables of good quality cannot be found. And since summer has come, we suggest you prepare sun-dried tomatoes according to the recipe given in the article for the winter.

Dried tomatoes are an amazing product that can be used to prepare the most original dishes. Especially such an ingredient is valued in Italy. Probably, everyone who has visited this country must have tried a salad with sun-dried tomatoes and did not remain indifferent to such an appetizer. How to make it in your own kitchen, learn from this article.

Salad with dried tomatoes and arugula

In Italy, salads are one of the most beloved dishes. Every corner of this country is famous for its recipes. But in whatever part of it you find yourself, you will be able to taste a salad with arugula and sun-dried tomatoes everywhere.


  • 110 g of arugula;
  • 120 g large olives;
  • 35 g "Parmesan";
  • 60 g of sun-dried tomatoes;
  • half a sweet onion and a lemon;
  • 15 ml balsamic vinegar

Cooking method:

  1. Take large olives and cut them in half. We chop the sweet onion into thin strips, we also cut the tomatoes in half.
  2. Put arugula in a salad bowl, mix it with onions, dried vegetables and olives.
  3. We make a dressing from the juice of half a citrus, balsamic vinegar and oil. Add salt and sweetener to taste.
  4. Season the appetizer and sprinkle with grated Parmesan.

Cooking with chicken

Salad with sun-dried tomatoes can also be prepared with the addition of dietary chicken meat. It turns out satisfying and appetizing. Especially if the bird fillet is baked with herbs.


  • 320 g fillet;
  • 130 g of sun-dried tomatoes;
  • 65 g "Parmesan";
  • two garlic cloves;
  • 130 g of lettuce leaves;
  • five peas of allspice;
  • two tsp spicy herbs;
  • two tablespoons of refined oil.

Dressing Ingredients:

  • 55 ml refined oil;
  • a little mustard;
  • half a lemon.

Cooking method:

  1. Put garlic cloves, salt and allspice in a mortar, grind. Then mix with oil and dry herbs.
  2. Thoroughly grease the chicken fillet with a spicy mixture, wrap in foil and bake for 40 minutes (temperature 180 ° C).
  3. We cut the baked meat into strips, chop the sun-dried tomatoes into pieces, cut the Parmesan into thin plates.
  4. For the sauce, squeeze the juice from half a citrus, mix it with mustard, oil, add a little pepper and add.
  5. We tear the green salad with our hands, put it on a dish along with dried vegetables, season with sauce and mix. Arrange chicken and cheese slices on top. Salad with dried tomatoes and chicken is ready.
