
Rice porridge in a slow cooker ratio. With the addition of pumpkin

My kids are big fans of all kinds of cereals. So mom cooks for all varieties and types. As I already wrote about Druzhba Porridge - in a slow cooker with rice and millet Today we will talk about a very ordinary rice milk porridge, but cooked in a slow cooker. Genius, the man who invented this device! Even just because of the preparation of cereals, this thing is worth buying. Well, okay, let's put the laudatory odes to the device aside, and let's talk about the porridge itself.
We need cow's milk. I take exactly whole cow, as I cook for children, I don’t really like to use store-bought for these purposes. Pour it into the multicooker bowl
We take rice. If you want porridge to be what is called rice to rice, take steamed rice, and if you want something more boiled, something like Krasnodar is better.

Pour the rice into the bowl of the multicooker with milk and put the sugar there. I start with a spoonful of sugar. I wrote 2 in the recipe, since my daughter prefers a sweeter version, and I try to put less sugar on my son.

And add some salt there.

We turn on the multicooker in the "milk porridge" mode and wait. This is where our work ends. The device will tell you when everything is ready. Let the porridge stand a little and swell. In my case, it was a little with milk, since the steamed one does not really want to absorb excess liquid.

My kids love these cereals.

In each plate, you can put a piece of butter in portions, this is a great addition to milk porridges.

Enjoy your meal!

Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

Rice porridge with milk is an excellent breakfast option for both adults and children. It turns out high-calorie and will provide a feeling of satiety until lunch.

Of course, in the morning there is no desire to stand at the stove at all. I know this for myself, and a modern miracle technique - a multicooker - is an excellent way out. In it, rice porridge with milk turns out to be as tasty and tender as the one we cook on the stove. But with a slow cooker, it is much easier to cook it - you can put all the components in the bowl in the evening and set a delayed start. And in the morning, by your rise, delicious rice porridge with milk will be ready.

It remains only to put it on plates and call home for breakfast. You can also cook delicious oatmeal - it is very good for digestion and will be a great start to the day.

Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker with pumpkin, dried apricots and prunes

Professional chefs know one trick. Any milk porridge cooked in a slow cooker or on the stove will turn out tastier if the milk is diluted with water. Which is what I tried to do. The porridge turned out crumbly and the truth is much tastier than usual.

You will need the following products:

  • rice 200 grams;
  • sugar 120 grams;
  • baked milk 250 ml;
  • water 250 ml;
  • dried apricots, prunes and pumpkin;
  • butter - a small piece.


We put rice and granulated sugar in the bowl of the multicooker. We add water and milk.

Add the washed dried apricots, clean, chopped prunes and pumpkin pulp to the bowl.

Put a piece of soft butter. We add a little bit and set the "Porridge" mode.

Put the finished rice porridge in milk on a plate and decorate with any berries. In my case, this is a branch of red currant, blackberry and raspberry.

The recipe is as simple as the porridge turns out delicious, which means it is very simple. Bon appetit!

Thick rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker - a classic recipe

If you cook porridge according to the first recipe, then it will turn out to be quite crumbly. But someone prefers thick rice porridge with milk, which is more homogeneous in consistency. I am a fan of this option.

If you are too, then you will need:

For very thick porridge:

  • milk (fat content 2.5%) - 500 ml;
  • round grain rice - 150 grams;
  • butter - a small piece;
  • sugar - two large spoons;
  • some salt;

You can add some raisins, but that's optional.

If you need porridge of medium density, then the set of products will be slightly different:

  • milk - 1 liter;
  • round-grain rice - 110 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • salt - half a teaspoon (without a slide);
  • butter - a teaspoon.


1. The cereal should be thoroughly washed in several waters or directly under the tap. Place in the multicooker bowl. Pour salt, granulated sugar into it.

2. Coat the rim of the bowl with butter, put the rest into the cereal and add milk.

This little trick will keep the milk from escaping. When boiling, it will rise to the level of oil and fall again.

3. Close the lid and set the "Porridge" mode. If you set the time manually, then set it to 35 minutes.

Rice porridge cooked according to the first composition of the components turns out to be thick already hot. And if it brews a little, then you can’t turn the spoon in it. Therefore, it must be submitted immediately.

If the porridge thickens too much, then it can be diluted with milk when it is already applied in portions. It has no effect on taste.

You can put steamed dried fruits or fresh berries in the finished porridge. It all depends on your preferences.

Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker with pumpkin

Rice porridge in milk with pieces of pumpkin is a great start to the day or a good dinner option. Who likes it! Summer is already in full swing and early maturing pumpkin varieties will already begin to ripen, so the recipe for milk rice porridge with pumpkin will be very useful to you.

Since we will cook it in a slow cooker, no difficulties are foreseen.


  • milk - 550 ml;
  • half a cup of rice (about 100 g);
  • pumpkin pulp - 500 grams;
  • 50 g butter;
  • granulated sugar to taste;
  • some salt.


1. Rinse the rice until the water is clear. Transfer to a multicooker bowl. Remove the skin from the pumpkin and cut the flesh into small pieces. Put in fig.

An interesting "melon" taste in the pulp of dessert varieties of pumpkin. And the porridge is also obtained with an unusual aftertaste.

2. Add all remaining ingredients. Don't forget to coat the rim of the bowl on the inside with oil - the milk won't run away! Stir.

3. Then set the mode "Porridge" or "Milk porridge". You can set the cooking time manually - if possible. You need to enter 35 minutes.

4. After the beep, open the lid and stir the rice. Put a little more butter and leave the porridge to sweat in the “Heating” mode for another 10 minutes. It will get a little thicker.

Now you can put the porridge on plates and serve.

Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker with apples and raisins

Rice porridge with milk with apples and raisins is an excellent children's recipe. Kids will definitely not refuse apples and raisins, and the problem of breakfast will be solved by itself.

Porridge is prepared according to this recipe in two stages. The first is the preparation of rice porridge itself in milk. The second is the preparation of apples and raisins. The porridge will turn out delicious and incredibly fragrant!


  • rice - a glass;
  • milk - 2.5 cups;
  • three sweet apples;
  • some light raisins;
  • butter - 60 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • ground cinnamon - on the tip of a spoon;
  • salt.


1. First, cook the porridge. We wash the rice and put it in the multicooker bowl. Add milk, add salt. We set the "Porridge" mode.

2. Soak the raisins in hot water to make them soft. Apples are peeled and cut into slices.

Sweet apple varieties work best for this recipe. Of course, you can take sour ones, but then you need to increase the sugar rate.

3. Put a saucepan on the fire and put oil and granulated sugar in it. Fry it a little so that it starts to caramelize. This will take one or two minutes.

4. Put apples and raisins in it. Gently stir the mixture for five to six minutes. At the end, add cinnamon.

Now transfer the dressing to the porridge and mix. Delicious rice porridge in milk with apple and raisins is ready. You can call your sweet tooth to the table - a request for an addition is guaranteed!

You can put any berries in ready-made milk rice. For example, cut strawberries into slices. It will turn out to be no less tasty option.

Rice porridge with milk is a healthy hearty breakfast, and thanks to the slow cooker it can be cooked without any effort. You just need to lay all the components and start the device.

In order for porridge in a slow cooker to succeed, you need to buy only round-grain rice for it. Steamed and other varieties are not suitable.

Bon appetit and see you soon!

Rice porridge in a slow cooker is perhaps the most common dish that is prepared when testing a new kitchen assistant. There is nothing complicated in rice porridge, but you should know a few tricks that will allow you to easily and with guaranteed results prepare fragrant, hearty, tasty porridge for breakfast or dinner. If this is your first time cooking in a slow cooker, our tips will help you to cope with this task.

  • For rice porridge, you should use round-grain rice, it is better boiled. Long grain or parboiled rice is good for a side dish or rice soup when the grains don't stick together. Rice porridge should be “fat”, steamed;
  • If you cook rice porridge with milk, always add water to the milk, in a ratio of about 1: 3. This will not affect the taste, but the milk will not escape through the valve;
  • There is another way to prevent milk from escaping from the bowl: take a piece of butter and grease the sides of the bowl;
  • If you decide to cook rice porridge at a delayed start (from the evening), freeze some of the water or milk and put it in the bowl along with the rest of the products. Even on the hottest night, milk will not turn sour, checked!
  • Rice porridge can be cooked without milk. In this case, add fruits and berries (fresh or dry), vegetables or meat to it. Note: rice porridge with meat is not pilaf! The technology for preparing pilaf, including in a slow cooker, is completely different;
  • In different multicookers, the “Porridge”, “Milk porridge” or “Groats” mode work differently. The more powerful the appliance, the less time allotted for cooking. In multicookers of the Panasonic type with a power of 500 W, the Milk Porridge mode is extended for an hour or even more. If you cook a large amount of porridge, the cereal may remain slightly undercooked. Set the mode again or leave the porridge in the heating mode for an hour and a half (of course, you need to take this into account when preparing the porridge in time so as not to be left without breakfast). Powerful multicookers can easily cope with any number of products;
  • If your multicooker has automatic programs, you usually do not need to set the cooking time. However, there are units that provide the ability to adjust the time, regardless of the type of program. As a rule, the cooking time for milk porridge in such multicookers is set to 25 minutes. Feel free to double it - the porridge will turn out much tastier and softer;
  • The most delicious rice porridge in a slow cooker is obtained at a delayed start. Check it out yourself!

So, let's begin. The first recipe that we pay attention to when testing a multicooker is located in the instructions for it. The instructions are most often not read or read inattentively, so let's start with it.

Rice milk porridge in a slow cooker


  • 1 multi-glass of rice cereal,
  • 1-2 multi-glasses of water,
  • 2-3 multi-glasses of milk
  • a pinch of salt,
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. sugar (or to taste)
  • 50 g butter.


  1. Rinse rice in several waters until transparent. This is important, as poorly washed rice helps the porridge run through the valve, especially if you have a small bowl, and this is another hassle to wash the slow cooker.
  2. Absolutely clean rice can be soaked in warm water for a while. Lubricate the sides of the multicooker bowl with butter. Put rice in it, add boiled water (necessarily boiled, especially if you cook on a delayed start) and milk. Salt and sugar to taste. Mix gently and close the lid.
  3. Then you can simply select the "Milk porridge" program and press the "Start" button, or after choosing the program, calculate the time until the moment when you need ready-made porridge (say, if you put food at 23-00, and porridge is required by 7- 00, we select 8 hours for the delayed start, the multicooker will decide when to start cooking, the readiness signal will sound exactly at 7-00).
  4. All! Multi-glasses in the recipe can be replaced with ordinary glasses or cups, the main thing is to keep the proportions. If the porridge seems thick to you, next time add water or milk.

Rice porridge with raisins


  • 1 stack rice (round grain),
  • 2 stack milk,
  • 1 stack water,
  • 50 light raisins,
  • 1 tbsp butter,
  • sugar, salt - to taste.


  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly and put it in the multicooker bowl. Rinse raisins in hot water and squeeze.
  2. Put it in a bowl, add milk, water, butter, sugar and salt to taste, stir and close the lid. Set the mode "Milk porridge".
  3. Together with raisins, any dried fruits to taste can be added to the porridge.

Rice porridge with baked milk


  • 1 stack rice,
  • 1 stack water,
  • 1-2 stack. baked milk (depending on the desired density),
  • raisins and dried apricots - to taste,
  • sugar, salt, butter.


  1. Rinse the apricots and cut into cubes. Rinse the rice and raisins in the same way. Put all the ingredients in a bowl, fill with water and baked milk and set the "Milk porridge" or "Porridge" mode.
  2. After the signal about the end of the mode, stir the porridge and let it simmer in the "Heating" mode for another 10-15 minutes.

Rice with cheese and cream


  • 2 stack steamed rice,
  • 2 stack water,
  • 1 st. l. butter,
  • 1 stack fat cream,
  • 100 g grated cheese
  • salt.


  1. Put rice, salt, butter in a bowl, fill with water and cook in the “Groats” or “Buckwheat” mode.
  2. When the mode finishes, pour the warmed cream into the bowl, add the cheese, mix well and leave under the lid in the “Heating” mode for 5-7 minutes.

Rice porridge with pumpkin, raisins and apples


  • 800 g pumpkin,
  • 2 apples
  • 50-70 g dark raisins,
  • 1 stack rice (long grain)
  • 2 stack water,
  • salt, sugar, butter - to taste.


  1. Cut the peeled pumpkin into cubes, peel the apples and cut into slices. Rinse rice.
  2. Sort the raisins, rinse well and steam for a couple of minutes in boiling water. Put all the ingredients in a bowl, fill with water, add salt, sugar and butter, close the lid and set the “Pilaf” mode.

Rice porridge with mushrooms and vegetables


  • 1 stack rice,
  • 300-350 g mushrooms (fresh or frozen),
  • 1 onion
  • 1 sweet red pepper
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 stack tomato juice
  • 1 stack water,
  • salt, spices - to taste.


  1. Rinse rice until transparent. Cut the onion into cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the mushrooms and sweet pepper into strips.
  2. Turn on the “Baking” or “Frying” mode and fry the onion in vegetable oil first until transparent, then add the rest of the vegetables and mushrooms and simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Put rice in a bowl, add salt and spices, pour in tomato juice and water and set the “Pilaf” mode.

Rice with prunes or dried apricots and chicken


  • 1 chicken breast
  • 2 stack rice (can be steamed)
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 5-7 pcs. prunes or dried apricots, pitted,
  • salt, saffron, spices,
  • 1-3 art. l. vegetable oil,
  • 4 stack boiling water.


  1. Cut onions and carrots into cubes. Soak dried fruits in warm water for 10-15 minutes, squeeze and cut into pieces. Cut the chicken breast into 2 cm cubes.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into the bottom of the bowl, turn on the “Baking” or “Frying” mode and fry the onions and carrots until soft.
  3. Add chicken breast and spices and simmer for another 10 minutes under the lid. Turn off the mode, distribute the products along the bottom of the bowl, add dried fruits, cover the rice in an even layer, put a whole head of garlic in the center, carefully pour in boiling water so as not to mix the food, close the lid and set the “Pilaf” or “Groats” mode.
  4. Please rate the recipe!

Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker is easy and simple. This dish is good for breakfast or an afternoon snack for both young children and adults. It should be noted that it can be prepared according to different recipes. Someone makes porridge only from rice, while someone uses other ingredients. Today we will present you several options for creating a delicious and healthy dish.

Classic recipe: rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker

If you do not want to invent new ways to cook milk rice porridge, then we suggest using the classic cooking option. To do this, we need a small set of ingredients:

  • fine iodized salt - ½ small spoon;
  • good quality butter - 10 g.

Preparation of the main ingredient (rice groats)

Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker does not cook for very long. And before placing all the products in the bowl of the device, they should be carefully processed. But first things first.

As you know, rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker turns out to be as tasty as possible if you purchase round-grain cereals for such a dish. After all, it contains a lot of starch, which contributes to the preparation of a viscous and satisfying dish.

The acquired round-grain cereals should be carefully sorted out, and then put in a sieve and rinsed several times in warm water. After that, the product must be shaken well.

Heat treatment

Rice porridge in a slow cooker, the recipes of which we are considering in this article, should be prepared in the same mode (“Porridge”). It is this program that is designed to make a viscous dish, which, even after heat treatment, will surely retain all the useful and nutritious substances.

So, to prepare breakfast, you need to put the washed rice in the bowl of the device, and then pour it with fresh milk, add sugar and salt. After mixing the components, tightly close the lid of the multicooker. In the future, you need to install the program "Porridge". In this case, the multicooker will independently set the required timer value.

Serve the right food for breakfast

After the rice porridge with milk in the slow cooker is completely ready, it should be flavored with a piece of fresh butter and kept under the lid for another 3-6 minutes. Next, the viscous dish needs to be laid out on portioned plates and presented to family members along with a slice of bread and a slice of cheese. Bon appetit!

Sweet rice milk porridge in a slow cooker: recipe

If such a dish is intended for young children, then it is recommended to cook it together with additional sweet ingredients. In this case, your baby will probably not refuse the porridge, but, on the contrary, will gobble it up on both cheeks.

So, we need:

  • round-grain rice - a full glass;
  • medium fat milk - a full glass;
  • cold drinking water - a full glass;
  • black large raisins - about 60 g;
  • sweet fleshy dried apricots - 60 g;
  • granulated sugar - 2/3 of a small spoon;
  • good quality butter - 5 g.

We prepare the components (rice groats and dried fruits)

Rice porridge in a slow cooker, the recipes of which involve the use of dried fruits, is very sweet and healthy. It is good to use it for young children, as well as for those people who have problems with the intestinal tract.

Before putting all the ingredients in the slow cooker, they must be well processed. Round grain rice should be sorted and washed thoroughly. As for dried fruits, they must be rinsed in warm water, and then poured with boiling water and wait until the raisins and dried apricots swell. After that, they need to be thoroughly washed, dried and cut into medium pieces.

How to implement the presented recipe? Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker is prepared in the same way as described at the very beginning of the article. To do this, it is required to put the washed cereals into the container of the device, and then alternately pour it with milk and drinking water. Having flavored the ingredients with sugar and salt, they should be boiled in porridge mode for half an hour (a little more is possible).

Final stage

After the cooking device has finished its work, you will hear a signal that the multicooker will give. Rice porridge in milk should become viscous and thick. Butter must be added to it, as well as steamed dried apricots and raisins. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients with a large spoon, they should be left in the heating mode for another ¼ hour.

How should the dish be served?

After preparing delicious and sweet rice porridge, it must be distributed among small deep plates and immediately presented to the table. Serve this dish for breakfast, preferably with a hearty sandwich. It is done as follows: a thin slice of fresh bread is taken and smeared with a small layer of butter. Finally, a piece of hard cheese is placed on it.

We make rice-pumpkin porridge with milk in the Redmond multicooker

Now you know how rice porridge is made with milk in a slow cooker. A step-by-step recipe for preparing such a dish may include the use of other ingredients to your taste. For example, many people like to make such porridge not only from rice, but also with the addition of fresh pumpkin.

So, consider another recipe for this dish. To prepare it, we need:

  • round-grain rice - a full glass;
  • medium fat milk - 2 cups;
  • fine iodized salt - ½ small spoon;
  • granulated sugar - a full small spoon;
  • fresh peeled pumpkin - about 150 g;
  • good quality butter - 7 g.

We process the ingredients

Pumpkin-rice milk porridge in the Redmond slow cooker is prepared as easily and simply as this dish, made according to the classic recipe based on cereals alone. Although you will have to tinker with the main ingredients a little longer.

First you need to sort out the cereal, rinse it and get rid of excess moisture. Next, you need to peel a piece of pumpkin from the peel and seeds, and then grate it on a coarse grater (if desired, you can simply chop it with a knife).

The process of cooking in a multicooker

After the main components are washed and cleaned, they should be placed in the bowl of the device and poured with fresh milk. After flavoring the products with sugar and salt, they must be thoroughly mixed, and then tightly closed with a lid. In the future, you need to set the porridge program. If your multicooker does not have such a mode, then you can use the extinguishing program. In this case, it is advisable to set the timer for 35-40 minutes. This time is enough for the rice groats to be completely boiled.

Proper serving of food at the dinner table

After you hear that the slow cooker has completed the process of preparing milk porridge, it should be flavored with a piece of butter and mixed well with a large spoon. In this form, it is recommended to keep the dish warm for about half an hour.

After the mentioned time has passed, pumpkin-rice porridge should be distributed among medium-sized portioned plates and served to family members. It is desirable to use it together with a slice of bread and a slice of hard cheese.

Summing up

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to cook rice porridge using a kitchen device such as a slow cooker. Moreover, using this device, you can make not only a very tasty, but also a healthy dish, which will be appreciated by absolutely all your household members.

By the way, you can serve rice porridge cooked with fresh milk to the table not only with a sandwich made from a slice of bread, butter and cheese, but also, for example, with liquid honey, jam, berries, fruits, nuts and even condensed milk. These ingredients will make breakfast more satisfying and nutritious.

Rice porridge in the Redmond slow cooker, cooked with water or milk, can be not only a delicious side dish suitable for any meat or fish, but also an independent dish. With a little practice, the usual dish will surprise loved ones with the variety of tastes that can be obtained due to the combination with various products. The casserole from yesterday's dinner will be a great addition to tea, and rice with minced meat in a slow cooker will be a favorite dinner of busy people. The ease of preparation of the dish, as well as modern technical equipment, will allow you to enjoy the perfect taste with minimal effort. Recipes with photos are sure to inspire culinary exploits.

Rice porridge is very useful for both adults and children.

Milk rice porridge in the Polaris slow cooker turns out to be extremely tender and fragrant. But even if you use a device from another company, the milk will not “run away” anywhere, and the cereal itself will not burn if the mode is set correctly. The main advantage of the equipment of this company is the presence of a special mode for cooking dishes based on milk. The optimal proportions for cooking are as follows:

  • 1 st. rice.
  • 3-4 glasses of milk.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.

To prepare the dish correctly, you must first rinse the rice and put it in a colander, place it in a bowl, add sugar, salt, pour milk. We select the "Milk porridge" mode for 30-40 minutes. After the signal, we check that you will get a liquid rice porridge, if desired, it can be made thicker if left on the heating mode for 10 minutes. Before serving, you can add a piece of butter, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and herbs, or simply put jam on top.

For a change

To diversify daily breakfasts without sacrificing their useful and nutritious qualities, rice porridge with raisins in a slow cooker will help. Raisins have long been considered a storehouse of useful vitamins, trace elements, glucose in an easily transformable form. For its preparation you will need:

  • 1 st. rice.
  • 4 tbsp. milk.
  • 1 st. water.
  • 2 tablespoons of raisins.
  • Salt, sugar - to taste.

Before cooking the dish, rinse the raisins with water. In the multicooker Polaris 0517 there is a double boiler, resembling a deep bowl with holes, put clean raisins there. Place the washed cereal in a bowl, pour milk and water, add salt, sugar. Place the steamer on top. Turn on the desired mode for 35 minutes. Milk rice porridge with raisins is almost a dessert dish that all family members will definitely like. The berries themselves, when cooked, become soft, juicy, complement the fairly neutral cereal with a sweet and sour taste.

First, pour the required amount of rice into the multicooker bowl. The cereal must be washed first.

Useful option

Rice porridge with dried fruits in a slow cooker will be tastier if cooked in water, as rice porridge in milk may have an unpleasant aftertaste. Due to the saturation of dried fruits with vitamins and trace elements, breakfast will bring double benefits. The recipe involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • 1 st. rice.
  • 50 g of dried apricots, prunes, walnuts.
  • 50 g butter.
  • 4 tbsp. water.
  • 5 g salt.
  • Honey to taste.

Wash dried fruits. In order for porridge with dried apricots and prunes to have a beautiful color, they must be cut into large slices. Place all ingredients in the bottom of the bowl. If you use Philips or Vitek without the cereal mode, you can use the stewing program for 35 minutes. After the signal, arrange the dish on plates, sprinkle with crushed nuts, and also put honey. Note: porridge cooked without milk is stored in the refrigerator for up to three days, and therefore it can be prepared for future use.

Many now adults tremblingly remember the "mother's" dish seasoned with apples. Rice porridge with apples in a slow cooker will seem like a way to return to childhood, as well as to please your own tomboys. For this you will need:

  • 1 st. rice.
  • 3 art. milk.
  • 1 st. water.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • 2 medium-sized hard apples.
  • Sugar or honey to taste.

Ready porridge can also be garnished with grated cheese or jam.

Fruit rice porridge in milk without water can have a strange aftertaste, the addition of water ensures that there is no such trouble. This method can be used to prevent burning if you cook rice porridge in the Panasonic 18, where there is no special mode. Rinse the cereal, place it with all the other ingredients at the bottom of the bowl. Cooking time 30-35 minutes. After the signal, taste it, because if the apples are sour, the dish can be made sweeter by adding sugar or honey. Serve the dish before serving with grated walnuts.

Idea for gourmets

People who are constantly looking for new gastronomic experiences can be advised to cook milky rice porridge without a drop of milk. How is this possible? If you use a dairy product of plant origin. Coconut milk - fatty, thick, moderately sweet, fragrant - is an ideal basis for rice cereal, giving it an unusual taste. Rice porridge with coconut milk in a slow cooker can surprise even the most sophisticated lovers of this cereal, because this recipe will open it in a completely new way:

  • 3 art. coconut milk.
  • 1 st. water.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Tablespoon of sugar.
  • 50 g butter.
  • 1 st. rice.

Place the washed rice and dry ingredients in the bottom of the bowl. Pour in coconut milk and water. Cook on milk mode for 35 minutes. After the signal, add oil. Children and adults will devour such food on both cheeks, and the delicate tropical aroma will definitely give everyone a good mood. You can serve the dish before serving with slices of pineapple or banana.

Unusual, but very tasty porridge

strawberry joy

Sweet rice cereal with milk in a slow cooker usually delights children. Try this spring recipe:

  • 1 st. rice.
  • 2 tbsp. strawberries.
  • 4 tbsp. milk.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 0.5 st. powdered sugar.
  • Sugar, salt, vanilla to taste.

We start the cereal to cook like regular milk rice porridge in a slow cooker. While the dish is being prepared, we perform simple culinary manipulations: beat the yolks with vanilla and a spoonful of sugar, cut the strawberries into cubes. Separately, you need to beat the powdered sugar with proteins. When the device gives a signal, mix milk porridge with yolks. Now you need to place the treat on portioned plates. We decorate it with chopped strawberries, and put whipped squirrels on top. For a child, such a breakfast will be a memorable event.

hearty recipes

Rice porridge with meat in a slow cooker is not always pilaf. The technique of its preparation is much more complicated. We will consider the simplest ways to cook meat dishes for the whole family.

Children will be happy if you cook such a porridge for them.

Rice with chicken

  • 1.5 st. rice.
  • 3 art. water.
  • Medium carrot.
  • Medium bulb.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • 1 chicken fillet.

Rice porridge with chicken in a slow cooker is prepared very simply: chop the prepared vegetables in a convenient way and put them on the bottom of the bowl, lubricating it with vegetable oil. Put chicken pieces on vegetables, add washed rice, pour water. Don't forget to add your favorite spices. A very interesting taste is obtained by combining rice and oregano. It is better to cook rice porridge in a slow cooker in the "pilaf" mode for 40 minutes. If you want to take advantage of the delayed start in the summer, freeze the pieces of meat first.

Recipes for a bachelor

To prepare rice porridge, it is simply a sin not to use stew. After all, this is an affordable way to flavor ordinary cereals. A dish with stew in a slow cooker will turn out to be nutritious, high-calorie, and if you add a little garlic and herbs there, then it will be super tasty. Corn porridge with stew in a slow cooker will also be very tasty, and the recipe can be used the same.

  • 1.5 st. cereals.
  • 200 g stew.
  • Bulb.
  • Carrot.
  • Salt to taste.

Remove the stew from the jar, chop lightly with a knife, load into the slow cooker. Add chopped carrots and onions, fry with stew until soft. Pour rice, pour water, add salt. You can cook in Bork on the “groats” mode, if you cook porridge in the Polaris multicooker, use the “pilaf” program.

You can cook rice groats with minced meat, mushrooms, or both components at once. A dish with minced meat in a slow cooker will be tastier if you add a classic seasoning for pilaf. We take the proportions of the filling, cereals and auxiliary ingredients from the previous recipe.

So, how to cook a dish with mushrooms in a slow cooker? Fry any mushrooms until cooked, using not a frying pan, but an apparatus (there is a special mode in the Scarlet slow cooker), add vegetables to them, add cereals, pour water, salt, cook until cooked in the stewing mode, pilaf, porridge, cereals, buckwheat.

A dish with minced meat in a slow cooker is prepared according to the same principle - fry the minced meat with vegetables until cooked, mix with rice. How to cook and how much, intuition will tell you - the process is similar to stewing, and the standard time is from half an hour.

This dish is the perfect side dish.


If the family does not really like rice porridge with milk, then the casserole will become an alternative to it. Rice casserole can be sweet and meaty, you need to choose according to your preferences. The video below shows a sweet casserole that will be a great dessert for tea. It's great that you can use a multifunctional device to bake it.

Rice milk porridge in a slow cooker is a great breakfast for the whole family, if you approach its preparation with imagination. The current variety of products allows for amazing experiments.

If you cook rice porridge with meat, then it will become a high-calorie hearty dish, which is simply necessary for men and teenagers, but a casserole is in case of an unplanned reception of guests.
