
Recipe for pearl barley in a slow cooker. Preparation of milk barley porridge

Barley is very easy to prepare in a slow cooker. This is a great option for a healthy breakfast or a hearty lunch. Especially if you diversify the dish by adding vegetables or meat.

Ingredients: 2 multi-cups of pearl barley, 2 times more filtered water, vegetable oil, carrots, salt, onions. How to cook barley in a slow cooker for a side dish is described below.

  1. Groats are soaked for 40-45 minutes in very hot water.
  2. First, the onion is fried in vegetable oil in the bowl of the pan, then the vegetable is already together with the carrot.
  3. Slightly soaked barley is washed and laid out on top of the roast.
  4. Cold water pours out from above. At this stage, you can immediately add salt.
  5. In the program designed for cooking pilaf, the dish will languish for 40-45 minutes.

In a sealed container, the finished dish should be left to infuse for another 20-25 minutes.

With added meat

Ingredients: half a kilo of pork, 1 bowl of pearl barley, onion and carrot each, a pinch of salt, a mixture of peppers.

  1. In the Roasting or Baking program, thin half-rings of onion are fried until golden brown. Further, they are already prepared together with miniature carrot sticks.
  2. The meat is washed, dried with a paper towel and cut into small pieces. When the vegetables are already fully cooked, pork slices are laid out on them and the ingredients are cooked together until a crust appears on the meat.
  3. The cereal is thoroughly washed with hot water. Continue this process until the flowing liquid becomes completely transparent.
  4. The washed barley is sent to fry meat and vegetables. Hot water pours out from above. The amount of liquid is determined according to the standard scheme - for 1 tbsp. cereals - 2 cups of pure water.

Recipe for cooking with stew

Ingredients: 2 multi-bowl pearl barley, 5 filtered water, a standard can of stewed pork or beef, medium onion, fine salt, carrots, aromatic herbs.

  1. It is advisable to soak the cereal overnight in cold water.. If there is not so much time, then at least for 3 hours.
  2. Shredded vegetables are fried in the smart pot bowl. For this, you can choose both vegetable and butter. Of the modes, for example, "Baking" is suitable.
  3. To the prepared vegetables, the stew is laid out along with the fat.
  4. Cereals, previously scalded with boiling water, are placed on top. This will relieve her of bitterness.
  5. Products are salted, sprinkled with aromatic herbs.

With mushrooms

Ingredients: 1 multi-bowl barley, 320 g fresh champignons, onion, salt, dry garlic, pepper.

  1. Onion cubes and thin slices of mushrooms are fried in the baking program.
  2. On top of the frying of vegetables and mushrooms, pearl barley soaked in cold water is laid out in advance.
  3. The dish will be cooked in a program designed to cook rice until it is finished.

You can decorate the treat with fresh herbs.

Milk barley porridge

Ingredients: 1 multi-bowl of pearl barley, 3 multi-bowls of filtered water and the same amount of fresh milk, 3 tsp. granulated sugar, 1 tsp table salt.

  1. Barley is washed several times with cold water. This will save her from the raid. As a result, the water should become transparent.
  2. The groats are filled with a new portion of the liquid and left for a couple of hours. It remains to rinse it again with hot water and put it in a bowl.
  3. A mixture of not cold milk and water is poured on top of the barley. The mass is sweetened and salted.

The dish is prepared in the Milk Porridge program for 60-65 minutes.

With Chiken

Ingredients: 620-690 g chicken (you can use legs, thighs, wings), 2 multi-cups of pearl barley, 5 multi-glasses of filtered water, a large spoonful of refined oil, 2-3 onions, 2 carrots, a pinch of spices for pilaf, salt to taste.

  1. The chicken is cut into large portions. The meat can be immediately put into the bowl of the device, sprinkled with salt, poured with refined oil and fried in the baking program on all sides.
  2. While the chicken is cooking, you can work on the vegetables. The onion is cut into thin rings or half rings. Carrots are cut into thin sticks. You can also just grate it on a coarse grater.
  3. As soon as the meat is ready, chopped vegetables are poured onto it. You need to wait until the onions and carrots are lightly browned.
  4. It remains to pour washed barley, salt, special seasonings for pilaf over all prepared products.
  5. The contents of the bowl are poured with hot boiled water.
  6. "Smart pan" is switched to the "Pilaf" mode and turns on for 60-65 minutes.

The already prepared dish is left on heating for about half an hour.

Barley with pumpkin

Ingredients: 420 g of fresh pumpkin pulp, 1 multi-bowl of pearl barley, carrots, a couple of bay leaves, onions, salt and ground cumin to taste.

  1. In the evening, the indicated amount of pearl barley is poured with water at room temperature and left overnight.
  2. In the morning, onion cubes and small pieces of pumpkin are first fried in a bowl in any oil. When these vegetables soften, carrot sticks are added to them. Together, the ingredients are cooked for another 8-9 minutes.
  3. A couple of minutes before the end of frying, pearl barley is laid out in a container. You must first drain all the water from it and rinse the product.
  4. Warm water is poured on top of the components. There should be enough liquid so that its level is approximately 2-2.5 cm higher than all the products used. Lay out in a container and bay leaves.
  5. In the program designed for cooking pilaf, the treat will languish until it is completed. Approximately 5-6 minutes before readiness, the dish should be salted and poured with cumin.

The finished treat is briefly left on the heating, after which they are laid out on plates.

With vegetables

Ingredients: 1 multi-bowl barley, large eggplant, tomato, bell pepper, 3-4 garlic cloves, salt to taste.

  1. The cereal is pre-filled with cold water and left overnight.
  2. All vegetables are thoroughly washed, if necessary, peeled and finely chopped. Eggplant cubes are sprinkled with salt and left for 12-14 minutes to release bitterness. Next, the vegetable slices are washed well with cold water.
  3. In the frying mode, all chopped vegetables are cooked together in the bowl of the device. Finely chopped garlic is also added to them.
  4. Prepared cereals are laid out on top of the vegetables.
  5. The contents of the container are filled with hot water. It remains to add salt and mix all the ingredients.
  1. Onions, carrots and garlic are chopped in any way and sautéed in butter or vegetable oil. When the vegetables are ready, chicken pieces are laid out to them.
  2. Together, the products are cooked until the meat becomes ruddy.
  3. Pearl barley is well washed and laid out for frying chicken and vegetables. The mass is salted and sprinkled with seasonings for pilaf.
  4. The ingredients are filled with water.

Few chefs prefer barley porridge, but in vain, because barley porridge on water in a slow cooker turns out juicy and crumbly, boiled right down to the core, while such a dish boiled in a cauldron or pan is often al dente. Cookbooks recommend soaking barley grits for 12 hours so that it absorbs water, but porridge cooks perfectly without soaking first. The only secret to reducing the time of its preparation is pouring boiling water over the cereal and its “rest” for 1–2 hours. This time is quite enough for the cereal to absorb the liquid to the core and swell a little. Ready barley porridge you can flavor with butter or vegetable oil, to taste - sugar or honey.


  • 200 g pearl barley
  • 700 ml hot water
  • 0.5 tsp topless salt


1. Pour the grits into a bowl with high sides, fill with cold water and rinse thoroughly several times, changing the water. It is desirable that in the last flush the liquid remains clean.

2. Pour the cereal into the bowl of the multicooker, carefully spread along the bottom with a spatula or spoon.

3. Add salt. If you plan to cook sweet barley porridge, for example for kutya, then at this stage add granulated sugar, a sweetener. Honey is added when serving, otherwise it will give the dish only sweetness, and not benefit.

4. Pour the cereal in the bowl with hot water. Barley is boiled 3.5–4 times, so do not trust those books and recipes in which they say that supposedly cereals are boiled twice. It is better to drain the remaining liquid after cooking than to get undercooked porridge with a hard core inside! We set the “Porridge” mode on the scoreboard of the multicooker for 1 hour and close the lid.

It is rather difficult to call ordinary barley porridge an original, bright, and refined dish. Despite this, there are many recipes that will help you turn ordinary cereals into a real culinary masterpiece. In terms of its chemical composition and unique properties barley is ahead of all its existing competitors. To make pearl barley porridge not only healthy, but also juicy, tasty, crumbly, it is important to follow some tips and recommendations. You can cook soft kush in a special kitchen appliance, namely in a slow cooker, which greatly facilitates the direct cooking process.

Barley is an extremely useful and valuable cereal containing important amino acids (lysine). They are responsible for the production of collagen, saturation of the human body with energy and vigor. Barley helps reduce the risk of developing allergies, normalize metabolism, and improve the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, it contains vitamins E, B, A, calcium and potassium, iodine, an incredibly large amount of phosphorus. As for calories, a serving of barley contains about 145 kcal.

Barley porridge in a slow cooker is prepared quite simply. For this, you need to use the proposed step-by-step recipe. Everything is detailed in it, so there should not be any difficulties.


To prepare barley porridge in a slow cooker, you will need food such as:


1. First of all, prepare the cereal, it must be measured and poured with cool water for ten hours. When you drain the water, the grains will swell, and the cooking time will be almost halved, which is in the hands of any hostess.

2. The grits must be thrown into a fine sieve to be rinsed with running water, this is very important. Don't skip this step!

3. Take half the butter, grease the multicooker container. It must be connected to a power outlet.

4. Pearl barley must be poured into a prepared container. Then you can pour a certain amount of water.

5. At the same stage, the future dish should be slightly salted.

6. Close the lid of the kitchen appliance and set the special cooking mode. In this case, it is best to select the "Pilaf" or "Rice" mode. The duration of cooking is forty minutes. If the cereal has not been soaked in water in advance, it will take one hour and twenty minutes.

7. When you hear a beep, the porridge is ready. Leave it to sweat under the lid for another ten minutes. Before serving, do not forget to add a little butter. So it will become more fragrant, satisfying and rich.

Video recipe

As you can see, the technology and cooking process is very simple, so any novice cook who has a slow cooker can handle it.

Beneficial features

Despite the low popularity among consumers, barley porridge has always been and remains the most useful, valuable, unique. If you regularly eat this porridge, you can completely cleanse the body of toxins, fats and harmful substances. With its help, you can normalize and improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is no secret that barley porridge is a rich and generous source of vigor, health, strength and energy reserves. A significant advantage of the dish is that it can be eaten for weight loss. This is one of the most effective, effective dietary dishes with which you can lose five kilograms in 5 days!

Of particular benefit is observed for children and schoolchildren, as porridge gives them everything they need for full development and growth. That is why it is imperative to introduce it into the children's diet. Regular and proper consumption of barley porridge is the key to strong immunity, powerful health, and the rapid eradication of colds and infections.

Due to the large amount of phosphorus contained in pearl barley, the work of the endocrine system is noticeably improved, which is important for diabetes. It is important to note that this is a daily delicacy for all athletes, because with its help the speed of muscle growth increases. In addition, it is useful to eat it in case of inflammation of the digestive tract, as well as in the period after surgery. It will help you quickly recuperate and get in shape.

Thanks to barley porridge, you can not only gain strength and energy, but also lose weight, improve your own well-being.

Time: 60 min.

Servings: 6

Simple and delicious barley porridge recipes in a slow cooker

Barley, unfortunately, is not the most common cereal among modern housewives, although it contains many useful components. Usually a side dish or a full-fledged second course is prepared from it. Today you will learn how to cook barley in a slow cooker so that all members of your family will like it.

It should be noted that pearl barley is made from wheat grains, so the process of its heat treatment is quite long. Barley porridge in a slow cooker cooks much faster than in a conventional pan. Calculating exactly how much time to cook cereals depends not only on the selected program, but also on the model of the kitchen assistant.

A simple side dish can be deliciously prepared using a minimum amount of food, vegetables are usually used, as well as meat. Lean pearl barley porridge can be cooked both in water and in vegetable broth. It acquires a special taste when using spices and herbs.

Delicate, very tasty friable barley porridge is obtained only if the cereal is pre-prepared (soaked). With the right proportion of water and cereals, you can cook the most delicate barley in a slow cooker. The most suitable ratio of these products is 1: 3, that is, for one part of the cereal, it is worth taking 3 parts of water or broth.

Many people do not know how to properly cook cereals without soaking, usually the heat treatment process takes about 45-60 minutes, the cooking of the dish should take place in the “Groats” mode.

Barley porridge made from cereals in a pressure cooker with pre-soaking is much more tender. The proportions of cereals / water during soaking - 1: 5, this is the best option so that the grains absorb a sufficient amount of liquid and are ready for subsequent heat treatment. It is preferable to cook barley porridge with meat products on the "Porridge" program.

We have selected for you proven recipes with photos, thanks to which it will not be difficult to cook your favorite dish.

This recipe for barley porridge in a slow cooker is very simple, detailed step-by-step cooking with photos will help novice cooks figure out how to cook a side dish. It is recommended to cook the dish during fasting, as it does not contain animal fats.


Step 1

Cut the onion into cubes, and grate the carrot on a coarse grater.

Step 2

Pour oil into the bowl, put the chopped carrots and onions.

Step 3

Fry the vegetables until lightly browned on the “Frying” mode, then pour out the grits.

On a note: It is best to fry vegetables in corn oil, since less harmful substances are released from it during heat treatment.

Step 4

Put sun-dried tomatoes, then add salt and spices.

Step 5

Pour all the ingredients in the bowl with water. Set the program "Krupa" for 45 minutes.

Garnish each serving of lean porridge with a sprig of dill.

Another version of this dish:

Recipe for hearty porridge with minced meat

Barley porridge with minced meat in a slow cooker turns out juicy and tender, such a dish can be prepared for lunch or dinner. The taste of fragrant porridge will be appreciated by your loved ones.


  • Minced meat - 300 gr.
  • Pearl barley - 2 multi-cups
  • White cabbage - 1 fork
  • Tomato paste - 30 gr.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 20 ml
  • Water - 4 multi-glasses
  • Spices with salt - to your taste

Step 1

Before preparing barley in a slow cooker, soak the required amount of cereal (for about 40 minutes), using cold water for this.

Step 2

Fry chopped onions and carrots in vegetable oil, setting the “Frying” program for 10 minutes.

Step 3

Turn off the selected program, add chopped cabbage to the contents of the bowl.

Step 4

Put the minced meat, evenly distribute it in the slow cooker.

On a note: For this dish, you can use any kind of minced meat, but the most preferred is pork and beef.

Step 5

Sprinkle everything with spices and salt, add tomato paste.

Step 6

Drain the water from the cereal, pour it into the multicooker bowl.

Step 7

Fill everything with water, mix thoroughly. Set the program "Multi-cook" for 1 hour 30 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

Another version of this dish:

meat recipe

Don't want to spend too much time cooking? Then we recommend that you use this recipe, a tasty and satisfying dish can be prepared in just 1 hour.


  • Pearl barley - 180 gr.
  • Boiled water - 330 ml
  • Turkey meat - 250 gr.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Salt, a set of spices - according to your taste preferences

Step 1

Cut the turkey into medium pieces, put inside a bowl greased with vegetable oil.

Step 2

Chop the carrots with a grater, cut the onion into cubes, put the vegetables in an even layer on top of the meat.

Step 3

Rinse the pre-soaked barley, place it with the rest of the ingredients of the dish. Add salt and spices, put butter.

Step 4

Pour in water, set the program "Buckwheat" and cook until the signal about the end of cooking.

Advice: If your multicooker does not have such a mode, then cook using another program - "Pilaf".

Step 5

Now open the lid, check the readiness of the cereal.

Arrange amazingly tasty porridge on plates.

Cooking secrets

  1. Barley porridge in a slow cooker is best made from small cereals, as it boils much faster.
  2. Not everyone knows how to cook porridge properly, because the taste of a dish depends not only on the amount of liquid used, but also on additional components. A delicious side dish is obtained even with the addition of onions and carrots, garlic gives the dish a special piquancy.
  3. If barley is boiled for a side dish in multicookers, it is worth determining in which mode to cook porridge. The cereal is boiled well enough on the “Rice” or “Pilaf” program.
  4. Give barley a special taste in a pressure cooker by adding tomato paste.
  5. Cooked cereals are softer if soaked for 10-12 hours.

That's all. We wish you delicious experiments!

  • Cuisine:European
  • Type of dish: Second courses
  • Cooking method: In a slow cooker
  • Servings:6
  • 45 min
  • Nutritional value per 100 g:
    • Calories: 130.45 kcal
    • Fat: 5.85 g
    • Proteins: 2.36 g
    • Carbohydrates: 18.47 g


  • Pearl barley - 1 glass;
  • Salt - ½ tsp;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Butter - 50 g.

Cooking method

1. Groats must be washed in several waters. You can even soak it for an hour or two, then to wash off everything that gives the effect of gluing the grains together.

2. Pour the washed cereal into the multicooker bowl and pour two glasses of water into it. Let's salt the water. We set the “cooking” mode, and let the timer be indicated by 45 minutes.

3. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking in the bowl, you need to mix the barley a little in a slow cooker on the water.

4. Drop the butter.

5. Cooked porridge can stay in the bowl for a while to keep warm and fresh. Barley cooked in a slow cooker according to this recipe with a photo step by step can be served with any meat, fish or vegetable dish.

Cooking time - 45 minutes. The number of servings is 6.

The question often arises: how much to cook barley in a slow cooker? According to the recipe, the cooking time is limited to 40-45 minutes. Usually this time is enough for the cereal to boil and become suitable for eating. Moreover, using a slow cooker or a double boiler, you exclude the moment that porridge can burn or “stick”.

Is it possible to cook pearl barley in a saucepan

And then the answer will be positive. Of course, otherwise how could our mothers and grandmothers cook this cereal, when such kitchen gadgets as now were not even in the project. In order to cook barley in a saucepan, you need to pour the cereal with water and bring it to a boil. When the cereal swells a little, it must be removed from the heat and rinsed under cold water. So we remove the sticky component and the finished side dish will be in the form of crumbly grains of porridge. Then the pan is again filled with water and the cereal is cooked until cooked through on a minimum heat.

An unusual recipe for barley

Porridge can be cooked more than one. How to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker unusually, satisfying and tasty? You need to add a few more ingredients to the bowl.


  • Beef meat - 500 g;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Pearl barley - 1 glass;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Water - 2 glasses.

Cooking method

  1. Peel the vegetables and wash them. Cut the onion into small cubes, and three carrots on a fine grater.
  2. Fry the onions and carrots in a pan or in a bowl on the appropriate mode.
  3. Wash the meat and cut into small cubes. Add it to vegetables that are almost ready. Fry the beef until golden brown.
  4. Pour out the cereal, let it sweat a little in oil, and then add the required amount of water and turn on the “quenching” mode. Set the timer to 50 minutes.
  5. After the specified time, mix everything well. You can add a little butter.
  6. Ready-made barley with meat in a slow cooker, as well as according to the recipe with a photo, can be served with various vegetables and herbs, and seasoned with soy sauce.

Cooking time - 1 hour. The number of servings is 6.

As you can see, cooking barley in a slow cooker is not such a difficult task and does not take much time at all. Thanks to modern kitchen technology, everything can be done quickly enough and left in the bowl until the moment everyone gathers for dinner.

What you need to pay attention to when preparing this cereal:

  1. Before you cook barley in a slow cooker, it must be washed in several waters or soaked briefly in clean water.
  2. Salt the cereal should be as soon as you fill it with water, namely, before cooking.
  3. Barley does not have to be cooked alone. It can be made with meat and vegetables.

Since today the rejection of animal products is welcomed all over the world, I would like to highlight the option of vegetarian barley porridge. The method of its preparation is similar to the previous two, however, you simply do not need to add the meat component to the porridge. First, onions and carrots are fried, and then all this is mixed with cereals and water. Then the porridge is cooked as usual. Pearl barley with fried vegetables is very fragrant and rich due to onions and other herbal ingredients.

Barley for a side dish in a slow cooker is any flight of culinary fantasy regarding what can be added to it. Literally everything will do, from butter to carrots, peas and mushrooms - in fact, everything that comes to your mind is in perfect harmony with such cereals.

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