
How much to cook pearl barley. How to cook barley porridge: barley, a step-by-step recipe with a photo

Pearl barley today, for some reason, is undeservedly deprived of attention and popularity, although it is very useful and, with proper preparation can be very tasty. But often the use of pearl barley is abandoned only because of a certain laboriousness in its preparation, and simply speaking, it is cooked for a long time.

But, firstly, if desired and skillfully, this time can be reduced, and secondly, pearl barley is still worth it, since it contains vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, lysine and fiber, to In addition, it has a low glycemic index (20), which ensures long-term satiety.

A the nutritional value barley is such (324 Kcal / 100 gr. cereals and 22 Kcal / 100 gr. ready-made porridge) that it is shown to everyone at once - from children to the elderly.

Cooking barley porridge is based on two main points - the proportions of cereals and water and the cooking time. So to get crumbly porridge, it is necessary to adhere to a proportion of one to two - one part barley and two parts water.

To make the porridge viscous, you need to take a liter of water per glass of barley.

And you can vary in this corridor the ratio of liquid and cereal, resulting in a porridge of the desired consistency.

IN general view, without soaking and other manipulations, it takes from an hour to an hour and a half to cook barley porridge, which also depends on different points - the size of the grains, the type of barley, the thickness of the pan, as well as the time when the cereal was grown, because the longer it was stored, the longer she will cook. Plus, today you can also find steamed cereals on sale, which cooks faster (according to the instructions on its packaging).

How long and how to cook barley without soaking

For classic version barley requires only three components - water, cereals and salt. Before cooking pearl barley you need to rinse well in cold water until it is transparent, otherwise the cooked barley may turn out to be slippery and stuck together.

Next, you need to pour the cereal with water in the right ratio and put it first on a strong fire, waiting for it to boil, and then reduce the heat to medium and cook barley, stirring occasionally. After an hour, you can try it “on the tooth” and, if necessary, continue cooking for some more time.

Alternatively, you can immediately turn off the fire and leave the porridge on the hot stove for 20 minutes, during which it will still reach the desired condition.

How long to cook barley without soaking in soup

In principle, it is advisable to pre-soak barley for soups, but if for some reason this did not work out, then according to the rules, the cereals are dipped into the soup first after the meat is ready, and boiled for at least half an hour.

After that, potatoes, frying, other vegetables are already added, depending on what kind of soup is being prepared, and everything is cooked together until ready. Although it is advisable to boil the barley separately from the soup and add it to it at the end, then the broth will be transparent.

How to cook barley without soaking in a slow cooker, double boiler, microwave and thermos

Since progress does not stand still and the hostesses have received many different kitchen appliances, significantly facilitating their life, why not apply such innovations in the field of cooking pearl barley? Home appliances can help a lot with this.

  • Multicooker.

To cook barley in a slow cooker, you must first rinse the cereal well and grease the bowl with oil, and then fill it with water at the rate of one to three. Then it remains to choose one or another mode on the multicooker - it can be "Cereals", "Buckwheat" or "Milk porridge". Usually in this mode, the dish is cooked for about two hours.

  • Double boiler.

This is the most delicate way of cooking pearl barley, in which it retains the most vitamins and useful substances but also one of the longest.

If you do not soak the cereal, then it will take at least 1.5 hours to cook it in this way, although in the end you will get a tender and crumbly porridge.

The ratio of products is still the same - three glasses of water per glass of pearl barley - all this is put in a double boiler (be sure to wash the cereal before) and cook for the specified time or until cooked. You can first set the timer for 40 minutes, then mix the barley, salt and turn on the double boiler for another 40 minutes. If necessary, you can add a little water.

  • Microwave.

Perhaps this is the most fast way cooking barley: it takes from 20 to 35 minutes, depending on the power of the microwave. To cook cereals in it, you need to put 1 cup barley in a glass bowl, pour 1.5 cups boiled water(if desired, salted), cover everything with a lid and put on medium power.

In the process of cooking, you need to mix several times so that the cereal is cooked evenly.

  • Thermos.

Many people use a thermos to soak pearl barley and speed up the cooking time, but in fact it can be fully cooked in a thermos, spending almost no time, just leaving it overnight. For this, 8 tbsp. spoons of cereal, you need to pour 700 ml of water or just add a liter thermos to the end, and crumbly porridge will be ready in the morning.

How much to cook barley without soaking for pickle

It is traditionally believed that barley for pickle must first be boiled, and added to almost ready soup. There are several options for this preparation of cereals:

  1. Pour a glass of washed barley with 300 ml of water and put on fire until it boils, then drain this water and pour another 500 ml, salt. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the cereal until tender - this will take about an hour;
  2. Pour 100 gr. washed barley 200 ml of boiling water and put on high heat, bring to a boil and reduce the temperature, boiling the cereal for 30 minutes. Add the finished cereal to the pickle along with the vegetables being laid.

Barley pickle recipe in meat broth

Ready meat broth should be brought to a boil, salt, reduce the temperature and add finely chopped potatoes, grated on coarse grater onions and carrots, as well as pickled cucumbers, cut into strips.

When the vegetables are almost ready, add barley cooked according to one of the above recipes and cook the soup until cooked for another 5-10 minutes. Serve the finished pickle should be hot, with the addition of herbs and sour cream.


  • 1 liter of meat broth;
  • 150 gr. potatoes;
  • 100 gr. pickles;
  • 50 gr. onion;
  • 50 gr. carrots;
  • 50 gr. barley;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking time: taking into account the boiling of cereals - 1 hour.

Calorie content of the dish: approximately 40 kcal / 100 gr.

A simple way to cook barley porridge in water with soaking

To prepare delicious and healthy pearl barley porridge for breakfast, you can soak the cereal overnight at a ratio of 1 cup per 1 liter of cold water. During this time, barley will swell, increase in size and already acquire a certain softness.

Then you will need to rinse the cereal again and pour it already hot water in a ratio of 1 to 1.5 and simmer under a lid for about half an hour. If desired, after that, you can cover the pan with a blanket and leave the porridge to cook for another half hour, but this is not necessary.

When the porridge is ready, it remains to add butter, stir and serve.


  • 200 gr. pearl barley;
  • 40 gr. butter;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking time: from 30 minutes to an hour plus time for soaking the cereal.

Calorie content of the dish: approximately 110 Kcal / 100 gr.

Thus, we can conclude that it is absolutely not worth refusing to use pearl barley in your diet, because the issue of the duration of its preparation is actually not so acute. It is not necessary to stand above the porridge, it can be safely cooked on the stove or in one or another object household appliances while other household chores are being done.

Besides, there is an option fast food barley in microwave oven which should definitely not be forgotten. And this cereal can significantly diversify and enrich daily menu- cereals, soups and other dishes with pearl barley are very tasty and healthy.

In the next video - another recipe for making barley porridge.

Perlovka is often associated with the army or places not so remote - the stereotype about it has developed so strongly as about cheap food and designed for the segments of the population not spoiled with delicacies. Meanwhile, it is known for certain that Peter I loved pearl barley, although what to expect from him: he was a martinet from birth. But our last general secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich, they say, simply loves pearl barley. And all because cereal dishes have a high nutritional value, and barley porridge itself is very tasty. The main thing is to cook it correctly, but not knowing how much barley is cooked in time, it is not so easy to do it.

How to cook barley deliciously, preserving the benefits

Barley and yachka are sisters, as they are made from the same type of grain: barley. However, if the cell is crushed, then the barley grains are left intact. So the benefits remain in them, however, it is difficult to cook grains to a pleasant edible state.

How long barley is cooked in time depends on the dish for which it is required, and whether the cereal was prepared for cooking.

On a note! The average cooking time for pearl barley is from 50 to 120 minutes.

Barley can be cooked perfectly tasty and crumbly, if you pre-soak the cereal in cold water for at least a couple of hours, and preferably overnight. Then you can treat yourself to friable and healthy porridge in the morning: barley will boil faster than usual. After about an hour, the porridge is ready.

If there is no time for soaking, you can wash the grits in several cold waters and boil. But you have to wait: saving time on soaking, this cannot be done on cooking. The porridge will cook in about two hours.

It turns out very tasty if you cook barley in a water bath, under a tightly closed lid. But you have to be patient: the cooking process will take about 6 hours! But it's worth it!

Elementary: how to cook barley on water

Perhaps the most important thing to learn in this "barley" business is how to cook barley on the water.

The first thing to do is to rinse the cereal well, and, bay cold water, let it brew longer. Then drain the old water, pour new hot water in a ratio of 1:3 and cook over low heat. How much barley is cooked depends on the volume of cereals and water, on average, in an hour the porridge is ready.

It is possible not to soak pearl barley, if you know how to cook pearl barley in water without soaking. To do this, dry cereals need to be washed well, and, pouring water (3 cups of water per glass of pearl barley), bring to a boil over high heat. After reducing the fire to a minimum, and under tight lid barley cook for about 2 hours. Stir periodically and add water if it boils away to avoid burning. Barley should be salted closer to the end of cooking, in ready porridge add oil to taste. Then it would be good to wrap the pan with a towel and simmer barley porridge for half an hour.

This pearl barley is an excellent side dish for any meat or poultry, fish or mushrooms. And yet - this is an excellent basis for cabbage rolls or pilaf.

Stuffed cabbage rolls


  • ready-made friable barley - 1.5 cups;
  • minced pork and beef - 300g;
  • onion and one carrot;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • fresh favorite greens;
  • cabbage leaves from 2 medium heads;
  • fat sour cream and ketchup - 3 tablespoons each;
  • salt and ground pepper black to taste;
  • a pinch of flour dried in a frying pan.
  1. Chop the onion and grate the carrots, sauté in oil until tender, stir in the chopped garlic. Add vegetables to boiled barley, add minced meat, salt and pepper and mix well. Next, cook the cabbage rolls in the standard way: in boiling water cabbage leaves put the minced meat (about 2 tablespoons each) and wrap it in an envelope.
  2. For the sauce in another bowl, mix sour cream with ketchup and flour, add salt to taste, pour in a glass of water and mix until smooth. Pour the stuffed cabbage with sauce and simmer for half an hour after boiling.

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Pearl barley pilaf

Pearl barley pilaf - original and tasty dish. How much barley is cooked for pilaf? In general, as usual, however, cooking consists of several stages.


  • meat (pulp of pork or beef, lamb) - 0.5 kg;
  • pearl barley - 400g;
  • onions and carrots - 1 each;
  • a little tomato paste (1-2 tablespoons);
  • butter - 1 pack (200g);
  • favorite spices and salt;
  • water as needed.
  1. To weld pearl barley, start cooking with roasting meat. pre-cut portioned pieces the meat is fried until golden brown in any convenient dish. Add tomato paste and spices to the meat, fry everything together.
  2. While the meat is fried, pearl barley soaked in water is boiled for about 15 minutes; water is taken in relation to cereals 3:2.
  3. Half-finished barley is evenly distributed over the meat and poured with water or broth 2 fingers above the level of the cereal. We cook everything on low heat until the water evaporates. After that, pilaf in a bowl with a tight lid is placed in a preheated oven (up to 200 degrees) for half an hour.

Barley porridge a la army


  • pearl barley - a glass;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • pork or beef stew - 1 can (250g);
  • garlic - a clove;
  • a spoonful of ketchup or thick tomato paste;
  • salt to taste.
  1. Boil barley in water until cooked, salt it by the end of cooking.
  2. Heat the stew in a frying pan, add to it tomato paste and passed through the "crusher" garlic. Simmer for about 5 minutes. Then mix the stew from the pan with barley and let the “army” porridge satiate for at least half an hour (you can put it in a warm oven).

Milk barley porridge

But not only semolina, rice or millet can be boiled in milk. Barley also turns out delicious! To prepare pre-soaked barley groats, pour boiling water at the rate of 1.5 cups of water per glass of barley. When the porridge boils, cook it until the water almost disappears, then pour in hot milk (2 cups) and cook, stirring, until tender, salting and sugaring to taste, you can put butter in the finished milk barley.

A big minus of cooking barley in milk is that you have to stand at the stove for a very long time, because milk is still that “escape” lover. In this case, it is good to use a water bath, but you should know how much barley is cooked in this way, and be patient: the cooking time is about 6 hours!

How to cook barley for soups

Delicious pickle with barley, good with barley and fish soup! You can also just cook cereal soup. special hassle in cooking barley soups No.
How much to cook barley for pickle? If the soup is cooked meat broth, pre-soaked barley groats are laid about an hour after the start of cooking meat. At the same time, the cereals are boiled for at least 30 minutes before laying potatoes and other vegetables.

Delicious pearl pickle

Ingredients for soup for a 3-liter saucepan:

  • beef pulp - 250-300g;
  • pearl barley - 1/3 cup;
  • peeled potatoes - about 200g;
  • medium-sized pickled cucumber;
  • cucumber pickle - 1/3 cup;
  • bulb;
  • medium carrot - 1 piece;
  • lavrushka, pepper, salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for sauteing vegetables - 2-3 tablespoons.
  1. Boil the meat for about an hour, remove it and cool. Pour the soaked barley into the broth (how much barley is cooked - mentioned above), cook for half an hour, add diced potatoes.
  2. Tip: you can boil barley for soups until half cooked separately, then put it in the soup, then its color will be more pleasant, the grayish tint of the broth will not appear.
  3. Cut the onion into cubes and saute with grated carrots in oil. In a separate bowl, stew the grated or diced cucumber in 3-4 tablespoons of soup broth.
  4. Put passerovka and cucumber into the soup, pour in the brine, salt and cook after boiling for a couple of minutes.
  5. It is best to serve pickle soup with fresh sour cream and chopped herbs.

How to cook barley for a side dish in a slow cooker

There is nothing easier than that how to cook pearl barley for a side dish if there is a slow cooker in the kitchen! This little helper cooks delicious food and saves her hostess a lot of time. How to cook barley tasty for a side dish in a slow cooker?

Pour the pre-soaked cereals into a multi-cooker bowl and pour water (1: 3), salt to taste and set the "buckwheat" (or "porridge") mode. Depending on the variety and quality of the cereal, cook from 50 minutes to an hour and a half.

A simple barley garnish in a slow cooker


  • a glass of pearl barley;
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • butter - 1 tablespoon;
  • carrots, tomatoes and onions - 1 each;
  • salt to taste.

Cook barley in a slow cooker, separately in a frying pan on vegetable oil fry the onion, chopped into cubes, after a couple of minutes put grated carrots, after another 5 minutes - tomato, cut into small cubes. Stir vegetables while sauteing; ready - add to barley, mix and simmer for about 5 minutes all together.

Barley casserole with mushrooms


  • barley ready (from a glass raw cereal);
  • onion head;
  • 300 g of mushrooms (champignons, mushrooms, porcini, etc.);
  • a raw egg;
  • cheese - about 100g;
  • 200 ml cream.
  1. Chop the onion and fry until golden brown in a pan, add the prepared (washed and chopped, and, if necessary, boiled in advance) mushrooms. Fry for a couple of minutes, pour in 3 tablespoons of water and simmer until the mushrooms are ready. We transfer the finished barley (half) from the multicooker to a baking dish, the bottom of which is greased with vegetable or butter. On top of pearl barley - mushrooms, on top again barley.
  2. Whip the cream and the egg, pour the mixture over the future barley casserole and sprinkle with grated cheese on top. In a preheated oven (200 degrees), stand the baking sheet for 20 minutes until the casserole is browned on top.

How to quickly cook barley? Thermos Help!

If barley is not just soaked in water overnight, but done in a thermos, then in the morning you can be pleasantly surprised how much barley is cooked faster than usual!

The washed cereal should be placed in a thermos and pour boiling water: for a glass of cereal - 3-4 cups of boiling water. The next morning, put the cereal in a saucepan, pour hot water (water - twice as much steamed cereal), cook until cooked for about 20 minutes, salt at the end of cooking.

Hearty barley cereal salad

  1. Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices (if small) or a cube. Finely chop the onion, chop the celery stalk, chop the herbs and chop the garlic. Fry the garlic to make it more fragrant, put the squids on it and fry until tender.
  2. Add greens and celery, tomatoes, squids to pearl barley and season lemon juice, mix well. Salt to taste.

A few "pearl" facts

  1. Pearl barley is one of the cheapest.
  2. When cooking, the volume of pearl barley from the original amount increases almost five times - you need a spacious pan!
  3. It is necessary to salt barley at the end of cooking: this way the grains will boil better.
  4. Barley is good for a diet: its calorie content, of course, is not so small (320 kcal per 100 g), but it contains a lot of fiber and little starch.
  5. There is a lot of vitamin E in pearl barley - the main vitamin of "youth".
  6. There are a lot of B vitamins in cereals - hair and skin are “friends” with them, with a lack of these vitamins, the hair grows dull and split, and the skin dries and flakes.

As you can see, gray and inconspicuous cereals, which we are accustomed to treat with disdain, can be very tasty in elementary simple dishes. After all, they don’t like pearl barley, mainly because they don’t know how to cook it correctly: either the porridge will burn, or it won’t be cooked, or even turn into a sticky mass on a plate. If you know how to cook properly, and how much barley is cooked, you can create real culinary masterpieces.

Kashi is easy to prepare and invaluable benefit for the body. In the diet, cereals should occupy one of the places of honor. Their main feature is positive influence throughout the digestive system.

They have great nutritional value, contain fiber and vitamins necessary for growth, development and maintenance of bodily functions. The bulk of cereals are carbohydrates, they account for 50 to 70%. Additional composition- it is water (10-15%), 7-12% proteins and only 1-3% fats. Cereals are obtained by processing different cultures. Remove hard shells various impurities, the grains are polished.

Barley is one of the richest in fiber. It is produced from barley, and used for making soups, cereals, salads, as a filling. It is convenient to create such dishes in a slow cooker. To make the porridge crumbly, it is necessary to observe the proportions of water and cereals. They differ in the practicality of grains in bags, they cook very quickly. Barley dishes are popular in Italian and Mediterranean cuisine.

Benefits and Benefits

Barley is one of the most powerful antioxidants. The product is rich in various amino acids. The composition includes lysine - an important element that increases immune system person. In addition, he takes a major part in the formation of collagen, which preserves the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin. The selenium contained in the composition is necessary for cleansing the body. Barley perfectly copes with the removal of toxins, prevents fat deposits.

Stocks of such a microelement as phosphorus, which is available in cereals, are necessary for a full and healthy metabolism. Barley also contains minerals such as zinc, magnesium, sulfur, copper, calcium, sodium, iron, manganese.

Vitamin composition of cereals:

  • B1-B6

Regular use of pearl barley normalizes work gastrointestinal tract. A cereal decoction is also useful. It has antispasmodic, enveloping, anti-inflammatory, blood-purifying and restorative effect on the body. It doesn’t matter where you cook the porridge (in a slow cooker, on the stove, etc.), the most important thing is not to overcook the product.

The calorie content of one hundred grams of the product is 337kcal or 1428kJ.

The nutritional value:

  • carbohydrates 77.33 g,
  • proteins 9.86 g,
  • fat 1.15 g.

The use of porridge normalizes the functioning of the organs of vision, restores the condition of hair, nails, skin, and improves immunity. The perfect combination vitamin D and phosphorus has a positive effect on the formation of bone tissue. Vitamin E helps stimulate blood circulation.

Cooking pearl barley correctly

The type of barley will depend on how much you need to cook the dish. The process can last from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours. Soft and swollen cereal is a sign that the porridge is ready. When barley is soaked, its cooking time is significantly reduced. When cooking dry cereals, the number of minutes of heat treatment increases. It is important to choose the right proportions of the product and water. Cooking cereals in a saucepan, in a microwave, in a slow cooker, in an oven.

Porridge in a pot

  • We prepare the ingredients, observing the proportions (for 200 grams of cereal, 500 ml of water).
  • It is necessary to soak the cereal for several hours using water.
  • Cook over low heat for 40 to 60 minutes.
  • After cooking, we wrap the pan with porridge for half an hour.

In a slow cooker

Want to cook porridge without the hassle? It's real in the multicooker! Before cooking, you need to soak the grits (time from 3 to 4 hours). After the container is lubricated with oil. It is best to salt the water before the cereal is in the slow cooker. The operating mode of the unit is "Porridge". The cooking time in the slow cooker is about an hour.

in the microwave

How many ingredients to take depends on the number of servings. It is recommended to comply classical ratio, relevant both in the case of cooking in a slow cooker, and in all other units:

  • 1.5 cups of water
  • 200 grams of cereal

For cooking in the microwave, use a special container. Groats are poured necessary quantity water, which is pre-salted. After that, you need to set the heat treatment period to 20-30 minutes.

The fastest way to cook porridge in bags. Such packaging brings comfort and convenience. Before cooking, there is no need to soak the cereal in water. Heat treatment lasts only 15-20 minutes. Note that porridge in bags is not the best option. It is extremely difficult to assess the quality and purity of cereals placed in cellophane.


Any product should be taken in moderation so as not to harm the body. Excessive indulgence in such dishes can adversely affect the health of people who suffer hyperacidity stomach. Barley should not be included in the diet when there are problems with bowel cleansing.

The product contains a large number of gluten. In this regard, it is not recommended to use during pregnancy. Medical studies show that gluten in some cases provokes the development diabetes The child has. In the case of men, barley abuse can cause a decrease in libido.

Recipe: Mediterranean salad with pearl barley and arugula

This salad will excellent dish for breakfast. Cooking will take about an hour.

Ingredients for 4 servings of salad:

  • 125 g of cereals;
  • 1 red onion;
  • 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil;
  • 375 ml vegetable broth;
  • 1 bunch of arugula;
  • 5-6 tomatoes;
  • half red and yellow sweet pepper;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of canned corn.

For sauce:

  • 4 tbsp. wine vinegar;
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of honey;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of coarse mustard;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.

We cut the onion. Warm up in a saucepan olive oil, fry. Then add barley and sauté for a few minutes. We fill vegetable broth, cover, boil over low heat for 30 minutes. Remove from stove and let cool. Cut the arugula into slices, pepper into cubes, and tomatoes into slices. Add to salad. Then we put the corn in there. Mix all the ingredients for the sauce, add salt and black pepper to taste. We dress the salad.

You can cook dishes from cereals both in a slow cooker and in the usual way. The main thing is to keep the proportions. There should be enough water so that the porridge does not burn, but at the same time, the liquid does not run away from the pan.

Include pearl barley dishes in your diet, and they will help you maintain health for many years. natural nutrition- this is the path to strength, beauty, youth.

This fragrant and tasty dish is of great value to the body, because the cereal contains great amount trace elements, vitamins, antioxidants.

It is useful for young hostesses to know how to cook barley porridge in water, which can serve diet food unless oil is added to it.

Regular consumption of this product has a positive effect on the digestive and urinary systems.

But the preparation of such porridge is a long process that requires compliance with certain rules.

Recipes for barley porridge on water

Experienced housewives in Russia have known how to cook barley with vegetables, chicken, beef, lamb or pork since ancient times. Even the name barley groats received for its popularity with the nobility (pearl in translation meant pearl).

It was valued for its satiety, taste, and health benefits.

If you cook porridge with the addition different products, it turns out original and healthy meals on every day. This process is very long, so you should soak the cereal in water in advance (about 10 hours before cooking porridge).

After that, the grains are washed several times.

Barley swells during cooking, so it is recommended to choose a spacious dish for preparing side dishes and cereals from this cereal. There are many recipes this dish with added meat stewed vegetables, chicken fillet or minced meat for every taste.

In a slow cooker

Some housewives do not know how to cook barley in a slow cooker. Manufacturers offer many additional function for cooking, for example, a multi-cooker-pressure cooker helps to speed up the process somewhat. The most popular manufacturers are Panasonic, Redmond, Marta and others.

How much to cook barley in a slow cooker will depend on the selected mode. It can be pilaf, side dish or milk porridge.

You will need the following:

  • cereals 200 g;
  • butter 30 g;
  • water 0.4 l;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook barley porridge:

Barley is soaked in advance for several hours.

The cereal is washed and placed in a bowl for cooking. Add the rest of the ingredients to the container.

Select the cooking mode on the device, turn it on.

With meat

Today, the question of how to cook pearl barley porridge with the addition of meat is no less relevant, because the food is so satisfying, with rich tasty.

Barley with pork and garlic will become great dish that you can cook regularly for family dinner or dinner.

Everyone will definitely like porridge, and if you cook it correctly, then your household will constantly ask you to repeat it.

For cooking you will need:

  • onion 50 g;
  • garlic 20 g;
  • cereals 250 g;
  • pork fillet 200 g;
  • vegetable oil 40 g;
  • salt.

Cooking process:

Barley is well rinsed and poured with water for the whole night in the calculation: four parts of water for one part of the cereal. Water and barley are added to the cooking container, at the rate of 2-3 cups per 200 g of cereal.

Cook for 45-50 minutes. During the time that barley is cooked, cut the pork into cubes.

Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic.

Heat up a frying pan with oil, fry the meat. Add vegetables.

After the pork is cooked, the contents of the pan are added to the barley.

Everything is mixed, left to ripen.

with minced meat

Many deny themselves the pleasure of using this healthy porridge regularly due to the length of the cooking process (soaking lasts a couple of hours), but eating dishes with its content regularly helps cleanse the body, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, removes toxins, and this is very useful for modern city dwellers.

If you supplement barley with minced meat and vegetable dressing, you will get a very tasty, satisfying and healthy dish.

To prepare porridge minced meat required:

  • cereals 250 g;
  • onion 70 g;
  • carrots 100 g;
  • minced meat 200 g;
  • sunflower oil 40 g.

How to cook:

The washed cereal is boiled for 40 minutes.

Peel vegetables and finely chop.

Prepare the frying pan.

Slightly fry onions with carrots. Add minced meat.

Stew all the ingredients for a while. Boiled cereals and the contents of the pan are poured onto a baking sheet.

Everything is mixed, seasonings, salt are added.

Bake in the oven for half an hour. With vegetables The calorie content of the dish is very low, because there will be no meat in this porridge.

How to cook delicious barley porridge on water, and even with interesting filling?

Add vegetables to the cereal, so that the taste will turn out rich and spicy.

At the same time, it is worth remembering how satisfying and healthy it is: it contains many valuable vitamins PP, D, natural antibiotics, fiber, phosphorus, and amino acids. With vegetables, the dish is cooked like pilaf, but it is recommended to make dressing separately to preserve nutrients.

What you need for the meal:

  • cereals 300 g;
  • onion 80 g;
  • carrots 100 g;
  • tomatoes 150 g;
  • sunflower oil 40 g;
  • tomato paste 90 g;
  • salt.

Cooking steps:

Prepare the cereal, place in a saucepan. Simmer for about 30 minutes until grains triple in size.

Cut all vegetables.

Prepare a frying pan and fry the ingredients, starting with the onion.

Add a dressing.

Stir, leave for a short time on fire.

With Chiken

Nutritionists advise including this dish in the diet, because barley porridge contains a huge amount of valuable complex carbohydrates that can saturate the body for a long time.

Fiber, which is part of barley, cleanses the intestines well, stabilizes its work, and removes toxins from the body. It is important to note that the product does not cause allergies, you can use it after food poisoning to alleviate the condition.

Meat, vegetables or chicken fillet are added to the cereal.

What products will be required:

  • cereals 200 g;
  • sunflower oil 40 g;
  • skinless chicken fillet 150 g;
  • onion 80 g;
  • carrots 90 g;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking steps:

Grains are prepared, soaked for 6 hours.

The chicken fillet is washed, dried and cut.

Add salt and spices to the meat. Wash and clean vegetables.

Onions are cut into small cubes, carrots into strips. Prepare the pan (heat the oil).

Add marinated chicken. When the chicken is browned a little, put the vegetables in the pan.

The mixture is fried, stirring constantly. Drain the water from the barley and pour the cereal to the chicken.

Add water 3 levels above food.

When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat, then cook for 45 minutes.

How to cook barley for soup

This wonderful cereal is used not only for the preparation of independent cereals and side dishes, but is also part of the first courses. How much to cook barley for pickle depends on the cooking method you choose.

Some housewives cook it, pre-soaking it for 12 hours, others do without this stage. In addition, the size of the grains of barley groats affects the cooking time.

Time varies from a few minutes to two hours.

Cooking algorithm:

Sort and rinse barley.

Pour clean cold water overnight.

Drain the liquid, rinse the product.

Place in a large saucepan, put on fire.

As the water boils, it is drained, and the cereal is rinsed with cold.

Strain off the liquid. Pour the barley with boiling water.

Cook for half an hour, fall asleep in a pickle.

How long to cook barley in soup?

After adding to the pan, it will take no more than 5 minutes, it is already soft, but it is very easy to boil it.

Add it to the pickle, wait a bit until the cereal is saturated with the taste of the soup, and then turn off and cover with a lid so that the first dish is well infused.

The classic preparation of such a soup is barley with rice in half.

How to cook friable barley porridge

This valuable product attractive low in calories and medicinal properties but not to everyone's taste thick porridge. How to quickly cook barley so that it is a crumbly side dish, and not a viscous mass.

Compliance with simple rules will allow you to cook delicious side dish that the whole family will love.

How to cook friable barley porridge on water?

Need to add more water in a saucepan and butter.

After cooking, it is advisable to cover the container with a warm towel and let the dish ripen.

It is very strange that such a valuable and delicious product rarely cooked in our kitchens. Probably, the problem is that in childhood everyone was forced to eat this porridge, and the cooks in kindergartens did not know how to cook it at all.

Pearl barley looks like pearls, the name originates from the word "pearl". In our country barley is loved for beneficial features and a variety of dishes that can be prepared on its basis. However, in most cases, porridge is cooked with pre-soaking grains, which is not always convenient. Today we will consider the technology of cooking without advance soaking in water.

The benefits and composition of pearl barley

Thanks to the abundance useful elements barley is eaten by people of all ages and gender. All this is made possible thanks to nutritional value dishes.

So, in a serving weighing 100 gr. accumulates about 9.4 gr. proteins, 67 gr. right carbs and only 1 gr. fats. At the same time, the composition contains more than 7 gr. dietary fiber, and the calorie content of 100 gr. is 323 kcal.

In addition, the cereal contains pyridoxine, fiber, amino acids. The dish is rich in potassium, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, copper and other equally valuable mineral compounds.

It contains few saccharides that are absorbed without increasing insulin levels. Glycemic index barley is 20 units, which is beneficial for the health of diabetics.

The nutritional properties of cereals make it possible to use it in diet food. All valuable substances complement each other's action, remove water, cleanse the intestinal tract from stagnation and contribute to proper weight loss.

Useful properties also lie in the fact that with a systematic intake, the body is cleansed of toxic substances and toxins, it is easier for a person to cope with allergic reaction different nature.

Amino acids, in particular lysine, support the production of collagen and elastin fibers. All of them are necessary to maintain the beauty of the skin and blood channels.

Not without positive action minerals such as phosphorus and selenium. They support brain activity by stimulating neurons. The work of the heart is also getting better, the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis is reduced.

Due to the accumulation of B-group vitamins, work is being nervous system. We can say that barley porridge supports the psycho-emotional background of a person and fights the effects of stress.

If we summarize everything useful qualities dishes, it removes toxins and slagging, fights fungus, increases defensive forces body, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes weight loss.

Barley cooking on water without soaking

  1. Barley cooking in this way is suitable for people who do not have time to soak the cereal. First, rinse the grains thoroughly so that the water becomes completely clear.
  2. Now send the cereal to a pan of a suitable size, add cold filtered water. The amount of liquid does not really matter, because after the start of bubbling, the water drains.
  3. Send refractory dishes to the stove, set the maximum power. Cover the pan with a lid, let the barley boil. After that, boil it for about 2 minutes and drain the liquid through a strainer.
  4. If during the first languishing the liquid runs away from the pan, open the lid slightly. Pour the grains back into the bowl, pour again cold water so that it rises 3 cm.
  5. Cover with a lid and set the burner to maximum heat. Wait until it boils, then lower the heat to medium. Boil the porridge for half an hour.
  6. After this time, remove the lid, salt the barley to your taste, mix and close again. Boil the composition for another 10 minutes, then let it brew not on fire for a quarter of an hour. Serve with a slice of butter.

Barley cooking on water with soaking

  1. For this method, you need to take 2.5 cups of filtered water, salt to taste, pearl barley in the amount of 1 cup. The cooking option is good because the grains immediately swell and cook quickly in the future.
  2. First, wash the barley so that the water becomes clear. Rub the seeds with your hands to remove all debris. Pour the raw materials into a saucepan, add water (1 liter per 250 gr. cereals) and leave for 6 hours. If possible, let the porridge soak overnight.
  3. Now drain the liquid in which the barley settled. Rinse the grains again under the tap, transfer to a suitable refractory container for cooking.
  4. Send the pan to the fire, cook at maximum power. Boil the water according to the recipe (point 1), add the hot liquid to the cereal. Cover with a lid, cook.
  5. The contents will come to a boil in a minute. As soon as this happens, set the burner to the middle mark and note the time. After 25 minutes, open the dishes, add salt to taste, mix and leave to cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Now turn off the burner, do not remove the dishes from the stove, let the barley brew. After about 10 minutes, the dish will be ready, you just have to supply it with butter and serve.

  1. Measure out 250 gr. grains and rinse them in water, turning between your hands. When all the dust and debris are gone, throw the grains on a sieve and wait for the liquid to drain.
  2. Prepare 0.6 l. milk low percentage fat content, bring it to room temperature. Pour into a saucepan, add the washed barley here.
  3. Enter 50 gr. granulated sugar, a little salt to taste. Add a chunk of butter (about 25 gr.). Mix everything, wait for the oil to dissolve.
  4. When this happens, send the refractory dish with raw materials to the stove, cook over high heat for 5 minutes. Then set the minimum indicator, continue languishing for about 2 hours.
  5. During this period, the porridge will reach readiness. Wrap the pan with an old sweatshirt or towel, let it brew for 1 hour. Serve with berry slices or nuts.

Barley pilaf with bacon

  1. Prepare everything in advance necessary ingredients. You will need 0.15 kg. butter, 1 pc. onions, 0.5 kg. pearl barley, 0.5 kg. bacon, 1 pc. carrots, 35 gr. tomato paste or ketchup, seasonings to your taste.
  2. Boil bacon until done. You can take pork tenderloin, chicken, lamb or beef as the main ingredient. Act according to your personal preference.
  3. When the bacon is cooked, leave the broth from it. Remove the meat and chop into pieces of the same size and shape. Now peel and chop the carrots and onions, move along with the chopped bacon to the cauldron.
  4. Add butter, fry until a beautiful golden hue is obtained. Then add tomato paste and seasonings, cook for another 7 minutes.
  5. Pour in the broth. In another bowl, boil pearl barley in water with or without soaking, it's up to you. Put it on top of the rest of the ingredients in the cauldron, do not mix.
  6. Send the container to the stove and cook over a fire between medium and minimum. It is important that the water is completely evaporated. When this happens, remove the cauldron into the preheated oven. Simmer another 45 minutes.

Barley made using the no-soak method can be harsh. If you have time, it is better to pre-soak the grains in water. It also makes sense to consider a recipe for a dish with milk and pilaf based on cereals.

Video: how to cook barley porridge
