
Spices for pilaf composition. Video: ready-made spices for rice

Classic pilaf is impossible to imagine without a lot of spices. It is they who create that unique, strong, appetizing smell, from which saliva immediately begins to flow. Spices for pilaf can be purchased at the supermarket - on the shelves with spices there are both ready-made sets for this oriental dish, as well as individual components from which you can make your own combination.

The classic composition of spices for pilaf

Spices in oriental cooking are the very essence of this national cuisine.

The classic set of spices for pilaf with meat or fish consists of:

  • zira (cumin) - the seed part of the plant is used. The grains are either used whole or ground into a fragrant powder. In real pilaf, this spice is the main one. According to the classics, they use Indian black cumin, but in our area it is very difficult to find such a spice. Dishonest merchants can replace real grains with carrot seeds; to check, it is enough to rub a couple of grains between your fingers and smell it.
  • barberry - used in the form of berries to give a sour note and neutralize fat. It is considered the second most important spice that should be present in traditional pilaf.
  • Garlic is a common herb that is added to many hot and cold dishes, sauces, preserves, and more. It is famous for its strong aroma, which greatly enhances the appetizing smell and taste of dishes.
  • saffron (can be replaced with turmeric, which is often done in our area due to the high cost of saffron) - gives the dish a light, pleasant aroma and a golden color to the rice. For 1 kg of cereal, ½ teaspoon is usually added.

What spices are added to pilaf in addition to the classic set:

  • dried finely ground tomatoes;
  • sweet paprika;
  • coriander seeds;
  • a mixture of several varieties of pepper.

To give a sweet note to pilaf, not only spices are used, but also dried fruits. It can be:

  • dried apricots - dried apricot;
  • prunes - dried plums;
  • kishmish - a kind of dried grapes.

Non-traditional, rarely used additives to pilaf are:

  • vanilla;
  • cinnamon;
  • ground nutmeg;
  • sumac - sourish, astringent spice, more used for taste, practically does not give a smell;
  • rosemary - a spice with a sweetish, camphoric aroma, reminiscent of a pine smell, gives the dish a spice;
  • savory - a spice that gives a bitter, even burning taste, reminiscent of hot peppers.

Also, fenugreek can be used - a spice with a slightly nutty, bitter note in taste. The taste and aroma is very strong, somewhat reminiscent of mushroom. The spice is in the well-known mixture of hops-suneli.

On a note. Spices must be added to pilaf correctly - in the middle of the frying stage of vegetables with meat, when the latter is almost ready.

So first, the meat product and vegetables are saturated with spices, and then rice, which will be slowly cooked in a liquid with spices.

What spices are added to pilaf with chicken?

Pilaf with chicken is not too greasy (if it's not a broiler). Poultry meat is delicate in taste, so the dish can be given a little piquancy.

Spices for pilaf with chicken:

  • ground black pepper;
  • pieces of hot chili;
  • dried, and better, fresh parsley;
  • cumin seeds;
  • red and black barberry;
  • dried red pepper;
  • ground thyme;
  • fresh or dried garlic;
  • saffron or turmeric.

Chicken pilaf, as a rule, is not made too rich in spices.

Recipe for pork pilaf

Pork pilaf is famous for its juiciness, fat content and rich taste.

The following spices complement pork meat well:

  • sumac;
  • rosemary;
  • sweet ground paprika;
  • dried basil;
  • turmeric;
  • garlic in any form;
  • lavrushka;
  • barberry;
  • zira.

With lamb

We suggest using the following spices for lamb pilaf:

  • turmeric;
  • zira;
  • barberry;
  • fenugreek;
  • sumac;
  • paprika;
  • curry;
  • coriander;
  • savory.

with beef

Pilaf with beef is no less satisfying than with pork or lamb.

  • saffron;
  • paprika;
  • Chile;
  • coriander;
  • zira;
  • barberry.

Everything except barberry berries should be crushed.

from turkey

For pilaf with turkey, you can use the same set of spices that is suitable for chicken meat.

We also suggest trying the following combination:

  • turmeric;
  • saffron petals;
  • nut grass or curry.

Optionally, you can add garlic and classic ground black pepper.

Oriental spices for pilaf

Traditional pilaf should be rich and even spicy.

Spices for pilaf in Uzbek must contain:

  • hot pepper pods - the main source of spiciness for oriental pilaf;
  • cumin / zira - gives a strong aroma, which is famous for classic pilaf;
  • barberry - necessary for a slight sourness and strong aroma.

These three spices in the east are considered the main ones in the preparation of pilaf. Other spices are added in smaller quantities than the top three.

How to make spices for pilaf yourself?

Preparing a mixture of spices is quite simple - you just need to mix the ingredients together and add in the desired amount during cooking. The amount depends on the preferences of the person himself - if you like rich dishes, you can add a little more, if more moderate - less.

For example, for 1 kg of meat, ⅓ tablespoon of spices will create a light aroma, ⅔ tablespoon will give the dish medium saturation, and a heaping tablespoon or more will make the dish rich, as oriental nationalities like it.

The ingredients can be purchased at a spice shop by weight or at a grocery supermarket, packaged in small bags.

It is worth remembering a few rules for preparing spices:

  1. Dry grains and herbs for a better return of aroma and taste are recommended to grind in a coffee grinder or grind in a mortar. Berries and fresh herbs are best cut a little and added to the dish almost whole.
  2. If necessary or personal desire, you can replace some components. Interchangeable spices are saffron and turmeric, zira and cumin, barberry and raisins/cranberries.
  3. Fresh garlic is more spicy, so it is preferable not to substitute dried garlic.
  • ½ tsp. l. turmeric / saffron;
  • 1 teaspoon l. sweet paprika;
  • 5-8 barberry berries;
  • 4-5 medium garlic cloves;
  • ½ tsp. l. pepper mixtures;
  • ⅙ teaspoon l. zira;
  • 1 table. l. without a pile of salt.

In ancient times, spices were used more to preserve the dish in the absence of a cool place to store food. And today, spicy richness has become an integral part of all oriental cuisine.

As you know, pilaf without spices is no longer pilaf, but rice porridge. Spices are sold in all bazaars, in all countries. Ready-made special mixtures are sold, which were collected, taking into account the correct composition and proportions, by specially trained people who know the business.

In order not to calculate the ratio and not waste time on cooking, it is better to put ready-made mixtures, as I do. Spices are added to pilaf to give it taste and aroma. I will try to write in more detail about each component of the mixture from the market.
I'll start with the most popular seasoning in pilaf called zira (cumin)

Although North Africa is considered the birthplace of cumin, in Central Asia, zira is used in the preparation of many dishes and pilaf. These are seeds with a strong pleasant smell that becomes stronger during cooking. The seeds of zira are brown, but there are others - black, yellow.

The next component is barberry.

These fruits of the shrub are collected and dried. We put berries without crushing. The sourness that distinguishes them goes well with the taste of the palov. Ground fruits are placed in a mixture of seasonings.

Coriander in dishes is used in the form of whole seeds. In a mixture of spices, it is in ground form. It also has a peculiar smell that not everyone likes. For example, me.

Saffron (crocus) is a powdered indispensable component in the preparation of pilaf. It is added to food to give it a golden color. But, given the high cost of this spice, not everyone can afford it, so there is an alternative replacement - inexpensive turmeric.

Which in its qualities is not inferior to saffron, only cheaper. Turmeric is also used to add color to food.
In addition to these main spices in the composition of pilaf mixtures, it is customary to add ground paprika, garlic, and capsicum. Dried fruits such as raisins, prunes, dried apricots also play an important role in cooking. True, these are not spices, but they add spice to the finished dish.

Garlic, although not a spice, is also often put in Uzbek palov. It imparts aroma and taste. Garlic is put basically the whole head, only cutting off the roots and peeling the head of garlic from the dry upper husk. After the dish is cooked, the boiled garlic is eaten. By the way, people from Central Asia really like its taste. Try it yourself, you will like the garlic cooked in pilaf.
Prunes, raisins, dried apricots, dates and other dried fruits and even nuts are also added to pilaf when cooked. And they are also very tasty in this dish.

I would also describe the fruits that are put in palov - quinces, apples, pears and many others, but alas, these are not spices and are added during cooking only to improve the aroma and taste.
Now let's talk about what spices to add to pilaf.

If you do not like spices in ready-made seasonings from the market, then you have the right to choose spices for pilaf at your discretion. Go to the market and buy exactly those spices that suit you best and depending on what you cook? Do you need spices for Uzbek pilaf, chicken pilaf or lamb pilaf? There is no difference, of course, but there are nuances. Spices are added to pilaf, as I said, to give aroma and taste. Only bay leaves go into pilaf with chicken. Not everyone does this, but in Russia they put bay leaves in almost all food, including fires. So, I mean that you are able to prepare such a mixture yourself at home. In the Uzbek pilaf, spices, in addition to those already added, are poured a little more cumin. Zira should not be ground, the seeds are laid whole, slightly rubbing in the hands.

Cooking spices at home

To do this, you need to make a purchase:

  • Dried ground greens - 1.5 table. l.
  • Dried garlic - 1 table. l.
  • Turmeric or saffron - 1 tsp.
  • Ground paprika - 1 tsp.
  • Zira - 1 tsp.
  • Barberry berries - 15 gr. (1 sachet).
  • Suneli hops - 1 table. L.

Put the garlic in dry porcelain or earthenware, pour greens and suneli hops.

Add saffron if finances allow, as saffron costs up to $1,000 per kilo, or turmeric, which is much cheaper. Next sprinkle in the paprika.

Put zira and barberry in the same bowl. Mix the contents of the container and pour into a jar with a hermetically sealed lid.

That's basically it. Your mixture is ready. But, if you want to add more spices, ground
hot peppers, for example. This is possible if you prefer spicy dishes. Add the seasonings you like. The main thing is that they are combined in taste with each other.

Now you know how to cook spices for palov at home. The main thing is to keep the proportions and store the mixture correctly.
Spices must be present in the pilaf. There is another secret if you have not found either saffron or turmeric, but do not want to get a snow-white pilaf. Together with the vegetable, pour a little sesame (black or red) oil into the cauldron. Then your food will acquire exactly that brownish-golden color without these spices. Turmeric will make the dish yellow, saffron is not worth the price for some people, and sesame oil, although not easy, can be found in the market or in outlets such as supermarkets.

Bon appetit!

Spices are the most important part of any kind of pilaf. It is thanks to the presence of all kinds of spices that a banal rice porridge with meat turns into a fragrant, crumbly pilaf.
One of these seasonings, without which it is impossible to imagine the classic Uzbek pilaf, is zira, considered the “queen of spices” in a number of countries of the East. In addition to giving the dish a unique flavor, cumin saturates it with useful trace elements.

Plant "Zira"

Zira, or cumin, is a herbaceous plant that looks like cumin. Distinctive features of zira seeds are a rather sharp, peculiar aroma and a somewhat bitter nutty flavor, which intensifies when they are roasted or rubbed.
In addition to Central Asia, which is the ancestral home of zira, this spice is popular in most countries of Central and Southeast Asia, North Africa, Latin America and the Mediterranean.

Despite the fact that there are several types of zira, the most commonly used spices for pilaf are Persian and Kirman, or Pamir, zira.
The Persian variety of zira is a very fragrant spice of a yellow hue, with medium-sized seeds. The stems and leaves of the plant, which have a rather bitter taste, are not added to food.
The seeds of the Kirman zira are black, small, with a peculiar pungent odor.
As noted above, in addition to excellent taste, zira is also famous for its healing properties. This spice prevents thrombosis, improves blood circulation, digestion, brain activity, eliminates flatulence, spasms, dyspepsia.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that zira is one of the very high-calorie snacks, so it is not recommended to abuse it for people prone to obesity.
In most pilaf recipes, zira is an essential ingredient. Whole seeds of the plant, added to pilaf, give the dish an unobtrusive, pleasant aroma and a sweet-spicy taste. In order for the taste and aroma of the spice to become more pronounced, experienced pilaf cooks recommend carefully grinding the cumin seeds in the palms of your hands just before adding them to the dish.

Such a traditional oriental dish - pilaf, appeared many centuries ago. There are many versions about the country of its origin. It could be India or ancient Persia, but it gained popularity in the countries of Central Asia. It was prepared from available products - meat and rice, and spices served as preservatives.

In Uzbekistan, pilaf is the main dish. It is eaten at home, cooked on the street and competitions among cooks are organized. Pilaf restores strength, is easily absorbed by the body and prevents moisture loss. A rich and pleasant taste gives it a special combination of spices.

Classic seasonings for pilaf

  • Zira or cumin are the seeds of the cumin plant. Its best varieties grow in India, but you can also buy it in our markets. The main thing is to grind the seeds in your palms when choosing. So you can feel the spicy aroma and make sure that these are not carrot seeds.
  • Barberry are dried berries. They are a source of vitamin C and give pilaf a sour taste.
  • Turmeric and saffron- since saffron is an expensive seasoning, turmeric is more often used instead. It imparts a characteristic yellow color.

Initially, pilaf was prepared from lamb, but as the dish spread around the world, its recipe changed. Pork, beef or chicken are now used as meat. Rice began to be replaced with buckwheat, peas, bulgur and other cereals. Mushrooms, tomatoes and other vegetables also appeared in the pilaf.

Seasonings for pilaf from different types of meat

Different seasonings are suitable for a dish of different types of meat.

Chicken or turkey pilaf

This dish is light and nutritious. Suitable for those who do not like lamb with pork.

Seasonings for this pilaf:

  • curry;
  • carnation;
  • rosemary;
  • parsley;
  • sage.

You can cook delicious pilaf with chicken.

Pork pilaf

This is a good alternative to lamb. With it, pilaf turns out to be hearty and fatty.

Lamb pilaf

Since ancient times, pilaf was cooked with lamb. You will find simple and delicious recipes for such a dish at.

Seasonings are suitable for lamb pilaf:

  • mustard seeds;
  • coriander;
  • paprika;
  • sumac;
  • hops-suneli;
  • savory.

Beef pilaf

To cook beef pilaf, take spices:

  • saffron;
  • Chile;
  • oregano;
  • savory;
  • zira.

Unusual additions to pilaf

Depending on taste preferences, pilaf can be cooked both sweeter and spicy. Recipes vary from culture to culture. For example, ginger, dates, dried apricots and raisins are added to Indian pilaf. Due to this, it turns out to be sweet in taste.

Shah pilaf is prepared in Azerbaijan. All ingredients are prepared separately, and then placed in pita bread and baked.

In the Tajik pilaf you can find legumes and fruits, such as quince.

Try different recipes to compare flavors and choose the one that suits you best.

When to add seasoning to pilaf

Spices can be added at the end, but it is better to add them to vegetables and meat at the stewing stage. First, onions are fried in a pan, then meat and carrots are added, all this is stewed and poured with water. When the water boils, the main spices are put in the pilaf. So they are absorbed into meat and vegetables, and the taste becomes saturated.

Ready-made seasonings for pilaf - which one to choose

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the pilaf recipe. Manufacturers have different seasonings for pilaf made from chicken, lamb or pork.

Thirdly, the seasoning should not contain an increased amount of salt. It is harmful for people with urolithiasis, ulcers or gastritis.

Fourth, it is better to choose seasoning in glass jars. So you can see its full composition.

Popular brands of ready-made seasonings:

  1. "Maggy"- includes curry, cumin, black pepper, turmeric, coriander, basil and dried vegetables. It also contains iodized salt. This seasoning is suitable for pilaf from poultry meat - chicken and turkey.
  2. "Eating at home"– does not contain flavor enhancers and salt. Contains cumin, barberry, coriander, turmeric, paprika, bay leaf and hot red pepper. Such spices will be combined with lamb and pork.
  3. "Kotanyi"- seasoning with a pronounced aroma of cumin. It includes classic spices, as well as celery and sesame. Such a set of spices is suitable for "Uzbek" pilaf.

Pilaf can be attributed to the most famous dishes in world cuisine. It has eastern roots, but the exact country of origin of rice cooked with meat and spices cannot be named. In various sources, such countries as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, India, Iran, China are called the birthplace of pilaf. At the same time, each nationality has its own secrets of cooking pilaf - from a set of ingredients to the technology of their frying and stewing. As a rule, it is prepared, according to Eastern tradition, on an open fire, in a cauldron with thick walls. Common to all cooking options for this dish is the same composition - rice (although sometimes it is replaced with other cereals, such as pearl barley), meat and spices. It is in the spices that the secret of pilaf lies, which allowed him to become a favorite dish all over the world. Therefore, in order for the hostess to successfully repeat the magic of oriental culinary specialists and conquer everyone with a fragrant and tasty dish, it is extremely important to choose the right seasoning composition and maintain the right proportions.

Before proceeding to the description of the composition of the seasoning used to prepare pilaf, we note an interesting fact.
Initially, the composition of the seasoning for pilaf was selected in such a way as to act as a natural preservative. In hot eastern countries, the combination of special spices helped to preserve the taste and quality of the dish longer at high temperatures.

Today, the refrigerator solves the problem of food storage, but branded spices are still the hallmark of such a dish as pilaf, giving it a unique aroma and taste.

Classic Ingredients

The composition of the classic seasoning for pilaf includes three main ingredients: cumin, barberry and saffron. This is the basis, without which pilaf cannot be called pilaf. Consider the features of these spices in more detail.

Zira- these are cumin seeds, but not ordinary, but Indian. This seasoning is used both as a whole and in crushed form. The smell of zira is the main note in seasoning for pilaf. It is quite strong and rich, especially if whole seeds are used in the seasoning.

Barberry- These are berries familiar to everyone, which have a dark red color. The taste of barberry is distinguished by a slight pleasant sourness, and the composition is simply a storehouse of vitamins and useful trace elements. For the preparation of pilaf, barberry is used in dried form. Whole berries perfectly complement the taste of meat and give the dish a recognizable piquant taste.

Saffron- This is a spice that gives pilaf a characteristic yellowish color and gives a slightly burning and spicy taste. You need to be especially careful with it, as excess saffron can spoil the dish. When choosing saffron for cooking seasoning for pilaf, it is advisable to look for this spice in its original form. Unprocessed saffron is a "stigma" or brown plant threads. This ensures that you are buying saffron and not the cheaper ground turmeric that is often sold under the guise of saffron. Despite the similarity of these plants, saffron is the most important spice in the composition of the seasoning, and gives pilaf a characteristic aroma of spices.

This is interesting! Few people know, but in the east, not saffron itself is used for cooking pilaf, but saffron water prepared in a special way. To do this, a few threads of the plant are ground to a state of powder, after which they are filled with water and infused for a day. After straining the resulting infusion, pilaf is seasoned with it, while obtaining a uniform yellow color and a harmonious, mild taste.

In addition to basic spices, pilaf can also be used such as turmeric, which was mentioned above, black and red pepper (mainly in European variations of the dish), cumin, and herbs. And, of course, there is nowhere in the preparation of pilaf without vegetables, which also serve as spices: onion and garlic.

The spices included in the seasoning for pilaf form a rich chemical composition. So, the classic seasoning for pilaf contains almost all B vitamins, as well as vitamins C, H, E, PP. In addition, the composition of the seasoning includes many minerals necessary for human health, such as calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, selenium, and beta-carotene.

Thus, the composition of the seasoning for pilaf is very rich and varied, and in order not to spoil the dish, the hostess should follow some important cooking rules, which will be discussed later.

How to cook seasoning for pilaf at home, with your own hands

So, knowing the classic composition of seasoning for pilaf, you can try to cook it yourself, after carefully studying the exact proportions. What rules should be followed when handling spices so that they emphasize the taste of pilaf, but do not spoil it?

Various recipes suggest using whole or crushed spices. However, the main rule is always the same: spices for seasoning must always be fresh. When purchasing ingredients for homemade seasoning, you should pay attention to the packaging: it is advisable to give preference to glass or foil, but not paper. The highest quality and freshest spices are sold in glass jars, most of them have a built-in grinder. Thus, when purchasing seasoning ingredients in glass, they can be ground immediately before cooking, from which the taste of pilaf will certainly only benefit. However, it is worth remembering that only herbs are crushed to make homemade seasoning, but it is better to leave the berries whole.

Seasoning ingredients can vary, but a few ingredients always remain the same:
- cumin, which gives the dish a subtle, characteristic oriental flavor;
- barberry, which has a characteristic sourness;
- saffron, thanks to which pilaf acquires a beautiful yellow color.

It should be remembered that the resulting seasoning should be added to the dish carefully so as not to interrupt the taste of pilaf. When preparing pilaf, experienced chefs advise not to mix the seasoning components with each other, but to add them to the dish separately at different moments of cooking. At the same time, spices are not added to the pilaf itself, but to zirvak - those components that are cooked in a cauldron before rice is thrown there (this can be, depending on the recipe, meat, onions, carrots and other products). Zirvak is the basis of the dish, and the taste of the finished pilaf depends on how correctly it is cooked, what spices were chosen. If the mixture of spices is already ready, it is advisable to add it to the pilaf 20-30 minutes before it is ready, when all the water is almost absorbed.

What to add to seasoning for pilaf, a classic recipe

The most important rule to remember in cooking seasoning for pilaf is moderation and exact proportions. Let us give an example of the classic composition of spices used for cooking pilaf (1 large cauldron).

This includes:

  • a small pinch of saffron (can be replaced with half a teaspoon of turmeric);
  • half a teaspoon of paprika;
  • 10 barberry berries;
  • a head of fresh garlic, divided into cloves;
  • a mixture of red and black ground peppers (to taste, but not more than half a teaspoon);
  • a pinch of zira;
  • salt to taste.
  • To prepare pork pilaf, ground sweet paprika and dried tomatoes can also be added to the seasoning. The taste of beef in the dish is emphasized by dried herbs: basil, marjoram, cumin. If you want to cook a dish that is close to the European, and not the Eastern version, you can supplement the traditional composition of the seasoning with mustard seeds, cloves and nutmeg.

    If some ingredients were not in the kitchen or in the store, some of them can be replaced: for example, saffron is similar in its properties to turmeric, cumin will successfully replace cumin, and instead of barberry, the taste of pilaf will perfectly emphasize raisins or dried cranberries. However, it should be remembered that it is impossible to completely replace the seasoning for pilaf with another (for example, use seasoning for rice) - as a result, you will get a completely different dish, far from the concept of "pilaf".

    In the absence of time, you can also buy ready-made seasoning, which many manufacturers produce today. When choosing in this case, you should focus on the recipe for pilaf, since for different ingredients (pork, chicken, lamb) a different set of spices is expected.

    Seasoning for pilaf "maggi" composition

    Cooking pilaf using ready-made seasonings is an option for those who value their time. For example, ready-made Maggi seasoning for pilaf has a carefully selected composition of spices, herbs and vegetables. It includes such spices and herbs as curry, cumin, black pepper, turmeric, coriander, basil, a rich bouquet of dried vegetables (carrots, onions, garlic, paprika). Also in the composition of the seasoning, according to the manufacturer, contains sugar, sunflower oil and citric acid. In addition, the composition of the seasoning is enriched with iodized salt, which should be taken into account when salting the finished dish. This type of seasoning is perfect for preparing a European version of pilaf, or pilaf with chicken.

    Seasoning for pilaf "eat at home" composition

    Seasoning for pilaf from "Eat at home" attracts with its beautifully designed packaging and high-quality composition, which does not include flavor enhancers and salt. In addition to the classic ingredients (zira, turmeric, barberry), the seasoning reveals the taste of the dish thanks to the addition of bay leaf, coriander and two types of pepper (paprika and hot red pepper). The highlight of the mixture is barberry - the author of the seasoning, Yulia Vysotskaya, chose a special variety of black barberry for the composition, with a richer taste and pronounced sourness. Pilaf using such a seasoning turns out to be fragrant and fragrant, and has a moderate spiciness, and therefore it is ideal for recipes with pork, lamb and beef.

    Seasoning for pilaf with chicken do it yourself

    Chicken pilaf is a great alternative to the classic pilaf, which has a more delicate taste and is ideal for the whole family. In addition to fresh chicken fillet, onions, carrots in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, to prepare a delicious pilaf, you will need a carefully selected composition of spices. Due to its mild flavor, chicken does not require as much seasoning as it is supposed to. For example, in a recipe with lamb. The classic composition of spices (saffron or turmeric, zira, barberry grains) can shade the taste of white meat, to which you can add different types of pepper to taste (black, red, paprika), herbs (parsley, thyme, fennel), as well as fresh garlic, divided into heads. By varying the composition of spices, chicken pilaf can be given softness, or, conversely, piquancy, which makes it a versatile dish.

    Video recipe "Seasoning for pilaf with your own hands"
