
How to make donuts step by step recipe. Fried donuts in a pan: the simplest recipe from what is in the refrigerator

Today we have a recipe for classic donuts, illustrated step by step with a photo. This confectionery is a favorite delicacy for many sweet tooth. Donuts are famous all over the world.

The shape of donuts can be ring-shaped or spherical, with or without filling. We will cook classic donuts in the form of a ring, without filling.

  • Butter, 60 grams.
  • Chicken egg, 1 piece.
  • Sugar, 1 tablespoon.
  • Vegetable oil, 0.5 liters.
  • Powdered sugar.
  • Vanillin.
  • Flour, 400 grams.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Yeast, 10 grams.
  • Milk, 250 ml.

Step-by-step instructions for making classic donuts

Step 1
The most important thing is the right dough. First, in a container with warm water, pour the yeast and sugar. Mix thoroughly so that everything is completely dissolved.

Step 2
Pour the warmed milk there and beat in the egg. Add butter softened at room temperature, salt and vanilla. Beat all components with a mixer until smooth.

Step 3
Sift the flour through a sieve, pouring portions into a container with the rest of the ingredients. At this stage, it is very important to constantly mix so that lumps do not form. All lumps must be broken.

Step 4
In order for the dough to become soft and airy, it is very important to let the yeast fulfill its mission. To do this, leave the dough in a warm place for 1.5 - 2 hours.

Step 5
After the dough has “reached”, roll it out with a layer. The thickness should be approximately 1 cm. Next, squeezing out, cut out circles from the dough using a cup or glass (you can buy culinary cutters of different diameters and shapes in stores and cut them out). With a glass of smaller diameter, cut out a second one inside each circle - a donut hole.

Step 6
We arrange the semi-finished donuts on the board and leave for 30 - 40 minutes to rise. The board must be sprinkled with flour in advance. On the board, donuts will increase in volume. It is necessary to take this into account during the arrangement and leave space between them.

Step 7
If you don't have an air fryer, you can use a heavy-bottomed pot or a high-walled pan to fry the donuts. There should be enough oil (donuts should float in oil). Donuts should be fried for two minutes on one side and the other.

Step 8
After frying, you need to allow excess fat to drain from the donuts. To do this, lay them out either on a saucepan or on paper towels. Before serving, sprinkle donuts with powdered sugar.

Bon appetit!

Pour water into milk and heat slightly. Pour sugar and yeast into a mixture of milk and water, mix, leave warm for 15-20 minutes to revive the yeast.

Then add eggs, salt, melted butter. Mix everything well. Add the sifted flour in small portions and knead a soft dough.

Sprinkle the work surface with flour, lay out the dough and knead it well, adding flour if necessary. The dough should be soft, elastic, but not heavily clogged with flour. Cover the dough with a towel and leave for 1-2 hours, the dough should double in size.

Cover our future yeast donuts with a towel and leave for 30-40 minutes, they will increase in size.

Heat the vegetable oil well, lower the donuts into the deep fat in small portions.

Remove the donuts with a slotted spoon and place on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Cool the yeast donuts for a bit, then fill them with the filling (I filled the donuts with the filling using a pastry syringe).

Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired. Airy, lush yeast donuts with filling will appeal to both children and adults. Delicious!

Happy tea!

Donuts… What could be tastier and more tender?

Remember, donuts used to be sold on the street from stalls?

Golden pretzels with powdered sugar... it seemed that there was no greater joy - sweetness could not be found. Donuts are the perfect treat for those who start their day in the morning. Fried donuts in a pan can be consumed with jam and syrup, jam, honey and other sweets. And for those who do not belong to the category of a sweet tooth, you can cook donuts with herbs, cottage cheese donuts, cheese donuts and a hundred other varieties.

General principles for cooking fried donuts in a pan

Donuts should be fried in moderation, try not to overcook them, otherwise they will not turn out airy and golden.

Sprinkle the donuts with powdered sugar when they cool a little, otherwise the powder will simply melt.

Formed donuts must be allowed to brew, they should double in volume.

Donuts need to be fried on both sides.

To make donuts beautiful, squeeze a large circle with a glass, and squeeze the middle of it with a glass.

Remember to watch the cooking time, otherwise the donuts will not acquire the desired golden hue.

Fried donuts in a pan: jam for every taste

This donut recipe is quick and easy to make. One of the components of the recipe is jam. It can be anything in taste and texture. Don't miss this delicacy! Fried donuts only benefit from it.


A couple - three glasses of flour

A glass of milk

A couple spoons of sugar

A small piece of butter

Fifty grams of yeast


Powdered sugar


First, let's prepare the dough. Milk needs to be warmed up a little so that it is slightly warm.

We put yeast in it. We stir well.

Next step: melt the butter. After that, pour it into milk, add sugar. We stir well.

In this mass, add the egg, a pinch of salt. This is done so that our dough becomes elastic and soft.

Mix all ingredients with flour. Knead the dough and leave it in a warm place. When it fits, you need to knock it out again. After a couple of hours the dough is ready. Let's start making donuts.

First, roll out the dough with a thickness of one mm. Using a glass, make small circles. We put jam on each and put the second circle on top, pinch both circles well and carefully. Let the donuts rest for half an hour.

In a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil and fry our donuts in it on both sides. After that, put them on a paper towel so that it absorbs excess oil.

When the donuts have cooled slightly, sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

Fried donuts in a pan: a signature recipe

It is believed that each nation has its own special recipe for donuts. Our nation also has its own recipe for donuts, and it is prepared using cottage cheese. These donuts are very fond of children, and therefore such pastries can also be safely called children's donuts. By the way, you can cook them together with the kids, this will make them even tastier and more desirable.


Half a glass of flour

One egg


Quarter kg of cottage cheese

Powdered sugar

Vegetable oil


Thoroughly mix flour with salt and soda.

In the second bowl, beat the egg, mix it with cottage cheese and sugar, add vanillin.

Mix the flour with the contents of the second bowl. We knead the dough.

Roll out the finished dough and cut it into small pieces, make balls. In each ball we make a middle.

We heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the donuts in it on both sides, put them on a paper towel, let stand for about five minutes. After that, put the donuts on a dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Fried donuts in a pan: add greens and cottage cheese

The recipe for cottage cheese donuts with herbs is quite original. These donuts are not sweet, and therefore you can have lunch and breakfast with them. In addition, the main ingredient here is cottage cheese, not flour, which makes donuts even more healthy and tasty.


Half a kg of cottage cheese

Large bunch of greens: parsley and dill

A glass of kefir

One egg

Vegetable oil


Mix cottage cheese with egg and kefir, add salt. Gently grind everything with each other.

Mix the flour sifted in advance with soda, add it to the curd mass.

Rinse the greens and finely chop, add it to the dough, mix and leave for 20 minutes.

After that, roll out the dough, the thickness should not exceed one cm.

Squeeze out the mugs with a glass, leave them to approach for ten minutes.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the mugs in it on both sides. Let them rest on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

It is best to serve these donuts hot.

Fried donuts in a pan: the simplest recipe from what is in the refrigerator

These donuts are airy and very tasty, they are prepared from those products that every housewife always has in the refrigerator. The size of the donuts depends on what kind of utensil you are using. You can make them small with glasses, and if you use glasses, then the donuts will turn out bigger.


One egg

Powdered sugar

Granulated sugar

A quarter liter of kefir

Three glasses of flour

Vegetable oil


Pour the egg and kefir into a bowl, mix well and add granulated sugar, salt.

After that, pour soda into the mass, pour in three tablespoons of oil, add flour and knead the dough.

It should be soft and not stick to your hands.

We divide the dough into a couple of parts. Roll out each one 1 cm thick.

Squeeze the mugs with a glass or a glass. Punch another hole inside each circle.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the donuts on both sides. We spread them first on a paper towel, then on a dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Fried donuts in a pan in Polish

Donuts according to this recipe are also called Warsaw. There is a tradition in Poland, one day a year there is only donuts, it is believed that then the whole year will be happy and successful. Donuts are quite high in calories, and therefore we do not recommend getting carried away with them. The main difference from other recipes is that dough is used here.


Third part of a glass of milk

Half a hundred grams of fresh yeast

Several spoons of sugar

Half a kg of flour

Ten egg yolks

Glass of cream





Vegetable oil


All ingredients should not be cold, maintain room temperature. First of all, we prepare the dough. In warm milk, stir the yeast, add flour to the same place, add sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to rise for 30 minutes.

At this time, beat the yolks with sugar until foam forms. Add in melted butter and hot cream.

After the dough becomes twice as large, we begin to pour flour into it, we do it gradually, we also pour in a mass of yolks, butter and cream.

Add alcohol, vanilla, sugar, salt. Mix and knead the dough. We do this for about 20 minutes. The dough should not stick to your hands!

We put ready-made donuts on a napkin. To do this, we pinch off a piece from the dough, roll it into a ball, put the jam and almond filling into it, close it up and roll it into a ball again. Donuts should stand for an hour to double in size.

Heat oil in a frying pan and fry donuts on both sides. After we put them on a paper towel, let the remaining oil drain and put them in a festive dish, sprinkle with powdered sugar and put on the table.

Fried donuts in a pan: a favorite treat for adults and children

This recipe is considered universal. Both adults and children love to feast on tasty treats fried in a pan, and cooking such donuts is a real pleasure. The cooking process takes half an hour at most, but the pleasure received from donuts can be stretched for the whole day. The dish turns out to be medium-calorie, so it is suitable for breakfast and dinner.


A quarter liter of milk

Half a kg of flour

A piece of butter

A couple spoons of sugar

One egg

a glass of water

Packet of dry yeast


Vegetable oil


In warm water, we dilute the yeast, add the egg there, pour in the milk. Mix well.

We also add vanillin, butter, previously slightly flooded. Beat everything well with a mixer.

Add flour, knead the dough. We leave an hour and a half to approach.

After that, we roll out the dough in the form of a large cake, squeeze mugs out of it with a glass, make holes in them with a toothpick. Let them rise for 20 minutes.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the donuts in it on both sides. While they are hot, sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

Tips and tricks for cooking fried donuts in a pan

    Use a thick jam for the filling, otherwise the filling will simply flow out of the donuts.

    The dough for donuts should be shiny, soft and elastic, not sticky to your hands. Only then will the donuts be airy.

    If you do not have kefir, use yogurt, fermented baked milk, bifidok.

    Add vanillin only for flavor, do not pour the whole pack, just a pinch. The ideal option is vanilla essence.

    If you are making donuts with herbs, then use only parsley and dill, the rest of the herbs will only spoil the overall taste.

The most beautiful and magnificent donuts: on sour cream, condensed milk, yeast! Cook for loved ones at home.

Fluffy donuts remind me of my childhood, when my grandmother or mother cooked this delicious homemade cake on weekends. Our donuts were served with honey, but since there was no honey, I suggest the option with powdered sugar. It's also delicious and homemade.

  • Wheat flour 500 grams
  • Milk 200 milliliters
  • Butter 50 grams
  • Dry yeast 10 grams
  • Egg 1 piece
  • Sugar 3 tablespoons
  • Vanilla for flavor
  • Lemon zest from ½ lemon
  • Salt 1 pinch
  • Powdered sugar for decoration
  • 500 ml vegetable oil for frying

First you need to prepare the starter. Mix half a teaspoon of sugar, 50 milliliters of warm milk and 5 tablespoons of flour. And add yeast to it. Stir.

Give the sourdough time to rise. It should rise within 20 minutes.

While the starter is rising, heat the remaining milk with the sugar until the sugar dissolves. Set aside to cool. Add vanilla.

Sift the flour and add the sourdough, cooled milk with sugar, beaten egg, melted butter, salt and lemon zest into it.

Knead until smooth with a spatula, then grease your hands with oil and continue kneading with your hands. Knead for 5-10 minutes until the dough comes off the sides of the plate.

Cover the dough with cling film and leave it in a warm place until it doubles in size. 50-60 minutes, approximately.

When the dough has risen, roll out a layer 5-6 millimeters thick from it. Cut out donuts from the dough using a round shape, with a diameter of 7-8 centimeters. And leave the donuts to rise for 30 minutes, approximately, so that they increase in size.

Heat the oil in a deep frying pan or heavy saucepan and fry the donuts in it until golden brown on both sides.

Do not let the dough burn, do not step away from the stove so that everything turns out well.

Place fried donuts on paper towels to remove excess oil.

Once the donuts have cooled, sprinkle them with powdered sugar and serve with tea or coffee. This wonderful homemade cake will please the whole family. Very simple and delicious.

Recipe 2: lush donuts with cottage cheese (with photo)

I can say with confidence that lush cottage cheese donuts, a step-by-step recipe with a photo of which is presented below, taste better than cheesecakes.

  • Egg - 1 pc.,
  • Sugar - 5-6 tbsp. spoons
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet,
  • Baking powder for dough - 1 teaspoon,
  • Cottage cheese - 300 gr.,
  • Flour - 1.5 cups
  • Sunflower refined oil - 400 gr.

After all the ingredients have been prepared, you can start cooking cottage cheese donuts. Crack an egg into a deep bowl.

Pour sugar into it.

Whisk the egg and sugar together until fluffy.

Pour in a bag of vanillin to make the cottage cheese donuts fragrant.

At the same time, to obtain a loose and porous structure of cottage cheese donuts fried in oil, you need to add soda or baking powder. Reacting with sour curd, these products will fill the dough with air bubbles, as a result of which they will turn out with holes.

After adding baking powder and vanilla to the dough, mix the mass again.

Pour in the curd.

Whisk it into the egg-sugar mixture.

It remains to add flour to the dough of cottage cheese donuts. Do not forget to pre-sift the flour through a sieve or a special mug.

Now that all the ingredients have been added, knead the dough with your hands. The dough should turn out not very tight, but at the same time not liquid, otherwise they will not only not only be rolled into a ball (the dough will reach for the hands), but also they will turn out to be raw inside. I got dough for donuts the same consistency as dough for cheesecakes. That's it, the dough is ready.

With your hands moistened with water or vegetable oil, pinch off a small amount of dough and roll it into a ball the size of a walnut.

Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan or small saucepan. I draw your attention to the fact that the oil must be refined. If you fry donuts in unrefined oil, then its bright aroma will be transferred to them, and they will lose their natural creamy-curd taste. In addition, unrefined oil, around the time of frying the second portion of cottage cheese donuts, will give soot and a black coating on the bottom of the pan.

Spread the cottage cheese donuts on a cutting board as you mold. The board can be additionally sprinkled with flour. Any pastry rolled in flour also quickly turns the butter dark.

Once the oil is hot, carefully lower the donuts one at a time. Try to fry no more than 5-7 pieces at a time. The fire during their frying should be small. Otherwise, they will brown on the outside in a matter of seconds (minutes), while remaining raw on the inside. Therefore, in order for deep-fried cottage cheese donuts to be well fried, they must be fried over low heat.

Carefully remove the finished donuts, which have already become golden, from the oil (deep-frying) with a slotted spoon. Place them on a plate lined with paper towels to soak up excess oil.

Traditionally, they are sprinkled with powdered sugar on top. In addition to them, raw condensed milk, jam, jams, jams, and so on are served. Donuts are delicious with both tea and coffee. Enjoy your meal. I would be glad if the lush donuts fried in oil, the recipe of which we reviewed, will please you and your household.

Recipe 3: sweet lush condensed milk donuts

If you don’t know how you can quickly and tasty pamper your loved ones, then be sure to pay attention to these donuts. They are sure to please them with their delicate taste and divine aroma.

  • 1 glass of condensed milk,
  • 2 eggs,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda,
  • 2.5-3.5 cups flour
  • powdered sugar to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Crack the indicated number of eggs into a plastic bowl. Pour in the condensed milk immediately. Please note that it should not be boiled. You can use homemade condensed milk to make the dough.

Next, add baking soda, salt and sift the flour through a sieve. Mix everything well, and then knead the dough with your hands. This procedure takes little time, as the dough is kneaded quickly, but it turns out soft and “obedient”.

Roll out the dough into a paste, not very thin. Squeeze circles with a large glass, and then a small one. Should be donuts.

Heat vegetable oil in a bowl, frying pan or saucepan.

Fry donuts on both sides over low heat in hot vegetable oil.

Let them cool and then dust them with powder.

Recipe 4: Lush Donuts with Yeast and Milk

Homemade donuts are a crispy ruddy joy for the whole family, a great occasion to get together at a common table.

It should be noted that excess sugar and butter will not allow the dough to gain volume. You can use warm whey instead of milk. Before frying, the products need to lie down for a while - to distance themselves so that the dough comes up a little more.

Ready donuts should be dried on a paper towel. You can serve them with sour cream, whipped cream, jam or sprinkle with powdered sugar.

An alternative baking option does not contain vanilla and is served with any hot sauce.

  • dry yeast - 1 tsp
  • milk - 1 tbsp.
  • butter - 50 g
  • yolks - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 pack.
  • salt - a pinch
  • flour - about 500 g
  • vegetable oil for deep frying - about 1 tbsp.
  • powdered sugar for sprinkling

Sift one cup of flour and pour into a bowl. Pour the rest of the dry ingredients into it: yeast, sugar and salt.

Pour it all over with a glass of warm milk. Mix thoroughly, getting rid of lumps.

Let rise in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. You can preheat the oven slightly, then turn it off. And put a bowl of dough in it, covering it with a film.

Opara fit very well.

Add melted or softened butter and beaten yolks with vanilla sugar to it.

Sprinkle flour and knead the dough. We cover it again with a film and send it to a warm place for 40-50 minutes.

Yeast dough grows very well if the yeast is fresh, not stale.

Punch down the dough with your hands on a floured board.

Then you need to split it into two parts. Remove one under the film so that it does not dry out. Let's start working on the second part. We roll it into a layer 0.5-0.7 cm thick. Squeeze out the circles using a cookie cutter or a glass. Poke holes in the center of each circle with a pastry bag cutter or other cookie cutter. We give the blanks to rise for 10 minutes and begin to fry.

Pour vegetable oil into a small saucepan or saucepan. It is better that it is odorless. We heat it over low heat and carefully spread the donuts. Deep fry on one side first.

Once browned, use tongs or two forks to flip over. Fry should be on low heat so that the oil does not burn and donuts with it.

We spread the finished ruddy donuts with a slotted spoon or tongs in a bowl on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Sprinkle donuts with powdered sugar through a strainer.

From the resulting yeast dough, quite a lot of donuts are obtained.

The pieces of dough that remained from the insides of the circles are also deep-fried. There will be little balls for kids.

Donuts are airy, fragrant and very tasty. We do not put a lot of sugar in the dough, because it is replaced by powdered sugar. The more it is, the sweeter the delicacy will be.

Donuts are best eaten fresh. Then they are delicious.

Recipe 5: lush donuts on sour cream (step by step)

Donuts are a wonderful quick dessert for tea. Their only drawback is that they require a lot of sunflower oil, as they are deep-fried. Be sure to try this simple recipe for yeast-free donuts and your household will definitely appreciate your efforts.

  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. (with slide)
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - how much dough will take
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Vanilla - 1 pack
  • Soda - ½ tsp
  • Vodka (optional) - 1 tbsp.

Beat eggs with sugar and a pinch of salt

Add vanillin and soda slaked with vinegar

Sour cream and vodka (or cognac)

We heat up the milk. We add yeast. I took dry ones. They fit faster. Put a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of sugar and vanilla. We mix everything. Crack in a couple of eggs and beat. Sift through a sieve half a kilo of flour and knead the dough. We put in a warm place for one to two hours (depending on the temperature of the room).

For now, let's get on with the cream. We combine a glass of milk with condensed milk. Add 200 grams of flour, beat well. We put the saucepan on the stove, bring the mass to a density, stirring constantly.

While we were preparing the cream, the dough had already risen. Roll it out into one inch thick layer. We take a glass or a small glass and cut circles in the dough. It turns out such flattened balls. From the rest of the dough, roll the ball and roll it out. We finish the circles on the remnants of the dough.

We spread the cooled cream on top of the flattened circles, in the center. To make it fit, stretch the edges with your hands. We put the cream somewhere in a teaspoon, depending on the size of the bun. We wrap it in a bud and roll it up with our hands.

Take a frying pan with high edges. If you have a deep fryer, use it! Pour sunflower oil into the pan so that the donuts are half covered with it. We heat the pan with oil, put donuts there. Flatten them with your hands before doing this so that they are better fried. Fry on both sides as a crust forms. Keep an eye on the oil level.
