
How to pickle hot hot peppers. Chili pepper (hot, bitter) canned

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Features of working with hot pepper

First, I blanch the hot pepper in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then drain the broth (do not pour it out!), Pepper with spices in jars, and make marinade from the broth and pour into jars. No need to sterilize! The pepper is moderately hot, and the marinade is delicious! !​

Marinade for 1 liter jar of pepper:

Pepper "Gorgon"

Turn the closed jars upside down, wrap and let the pepper in the marinade cool until morning. Cooled jars of hot peppers can be stored at room temperature if your home is moderately warm, not hot - in a dry, ventilated place.​

Pepper in Georgian

Salt - 4 teaspoons (a little less than 1 tablespoon); Sugar - 2 tablespoons.


Table vinegar.

2 teaspoons of liquid natural (linden or flower) honey;

  1. Both fresh and dried vegetables are suitable for preparing homemade preparations from pickled peppers and honey for the winter. In order for the dishes to acquire a truly unique taste and aroma, only natural honey should be used for their preparation.​
  2. Water
  3. Hot pepper (red, yellow, green, black) - 1 kilogram

You can prepare a new brine according to the indicated proportions, pour jars with boiling water, sterilize at the same time and close.

tomato sauce

Winter preparations are sacred for every housewife. Most often, cucumbers with tomatoes are rolled up, all varieties of lecho and eggplant spins are quite popular. But hot pepper pickled for the winter is harvested much less often. And even fans of spicy snacks. Meanwhile, this vegetable is extremely useful: those who consume it regularly are 100% protected from heart problems. Yes, and bitterness in winter can cheer up and give vigor.

Oil marinade

Photo here http://otvet.mail.ru/question/44674876/​

honey marinade

In 1 cup of 9% vinegar, mix 1 tablespoon of salt and 4 tablespoons of sugar or honey

Hot pepper appetizer

In winter, move open jars for storage in the refrigerator until all the peppers are eaten.


How to Pickle Hot Peppers

In each liter jar - 1 teaspoon of vinegar 9%.

You will need

  1. Washed, dried and peeled from stalks and seeds, bitter multi-colored peppers are placed in glass jars, without trying to make it too tight.
  2. 4 teaspoons of fine table salt.
  3. Depending on what the recipe is, both fresh, liquid linden or flower honey, and crystallized honey, will do. If the season of liquid honey has already passed, but you want to treat yourself to an unusual snack, melt a little candied honey in a water bath - it will again acquire its viscous and plastic consistency.
  4. Hot peppers of any color are suitable for pickling. It is best to take different colors to alternate peppers in a jar. Wash the pepper thoroughly and carefully and prick each peppercorn with a fork. It is also necessary to remove long stalks. Pepper tails can be cut or not - depends on your desire.​
  5. Garlic - 2 heads
  6. If there is a cellar, this is generally ideal: Armenian hot pepper pickled for the winter is poured with cold marinade, closed with tight plastic lids and hidden in the basement.
  7. ​If you are interested in the idea, learn the basic techniques for pickling hot peppers. It is not for nothing that it is called burning: when processing the pods with unprotected hands, you will fully feel the "fiery" nature of the vegetable. Despite the fact that in most recipes it is not required to gut the pepper, it is better to handle it with thin rubber gloves.
  8. pickled hot peppers
  9. Wash the pepper, dry it and put it tightly in a jar, pour the marinade, close the nylon lid, it is very tasty if you dip the pepper in sour cream while eating.


  • Delicious peppers in a jar
  • Rinse the pods, cut off the dry ends. But you do not need to open the pod, only if you doubt that it is good inside (​
  • The marinade for such an appetizer does not need to be boiled, its recipe is as simple as possible: add 2 full tablespoons of thick honey to a glass (200 ml) of vinegar, mix thoroughly and pour the blanks so that the marinade completely covers the pepper.
  • We put peppers in a pre-prepared, sterilized glass container. Do not pack them too tightly: leave room for the marinade. Add sugar, honey, salt and vinegar to the water, bring the marinade over moderate heat to a boil.
  • Just do not heat it directly on fire: at temperatures above 46 degrees, honey irretrievably loses most of its beneficial properties.
  • In the future, you need to cook greens. Peel and crush the garlic, you can do this with a garlic crusher. Wash the dill, prepare the right amount of pepper, cloves and other spices that you are going to use.​
  • Allspice - to taste
  • KakProsto.ru

Hot pepper with honey for the winter: cooking recipes

Choosing products for blanks

It is stored for a long time and is eaten faster than it gets a chance to deteriorate.

If you want to get not only a tasty, but also a beautiful snack, put multi-colored pods in a jar.

For pickling, choose young green peppers, less spicy. Pour salt into the bottom of the jars. Sort the peppers, wash, put them whole and put the jars in the bottom of the refrigerator for a week. The color of the pepper will begin to change. As soon as some of the peppers turn yellow, vinegar essence and oil are added. Pepper at the same time acquires a sharp taste and does not deteriorate even in heat. Ready in two weeks.​

Armenian hot pepper

Spicy bitter chili peppers with vinegar and honey

Small (thin and long) pods of green or red hot peppers are ideal. The main thing is that the pods are dense, without damage, not sluggish.

  • I cut some ends in this one for this reason
  • Such preservation does not require sterilization: the acid contained in vinegar and the natural bitterness of pepper are natural antiseptics that prevent the growth of bacteria. You can store blanks all winter not only in the refrigerator, but also in the cellar and even in a cool pantry.
  • Pour the chili peppers in jars with boiling marinade and immediately roll up. Spicy appetizer is ready! Salting can be stored in the refrigerator or cellar all winter.
  • Before starting preservation, bitter peppers must be thoroughly washed and dried with a towel, and also cleaned of seeds.
  • ​Prepare the pepper marinade: for 1 liter of water, add 3 tablespoons of vinegar (9%), 4 teaspoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar, various spices: dill, pepper and cloves (to taste). The resulting marinade should be boiled and then left to cool. Now the marinade is ready to use.

Cloves - to taste

It is often used when rolling tomatoes and lecho, there are recipes for such a twist of cucumbers. But few people know how to pickle hot peppers in tomato juice. For this recipe, it is better to take small pods like "Spark". They need to be washed well, cut off the tails and fry a little in sunflower oil. Juice is squeezed out of the tomato, boiled down by half and flavored with salt and sugar - both components are taken to taste, they do not affect the quality and durability of canned food, since the acid contained in tomatoes acts as a preservative. Peppers are laid out in jars with spilling each layer of "sauce". The containers are sealed and sterilized for a third of an hour.​

Multi-colored hot peppers in a cold honey-vinegar marinade

The name is quite justified: in winter, after opening the jar, a very hot snack awaits you. By the way, this is how pickled hot peppers are prepared in Korean. A kilogram of pods is washed, the tails are cut off from each, and the blunt side is not deeply incised. Peppers are stacked in clean jars, preferably with alternating colors. The containers are filled with boiling water for ten minutes, which is then drained and replaced with marinade. For him, salt and sugar (one and a half tablespoons) are poured into one and a half liters of water, the liquid is boiled, and after removing it from the heat, strong, 9 percent vinegar is poured into it in the amount of three tablespoons. Hot pepper pickled for the winter is poured with the resulting composition, the jars are rolled up and turned over to cool. You can simply store it in the pantry - this twist does not explode.​

Pepper 1000 g, coarse salt 100 g, oil 100 g, vinegar essence 1 s. l.

  • Cut 3 kg of hot pepper along the tips in the form of a 1 cm cross. Mix with 250 g of ground garlic, 2 bunches of chopped parsley, 100 g of salt. Leave everything for a day for pickling (under the lid, without oppression).
  • You can also preserve large hot peppers cut into strips, but whole pods are both tastier and more beautiful on the table.
  • ). Let the little tail of the pepper stick out - you will hold on to it later when you open the jar and begin to enjoy a spicy snack.

Recipe for bitter pepper in honey-oil marinade for the winter:

Another simple recipe for canning peppers with honey, its advantage is simplicity and speed of preparation.

A tart appetizer that combines bitterness and sweetness will help diversify meat dishes, giving them an exotic touch. The recipe is very simple! To prepare it, you will need:

Hot peppers in honey-oil marinade

Put peeled garlic, pepper, herbs (to taste) in a jar and pour all this with marinade. Place peppers in jars, alternating between red and green, green and yellow, etc. Close the jar of peppers with a plastic lid and place on a plate or tray for a few days. Please note that during this time, part of the marinade from the jar may flow out. Store a jar of pickled peppers at room temperature.​


Dill - to taste

The recipe will appeal to those who do not welcome vinegar in dishes too much. In addition, such pickled hot peppers are prepared without sterilization. The pods are well washed and dried, but they are not prepared in any other way: no splitting, no drying, no cutting off the "ass". Peppers are tightly laid out in jars (sterilized and dry, of course), sprinkled with garlic slices and dry spicy herbs at the discretion of the cook. Olive oil is heated to a boil, and cold pressed. Thrifty housewives can replace such an expensive product with sunflower, but not refined and deodorized. Vessels are poured with hot oil to the very top, so that there are practically no voids between the lid and it. We cork and put in a dark place. And in winter, the oil with which the pickled bitter chilli pepper was poured will become an excellent salad dressing.

Mountain peoples highly respect spicy dishes and seasonings. Pickled hot peppers are not bypassed by their attention. The recipe offered by the Georgians boasts a beautiful and burning result of its implementation. It is not necessary to cut the stalks in it. First, long peppers are pierced with a fork and spent a day on the table. After a quarter of an hour, they are poured with boiling water and filtered. Pieces of six heads of garlic, peeled and finely chopped (or turned in a meat grinder) with celery, dill, parsley and cilantro. Take a lot of herbs, the preparation should turn out not only spicy, but also spicy. A glass of salt is added to the mass, two - wine vinegar (you can also use apple cider vinegar, it will not come out very well with the dining room), four - vegetable oil and half a glass of sugar. This volume is enough for five kilos of raw materials. Peppers are poured with boiled marinade, mixed and set aside for two hours. After they are laid out in jars and sterilized. For half a liter, 10 minutes is enough, liter ones are aged for about twenty.

What you need for canning hot peppers

Hot pepper marinated in caviar

For the marinade for every liter of water:

Then fry in portions in a mixture of vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar (350g of oil and 1 bottle of apple cider vinegar - distribute this volume over the whole pepper)

If you don’t have enough peppers before filling the jar, then you can take sweet peppers, cut them into wide strips and add to the spicy one. In this marinade and in such a sultry neighborhood, it will also be saturated with spiciness and will be a pleasant snack to your table.

How to pickle peppers for the winter

Preparing Peppers for Canning

  • Put in prepared jars (washed, scalded with water) - spices and peppers. Peppers should reach the shoulders of the jar (preferably lower, but not higher), because then they can float and rise slightly above the marinade, which will reduce the shelf life of canned food. Pickled peppers! For pickled colorful hot peppers you will need:

Fill jars with peppers and spices

  • 2 kg of sharp bitter small chili peppers;

Fill jars with peppers three times and close

  • In order for the pepper to acquire a beautiful and even color, it is recommended to cover it on top with leaves taken from the cob of corn. Do it at your discretion.​
  • Vinegar (9%) - 3 tablespoons
  • The use of the proposed filling allows the absence of hermetic closures: the winter stock is perfectly stored even under tight plastic lids or in the old fashioned way - with necks tied with gauze. True, in this case, you will have to keep it in the cold. But it turns out spicy and unusual pickled hot peppers. The recipe assigns the following ratio for the marinade: a glass of 9% vinegar for two tablespoons of honey. You can even take candied, only it will take longer to dissolve. The amount of honey can be adjusted depending on the desired degree of sweetness. Multi-colored pods of the pointed variety are washed and whole, right with the tails, tightly packed in glass containers. Both jars and peppers must be not only clean, but also dried - not a drop of water. You need to pour the marinade after the honey is completely dissolved.

Cool jars and send to storage

  • This is the name of pickled bitter pepper in Armenian. And only a certain variety is suitable for him: long, thin, salad shade. You can, of course, take another hot pepper, but it will turn out not quite “Tsitsak”. First, unwashed pepper for a couple of days (this is important!) Is left in bulk on the table so that it wilts a little. Then it is well washed and pierced with a fork 2-3 times through. Put dill with umbrellas in some suitable container at the bottom and pour peeled garlic. The step is not mandatory, but gives the final product a special piquant note. For brine, coarse non-iodized salt is dissolved in cold water at the rate of a glass per five liters of water. Peppers are poured into them and pressed down with a not very heavy load so that they do not float up. Peppers should not be salted in the cold. It is impossible to specify the exact time that this business will take, it depends on so many parameters. A sign of readiness will be yellowing of the pods. Scroll pepper without stalks and seeds in a meat grinder. Mixed with salt. vinegar, sugar and vegetable oil. Put in a bank. Stored in the cold.

Put in liter jars and sterilize from the moment of boiling for 20 minutes.

Features of harvesting hot peppers for the winter

Which peppers are suitable for canning

We can add small tomatoes to the hot pepper marinade, they will come out very spicy and very tasty.

Boil water and make a marinade of salt and sugar. Pour hot peppers with boiling marinade and cover with a clean lid. Let them stand until the jar can be taken with bare hands and not burned. Pour the brine back into the pan, bring to a boil.

What to do if there is not enough hot pepper

I really love spicy hot pepper appetizers, it is so delicious to serve with a hearty meal. but bland or fatty food - soup, vegetables, meat, and even a bite with pies with salty fillings. Pickled hot peppers are a great appetizer if you are celebrating a holiday or want to warm up from the inside!​

3 kg of multi-colored bitter peppers;

What kind of lids to close hot peppers

Half a liter of boiled water;


What is the best way to pickle hot peppers? If possible from personal experience, not from books ...

Darina is a miracle gift

After that, remove the jar of pepper in a dark, cool place where the product will reach the condition. Watch your jar for a few days.​
Salt - 4 teaspoons
Until now, we have considered recipes from, so to speak, a pure and lonely vegetable, and in a whole form. However, pickled bitter pepper for the winter can also be prepared in the form of a spread, which will become just a wonderful snack when placed on a crust of bread. Half a kilo of the pods is freed from the tails, but not peeled and passed through a meat grinder along with four large fleshy tomatoes and a head of peeled garlic. Half a glass of sunflower oil is poured into a deep frying pan or cauldron and the vegetable mixture is laid out. It is calcined and stewed for about half an hour, until the liquid evaporates almost completely and the snack acquires a thick consistency. The mass is decomposed into banks. If long storage is expected, they are sterilized for 10-15 minutes. Otherwise, the dishes can simply be closed with a screw or plastic lid and removed to the bottom of the refrigerator.​
When the pickled hot pepper in Armenian style reaches the condition, it is strained from the brine, tightly packed into clean jars. The brine accumulated at the bottom during the laying process must be drained. Then you can go in different ways.​

Hot pepper as a seasoning is much more often used in southern countries: its fruits are added to meat, fish, and vegetables. The beneficial properties of the product made the Europeans reconsider their attitude towards these burning pods. Alcohol tincture from it helps with intestinal upset, because it has a broad antibacterial effect. Chili, cayenne pepper is an excellent tool to increase appetite. However, there is a caveat: only people with healthy digestive organs can use this seasoning. To soften the sharpness of the fruit and at the same time preserve all the useful properties, canning will help.

hot pepper marinade

Pickled hot pepper perfectly complements the taste of many dishes in a cold mean winter. The recipe is simple, and the preparation of this seasoning does not take much time: the appetizer is quite spicy, so a family will need several small jars.


  • peppers;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 25-30 g of salt;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tsp;
  • spices at will;
  • 20-25 g of sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Sterilize jars and lids for rolling, wash the pepper thoroughly and dry it on a paper towel. If the fruits are used whole, then the pepper should have intact pods, tails can be left, so the peppercorns look more beautiful.
  2. Spices are added at will: mainly garlic, allspice, peas, horseradish (root or leaves), dill, basil, cherry or currant leaf. In addition, you can put cloves stars and a small piece of cinnamon, but do not overdo it.
  3. Now you should prepare the marinade: for this you will need to mix water, salt and sugar, bring to a boil and wait for the bulk ingredients to dissolve.
  4. We put fruits and spices in prepared jars and pour it all with boiling marinade.
  5. Let stand for 5 minutes and pour the marinade into a saucepan.
  6. As soon as the liquid boils again, repeat the procedure.
  7. We do the same for the third time.
  8. Before rolling, add 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar to each jar.
  9. Cover jars with warm material until completely cooled.

Such a blank will be perfectly preserved at room temperature. If you preserve hot peppers in liter jars, then you can add small tomatoes and slices of sweet bell pepper there, the fruits are extremely tasty.

Pickled hot peppers from Georgia

Such an ingredient will spice up any dish, among other things, this dish is an excellent prophylactic against colds.


  • peppers;
  • 3-5 peeled garlic cloves;
  • 2-3 pieces of black and allspice;
  • clove asterisk;
  • 40 g of salt;
  • 50-60 g of granulated sugar;
  • 5 g of vinegar 9%;
  • a few pieces of horseradish.

Cooking process:

  1. We put the washed and dried pods of bitter pepper in prepared jars, which should be scalded with boiling water and dried.
  2. We put spices and herbs between the fruits. You should not fill the jar to the very edge, it is enough to fill it "up to the hanger".
  3. Now fill the vessel with boiling water and leave for half an hour.
  4. The spice flavored water is great for making a marinade. Drain the water from the jars into a saucepan.
  5. We dissolve salt and granulated sugar in the liquid, put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil. For conservation, it is best to use enamelware.
  6. Pour boiling marinade over peppers again and let stand for 10 minutes.
  7. So that the banks are preserved all winter and do not deteriorate, we do the same thing again.
  8. Now the jars can be rolled up, but before that we add 5 g of vinegar with a strength of 9% to each vessel.

The workpiece will quietly stand until spring, even at room temperature. If such an appetizer seems too spicy, then hot peppers can be pre-soaked in cold water: the more often you change the water, the softer the taste of spicy fruits will be.

Korean Recipe

Korean salads are extremely popular dishes and are in great demand among the population. Any hostess, even a beginner, can prepare such a salad. Vegetables can be very diverse, but the dressing is almost the same everywhere: seasonings, vinegar and sunflower oil, in which onions were previously fried.

To prepare the twist, you will need:

  • 1 kg of hot pepper, red or green;
  • half a head of garlic;
  • 70 ml 6% vinegar;
  • half a tablespoon of salt;
  • half a tablespoon of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon red ground pepper;
  • 1 teaspoon black ground pepper;
  • 1 teaspoon coriander seeds;
  • 400 ml of water.

If you are preparing hot peppers for storage in the winter, then the jars must be sterilized, and if you intend to use immediately, then you can skip the process of disinfecting the dishes.

Cooking process:

  1. First, table salt and granulated sugar are dissolved in water.
  2. Put the dishes on the fire, after boiling, add pepper, red and black, chopped garlic and coriander.
  3. Vinegar is poured into the pan last, before pouring marinade over peppers.
  4. The jars are cooled and after three days you can enjoy ready-made peppers.

With vinegar and honey

To prepare this wonderful appetizer you will need:

  • hot pepper - 5 kg (prepare pods of different colors);
  • 250 g of honey (even candied honey can be used, but it is better to melt it in a water bath or in a microwave oven);
  • 1 liter of 6% vinegar;
  • 360 ml of sunflower oil (you can take less, but in this case you need to add water);
  • 2 teaspoons of table salt;
  • 2 heads of garlic, to be peeled
  • spices to taste (allspice peas, bay leaf, cloves).

How to cook:

  1. Place the washed vegetables tightly in glass jars.
  2. Prepare marinade from vinegar, oil and salt.
  3. Honey is placed at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 1 glass of vinegar, but the sweetness can be adjusted to your liking.

In this form, the workpiece can be stored for a long time without seaming, but the jars should be kept in a cold place: it can be either a refrigerator or a cellar.

"Honey Taste"

Hot red pepper can compete with the usual pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. An unusual appetizer of bright color is perfect for meat dishes. For those who prefer spicy dishes, pickled bitter peppercorns will become indispensable preparations for the winter. In order for the appetizer to have a rich aroma, honey must be taken natural. Its delicate texture will give a silky marinade and a beautiful golden color.


  • 3 kg of bitter red peppercorns;
  • 500 g of vinegar;
  • 500 g of vegetable oil;
  • 400 g of honey;
  • 40 g of salt;
  • laurel leaves;
  • black peppercorns.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare containers: glass jars must be sterilized.
  2. Lay the bottom of the jars with bay leaves and a few peppercorns.
  3. Wash the fruits, dry and clean the seeds.
  4. Cut the peppercorns into three segments and fold them into each other like a nesting doll.
  5. In a saucepan, mix sunflower oil, honey, salt, vinegar. Put the container on the fire and bring to a boil.
  6. Pour the peppercorns with the prepared marinade.
  7. Sterilize jars for 10 minutes and roll up.
  8. You can store both in the cellar and in the refrigerator.

You can put a few cherry tomatoes in a jar of hot peppercorns. Tomatoes of the same color will also acquire a sharp and rich taste.

Hot pepper at home

A spicy appetizer diversifies the taste of all kinds of homemade meat, fish and vegetable dishes. Not only is it really tasty, but also very useful. Bitter pepper will replace many cold medicines, help strengthen the immune system and cleanse the veins. To make sure that this is a wonderful seasoning, prepare a small half-liter jar for testing.

When choosing fruits for preservation, pay special attention to the peel: it should be dense and not damaged. For a small capacity, the pods can be cut into rings, but not too narrow.

For one jar with a capacity of half a liter you will need:

  • 250 g pepper;
  • 1 glass of hot water;
  • half a teaspoon of black peppercorns and the same portion of coriander seeds;
  • 15 g of table salt;
  • 7-10 g of sugar;
  • 30 g 9% vinegar;
  • 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour spices into hot water, except for vinegar and oil, cook chopped peppers in this marinade for about 5 minutes.
  2. Remove the pepper from the pan with a slotted spoon and place tightly in a clean jar.
  3. Add vinegar and vegetable oil to the remaining brine, let the marinade boil.
  4. Pour the hot liquid into the jar and immediately roll it up with a sterile iron lid.
  5. Place the jar upside down until completely cooled. It does not need to be sterilized.

In cool conditions, blanks will perfectly last until winter.

Preservation of bitter pepper for the winter (video)

When preserving this wonderful snack for the future, it is important to remember that hot peppers, even pickled ones, are contraindicated for people with a sick stomach, liver or kidneys. Avoid giving the product to children, it is very dangerous for the digestive system of a small person. To avoid burning the skin of your hands, cook with gloves. And in no case do not touch your eyes: irritation is very painful. If you follow all the precautions when preparing and consuming hot pickled peppers, then this snack will only make you healthier.

Hot peppers for the winter are preferred to close, mainly by lovers of hearty and fatty dishes. This appetizer has a unique ability to improve the taste of such products, so true gourmets and connoisseurs of gourmet cuisine must keep several jars of marinated pepper in the winter stock.

Hot pepper for the winter is preferred to be closed, mainly by lovers of hearty and fatty dishes.

Pickled pepper differs from the fresh brother in an unusual improved juicy taste. You can cook such an appetizer at home in different ways: ferment, pickle, pickle. The blank will differ only in taste notes and storage method.

In order to pickle spicy pods for winter storage, you will need the following ingredients:

  • bitter green pepper;
  • 5 garlic cloves;
  • 60 grams of vinegar;
  • 30 grams of salt;
  • herbs, spices to taste.

This appetizer should be closed in glass containers, so you should prepare them first: wash clean and scald with boiling water.

  1. The pepper is thoroughly washed, the stalk is cut off and the seeds are removed.
  2. Sliced ​​garlic, herbs and spices are placed at the bottom of small glass containers. Lay the prepared hot vegetable.
  3. Salt is introduced and the contents of the jars are immediately poured with boiling water, vinegar is added.
  4. Sterilize the snack within a quarter of an hour after boiling the liquid, roll up.

The finished product has a spicy taste and aesthetic appearance. It is also easy to save: this blank is not picky and easily retains its taste in any conditions.

Hot pepper for the winter (video)

Hot pepper for the winter with tomatoes

You can preserve a sharp pod with the addition of other vegetables. Most housewives prefer this method of harvesting, moreover, it is quite simple and versatile.

Such a treat is prepared from various assorted vegetables, but one of the most popular options is the combination of peppers with tomatoes. Preservation of such a workpiece involves the preliminary preparation of glass containers and the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of sharp pods;
  • 4 large ripe tomatoes;
  • a head of garlic;
  • 100 grams of refined oil;
  • salt to taste.

You can preserve a sharp pod with the addition of other vegetables.

Small glass containers in which snacks are planned to be blocked are pre-washed and sterilized over steam.

  1. Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices, cutting off the stalk area.
  2. Sharp pods are washed, cut off the stalk, cut into small slices.
  3. The garlic is peeled and crushed through a press.
  4. Pass vegetables through a meat grinder, add garlic.
  5. Oil is introduced into an enameled container, the vegetable mixture is transferred, salt is added and sent to the fire.
  6. After boiling, vegetables are boiled over low heat for half an hour, transferred to prepared containers and sterilized for a quarter of an hour.

A sharp billet should be stored in a cool place, so it will overwinter without problems and retain its taste.

Hot pepper for the winter: a simple recipe

Red chili, prepared for the winter according to a simple recipe, is distinguished by a unique taste and aroma. It is recommended to preserve such a burning snack as a whole, while maintaining the integrity of the vegetable: the stalk is not cut off and the seeds are not removed from them.

The main components of such a snack are:

  • hot chili;
  • ½ large spoon of salt;
  • a large spoonful of sugar;
  • 50 grams of vinegar.

Red chili, prepared for the winter according to a simple recipe, has a unique taste and aroma.

Before proceeding with the vegetable pickling procedure, sterile glass containers are prepared.

  1. The containers are filled to the top with pre-washed pods, the vegetables are poured with boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Boiling water is poured into an enameled container, salt and sugar are added, after boiling, vinegar is introduced.
  3. Pods are poured with boiling marinade again, rolled up.

The marinade itself is not edible because of its spiciness, but pepper is ideal for lovers of dishes with a “spark”.

How to preserve bitter pepper for the winter without sterilization

You can pickle hot pods, keeping them as reminiscent of fresh peppers as possible, according to a special recipe, the secret of which has been kept by the inhabitants of Crimea for many years. It is not difficult to prepare this snack, it should be stored in a cold place, it is well preserved even without preliminary sterilization.

To preserve sharp pods, stock up on ingredients in advance:

  • a couple of kilograms of hot pepper;
  • 3 large spoons of salt;
  • vinegar.

You can pickle hot pods, keeping them as reminiscent of fresh peppers as possible, according to a special recipe

Cooking sequence:

  1. The pods are washed, the stalk area is cut off, the seeds are cleaned, chopped into medium-sized pieces.
  2. Grind the processed pepper in a meat grinder.
  3. Thoroughly mix salt and pepper.
  4. Prepared sterile containers are filled with the prepared mixture, filled to the neck with wine vinegar.
  5. Close with hot nylon lids and send for storage in the refrigerator.

This spicy dish is added to pilaf, soups, meat dishes. Pickling a spicy ingredient is done quickly and this spicy snack is stored without problems for a long time in the refrigerator.

Cooking bitter pepper in Georgian for the winter

Spicy fire is considered one of the main ingredients of the national Georgian cuisine. Preservation of a burning vegetable in Georgian begins with the preparation of the following prescription components:

  • 2 ½ kilograms of hot pepper;
  • 150 grams of garlic;
  • a glass of refined oil;
  • 500 grams of white wine vinegar;
  • 50 grams of fresh parsley;
  • sugar (can be replaced with honey) - 3 large spoons;
  • 100 grams of celery root;
  • spices, salt to taste.

A spicy fire is considered one of the main ingredients of the national Georgian cuisine.

The preparation of a spicy dish begins with the preparation of the main ingredient: it is washed well and cut on one side.

  1. Vinegar, sugar and salt are mixed with oil in an enameled container, brought to a boil.
  2. Half of the peppers are laid out in a boiling marinade, boiled for 7 minutes, after which the second half of the ingredient is boiled.
  3. Grind celery, garlic and parsley, add to the peppers and pour them with the cooled marinade. Keep in the refrigerator for a day.
  4. The marinade is drained, the vegetable is transferred to sterile containers. Let the marinade boil again and pour over the peppers. After that, the dish should be rolled up.

After the Georgian pods have cooled, they are sent for storage in a pantry or cellar.

Preparation of bitter pepper in Armenian

Armenian cuisine, for its part, also offers the option of preparing spicy snacks, only their recipes suggest pickling peppers. For such a dish, a burning ingredient is chosen greenish in color, long and thin.

For this salting option, a set of ingredients is being prepared:

  • 6 kilograms of hot pepper;
  • 2 large heads of garlic;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 2 cups of salt.

Before proceeding with the preparation of Armenian pepper, the main ingredient should be dried a little: it is laid out in one layer and left for a couple of days at room temperature.

  1. Each pod is pricked with a fork in several places after washing.
  2. Greens and peeled garlic are chopped with a knife, mixed with prepared pods.
  3. 10 liters of liquid at room temperature are mixed with salt until it is completely dissolved and pepper is poured over it.
  4. The main ingredient is fermented for several days until yellowing.
  5. The brine is drained, the soaked pepper is placed tightly in sterile glass containers, sent for sterilization for a quarter of an hour, after which it can be closed for the winter.

Hot pepper for the winter (video)

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Hot pepper in Caucasian style


A very interesting recipe for spicy lovers. Preparation for the winter of bitter pepper in vegetable oil, with spices and herbs.

We will need:
Pepper hot red pepper (red and green) - 1.5 kg
Vegetable oil - 2 stack.
Parsley (large) - 1 bunch.
Salt (not full) - 1 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Spices (hops-suneli) - 3 tsp
Vinegar 9% - 5 tsp

Rinse the pepper and remove the stem. Pour oil into a stewpan or deep frying pan, heat and lower the pepper, salt, add sugar and mix.
Simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally. As the pepper begins to become soft, add spices, vinegar and coarsely chopped parsley, mix and simmer for another 10 minutes.
Arrange, tamping a little, in sterilized jars and roll up. Turn over until completely cool. In winter, you can eat it with potatoes or add it to soups and salads.



Marinated hot pepper in Armenian style with herbs


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This preparation is very useful for the human body, as it retains all the vitamins and various useful substances that are contained in the products used. Pepper marinated with herbs and garlic turns out to be very fragrant and tasty, so it will be an excellent snack for both everyday and festive tables.

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What do you need:


hot hot pepper - one kilogram;


9% vinegar - 60 ml or 6% acetic acid - 100 ml;


herbs: celery, parsley, dill - 50 gr each;


garlic - 50 g;


food salt - 50 grams;


drinking water - one liter.

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Rinse the pods and all the greens under cold water, peel the garlic and cut into arbitrary pieces.


Before you start pickling peppers, it should be baked in the spirit. cabinet until soft. The temperature inside is about 150-180°.


Remove the peppers from the oven and leave for a while to cool the pods.


In the meantime, process jars and lids.


Tear off all the leaves from the grass stalks.


Arrange the cooled pepper in sterilized containers, alternating with layers of chopped garlic and herb leaves.


Pour water into a saucepan, add edible salt and any of the acetic acid listed in the recipe list. Boil the marinade, remove from the stove and let cool slightly.


As soon as the marinade reaches room temperature, pour it over the pods in jars to the very “shoulders” of the container.


Put a press in each jar (a glass filled with water or small pebbles), soak the peppers for up to three weeks, at room conditions.


After the lapse of time, close the jars with pressed pickled hot peppers with nylon or screw caps, rearrange the blanks in the refrigerator.

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Chili pepper (hot, bitter) canned


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Very tasty appetizer, very bright and colorful, very easy and quick to prepare. Stored at room temperature until next summer (did not try longer).

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We will need (for a 3-liter jar):
Chili peppers (preferably different colors - red and green, as much as you can fit in a jar)
Water - 2 l
Coarse salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
Vinegar 9% - 8 tbsp. spoons
Dill with umbrellas - to taste.
Horseradish leaf - to taste.
Garlic - to taste

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Wash the pepper well and cut off the stems. We leave the seeds and tightly put the washed and dried dill umbrella, horseradish leaf, peeled garlic cloves and, in fact, the pepper itself into sterile jars.
I have the amount of ingredients for the marinade for a 3 liter jar, but I generally make smaller - 0.7 l-1 liter jar. Therefore, we divide the products depending on the volume of the can.


So, boil water with salt and sugar, as it boils (good), fill the jars, cover with sterile lids and leave for 15 minutes.


Then carefully pour the water back into the pan, bring it to a boil again, boil for 3 minutes, turn off the gas, immediately add vinegar, mix and immediately pour our peppers to the edges of the jar and roll up the lids.



hot pepper for the winter


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Hot red pepper - 350 grams (for an 800-gram jar)


Garlic - 1 Piece (head)


Green cilantro - 3 Pieces (twigs)


Dill greens - 3 Pieces (twigs)


Mint greens - 1 Piece (twig)

4:1066 4:1076

For marinade:


Water - 500 g


Grape vinegar - 100 g


Salt - 1 teaspoon


Sugar - 2 teaspoons


Coriander seeds - 2 teaspoons


Black peppercorns - 5-7 pieces


Allspice peas - 2-3 pieces


Cloves - 1-2 pieces

Let's do the marinade To do this, we pour water into the pan and throw all the spices, fresh herbs, sugar, salt and garlic into it. We put the pan on the fire, and when the liquid boils, pour vinegar into the marinade. Cook it for 2-3 minutes, then turn off the fire, and insist the marinade for another 15 minutes.

We sterilize jars in any way convenient for you. Now put the greens from the marinade and garlic cloves on the bottom of the jar, then carefully fill it with pepper. Pour the pepper with marinade so that all the spices get into the jar. We press the pepper, as if tamping it, and add more marinade to the very neck.

If you will store peppers in the refrigerator, then close the jars with screw caps. If in another cool place, then roll up and leave under the covers (bottom up) until completely cool.

Winter preparations are sacred for every housewife. Most often, cucumbers with tomatoes are rolled up, all varieties of lecho and eggplant spins are quite popular. But hot pepper pickled for the winter is harvested much less often. And even fans of spicy snacks. Meanwhile, this vegetable is extremely useful: those who consume it regularly are 100% protected from heart problems. Yes, and bitterness in winter can cheer up and give vigor.

Features of working with hot pepper

If you are interested in the idea, learn the basic techniques for pickling hot peppers. It is not for nothing that it is called burning: when processing the pods with unprotected hands, you will fully feel the "fiery" nature of the vegetable. Although most recipes do not require gutting peppers, it is best to handle them with thin rubber gloves.

If you want to get not only tasty, but also a beautiful snack, put multi-colored pods in a jar.

Pepper "Gorgon"

The name is quite justified: in winter, after opening the jar, a very hot snack awaits you. By the way, this is how pickled hot peppers are prepared in Korean. A kilogram of pods is washed, the tails are cut off from each, and the blunt side is not deeply incised. Peppers are stacked in clean jars, preferably with alternating colors. The containers are filled with boiling water for ten minutes, which is then drained and replaced with marinade. For him, salt and sugar (one and a half tablespoons) are poured into one and a half liters of water, the liquid is boiled, and after removing it from the heat, strong, 9 percent vinegar is poured into it in the amount of three tablespoons. Hot pepper pickled for the winter is poured with the resulting composition, the jars are rolled up and turned over to cool. You can simply store it in the pantry - this twist does not explode.

Pepper in Georgian

Mountain peoples highly respect spicy dishes and seasonings. Pickled hot peppers are not bypassed by their attention. The recipe offered by the Georgians boasts a beautiful and burning result of its implementation. It is not necessary to cut the stalks in it. First, long peppers are pierced with a fork and spent a day on the table. After a quarter of an hour, they are poured with boiling water and filtered. Pieces of six heads of garlic, peeled and finely chopped (or turned in a meat grinder) with celery, dill, parsley and cilantro. Take a lot of herbs, the preparation should turn out not only spicy, but also spicy. A glass of salt is added to the mass, two - wine vinegar (you can also use apple cider vinegar, it will not come out very well with the dining room), four - vegetable oil and half a glass of sugar. This volume is enough for five kilos of raw materials. Peppers are poured with boiled marinade, mixed and set aside for two hours. After they are laid out in jars and sterilized. For half-liters, 10 minutes is enough, liter ones are aged for about twenty.


This is the name of pickled hot pepper in Armenian. And only a certain variety is suitable for him: long, thin, salad shade. You can, of course, take another hot pepper, but it will turn out not quite “Tsitsak”. First, unwashed pepper for a couple of days (this is important!) Is left in bulk on the table so that it wilts a little. Then it is well washed and pierced with a fork 2-3 times through. Put dill with umbrellas in some suitable container at the bottom and pour peeled garlic. The step is not mandatory, but gives the final product a special piquant note. For brine, coarse non-iodized salt is dissolved in cold water at the rate of a glass per five liters of water. Peppers are poured into them and pressed down with a not very heavy load so that they do not float up. Peppers should not be salted in the cold. It is impossible to specify the exact time that this business will take, it depends on so many parameters. A sign of readiness will be yellowing of the pods.

When the pickled hot pepper in Armenian style reaches the condition, it is strained from the brine, tightly packed into clean jars. The brine accumulated at the bottom during the laying process must be drained. Then you can go in different ways.

  1. Jars of pepper, but without brine, are sterilized and sealed for ten minutes.
  2. It is possible to prepare a new brine according to the indicated proportions, pour jars with boiling water, sterilize for the same time and close.
  3. If there is a cellar, this is generally ideal: Armenian hot pepper marinated for the winter is poured with cold marinade, closed with tight plastic lids and hidden in the basement.

It is stored for a long time and is eaten faster than it gets a chance to go bad.

tomato sauce

It is often used when rolling tomatoes and lecho, there are recipes for such a twist of cucumbers. But few people know how to pickle hot peppers in tomato juice. For this recipe, it is better to take small pods like "Spark". They need to be washed well, cut off the tails and fry a little in sunflower oil. Juice is squeezed out of the tomato, boiled down by half and flavored with salt and sugar - both components are taken to taste, they do not affect the quality and durability of canned food, since the acid contained in tomatoes acts as a preservative. Peppers are laid out in jars with spilling each layer of "sauce". The containers are corked and sterilized for a third of an hour.

Oil marinade

The recipe will appeal to those who do not welcome vinegar in dishes too much. In addition, such pickled hot peppers are prepared without sterilization. The pods are well washed and dried, but they are not prepared in any other way: no splitting, no drying, no cutting off the "ass". Peppers are tightly laid out in jars (sterilized and dry, of course), sprinkled with garlic slices and dry spicy herbs at the discretion of the cook. Olive oil is heated to a boil, and cold pressed. Thrifty housewives can replace such an expensive product with sunflower, but not refined and deodorized. Vessels are poured with hot oil to the very top, so that there are practically no voids between the lid and it. We cork and put in a dark place. And in winter, the oil, which was filled with pickled bitter peppers, will become a great salad dressing.

honey marinade

The use of the proposed filling allows the absence of hermetic closures: the winter stock is perfectly stored even under dense plastic lids or in the old fashioned way - with necks tied with gauze. True, in this case, you will have to keep it in the cold. But it turns out spicy and unusual pickled hot peppers. The recipe assigns the following ratio for the marinade: a glass of 9% vinegar for two tablespoons of honey. You can even take candied, only it will take longer to dissolve. The amount of honey can be adjusted depending on the desired degree of sweetness. Multi-colored pods of the pointed variety are washed and whole, right with the tails, tightly packed in glass containers. Both jars and peppers must be not only clean, but also dried - not a drop of water. Pour the marinade after the honey has completely dissolved.

Hot pepper appetizer

So far, we have considered recipes from, so to speak, a pure and lonely vegetable, and in a whole form. However, pickled bitter pepper for the winter can also be prepared in the form of a spread, which will become just a wonderful snack when placed on a crust of bread. Half a kilo of the pods is freed from the tails, but not peeled and passed through a meat grinder along with four large fleshy tomatoes and a head of peeled garlic. Half a glass of sunflower oil is poured into a deep frying pan or cauldron and the vegetable mixture is laid out. It is calcined and stewed for about half an hour, until the liquid evaporates almost completely and the snack acquires a thick consistency. The mass is decomposed into banks. If long storage is expected, they are sterilized for 10-15 minutes. Otherwise, the dishes can simply be closed with a screw or plastic lid and removed to the bottom of the refrigerator.
