
Homemade raspberry. Making homemade wine from raspberry juice

Raspberry wine is a delicious and fragrant alcoholic drink. It can always be prepared at home by adjusting the sweetness and strength. Raspberry wine ferments for more than a month, and ripens from three months. But no matter how long the preparation of this drink is, it always pleases with its taste and delicate berry aroma for any occasion: for a holiday, dinner, or just like that.

Raspberry wine is perhaps the most delicious and aromatic after ordinary grape wine. Such a wine is often considered a dessert wine for its sweetness, but you should not limit it to such use only, because the drink goes well with cheeses, meats and fresh salads. Buying natural raspberry wine is quite difficult in a regular store. It is much easier to make it yourself, because all you need is a good recipe and a fresh berry.

For the production of raspberry wine, all varieties of raspberries are suitable: red, black and even yellow. It is advisable to use a small amount of forest raspberries when preparing wine, which will give the drink an unsurpassed aroma and taste.

Raspberry wine recipe:

  • You will need a full liter jar of raspberries to make a liter of delicious raspberry wine
  • It is interesting that the berries do not need to be washed and rinsed before cooking, the berry should be unwashed
  • The rest of the ingredients are sugar and water. Sugar will need exactly half a kilogram, no more, no less. And the ratio of water is exactly proportional to the berry - a liter

Raspberries should not be washed because special wild yeasts are stored on the surface of the berries, which drive the fermentation process. All that needs to be done is to sort out the berries with high quality, avoiding lethargic, rotten and damaged units.

making raspberry wine at home

Cooking steps:

  • Raspberries should be mashed to a liquid puree. This can be done with a regular fork, or you can use a blender.
  • The mass of raspberries should be poured three hundred grams of sugar and mix thoroughly
  • Mix every day
  • Three days after fermentation, you need to squeeze the berry part
  • last fermentation period - 40 days
  • During this time, the glove will deflate, sediment will fall to the bottom of the dish, and the wine will become transparent.
  • The finished wine should be bottled for storage and maturation of the drink.


Raspberry wine at home with a rubber glove

There are two ways to organize fermentation:

  • with rubber glove
  • with water seal

Not every novice winemaker knows that the worst enemies of wine are air and water. These components are able to turn any failed drink into vinegar. It is for this reason that the presence of a shutter is a must.

Rubber glove lock allows the yeast to get the minimum amount of air it needs during the fermentation process. This method is very simple and popular, and proper corking of a bottle or can with plasticine, paraffin, wax can lead to a good result in the production of an alcoholic beverage.

The water seal allows avoid unpleasant odors during the fermentation process that the drink emits. You can make a water seal with a catheter, cork and tube, but some inventors do not stop and use plastic straws for juice, plastic bottles and rubber hoses. The water seal tube is lowered into the water, where the fermentation gases exit.

homemade water seal

glove lock

wine fermentation

Raspberry and blackcurrant wine at home: recipe

Wine made from raspberries and currants is incredibly tasty and fragrant. Cooking it is not difficult, and drinking is a pleasure.


  • Two kilograms of fresh, selected raspberries should be poured into a large storage bottle. A plastic bottle is also suitable for not having a glass one. Berries should not be washed at all - the maximum amount of wild yeast should be preserved on its surface
  • Raspberries are poured directly in the bottle with a kilogram of sugar and the bottle is placed in a fairly sunny place, for example, on a windowsill. Raspberries in this state should wander for about five days
  • Five days later, two kilograms of blackcurrant are poured into the bottle, which is also worth sorting out and washing, unlike raspberries
  • If desired, currant berries can be crushed before being added to the bottle with raspberries
  • Pour another kilogram of sugar over the currants.
  • Berries are poured with eight liters of clean water and a water seal is placed on the bottle
  • The bottle should remain on a warm windowsill for two weeks.
  • After two weeks, open the cork and pour two more kilograms of sugar into the water, mix everything thoroughly with a clean wooden spoon
  • Now the fermentation process should be observed very carefully. When the bubbles cease to stand out, it is necessary to remove the cork and strain the liquid from the berry mass
  • The bottle is filled with wine without berries
  • It still has to stand for some time already without a shutter in order to release the precipitate
  • After separating the sediment, the pure part of the wine is poured into another dish with the help of a straw.

Pure transparent wine is bottled for storage in a dark cool place. In this state, it should be stored for at least three months.

homemade raspberry and blackcurrant wine

Yellow raspberry wine at home

Yellow raspberry wine has a rather original taste, it is not so fragrant, but sweet and sour shade gives freshness and pleasure. Anyone can make wine from yellow raspberries:

  • Blend yellow raspberries
  • The mass of raspberries should be covered with sugar - three hundred grams
  • Raspberries are poured with a liter of water in a three-liter jar
  • A third of the jar remains free - this is necessary for the fermentation process
  • Put on a regular rubber glove on the jar
  • In one finger of the glove, a small hole should be pierced with a needle
  • Such a jar should be removed for fermentation in a dry, dark place at room temperature.
  • The jar should ferment for approximately ten days
  • Every day the mass must be shaken
  • After three days, the berry mass should be filtered.
  • Cook fresh sugar syrup from one hundred grams of sugar and a glass of water, this syrup should be added to the raspberry mass
  • After another three days, an additional hundred grams of sugar must be added to the mass.

yellow raspberries are great for making wine

Cherry and raspberry homemade wine, recipe

To make wine from cherries and raspberries, you need to prepare three kilograms of berries:

  • One and a half kilograms of cherries are separated from the cuttings and leaves. The bone must be left. Berries should be rinsed
  • One and a half kilograms of raspberries are moved and not washed. Delicate wild yeast on the surface of the berry
  • First of all, the berries are poured into a large volumetric dish: an enamel basin or a plastic bucket will do
  • A rubber glove should be put on the hand, the whole mass is thoroughly mixed with the hand, which strongly presses the berries and turns them into porridge
  • Stirring is necessary to achieve a complete crush of each berry
  • The mass should be sprinkled with two kilograms of sugar and pour five liters of warm water.
  • The bucket or basin is tightly covered and sent to ferment in a calm state for about five days. All this time you don’t need to touch the mass
  • The mass will begin to ferment during this time. Thoroughly mix the mass with a gloved hand or a wooden spoon and leave to ferment for another four days. Every day the mass must be mixed
  • Berries are divided into two layers. The one that floats on the surface should be caught with a slotted spoon. Squeeze the berries, return the juice to the bucket, and discard the cake. Fermentation continues for 5-7 days
  • After this time, the clean mass should be separated from the sediment using a tube from the system

cherry wine with raspberries

Homemade wine from fermented raspberry jam

It turns out that you can make delicious raspberry wine not only from fresh berries. An excellent basis for making this drink can be fermented jam:

  • One and a half kilograms of fermented jam should be diluted with one and a half liters of warm water
  • In the resulting mass, add a heaping tablespoon of unwashed dry raisins and a glass of sugar
  • The whole mass should be poured into a five-liter bottle and mix thoroughly.
  • On the neck of the bottle, you should put on any shutter that you prefer.
  • Such a flask with raspberry mass should be left for some time to be stored at room temperature.
  • Such wine can ferment from two to three weeks.
  • When you notice that the glove has deflated or the gas has stopped escaping, the wine has fermented.
  • You need to add another half a glass of sugar to it and leave it to stand without a cork.
  • When the sediment falls, use the system to strain the clean part of the drink into another bowl.

fermented raspberry jam wine

Semi-sweet raspberry wine at home, recipe

  • Raspberries (four kilos) not washed, but clean, mashed and mashed
  • Puree is placed in a large dish: a bottle, a bottle or a jar where it will ferment
  • Puree sprinkled with a kilogram of sugar
  • Pour raspberries with four liters of warm water and leave this mass to ferment for four days at warm room temperature
  • Wear a glove or water seal on the bottle
  • After four days, strain the wine from the berry fibers and add another glass of sugar to it.
  • Put on the glove or shutter again and wait for the end of fermentation
  • Fermentation can last two to three weeks
  • When the gas stops escaping, the wine is ready.
  • It should be poured without sediment into a storage dish and left to ripen for another two to three months.

semi-sweet wine

Dry raspberry wine at home

Dry wine implies the presence of a minimum amount of sugar in the drink:

  • Approximately two kilograms of raspberries, not washed, but selected, should be mashed and poured into the bottom of the prepared fermentation bottle
  • Sprinkle the berry with a glass of sugar and leave in this state for three days at warm room temperature
  • After this time, pour the mass with water - two liters and mix thoroughly
  • The bottle is closed with a shutter and stored for another five days
  • After this time, the bottle is opened, the mass is filtered and only pure wine without must is poured into the bottle, another glass of sugar is added, a cork and a shutter are put in.
  • As the fermentation process ends, the wine is drained without sediment and bottled for storage.

dry raspberry wine

Fortified raspberry wine at home

  • As a rule, for the preparation of fortified wine for one kilogram of raspberries, about a liter and a half of water is required.
  • As in all cases, the berries should not be washed.
  • Four kilos of raspberries are poured into a bottle
  • They should be sprinkled with sugar. To do this, pour out half of the total mass of sugar - 1 kilo and 750 grams
  • Raspberries are poured with water - three and a half liters
  • The whole mass is mixed to dissolve the sugar and put away in a warm room for fermentation.
  • In this state, raspberries should stay for about five days.
  • Every day, this container should be shaken or mixed well.
  • After that, carefully strain all the wine material through cheesecloth, squeeze it dry and discard
  • The remaining sugar is divided into three parts, pour the first part into wine, make a shutter and set to ferment
  • After four days, add sugar again and mix
  • Three days later, the procedure is repeated
  • Keep an eye on the shutter, if the gas has ceased to be released - pour out the pure part of the wine and put it in a separate bowl to ripen

Taste the wine, if it is not strong enough for you, it can be diluted with 10-12% vodka or alcohol and left to mature for three to six months.

fortified homemade raspberry wine

Raspberry wine at home recipe without yeast

Most often, wine at home is prepared without the addition of fresh ordinary yeast. The fact is that natural wild yeast is formed on the surface of the berry. To do this, it is enough to clean the berry and do not wash it. During fermentation, these yeasts react with sugar and create favorable conditions for wine, because there are enough of them on raspberries.

If desired, you can also add 100 grams of fresh yeast per 3 kilograms of berries and three kilograms of sugar to the wine. Such a fermentation process is much faster, but it requires high-quality filtering of wine from the wine part. This wine should be tasted regularly to avoid bitterness.

Raspberry raspberry wine with vodka

You can make quick raspberry wine in seven days:

  • Prepare one liter jar of clean selected raspberries without debris
  • Puree the raspberries with a blender and pour it with a glass of sugar
  • Let such raspberries stand for several hours.
  • Pour raspberries with half a liter of vodka
  • Send the infusion jar to a dark cool place
  • After seven days, strain the infusion from the berry fiber and try
  • Strongly strong wine is diluted with purified water and is ready to drink.

raspberry wine with instant homemade vodka

Raspberry wine made from raspberry leaves

Delicious unusual wine can also be made from raspberry leaves:

  • To prepare such a drink, you will need about two kilograms of selected raspberry leaves, whole and clean.
  • Boil water in a large 10 liter pot
  • Leaves are lowered into boiling water and, using a rolling pin or a large wooden spoon, are lowered to the bottom of the pan.
  • The pan is removed from the heat and with the leaves left for about three days in a calm state for infusion
  • After this time, all the liquid is filtered from the leaves, the last water is squeezed out and 700 grams of sugar dissolve in the water.
  • A glass of unwashed raisins is added to the water, on which there is a sufficient amount of wild yeast and three ml of ammonia, which will stimulate fermentation
  • The wine is poured into a storage bottle and closed with a shutter
  • Wine should ferment for about 12 days, be guided by how much gas is released during the fermentation process

The finished wine is bottled and put away for a while to mature in the bottle.

Raspberry wine from frozen raspberries

Making wine from frozen raspberries is practically no different from ordinary wine. One has only to pay attention to how you got the ratio of water and berries in the drink. If the wine is not strong enough, a little alcohol can be added during the fermentation period.

  • Frozen raspberries should be mashed to a liquid puree with a blender after defrosting
  • The mass of raspberries should be covered with 300 grams of sugar and mix thoroughly
  • Raspberries are poured with a liter of water in a three-liter jar
  • A third of the jar remains free - this is necessary for the fermentation process: foam and carbon dioxide
  • A regular medical glove should be put on the jar
  • In one finger of the glove, a small hole should be pierced with a needle
  • Such a jar should be removed for fermentation in a dry, dark place at room temperature.
  • The jar should ferment for approximately ten days
  • Every day the mass must be shaken or mixed.
  • Three days after fermentation, you need to squeeze the berries through cheesecloth
  • Cook fresh sugar syrup from 100 grams of sugar and a glass of water, this syrup should be added to the raspberry mass
  • After another three days, an additional 100 grams of sugar must be added to the mass
  • Leave the wine alone to ferment. Watch how the glove behaves, if it is blown away - it's time to strain the clean part of the wine into bottles and drain the sediment
  • In bottles, young wine must be stored for another three months to gain strength and rich taste.

Video: "Raspberry wine, homemade recipe"

The indescribable aroma of your favorite berries, bright color, amazing taste - all this has an incomparable homemade raspberry wine, which we will talk about. We hope that our recommendations will be useful to everyone who appreciates and loves good, sweet, tasty and light alcohol.

Moreover, no special difficulties are expected in the preparation of raspberry wine and everyone can make it. There would be a desire to please yourself and loved ones by putting this truly divine drink on the table, which is not inferior, and even surpasses them in taste saturation.

Cooking good homemade starts with quality raw materials. Raspberries must be fresh and ripe. It must be sorted out, throwing out rotten, spoiled, moldy berries. Can't be washed! In raspberry must be preserved wild yeast, contributing to active fermentation, without which it is impossible to create a delicious mature wine.

Let's not forget! The volume should be filled to 2/3, and in the case of raspberries, even better - half.

It's connected with the presence of pulp with bones, which floats to the top, actively ferments and can even clog the water seal tube, causing the wort to overflow or break the cork.

A unique wine taste can be given by additional ingredients, among which various berries can be mentioned: white, red or black currant, blackberry, cherry, as well as fruits - plums, apples, etc. Spices are not added to homemade raspberry wine, it already has enough taste and aroma.

As you know, this berry can have various shades of red, as well as be yellow or almost black (Cumberland variety). From yellow you get an amber drink, from red - ruby, from black - burgundy.

You can also make a raspberry mix. The shade of the final product will depend on the number of berries of one color or another used.

simple recipe

Consider how to make raspberry wine in the easiest, but not the worst way available.


The first rule is to take everything equally:

  • 3 (5) kg of raspberries;
  • 3 (5) kg of sugar;
  • 3 (5) liters of soft (spring or purified) water.

We sort out the berries and knead them thoroughly. Many do it simply with clean hands, because the truth is the best way. Moreover, esotericists claim that by contacting our hands, products take on part of our energy.

Thus, if you are preparing raspberry wine at home in a great mood, then it promises to be not only tasty, but also healing for everyone who tastes it.

Don't like it with bare hands - you can use wooden pushers or suitable stainless steel tools.

Wine experts do not recommend using a blender to grind berries, as you will break the bones into the pulp, which will negatively affect the final taste. If you want to see for yourself - put two types of raspberry wine (with crushed berries or crushed with a blender) and then compare the final aged drink.

Stages of raspberry winemaking

  • crushed berries put in a bowl where the primary fermentation will take place. It is better if it is a vessel with.
  • Cooking syrup. To do this, heat half of the water (for 3 kg of raspberries - 1.5 l, for 5 kg - 2.5 l) we heat, adding also half of the sugar according to the recipe. Stir until completely dissolved. If the syrup is too hot (50 ° C and above), let it cool down and only then mix it with raspberry must.
  • Set for a week, or even 10 days in a dark and relatively cool place (where the temperature should still be at least + 18 ° C).

Important so that you notice signs of fermentation during the first (maximum - second) days. If this does not happen, urgently save the situation - add raisins or yeast!

  • Must be at least twice a day mix so that the cake that has risen does not turn sour.
  • Then the well-fermented mixture pour slowly from container to container.

Slow and repeated transfusion contributes to the saturation of the liquid with oxygen, which will positively affect its further fermentation.

  • Cooking second serving of syrup(using the second half of the amount of sugar and water indicated in the recipe) in the same way as above. Add to the mixture that is already fermenting.
  • Under a water seal, the fermentation process continues even at room temperature. three weeks to a month.

When the gurgling is already rare, and the fractions are clearly divided into wine and pomace, it's time strain the liquid. The thickening in the process of straining (through a colander) is squeezed out and removed, and the pure wine material (not yet wine) is again placed under a water seal or a medical glove with a hole pierced by a needle.

  • Withstand until gas formation stops completely(bubbles do not appear in the water seal, if a glove is used, it will deflate).
  • Removed from sediment with the help of a tube, they are bottled (preferably glass) up to the neck, corked.

It will acquire the taste characteristic of raspberry wine no earlier than after 4 months, but it's better to wait six months. Store young wine in the cellar, cellar. Bottles are placed lying down (so that the wine touches the cork, preventing it from drying out and starting to let in air, which is detrimental to the drink).

From jam

Did the jam ferment, or did you not have time to eat last year's jam, and the shelves are already bursting with new cans? Great idea to make raspberry wine at home from jam!

For each liter of jam, add 2 liters of water and 120 g (bag) of raisins. The rest of the technology is the same.

Love hard drinks? At the end of fermentation, add alcohol or good alcohol to the wine, but not more than 1 liter of moonshine (0.6 liters of alcohol) per 5 liters of wine. This will give strength and completely stop the fermentation process.

From frozen berries

Let's say you missed the raspberry season, or you only found a good recipe in winter. You can make wine from frozen berries if you have them in your freezer.

An important condition for good fermentation is the presence of natural yeast on the berries. In frozen raspberries (and the temperature in modern freezers is minus 26 - 28 ° C), they die, so the fermentation process may not start and wine from frozen raspberries will not work. In a small amount, fresh, not washed berries are added.

A great substitute for fresh raspberries if you're making wine out of season - raisin, which is added to the wort container. It is not washed before use, because wine (wild) yeast is on the surface of the berries.

Advice meets - add pressed or dry yeast, but this does not always contribute to a good result, an alcohol smell and taste may appear, which will negatively affect the drink, which should be divinely beautiful.

Did you like the recipes? Leave your comments, share with friends on social networks. Let raspberry wine be sweet and intoxicating for you! Enjoy it with your loved ones!

Raspberries are a very popular berry, which contains a fairly large amount of vitamins that help maintain human immunity. When the season of active growth and ripening of raspberries comes, it is very easy to buy them at a relatively low price.

How to make raspberry wine? To make wine from raspberries, you do not need to choose the most beautiful berries, even crumpled ones are perfect for this. It is very important that raspberries are not treated with harmful chemicals and are not washed. The presence of mold should also be excluded. For making wine, you can choose any type of raspberry, and it does not matter if it is red or yellow. How to make raspberry wine at home? We will talk about this today.

Features of raspberry wine

Surely many have noticed that raspberry wine is not as popular as grape wine. This is because the taste of such a drink is very sweet and tart. This wine is somewhat reminiscent of liquor in its taste. Unfortunately, these drinks are not for everyone. But if you add other fruits along with raspberries, then the taste of homemade wine can turn out to be very unusual and fragrant as a result. How to make raspberry wine? Its recipe is quite simple. By listening to the tips below, you will get a fragrant and tasty wine.

What kind of raspberries do you need to make homemade wine?

How to make raspberry wine? Its recipe is very easy. Raspberry wine can be prepared from various varieties of this berry. Using red raspberries will help make the drink more aromatic, as well as its shade will become more saturated. Those wishing to get a wine of bright ruby ​​\u200b\u200bcolor will need black raspberries, which are quite rare today. Wine from yellow berries turns out to be a soft golden hue, and at the same time its smell cannot be compared with anything.

How to make raspberry wine from white berries? If you plan to make white wine from raspberries, then you need to know that in this case you can also add varieties of white currants and gooseberries. The most delicious raspberry wine is made from wild berries. But they are not always possible to collect in the required quantity.

How to make raspberry wine?

Making raspberry wine must begin with picking berries. It will be necessary to collect a certain amount of raspberries, which would be a little overripe. It is very important to use the berries the same day they were picked. Raspberries that are moldy or stained should be discarded. Otherwise, such berries can spoil the wine. You should also avoid getting berries that are not fully ripe. Another important fact - raspberries should never be washed. After all, there are special fungi on the berries. If they are not, the preparation of wine will be simply impossible.

raspberry wine recipe

In order to get a fairly strong wine as a result, you will need to collect approximately 3 kilograms of ripe raspberries. You will also need 3 liters of purified water and sugar, the amount of which may vary depending on your taste preferences. You can put a minimum of 2 kilograms. You can not be afraid and each time change the amount of ingredients. This way you will understand which wine you like the most. Raspberry wine at home is very fragrant.

Before you start preparing the drink, you will have to chop all the raspberries. How you decide to do it is not important. Most often they use a mixer, a meat grinder, or crush the berries with an ordinary fork. All received contents will need to be transferred to stainless steel dishes.

Syrup preparation

How to make homemade raspberry wine? The recipe says that it is imperative to make a sweet syrup - it will be the basis of the wine. To do this, we take one half of the sugar that was prepared initially, as well as water. It is very important that the water is potable, but not subject to heat treatment. When preparing syrup, you need to be very careful and watch that it does not boil. It will only be necessary to dissolve sugar in water and cool the finished syrup to a temperature of 23 degrees. If you add to the raspberries a solution whose temperature is lower than 20 degrees, then the bacteria will grow very slowly. And if the temperature is much higher, then they may even die.

Raspberry wine: recipe

When the syrup has cooled to the required temperature, it can be mixed with prepared berries. After that, all the contents are left in a saucepan, which is tightly covered with a lid and placed in a dark place for about one week. In this case, the temperature in the room should be at least 20 degrees. You will also need to stir the raspberries a couple of times a day with a wooden spoon. This will help to avoid mold and prevent the product from sour.

When a week has passed, it will definitely be necessary to pour the contents from one pan to another several times. Thus, the crushed berries are saturated with oxygen. From the sugar and water that you have left, you need to prepare syrup according to exactly the same recipe and add it to the already prepared amount of the mixture. This will allow the wine to begin to ferment and give it a stronger and richer taste. Everything received will need to be thoroughly mixed and left to stand in the dark for at least one more week.

After a few weeks, the contents in the pan will, as it were, be divided into two layers: one of them is directly raspberry juice, and the other is unnecessary leftovers that came from raspberries. It is when this happens that the wine will need to be poured into glassware. You will need to put gauze on the neck and build a special tube that would have access to water. That is, one of its edges should be in raspberry juice, and the other in water.

Final stage

When you have done all the necessary manipulations, the bottles will need to be placed in a place with a cool temperature for about a month or a half. It is necessary that all the sediment go down to the bottom of the bottle, and the juice becomes much cleaner and more transparent. When this happens, the drink is poured for the last time into sterilized bottles and sealed with corks so that the wine cannot evaporate. All containers will also need to be placed in a cold place. When the right time has passed, the drink will have a beautiful color and smell very strong. This will signal that the delicious raspberry wine is ready to serve!

Very important!

Pay attention to the wine in the first days after you put it in bottles. If bubbles do not begin to appear on its surface, it means that the bacteria do not have enough heat. To correct this situation, some of the raspberry juice will need to be drained and heated. But don't boil. After that, it must be poured back into the bottle and stirred very well. After the next manipulation, the wine should definitely begin to ferment!

How long can you keep homemade wine?

Homemade wine is not only tasty, but also healthy. But you need to know that it is not recommended to store it at home for a long time. The maximum amount of time to save is usually a year, but no more than that. Otherwise, the finished drink gradually loses all its beneficial properties and pleasant aroma.

Drinking raspberry wine will help relieve fatigue after a busy day, as well as saturate the body with useful substances. This wine acts as an excellent antioxidant and antiseptic. It is useful for people who have problems with the heart, stomach and blood vessels. For people with hypertension, minimal doses of wine are also beneficial.

Raspberry is one of the most popular types of raw materials that seasoned winemakers appreciate and often use to make elite home-made alcohol.

Raspberry wine made by hand will certainly leave an exceptionally pleasant impression, and this is not surprising, since it is difficult to underestimate the enchanting aroma, bewitching taste and alluring ruby ​​color of this intoxicant.

Add to the listed advantages ease of preparation, and you will not be able to deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying the creation of a tasty and healthy noble drink.

For those who wish to test the veracity of the words from their own experience, I propose to join and find out with me how to make raspberry wine at home according to a simple recipe.

Beneficial features

  • copes with symptoms of anxiety and stress;
  • helps to strengthen the nervous system;
  • significantly improves mood;
  • improves memory and prevents sclerosis;
  • helps to cope with a cold, especially at the initial stage of its development.


  • when planning pregnancy and during it;
  • breastfeeding women;
  • in the presence of individual intolerance or allergies;
  • with stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • in violation of the kidneys;
  • with alcohol addiction.

Classic raspberry recipe

Raspberry wine, made at home according to the presented step-by-step simple recipe, will be a great discovery for novice winemakers.

After carrying out all the step-by-step manipulations, you will get a moderately strong, tasty and aromatic wine, which is drunk directly and perfectly tones.

It is worth noting several disadvantages of raspberry wine: its preparation takes quite a lot of time, it is also necessary to strictly follow the proportions and recipe instructions, otherwise the wine can quickly deteriorate.

According to many consumers, a home-made alcoholic drink overshadows a store-bought product in almost every way.

Required Ingredients

Cooking technology

  1. We carefully sort out unwashed raspberries, putting aside rotten, moldy and unripe berries.
  2. We shift the selected fruits into a large container, after which we knead with a pusher, rolling pin or with clean hands.
  3. Pour 1.8 kg of granulated sugar into the resulting slurry and pour 3.5 liters of bottled water.
  4. Thoroughly stir the ingredients until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  5. We shift the berry gruel into a fermentation vessel and transfer it to a warm place, where we let it brew for two to three days.
  6. During the specified period, the raspberries will begin to ferment, and then we install a water seal or glove on the neck of the container.
  7. Shake the bottle vigorously once a day so that the resulting cap from the pulp does not sour.
  8. We are waiting for the termination of the fermentation process, which most often lasts 7-11 days.
  9. As soon as the shutter stops emitting bubbles, and the glove deflates, we wait another day.
  10. The fermented wort is carefully poured into a clean vessel, and the thick is laid out in a colander and squeezed well.
  11. We subject all liquid to thorough filtration through a gauze filter, after which we pour it into a clean fermentation vessel.
  12. Pour 250 g of granulated sugar there and pour in the remaining water.
  13. Mix everything well and reinstall the shutter.
  14. After four days after installing the shutter, pour another 250 g of granulated sugar into the wort. After another three days, add the remaining sugar.
  15. After about four days, the water seal will stop gurgling, then carefully drain the liquid from the sediment formed at the bottom of the vessel.
  16. We allow the liquid to stand for another couple of days, after which we repeat the procedure for getting rid of the sediment.
  17. The young wine is poured into glass containers, after which we close them hermetically with tight corks or lids and send them to a cool, darkened room to ripen for 4-6 months.

yellow raspberry wine recipe

The wine, made on the basis of yellow raspberries, has a refined, refined taste. It is distinguished by more fragrant shades and an amazing, bewitching sweet and sour taste, which is not observed in red raspberry vodka.

Required Ingredients

Cooking technology

  1. We carefully sort out the yellow berry, removing green or spoiled fruits.
  2. We put the raspberries in the blender bowl and grind it to a mushy state.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture with 300 g of granulated sugar and beat again with a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  4. We shift the berry mass into a fermentation tank and fill it with a liter of water. It is very important that a third of the vessel remains free, otherwise there will be no normal fermentation.
  5. We pull a rubber glove over the neck of the container with a small hole made on one of the fingers. To accurately avoid air ingress, I recommend attaching the glove to the neck of the vessel with tape.
  6. We send the wort to a darkened, calm place, the temperature of which is not lower than 16 degrees.
  7. We infuse the product for approximately 10-14 days, until the glove deflates and the fermentation process stops. Shake the wort vigorously every day so that the pop-up pulp does not turn sour.
  8. In a saucepan, mix 200 ml of water and 100 g of granulated sugar, after which we cook sugar syrup in the standard way.
  9. Cool the finished homogeneous syrup naturally to room temperature.
  10. We filter the fermented wort and mix it with the cooled syrup.
  11. Pour the resulting solution into a clean fermentation vessel and put on the glove again.
  12. After three days, add another 100 g of granulated sugar to the wort and return the glove to its original place.
  13. As soon as the fermentation process finally stops, we repeat the filtration process.
  14. We pour the young product into glass bottles, which, in turn, are sent to a cool room for three months, so that the drink acquires a rich taste and gains the necessary strength.

Frozen raspberry wine recipe

Raspberries in any state are a unique component for making delicious and rich alcohol. The proposed simple recipe wine from frozen raspberries is very easy to implement on your own at home.

The manufacturing technology is not much different from the classic recipe. The only thing you should pay close attention to is the ratio of frozen berries and water.

The finished drink is not particularly strong, so it is quite acceptable to add a little alcohol or during the fermentation of the wort and increase the saturation of the future alcohol.

Required Ingredients

Cooking technology

  1. We defrost the berries in a natural way, putting them in a deep bowl and placing them in a warm room.
  2. When the raspberries are completely defrosted, crush them with clean hands to a mushy state.
  3. In an enameled container, boil the syrup from granulated sugar and water, after which we let it cool to a warm state.
  4. We shift the berry mass along with the juice into a wide container, after which we pour the cooled syrup there.
  5. Cover the bowl with cheesecloth and transfer the wort to a warm, sunny room.
  6. As soon as the pulp emerges and an active fermentation process begins, we filter the liquid through a gauze filter and thoroughly squeeze out the solid part of the must.
  7. Add unwashed raisins to the filtered drink and pour the mixture into a fermentation vessel.
  8. We install a water seal and leave the wort alone until the fermentation stops.
  9. We drain the young alcohol from the sediment and bottle it, which we place in a cool place for a couple of days.
  10. It can be re-strained before drinking.

Video recipes for making raspberry wine

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with other recipes for homemade raspberry wine that are popular among experienced winemakers.

  • Video #1.

After studying the presented video, you will quickly understand the elementary principle of making delicious raspberry berry wine.

  • Video #2.

This video tells about a more complex technology for making the most aromatic and delicious raspberry wine based on wine yeast. By following this recipe, you won't have to worry about the wort not fermenting.

  • Video #3.

In this video, an experienced moonshiner presents a noteworthy branded version of raspberry wine, in the recipe of which sugar is replaced with dextrose, as a result of which the berry treat takes on interesting honey shades.

Helpful information

  • If you are a connoisseur of the characteristic taste and aroma of raspberries, then I suggest getting acquainted with the simplest cooking technology that anyone who wants to try their hand at winemaking can handle.
  • I also insist on getting acquainted with the recipe - raspberry liqueur - which will be a worthy treat at any important event where you need to make a favorable impression.
  • If you want to taste a unique alcohol, I advise you to study the recipe for making a traditional alcoholic drink of the Dominican Republic.
  • In addition, do not ignore the incomparable Belarusian alcoholic drink called “krambambulya”, the recipe of which is not particularly complicated and allows you to adjust the taste to your preferences.

In addition to the above recipes, raspberry wine can be made on the basis of fermented jam or sourdough, which, by the way, is often used for wines based on other berries.

Tell us in the comments about your variations of this delicious spirit and be sure to say a few words about my recipes. All the best and thank you for your attention!

If you love raspberries and eat them fresh, frozen and in jam, you will surely want to taste sweet wine. Its taste is sugary, the fortress is high. Raspberry wine resembles a liquor; to improve its taste, the berry is mixed with the fruits of other plants. A bright fragrant drink will surprise your guests and become a pleasant dessert on a cold evening.

Which raspberry is suitable for wine

In order to make high-quality wine from raspberries at home, you need to use ripe fruits. They may be slightly overripe, but should be used on the day of picking. The color of the fruit affects the shade of the wine:

Berries that are unripe and spoiled by insects and diseases are removed - this requirement contains every recipe for raspberry wine. Suitable raw materials are not washed, because yeast fungi live on its surface, causing fermentation processes. If the product is too dirty and has to be washed, the berries are dried on a sieve or in a colander.

Preparatory work

From the selected berries, which will be used for homemade raspberry wine, puree is prepared manually or with a pusher. You can skip the fruits through a meat grinder or juicer by setting the low speed mode. The product is covered with sugar and a little water is added.

As soon as the mass releases juice, and this happens in a few days, the gruel is squeezed out and the wort is prepared on pure juice. The pulp is thrown away. To quickly activate the fermentation, light raisins are added to the wort. Grapes are not washed, because they also contain beneficial bacteria.

In the absence of fresh raspberries, frozen fruits or old fermented raspberry jam are taken as raw materials.

Classic raspberry recipe

The simplest recipe for making delicious raspberry wine was made by our ancestors. Now it is used in the production of a variety of berry wines. Classic raspberry wine at home can be made with just three ingredients:

  1. Red berries - 1 liter jar;
  2. Unrefined sugar - 0.5 kg;
  3. Filtered or otherwise purified water - 1 liter.

Let's describe the process of making raspberry wine according to this recipe in detail:

Raspberry elixir takes 1-2 months to ferment. It is impossible to remove the water seal and shake the bottles at this time. The end of fermentation can be recognized by the absence of carbon dioxide released. If the wort was protected from the air by a rubber glove, it will fall, deflated.

The drink is poured through a straw into a clean bottle and tasted. Fortify young wine with alcohol or vodka (12 - 15% of the total amount of the alcoholic product). The product is sweetened as desired, in which case a water seal is installed again for the first 10 days, otherwise the wine will ferment and become sour.

The finished drink is poured into a container, tightly sealed and transferred to a room with a temperature of 6 - 16 ° C for 3 months. But it will be better if the berry elixir stays for six months.

Strong raspberry wine with raisins

To make raspberry wine ripen faster, raisins are added to the recipe. How to make strong wine at home using any variety of raspberries:

Raspberry jam wine recipe

The following wine recipe will help give a second life to old raspberry jam.


  • Water - 3 l;
  • Light raisins - 200 g;
  • Jam - 1.5 l;

How to make raspberry wine from the following products:

  1. The jam is transferred to a deep bowl and poured with boiled water;
  2. Add quality unwashed raisins;
  3. The components are mixed and the whole mass is poured into a convenient glass container;
  4. The container is taken out to a dark warm place for 30 days;
  5. The drink is poured into a clean container and kept for another 3 days, then bottled.

Sparkling wine with yeast

Sparkling red raspberry wine is obtained when yeast is present in its recipe. What products will be needed for its preparation:

An express recipe for making raspberry wine with yeast is simple. The juice drained from the berry gruel is mixed with the entire portion of sugar. The cake is poured with a liter of water and after 12 hours it is squeezed again.

Liquids from 1 and 2 spins are poured into glassware, yeast starter and alcohol are added. The product is taken out to a warm room for fermentation for 10-12 days. The wine is then filtered and tasted. If it is sour, sugar is added and allowed to ferment in the heat for a couple more days.

If the taste of the young drink satisfies the need for sweetness, it is filtered and bottled. The container is twisted with lids and cleaned in a cool place for storage.

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