
How drinking culture differs in different countries. Russian drinking culture

Russians are cheerful people, loving noisy feasts and big holidays. How to keep the feeling of a holiday in the morning? Are there rules for the cultural consumption of drinks? What is the culture of drinking different types of alcohol?

How to enjoy drinking high-quality alcohol and avoid unpleasant consequences?

wine extravaganza

Wine is a nectar filled with sunshine and the aroma of the best grape varieties. To appreciate it, you need to focus on the unique color, smell and taste.
For drinking, you need a tall glass on a leg. When tasting, the wine should not heat up from the heat of the hand, so the glass is held by the long stem.
Wine etiquette requires the pourer to hold the bottom of the bottle and start pouring from his glass. Do not pour to the brim - you need to fill the glass by about a third.
The color of the wine is checked for depth, transparency and color brightness. Wine should never be cloudy. In red varieties, the presence of sediment is acceptable. Old wines, in contrast to young ones, do not have a bright color, reds are closer to brick, whites are closer to amber.
Aged wine slowly flows down the sides of the glass. If you shake the glass slightly, you can enjoy the aroma of the drink and find fruity, floral and honey notes in it.
At the time of consumption, to fully experience the taste of wine, you need to hold it in your mouth a little. Quality wine does not leave an alcoholic aftertaste.
It is important to choose the right dishes for wines. White is usually served with cheese and fish snacks, red - with meat.

It turns out that beer requires proper consumption.

There are a few simple rules for drinking a foamy drink:

  • The top of the drink mug should be tapered, and the walls should be even and smooth;
  • Beer is not drunk from plastic and metal utensils;
  • Beers are not mixed (even if they are from the same manufacturer);
  • The drink should be cooled to 7-8 degrees (if the temperature is lower, the taste is lost);
  • You can not abruptly cool and heat beer.
  • The pourer should pour the beer in the center of the mug, and after the formation of foam, add the drink to three-quarters of the glass.
  • Properly poured beer forms a “cap” on the glass. If the glasses are not washed thoroughly, the characteristic foam will not work.
  • When drinking, beer should not be shaken, otherwise it will become cloudy right before your eyes.

Beer is drunk in three sips: first, the maximum sip, for half a mug, and two for the rest.
Fried meat (especially game), smoked sausages and fish, salted and dried, are great as a snack for a foamy drink. In the hot season, they drink light beer with nuts, shrimp and cheese. Cold winter evenings will brighten up a mug or two of a dark drink with a hot meat dish.
Variants of beer unusual for Russians - with a fruity flavor or ale, they drink without snacks.
It is not necessary, contrary to the well-known saying, to mix beer with strong alcohol. The taste of the drink will be lost, and the consequences can be very sad.
The culture of drinking foamy drink requires slowness. Draft beer that does not contain preservatives is especially appreciated. True lovers are sure to take part in beer festivals and tastings.

Drinking strong alcoholic beverages has its own characteristics.

noble cognac

Oddly enough, a lot depends on the shape of the glasses. A tulip shape with a tapered top is best suited. For brandy, glasses are placed on the table - balls.
For a long time it was believed that the glass for drinking cognac should be slightly heated over the flame, but many of the flavors of the drink evaporate. The best temperature for drinking is room temperature.
The pourer fills the glass no more than a quarter. The color of high-quality alcohol should be saturated, and it should be completely transparent.
Cognac with good exposure slowly flows down the glass, forming characteristic "legs".
The drink is not drunk in one gulp, first its aroma is evaluated, and then its taste. The first sip is literally a drop, so the receptors will prepare for the drink.
Etiquette requires that the tasting of different varieties of cognac begins with a lower exposure.

Cognac is not suitable for big holidays and noisy parties. This noble drink will bring pleasure to the chosen circle. You can use cognac, mixing it with champagne, so it is suitable as an aperitif.

Professionals say that snacks are not supposed to be served with cognac. His best companions are coffee and a cigar. But we have to admit that the taste of a noble drink is perfectly set off by chocolate, olives, caviar and light salads.
Contrary to popular belief, it is better not to offer lemon as a snack. Its sharp taste and smell will clog the bouquet of the drink.

Vodka and herring

Good vodka needs the right snack and a cheerful company. It is considered a traditional Russian drink.
It is worth mentioning once again that strong alcohol can only be consumed by adults.

The culture of vodka consumption has the following rules:

  • The drink must be cooled to 10 degrees (it is ideal to serve a bottle covered with droplets of condensate);
  • Vodka is not diluted and ice is not added;
  • You can not drink strong hastily;
  • You can drink vodka with mineral water.

The national traditional snack for a drink is boiled potatoes and crispy pickles. In addition, herring, jelly, sauerkraut, dumplings, salted and pickled mushrooms are great for consumption with vodka.

Experts advise to forget about salt, lime, ice and Margarita. As true tasters say, tequila needs no accompaniment.
This drink is prepared for a very long time, so the poet needs to pay tribute to him.
The use of tequila with salt and lime became traditional after Mexican doctors in the thirties treated patients with the "Spanish flu" - the flu, which wiped out a significant part of the world's population. This medicine can be treated differently, well, if the doctor has already prescribed ...
There are many popular cocktails based on tequila. The best snack for a drink is fruit.

Absinthe - drink of aristocrats

Herbal tincture, including bitter wormwood, has a characteristic aftertaste and high strength. This drink is suitable for consumption in its pure form. To do this, it must be chilled and poured into small glasses of 30 milliliters.
Another, more common way is to dilute absinthe with cold water in a ratio of one to five. A piece of sugar is added to the drink to soften the bitterness of the wormwood.
Snack absinthe with a slice of lemon.

About caring for health

It should be recognized that it is not always possible to maintain the culture of drinking at the proper level.

To maintain excellent well-being, it is important:

Wine is the oldest of all alcoholic beverages. Most likely, mankind got acquainted with alcohol of natural origin when it was forced to eat overripe fruits and berries. Subsequently, the production of alcohol in the southern regions has become one of the main directions. But the end in itself in the production of wine products was not the production of alcohol, but the preservation of agricultural products, namely grapes. In ancient Greece, it was not customary to drink wine in its pure form, it was added to water to disinfect the latter.

Wine type of culture

The traditional wine drinking countries are Italy, Greece, Spain, France, as well as the countries of South and Latin America, where the majority of the population is represented by immigrants from the Mediterranean. It is characteristic that for these regions the use of wine is not an end in itself. Wine in these countries belongs to the category of food products (unlike Russia). Drinking wine at dinner, a person complements the flavor bouquet of the product. Therefore, there are a number of rules - white wine is served with fish and poultry, red - with meat, dessert wine completes the dinner. The wine type of alcohol consumption is characterized by the fact that only products of natural origin are used. The wine must go through a natural fermentation cycle, no additives, including flavorings, are allowed.

Beer type of culture

Beer consumption also involves the use of products of natural origin. The traditional countries of the beer type of culture are the Czech Republic, Germany. In these countries, beer production is one of the main industries. Natural beer is brewed from cereals with the addition of malt and hops. Proportions, technologies - all this can be the know-how of a brewing company. There is a peculiarity of drinking beer - as a rule, beer is drunk either in the brewery area, because in specially designated places for this - beer houses. Therefore, beer implies company, communication. The taste of the drink, of course, matters, but in this case more attention is paid to the freshness of the product and the beer snack - it can be dried fish, crayfish, crackers.

The culture of drinking strong alcoholic beverages

The use of strong alcoholic beverages in the northern regions is caused, first of all, by climatic features. A small dose of strong alcohol can instantly warm a frozen body, which is important in a cold climate. Another reason is the lack of opportunities to grow their own raw materials for wine production. Strong alcoholic drinks are made from grapes (cognac, brandy), apples (calvados), and cereals, using distillation technologies - (vodka, whiskey, gin). It is impossible to combine strong drinks in one category, since their use has diametrically opposed traditions. So vodka goes well with traditional dishes of Russian cuisine - dumplings, sauerkraut, salted mushrooms, and so on, cognac, brandy - a drink of business people, goes well in combination with coffee to raise the tone. It is generally not customary to use gin in its pure form - only in cocktails.

culture in mind

If we talk specifically about the culture of drinking alcohol, then for any region the abuse of alcoholic beverages is a general indicator of the culture of society. Alcoholic drinks themselves do not bring harm, those who do not know how to drink them correctly do harm.

Alcoholic drinks to the table should be served in limited quantities. An upbeat, joyful mood does not depend on the number of bottles at the table, but on the wit and intelligence of those present, their mutual compatibility and sociability.

First of all, one should learn an immutable rule: drinks are not eaten with food, but food is moderately washed down. This is especially true of various wines - they are selected for dishes, snacks, desserts, achieving harmonious taste sensations. Skillfully selected drinks are designed to enhance the taste of food or prepare the stomach for its reception *.

When drinking alcohol, the main thing is to observe the measure that is necessary in any business, and especially at the table. Alcohol at a dinner or reception is perceived very conditionally, so it is strongly recommended to restrain yourself and try to drink as little as possible, although you can raise your glass often.

Intemperance in the consumption of alcohol has always been considered a vice. The ancient Greeks highly valued people who knew the "golden limit" of food and wine consumption. Exceeding this limit with them was considered extreme baseness, which only barbarians can allow. And the rules of court etiquette of the middle of the 18th century said: “In the banquet hall one should eat sweet and tasty, and drink moderately, so that everyone can find their feet when leaving the door.” Nevertheless, there is no festive feast without wine.

Not a single reception without the use of alcoholic beverages is complete. The long-term "drinking" tradition has developed its own rules that you need to know and try to follow.

Alcoholic drinks: Popul. encycle. / Ed. - comp. S.P. Samuel, E.K. Sign. - Minsk: PP "Met", 1964 - S. 133-135.

In order to increase the guests' appetite, they are offered aperitifs before meals. A variety of drinks can be served as an aperitif. Before dinner, vodka, gin, whiskey, bitters, cognac are offered in small quantities; before dinner - fortified wines, tinctures. However, the best aperitif, according to connoisseurs, is vermouth with ice. Aperitifs can also be vintage wines, especially Massandra ports, as well as dry wines and balsams. Under the name "aperitif", special mixed drinks are produced that stimulate the appetite well. Aperitifs are served on trays.

The feast, as a rule, begins with cold appetizers. Fortified wines (port wine, Madeira, sherry) are served with ham, smoked meats, salmon, salted and pickled vegetables and other spicy snacks, and vodka from strong drinks. Delicate, mild snacks, such as salads, jellied and boiled fish, crabs and shrimps, cold chickens, cheeses, etc., go well with white table wine (aligoté, riesling, fetyasca, tsinandali, etc.). Liver pate, ham, cold cuts are good to drink with red table wine (saperavi, cabernet, mukuzani, etc.). Drinks are not served with the first courses, however, after the soup, for example, before serving the second course, you can offer vintage wines - sherry, Madeira, port wine. Strong ports are appropriate after hodgepodges and fatty soups.

Second fish dishes are accompanied by strong white wines (Madeira, white port, sherry, etc.) or white table wines. As for meat dishes, you should be guided by the rule: red wines are better for hot dishes of dark meat (beef, pork, game, duck and goose), and white ones are better for white meat dishes (chicken, turkey).

Red table (dry) wine should be served with the second meat dishes cooked on a grill (iron grills) or a skewer, especially those with increased extractivity (miteti, liver, shish kebab, lamb side, pilaf, kupaty, fried game, etc.). or strong red (cahors, red vermouth, red port, table red, etc.). Dry or semi-dry champagne is also suitable for poultry dishes.

For dessert - with fruits and confectionery, ice cream - you can offer champagne (semi-sweet or sweet) and dessert wines (muscat, Tokay wines, Malaga, Cahors, etc.). Cognac or liquor is offered with black coffee. Cognac is drunk slowly, in small sips, in order to fully appreciate the aroma of this drink. Liquor is also a drink for connoisseurs and is drunk from the smallest glasses. Enjoying liquor is a privilege primarily for non-smokers who do not regularly consume alcoholic beverages and therefore have a delicate sense of smell and taste.

For a full sensation of the flavor bouquet of a particular drink, its temperature is important. Vodka, white table (dry) and semi-sweet wines are cooled to 8-10 degrees. Red table wines should have a temperature of 18-20 degrees. Fortified wines, liqueurs, cognacs are stored and served at room temperature (about 16-18 degrees). Champagne and other sparkling and carbonated wines are cooled to 6-8 degrees, but not in the refrigerator, but in a special ice bucket.

All non-alcoholic drinks (mineral water, juices, kvass, cocktails, carbonated water) are usually served chilled to 8-12 degrees. Kvass, fruit or berry drinks and juices are put on the table in jugs. Pitchers are usually filled to 2/3 of the volume, so that it is convenient to pour into glasses or wine glasses. When pouring a drink into a glass, do not touch the glass with the edge of the jug. Carbonated drinks are put on the table in bottles, not forgetting to put the key to uncork the corks. When uncorking bottles of fizzy drinks, they must be kept in an inclined position, trying not to splash the tablecloth and neighbors.

If ice is served with the drink, then the ice-filled dish is placed on a snack plate covered with a paper napkin, on which tongs are placed.

Cocktails are usually drunk before or after meals. They are served on the table already poured into glasses or glasses. Many cocktails are decorated with slices of lemon, orange, fixing them on the edge of glasses or glasses.

Beer is drunk from large glasses or mugs in a bar or beer hall, and at home special glasses or mugs are more suitable for this. When beer is poured, the glass is held with a slight tilt to the bottle so that the foam does not overflow. A beer glass, as a rule, is placed on a special stand. They don’t clink glasses with beer, you can only raise a glass and wish them good health.

Beer can be served with salted fish, cheese and various meat dishes. Do not offer it with wine. Beer and mineral water can be served with cold snacks.

If various wines are provided for guests, then light and young wines are served first, and then fortified and sweet ones of longer aging. If only women are sitting at the table, the bottles are not left after filling the glasses. Wine is poured at the table by a man, and in the company of women - by the hostess. It is not customary to add alcohol to glasses and glasses if they still have contents, and an empty glass is filled only with the permission of the guest. Bottles are uncorked right at the table. From an open bottle, the host first pours a few drops for himself, then fills the glasses of the guests, starting with women and older ones. Champagne is poured slowly, first to half the glass, then to 3/4 of its height. If a bottle with a strong drink - vodka, liquor, cognac - was started even earlier, then before serving, its contents are poured into a decanter.

When choosing wine for a festive table, you need to take care not so much about its quantity, but about its quality and harmonious combination with the dishes included in the menu *.

Dry white wines are widely used for the preparation of mixed drinks (crunches, highballs).

In its natural form, they are drunk before such snacks as various cold fish dishes, black and red caviar, crayfish, oysters, lobsters. They also go well with various second fish dishes. Wines of this type are cooled before drinking to 10-14 degrees. They usually drink them from special glasses, filling 3/4 of the volume.

Vintage red table wines are used to make mulled wines and cobblers. In their natural form, they are usually served with meat second courses and poultry and game dishes. These wines do not refrigerate. You can appreciate the taste and aroma of red wines by uncorking the bottle and letting it stand for about an hour. Then the wine is poured into lafitte glasses, filling them to 2/3 of the volume.

Semi-dry table wines are used in the same way as dry ones. They differ only in sugar content: in dry wines there is practically no sugar, in semi-dry wines - from 1 to 3%.

Semi-sweet table wines are used for the preparation of mixed drinks: punches, crunches, mulled wines, highballs, cobblers. In their natural form, they are recommended for vegetable and mushroom dishes. They can also be served during dessert - with fruit. Red semi-sweet table wines can also be served with meat dishes.

For more details, see: Rules of Etiquette: A Quick Reference Guide, ed. L. Vasilyeva-Gangnus. - M.: Delta-MKS, 1992. - S. 64-66. Flavored wines are used as a component for cocktails in combination with soft drinks, beer, juices.

A bottle of champagne is uncorked just before filling the glasses. Dry champagne is a good opening for a festive lunch or dinner. Sweet champagne is recommended for sweet dishes and confectionery. Cognac is drunk after dessert, when tea or coffee is served.

Other strong alcoholic drinks (except vodka) are most often used in a diluted form and for making cocktails.

Whiskey is often drunk with ice and soda.

Liqueurs are used to prepare mixed drinks (up to 1 teaspoon per serving) or with ice. They are served with coffee or tea, drink from liquor glasses.

It is customary to dilute punches with hot tea, boiling water or chilled sparkling water in a ratio of 1:1.

If the event being celebrated is not of a solemn nature and the circle of guests is small, the set of wines should be limited to those that are most pleasing to the guests. A variety of wines is appropriate only during large receptions.

In addition to the assortment of wines, it is useful to pay attention to the dishes in which they should be served. Bottles are usually opened in the kitchen, and only a bottle of very old wine can be solemnly shown to guests and opened in their presence.

Wine should not be poured from the bottles in which they are sold. In decanters and jugs, barrel-bottled or home-made wines are served.

Place half-empty bottles on a special table, and take empty bottles to the kitchen.

Open bottles with a plastic stopper with a knife. When using a corkscrew, do not screw it deep into the cork: it can be crushed or accidentally pushed into the bottle. If crumbs from the cork do get into the wine, be sure to remove them before serving. Before pouring for guests, the host pours himself a sip of wine for testing. Thus, crumbs from the cork that could remain in the bottle end up in the host's glass, not the guest's.

A bottle of champagne is served in a bucket of ice or cold water. It also opens a bottle. To do this, wrap the cork with the edge of the napkin and, holding it with the thumb of the left hand, remove the wire with the right hand. With the left hand, protected by a napkin, slowly open the cork. Do not try to shoot at the ceiling, although this sometimes causes noisy approval from the guests. This can be avoided if, before the last turn of the cork, it is deflected to the side and the gas is released from the bottle. When pouring champagne, do not rush so that the foam does not spill over the edge of the glass.

Do not fill glasses and glasses to the very brim. The first is poured to the ladies sitting next to you, having previously asked their consent.

Alcoholic drinks are drunk according to different rules. Some of them are taken to drink "in one gulp", while others - in sips. Vodka and champagne are drunk immediately to the bottom.

The stronger the wine, the smaller the glasses from which they drink it. Liquor is served in small (25 ml) glasses, they do not drink it immediately, but drop by drop. Cognac is usually served in large pear-shaped glasses with a narrow neck. It is poured up to 1/3 of a glass, i.e., to its widest part, and they try to hold it in their hands longer in order to warm the cognac and allow its aroma to fully open up. Vodka is poured into glasses with a capacity of 35-50 ml. They can be both with a short and long leg or without it at all.

Dessert wine is served in glasses with a capacity of 75 ml on rather long legs. White wines - in glasses 75-100 ml on legs. Red wines are served in glasses with a capacity of 100-125 ml, they can be on short legs. Effervescent wines and champagne are poured into glasses with a capacity of 125 ml of a cylindrical shape with legs. Cocktails are served in glasses (150-300 ml). Mineral waters and juices - in large glasses with a capacity of 250-280 ml.

This is, in the most general terms, the culture of drinking alcohol. As a conclusion, let us once again repeat the basic rules of the "drinking" tradition: -

wine must match the proposed dish; -

dry wine is served before sweet; -

weak wine - before strong; -

cheap wine - before expensive; -

The culture of drinking drinks in different countries is very different. This happens under the influence of a variety of factors: from traditions (for example, the famous Russian 50 grams of vodka “Za Zdorovye!” And Japanese sake, without which it is almost impossible to formally confirm most transactions in Japan) and to physiological characteristics (remember the peoples of the Far North, whose body just can't break down alcohol).

However, the answer to the question “How people drink in different countries” is much more voluminous. Let's start with the fact that geographically the amount of alcohol consumption per capita varies greatly, and contrary to stereotypes, they drink the most not in Russia, but in Europe. Africans drink the least, but in this case there is one interesting exception: the African state of Uganda is in third place in terms of the amount of alcohol consumed per year, and this is due precisely to traditions. In Uganda, a cheap variety of banana mash is produced and consumed in huge quantities: according to legend, all local warriors once drank this drink to maintain morale.

Interestingly, the more "alcoholized" France (fourth largest alcohol drinker in the world) always chuckles arrogantly at the other "leaders" of this dubious hit parade. Like, in our country there are no problems with alcohol. At the same time, if we talk about wine, then the French use it literally during any meal, whether it's an early breakfast with the family or a corporate banquet.

Another state in which drinking alcohol has been considered a tradition for many centuries is Great Britain. It has its own national drink - beer. And the British drink beer exclusively in pubs, which have also long been symbols of this state. It is in pubs that the vast majority of meetings take place, holidays are celebrated, even deals are made and “showdowns” take place. However, “drinking” does not mean “alcoholic”, and the British have no problems with this. Representatives of this people clearly understand the boundaries of what is permitted and are always attentive to a hangover: as a rule, here they don’t “knock out a wedge with a wedge”, but a hangover is treated with a hearty breakfast with a decent portion of fried bacon.

Speaking of beer, one cannot help but recall Germany, which also became a “victim” of the cliché. In fact, the Germans “use” much less than the rest of Europe, and mainly the inhabitants of Germany drink during festivities, among which Oktoberfest is best known to us. Despite such a "cultural" use, drinking beer in Germany is not considered something shameful, and you can buy this drink everywhere - from supermarkets to newsstands.

Of course, things are most interesting in Russia. Again, although they drink a lot here, Russia is in 20th place in the ranking of the most drinking countries. This does not prevent residents of other countries from talking about "Russian alcoholism." In this case, the fact is that the Russian soul simply cannot restrain itself and rushes to extremes: either all or nothing. So it turns out that half of the country remains teetotalers, and for the other half, drinking a bottle of vodka for a snack in the evening after work is the norm.

By the way, about the appetizer: quite recently I had to meet a guest from the USA. The meeting took place in a cafe where we ordered a bottle of vodka. The American practically "automatically" ordered a portion of borscht and a meat chop, and when, after drinking a glass, I did not start eating, he asked in surprise: "Why"?

To be honest, I could not clearly explain to this person that a Russian can drink vodka in the bitter cold from a broken sidelight from a Zhiguli and have a bite of half a candy. I immediately remembered the phrase “Russians don’t eat after the first one” from the Soviet film “The Fate of a Man”. But this does not mean that Russians cannot boast of excellent snacks: this is a whole range of pickles, herring, the same borscht or hodgepodge, a large number of meat snacks, although snacks in different countries and in Russia in particular are a completely different story.

Even Prince Vladimir himself said: “The joy of Rus' is drinking, without drinking Rus' does not exist!” But not only Rus' is famous for its ability to consume strong alcoholic beverages.

And, in fact, it’s not about “drinking”, it’s about the culture of drinking drinks of various strengths.

How often do you hear the phrase: "You need to be able to drink." Unfortunately, few understand its meaning.

A good suggestion to distract from alcoholic beverages, maybe some kind of hobby,.

In fact, you need to use alcoholic beverages skillfully, reasonably, that is, for pleasure.

Some drinks are considered the hallmark of the country, for example, in Russia it is vodka, in Switzerland it is absinthe, in Mexico it is tequila, in the Netherlands it is gin, in France it is champagne and cognac, in Japan it is sake, in Cuba it is rum, in Portugal - port wine.

And in order not to hit the salad with your face, you need to learn the culture of drinking, which, in fact, will be discussed in this article.

What drinks do men prefer?

What alcohol is the most affordable?

The most popular drink is vodka. Most often it is used by men, women prefer red and white wine, champagne. At your home gatherings, buy a bottle for vodka, and the table will look decent, and the guests will be happy.

According to experts, it is advisable to buy vodka of more expensive brands, as they are considered to be of higher quality than cheap counterparts and go through several degrees of filtration. In the use of vodka, everyone needs to know a sense of proportion so that the morning is not smeared with a heavy hangover.

Recently, men have noticed an interest in dry red wine, it tastes better and does not give a quick effect of intoxication, which can contribute to a more pleasant romantic evening with a nice lady.

And what is most interesting, dry red wine is good for the human body, again in limited quantities.

Expensive pleasure

The strong half of humanity also prefers more expensive drinks, such as:

  • brandy
  • whiskey
  • Armagnac

Noble drinks, it is advisable to buy proven brands. Their manufacturers zealously care about the technology and quality of their products, the aging period and the manufacture of their original bottled composition.

What kind of alcohol is preferred for a woman?

As practice shows, women prefer tasty alcohol. It can be wines, liqueurs, martinis.

This is largely due to the fact that women always want to look sophisticated and elegant, and a beautiful glass of wine in the hands of a beautiful lady looks, perhaps, much more elegant than a glass of vodka.

Although, as they say, the taste and color ... and there are women who prefer stronger drinks. Girls rarely come into a state of deep intoxication.

According to a study by American scientists, this usually happens in the case of some kind of women's problems, for example, parting with a young man or losing a job.

Here I would not like to succumb to moralizing, but nevertheless, doctors have proven that women's cells are updated thousands of times less often than men's, and if in the morning men have no cells at all where alcohol has penetrated, they will linger in women for many years.

This must be remembered, once again succumbing to the temptation of alcohol.

As for taste, some believe that every woman prefers one or another type of alcohol, depending on her character.

Champagne - it is believed that champagne is loved by laughter and coquettes. By the way, it is this drink that is dangerous, using which you quickly get into a state of intoxication, and as a result - severe headaches.

Red wine- a favorite drink of passionate women.

White wine- for women cold and prudent.

Liquor- for "sweet" and domestic women.

Of course, all these are just assumptions, and sometimes the preference of this or that alcoholic drink for women (as you know, for unpredictable natures) depends on mood, circumstances and even weather.

By the way, women's unpredictability only increases with the use of alcohol!

What is the right way to drink alcohol at a party or if you get to an event where there is an exit bar? There are some important tips for this:

  • If you are being treated and taking any medications, then replace alcohol with juice or mineral water. Otherwise, disastrous consequences are possible, starting with a rash and ending with a coma.
  • Never drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Everything seems to be obvious here, but many manage to break this rule. Before drinking, eat mashed potatoes, a piece of meat, a sandwich with lard or butter.
  • You can just drink a spoonful of vegetable oil. Let it be disgusting, but effective. By the way, about two hours before the party it would be nice to drink 50-100 g of cognac or vodka to prepare the body for the upcoming blow.
  • Thus, you will bring him into a state of combat readiness, and he will easily beat off the subsequent alcohol attack.
  • Alcohol should not be taken with carbonated drinks. All this for the reason that they help alcohol penetrate the bloodstream much faster. In general, drinking is not only possible, but necessary.
  • The more water enters the stomach, the correspondingly, the concentration of alcohol will be less. Wash down with compotes, juices, brine.
  • Don't try to beat all the world records. In any case, you will not be able to destroy all stocks of alcoholic beverages. Do not try to overtake your neighbor by showing that you are stronger in this regard.
  • Have a snack. No wonder they say that Russian cuisine was created for drinking. The ancestors were wise and knew a lot about it.
  • Naturally, it is best to eat potatoes, fatty meats, sandwiches with various oil-based pastas. Good sauerkraut and pickles. Yes, and lemon will not be superfluous.
  • Don't interfere. If you've been drinking vodka, keep drinking vodka. The main thing here is not to lower the degree, and this is not said for a red word.
  • At night, drink activated charcoal, one tablet per 10 kg of weight, an aspirin tablet, ascorbic acid, drink plenty of water.
