
Is it necessary to soak mushrooms before salting. Hot pickle way

Ryzhik mushrooms are popular mushrooms that cooks appreciate for their taste and versatility in cooking. They are fried, stewed, marinated and salted. Today we’ll talk about ways to salt a healthy product for the winter.

The mushroom has a bright dark orange or reddish-orange color, sometimes there is a greenish tint on the cap. The lamellar cap in mature specimens can reach 15 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 9 cm in height. The shape of the cap is round, with slightly bent edges and a depressed center. The skin is sticky and smooth to the touch.

The pulp contains a milky juice, which, when cut, gives a greenish-blue color to the mushroom plates. The most popular are mushrooms growing in coniferous forests. The milky juice adds a unique sharpness to the rich mushroom taste, with some sourness.
In the classic recipe without the use of spices, a subtle smell of pine needles is added to the aroma of the product.

Mushroom pickers with experience are advised to pick mushrooms on their own, rather than buying them in a store. Firstly, the product may turn out to be old and wormy, and secondly, collected in a contaminated area.

Mushrooms have the ability to absorb everything that is in the atmosphere, including car exhaust gases. Therefore, they need to be collected away from industrial areas and highways.

Pine mushrooms have a more brown tint in the color of the hat, spruce can be greenish.

In order not to make a mistake in the choice, you need to know that the hat of the mushroom is lamellar, milky orange juice appears on the cut, with a characteristic smell of resin. It is better to collect medium-sized specimens.
Of all the abundance of mushrooms, it is these mushrooms that are considered the easiest to digest, despite their calorie content. First of all, it is a source of protein that can replace meat if for some reason it cannot be consumed (fasting, moral and ethical beliefs).

Mushrooms are also rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, amino acids. Even after salting, they retain a bittersweet aroma and a peculiar spicy taste.

Did you know? From the surviving chronicles about the Vikings, it is known that the most courageous berserk warriors used a decoction of hallucinogenic mushrooms before the battle. In a trance, they heard the voice of the god Odin, did not feel pain when injured, and did not experience fear.

Step by step cooking recipe with photo

The hot method is preferred by many housewives, as it allows the use of large and standing mushrooms. Heat treatment takes longer, but does not require the same careful selection as the cold method.

Kitchen tools

For cooking you will need the following items:

  • saucepan - 2 pcs.;
  • colander;
  • plate;
  • jar 3 liter.

For salting, it is advisable to choose small mushrooms, but if you have large ones, they can be cut into several pieces. So, you will need the following ingredients:

  • mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • salt - 250 g;
  • allspice (peas) - 15 pcs.;
  • black pepper (peas) - 15 pcs.;
  • - 15 pcs.

mushroom preparation

Preparation of raw materials for salting consists in cleaning from adhering debris, it is also necessary to remove specimens damaged by worms. To clean and cut mushrooms, you need a sharply honed knife, this will cut evenly, and not crumble the fragile mushroom body.

By incising the lowest hard part of the leg, you can see if the camelina is eaten by worms. After dry cleaning, the raw materials are soaked in water for half an hour, this is necessary in order to wash the grains of sand from the cap plates. Then large caps and legs are cut into two or more parts, small bodies are left intact. Then rinse again with cold water.

Did you know?Lovers of salted saffron milk were Peter I, Tchaikovsky, Chaliapin, Belinsky.

After the specified time, the product is salted and ready for use.

Video: how to pickle mushrooms for the winter

Unusual old recipe: how to pickle mushrooms in a bottle

In France, bottled mushrooms were valued more than champagnes. The cost of the product was due to the size of the mushrooms: small caps no larger than 2 cm in diameter looked much more attractive than those that had grown to the size of burdocks. In addition, young mushrooms are cleaner and juicier than old specimens.

The literature has preserved old recipes describing pickling in bottles. Here is one of them:


  • mushrooms - up to 300 g per container;
  • salt - up to 40 g.


  1. We select raw materials of the right size, carefully clean them, wash them from small grains of sand.
  2. For convenience, we pour salt into a plate with a flat bottom, dip each mushroom into it and push the bottle down the throat.
  3. We send the rest of the salt there.
We keep the mushrooms in a cold place until astringency appears in their aroma.

How to pickle mushrooms in a cold way

Before the process itself, the raw materials are thoroughly cleaned of dirt and foliage.

For the dry method, the absence of moisture is important, so mushrooms are cleaned with a damp sponge and an old toothbrush. If, nevertheless, you washed them, then dry them thoroughly before salting. Further sequence of actions:

  1. For dry salting use any container, except for metal.
  2. The peeled raw materials are cut into pieces (if necessary) and shifted in layers with salt caps up, so that each instance is well covered with it.
  3. Spices can not be added here, using only salt - 40 g per 1 kg of raw materials.
  4. Next, the surface of the salted raw material is covered with gauze, put under pressure in a cool place.
After ten days, the product can already be tasted. When the pickle is ready, it is transferred to glass jars, tightly rammed, and sent for storage.

Important! Please note that mushrooms grow mainly on sandy or sandy soils, so there may be small grains of sand in the cap plates.

Stages of wet salting:

  1. Peeled and washed in several waters, mushrooms are soaked for an hour in salted water.
  2. Then they are also shifted with salt in layers with hats down.
  3. Cover with gauze or any dense cloth and put under oppression in a cool place.
  4. From time to time, the condition of the product is checked, at the slightest sign of mold on the surface, the fabric is changed, and the oppression is washed.

The wet method involves a longer preparation period - it can be laid out in jars after 30-40 days.

A small supply can be stored in the refrigerator, in the mode from 0 to +6 ° C, a cellar is also suitable. For long-term storage (both hot and cold salting can be kept fresh for up to two years), the product is rolled into sterile jars with the same lids.

Many housewives, in order to extend the shelf life without preservation under the lid, double the amount of salt during cooking.
Mushrooms should be stored in a dark room, where there are no conditions for the development of mold, at a temperature not exceeding +10 °C. From time to time, you need to pay attention to the color of the brine: a fresh product has a brown color, if the liquid is black, the product becomes dangerous, it should not be eaten.

What are useful mushrooms

Mushrooms are not only tasty, but also useful due to their composition. The product is used in combination with medicines for the treatment of many diseases.

  • vitamins: beta-carotene, B1, B2, C, PP, niacin;
  • minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron;
  • lactarioviolin (antibiotic);
  • proteins - 2.9 g;
  • fats - 0.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1 g;
  • fiber - 2.2 g.

The calorie content of salted mushrooms is 23 kcal per 100 g of product.

Salted mushrooms are one of the most delicious and healthy snacks that can be put on both everyday and festive tables. Mushrooms are excellent for preparing blanks. Pickles from them are a real delicacy, which is distinguished by a rich taste and a pleasant forest aroma. Many chefs are interested in how to salt mushrooms correctly. The process is simple and anyone can master it.

General description of the species

Ryzhiki (in Latin Lactarius deliciosus, i.e. "milky delicacy") are edible mushrooms of the lactic genus, russula family.

Usually ginger grows in groups in spruce and pine forests. The cap of the mushroom, initially convex, straightens as it grows and becomes funnel-shaped with rolled edges, shiny, smooth, from four to fifteen centimeters in diameter. The color is orange with darker concentric circles. The plates are thin, forked, frequent. The leg is even, cylindrical in shape, slightly tapering towards the base. The pulp is elastic, dense, yellow-orange in color. Harvest season - from mid-July to late September.

Recipes for salting mushrooms

Exists several preparation methods mushrooms for the winter The main ones are hot, cold and fast methods. Regardless of the method, mushrooms need preliminary preparation. To do this, mushrooms should be sorted out, wormy and rotten specimens should be thrown out. Clean the rest, freeing from forest debris, earth, dust. Large mushrooms are cut into two or more parts, small ones can be salted whole.

Preparation of salted mushrooms in different ways of salting

Cold salting method

Young housewives often wonder how to properly salt mushrooms in a cold way. This quite easy. The method is good for harvesting small, strong mushrooms. Salting mushrooms in a cold way will allow you to get a product that will retain the benefits and vitamin composition. The workpiece will be stored for quite a long time. You will need the following ingredients:

  • mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • table salt - 100 g;
  • currant leaf - 50 g;
  • allspice peas - 30 pcs.;
  • bay leaves - 20 pcs.

You can start cooking:

  1. Rinse the peeled mushrooms with water and put on a towel.
  2. Prepare a container for salting. It can be a wooden barrel, an enamel pot or a glass jar.
  3. Put spices on the bottom, sprinkle with salt. Put the mushrooms on top with legs down, sprinkle with salt. Repeat the whole process until the mushrooms run out.
  4. Close the container with clean gauze, press down with a load and leave for 6 hours. After this time, the mushrooms will settle and you can add a new portion.
  5. Put the container in a cool room for 2 weeks. Every 3 days the layer of gauze should be replaced.
  6. After 14 days, the workpiece is ready. Mushrooms can be decomposed into pre-pasteurized convenient jars and sent for storage.

Mushroom lovers will be pleased with the natural taste and aroma of spices. Preservation is stored for about two years.

Hot cooking technology

This method is more time consuming because it involves heat treatment. But in salting, you can use mushrooms of any size. You will need the following products:

  • fresh mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • food salt - 250 g;
  • black pepper, laurel and cloves (spice) - 10 pcs each;
  • currant leaves - 50 g.

Delicious recipes for oyster mushrooms pickled for the winter

Cooking steps:

  1. Sort the mushrooms, cut large specimens into circles.
  2. Place a large pot of water on the stove and heat.
  3. Send the prepared mushrooms to the container, wait for the boil.
  4. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  5. Throw mushrooms in a colander, cool.
  6. Wash the dishes for salting thoroughly, put the mushrooms in it upside down. Place salt, currant and laurel leaves, pepper between the layers.
  7. Put a plate or a wooden circle on top, cover with gauze, press down with oppression.
  8. Put the container in the cellar, refrigerator, pantry, basement or other cool place.
  9. The color of the brine should be checked regularly. A brown tint indicates that the process is proceeding correctly. If the brine turns black, then the product has deteriorated.

The pickle will be ready in a month and a half after preparation. Hot-salted mushrooms are good in combination with mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, cereals. And they are also delicious simply with onions and vegetable oil.

Recipe "Quick and Easy"

There are times when there is no time for long wait finished product. In this case, a quick recipe for pickling mushrooms will help out. Required Ingredients:

  • mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • food salt - 150 g;
  • black peppercorns and bay leaves - 20 pcs.;
  • dill stalks and vegetable oil - to taste.


Pickles from mushrooms are a real delicacy for the royal table, rich in vitamins and biologically valuable substances. This preparation for the winter breathes with the aromas of healing needles and delicious spices. There are 3 main ways to salt mushrooms at home - cold, hot and dry. Let's consider each in more detail.

Pickle from strong young saffron milk mushrooms of small size, grown in a pine forest, is the best in taste and appearance. Such a preparation with a delicate taste completely retains the shape of appetizing dense mushrooms. Spruce mushrooms with a finer texture have a more pronounced resinous aroma. They break more easily, and in salting their taste is a little sharper.

To salt saffron mushrooms, one should collect strong, not damaged, not wormy fruiting bodies and process them on the same day as the crop of bright red, greenish-copper, striped mushrooms is brought from the forest.

Preparing mushrooms for pickling

If wormy and spoiled specimens are still found among the harvested crop, they must be removed. The remaining mushrooms are carefully freed from lumps of forest soil, fallen needles, blades of grass and other contaminants.

Large fruiting bodies will need to be cut into 2 or 4 parts so that the pulp is probably salted. In the process of salting, the mushrooms must be placed under oppression, so that the cut mushrooms will naturally lose their shape. However, the taste is practically not affected.

The further method of processing depends on how to salt mushrooms mushrooms. If it is supposed to be salted in a cold or hot way, after cleaning they must be washed under running water. If dry salting is planned, it is not necessary to wash the mushrooms, just wipe it with a slightly damp cloth.

Cold pickling method

For strong mushrooms of small size, salting mushrooms in a cold way is especially good. With this variant of harvesting, the fruiting bodies are laid out in layers in a prepared container, sprinkled with spices and salt, and then pressed under pressure.

Remember that bricks, lime or dolomite stones and metal objects should not be used as oppression. Due to contact with brine, they can partially dissolve, which will lead to damage to the workpiece.

This is how glass jars are filled in which the pickle will be stored, or fruit bodies are first salted in an enamel pan, and then laid out in jars. Consider a more convenient "pan" method of salting mushrooms for the winter.

For a kilogram of selected fresh mushrooms you will need:

  • table salt (not iodized) - 50 g (two tablespoons without top);
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • dill - a few branches;
  • carnation - 4 inflorescences;
  • horseradish - 1 sheet;
  • oak leaves, currants, spruce and heather twigs.


  1. Dry the washed, peeled fruit bodies on a towel, cut off the caps from the legs, leaving no more than 0.5 cm.
  2. Prepare an enamel pot: wash thoroughly and dry at a high enough temperature to get rid of microorganisms (jars that will be used to store pickled mushrooms for the winter should undergo a similar procedure).
  3. Pour a little salt on the bottom of the pan, cover with half a sheet of horseradish, oak leaves, currants, sprigs of spruce (this will additionally protect the workpiece from damage).
  4. Sequentially lay out layers of mushrooms, sprinkling each with salt and spices. Lay the middle, as well as the topmost salted layer with leaves and needles, cover everything with the remaining half of the horseradish leaf. Place on top, wrapping with clean gauze, a plate or a wooden circle of a suitable size and load with oppression - a jar filled with water, or a heavy stone that does not dissolve in brine.
  5. Leave the workpiece in a cool place at a temperature not lower than 0 ºC and not higher than 6 ºC for 2-3 weeks. During this time, the mushrooms will settle, release juice, salt and soak with spices. Then they can be laid out in prepared jars, closed with boiled lids (you should not use rolling lids for this type of workpiece) and put away for storage.

The happy owners of oak barrels salt the mushrooms in a cold way and store them right in this container, proven for centuries.

Hot pickling method

The principle of layered laying, sprinkled with salt and spices, is preserved here. However, unlike the cold method, the fruiting bodies are not only pre-washed, but also boiled.

To hot pickle 1 kg of mushrooms, you will need:

  • table salt - 50 g (two incomplete tablespoons);
  • currant leaf - 6 pieces;
  • bay leaf - 10 pieces;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • allspice - 10 peas.


  1. Boil the peeled washed mushrooms in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, removing the foam.
  2. Throw in a colander, let the broth drain, and cool the fruiting bodies.
  3. Put the mushrooms in layers in a suitable container, salt and sprinkle each level with spices.
  4. From above, cover the mushrooms with a continuous layer of currant and cherry leaves with dill stalks (when mold appears, such a cover will protect the mushrooms from contact with it), then cover with gauze folded in half, and place a plate with oppression on top.
  5. Keep in a dark ventilated place with a temperature of 4 to 6 ºC (the temperature should not fall below 0 ºC).

The main indicator of the quality of such a workpiece is the color of the brine. If it's tan, it's ok. Gray color is a sign of the development of molds and spoilage of pickles.

Salting mushrooms in a hot way is suitable for both medium-sized whole and large cut fruit bodies. At the same time, mushrooms can be tasted after 4-6 days.

Dry salting method

In this version of salting mushrooms at home, the taste and aroma of natural mushrooms are preserved to the maximum. The recipe for salting mushrooms in a dry way is extremely simple: you will need carefully peeled mushrooms, salt - about 50 g per kilogram of mushrooms and seasonings (you can do without them).

Fruit bodies, without washing, are placed with their hats up in a container for harvesting in layers, generously sprinkling salt with each new level. Spices are placed at the bottom and on top of all layers. Then it is traditionally covered with a wooden circle, a load is placed on top and the workpiece is placed in a cool place.

As it settles and salts out, fresh layers can be added from above, also sprinkling them with salt and, thus, salting mushrooms for the winter in several successive portions.

The term of readiness for the dry method of salting is from 2 to 3 weeks. It is necessary to store such salting without removing oppression.

Storage rules for salted mushrooms

With any salting method, prepared mushrooms are stored in a well-ventilated dark place at a temperature of +4 to +6°C. If it gets warmer, the mushrooms will start to sour and spoil.

Storage containers should be glass, enameled or oak. In this case, the brine should completely cover the salted mushrooms. When it evaporates, you can add cooled boiled water. In capacious enameled and oak containers, the workpiece is stored under oppression. To protect the mushrooms from dust, the container in which the mushrooms are salted can be covered with clean, double-folded gauze.

Under such conditions, the optimal shelf life of a salted workpiece is six months; this is more than enough for the entire winter season.

Redheads usually grow in large groups. During the mushroom season, connoisseurs of such “deposits” find them in an amount sufficient for abundant seasonal harvesting. Knowing the right ways to pickle these delicious mushrooms, lucky pickers will be able to delight households and guests with delicious treats all winter long.

Mushrooms are delicious mushrooms that retain their shape and attractive appearance even after salting. That is why many housewives prefer to preserve mushrooms for the winter. There are several ways to pickle these mushrooms: hot and cold.

Salting mushrooms in a cold and hot way: step by step recipes

The cold method of salting mushrooms implies the absence of heat treatment. This cooking method is divided into two types: wet and dry.

In order to cook mushrooms for the winter in a wet cold way, you will need the following ingredients:

  • a kilo of mushrooms;
  • 50 grams of salt;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 3 dill umbrellas;
  • 15 peppercorns;
  • 3 clove buds;
  • hell leaf.

The cold method of salting mushrooms implies the absence of heat treatment

To salt mushrooms, you need to adhere to the following technology:

    1. First of all, the mushrooms are moved, washed, cleaned. Then they are laid out on a dry towel so that all the liquid is glassed from them.
    2. A leaf of horseradish, dill is placed at the bottom of the saucepan for salting. 1 clove of garlic, 1 clove bud and 5 peas are also placed on the bottom of the pan.
    3. Then half of the mushrooms are laid out on the resulting substrate so that every 2 layers they are sprinkled with salt. On top of them, another 1 clove of garlic, a clove bud, a dill umbrella and 5 peppercorns are placed.
    4. On top of the spices, the rest of the mass of mushrooms is laid, which is also processed with salt every 2 layers. The top layer of mushrooms is decorated with the remaining garlic, cloves, dill and pepper.
    5. The top is covered with gauze folded in 3 layers, and oppression is placed on it. In this position, salting should occur for 2 weeks. Every 2-3 days it is necessary to change the gauze with fresh one.
    6. After 14 days, the mushrooms are transferred to the banks, poured with brine and placed in a cool place. Next, you need to salt the mushrooms for another 2 weeks.

This method of salting is optimal for processing a large number of mushrooms.

Redheads for the winter: how to salt - a cold dry method of salting

This method of cooking mushrooms is that no water is used when cleaning them. Basically, the principle of salting is similar to wet, but there are several differences:

  • when laying the product in the pan, it should be placed upside down;
  • sprinkle with salt is required for each layer;
  • salting in a saucepan lasts 3 weeks, if at this time the mushroom picker has a new crop, it can be added to the already salted mass.

Interestingly, due to cold salting, ready-made salted mushrooms change their color to green-brown.

Hot pickling method

The hot method of salting mushrooms implies their treatment with temperature. In this case, the mushrooms will retain their rich red color. To pickle mushrooms in a hot way, you must:

Redheads for the winter: how to salt, cook, pickling in a cold, hot way, a step-by-step recipe, how much to cook, in jars, canned

Redheads for the winter: step-by-step salting recipes. Cold and hot way. How long should mushrooms be cooked before canning? Recipe with citric acid.

The most successful recipes for salting mushrooms in a cold way

The active season of mushrooms, when you can see them on the table every day, you always want to extend. Salting is a great way to preserve this product, while you get a ready-to-eat dish. If you have not yet found your "ideal" salting method, we will tell you how to salt mushrooms in a cold way for the winter. There are three types of salt in total:

  • The express method allows you to try the dish on the same day, but such mushrooms are not subject to long storage.
  • The hot method is the most common. Its advantage is that there is no need to wait for the salt to dissolve and soak the red hats.
  • Cold method - allows you to avoid heat treatment and save more useful elements in mushrooms. It is this option of salting that we will consider in more detail.

During salting, it is important to calculate the amount of salt, the volume of which will depend on the storage temperature. If the mushrooms are in a fairly cool place where the temperature does not rise above 6 degrees, you can use the classic consumption for 1 kg of mushrooms 40 g of salt. Under conditions of room storage, the amount of salt increases by 2 times.

Salted mushrooms under the yoke

For salting mushrooms, it is important to choose the right container. Preference is given to glass, ceramic, wooden or enamelware. Its volume should be twice the volume of salting products. Do not use plastic bowls and metal pans for these purposes. If you want a dish that looks perfect, choose small mushrooms of the same size. If all the mushrooms of various sizes are in your basket, large samples can be cut so that the ambassador of mushrooms in the cold way is successful, and the dish itself has a presentable appearance on your table.

  1. 3 kg of mushrooms;
  2. 150 g of salt;
  3. dill umbrellas;
  4. Garlic, horseradish, currant leaves to taste.

The first sample can be taken after 2 weeks, but it will be possible to enjoy the full taste and aroma only after 3-4 weeks.

If you have noticed, then in almost all recipes for salted mushrooms, horseradish leaves are used in a cold way. Such a simple and affordable spice prevents the formation of mold on mushrooms and prevents pathogenic bacteria from developing, which prolongs the shelf life of preservation. And ascorbic acid, which is rich in horseradish greens, will add a special zest and piquancy to the finished product.

Salted mushrooms without legs

It is not at all necessary to wash the mushrooms, if there is not so much dirt on them, it is enough to wipe them with a wet cloth. Salting mushrooms in a cold way in this recipe is different in that only hats are used for salting, and no spices are used. In this way, you get mushrooms in their own juice, without adding extraneous flavors.

The pickle will be ready in a week. It is better to serve mushrooms as an appetizer with finely chopped herbs and garlic, in sunflower oil or with onions in sour cream. Cold-salted mushrooms will complement and decorate any holiday table in your home.

How to salt mushrooms in a cold way for the winter - salting tips, Mushroom site

If you have already tried salting mushrooms with the hot method, now is the time to learn how to salt mushrooms in a cold way for the winter and try any

How to pickle mushrooms in a cold way?

You must first weigh the mushrooms and calculate the required amount of salt: 40 grams per 1 kilogram of mushrooms. After that, you should wash them, clean them of plant debris and sand. It should be washed well, but without fanaticism, because you can’t wash it perfectly anyway. Don't let this upset you, during the salting, all the rest of the garbage will soak itself.

Then put the mushrooms in a bucket (barrel) in layers with caps up (plates down). This does not affect the quality of salting in any way, but it helps to avoid settling and getting stuck of small specks and grains of sand between the plates. With the correct location of the mushrooms, they will simply be washed off with brine from the smooth surface of the cap.

Sprinkle each layer with salt and spices (whatever you like). You can even completely do without spices, if they are not. But they taste better.

It is not necessary to fill with water: just the one that was absorbed by the mushrooms when washing is enough. Just put oppression on the mushrooms. I usually put a flat plate on top of the mushrooms, and put a three-liter jar of water on top. You can use stone, but not limestone or brick. Cover this structure with a clean towel or other rag from dust and litter.

Wait about 10 days. If you smell a sour smell, then the mushrooms are ready. Take them out of the container and put them tightly in glass jars. You can sprinkle with spices again. Don't add water. Lay leaves without bitterness on top (currant, oak, etc.) and make spacers from non-coniferous sticks. I use ice cream sticks. Keep jars in a cool place. If you live in a village, you can not mess with banks, but store mushrooms in a bucket or barrel, but always with oppression.

How to pickle mushrooms in a cold way?

You must first weigh the mushrooms and calculate the required amount of salt: 40 grams per 1 kilogram of mushrooms. After that, you should wash them, clean them of plant debris and sand. Wash well, but

Redheads for the winter - 4 simple pickling recipes in jars

In our family, we always prepare a lot of mushrooms for the winter. We freeze them, marinate various varieties in jars and, of course, salt them. We prefer mushrooms to salt. We salt a little more volnushki and milk mushrooms, but we salt the saffron milk caps in a whole oak 20-liter barrel. We believe that they are salty - the most delicious.

There are several ways to pickle these mushrooms. The main ones are the cold method, hot salting and the so-called fast method. When pickling mushrooms in a cold way, they change their color and become dark, with a hot and fast pickling method, the color is preserved.

For salting in any of the ways you need fresh mushrooms. If you pick mushrooms yourself, then in order to have less work with them at home, inspect them when you cut them. Do not take wormy mushrooms, carefully cut off the remains of clay or earth from the legs. Remove large debris and leaves.

Of course, it is best to collect not very large mushrooms, with a cap diameter of no more than 5 cm. During salting, such mushrooms will completely retain their appearance, and they are pleasant to serve and eat.

If you are lucky, and you collect boletus mushrooms, they will remain intact and beautiful in any size, practically without losing their beauty as a result of all the processing and manipulations with them. Such mushrooms grow in pine forests, they are dense, the stem is thick, the mushroom is fleshy, heavy, their hat is slightly closed down.

In spruce forests, mushrooms that are thinner in structure grow; it is better to collect such not very large ones. Large mushrooms during salting will need to be cut into 2-4 parts, and the lamellar hat will break during processing. Mushrooms will be tasty, but their appearance will suffer.

And so let's look at all the main ways of salting mushrooms so that you can make the right choice after reading them.

How to salt mushrooms for the winter in jars in a cold way

A feature of salting mushrooms in this way is that we do not subject them to heat treatment. And there are two ways of salting. The first is when we wash the mushrooms, and the second is the so-called "dry" method, in which the mushrooms do not have any contact with water.

Let's look at the first method first.

We will need (for convenience, the calculation is given for 1 kg of mushrooms):

  • mushrooms - 1 kg
  • salt - 2 incomplete tablespoons (50 gr)
  • garlic -3-4 cloves (optional)
  • dill - optional
  • peppercorns - 15 peas
  • cloves - 4 pieces
  • horseradish leaf

1. To begin with, we sort out the mushrooms and wash them. We clean them from forest litter, cut off the darkened cut of the leg, remove the remnants of the earth from it. Remove worm mushrooms. Very often, only the stem is wormy, so the hat can be saved and the stem cut off.

If it is a pity to throw out such mushrooms, then put them for 5-7 minutes in cold salty water. All available worms will come out of the mushroom. But it is best to reject such mushrooms already at the harvesting stage.

2. Put the mushrooms on a towel so that all the water is glass.

3. You can salt the mushrooms immediately into jars, or you can first pickle them in a saucepan, and only then transfer them to jars.

The second method is more preferable, because the mushrooms will give juice and settle during the salting process. And it will be possible to put them into banks as much as you like. After all, if you store them in the refrigerator, then the place there in the fall is always worth its weight in gold.

4. Consider the method of salting in a saucepan. Lay half a sheet of horseradish on the bottom. Horseradish does not allow mold to develop, so I always put it in all pickles. All other greens can be used as desired. I always add dill. But many do not do this, because they want to preserve the natural taste of mushrooms. Personally, the light aroma of dill does not bother me at all, but I even like it.

For the same reason, someone adds, and someone refuses to put, currant leaves, oak leaves (this is always good), but as a rule, I immediately salt into an oak tub, and I don’t need to put leaves.

Garlic also causes the same controversial moment. I add a little bit of it for spice and spice. But someone thinks that garlic is useless when pickling mushrooms.

And recently I began to add a sprig of heather and spruce sprig. I put it on the bottom and on top, and sometimes in the middle. This was suggested to me by one grandmother, with whom we somehow got into a conversation on the occasion. She said the twigs keep the mushrooms smelling foresty and prevent mold.

In general, what to add is a matter of taste! And tastes, as they say, do not argue. The main thing is mushrooms and salt! And everything else, as you like. I add only what I wrote in the composition of the ingredients. You can try all the same. And if you already have your own experience, then add, or vice versa, remove something from the proposed.

5. Divide spices and garlic into about 3 parts. One for the bottom, one for the middle, and one for the top.

6. And so the bottom is laid out, and we begin to lay mushrooms in the pan. Here, too, there is no consensus, someone lays them with their hats down, someone up. I consider this question not fundamental. As you think is right, so right!

Every two or three layers should be sprinkled with salt. Roughly divide the salt into the desired number of parts and lightly add layers to it. Then, when the mushrooms give juice, the whole brine will become the same taste and all the mushrooms will be salted evenly.

It is believed that salt consumption should be 1.5 cups of salt per bucket of mushrooms. But to be honest, I never measure salt with spoons or glasses, I pour it “by eye”. But this can already be done when there is experience. And for starters, if you have never salted mushrooms, keep the proportions.

7. Put some more sprigs of dill, a little garlic, black peppercorns and clove buds in the middle of the layers.

8. Continue to lay out the layers of mushrooms and sprinkle them with salt.

9. Put dill, horseradish and the remaining spices and garlic on top.

10. Put gauze on top in two or three layers so that it completely covers all the mushrooms. Put a plate on the cheesecloth and oppression in the form of a cobblestone or a jar of water.

After a while, the mushrooms will give juice, which will mix with salt, and salting will occur. It will take two weeks to keep the mushrooms in this position in a cool place. Every two or three days, you will need to rinse the gauze in hot water, or even better, change it to a new one.

11. After two weeks, it will be possible to transfer the mushrooms to jars along with the brine and put them in the refrigerator for storage.

And if there is a basement or a pit, then you can not shift, but store the mushrooms directly in a saucepan or barrel. You can eat in two weeks. That is, the total salting time is one month.

Dry salting method

This method differs from the previous one in that when cleaning mushrooms, we do not wash them, but clean them dry. In principle, this is not difficult, especially if the mushrooms are upland. As I said, they grow in pine forests in moss, and when you collect them, they are clean and tidy. Of course, needles and leaves that fall from trees fall into the basket. It is from them that we clean the mushrooms.

Also make sure that there is no earth left on the leg.

The composition of the ingredients is the same as in the previous recipe. Basically, like the cooking process itself.

The salting process will continue for at least 2-3 weeks. During this time, the mushrooms will shrink a lot. And if you went and got more mushrooms, then they can be salted and reported directly to the same container.

Be sure to cover the top layer with gauze, which also needs to be changed every three days. And oppression is also needed. Without it, the mushrooms will not give juice and the salting process will not occur.

It should be noted that in both the first and second cases, the mushrooms will change their color and become green-brown. My dad called these mushrooms "frogs". Many are confused by this circumstance and they prefer to salt mushrooms using heat treatment.

hot cooking recipe

According to this method, we salt mushrooms in our family. Just due to the fact that mushrooms retain their beautiful color. And despite the fact that according to the first method they retain all their useful properties, since they do not undergo heat treatment, we still choose this method!

Therefore, I salt this variety of mushrooms with minimal heat treatment. My mother also salts mushrooms. And she, in turn, was taught to salt in this way by one grandmother, whom her mother met quite by accident, on the train. And now, for many years we have been salting mushrooms in this way. Many thanks to my grandmother, whose name we unfortunately do not know.

And as I said above, recently I began to add a couple of branches of heather and a young Christmas tree. But this is optional.

1. Sort and wash the mushrooms, clear of forest debris, cut off the ground remaining there from the legs. You also need to select wormy mushrooms, it is better not to use them.

I try to collect mushrooms in the forest and immediately clean them of dirt, and throw out the worms. And at home I pour them into a bucket, about half, and fill it with water. And then I just rinse, the grass and needles float up, I remove them, and all the mushrooms are clean. This greatly reduces their processing time. And this is very significant when you collect mushrooms in 4 large baskets, and they all need to be processed as quickly as possible.

2. Since I do everything “by eye”, I will tell in this category. I put about a five-liter bucket of washed mushrooms in a basin. I boil water in a five-liter saucepan. And I pour mushrooms in a basin with boiling water. At the same time, the mushrooms begin to crackle slightly.

Gently, so as not to damage them, mix them with a slotted spoon, no more than 1-2 minutes. During this time, the crackling stops, which means the mushrooms are ready.

At this stage, mushrooms can be boiled. To do this, boil water and place mushrooms in it. Cook for 5 minutes, while skimming off the foam. However, mushrooms do not give very much foam, so there is nothing special to shoot!

But I reduce the processing time by two or three times, and therefore I only scald the mushrooms. The method is proven, do not be afraid that too little time is spent on scalding. Ryzhik can be eaten even raw, just salt them with salt.

3. And so after 1-2 minutes, carefully drain the water, which has acquired a red color. And then throw the mushrooms into a colander. Just be careful not to damage the look. From a bucket of raw mushrooms, two full scalded colanders are obtained.

4. We give the opportunity to drain the water. And pour them back into the basin. Let them lie down a little and cool down, so that the hand endures when you touch them. Then pour salt. For this amount, I pour from 1.5 to 2 handfuls of salt. If the mushrooms are small, then you need two handfuls of salt, if chopped large, then one and a half.

Add 5-6 black peppercorns, 2 cloves, a small piece of red hot pepper.

Gently mix the contents with your hands so as not to crush the mushrooms with a spoon. And we taste the mushroom. Not only can you eat it, but it's also delicious! It should be salty enough to taste, but not too salty. In general, you should like the taste so much that you want to try another mushroom, and then another one ...

This means that you salted everything correctly!

5. While the mushrooms are salting, we are preparing the dishes in which we will prepare them for the winter. I have a 20 liter oak barrel. Mushrooms are obtained in this - just overeating!

But, of course, not everyone has that luxury.

Therefore, you can salt immediately in jars if you store mushrooms in the refrigerator. Or in a large saucepan if you store it in a cool place. The ideal storage temperature is between 0 and 7 degrees.

6. Put a sheet of horseradish on the bottom of the prepared container. A sprig of heather and spruce sprig, if any. If not, then it’s not necessary, for many years I have salted mushrooms without them, and everything was also fine!

On top of them lay the sprigs of dill.

7. We spread the mushrooms as they fall. Hats up or down, it doesn't matter.

8. Now we are engaged in the next batch. Everything is in the same order. Until we completely fill the entire container, whether it be jars, or a pan, or a barrel.

9. If the container is large, then put dill every two or three layers of mushrooms. Lightly press the layers with your hands to release the juice.

10. Be sure to lay out a sheet of horseradish and dill on top. And I also spread spruce twig and heather.

11. Be sure to cover the top layer with gauze, and lightly press the contents. All mushrooms should be covered with a deliciously smelling reddish brine. If for some reason the brine and juice were not enough, then add a little from the pan in which the colander stood and where the water from it was drained. You may need to add just a couple of glasses. Or maybe juice will be enough.

If you put heather on top, then press down, covering the contents with a flat plate, otherwise you can prick yourself badly. It is generally better to leave the plate in order to put a suitable oppression on it.

If salted mushrooms are not in a jar, then oppression must be mandatory so that the mushrooms are completely in the brine. The brine should retain a reddish color throughout the entire time. If it turns gray, then the air temperature is too high, and the process of mold formation has begun in it.

Of course, this mold is not terrible. You can always change the gauze on which it actually formed. And you can even wash the top layer of mushrooms, pour boiling water over them. These mushrooms are edible.

But you must admit, it’s better, when everything is done correctly, we store it correctly, and our mushrooms, on which we have worked so much, will not be inaccessible to any mold.

Try to have such oppression that you can cover the pot with salted mushrooms with a lid. If we store it in a jar in the refrigerator, then just close it with a plastic lid.

But now, if we store it in a basement or a pit, then here the cover is simply necessary and obligatory.

12. We lower the mushrooms immediately into the pit and do not touch them for a month and a half. So that they are well salted and become tasty, delicious.

13. After the allotted time, we take out our salted mushrooms, put them in a salad bowl, season with finely chopped onion and vegetable oil, or eat with sour cream. And there are no mushrooms tastier and more aromatic than mushrooms. Take my word for it!

A quick and easy way to pickle

As you know, mushrooms grow in several layers, starting from mid-July, and ending in September, and sometimes even in early October. There is such a late layer when you go after them, and the ground has already been covered with light frost since early morning.

It is these mushrooms that are good to salt for the winter. It has already become cold in the pit, and the temperature for storing them is set just right.

But what to do when mushrooms were harvested in July? That's right, pickle in a jar and store in the refrigerator. Or make a quick salting and eat immediately, on the same day. How to do it?

And it's easy to make it! We take the amount of mushrooms necessary for salting. We wash them and clean them of forest debris. Then put in a saucepan, add the spices and herbs that you love and salt thickly.

Then mix everything and add a little more salt on top. Cover with a flat plate or saucer, depending on the size of the pan. And leave for 2 hours. No more time is needed, otherwise the mushrooms will oversalt and become very salty.

After the allotted time, rinse the mushrooms in cold running water. Drain in a colander and let all the water drain.

Now you can season the mushrooms with oil and sprinkle with fresh chopped onions. Everything, a wonderful tasty snack is ready! You can eat it with pleasure, serving it with boiled potatoes and enjoying the wonderful taste and forest aroma!

I will not now specifically dwell on the beneficial properties of mushrooms. Entire articles have been written about it. Let me just say that this is one of the most useful mushrooms. They are easily absorbed by the body. In terms of the number of valuable amino acids, they are comparable only with meat, and the protein component in them is about 4%.

In terms of energy value, mushrooms are superior to meat, chicken meat and eggs. But despite this, they can be consumed even by those who are on a diet.

But like all products, they also have contraindications. With gastritis. cholecystitis and pancreatitis are contraindicated.

Well, for everyone else, mushrooms are healthy and tasty. And that's why they are so loved. And they prepare for the winter by all known methods. We also prepared. And I hope that you will prepare thanks to my recipes, which were once shared with me, and I share with you with great pleasure. After all, good recipes should live for a long time, and be passed down from generation to generation, from person to person!

Redheads for the winter - 4 simple pickling recipes in jars

All known methods of salting mushrooms for the winter. 4 simple, delicious recipes for cold and hot salting in jars and tubs, as well as an express method for quick salting.

Russia has long been famous for pickles. A special place among such blanks was occupied by mushrooms. These mushrooms have a bright taste and a pleasant forest aroma. Most often, salted mushrooms are prepared for the winter, but in the marinade, these mushrooms are distinguished by their unsurpassed taste.

Russia has long been famous for pickles

Salting mushrooms with onions is not at all a complicated process, especially since the recipe is presented with pictures. The result is a truly royal appetizer that will suit absolutely any feast. Her taste is simply incredible, with a pleasant sharpness and a characteristic flavor of pickles.


  • 4.8 kg of mushrooms;
  • 0.25 kg of salt;
  • 30 gr. allspice;
  • 0.85 kg of onion.


  1. Sort out all the mushrooms, clean them, put the spoiled ones aside and put them in the container chosen for salting with the legs down.
  2. Peel the onion, finely chop.
  3. Sprinkle the mushrooms with salt and onion.
  4. Be sure to cover the top with a cloth or gauze.

Put in a cool place for at least 40 days.

How to cook mushrooms for the winter in a cold way

Salting mushrooms in a cold way is the easiest of all known cooking options. The advantage of this recipe is that already a day after salting, the mushrooms can be stored in jars, it is not at all necessary to keep them in the cellar.


  • 4.4 kg of mushrooms;
  • 85 gr. salt.

Salting mushrooms in a cold way is the easiest of all known cooking options.


  1. Peel mushrooms from small forest litter, rinse and put in a container suitable for salting.
  2. Be sure to salt each layer as evenly as possible.
  3. Place a load on top.
  4. After just a day, the juice will begin to stand out, and the mushrooms themselves will acquire a darker shade.
  5. Arrange them in jars, press down with something heavy and fix with lids.
  6. Place in refrigerator for at least 15 days.

Tip: for salting, it is better to choose larger specimens, and leave small ones for pickling.

Recipe for pickling mushrooms in a hot way

The most reliable way of salting at home is, of course, hot. Salting time is reduced as much as possible. It turns out a delicious, fragrant snack that will suit almost all dishes and, not surprisingly, strong drinks.


  • 0.9 kg of mushrooms;
  • 18 gr. salt;
  • 140 ml of water;
  • 2 gr. citric acid.

The most reliable way of salting at home is, of course, hot


  1. At the initial stage of preparation, mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried.
  2. Pour water into the pan, add citric acid and salt there, bring the liquid to a boil.
  3. Then put all the mushrooms there, cook them for literally 15 minutes.
  4. Immediately after that, put the mushrooms in jars.
  5. Strain the brine, boil again, pour into jars with mushrooms.
  6. At the end, roll up the container, turn it over.

Step-by-step cooking pickled mushrooms for the winter

Pickled mushrooms in this case are very fragrant. After all, mushrooms themselves are characterized by an amazing aroma, and in this case they are also seasoned with spices, which distinguishes this preparation from others.


  • 0.9 kg of mushrooms;
  • 12 gr. peppercorns;
  • 9 gr. allspice;
  • 2 gr. cloves;
  • 12 gr. salt;
  • 65 ml of vinegar.

Pickled mushrooms in this case are very fragrant.


  1. Be sure to sort, clean, and rinse each mushroom.
  2. Put prepared foods in a saucepan, salt and pour boiling water.
  3. Boil for just 3 minutes and immediately drain in a colander.
  4. Pour fresh water into a saucepan, add pepper, cloves, salt and vinegar to it.
  5. Boil liquid and cool.
  6. Put the mushrooms in jars and pour over the marinade.
  7. Immediately roll up the jars, rearrange them in the refrigerator or cellar.

Tip: the mushrooms will pickle in a few days, but it's still better to let them soak in the marinade for at least a month.

Marinated mushrooms with garlic: a step by step recipe

It’s even impossible to say exactly how many variations of marinades actually exist. Each of them is somewhat similar to the others and at the same time has cardinal differences. The peculiarity of this is that it contains all the best and most valuable. The appetizer acquires not only a rich aroma, but also a very piquant taste.


  • 2.3 kg of mushrooms;
  • 35 gr. garlic;
  • 35 ml of vinegar;
  • 0.25 kg of onion;
  • 8 gr. citric acid;
  • 35 gr. salt;
  • 35 gr. Sahara;
  • 3 gr. cloves;
  • 3 gr. cinnamon:
  • 4 gr. peppercorns;
  • 4 gr. allspice;
  • 3 gr. bay leaf.

The appetizer has not only a rich aroma, but also a very piquant taste.


  1. Rinse all mushrooms, peel, put in a saucepan and pour water, boil for literally 5 minutes.
  2. After that, drain the liquid, pour boiling water, add salt and citric acid, boil in this composition for 20 minutes, put it in a colander.
  3. Rinse the peeled onion, chop into rings.
  4. Garlic is also peeled and cut into slices.
  5. Pour water into a separate pan, add sugar and salt, add all the spices, boil.
  6. After boiling, put the mushrooms into the pan, boil for 20 minutes.
  7. At the eighteenth minute, pour in the vinegar.
  8. Arrange the finished snack in sterilized jars, add the prepared garlic and onions.
  9. Pour fragrant marinade to the top, roll up.

How to cook pickled mushrooms

Salted mushrooms are loved and revered by everyone, but at the same time, few people know that they can also be fermented. The peculiarity of such a preparation is that lactic acid is formed during fermentation. Accordingly, mushrooms are absorbed by the body much better. Storing such an appetizer simply cannot cause difficulties, since it is no different from the salty version.


  • 1.2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 35 gr. salt;
  • 25 ml of sour milk;
  • 15 gr. Sahara.


  1. Peel the mushrooms, rinse thoroughly and immediately pour over boiling water.
  2. After that, recline in a colander, wait until all the liquid has drained.
  3. After such a simple preparation, put the mushrooms in jars or any other container suitable for the sourdough process, sprinkle with a little salt.
  4. Prepare the filling separately, add salt and sugar to the water, pour in the sour milk.
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil, then cool to forty degrees.
  6. Fill a container with mushrooms with a cooled filling.
  7. Be sure to install the weight so that the workpiece is completely covered with the fill.

Place for 21 days in a cellar or cellar.

How to pickle mushrooms (video)

There are a huge number of recipes that allow you to prepare mushrooms for the winter. It can be salads, even caviar. The most common and favorite options for recipes can be safely called pickling and pickling. Such snacks are often prepared for future use and in as large quantities as possible, and all because they taste amazing and have an amazing aroma. On the festive table, such an appetizer will be in demand to a greater extent by the representatives of the stronger sex. If you serve it with a regular lunch meal, then absolutely no one will refuse this treat. Even the most ordinary dishes in combination with mushrooms will become something unusually festive and very appetizing. If you add a little imagination, then in winter you can diversify your diet as much as possible, creating real masterpieces in the kitchen from such simple, but very tasty preparations.
