
How to determine if kvass is ready. Sourdough rye kvass recipe - the perfect taste at home

    Apparently, the quality of the sourdough and the temperature at which the sourdough is kept play a big role in this. I usually have kvass exactly overnight, after which it can already be filtered and drunk. However, if it stays a little longer, a couple of days, it’s okay, it will be a little sourer, but it’s easy to fix it by adding sugar to taste, I also often practice this. I use the sourdough itself repeatedly, only slightly renewing it if the fermentation process starts slowly, so it’s clear that it’s best to judge the readiness of kvass precisely by the intensity of fermentation - the stronger the kvass ferments, the more gas bubbles, the faster it will reach. And when the foam appears, kvass is definitely ready.

    Sourdough for homemade kvass can be prepared from wort. It can be bought at the store. For kvass, be sure to use only pressed yeast. Make sure they are fresh before use. To do this, split off a small piece of yeast, place it in warm water (a tablespoon), add a pinch of sugar and wait. If bubbles appear after ten minutes, then the yeast is suitable for making kvass.

    The time how much kvass should ferment depends directly on the starter: with yeast, the fermentation process will be faster, a day and a half is enough, if you did not put yeast, then the time will increase to two to four days.

    If you put kvass at home yourself, dry sourdough and brown bread, then the first batch must be kept for three days. Then drain, add sugar to taste, and pour water again. Fermentation of kvass depends on the temperature in the room, if it is hot in the house, it will be ready the next day, but if it is cool, a little later. I pour a little and try, ready or want more vigorously. I always put it in the summer and drink healthy kvass until the fall.

    All types of kvass roam the same way: that kvass from sage, ergot, valerian, hemlock, lily of the valley, adonis, etc. Including varieties of kvass for various diseases (more precisely, people suffering from these diseases). Both for cores and for pulmonary ailments, kvass must be kept for 14 days!

    Sometimes 10 days is acceptable, but this is no longer what it should be! So be patient if you want to drink real kvass.

    Different recipes for making kvass suggest leaving kvass for fermentation in different ways. How much kvass should ferment depends on what kind of kvass you want to cook and what taste you want to get. Personally, I do not like it when kvass stands for a long time and it turns out that it ferments. Fermentation in kvass begins almost immediately. After 2-3 hours, the first bubbles begin to appear. So fermentation has already begun.

    If you like light kvass, then you can cook kvass and leave it overnight, and in the morning it will be ready. That is, 9-10 hours of fermentation is needed. After that, kvass can be put in the refrigerator and there it can stand for another day or two. Then the taste will become more intense. But if it stays for more than a week, then it can turn sour. Such kvass can be used for okroshka.

    For example, bread kvass.

    The bread is cut into slices and dried in an oven until dark brown, then poured with boiling water, cover the dish with a lid, and infuse for 6-8 hours. After that, the solution is filtered, yeast, sugar, raisins diluted with warm water are added and set for fermentation for 6-10 hours.

    Zaporozhye kvass.

    Rye crackers are poured with boiling water and insisted for 8 hours in a container with a closed lid. The mixture is poured into another container, yeast, sugar, lemon diluted with warm water are added and insisted for 8 hours. Ready kvass is filtered, bottled, put in each zest, corked well, and put in a warm place for 8 hours. When kvass ferments, it is transferred to a cold place.

    The duration of fermentation depends on what kind of kvass you want to cook.

    Video: Part 5 - The Last of the Mohicans Audiobook by James Fenimore Cooper (Chs 19-22)

    Kvass: centuries-old history and benefits

    Perhaps kvass is the most ancient drink of the Eastern Slavs. Historical sources indicate that the drink appeared long before Kievan Rus. Later, kvass became obligatory in the diet of the army and navy, and was used as a healing drink in hospitals and infirmaries to restore debilitated patients. In difficult times, kvass helped maintain vitality during times of hunger and deprivation.

    As in the old days, kvass is not only drunk, but also used as a dressing for okroshka, botvinia, and cold summer soups. In addition, meat and fish are marinated in it. Few people know about it.

    In ancient times, kvass was truly intoxicating, its strength reached a higher rate than that of modern beer. The degree dropped only during the period when vodka appeared.

    Video: BASTARD

    A balanced composition: vitamins, organic acids, essential microelements - all this allows us to talk about the unconditional benefits of kvass. Of course, we are talking about a drink prepared on the basis of a natural fermentation process. Most store-bought products are nothing more than an artificial kvass drink that is made with colorings, sweeteners, and gassing. Beneficial kvass bacteria kill pathogens in the intestinal microflora. Therefore, it is definitely worth preparing kvass at home using any of the recipes you like. We will talk further about how much it should be prepared and how to determine whether kvass is ready.

    Video: Part 4 - Fathers and Sons Audiobook by Ivan Turgenev (Chs 24-28)

    How to determine the readiness of homemade kvass

    The activation of the fermentation process is accompanied by the release of bubbles and a kind of "game" of crackers. They either go up or go down to the bottom. This continues as long as the yeast works. Therefore, as soon as the crackers remain at the bottom and no longer rise, the kvass is ready. The same rules apply to the preparation of sourdough. The finished sourdough does not bubble, and the bread lies at the bottom of the container.

    Another way to determine the readiness of homemade kvass is to taste it. If the taste of the drink seems not sharp and rich enough, let it stand a little more in a warm place. In the case when kvass is sour according to your taste sensations, the situation is easily corrected by adding additional sugar.

    If kvass is prepared for okroshka or any other cold soup, it should be slightly sour and sharp.

    In order for kvass to be more carbonated, a few raisins are already added to the finished drink immediately before cooling. In this case, thanks to raisins, fermentation will continue even in the refrigerator, saturated with gases.

    A white foam forms on the surface of the finished kvass, which is especially pronounced along the edges of the neck of the jar with kvass wort.

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    Kvass prepared on the basis of malt will ferment for at least a day. How long the drink will be infused depends on the accompanying ingredients and on the temperature at which the kvass wort is kept.

    Bread or cracker kvass will be infused from 12 hours. Usually the period is no more than a day.

    Herbal kvass also has a short period of infusion, some of its variants only need to stand for 3 hours.

    If there is not enough time and you don’t want to mess with the sourdough, then you can cook

    Attention, only TODAY!


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    A Russian proverb says: “Kvasok is good if it hits your sock.” In the old days, kvass was served daily on the table both in the royal chambers and in peasant huts. They drank it both in the heat and in cold weather, and were loved by kings, and beggars, and soldiers, and monks. Kvass in Rus' was even considered a miraculous drink that helps with all diseases. During Lent, especially in the summer, the main food of the common people was kvass with green onions and black bread.

    Each housewife cooked kvass at home and, as a rule, had her own cooking recipe. Until the end of the 19th century, it was prepared on rye malt with the addition of aromatic and spicy herbs (mint, thyme, oregano) or berry and fruit juices (raspberries, lingonberries, apples, pears). In the old days, kvass was prepared at home, sweet, sour, northern, spring, fragrant, peasant, white, mint, okroshka, with raisins, with horseradish, thick, kvass-shchi (sour shti), daily, fragrant, fragrant, with millet, with pepper (for example, at the end of the 19th century, Muscovites fell in love with kvass from boiled pears). In our article “Homemade Kvass Recipes” you will find tips on how to make different varieties of kvass yourself!

    Kvass at home: cooking? No, magic

    The technology for making kvass both at home and industrially consists in the fact that water, flour and malt are first used to prepare liquid dough - mash - which undergoes fermentation. And then this fermented mash is again diluted with water, yeast, sugar and other flavors and aromas are added to it, and it is fermented. Most often, juices of various fruits and berries are added as a flavoring additive. Aromatic additives can also be varied (ginger, mint, fragrant kvass).

    In addition to the excellent taste, kvass has a wide range of useful and healing properties, it is one of the most nutritious and healthy drinks among all existing today. Kvass is a folk remedy for beriberi, since kvass contains many essential trace elements and vitamins, namely: lactic acid, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as amino acids and enzymes. It is kvass that best satisfies hunger and thirst, relieves fatigue and increases efficiency. Already in our time, researchers have found that an additional intake of malt extract - the basis of kvass - is much more effective than glucose in improving the muscle work of athletes. At the same time, high sugar levels remain in the blood for a longer time and fewer substances that cause fatigue are formed.

    And thin kvass is better than good water.

    Kvass, like bread, never gets bored.

    Kvass at home: the basis of the basics

    Let's start the story about the recipes for making kvass with its historical, traditional basis - kvass malt. Kvass malt is best cooked in enamelware: a bucket, a saucepan. But they should not have cracks, potholes and shells. Clay pots are also suitable, but oak barrels are best. Required products are wheat, rye, barley or peas. To prepare malt, the grains are washed in warm water, completely filled with water at room temperature. Withstand for 5-6 days, constantly stirring the mass. After 2-3 days, the water must be changed, and the grains should be washed again in warm water. As soon as the sprouts appear (they should be 2-3 times longer than the grain), the grains are taken out, dried in an oven at a temperature of 30-40 ° C. Dried grains are passed through a meat grinder, and then through a coffee grinder. Store young malt in a cool dry place in bags.

    Malt cannot be brewed with boiling water, as this destroys enzymes - biological substances that contribute to the fermentation process. You can replace malt with yeast. How many days should kvass roam at home? It depends on the raw materials, temperature. As soon as bubbles, foam, sour taste appear, the drink is filtered to separate it from the thick, which will serve as a starter for a new portion of kvass. The filtered drink is cooled and used for drinking. This will be classic white kvass.

    Text: Vera Shipunova, chef

    Usually do several types of kvass: bread, fruit and berry and honey kvass. The largest share is bread kvass - a product of unfinished lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation of wort, prepared from a mixture of malted and unmalted bread with the addition of sugar.

    Kvass is quite nutritious (200-300 kcal/l) and biologically valuable, as it is rich in B vitamins.

    About 150 different recipes for bread, fruit and berry and honey kvass have been known in our country for a long time.

    In Rus' kvass all classes drank. It was brewed in landowners' estates, noble estates and peasant huts. What only kvass was not in Rus': sweet and sour, mint and raisin, white and lemon, okroshki, fragrant, diurnal, thick.

    "Good kvassok, if it kicks in the sock "- this is how they talked about good kvass. Those who are richer drank" kvassok sweet, with raisins and honey, "and the poor" slurped sheepskin kvass "( what does sheepskin kvass mean - I don’t know yet).

    In addition to the much-needed summer article Prokvas ( I supplemented that article with a description of the preparation of industrial kvass - a lot of interesting things) - and in this article - the study of the topic of shortcomings of kvass - why and why he turns sour, how to "cure" him and not make such mistakes again.

    It has become worse for me now (after 2 weeks) than it was at the beginning - more sour. Perhaps from raw flour (in the future I plan to fry it for sure). We'll figure out.

    There is such an interesting concept as Nakvasnik:

    WELL. Row (coarse, double stitched rare canvas or burlap). It was used to cover tubs with kvass so that kvass could breathe at the same time and would not be accessible to dust and the so-called wild yeasts, which contribute to the spoilage of kvass and its rapid souring.

    I have kvass, however, it’s always covered like that, what wild yeast is - I don’t know much yet.

    Sour kvass should not be abused for chronic ulcers and gastritis, high acidity, colitis, gout and liver diseases. To reduce the acidity of kvass, add honey to taste.

    Ready kvass should be consumed in 2-3 days. With longer storage, it loses its taste and becomes sour.

    If kvass sour, you need to pour it out and prepare a new filling. If you constantly make sure that the drink is not peroxide, you will always have a fresh and healthy product. To kvass not sour, him must be kept in a dark container, and open - under the fern, not under the lid, of course.

    So, why does kvass turn sour and spoil?

    Defects in soft drinks and kvass can be caused by microbiological processes (diseases), defects and shortcomings.

    Microbiological defects are:

    sliming appears in drinks containing sugar. Then the drink acquires a thick consistency, ductility, greatly reducing the taste sensations of sweetness. These drinks are unsuitable for consumption due to the development of mucus-forming bacteria in them, during the life of which mucous compounds - dextrins - are formed from sugars;

    acetic souring of kvass manifests itself in a deterioration in taste, a decrease in density, turbidity, a thin film may appear on the surface;

    putrid smell of kvass is formed during the development of putrefactive forms of thermobacteria. The drink then becomes cloudy and acquires a putrid smell;

    mycoderma (flowered kvass) characterized by the formation of a white folded film on the surface of kvass V as a result of the development of wild membranous yeasts in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. The taste of the drink in this case deteriorates, and when the film settles, the kvass becomes cloudy;

    yeast haze occurs in sugary drinks. The drink acquires a yeasty unpleasant aftertaste, turbidity and sediment appear due to the development of wild yeast due to violation of technological regimes, sanitation requirements and storage conditions;

    lactic fermentation can occur in drinks containing carbohydrates as a result of their fermentation by lactic acid bacteria. The acidity in the drink increases, the taste and aroma deteriorate, the taste of sauerkraut appears, the drink fades and you don’t want to drink it;

    bacterial contamination occurs when there are microorganisms in the drink above the permissible norms due to violations of the sanitary conditions for the processing of raw materials and technological equipment. The development of microorganisms may be accompanied by;

    moldy smell and taste appear when mold is damaged by the raw materials from which we make kvass, technological equipment and the finished drink, on which they are formed.

    The vices of drinks are caused mainly by physicochemical processes that violate the stability of the drink systems, as a result of which the following defects appear:

    darkening occurs if the iron content increases during the production of juices, extracts or drinks, while they can acquire an unpleasant metallic taste;

    non-biological haze manifests itself as a result of chemical interactions between the components of the drink and the imbalance of its colloidal system:

    ♦ turbidity of mineral water with the formation of sediment of various chemical compounds due to excessive content or oxidation of its components in case of excessive contact with air;

    ♦ opalescence of carbonated drinks prepared with juices and extracts containing an increased amount of pectins, terpenes, or when using water with a high iron content;

    ♦ turbidity and precipitation due to the formation of calcium salts of citric and tartaric acids, compounds of iron salts with phenolic compounds in drinks and with color substances;

    ♦ release of components oxidation products, destruction of coloring and aromatic substances under the influence of sunlight and high temperature, coagulation of protein, pectin, tanning and coloring substances.

    Extraneous tastes and odors in kvass and drinks:

    resinous occurs when the composition and technology of grinding tanks and barrels are violated;

    kerosene, varnish, etc. manifests itself when containers are covered with fresh paraffin (kerosene taste) or poor quality food varnish;

    binder (metal, ink) formed due to the contact of the drink with uncoated iron surfaces, high iron content in process water;

    sunny unpleasant taste and smell (terpene-like and others) with hydrogen sulfide tones appears in bottled drinks, in which many substances are reduced to form mercaptans that have a sharp unpleasant odor. This defect is accompanied cloudiness of the drink;

    oily taste and smell are formed during the oxidation of essential oils of citrus infusions, etc.

    From shortcomings(minor deviations in the composition and properties of drinks) the most common are:

    salty taste appears due to the increased content of common salt (sodium chloride) in the process water;

    chlorine taste and smell arise due to excessive chlorination of process water;

    phenolic (pharmacy) taste is formed due to an excess of nitrites in process water or the use of chlorine-containing materials (bleach, disinfectants, etc.) in the production.

    Beverage defects are also considered foreign inclusions in drinks, foreign flavors (filter cardboard, etc.). If you make kvass at home, on good spring water, such shortcomings do not threaten - but the problems listed above are already more than enough.

    Perhaps one of the most popular and sought-after summer drinks is kvass. Of course, you can buy it in a store or on tap from a barrel. But it's better to make your own. How to do it? Use a proven recipe. Tatyana Karmashova, who lives in the Altai Territory, is known on Instagram under the nickname @tatyana_karmashova. Tanya specializes in sourdough and her bread recipes are a real gold collection for any cook. This time she kindly presents her recipe for sourdough kvass on our website.

    Kvass is such a wonderful thing! And most importantly, it is extremely useful, since it contains a trillion of all sorts of vitamins and microelements. However, due to the specifics of the preparation of kvass, it contains a certain degree, the degree of which increases in proportion to the increase in the amount of sugar in its composition. The temperature at which it is cooked also affects the character of kvass. As you know, at different temperatures, the starter microflora develops in different ways. At relatively low degrees, yeast fermentation prevails over lactic acid fermentation, and vice versa, at high degrees, lactic acid bacteria are more active than yeast. And if we try to find a cool place for bread in order to avoid a sour taste, then for kvass, on the contrary, we need warmth.

    It is good to use kvass for sharpness and foaminess blending method. This is when the finished kvass is bottled, hermetically sealed, and placed in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours. Then the lactic acid fermentation stops and the yeast scald with might and main, releasing carbon dioxide into the liquid. The more residual sugar in kvass during blending, the more foamy kvass will be, but also explosive! Be careful - take care of the ceilings!

    An excellent option for blending is the preparation of kvass completely without sugar. It is added directly to the bottle before capping and moving it to the refrigerator. In this way, you can prepare a refreshing, sweet and sour, okroshchny kvass. But here it is important not to overdo it with sugar! Remember: it's always best to cut back on sugar! Then, at the next cycle of cooking, add kvass. It is much safer and easier than scrubbing the ceiling, walls and floor, left with an empty bottle of kvass in your hands!

    Without filtration, kvass turns cloudy - this is normal. It can always be filtered through gauze.

    So, for cooking a little more 2 liters of sourdough kvass required :

    2 liters of drinking water, preferably spring water, 3 tbsp. l. wheat flour, 3 tbsp. l. rye flour, 2 tbsp. l. rye fermented malt (can be without it), 2-3 tbsp. l. sugar, 1-2 tbsp. l. any sourdough

    Mix all the ingredients in a small amount of water. Next, dilute the entire mixture in the remaining water. Leave for about 1.5 days at room temperature. When the kvass is actively bubbling, hissing and the taste is sharp, it means it is ready and you can drink it. Or carefully pour the kvass into bottles so that the sediment does not get into the finished product, close the lid tightly and refrigerate. If you first make kvass without using sugar, and when bottling, add 1 liter from 0.5 tsp to 2 stele of sugar and leave it in the refrigerator for another 12-24 hours, then it will be foamy. But, most likely, it will be foamy and, if you immediately make it sweet, and put it in the refrigerator. You just need to seize the moment.

    When I make my yeast-free kvass, after its readiness, there remains a thick, which I call kvass wort. A quarter of this wort is enough to continue kvass, but it’s a pity for me to drain the remaining 3/4 into the sink, and I keep it in the cold. Recently, I decided to try to use the leftover kvass wort in business, and kneaded the dough on it. A little for testing. The dough rose wonderfully and quickly!

    So for cooking flatbreads on kvass wort required:

    150 g of kvass yeast-free wort, 100 g of drinking water, 15 g of vegetable oil, 230 g of wheat flour of the highest or 1st grade, 5 g of salt

    Mix all the ingredients until the flour is completely moistened. Leave to rise for 3 hours with two folds every hour. In the third hour, without folding or kneading beforehand, stretch with your hands into a cake, put in a mold or on a baking sheet, lay out the filling (for example, as for pizza), press it with your palms. Bake without proofing at 250 ° C for 25-30 minutes, without preheating the oven until lightly browned. Or with the final proofing for 1-1.5 hours at 250 ° C for 20-25 minutes, preheating the oven. Sprinkle the filling with water before baking.
