
Salting tomatoes in a cold way. Salting tomatoes for the winter in a cold way

Despite the fact that society continues to move forward, and the world of technology and new technologies is constantly improving, the traditions of home preservation have not yet become obsolete. Of course, you can buy ready-made products in the store, but homemade ones seem especially tasty. The cold way of pickling tomatoes is the good old recipes for preparing this vegetable. Many people think that only large batches of tomatoes in barrels are salted this way. But you can also use plain glass jars.

Salt green tomatoes

Vegetables prepared in this way are spicy and spicy. Especially they will appeal to those who remember the taste of pickles from barrels. Cold pickling of green tomatoes requires the preparation of such products as fresh green dill, parsley, basil, pepper, garlic and horseradish. We put green tomatoes in a jar, and we place spices and herbs between them. We fill everything with cold brine. To prepare it, you need salt and sugar. Depending on the required amount of brine, we take one large spoonful of these ingredients per liter of water. Then fill the jars with this mixture and roll up the lids. We keep the tomatoes warm for about 2 days. When the brine becomes cloudy, we place them in a colder place. The cold method of pickling tomatoes requires more time than the hot method. Usually this dish can be tasted only after 30-40 days.

Like from a barrel

Recipes for pickling tomatoes in a cold way do not require special ingredients. Everything is only the most traditional that every housewife has. To begin with, we select the fruits. They should be medium in size and not overripe. For this recipe, you will also need horseradish root, hot pepper, garlic, dill and salt. We thoroughly wash the tomatoes, cut the greens, and three horseradish root on a grater. We clean the garlic and pepper and cut into pieces (of any size). The amount of spices and spices can be adjusted to your liking. If you like a more savory and spicy taste - put more. Banks are pre-washed and sterilized. Now we put some spices, pepper and garlic, grated horseradish on the bottom of each of them, and then lay the tomatoes. These layers can be interleaved.

I'm preparing the brine. Put 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water. The brine should be boiled and then cooled. After that, pour it into the banks. We leave the tomatoes in the room for two days, without rolling up the lids. If necessary, add brine during the fermentation process. Then we close the jars with lids and put them in a cold place. The cold method of pickling tomatoes requires 30 days of salting for their full readiness.

Fast and tasty

This recipe is very fast. Take medium, dense tomatoes and cut the stem from them, making a small indentation. Peel the garlic and cut it finely. Mix some garlic with salt. You will also need any greens (at least two types). It also needs to be chopped finely and mixed with garlic. Now put garlic and salt in the deepening of each tomato. Put a layer of greens with garlic and salt in a salting container. We put tomatoes on this "pillow". So we repeat layer by layer. We put oppression on top and leave it in the room. This cold method of pickling tomatoes is fast - only 12 hours.

How nice on a winter day to open the preservation prepared in summer or autumn and serve it on the table along with stew or fried potatoes! One of the most popular and favorite vegetables for pickling is a tomato, also cooked in an ordinary three-liter jar. How to salt tomatoes in jars? It is important to follow the recipe for the preparation of the brine exactly. So, we will share with you several ways of pickling tomatoes.

Salting recipe without vinegar

This method of salting is good because you do not need to use vinegar, that is, those who have stomach problems can also eat vegetables. We will need small tomatoes for a more compact placement in the bank. You also need to correctly calculate the amount of source material.

So, for a three-liter container, you need about one kilogram of small, fresh red-sided vegetables. We begin to cover the question of how to salt tomatoes in jars. We need the following ingredients for one kilogram of tomatoes: garlic - 5-6 cloves, water - 2.5 liters, blackcurrant and horseradish - several leaves each, dill - 3-4 sprigs, salt - three tablespoons, seasonings - horseradish root and black peppercorns. For convenience, we will prepare everything you need in advance. We thoroughly wash all the greens under running water, lay them out on a towel to dry. Then we lay out about half of it in pre-sterilized jars, to the bottom. The rest will be needed later.

How to salt tomatoes: recipe

We spread well-washed tomatoes on top of the laid greens in dense layers, and on top we cover with another layer of sprigs of dill, horseradish and currant leaves. Without wasting time, add garlic, a few cloves that do not need to be cut. We begin the preparation of the most difficult element - brine. It is very simple, but, nevertheless, you need to be careful and strictly follow the recipe.

Stir in a little warm water salt, three tablespoons. Keep in mind that hot water will completely ruin your workpiece, which is almost ready. Pour the brine so that the liquid reaches the edge of the neck of the jar and close the lids, for starters - plastic ones. We leave it for two or three days to stand at room temperature, and then the tomatoes need to be rolled up for the whole winter with tin lids. Store jars of pickled tomatoes only in a cool place.

Hot pickled tomatoes

There are three main methods: hot salting, cold and dry. Now let's share some information about each of them. We have already posted one recipe for hot salting here, now we will talk about another. All of them differ in various spices and the composition of the brine. This contributes to changes in aromas and taste. Let's get started. We wash and sterilize jars with a volume of three liters well. We put a pinch of ground cinnamon on the bottom of each, garlic - two peeled cloves, whole, and dill - 30 grams.

Wash the tomatoes and fill the jar with them to the top. We prepare the brine, for which we bring one and a half liters of water to a boil, add salt and granulated sugar, one and a half and two tablespoons, respectively. Cook until the ingredients are dissolved, then pour our tomatoes with boiling brine. Some housewives do this twice: drain the brine, bring it to a boil again and put it in a jar. We cover the jars with lids and sterilize them in boiling water for five minutes. Pour vinegar essence into each jar, one teaspoonful, and roll it up with sterile metal lids. We put them upside down, wrap them with a blanket. After cooling, send to a cool place for storage. How to salt tomatoes in jars? We have mastered the hot method.

Mastering the cold pickling of tomatoes

This can be done both in tubs and in banks. In order to use jars, you need a clean three-liter jar filled with tomatoes, washed and pierced near the stalk. During this process, they are shifted with currant leaves, horseradish, cherries, peeled garlic and dill. Top with coarse salt, three tablespoons, and granulated sugar, one tablespoon, pour cold water and add 9% vinegar.

We close the jar with a plastic lid, put it in the cellar or refrigerator. How to salt tomatoes in a cold way in a jar, we have learned. Now the recipe for tubs. We put half of the cooked seasonings on its bottom, then the washed tomatoes and the remaining spices. Pour cold brine (700 grams of salt per ten liters of water). Above - a wooden circle and oppression. After a couple of days, we move from room temperature to a cold place, if necessary, add a brine prepared from the ratio: for one liter of water - 9 grams of citric acid and 20 grams of salt. Most likely, you have no questions left about how to salt tomatoes for the winter.

Dry pickling of tomatoes

Wash the tomatoes and place in any suitable container. At the same time, sprinkle each layer with coarse salt. Prepare a little more than one kilogram of salt per 10 kg of tomatoes. Cover the tub with a circle, put oppression. Put the container in a cold place and you can store it all winter. There are other, less well-known ways to salt tomatoes in jars.

For example, another option is dry pickling, in which tomatoes must be eaten immediately, since they are not intended for storage. Cut off the bottoms of the washed tomatoes, pour one teaspoon of salt into each of them and put garlic, one piece. Gently fold into a jar or other suitable dish, leave to brew for a couple of days and - in the refrigerator.

Comes to the aid of many housewives. Unripe products differ from mature ones in their hardness and acidity. But skilled chefs know how to benefit even from these qualities.

They told us how to salt the greens for the winter in a cold way. Let's get to work!

Good taste and long shelf life of home preservation directly depends on the varieties of fruits.

Did you know? 135 years ago, American entrepreneurs Niksa unleashed a huge global scandal, in the center of which was. The fact is that the brothers did not pay tax for the import of nightshade into the country. They justified their position by the fact that they are not subject to the duty. This . Such a verdict was passed by the Supreme Court, which ignored the arguments of the nerds.

In the case of preference should be given to those with an increased amount of sugars. Obviously, nothing will come of soft salad and dessert, even if you strictly follow the recipe. Often they are represented by a wide range of large-fruited varieties with different colors and tastes. Such specimens are more suitable for eating raw and preparing fresh salads. From small-fruited dessert varieties, according to the type, pickles can be obtained, provided that preservatives are added.

Important! To prevent mold from forming in a jar of brine, sprinkle the contents with fine salt and add a little vegetable oil.

  1. The first step is to prepare the brine. To do this, mix water, salt and sugar in a separate saucepan. We throw currant leaves and red pepper. We mix everything.
  2. Put on fire and bring to a boil. We stand on low heat for another 10 minutes and set aside to cool.
  3. We add vinegar essence to the cold brine (if you decide to replace it with table vinegar, then this ingredient must be added first for boiling).
  4. In clean and dry jars (or other suitable containers), we put the crushed root, flax seeds or others at our discretion on the bottom. Do not overdo it with improving the taste, as an excess of spices will only ruin the workpiece.
  5. Lay out the tomatoes tightly. To do this, shake the container several times.
  6. Pour the cold brine into jars, cover with nylon lids.

blank tomato for the winter in a cold way allows you to save more nutrients in the fruit. This is its great advantage over methods involving heat treatment.


Ripe tomatoes - how much will fit in a jar
- head of garlic
- granulated sugar - a tablespoon
- vinegar - a tablespoon
- currant leaf
- cherry leaf - 2 pcs.
- horseradish leaf
- coarse salt - three tablespoons
- dill stalk along with an umbrella


Rinse the fruits thoroughly, prick in the stalk area. Rinse the jars thoroughly, wipe dry. Put a horseradish leaf, an umbrella and a dill stalk at the bottom, fill the container with tomatoes, stacking them as tightly as possible. At the same time, they cannot be crushed and crushed. In the process of filling, be sure to shift the vegetables with cherry and currant leaves, add peeled garlic cloves. Pour granulated sugar and salt, fill with bottled water, add vinegar. Cork with a simple plastic cap, transfer to the refrigerator.

Do and . They also have excellent taste.

Do you have a wooden tub at home? Try to pickle cold winter tomatoes in her. Products for cooking will need the same. True, salt should be taken at the rate of 500 to 700 g per 10 liters of water. In addition, in this case, you should not use vinegar. Lay the leaves of dill and horseradish on the bottom of the tub, fill the container with tomatoes, shift with cherry and currant leaves, garlic cloves. Pour in tomato brine, put a circle of wood and oppression on top. Leave the fruits in a warm room for a couple of days. As soon as fermentation begins, transfer the tub to the cellar.

They turn out very tasty.

Recipe with mustard.

You will need:

Mustard - 10 g
- allspice peas - 10 pieces
- salt - a tablespoon
- sugar - 2 tablespoons
- water - one liter
- Lavrushka leaf - 2 pcs.

Cooking steps:

Place slightly unripe tomatoes in three-liter jars, sprinkle with blackcurrant leaves, dill, cherries. Boil the brine, cool, add 10 g of dry mustard. Stir, let it brew. As soon as the liquid becomes transparent, pour over the tomatoes, cover with nylon lids. Store in a cool place.

How about you?

Recipe with aspirin.

Required products:

celery sprig
- aspirin - 3 pcs.
- sugar, coarse salt - 1 tbsp each
- tomatoes - 2 kg
- bottled water
- spices
- bay leaf - 2 pcs.
- black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
- table vinegar - a third of a glass

How to cook:

Make a cold brine of vinegar, salt and granulated sugar, stir, leave to infuse. Fill the balloon with all the ingredients - bay leaf, allspice, garlic, celery, dill, tomatoes, again garlic, celery and dill. Pour the brine into the bottle. Put down the aspirin. Close the bottle with a plastic cap, lower it into the cellar or transfer it to the refrigerator. After a couple of weeks, you can taste the snack.

There is no limit to the imagination of housewives, especially when it comes to tasty and healthy food for their loved ones, and they do not just make seamings for the winter, they come up with various methods of canning - hot, dry and cold pickled tomatoes. Here are three options that you should definitely try to decide which one you like best.

So, for starters, let's look at options for hot canning so that we have them in our collection. You will need two kilos of medium-sized tomatoes (it is preferable to take cream for preservation), you also need to take two carrots, five cloves of garlic, two bell peppers, one “light”, half a stalk of tarragon and celery, three dill umbrellas, 10 black peppercorns, two clove bud, five currant leaves, five cherry leaves, citric acid on the tip of a knife. You can also put a few oak leaves in a jar according to the old Russian recipe so that the tomatoes remain strong after heat treatment. You will also need a liter of water, two tablespoons of sugar, a spoonful of coarse salt, four bay leaves.

The hot method necessarily includes brine in the recipe, it must be prepared on the basis of boiling water and poured into jars in boiling form. First you need to put the brine to boil, boil water for 10 minutes, with diluted sugar, salt, adding bay leaf.

At this time, you need to fill the jar with ingredients, it is advisable to keep the sequence: you need to put garlic, slices of bell pepper, a piece of chili, tarragon, carrot slices, dill sprigs, black peas, clove buds, currant, cherry, oak leaves, and then fill the balloon to the top tomatoes.

Filled jars must be sterilized. The usual way is also suitable for this: pour boiling water into the pan up to the “shoulders” or put them on the grate, and water will boil below. A three-liter jar should be sterilized for 20 minutes, and a liter jar for 10.

Pour in the brine. Now you need to add citric acid: for a three-liter one with a slide on the tip of a knife, and for two liters - without a slide. Roll up, turn over and cover until cool with something warm.

Cold pickled tomatoes

Cold pickled tomatoes has a number of advantages, firstly, in this way, you can get the most delicious pickles. But there are also disadvantages, for example, not everyone has the opportunity to store such preservation in a cool place at a constant temperature, because you can’t put a dozen three-liter cans in the refrigerator, and there is a cellar only in private houses. But if you have a cellar, then this recipe was created just for you, because with its help you will greatly facilitate the process of home preservation. First you need to try a few jars.

For a three-liter container, you need to take two kilos of medium and small tomatoes, a tablespoon of coarse salt, the same amount of granulated sugar, one and a half liters of water, a third of a glass of table vinegar, five cloves of garlic, three dill umbrellas, three bay leaves, three aspirin tablets, 10 peas black pepper, a sprig of celery, tarragon and other herbs as desired.

Put the bay leaf, allspice peas, garlic cloves, celery sprig, herbs and dill umbrella on the bottom, then lay the tomatoes tightly, and a few more cloves of garlic and dill greens on top.

Now you can pour brine into the balloon and add three aspirin tablets. Close with a plastic lid and store, if you have prepared only one jar, you can store it in the refrigerator, but transfer the rest of the preservation to the cellar. A month later (minimum 21 days) you can already try what we got.

Now you know the easiest cold pickled tomato recipe, but you can also try dry. Tomatoes pickled in this way are not stored for a long time, so cook them only in small jars and, if pickles are regularly present on your table. And now, when the tomatoes are still ripening in the beds, but you have already eaten them fresh, you can cook a wonderful pickle for your family.

From the ingredients you need to take only three kilos of tomatoes, 200 g of coarse salt, 30 different leaves (currant, cherry, oak, celery, dill, horseradish).

Wash the tomatoes thoroughly, then prick each fruit with a fork at the stem or cut off the bottom. Next, you need to lay the fruits in rows, sprinkling salt in each recess. The row must be covered with fruit leaves, at the end it is necessary to cover the tomatoes with leaves. Put for four days in a cool place, after which the pickle can be eaten.

Cold pickling tomatoes

Cold pickling tomatoes for the winter allows you to achieve a rich aroma and taste. In villages, oak barrels are traditionally used for this purpose, but in urban conditions this option is not available, so housewives have to look for interesting modifications of these recipes.

You may have already tried with mustard. This recipe is one of the simplest and most original. Preservation is perfectly stored in a cool place in glass jars. Tomatoes are obtained with a spicy flavor, with dense pulp. Mustard will only improve the flavor of the brine.

For a three-liter jar, you need to take 60 g of salt, a dozen black peppercorns, a slightly smaller amount of fragrant, six bay leaves, four cloves of garlic, a sprig of dill (dry or fresh), a piece of horseradish root, 20 g of mustard powder.

The bottle should be clean and dry, spices should be placed on the bottom, then the tomatoes should be tightly packed, they must first be pricked in several places with a toothpick or a two-pronged fork.

In a liter of water - cold boiled - you need to dilute the salt, and pour the contents of the jar with this brine. From above, cover the tomatoes with gauze folded in several layers, pour mustard powder (a tablespoon).

In order for the vegetables to be salted, they must be kept at room temperature for two weeks (approximately). Then the jars should be closed with plastic lids, left in the refrigerator for a few more weeks. Tomatoes will be fully prepared only after four weeks.

cold pickled tomato recipe

For a long time already, tomatoes have moved from ornamental plants to favorite vegetables, which have squeezed pickles that have long been familiar to the Russian table, and in the 19th century it became popular in the villages and cold pickled tomatoes in a barrel. Today, without “tomato” preservation, it is impossible to imagine both everyday and festive menus.

Salting tomatoes in a barrel is not at all difficult, the technology is very simple and understandable, but, of course, not everyone has barrels, and you can only put it in a spacious basement, which only residents of private houses can afford. According to tradition, pickling in barrels is a popular way for rural residents, who always prepare vegetables for a large family.

But if you have a barrel and a spacious basement, then it's time to try this old Russian recipe and try the pickles that were on the table 100 years ago. The barrel should, of course, be wooden, but not made of coniferous species, as this tree will give an unpleasant odor. The barrel should be washed well with hot water, then with boiling water, and finally with cold.

Spices will give the vegetables a special taste, we will use fresh dill sprigs and greens, bitter capsicum, celery, parsley, horseradish, blackcurrant leaves. Next, you need to put tomatoes tightly in a wooden container and pour in a solution of salt, it should be at the level of six percent. To prepare the brine, add 550 g of rock salt to eight liters of water. Next, you need to put a wooden circle, which must be covered with a cloth, and put a load on top. This is necessary so that the vegetables do not float and are completely in the brine.

The barrel will take about 10 kilos of tomatoes, 200 g of dill, a large head of garlic, one horseradish root, a large pod of bitter pepper.

cold pickled tomato recipe suitable for salads, in a barrel they always turn out more tasty and fragrant.

Cold pickled green tomatoes

Barrel green tomatoes have a wonderful aroma, firm flesh and a quick recipe. It's perfect for them cold pickling green tomatoes.

You must prepare the ingredients, given that for every kilogram of vegetables and every liter of brine, you need to take 50 g of dill seeds, two blackcurrant leaves, five cherry leaves, a tablespoon of sugar, two tablespoons of salt, 15 peppercorns.

The brine must be prepared in advance, dissolve sugar and salt in water, add pepper, leaves, herbs and seeds. When the brine cools, it is necessary to soak the tomatoes, for this they must be poured with cold boiled water. After that, the fruits must be cut at the base of the stalk, put in jars scalded with boiling water, for tomatoes it is advisable to take three-liter ones. Pour in the cooled brine, cover with nylon lids. Pickles should stand at room temperature for about six days, and then can be stored in the refrigerator.

cold pickled tomato recipe

If you tried how delicious it turns out cold pickled green tomatoes, then you will surely try other options for pickles. In winter, canned jars will sell out with a bang, and it’s not at all necessary to save them until the holidays or special occasions. You can easily turn an ordinary dinner into a solemn feast if you serve a plate of chopped green tomatoes on the table. Serving them to the table, you need to cut into slices, sprinkle with green onions and season with vegetable oil.

They are always filled with hot marinade, but you can try preparing them with cold brine. For miniature fruits, you can use the same recipe that you already know well.

And if you like completely unusual recipes, try it. Tomatoes are harvested in slices, and the result is a delicious salad, and if you add your favorite herbs and spices, then it will have an unsurpassed flavor.
