
How to cook vegetable or vegetarian pilaf and other vegetarian recipes? Vegetable pilaf.

Sometimes, when preparing new dishes for vegetarians, I take the usual classic recipes as a basis and exclude “forbidden” foods from them. So, for example, it happened with vegetable pilaf. In this recipe, everything is very familiar, only there is no meat. In terms of taste, vegetable pilaf is in no way inferior to the classic one. It also turns out very fragrant and juicy due to spices and vegetables.

Vegetable pilaf without meat is a dish both vegetarian and vegan. It consists only of vegetables, rice and spices. I usually take round rice, but if you prefer long-grain rice, you can also try cooking this dish with it. I'm sure it will taste amazing too.

Garlic is usually added to pilaf with unpeeled cloves or even whole heads so that it adds flavor to the dish, but does not give bitterness. Throw it away at the end of cooking. I chose a mixture of spices for pilaf in accordance with my taste sensations. I prepare it in advance, grinding all the ingredients in a mortar.


  • rice 350 g
  • 110 g (1 pc)
  • onion 130 g (2 head)
  • tomato paste 40 g
  • tomato 170 g (1 pc)
  • 90 g (1 pc)
  • green beans 100 g
  • 50 g (1 head)
  • salt 20 g
  • spices 13 g
  • sunflower oil 2 tablespoons

Mixture of spices (in the same proportion):

  • black pepper
  • chilli
  • coriander
  • paprika
  • saffron
  • thyme
  • Bay leaf

Output of the finished dish: 5 servings of 400 g.

Cooking time: 45 min.

Vegetable pilaf without meat, vegetarian recipe with photo:

  1. Wash vegetables, peel everything except garlic. Grind carrots on a grater. Onion, tomato, bell pepper and green beans cut into small cubes.

  1. Heat the sunflower oil in a deep frying pan or saucepan. Fry the onion in it over high heat, and after 3 minutes add the rest of the vegetables, except for the garlic. We put tomato paste, a little salt and some spices. Fry for another 5 minutes. Next, fall asleep with an even layer of rice. Fill with cold water so that it protrudes 5 cm above the rice level. We make the fire slow. Cook with the lid ajar for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before cooking, put the garlic cloves inside the rice. Salt and sprinkle with the remaining spices.

Today there is a post in the yard, and for me this is an occasion to try something new in cooking. Lenten dishes that do not contain meat and animal products can also be very tasty and beautiful. And today's lean pilaf with vegetables is a confirmation of this.

You can include any vegetables that you like in the composition of such lean pilaf. But it should be understood that now, at the end of winter, vegetables are mainly sold frozen. And those that are fresh on the shelves, sometimes have a sky-high price. But vegetable freezing personally suits me perfectly. The taste in the finished pilaf, such vegetables are simply excellent.

If you have noticed, almost every store sells a mixture of frozen vegetables. This mixture is quite suitable for cooking lean vegetable pilaf. But I don't use blend. I separately buy my favorite vegetables, namely frozen green beans, frozen peas and broccoli. I also buy canned corn for such a pilaf with vegetables, because, alas, they don’t sell frozen corn. I use fresh carrots. Who loves and respects onions - he will also come in handy in this dish. In addition to the vegetables I have listed, you can add bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, celery stalks, and tomatoes to pilaf.

Preparing such a pilaf with vegetables is quite simple and fast. You can cook it both on the stove in a large frying pan or brazier, and in a slow cooker. This time I cooked lean pilaf in my favorite large frying pan. Everything is quite simple: first, vegetables are fried until half cooked, and then water (or broth, but this will not be lean pilaf, unless the broth is vegetable) and rice are added to the pan. Under a tightly closed lid over low heat, pilaf reaches readiness. This is in general terms, to understand the process, but in fact, there are many nuances in cooking lean pilaf with vegetables, which I will tell you about during the recipe.

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Servings - 6


  • 2 large carrots
  • 2/3 cup green beans
  • 2/3 cup peas
  • 1/2 can of canned corn
  • 1 cup broccoli florets
  • 1 bulb
  • 1.5 cups rice
  • 3.5 cups of water
  • 30 ml sunflower oil
  • Bay leaf
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 0.5 tsp turmeric
  • 0.3 tsp ground black pepper
  • 0.5 tbsp salt
  • 1 tsp spices for pilaf

Pilaf with vegetables, step by step recipe with photo

In order for the lean vegetable pilaf to be beautiful and appetizing, I suggest cutting the carrots to match the appearance and size of the other vegetables, that is, large enough. Especially for such a case, I have a special knife with which vegetables are corrugated.

We clean two fairly large carrots from the outer layer, wash and cut.

Prepare broccoli, green beans and peas. You should not defrost vegetables, we will cook pilaf immediately from frozen ones.

Heat a frying pan or roasting pan and add about 30 ml of sunflower oil. Put the carrots, broccoli, beans and peas in the pan. And finely chopped onion, if you like. Saute vegetables over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Roasting time - 5-7 minutes.

Add spices to the vegetables for cooking pilaf, about a teaspoon. Why now? And in order for our vegetables to acquire a richer and more interesting taste.

Add corn to vegetables. Since it is already ready (it is also canned), it makes no sense to fry it. Therefore, we immediately proceed to the next stage.

Pour 3.5 cups of water into a frying pan (or brazier) and add 1.5 cups of rice. We also put bay leaves in the pan, salt and pepper the contents of the pan. In the center we put a washed, but not peeled head of garlic. Cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to low.

After about 25 minutes, lean vegetable pilaf will be ready. It remains only to gently mix it, since the rice with vegetables will not be evenly distributed in the pan.

OK it's all over Now. The story about cooking lean pilaf with vegetables has come to an end. It remains only to wish everyone a successful culinary experience and bon appetit. See you soon!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Do you still think that lean cuisine is monotonous, boring and tasteless? Then try cooking vegetable pilaf with rice, and you will definitely change your mind to the opposite. Diversifying your daily routine is a lot easier than you think. After all, you can add different spices and seasonings, combine vegetables with cereals (), pasta (), supplement ready-made dishes with winter preparations or make salads from fresh vegetables (). Everything will turn out delicious if you approach cooking creatively and do not be afraid to try new flavor combinations.
Vegetable pilaf with rice does not claim to be called real pilaf. It is prepared much faster and easier, and although there are also a lot of components in it, they are all inexpensive and affordable. From vegetables, except for carrots and onions, you can add whatever you want. Use fresh or frozen vegetables in any proportion and combination: zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, cauliflower, asparagus beans, green peas, zucchini, squash. Adjust the spiciness of vegetable pilaf by adding pepper, and for flavor, use coriander and cumin. So, please love and favor: lean vegetable pilaf with rice, recipe with photo.


- dry rice - 1 cup;
- carrots - 1 large;
- bow - 1 pc;
- large sweet pepper - 1 pc;
- eggplant - 1 medium;
- tomatoes - 3-4 pieces (if not, replace with tomato sauce);
- zucchini - 1 small;
- coriander, zira (whole seeds) - 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
- salt - to taste;
- garlic - 3 cloves;
- vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons;
- water - 2.5 cups;
- turmeric - 0.5 tsp (optional);
- ground black pepper - to taste;
- fresh vegetables, greens - for serving to the table.

Recipe with photo step by step:

For any pilaf - with or without meat - carrots and onions are cut into large strips so that they give their taste to the oil when fried, but do not overcook and are noticeable in the finished dish. We chop the onion in half rings or along the bulb with feathers. We cut carrots into strips or large bars. Cut the sweet pepper in half, clean out the seeds. We cut the pulp into strips 1.5-2 cm wide.

We clean the zucchini, cut out the middle, leaving only the pulp. Cut into pieces of medium size. We also cut tomatoes and slightly larger eggplants.

Pour the eggplant slices with salt water, leave for 15 minutes, this is necessary to remove bitterness from them.

Let's prepare the spices: grind the seeds of cumin and coriander in a mortar. You can add black peppercorns or a mixture of different peppers to them and grind everything.

We heat up the oil. It is best to take cauldrons or a massive duckling for cooking pilaf. But in the absence of a pot with a heavy bottom and thick walls, or other utensils that hold heat well, will do. Pour onion into boiling oil, fry and after a couple of minutes add carrots with garlic. Fry for another two or three minutes.

We spread the sweet pepper to the fried vegetables. Continue frying until the peppers are soaked in oil and dark red in color.

We wash eggplants with clean water, washing away bitter juice and salt from them. Together with zucchini, add to vegetables. Stir, fry over low heat for several minutes, soaking the vegetables with oil.

When all the vegetables are slightly fried and saturated with oil, add tomato slices. We increase the fire, the tomatoes need to be fried a little so that they have a sweet and sour taste. If there are no fresh tomatoes, you can use canned ones in their own juice or pour in tomato sauce.

Add washed rice, pour spices. You can leave out the turmeric, but without it, the rice will not turn out as yellow as in the recipe. Mix rice with vegetables and spices. Fry, constantly stirring the cereal, until it turns yellow and becomes slightly transparent.

Pour in water, it is better to heat it almost to a boil so that the rice starts to boil faster. We will need 2.5 cups (per cup of rice, two cups of liquid plus another half cup for vegetables). Salt, stir and taste before the rice absorbs all the liquid.

Cover tightly with a lid. We leave rice with vegetables to languish over low heat, without opening or stirring it. After 20-25 minutes, we check the readiness of the cereal - if the rice is steamed, absorbed all the water and becomes soft - turn it off, but do not immediately serve it to the table, but let it stand under the lid for 10-15 minutes. If it is still harsh, but there is no more water, add a little and bring to readiness. Serve with herbs and fresh vegetables. Bon appetit!
I hope you liked the lean vegetable pilaf with rice, and the recipe with the photo helped you figure out all the intricacies of the cooking process. You might also be interested

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Vegetable pilaf (summer version), recipe


  • 2 cups of rice (250 ml each);
  • 4 cups of hot water;
  • 1 hard tomato;
  • 1-2 sweet peppers;
  • 2 small eggplants;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt without a slide;
  • spices to taste (I have a bay leaf, a couple of stars of star anise, 0.5 teaspoon of turmeric, ½ teaspoon of asafoetida, 1 teaspoon of ground coriander);
  • vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook:

1. First, prepare the ingredients: rinse the rice under running water and dry it in a sieve. Randomly chop the vegetables (preferably not large), grate the carrots.

2. Heat vegetable oil in a large saucepan or cauldron and fry the spices for 30-40 seconds. Add eggplant to this (they take longer to cook than other vegetables) and sauté until browned, about 7 minutes.

3. Now add the rest of the vegetables, stir and continue to fry for another 7-10 minutes.

4. Pour rice, mix and pour in hot water, previously mixed with salt. Cover the pot with a lid and simmer until all the water has been absorbed, 17 to 20 minutes. It is advisable not to touch the pilaf during this time, not to interfere.

5. When the pilaf is ready, mix it gently or loosen it with a fork (during the stew, many vegetables may be on the surface).

That's all! Our summer vegetable pilaf is ready. Bon appetit!

Vegetable pilaf (winter version), recipe:


  • 2 cups of rice;
  • 4 cups of hot water;
  • ¾ cup frozen (fresh if available) green peas
  • 1 cup chopped green beans (frozen or fresh)
  • ¾ cup cauliflower florets (preferably fresh here, but frozen can also be used)
  • ½ cup diced carrots;
  • 2 small firm tomatoes;
  • 2 tablespoons butter or vegetable oil;
  • 2.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • spices: ½ teaspoon turmeric, ½ teaspoon ground ginger, 2-3 bay leaves, ¼ teaspoon asafoetida, 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon (or your favorite spices).

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Cooking process:

1. Rinse and cut vegetables. Divide the cauliflower into florets.

Data-medium-file="https://i0.wp..jpg?fit=550%2C370&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp..jpg?.jpg" alt=" Rice with vegetables (vegetable pilaf). Recipe." width="550" height="370" srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=550&ssl=1 550w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=425%2C286&ssl=1 425w" sizes="(max-width: 550px) 100vw, 550px">!}

2. In a deep saucepan or cauldron, heat the oil and fry the spices (except bay leaf) for 30-40 seconds. Put vegetables there (except tomatoes). Fry for 5-7 minutes.

3. Then add the tomatoes, add pre-washed rice, fry for another 4-5 minutes.

4. Now pour in hot (this is important!), pre-salted water and put a bay leaf.

5. Cover with a lid and simmer everything together until cooked until the rice absorbs all the water. This will take about 20 minutes.

Data-medium-file="https://i2.wp..jpg?fit=595%2C372&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp..jpg?fit=600%2C375&ssl= 1" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1482" src="https://calmandveggi.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/%D0%A0%D0%B8%D1%81-% D1%81-%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%89%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B8-595x372.jpg" alt="Rice with vegetables (vegetable pilaf ). Recipe." width="595" height="372" srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=595%2C372&ssl=1 595w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=425%2C266&ssl=1 425w, https://i2.wp..jpg?w=600&ssl=1 600w" sizes="(max-width: 595px) 100vw, 595px">!}

6. That's it! Our vegetable pilaf (rice with vegetables) is ready. Bon appetit!

Data-medium-file="https://i0.wp..jpg?fit=550%2C482&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp..jpg?.jpg" alt=" Rice with vegetables (vegetable pilaf). Recipe." width="550" height="482" srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=550&ssl=1 550w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=425%2C372&ssl=1 425w" sizes="(max-width: 550px) 100vw, 550px">!}

This method will remind you of the well-known risotto. However, unlike the Italian dish, the consistency of which should be creamy, this pilaf remains crumbly.

Servings: 5

Cooking time: 50 minutes

Energy value

  • calorie content - 457.4 kcal;
  • proteins - 11.2 g;
  • fats - 1.9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 98.8 g.


  • steamed rice - 200 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • canned corn - 100 g;
  • sunflower oil - for sauteing;
  • turmeric - ½ tsp;
  • black pepper, ground - to taste;
  • suneli hops - ½ tsp;
  • vegetable broth - 400 ml;
  • salt.

Step by step cooking

  1. Peel all vegetables and cut each into cubes.
  2. In a frying pan with high walls, heat the oil and send each component in turn into it, following the sequence: onion - carrot - pepper.
  3. Stir the vegetables and fry under the lid for no more than 10 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, add rice to the mass, which must first be prepared by washing well in water, and pour in a little vegetable broth. If you didn’t manage to stock up on it, replace it with purified water, observing the proportions. Do not pour out the entire amount at once, but add it as it is absorbed. It is not recommended to interfere, which corresponds to the technological map for the preparation of any kind of pilaf.
  5. When you have poured out the rest of the broth or water, cover the contents of the saucepan with a lid and let it simmer over low heat for about ½ hour.
  6. Add canned corn and spices to the finished mass, mix. Let the pilaf brew under the lid and absorb all the flavors. When serving, you can decorate it with finely chopped herbs.

Advice: if after trying pilaf with vegetables once, you realize that you want to eat it even in winter, then you can stock up on preparations for future use. To do this, you can freeze a pre-prepared mixture of fresh vegetables, packing it in bags, taking into account the serving size of the finished dish.

The recipe for the original vegetable pilaf with prunes

This option is definitely for gourmets. It combines summer notes of pepper with tomatoes and southern sweetness of dried fruits.

Servings: 8

Cooking time: 1 hour

Energy value

  • caloric content - 368.1 kcal;
  • proteins - 8.3 g;
  • fats - 1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 82.2 g.


  • rice - 600 g;
  • sweet pepper - 100 g;
  • carrots - 400 g;
  • onion - 400 g;
  • tomatoes - 150 g;
  • pitted prunes - 150 g;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 100 ml;
  • Spices: curry, zira, ground black pepper - to taste.

Step by step cooking

  1. First of all, soak the prunes in boiling water to become quite soft.
  2. Now rinse the rice well - so that the liquid flowing from it is no longer cloudy.
  3. Clean vegetables. Chop into cubes. Grate the carrots on a grater with large holes.
  4. If you wish, you can remove the skin from the tomatoes, after scalding them with boiling water to make your task easier.
  5. In a cauldron, heat the oil, fry the onion, carrot and pepper in it. At the end put the cubes of ripe tomatoes.
  6. After 10 minutes, add prunes and rice to the bowl.
  7. Spread sliced ​​garlic on top and sprinkle with spices.
  8. Pour in hot water so that it covers the pilaf by at least 150 mm.
  9. Bring to readiness under the lid.
  10. Wrap the cauldron with the dish in the warmest blanket you can find and leave to infuse for 2 hours.

Recipe for vegetable pilaf with mushrooms

This is a delicious and satisfying dish that will also be remembered for its serving. After all, pilaf is prepared not in a cauldron, but in pots.

Servings: 4

Cooking time: 45 minutes

Energy value

  • caloric content - 410.2 kcal;
  • proteins - 12.5 g;
  • fats - 2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 85.6 g.


  • carrots - 80 g;
  • onion - 80 g;
  • rice - 250 g;
  • fresh champignons - 150 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.

Step by step cooking

  1. Pour ½ cup of rice into each pot. Pour in one and a half glasses of water. Set aside.
  2. In a frying pan heated with vegetable oil, sauté the diced onion.
  3. After a couple of minutes, send the chopped carrots to fry, followed by slices of champignons.
  4. Salt and pepper the dressing. Optionally, you can add zira to the composition.
  5. Transfer the frying to pots, trying not to deprive anyone, and add water to the top. Salt some more.
  6. Put ceramic dishes on a baking sheet and send to the oven. It is very important that the oven is cold, otherwise the pottery may crack under the influence of sudden temperature changes.
  7. Cook pilaf with mushrooms at 200 degrees until the liquid is completely absorbed into the cereal. Serve in portions sprinkled with finely chopped cilantro.

Vegetable pilaf with meatballs

And here it is - a recipe for an incredibly tasty pilaf with vegetables and meat, decorated in an interesting way in the form of meatballs.

Servings: 14

Cooking time: 2 hours

Energy value

  • caloric content - 631.8 kcal;
  • proteins - 17.4 g;
  • fats - 36.6 g;
  • carbohydrates - 58.3 g.


  • steamed rice - 1 kg;
  • pork, pulp - 500 g;
  • beef - 500 g;
  • carrots - 600 g;
  • onion - 500 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • canned peas - 220 g;
  • sunflower oil - for frying;
  • zira - 4 tsp;
  • ground paprika - 2 tsp;
  • black pepper (ground) - to taste;
  • salt.

Step by step cooking

  1. This recipe involves the use of minced meat. You can buy it at the store (preference in this case should be given to a product combined from several types of meat), but you will get a really tasty dish if you cook it with your own minced meat. Therefore, grind the pork in a meat grinder, mix well. Beat in the eggs.
  2. Peel the onion, divide the entire weight into two parts. Cut one into half rings and set aside to wait for your turn, and chop the second into small cubes and send to a bowl with minced meat.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon of zira and the same amount of black pepper. Salt to taste. Stir. Beat the minced meat by lifting it up and sharply lowering it into the cup. This will allow all the components to unite as much as possible.
  4. Form neat meatballs of equal diameter.
  5. Peel the carrots, cut lengthwise into thin long strips. You can use a special grater for Korean dishes.
  6. Pour vegetable oil into the cauldron, which should be quite a lot. If desired, you can reduce its amount by adding cream.
  7. Fry the remaining onion first, and then the carrots. Add spices to them.
  8. Pour in 1800 ml of liquid. Salt.
  9. Add meatballs. Bring the contents of the cauldron to a boil over high heat, then adjust the burner to a minimum. It is very important to correctly make the basis for pilaf. It should be rich and decently salty.
  10. While zirvak is preparing, take care of rice. Rinse it very thoroughly in water more than once.
  11. Put the grits on the meat balls and increase the heat again. The liquid should be pretty much reduced.
  12. Now add peas. It can be used both canned and boiled to the state of al dente, that is, on the tooth.
  13. Lower the heat for the last time, cover the pot with a kitchen towel and a lid. Simmer pilaf for about 25 minutes until fully cooked.

Cooking a dietary variant of pilaf

For those who are used to counting calories, it is very important to eat tasty food without sacrificing desires. As you already understood, pilaf can also be included in your diet so as not to be afraid for the figure. But there are still a number of nuances that should be observed. If you decide to cook vegetable pilaf with meatballs, then give preference to minced chicken from lean fillets.

Replace sunflower oil with cold-pressed olive oil, it makes fried vegetables tastier. Use unpolished rice. In Chinese or Japanese cuisine, preference is given to him. You can also replace the cauldron with a double boiler or a Redmond multicooker or any other. This will not only make a light dish, but also save most of the vitamins.

Do not be afraid to experiment and cook pilaf the way your heart desires, even with pearl barley, complemented by a salad of fresh vegetables. And if there are incomprehensible moments, the video can always clarify them. Bon appetit!

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