
Culinary traditions and customs of Easter - the Easter table in the Slavic Orthodox tradition. Easter table menu: traditional dishes

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Easter is the most important and joyful Christian holiday, which in 2015 we will celebrate the day after tomorrow, April 12th. There is very little time left before the end of Lent, so you should already think about the festive menu and stock up on delicious, original and proven recipes.

By tradition, the main symbols and treats of Orthodox Easter are Easter cake, curd Easter and painted eggs. However, every year the menu of this holiday increases and becomes more modern. Cookbook "wild" housewives offers an original selection of traditional and modern dishes for the celebration of the brightest holiday of the year - Easter.

Traditional Easter dishes


Easter cake is a special kind of ceremonial festive bread, which is traditionally baked from yeast dough on Maundy Thursday, and on Saturday it is consecrated in the church. Cooking Easter cake is akin to a certain sacrament. Its main feature is not the ingredients, but the correct cooking technology. The preparation of Easter cake should be taken only with a good mood, then the cake will turn out to be successful, and next year everything will be safe in the house.

The dough for Easter cake requires a careful attitude and is kneaded in several stages, between which it fits. The dough is very capricious - it does not like drafts, sudden changes in temperature, loud sounds, and does not tolerate haste. Easter cakes can only be baked in a well-heated oven, and during this process they should not be disturbed. The readiness of Easter cakes can be checked with a wooden toothpick, on which the dough should not remain. The finished cake is not taken out of the mold immediately, but allowed to cool. These are, perhaps, all the basic rules that should be followed when preparing Easter cakes.

Cooking a traditional cake

Mix 1 sachet (11-12 g) of dry or 50 g of regular yeast with 500 ml of warm milk and 500 g of flour. Knead the dough and let it rise. Pound the yolks with 300 g of white sugar, and beat the whites into a tight foam. Add yolks, proteins to the approached dough, add 200 g of softened butter and mix thoroughly. Then add 500 g of flour, finally knead the dough, cover it and put it in heat for 1 hour until it doubles in volume.

During this time, rinse the raisins, dry them, sprinkle with flour and add to the risen dough. Mix everything again and set aside for 10 minutes. Grease the forms with butter, sprinkle with flour and spread the dough, filling the form by 1/3 of the volume. Leave the filled forms for 10 minutes so that the dough rises in them, then send them to a preheated oven to 180 ° C for 45-50 minutes.

Prepare the glaze by whipping with a mixer into a tight foam 2 egg whites with 100 g of sugar, which cover the finished hot cakes.

Cooking royal cake

Dilute 50 g of yeast in 200 g of cream at room temperature. Add 600 g of flour, mix and leave the dough to rise. When the dough rises, add 15 egg yolks mashed with 200 g of sugar and 200 g of soft butter. Pour in 400 ml of cream and put 600 g of flour, 10 crushed cardamom grains, 50 g of almonds and 100 g of washed raisins and candied fruit. Knead the dough well and leave to rise for two hours in a warm place. Then knead it again, place it in the molds, filling them 1/3 of the volume, pre-lubricated with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Let the dough rise, then put them in a preheated oven to 180 ° C for 45 minutes.

Easter cottage cheese preparation

Cottage cheese Easter, along with Easter cakes, is considered the main dish of the festive Easter table. For its preparation, a special detachable pastry box in the form of a truncated pyramid, consisting of 4 planks, is traditionally used. The curd mass squeezed out in it takes the form of a truncated pyramid, which symbolizes the place of the crucifixion and death of Christ.

In addition to the fact that curd Easter is a symbol of Easter, it also serves as a very tasty dessert. It can be cooked in three ways: chilled and pressed, custard and baked in the oven.

Cooking curd custard Easter

Rub 1 kg of cottage cheese through a sieve, add 200 g of soft butter and the same amount of sugar, 5 eggs, 1 teaspoon of vanillin and mix. Pour 400 ml of cream into the resulting mass and mix again. Put everything on fire, and after boiling, cook for 3 minutes, stirring constantly until thickened. Combine the curd mass with candied fruits, nuts and raisins - each additive should be 100 grams. Put the dough under the load (to drain the whey) into the pasochnik covered with gauze, which is sent to the refrigerator for 12 hours. When the serum drains, remove the gauze and decorate the Easter.

Preparation of curd pressed Easter

Beat 200 g of cottage cheese with a blender or rub through a sieve, add 2 egg yolks, 100 g of grated butter, 0.5 teaspoon of vanillin and 100 g of sugar. Mix everything, put it in a mold, and set it for a day under the load.

Cooking baked cottage cheese Easter in the oven

Put 600 g of cottage cheese under a press so that all excess liquid is gone from it, then wipe it through a sieve. Rinse 50 g of raisins, mix with 40 g of starch and add to the curd. Pounded 6 yolks with 5 tablespoons of sugar, add to the curd and mix. Gradually add 6 egg whites whipped to a stable dry foam with 5 tablespoons of sugar. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, lay out the curd mass and send to bake at 190 ° C for 1 hour.

How to paint eggs for Easter

The egg is one of the main Easter symbols. Biblical legend says that Mary Magdalene approached Emperor Tiberius and declared that Jesus had risen! Stretching out her hand with an ordinary egg, she said: "Now it will turn red before your eyes, which will testify to the miracle of the resurrection." In a moment, the egg turned red. Since that time, one of the main ritual attributes of Easter has been a painted red egg, which later began to be painted in other shades with iconographic and other images.

By tradition, plain colored eggs are called krashenka, with spots applied on them - stripes, specks - speckles, painted with patterns - pysanky.

natural egg colors

Traditional onion peel will color eggs brown, red cabbage soaked in vinegar - blue, turmeric - a golden hue, spinach leaves and birch buds - green, dried violet flowers infused with lemon juice or dark grape juice - a lavender hue. And boiled eggs in natural coffee will acquire a color from pink to dark brown.

Festive dishes for the Easter table

In addition to ritual and traditional dishes, a wide variety of meat, fish and other dishes that could not be consumed during Lent are served on the Easter table. Therefore, all kinds of sausages, boiled pork, hams and other meat delicacies are an integral part of the festive Easter table.


Boiled pork can be prepared with pork, beef, chicken, and any type of meat that you like. To do this, rinse the meat, blot with a paper towel, rub with salt and pepper. Make cuts in the meat, stuff them with chopped garlic and send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then tightly wrap the meat with foil and bake in an oven preheated to 190 ° C for 1-1.5 hours. Cut the chilled pork into thin slices and serve on a dish.

Baked pork with mustard crust

Pork chop on the ribs is one of the most valuable parts of the pork carcass, so you should not forget to cook it for the table on the bright Easter holiday. To do this, coat the pork with the rib part with spices prepared from finely chopped parsley, green basil, mustard, oregano, coriander seeds, garlic, olive oil, salt and freshly ground black pepper. Make punctures in the meat, put it in a mold and refrigerate for one hour. Then wrap with foil and send for 50 minutes in an oven preheated to 180ºC.

Jelly eggs

Jelly eggs are a unique Easter treat. To prepare them, prepare eggshells in advance. To do this, do not break the eggs, but make a small hole at the blunt end, through which you carefully remove the contents. Then the shell must be thoroughly washed and dried, setting the hole down.

Further, everything is very simple: cook jelly according to your favorite recipe. Finely chop the meat with vegetables and pour it not into traditional plates, but into an egg shell. Then set the filled eggs on the stands with the hole up and put in the refrigerator to set. Before serving, peel the shells and decorate the jelly eggs with herbs and vegetables.

Grilled red fish

Delicious meat of red fish diversifies the festive Easter menu well. In addition, many celebrate this holiday in nature, and grilled baked fish will be an excellent treat. To do this, cut the fish into portions and marinate it for 10 minutes in finely chopped dill and squeezed lime juice. Then salt, pepper, drizzle with olive oil, place on a wire rack and bake for 15 minutes.

These are the recipes you can cook on Christ's Sunday. A more extensive list of traditional and modern Easter dishes can be found on our website.

Congratulations to everyone on the upcoming bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ! May a piece of joy that all Christian people experience on Easter stay with you for the whole year and support you in difficult times!

Easter is the main holiday for Christians. It is customary to meet her in the family circle, next to close and loving people. On Bright Sunday, they set the table and decorate it with various Easter decorations. Let's look at what the Easter table menu can be like, traditional dishes and recipes for their preparation.

Traditional dishes

The main attributes of Easter are Easter cake, curd Easter and painted eggs, which are blessed in the church and served at the festive Easter table.

Easter cake can be made from various products, such as cottage cheese, oatmeal, plain wheat and even pumpkin. Easter cake is not just a traditional pastry. It has a sacred meaning and symbolizes Jesus Christ, who, after his resurrection, ate food with the apostles.

Colored eggs (chicken, goose or duck) are also important. As a rule, symbols with different meanings are applied to them. For example, among such symbols there are: a cross, a spiral, rhombuses and squares, floral and animal ornaments.

There are several types of Easter eggs:

Easter cake

This is a traditional recipe for making Easter cake, which was used in the times of Rus'. They make pastries with yeast from premium wheat flour.



Curd Easter

This is an incredibly tasty, delicate and airy delicacy, which is traditionally prepared for the Easter table. To prepare it, you will need some free time and effort. However, the result will be worth it.



Easter eggs

Today there are a large number of recipes for cooking Easter eggs. They can simply be dyed with food or natural dyes, decorated with elegant painting or various decorative elements.

Let's look at several ways to prepare Easter eggs:

You can choose a beautiful dish for Easter eggs so that they look presentable and attractive on the festive table. Place a church candle or a willow twig in the center of it. Sometimes sprouted wheat is placed in the center, which is a symbol of new life.

Traditionally, 12 colored eggs are placed on a dish, each of which symbolizes an apostle. In addition, one unpainted testicle is added to them, which will symbolize Jesus Christ. The dyed consecrated egg must be the first to be eaten for breakfast on Easter Sunday morning.

In 2017 Orthodox Easter falls on May 1st. This religious holiday is preceded by a forty-day Easter fast, which helps to cleanse not only the body, but also the soul. During this period, there are many restrictions on food. Therefore, after fasting on Easter, fatty and heavy meals for the stomach should not be served, as they can negatively affect the well-being and health of the person who fasted.

Easter dishes served at the festive table should be light. They can be made from fruits and vegetables, lean fish and meats. Dishes are garnished with green onions, dill and parsley. Since Easter symbolizes the end of Lent, the dishes should be varied.

Preparation for Easter should be done well in advance. Until this day, they choose recipes for dishes, carefully think over the festive table, bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. Below we will consider the recipes for preparing the most interesting dishes.

For the Easter table, you can serve the following dishes:

Although Orthodoxy does not approve of the use of alcoholic beverages, a small amount of red wine can be served with the festive table.

Piglet roll

This is an old dish for the Easter table, which is prepared from the meat and offal of a young pig.



jellied pig

This is another traditional recipe for the Easter table. Please note that it takes quite a lot of time. Therefore, it is recommended to start preparing this dish at least 1-2 days before the holiday.



Ginger cookie

This is an incredibly tasty holiday dish for Easter, which will appeal to both adults and children.



Greek salad for the holiday table

This salad is notable for its lightness and the presence of a large number of vegetables and herbs in its composition. Therefore, it is perfect for the traditional Easter table. Even a beginner in the culinary art can cook it with ease.



fish roll

This is a great option for an appetizer for the festive table for Easter.



Easter table setting

In addition to preparing delicious Easter dishes, you should also take care of serving the festive table itself. We set Easter cake in the center and put a dish with colored eggs and church candles.

It is desirable to decorate the table with a composition of fresh spring flowers. You can also install figurines of Easter bunnies and hares. A linen tablecloth embroidered with various symbols will look beautiful and appropriate. Included with it are desirable embroidered napkins.

Near each plate, you can put a small souvenir, which will consist of a colorful pysanka, an Easter animal figurine and a small Easter.

It is advisable to start preparing Easter dishes in advance, since most of them require considerable time and effort. The main dishes of the festive table are: cottage cheese Easter, Easter cake and colored eggs. The table can also be varied with light snacks, salads, fish and meat dishes.

Kulich is the main Easter dish, a symbolic mark of the new time that began after Great Lent and the Resurrection of Christ. It is Easter cake that is the first food for breaking the fast. Throughout the year, bread accompanies the layman's meal, and only once during this time does it become festive, Easter. Neither a wedding nor a birthday loaf can compare with it in terms of its status: the Easter cake not only serves to break the fast, but symbolizes the “Great Day” and is consecrated in the church. In fact, Easter cake is the younger brother of artos, sacred bread, which is consecrated and placed on the lectern on the first day of the Resurrection for the entire Bright Week. The kulich is similar to Artos in its form. The word artos "leavened bread" in the Gospel refers to the bread that Christ blessed at the Last Supper. Kulich is also a metaphor for the bread that Christ shared with the disciples after His Resurrection.

In addition, Easter cake serves as one of the formal distinguishing features between the Christian and Jewish Easter. During the celebration of the latter, unleavened bread is used, and leavened (risen) bread is forbidden.

The strength of the tradition of eating special Easter pastries is so great that in Soviet Russia, even during the war, believers, for lack of more, brought black bread to the church for consecration on Easter. In peacetime, Easter cakes did not disappear from retail shelves either; every year, shortly before Easter, they appeared in stores disguised as “spring cupcakes”.

Easter bread, from the point of view of a culinary specialist, differs from everyday bread in that baking is laid in the dough, and already finished pastries are decorated. The amount of muffin was traditionally determined by the amount of fast foods accumulated on the farm during Lent: eggs, butter, milk, etc. That is why you can find Easter cake recipes that include up to 100 eggs per 2 kilograms of flour. Alcohol (vodka) can also get into the dough.

Distinguished in this way from the category of everyday dishes, Easter cake, remaining bread, and therefore the “head of the table”, also heads the Easter meal. Its richness and at the same time lightness is the best way to promote a smooth transition from strict fasting to modest meals.

In this regard, Russian Easter cake is a unique product. In the common Christian tradition, there are also varieties of Easter bread, but it is Easter cake that is unprecedentedly light both in structure and digestibility. Thus, the Easter Austrian windling, baked for Catholic Easter, is a very high-calorie and heavy dish due to the technology of preparing its dough and a hearty nut layer. The same can be said about the English cake, the dough of which is quite consistent with the usual dense muffin.

Of course, yeast is a problem when making dough for Easter bread. Traditionally, kulich was prepared in the sponge method on a specially grown sourdough, which ensured optimal germination of the dough, gave it lightness and a special flavor. In addition, the role of flour is great, the quality of which should be high, but not imply the treatment with chemicals now practiced in industry. It is also necessary to sift the flour at least twice before using it in order to enrich it with oxygen as much as possible. The classic dough for Easter cake is so tender that, in order to protect it from sagging, the container was lined with pillows, and in the room where it was proofed, there was a ban on wearing heavy shoes and even on loud conversations, which at the same time favored the contemplative mood of the hosts. The temperature difference for Easter cake is also dangerous, and therefore the room where it is suitable, according to its conditions, should resemble a room for a newborn. Therefore, ideally, the Easter cake should cool down on a down pillow - until it cools down, it is not surprising for it to settle.

Compliance with all precautions and strict adherence to the recipe guarantees at least a twofold increase in the cake during the baking process. For this to happen, it is important to ensure that the heat is evenly distributed during baking.

A real Russian Easter cake is tall, has a cylindrical shape. Raisins or candied fruits are added to the dough, the top is decorated with icing, colored millet and the letters ХВ, symbolizing the Resurrection of Christ (the snow-white icing covering the top of Easter bread is also a “canvas” for painting).

Saffron cake was considered special, which included grated stigmas of saffron. The color and aroma of the finished baking acquired a golden, regal hue.

Traditionally, the housewives gave part of the Easter cakes to the church and the poor. It is important to consider here that baking small cakes separately for this purpose implies a mean gift, not so much because they are small (you can donate several of them), but because a small cake is always drier and less airy. Its size is also determined by the number of family members: traditionally, Easter cake should be eaten during Bright Week, which implies a slice daily for each family member. Easter cake is important to properly divide and cut.

Its longitudinal cutting is unacceptable, but only transverse, and the top is not eaten until the last slice and protects the crumb from weathering all week. Thus, having cut off the required number of slices, the cake is again covered with the crown.

It should be noted that at the same time as the main Easter bread, another traditional Easter dish was prepared - cottage cheese Easter, and it was with it that they spread a slice of Easter cake before eating it.

Due to the complexity of the cooking technology of Easter cake, it needs to be baked ahead of time. Traditionally, dough kneading begins on Maundy Thursday, while sourdough is set even earlier - a week or more in advance. The silence and thoughtfulness with which the mistress surrounds her creation will help the prayerful mood. Each of the stages preceding the baking of Easter bread requires special concentration, which helps to clear the mind of fuss. That's why it's important to make your own Easter cake, and not buy its essentially surrogate version in the store. Not a single conveyor Easter cake is prepared taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular family and, importantly, is not addressed to specific people. The cultivation of natural sourdough, the quantity and quality of baking (without margarine), the specifics of additional ingredients, the absence of chemical leavening agents, flavors, dyes, the volume of the dough, as well as the prayers read over it - all this should be an indispensable component of a real Orthodox Easter holiday bread.

Easter is the main holiday of Christians. On this day, special dishes are served at the table, which are consecrated in the church. The greatness of this festive day is emphasized by the abundance of the festive table.

In ancient times, wealthy families prepared 40 different dishes for the table for the holiday. This symbolized a reminder of the 40 days of Lent that preceded the Great Feast. It is not necessary to cook so many dishes, the main thing is to decorate the table with traditional dishes.

In ancient times, the Easter table was laid for the whole day. He gathered his family and friends behind him, who missed each other, because during fasting it is not customary to visit guests. On the holiday, relatives and friends reminded of themselves with the help of beautiful postcards.
After the feast, they played a variety of amusements, walked on the street, congratulated each other. The whole day was joyful and festive.
Christians have been preparing for the Great Holiday for a week. Thursday was left for cooking Easter and Easter cakes. Believing Christians baked Easter according to a special recipe. Only yolks were added to the dough. And this pastry was prepared on birch logs.
Flour for Easter baking was sifted to saturate with oxygen. The dough was left in a warm, dark corner of the dwelling to infuse. Easter cakes were prepared with all my heart. All day we were engaged in preparation for the holiday, forgetting about the main household chores.

What dishes do Orthodox Christians prepare for Easter?

The main decoration of the Easter table are painted eggs, Easter cakes and curd Easter. Each dish has its own symbolism. In addition, rum babki, various meat dishes, and honey gingerbread are served on the Easter table. Although fish is not forbidden, it is not customary to put it on the festive table.
It is also not customary to cook hot dishes for a holiday, so that the hostess can relax with the guests, and she does not have to constantly run to the stove. A light-colored tablecloth was laid on the Easter table, the ideal option is white.

What to cook for Easter recipes

Cooking time - 15 min.
Number of servings - 4.

Ingredients for Easter Chicken Salad:

1. 1 chicken leg.
2. 3 eggs.
3. 1 pickled cucumber.
4. 10 prunes.
5. Mayonnaise.

Easter Chicken Salad

The ham is boiled, cooled and disassembled into fibers. The pits and skins are discarded. The meat is laid out in a salad bowl and poured with mayonnaise. The pickled cucumber is coarsely rubbed with a grater, laid out in a salad bowl and poured with mayonnaise.
Prunes are steamed in very hot water. Then it is squeezed out of excess moisture, cut into small pieces and laid out on top of the cucumber. The eggs are boiled, grated coarsely with a grater, laid out in a salad bowl and poured with sauce. The top layer of lettuce is beautifully leveled and decorated. Before use, the salad is soaked in a cold place.

Cooking time - 8 hours.
Number of servings - 15.

Ingredients for Easter gingerbread:

1. 250 g of honey.
2. 250 g of sugar.
3. 100 g butter.
4. 2 eggs.
5. 1 protein.
6. 7 glasses of flour.
7. 1 cup of powdered sugar.
8. 1 pinch of cinnamon.
9. 1 pinch of ginger.
10. 1 pinch of cloves.
11. 2 tbsp. l. cocoa.
12. 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
13. 1.5 tsp. soda.

Cooking Easter gingerbread

Butter, honey and sugar are melted over minimal heat, sprinkled with spices and cooled. Then the mass is mixed with beaten eggs. Flour, soda and cocoa are added to the ingredients. The dough is kneaded and left in a cold place overnight. Then the dough is rolled out into a layer, gingerbread cookies are cut out and baked in the oven for 15 minutes.
To prepare the glaze, the egg white, lemon juice and icing sugar are thoroughly beaten. Gingerbread cookies are glazed and decorated to taste. The icing must dry before use.

Easter Egg Dyeing Recipe Onion dyed eggs
Easter baking Kulich (old recipe)
Kulich (modern recipe)
Easter cake with candied fruits
Easter Easter ordinary raw
Easter custard "royal"
Easter creamy
Pork snacks Piglet roll
Piglet in jelly
Piglet aspic recipe
Salads for the Easter table cheese salad
Salad "Petrovsky"
Salad with chicken and pineapple
Salad with salmon
Salad with squid
Hot second to the Easter table Beefsteaks with a surprise
Ear in pots
Stuffed chicken breasts
Meat casserole with mushrooms

Easter table

For the Easter holiday, according to the ancient custom, a special table is prepared, called "Easter". The Easter table consists mainly of Easter, prepared from cottage cheese, boiled and dyed eggs, and various kinds of Easter bread - Easter cakes and babs.
In addition, the Easter table is served with pork and smoked ham, roast veal, roast and jellied pig, game, all sorts of cakes, dessert and other sweet dishes, and this breaks the fast after Lent.
From snacks on the Easter table they put cheese, sausages, sardines, etc., as well as wines and liquors, although Orthodoxy does not encourage the use of alcohol.
The house is decorated with flowers and blossoming branches.

Egg dyeing

On the day of Easter, painted eggs are served on a platter. Sprouted wheat is placed in the center of the dish, around 12 painted eggs - according to the number of the apostles of Christ, one white unpainted one is placed in the center - dedicated to Christ.
The consecrated painted egg is eaten first on Easter day - they break the fast after Lent.

Onion dyed eggs

Eggs dyed with onions have an amazing taste and are very beautiful.

Wash chicken eggs well. If the stamp is not washed off, you can wash it off with vinegar, but this place on the painted egg will be lighter. From spring-summer, dry small leaves of gooseberries, strawberries, cumin, etc. for dyeing eggs. Attach the dried leaf to the egg, wrap tightly in gauze or a wide bandage and secure by wrapping it with a thread like a bag. If there are no dried leaves, you can make spots on the eggs using rice. Dip the egg in water, then in rice, then tie. It is better if the rice is rarely. You can tie eggs in polyethylene nets, in which vegetables are usually sold, - you get a geometric pattern. If you dip large pieces of onion peel into water, wrap the egg tightly with them and tie them in a bag, after dyeing the egg will have a marble pattern. You can also cut small rhombuses, triangles, squares from the husk, wet it, attach it to the egg and tie it - after dyeing, you will get an original geometric pattern on the egg.

Transfer the eggs prepared in this way with onion peel, pour cold water over and leave for several hours. Bring to a boil and simmer for 40 minutes. When the husk settles, you can add more. Leave to cool in onion broth. Rinse with warm water, dry, grease with very moderately refined sunflower oil.

Easter baking


This is an old cookie recipe. 1 pound is approximately 450 grams. 1 cup is approximately 250 grams.
Prepare the dough: pour 3 cups of warm milk into a cup or tub, add 1/8 pound of yeast, stir and pour in 4 cups of coarse flour, beat well, cover and put in a warm place. In the meantime, separate 10 egg yolks from the whites and grind them with 2 cups of fine sugar. When the dough is well suited, put the yolks into it and, after mixing, add 2 teaspoons of salt, put the spirits at will: vanilla, cardamom, lemon zest, saffron infused with vodka, or rum. Then, pouring 2 cups of warmed butter and pouring 4-5 stacks. flour, immediately pour in another 2 cups of milk, starting to knead. If the dough turns out to be liquid, add flour and knead so that the dough freely lags behind your hands and the dishes in which it is located. When the dough is well kneaded, cover it warmer and let it come up well, after which you can already start cutting Easter cakes by laying the dough on the table. The dough should be put no more than half of the form so that it can come up to the brim, and then put the Easter cakes in the oven.

Easter cake recipe

Flour - 1.5 kg, yeast - 50 g, milk - 300 g, eggs - 7 pieces, granulated sugar - 750 g, butter - 500 g, raisins, vanillin, candied fruits - to taste.

Dissolve yeast in warm water. Mix with a small part of the flour and let rise in a warm place. Rub the butter, wipe the yolks with sugar, mix.

Combine with the risen dough and add the remaining flour. Add milk and knead the dough.

Put vanilla, raisins and knead well so that the dough becomes elastic. Beat egg whites, carefully add to the dough, mix and let rise.

Pour the dough into two-thirds of the molds lined with oiled paper and bake in a hot oven.
Cool the finished Easter cakes in the forms, remove, decorate with candied fruit and powdered sugar.

Easter cake recipe with candied fruit

Flour - 5.5 cups, yeast - 50 g, milk - 1-1.5 cups, egg yolks - 10 pieces, egg whites - 3 pieces, granulated sugar - 1 cup, butter - 250-300 g, pitted raisins - 0.5 cups, cognac - 1-2 tablespoons, candied fruits - 1-2 tablespoons, lemon peel - 3 teaspoons, or cardamom - 1 teaspoon, or grated nutmeg - 1 teaspoon, vanilla sugar - 3- 4 teaspoons, salt - to taste.

Brew half a glass of flour in half a glass of boiling milk, stir until an elastic mass is obtained. Dilute yeast in half a glass of warm milk, mix with half a glass of flour and put in a warm place for ten minutes. Then prepare the yeast mixture by combining the resulting dough with yeast diluted in milk, stir it, cover with a towel and put it in a warm place.

Wipe the yolks, sugar, salt into a homogeneous mass and beat until white. Pour half of this filling into the yeast mixture, add a quarter cup of flour, knead, let rise for one hour, then add the remaining filling and add another 5 cups of flour. Knead the dough until it pulls away from your hands.

Pour the melted butter into the finished dough gradually in small portions, knead, add spices, cognac, and let the dough come up again. Then settle the dough to its original position, add half a glass of raisins and candied fruit to it, after rolling them in flour, and let the dough come up again.

Pour the dough for Easter cake prepared in this way into floured molds up to half, sprinkle with the remaining raisins and candied fruit on top and let rise. Coat with egg yolk and put the cakes for baking in the oven for forty-five minutes. From proteins and sugar, make icing and decorate Easter cakes with it.


The cottage cheese used for Easter must first be squeezed out and, wrapped in a napkin, put under a press so that all the liquid flows out of it.
All Easter must be kept in the cold, covering with a wet napkin.
If Easter turns out to be liquid, you should put it back in the bean box and put it under oppression.
All kinds of spices, such as cinnamon, raisins, almonds, cinnamon, cardomom, etc., are put at will and taste, since the main parts of Easter are: cottage cheese, butter, sour cream and sugar, the taste of Easter depends on the dignity and quantity of which.

Easter ordinary raw

This is an old Easter recipe. 1 pound is approximately 450 grams. 1 cup is approximately 250 grams.
Take 5-6 pounds of cottage cheese, rub through a sieve, put 3-4 cups of sugar, 2 cups of butter or Chukhon oil, rub well until smooth, beat in 4-5 eggs one at a time, kneading, put 1 stick of vanilla or cinnamon, crushed with sugar , one and a half to two cups of thick sour cream, rub well again, put 1 cup of peeled and washed raisins-raisins or currants, knead, put everything together in a pastry box so that the cottage cheese is above the edges, lining the pastry box inside with a thin wet cloth, straightening it smoothly . Close the curd with the ends of the cloth so that there are no wrinkles, put a plank and a stone on top, put it in the cold for a day. On Easter, you can also put finely chopped candied fruit, preferably lemon or orange.

Easter custard "royal"

This is an old Easter recipe. 1 pound is approximately 450 grams. 1 cup is approximately 250 grams.
Rub 5 pounds of squeezed cottage cheese through a sieve, put 2 cups of butter, 3-4 cups of the best sour cream, 6-8 eggs, grind everything together well, put in a saucepan and put on the stove, stirring so as not to burn; as soon as bubbles begin to appear, remove from heat and put on ice or in cold water, stirring constantly until cool; pour one and a half glasses of sugar, put a stick of vanilla crushed with sugar, and half a glass of finely chopped sweet almonds, with the addition of 3-4 bitter almonds, put cinnamon or sultanas if desired, mix everything well and put Easter in a pastry box.

Easter creamy

This is an old Easter recipe. 1 bottle - 600 milliliters.
The cottage cheese is rubbed to smoothness with butter, vanilla and sugar, separately, 1 bottle of cream is whisked into a thick foam, as for cream, and then combined with cottage cheese and kneaded well. All other spices are put in the same way, depending on what one likes, in everything else they do the same as in other cases.

Pork snacks for the Easter table

Easter, piglet roll recipe for the Easter table.

(Old recipe)

Flatten the carcass, removing the bones. Remove the meat from the bones, clean the offal of the pig, if it turns out a little, you can add more liver. Wash. Hard boil a few eggs.
Prepare minced meat and offal from this meat and offal with onions fried in oil (onions - for an amateur), butter, a bun soaked in milk and a couple of raw eggs.
Lay a layer of minced meat on the flattened piglet, and circles of hard-boiled eggs on top of it, roll everything up. Tie it with a napkin and - tightly - with ropes, boil it in water or broth.
At night, the roll is put under oppression, and you can serve it by cutting into slices and laying them as for aspic and chilling in lanspic in two steps (pour from below, cool, put pieces of roll on the frozen lanspic, pour lanspic on top again and cool again). The roll is good on its own and with a side dish.

Easter 2011, an old recipe for the Easter table:

pig in jelly

Boil pork pieces in water with roots, salt and pepper. As the meat ripens, remove the bones, cut the flesh into smaller pieces and cook in the broth with vinegar until the broth has evaporated. When it remains in the meat no more than three glasses, decant the liquid, remove the fat, pull off with proteins, strain through a cloth - you get a lanspic. Pour the bottom of the dish with this sauce, decorate it with parsley and lemon slices, chill, then lay the pork nicely, pour over the remaining lanspic and cool in the cold.

Jellied piglet (Old recipe for Easter)

Boil a small pig in water with roots and spices, salt. When the meat is boiled, take it out and put it on a dish. Put the bones in the broth from under the pig (as for ordinary meat broth), cook for a long time so that there is some water left, draw off the broth with protein, strain, cut the pig carcass into pieces, put them in a bowl, pour the broth, putting lemon circles on the bottom of the bowl and sprigs of parsley or celery.

Salads for the Easter table

cheese salad

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Chop onion and garlic very finely. You can add boiled eggs. Mix and season with mayonnaise.

Cut out baskets or roses from tomatoes, stuff them with salad, decorate with herbs and put them on lettuce leaves.

Cut the rest of the tomato, mix with the salad. Fry slices of bread in sunflower oil, put salad with tomatoes on them, decorate with herbs, spread on lettuce leaves.

Salad "Petrovsky" (Old recipe for Easter)

Cut the boiled beef into small cubes, prunes - into strips, add champignons fried in vegetable oil, finely chopped walnuts, red onion, garlic, green apple, cut into strips. Fill with mayonnaise. On each serving plate, lay out in the center in the form of a cylindrical tower (using a ring mold). Decorate the edges of the plate with strawberry sauce: strawberries passed through a blender and a sieve.

Chicken and Pineapple Salad Recipe for Easter

Chicken fillet, eggs, chechil cheese, canned pineapples, mayonnaise.

salmon salad recipe

Eggs, rice, salmon, finely chopped cucumber, season with mayonnaise. Put in a salad bowl on lettuce leaves.

squid salad recipe

500 g squid, peeled, boiled or fried, cut. 3 eggs boiled and chopped. Grate melted cheese on a coarse grater. Cut greens and lettuce leaves. Mix everything. In mayonnaise, add garlic, passed through a crush, and season the salad.

Hot for the Easter table

Beefsteaks with a surprise

Separate beef (rump) from veins and tendons. "Waste" can be used to make meatballs. Pass the pulp through a meat grinder with a large grate. Add chopped parsley leaves or other herbs, chopped capers (oil tree buds, sold in canned form). Add some milk, or cream, or melted butter. You can add grated cheese to minced meat. Salt, add ground black pepper and knead from the bottom up. Put the minced meat on a wooden board and form steaks - balls of 150 grams.

Roquefort cheese will be a surprise. Make a soft mass out of it, mixing until creamy. Stuff the steaks: knead each steak well, stretch on the palm of your hand, put a little cheese cream, close and roll up the bun. Press the koloboks lightly: chopped steak should be at least 2 centimeters. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil well, fry the steaks on both sides, reduce the heat and bring to readiness. At the end of frying, cover with a lid for no more than a minute, and remove from heat.

For garnish, boil cauliflower, peppers and zucchini in salted water or steam. Cut toast from bread to the size of a steak and fry in butter.

Pour the steak pan with water or red wine or broth. Evaporate the sauce, add butter, remove from heat and stir.

Lay the steaks on toast on plates, pour over the sauce and arrange the vegetables around.

Ear in pots

Chop the onion very thinly into half rings and sauté in vegetable oil until half cooked.

Cut beef tenderloin into cubes.

Cut carrots and turnips or potatoes into 1x1 cm cubes.

Rye crackers - dried black bread without crusts (better - Borodinsky) - chop.

Mix sour cream with crushed garlic, adding salt. Melt the butter in the microwave oven (20 g for each pot), and put in the pots on the bottom. Then put one bay leaf, salted and peppered meat, a layer of onion, a thin layer of breadcrumbs into each pot. Salt the carrots, mix and arrange the next layer in pots. Do the same with turnips or potatoes. Pour 50 grams of broth into each pot, cover with a lid, put in a COLD oven, heat to 200-210 degrees and bake for 30-35 minutes until the vegetables are ready.

Remove the ear from the oven, remove the lids, add a layer of sour cream and put in the oven without a lid for 5 minutes.

Sprinkle with herbs and serve with fresh vegetable salad.

Stuffed chicken breasts

From the thickest side of the chicken breasts, make an incision pocket. Mix butter with spices, add a little grated cheese, mix again. Put the mass into a pastry bag, put the end of it into the opening of the incision pocket and squeeze it out. Use a toothpick to fasten the seam, roll the breasts in flour and dip in the mixed egg. Roll in the breadcrumbs, patting so that the breadcrumbs lie flatter. You can dip in the egg again and breaded

Fry in vegetable oil, taking it a little more than usual, or deep-fry. Bring to readiness in the oven or in the microwave.

It is better to buy chicken chilled. If the chickens are thawed, it is better to cook them over low heat.

When serving, cut each breast diagonally and put a side dish of vegetables on a hill.

Meat casserole with mushrooms

Products: 250 g pork, 250 g veal, 250 g milk, 2-3 eggs, 100 g mushrooms - boiled or fried, 125 g flour, onion, 100 g butter, salt, ground black pepper, savory and parsley taste.

Clean the meat from the tendons, remove the bones, chop very finely or pass through a meat grinder. Add milk, eggs, pepper, salt, flour, as well as finely chopped mushrooms, parsley, savory, onion and mix well. Place the prepared mass in a greased oblong form or on a baking sheet and bake in a moderately hot oven until golden brown. Serve the casserole, cut into neat slices and garnished with fried potatoes and green salad.
