
General description of the species. Cold salting of saffron milk caps

Mushroom lovers always stock up on mushrooms and chanterelles collected with their own hands during the season. But after that, the question often arises of preserving the product for a long time, with which not only freezing, but also salting copes.

This method allows you to instantly "preserve" all useful material, and also makes it possible to get a ready-to-use product that becomes great snack or as an accompaniment to a range of dishes.

Home conservation has several common algorithms, but does not imply any set of rules that must be followed relentlessly. Depending on your taste preferences, the list of what is put in the container with mushrooms and the amount of these components will also vary. And even to say exactly how many days to salt mushrooms, no one can: here again you need to decide which one original product you wish to receive.

However experienced hostesses allocate as many as 3 methods, each of which is capable of having up to 10 variations in its technology. This quick salting, the so-called express, cold salting and hot.

The express salting method is suitable for those who want to try it on the same day finished product instead of waiting until it reaches the desired condition. Flaw this method, of course, in that it is not oriented towards subsequent storage. The mushrooms salted in this way should be consumed 2-3 days in advance, during which they will be kept in the refrigerator. But this perfect option if guests are expected and you want to surprise them with salted mushrooms. In 2-3 hours, the mushrooms will be salted and will be ready to serve.

To do this, you need to dial a large number of mushrooms, preferably medium-sized. They are carefully washed, cleaned and placed in a jar with their legs up. As soon as the bottom is tightly covered with mushrooms, they must be sprinkled with salt, and then formed new layer, which is also overlaid with salt. The amount depends on your taste preferences: the classic recipe involves thin white coating, on which a new layer of mushrooms will be laid. They should be left until a dark brine appears, after which they should be kept for another 1 hour in a cold place, and the salted mushrooms are ready to eat.

It should also be noted here that such an express pickling method is only suitable for mushrooms, since other mushrooms require mandatory cooking. Soak the mushrooms diligently enough in water, keeping them in it for 0.5-1 hour, rinse running water to remove debris from the plates. Some recipes even offer to sprinkle the mushrooms with salt, cover them with a press and keep for only 30-40 minutes. After this period, the mushrooms will give juice and will be suitable for serving. But in this case, young and small mushrooms are needed. An approximate calculation of salt per 1 kg of product is 30-35 g.

How to salt mushrooms in a hot way

Hot salting is the most common method of harvesting mushrooms for the winter. The attractiveness of this method is that it is not necessary to select mushrooms by size. In addition, due to heat treatment, the waiting period is reduced, which is given to mushrooms for complete impregnation with salt and brine extraction. But still, it is required to cut large hats into 2-3 parts, in order to facilitate their packing into a common container.

  • Mushrooms should be washed without soaking in water, as in the fast method, passed through a flowing stream and lowered into a saucepan. Water is poured there in such an amount that it completely covers the mushroom caps. It must be brought to a boil, and for the next 2-3 minutes, allow to boil at maximum heat. During this time, it is necessary to constantly remove the emerging foam with a slotted spoon, and at the 5th minute, discard the scalded mushrooms in a colander.
  • As soon as they cool to room temperature, you need to prepare a container for pickling and start putting pieces of mushrooms into it with the legs down, separating each layer with a thin layer of salt and spices that you can choose to your taste. IN classic recipe for 40 g of salt, there are 2 chopped garlic cloves, a torn sprig of dill, 2 currant leaves and Bay leaf. If you wish, you can put here a few peas of black pepper and ground horseradish: this will add piquancy to the taste, making mushrooms salted in this way great addition for meat or boiled potatoes. The volumes of each component are indicated for the standard number of mushrooms in 1 kg.
  • Separately, it is worth mentioning the oppression that is imposed on the container with mushrooms: it is most convenient to cover it with a gauze or cotton napkin, and place a plate on top, which is gently pressed into the salted mass. Therefore, a plate or other flat round object is selected so that its diameter is flush with the inner diameter of the neck of the salting container. You don’t need to put any weights on top: the plate’s own gravity will be enough, otherwise there is a risk of starting to displace the liquid protruding from the mushrooms.

How to salt mushrooms in a cold way

The cold salting method does not greatly affect the taste of the final product, however, for most housewives it is attractive because there is no stage of heat treatment of mushrooms. According to experts, any exposure to boiling water on the product destroys the bulk of it. useful properties, therefore, an increase in the temperature inside is undesirable for almost any product. But due to the fact that the technology will be different from that used in hot salting, more time will be required to wait.

In addition, the amount of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms depends on the conditions in which the container with mushrooms will be stored. If they are kept in a cold place (2-5 degrees, but without a minus sign), a standard volume of 40 g is enough, but if stored in a room where the temperature is 16-20 degrees, you need to double the amount - up to 80-100 g.

Salting mushrooms in a cold way according to the algorithm of action is similar to salting by the express method. Mushrooms need to be washed and cleaned, the lower parts of the legs removed from them, put in a suitable container, sprinkling each layer with salt. Optionally, you can add your favorite spices: for example, currant leaves, black pepper and rings onion. Oppression is necessarily imposed on the mushrooms from above, and 4-5 hours are expected. After that, the mass settles a little, and another 1-2 layers can be applied to it fresh mushrooms, not forgetting to re-cover the container with oppression.

How many days to salt mushrooms

The period that will be spent on salting these mushrooms depends on the characteristics of the product taken into work and the method of its preparation. As already mentioned, express methods allow, in 2-4 hours, to obtain ready meal, and with cold or hot, it may be necessary to wait for 3-5 weeks. At the same time, the larger mushrooms you choose, the longer they will salt out, so it is recommended to give preference to young and small options.

It is also important to know that 2 types of these mushrooms are eaten: spruce and pine forest. Small sizes are characteristic of spruce representatives of the family, as well as bright orange-brown flesh, lowered edges of the cap and a very short stem. Such mushrooms are ideal for cold pickling, while boletus can be used for hot salting, where mushrooms of any size and age are equally well prepared.

At the same time, we must not forget that salted mushrooms must be completely covered with brine during their storage. If the liquid that came out of the mushrooms during the salting process is not enough, boiled hot water should be added.

Salting mushrooms, like other mushrooms, is carried out in enameled, glass or wooden dishes: it is not allowed to place them in metal or plastic. Otherwise, as you can see, the algorithm for salting mushrooms at home is the simplest of all home preservation schemes.

How to salt mushrooms and the most delicious winter mushroom recipes consider in this article. After all, pickles that are prepared from these mushrooms can take their rightful place on the very exquisite table. They contain many vitamins and beneficial properties. Preparations from mushrooms with delicate taste retains the shape of dense mushrooms. Spruce mushrooms with a finer texture in blanks have a pronounced resinous aroma.

For salting mushrooms, you need to choose strong, undamaged fruits without worms and process them on the day of collection.


If spoiled and wormy fruits are nevertheless caught, they must be removed. The rest of the mushrooms are cleaned of pollution, soil residues, needles and blades of grass.

If large specimens come across, it is better to cut them into 2-4 parts. Although the cut fruits will lose their shape during salting, due to the fact that they will be under oppression, they will certainly be salted, and their taste will not suffer.

Depending on how the mushrooms will be processed further, the further processing method also depends:

  • for a cold or hot salting method, after cleaning from debris, the mushrooms are washed;
  • To dry, simply wipe with a damp cloth.

Consider cooking recipes tasty snack.

How to salt mushrooms for the winter so that they are crispy, fragrant and delicious - a cold way

When salting by this method, mushrooms are not subjected to heat treatment. There are two options:

  • when washed mushrooms are salted;
  • when the fruits are not in contact with water, the "dry" method.

Consider both options, let's start with the one that involves washed mushrooms.

Option 1

Salted mushrooms will be crispy if you add fresh leaves:

  • currants;
  • cherries;
  • horseradish;
  • grapes;
  • oak.

At the same time, redheads do not need much different spices sometimes just salt is enough. In addition, mushrooms can darken if you add a lot of spices.

To make it easier to navigate, the listed ingredients are provided based on 1 kg of mushrooms.

Required products:

Cooking process:

  1. Mushrooms are cleaned and washed, garbage is removed, the remnants of the earth, wormy parts of the fungus (sometimes only the leg is affected by worms, you can remove it, but leave the hat).

Advice! If you still want to save wormy specimens, then they must be put in cold salted water for 5 minutes so that the pests crawl out.

Important! Soon the juice will appear, which will dissolve the salt and the mushrooms will begin to salt out.

If there is a pit or underground, you can leave the mushrooms right in the pan in which they were salted. Can be served after another 14 days. It turns out that total time salting mushrooms - a month.

dry method

With this salting method, the taste and aroma natural product will be kept to the maximum. The recipe is extremely simple and there is no trick in this type of salting. You only need:

  • mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • salt - 50 g.
  • seasonings are added if desired.


  1. Mushrooms for salting are not washed, but cleaned well.
  2. Spices and herbs are laid out at the bottom of the pan and on top of the layers.
  3. The mushrooms are laid out with their caps up in a salting container, sprinkling each layer with salt.
  4. From above it is covered with a plate or a wooden circle and oppression is established.
  5. The workpiece is placed in cool place.
  6. As the mushrooms settle and salt out, you can gradually add layers of fresh fruits With salt. Thanks to this, it will be possible to harvest mushrooms sequentially in several passes.
  7. With the dry pickling method, the fruits will be ready in 2-3 weeks.
  8. It is necessary to store this pickle under oppression.

Watch the video! Salted mushrooms

Recipe for hot mushrooms for the winter in jars

With this method, the principle of laying mushrooms in layers is preserved. But it differs in that the mushrooms are boiled.

For 1 kg of mushrooms you need:

  • 50 g of table salt (about 2 partial tablespoons);
  • 6 currant leaves;
  • 10 pieces. bay leaf;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 peas allspice.

Cooking process:

Important! It is necessary to monitor the color of the brine. It should be reddish brown. If it turns gray, then a fungus has appeared and the pickle is spoiled.

This method is well suited for both small and large sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmushrooms. You can try them in 4-6 days.

Watch the video! Salt mushrooms in a hot way

Marinated mushrooms for the winter "five minutes"

This method will allow you to quickly prepare great snack before the arrival of the guests.

Here is what is required for this:

Step by step preparation:

  1. Peel the mushrooms, put in an enamel pan.
  2. Pour water according to the recipe and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour in vinegar, add sugar, salt, bay leaf, pepper and chopped garlic. Boil 5 minutes.
  4. Pour into sterilized jars nylon cover or roll up. You can try in a couple of hours. Banks can be sterilized
  5. Store in refrigerator or cellar for up to 5 months.

Watch the video! Ryzhik marinated in own juice. The most delicious recipe

An old recipe in a bottle

Pickled mushrooms, salted in a bottle, were valued in France even more than wine. This is due to the fact that the mushrooms are smaller and more appetizing. They have better taste than the old ones.

For such unusual recipe Required (for 1 bottle):

  • 300 g mushrooms;
  • 40 g salt.

How to cook:

  1. Mushrooms of the right size are cleaned as thoroughly as possible, rinsed.
  2. Pour the salt into a flat dish.
  3. Each mushroom is dipped in salt and sent to the bottle. Pour the rest of the salt in there.
  4. Mushrooms are salted in a cold place until a tart aroma appears.

In this article, we will share a few simple recipes for salting mushrooms in jars for the winter so that they are crispy, fragrant and tasty. Salting mushrooms is not difficult, but it is important to know about the features of preparing mushrooms.

There are several main cooking methods, but most often the housewives prefer to salt mushrooms - the recipes for salting these mushrooms are quite simple, and the result is excellent. The use of mushrooms has a beneficial effect on immune system and digestion, does not overload the stomach and pancreas, and also does not affect weight.

Every mushroom picker knows: if a bright red or yellow-pink barrel flashed in the green forest grass, in winter it will tasty snack from saffron mushrooms. They grow profusely in Russian forests, so they are easy to find between July and September.

Ryzhik are very popular among those who prefer vegetarian cuisine, because these mushrooms are not only easily digested, but also contain a large amount of vegetable protein. In addition, the high nutritional value of mushrooms is due to the content in them minerals, fiber and B vitamins, necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Mushrooms are easy to distinguish from other mushrooms by their bright orange red color, concentric rings on the cap and milky juice that stands out on the cut

So, let's find out how to properly salt mushrooms at home so that they are crispy, fragrant and tasty.


To prepare the mushrooms for the salting process, it is enough just to sort through all the mushrooms, check for defects, the contaminated ones must be thoroughly washed from the ground and debris under cool running water, and the clean ones should simply be wiped with a soft cloth or sponge. Experienced housewives recommend choosing mushrooms of the same size for salting, so that they are salted more evenly, preserving juiciness and elasticity as much as possible.


Salt mushrooms mushrooms can be cold, hot and fast methods. Interestingly, for each of them ready snack acquires different taste. Well, if you add spices to the mushrooms during salting, then even the same recipe will allow you to achieve unique flavors.

Needed for canning rock salt coarse enough.

The hot method of salting mushrooms in jars takes more time, but its advantage is that mushrooms can be different size. They will be ready to eat in 1.5 months, but the taste of the delicacy more than compensates for the long wait.

Servings/Volume: 4-5 liters


  • fresh mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • rock salt - 250 g;
  • garlic - 3-5 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 10 pcs.;
  • blackcurrant leaves - 20 pcs.;
  • dry cloves - 10 pcs.;
  • black pepper - 10 peas.


  1. Put on medium fire a pot of salted water (at the rate of 1.5 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms), bring it to a boil and pour the mushrooms so that they are completely immersed in water. Increase the heat to high and let the mushrooms simmer for 5-10 minutes so that they are well salted.
  2. Drain the mushrooms in a colander and let them cool to room temperature. Water is no longer needed, it can be poured out.
  3. Start putting boiled mushrooms in a large container (preferably enameled) with caps up - this way they will be better salted. Alternate mushroom layers, sprinkling them with salt and adding garlic cloves, cloves and black peppercorns, layers of bay and currant leaves.
  4. After filling the container with mushrooms, cover them with 2-3 layers of clean gauze and put oppression on top in the form of a wide plate or lid, which you press down with a three-liter glass jar filled with water.
  5. Place the container with mushrooms on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or deeper in the cellar - there it will be stored for 6 weeks. During this period, periodically check the mushrooms and make sure that they are completely covered with brine, if necessary, change the gauze and wash the oppression.
  6. After 6 weeks, the salted mushrooms should be transferred to pre-sterilized glass jars and put in the refrigerator where they will be stored. Mushrooms are already ready at this point and can be eaten immediately, added to dishes or used as an independent snack.

Bon appetit!

Step by step recipe fast food cold-salted mushrooms will give you appetizing snack, which will be stored for a long time and remind in winter of wonderful summer days In the woods. In addition, without heat treatment, mushrooms remain crispy, tasty and healthy.

Servings/Volume: 2-3 liters


  • fresh mushrooms - 3 kg;
  • rock salt - 150 g;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 15 pcs.;
  • blackcurrant leaves - 10 pcs.;
  • allspice in peas - 25 pcs.


  1. Rinse the peeled mushrooms under running water and lay them on a towel to dry.
  2. Place spices and spices (a small handful of salt, laurel leaves, currant leaves, garlic, allspice peas) at the bottom of a large enamel saucepan. Place half of the prepared mushrooms on top, legs down, and generously cover them with salt (50 g).
  3. Cover the contents of the pot with cheesecloth and an appropriately sized lid or plate. Press down on top with oppression and put the pan in a cool place for 6 hours so that the mushrooms settle and let the juice flow.
  4. After 6 hours, put the second half of the mushrooms in the pan, sprinkle with the remaining salt, put oppression on top and return it to a cool place. Gauze should be changed every two days. Juicy, elastic, salty mushrooms can be consumed after 14 days.

Bon appetit!

If you are waiting for guests whom you want to please with an unusual dish, surprise them with spicy mushrooms in red wine. (Of course, if you have some stock of mushrooms in the refrigerator.) It takes only 2 hours to prepare, and you will receive a million praises.

Servings/Volume: 400-500 g


  • fresh mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • olive oil - 100 ml;
  • dry red wine - 90 ml;
  • rock salt - 20 g;
  • sugar - 15 g;
  • French mustard - 20 g;
  • allspice in peas - 5 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.


Bon appetit!

Remember that in hermetically closed banks with mushrooms are created ideal conditions for the development of botulism bacilli. They actively multiply in airless environments (for example, canned food) and release toxic substances (botulinum toxins), which can lead to a severe disease that threatens human life. The loose surface of the mushrooms is very favorable for the vital activity of bacteria. To avoid botulism, always carefully sterilize lids and jars, and be careful when washing mushrooms. Pasteurization will be an additional insurance - do not neglect these security measures.


We invite you to see some more simple recipes pickling mushrooms according to author's recipes from experienced housewives in the following videos:

Recipes for salting mushrooms in a cold way, see this article.

Recipes for pickling mushrooms are in this article.

Freelancer with diverse interests and hobbies. He likes to be close to nature, eat delicious food and philosophize about the eternal. So long writes articles on the most different topics that is already erudite in the most unexpected areas. loves forests, blooming gardens, space and fried potatoes with smoked ribs. Doesn't like to stand by the stove, but among his friends there are several professional chefs who always feed deliciously and share cool recipes. pathologically optimistic.

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Do you know that:

"Frost-resistant" varieties garden strawberries(more often simply - "strawberry") also need shelter, like ordinary varieties (especially in those regions where there are snowless winters or frosts alternating with thaws). All strawberries have superficial roots. This means that without shelter, they freeze out. Assurances of sellers that strawberries are “frost-resistant”, “winter-hardy”, “tolerate frosts down to -35 ℃”, etc. are a lie. Gardeners should remember that no one has yet been able to change the root system of strawberries.

It is necessary to collect medicinal flowers and inflorescences at the very beginning of the flowering period, when the content of nutrients in them is as high as possible. The flowers are supposed to be torn by hand, breaking off the rough pedicels. Dry the collected flowers and herbs, scattering in a thin layer, in a cool room at natural temperature without access to direct sunlight.

Tomatoes have no natural protection against late blight. If late blight attacks, any tomatoes die (and potatoes too), no matter what is said in the description of the varieties (“late blight-resistant varieties” is just a marketing ploy).

Convenient applications for Android have been developed to help gardeners and gardeners. First of all, these are sowing (lunar, flower, etc.) calendars, thematic magazines, collections useful tips. With their help, you can choose a day favorable for planting each type of plant, determine the timing of their maturation and harvest on time.

The birthplace of pepper is America, but the main breeding work for the development of sweet varieties was carried out, in particular, by Ferenc Horváth (Hungary) in the 20s. XX century in Europe, mainly in the Balkans. Pepper came to Russia from Bulgaria, which is why it got its usual name - “Bulgarian”.

Both humus and compost are rightfully the basis of organic farming. Their presence in the soil significantly increases the yield and improves taste qualities vegetables and fruits. By properties and appearance they are very similar, but they should not be confused. Humus - rotted manure or bird droppings. Compost is the rotted organic remains of the different origin(spoiled food from the kitchen, tops, weeds, thin twigs). Humus is considered a better fertilizer, compost is more accessible.

From varietal tomatoes, you can get "your" seeds for sowing on next year(if you really liked the variety). And it is useless to do this with hybrid ones: the seeds will turn out, but they will carry the hereditary material not of the plant from which they were taken, but of its numerous "ancestors".

Freezing is one of the most convenient methods for preparing a grown crop of vegetables, fruits and berries. Some believe that freezing leads to a loss of nutritional and beneficial properties. herbal products. As a result of the research, scientists found that the decrease in nutritional value Freezing is practically non-existent.

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stem celery, all varieties of cabbage, peppers, apples) have " negative calorie”, that is, during digestion, more calories are expended than they contain. In fact, only 10-20% of the calories received from food are consumed in the digestive process.

On the slopes pine forest from July to November you can find a bright orange mushroom known as camelina. And where they found one, there will be a second, and a third ...! Ryzhik grow in groups, so picking up a whole bucket is quite simple.

But what to do with these gifts of the forest so that they do not deteriorate? How to store them for the winter?They can be pickled, dried or salted. Salting mushrooms is one of the most popular ways to harvest this mushroom!It is about salting that we will talk in our article.

How to salt mushrooms

Different mushrooms are harvested in different ways. Recipes for salting mushrooms can be conditionally divided into 3 groups, depending on the method of preparation: dry, cold and hot. It will be useful for every housewife to know how to properly salt mushrooms with each of these methods.

Quick methods and dry salting

Fresh, freshly harvested saffron milk caps do not need to be handled harshly. They can be eaten almost raw. And here purchased mushrooms cooking in this way is not recommended. How to quickly salt mushrooms mushrooms?

Recipe number 1. Mushrooms cooked in a hurry are perfect as a perfect choice.

How to salt: they should be thoroughly washed, peeled and placed in a bowl. It is better to lay it in such a way that the hats look down, then they will be better salted. Then completely cover the caps with salt and leave for about an hour and a half. Drain the reddish juice, rinse and serve.

Recipe number 2. This method is similar to the previous one, but it is even more interesting, because thanks to dry salting, a pleasant pine aroma remains.

How to salt: the essence of the method is that it is not necessary to wash the mushrooms, but they should be thoroughly cleaned. No spices, only salt (40 g per 1 kg of mushrooms). Pickles prepared in this way are not stored for a long time. To make blanks long term storage resort to other recipes.

hot way

The process of salting mushrooms in a hot way naturally takes more time than previous options. The obvious advantage of this method is that even not quite fresh mushrooms will fit for salting.

Recipe number 3.

  • 50 g of salt;
  • coriander peas - 2 pcs. (optional);
  • bay leaf.

How to pickle mushrooms in a hot way: we clean the mushrooms, we select only clean, unspoiled ones. Coarsely chop, fill the pan to the top with water and send it all to the fire to boil for 5 minutes.

The resulting foam must be removed from time to time. Next, drain the water, put the mushrooms in a bowl for salting, sprinkle with salt and spices. We cover with a cloth, put under oppression for a month and a half (temperature not higher than 8 degrees). In the process of ripening, you need to make sure that the brine does not turn black and periodically wring out the towel.

There are a few more recipes that are sort of transitional between hot and cold.

Recipe number 4.

Ingredients :

  • 50 g of salt;
  • allspice peas - 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf;
  • 5 g black pepper;
  • 20 g currant leaves.

How to salt: Pour boiling water over the mushrooms, rinse under cold water and dry. Put half of the currant leaves (black) and spices on the bottom of the container. Mushrooms are laid out with plates down, sprinkled with salt and pepper.

Recipe number 5. It is very similar to the previous one, but in this case it takes about 3 minutes to blanch the mushrooms in boiling water. The ingredients are the same, with the exception of currant leaves.

cold way

You can salt mushrooms not only hot, but also cold. What is the best way to salt mushrooms in a cold way?

Recipe number 6.

Ingredients :

  • 50 g of salt;
  • 3 peas of allspice;
  • 150 g onions.

Recipe number 7. This method will require only salt (45 g per kilogram).

How to salt: washed and peeled mushrooms are placed in a container. Turn the caps upside down, sprinkle with salt on top. Cover with a towel and put under oppression for forty days.

This recipe can be continued. Cold salting mushrooms does not allow you to store blanks for too long. In order to extend the shelf life of such a delicious snack, you can fill the finished pickles with fresh brine and sterilize in jars for 30 minutes, and then roll them up. In this way, you can increase the shelf life of blanks several times.

Salted Mushroom Recipes

It is not enough just to know how to salt mushrooms. With such a preparation at hand, you can cook great amount delicious treats, from appetizers to main courses. Below are the most delicious recipes salted mushrooms!

Sandwiches with mushrooms

Mix finely chopped green onions, salted mushrooms, sour cream. Spread this mixture on the bread and place a slice of fresh tomato on top.

Salad with mushrooms

  • ham;
  • egg;
  • apple;
  • sour cream;
  • mayonnaise.

Dice ham, pickles, apple, egg. Pour in a 1:1 mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise. Pepper, you don't need to salt the salad.

Potatoes with mushrooms

  • potato;
  • onion;

Boil potatoes until half cooked, cut into pieces. Chop the onion, coarsely chop the mushrooms if necessary. Fry onions in a pan, add potatoes and mushrooms. Sprinkle with grated cheese before serving.

Summer time with rains pleases us with abundance forest mushrooms. Among them stand out bright orange-red mushrooms growing in pine and spruce forests. Mushrooms, along with porcini mushrooms and milk mushrooms, are included in the first category of mushrooms, which classifies mushrooms according to taste and nutritional qualities. They can be cooked right away or stocked up for the winter. Salty mushrooms will decorate both everyday and festive tables!

Mushrooms gained popularity not only for taste, but also for their benefits. The bright color of this mushroom is given by beta-carotene, from which vitamin A, an antioxidant, is synthesized in the body. required component For healthy skin, hair, bones and vision, it stimulates the production of collagen, slowing down aging. Camelina contains the natural antibiotic lactarioviolin, which is used in the treatment of bacterial infections.

How to choose and prepare mushrooms for pickling

Mushrooms are one of the few mushrooms that are harvested raw. Suitable for salting fresh mushrooms any size, but small mushrooms that can be salted whole will be ideal. It is important that the mushrooms are not overripe and wormy. If holes are visible on the cut of the leg, it is cut off with a knife to the cap and, if the holes have not disappeared, the mushroom is thrown away.

There are several ways to salt mushrooms, the preparation of mushrooms depends on the method of salting. Heavily polluted mushrooms are not suitable for dry salting. Mushrooms are not washed, but treated with a dry cloth, dirt is carefully removed from the plates. For other methods, mushrooms are not soaked, but thoroughly washed with a sponge under running water and thrown into a colander or laid out on a towel.

To average and large mushrooms evenly salted, they are cut into pieces of the same size.

What are salted mushrooms good for

Ryzhik pickled, frozen, fried, salted and fermented. At heat treatment in mushrooms, vitamins and beta-carotene are partially destroyed. Pickled mushrooms are stored longer than salted ones, they turn out sharp and crispy, but undergo heat treatment. Mushrooms are frozen fresh, boiled or fried; after defrosting, the taste of mushrooms decreases, they are slightly bitter. Fried mushrooms for the winter they turn out fragrant and tasty, but the vegetable oil on which the mushrooms are fried adds calories.

Pickling and salting - better ways in order to preserve not only useful substances and color in mushrooms, but also the natural taste. nutritional value pickled saffron milk caps are higher than salted ones. The fiber contained in mushrooms is poorly digested by the body. Lactic acid, which is formed during fermentation, entering the body, contributes to the destruction of fiber.

Methods for salting mushrooms

Ryzhik can be salted in an enamel bowl, wooden barrels And glass jars. Using enamelware it is very important that there is not the slightest damage on it. There are three ways of salting mushrooms: dry, cold and hot.

Dry way

Fresh mushrooms smell wonderful pine needles. The dry method of salting mushrooms will allow you to preserve the magnificent natural aroma.

Prepared mushrooms with legs up are laid out in layers in a bowl and sprinkled with salt (40 g of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms). Mushrooms are laid without the addition of herbs and garlic. From above, the mushrooms are covered with a cloth, on which they put a plate or a wooden circle and a load.

After 2-3 hours, mushrooms give juice. Mushrooms are left for 1-2 days at room temperature then put in the refrigerator. Fragrant crispy mushrooms will be ready in 14 days.

cold way

The principle of preparation is the same as in the dry method, only before salting the mushrooms are washed and salt is added to 10 g. more. Mushrooms are laid in layers with salt, garlic and herbs (dill, horseradish and currant leaves). With a cold salting method, mushrooms are ready in 14 days, they turn out crispy, and herbs and garlic are added unique taste and aroma.

Delicious recipe: salted mushrooms with onions. For 1 kg. saffron take:

  • 50 gr. salt;
  • 4 peas of allspice;
  • 150 gr. onion.


  • onions are cut into thin half rings and mixed with salt and pepper;
  • put on the bottom of the dish a small amount of the prepared mixture, then the layers alternate mushrooms and onions with salt;
  • cover the mushrooms with onions with a plate, then with gauze in several layers and put oppression (a stone or a jar of water). After a few hours, juice appears;
  • dishes with mushrooms are left at room temperature for 1-2 days, and then cleaned in a cool room at a temperature of +2 to +8°C. After 14 days, mushrooms are ready.

hot way

To pickle mushrooms in a hot way, it will take more time to cook. Mushrooms come in different sizes, they can not be cut, but during heat treatment, mushrooms lose some of their nutrients.

After boiling, prepared mushrooms are boiled in water for 5 to 10 minutes, removed from the water and cooled. Then spread in a bowl, sprinkle with salt (50 g per 1 kg of mushrooms), horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas and peeled garlic cloves are added between the layers.

Mushrooms are covered with a plate, a cloth, a load is placed and immediately cleaned in a cool room. These mushrooms will be ready in 30 days.

Important subtleties of salting

The best fabric for covering mushrooms is gauze in several layers. With any method, every 3 days the gauze is removed, washed well and the mushrooms are covered again. If mold appears on top during salting, then it is removed, the fabric and the load are washed well.

The brine, which is formed during salting, should remain brown throughout the entire time. If the ambient temperature during salting is higher than +10°C, the process may be disturbed and the brine will turn black. Mushrooms in black brine are thrown away.

How to store salted mushrooms

Salted mushrooms are important not only to pickle correctly, but to keep for a long period. After salting, the mushrooms are removed from the brine and cleaned of leaves and garlic. Fold loosely in sterilized jars and fill with brine. It should completely cover the mushrooms.

Mushrooms are stored for a long time and mold will not appear if mushrooms with brine in jars are poured with a thin layer vegetable oil. Such mushrooms are perfectly stored under plastic covers.

The optimum temperature for storing jars of mushrooms is + 5gr.C. For storage, a refrigerator, cellar or basement is suitable.

What to cook from salted mushrooms

From fragrant salted mushrooms are prepared quick snacks. Mushrooms are taken out, washed and cut if necessary. Add vegetable oil, chopped onions and herbs in half rings, mix everything, and a delicious snack is ready. Salted mushrooms are seasoned with sour cream and onions, sour cream and chopped garlic.

Salted mushrooms are dense and crispy, so they are added to various salads in which the recipe calls for salted or pickled mushrooms.

Prepared from salted mushrooms quick caviar. For 200 gr. mushrooms take 1 pc. onions, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, to taste greens and ground pepper. Chopped onions are fried in oil, together with washed mushrooms and chopped herbs, crushed in a blender. IN fragrant caviar add pepper, insist in the refrigerator for 20 minutes and serve.

From salted saffron milk boiled creamy soups, cook delicious toppings for pies and pies.

Choose any way of salting mushrooms and enjoy fragrant mushrooms V winter period time!
