
Sliced ​​fish serving. Original fish cut

We all have our own scent. As a result, our homes are saturated with it. This smell is always noticeable for those who enter our house. But such aromas are sometimes quite specific and not always pleasant. The smell permeates everything in the house: wallpaper, upholstered furniture, curtains and drapes, things, bedding, your hair. This aroma also penetrates into the furniture, settling tightly in chests of drawers, cabinets, walls, cabinets, shelves. And then things cannot hide from this smell, even cleanly laundered ones.

This is how such an unpleasant phenomenon appears - the smell in the closet, many people ask how to get rid of it. First, let's start with the reasons leading to its appearance.

Who is guilty?

Unfortunately, the culprits of all misfortunes, oddly enough, are ourselves. Enough daily non-observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene, and consider that the "guest" is already right there. This smell of an unclean body is instantly saturated with the clothes that we wear. And if, having removed from ourselves, we hang it in a closet, where clean clothes are also located, then we are 100% guaranteed a “flavor”.

In the closet, chest of drawers where clothes, bed linen are stored, the furniture should also be kept clean and ventilated. The smell can also remain from new furniture, which still smells of varnish, glue, paint, and you never know what else.

An unpleasant odor can come from molds that have attacked furniture during temperature changes and transitions from autumn to winter.

An unpleasant odor can come from mold fungi that attacked furniture during temperature changes and transitions from the autumn season to winter.

If there is a smoker in the house who pampers himself with a cigarette indoors, expect the lurking smell of nicotine in the nooks of your cabinets and nightstands and its persistent echoes on clothes.

Housewives who don't use a range hood when cooking or don't ventilate the kitchen also saturate the entire area with a bouquet of kitchen aromas.

If you have pets that are allowed a lot, then they are also a good "smell carrier", especially individuals that look quite impressive in size.

Warning the appearance: necessary precautions

In order not to wait for the "fragrant" attack to come and knock on your closet, let's follow simple preventive measures that any housewife, business woman and even man can do.

  • For seasonal changes of clothes, arrange a general cleaning of your furniture. Take out all the things and wipe all the shelves and drawers from the inside in the closet from dust. Wash and hide everything winter in special covers for clothes, with outerwear separately, and sweaters, sweaters, knitted dresses in a separate case. It is also necessary to separate fur things from the rest. It is important to separate clean items from those you are already wearing. Try not to mix them up.

If you store shoes in closets, which is an extremely undesirable phenomenon, then be sure to wash all seasonal shoes, dry them well, paying special attention to the insoles. They should either be taken out, washed, dried and placed in a separate bag with any flavor, or thrown away and bought new ones to replace. Dried shoes, if they are leather or “under the skin”, should be covered with shoe cream, polished and put in the middle with parchment, put in a box, tightly closed and put in a closet. You should also do with shoes made of suede, fabric, jeans, only the cream is no longer needed here. If you take all of the above measures, then you can not be afraid of "fragrant" surprises from this side.

  • Take care of yourself and take a shower at least once a day. If you sweat - do not hang such a thing in the closet. First, ventilate it thoroughly, and then, if the smell remains, immediately wash it, and if not, then back to the closet.
  • Do not put the cabinet too close to the wall. Furniture must breathe. Otherwise, not quite “noble” mold may appear, which is not so easy to get rid of.
  • Send all smokers to the street, to the entrance, to the balcony and do not allow the apartment or house to be soaked with nicotine.
  • If you are cooking, close the kitchen, or turn on the hood, or open a window. Kitchen smells are different, tasty and not very. But the smell of "dining room" is not exactly what you want, is it?

If you missed and he appeared

If the smell still settled in the closet, how to get rid of it? It won't be a big deal. But it's better not to let that happen. Urgently ventilate all things that hung without covers and were saturated with smell. And then get creative.

  • If there is only a smell, it can be dealt with with ordinary bars of soap spread between clothes. In addition to soap, small sockets or any other containers with coffee beans poured into them are good. It absorbs smell wonderfully. You can buy ready-made fragrant bags yourself, or by buying various fragrant herbs, attaching dry citrus peels to them, sew small bags and, pouring grass into them, tie them tightly and place them in a closet. The material for such bags can be interlining or any mesh, tulle, lace with small cells, but folded into two sheets. Sew, as advised, from ordinary material - the smell will be only inside the bag. Aromatic tea bags do a good job with the smell. Put small bottles and drip aroma oils into them. Do not rush to throw away an empty perfume bottle. Leave it until completely weathered in the closet.
  • If things have gone too far and mold has attacked your furniture, you should remove all clothes from the closet and until the fungus is defeated, you can not store clothes in it. If you have a natural wood cabinet, then scrape off all the mold and start by treating it with a weak solution of vinegar or boric acid. You can use 3% hydrogen peroxide. If this does not help much, take a cotton swab, soak it in a solution of "Whiteness" and gently smear the most stubborn areas. Two or three treatments with complete drying of the furniture are enough and the main cause of mold will be eliminated. If the furniture is made of chipboard, fiberboard or MDF, then mechanical removal of the mold will be required, followed by the installation of a container in which cotton wool moistened with iodine is placed. If this does not help, start with Comet treatment, and then move on to more harsh methods suitable for natural furniture.

Wardrobes of neat housewives, who love to put everything on the shelves and keep everything in perfect cleanliness, are also subject to this scourge. It happens that when she opens the wardrobe doors in search of her favorite thing, she is horrified to discover a suspicious musty smell in its depths. Where is he from? Why does it appear and settle on clean and completely new clothes, making it look like things that were taken out of an old grandmother's chest? It's bad, but we can fix it.

First, let's look at the reasons for this phenomenon. We will not consider the option when the owners do not clean the apartment for months. The smell in this case will not be limited to a wardrobe, but will firmly settle throughout the house and it will be very difficult to eliminate it.

The presence of a smoker in the apartment is also a serious problem, and not only for the health of him and those around him, but also for things. Fabrics perfectly absorb odors, especially unpleasant ones. And even if a smoker abuses nicotine outside the space of the house, the insidious “aroma” will still cling to his clothes and hair. Then it will penetrate into the closet or settle on upholstered furniture.

This is one of the possible reasons. Let's find the following:

  • A musty smell is inherent in uncured things. It can appear if damp clothes were hung in the closet, for example, after rain. Or folded damp bedding or towels. It is known that it is better to iron the linen in a condition that is not completely dry. And if you suddenly do not notice that it has remained damp, then you can pay for it with a not very pleasant smell in the closet.
  • Not quite clean worn things can get into the wardrobe, with the smell of sweat, perfumes, cigarettes. From places of public catering or other leisure activities, you can almost always bring an extraneous smell.
  • The aromas of home cooking, the smells of pets, household chemicals penetrate into the storehouse of clothes, forming an explosive mixture as a result.

By the way, a musty smell can be emitted by clean, but old and not worn things for a long time. Is it time to inspect your closet and get rid of unwanted clothes?

We get rid of the smell. Or "disassembly" in the wardrobe

The most effective way to deal with mustiness will be a complete revision. It's hard work, of course, but worth it.

First of all, you need to pull things out of the closet, sort them out, check their cleanliness and functionality. Set aside your out-of-season wardrobe, air it out, and put it in vacuum bags. Periodically, you need to get rid of your favorite, but worn, old and probably already unfashionable clothes. If unwanted items are in good condition, take them to special collection points. Perhaps they will be useful to someone.

Meanwhile, all shelves, walls, drawers and rods must be thoroughly washed. This can be done with a special furniture care product. Often they are sold in the form of a liquid with a spray and help get rid of not only stains, dust, but also the smell, because they contain a fragrance. If there is no special chemistry, a weak acetic or manganese solution will come to the rescue. Possessing an antiseptic property, it will also save you from possible bacteria. Keep the cabinet doors open to let the smell out.

Note. The tobacco smell is well absorbed by a damp terry towel. But unfortunately, this method is not very convenient for use in the closet. But in the dressing room is quite.

When putting things back on the shelves, make sure that everyday clothes: jeans, jumpers, street t-shirts, etc., occupy an independent section. It is not washed every day, so it is better to store it separately and air it a little before putting it away.

A not too pleasant smell is inherent in both new furniture and old and antique samples. In any case, furniture acquired or inherited must first be ventilated. Don't rush to use it. You may have to keep your new closet open and empty for a few days. It smells longer - this is an occasion to think and ask the seller for quality certificates. As for old furniture, you can wipe it with lemon juice, previously diluted with water.

What to do to make the closet smell nice

Getting rid of the smell is only a half-measure, you need to keep the freshness and smell of cleanliness for a long time. How to ensure it?

Maintaining order and cleanliness in the closet is the key to a pleasant smell.

Wardrobe and things will have to be aired regularly. And in order for this procedure to take place as efficiently as possible, it is better to perform it with open windows. It is also better to wipe the shelves, vacuum the mezzanines and drawers periodically.

Use fragrances.

On sale there is a huge number of deodorants for linen, conditioners, sachets for hangers and drawers. The abundance of flavors and the range of prices will allow you to choose the right one. Folk flavors can be just as good. Many housewives, following the example of their grandmothers, lay stacks of bed linen and towels with pieces of scented toilet soap to get rid of smell and moths. Instead, you can use bags stuffed with aromatic herbs and flower petals, or cotton wool soaked in natural aroma oils. Choose to your taste.

Call for food supplies.

Some spices and spices will give unusual freshness to the cabinet space. Just use them carefully and in moderation. They smell rich and bright, and can stain clothes. Clove, cinnamon, vanilla, saffron are perfect as a flavor. It all depends on the taste preferences of the hostess. Clove buds, cinnamon sticks, and vanilla pods make wonderful fragrant sachets. But for powdered spices, you need to make a special container, a disposable closable one is quite suitable for it. We cut or pierce holes in the lid, pour in an impromptu flavor and cork. It is better to put such a container at the very bottom of the cabinet to avoid accidental tipping.

Coffee beans, dried zest of lemons and oranges will not only help get rid of the bad smell, but will also bring their own light note.

Another effective, but expensive tool that will help get rid of a nasty and annoying smell is an ozonizer. It neutralizes unpleasant odors, and it can be used both in the closet and in the room. After several hours of operation of the device indoors, you will receive disinfected air without harmful impurities.

Your brownie.

Fresh fragrance in the closet, in linen, in drawers, in the apartment? – 7 easiest ways to create a unique scent in your closet, drawers and other enclosed spaces.

The easiest way to create fragrance among laundry is to buy sachets. Many people buy this product, but not everyone likes the pungent smell that it has.

What is actually used?

Soap - scented linen

A great way to create a pleasant smell in the closet. You can put soap directly in the package among the clothes. Or store handmade soap. It is better to choose more expensive toilet soap. Fragrant, soap with delicious smells is sold in any store.

Scented candles for freshness in the closet

Scented candles are sold in many stores, or you can make your own using essential oil and put them in.

Dried fruits as flavoring

An excellent flavor for linen and things in the closet is dried citrus fruits: dried tangerine, orange, lemon peels. In addition to fruits, ground coffee, or just coffee beans, can be put in a bag for an aromatic smell. But if you like the smell of freshness, the aroma of grapefruit will be ideal. Some put fresh antonovka in the closet, but this is enough for just a few days.

Spices freshen the air

Spices smell long and delicious and are a wonderful natural flavor. Vanillin in a bag or without can be put deep into the shelf, cinnamon sticks and any spices you like the smell of will also work. It can be dried herb mint, thyme, basil.

Aroma sticks and incense perfectly aromatize.

Favorite perfumes will help in the fight against odors

If you sprinkle your favorite perfume on a napkin or panty liners and put it in the closet, a pleasant aroma from your favorite perfume is guaranteed. The only thing that not everyone likes is when things, such as fresh linen, are saturated with perfume.

Many put an empty ajar bottle of their favorite perfume or perfume samples with a cotton swab. If you sprinkle perfume on a panty liner and stick it to the closet wall, the fragrance lasts for several days.

A thin and unobtrusive smell is created by dry perfume on a strip - they are specially created for such cases. Aroma paper is a specialized tool.

Essential oils for all occasions

If you drop a little oil on a cotton pad or panty liner, or just on a piece of cloth and put it in the closet, the fragrance will last for several days. But it is better to drop aroma oil into the soda in a jar and make holes. Perfectly for these purposes, a plastic container from under the Kinder Surprise is suitable.

Other tools for creating fragrance in the closet

Salt bath bombs from lush work well for refreshment and aroma.

Fragrances for the car are also suitable for linen - the main thing is to choose a pleasant smell. And they last longer than many other means.

Gel hangers, which are usually used against moths, create a good smell.

If you want everything according to the rules, then it is better to purchase Jo Malone - a special flavored paper for cabinets.

Fresheners and deodorants for the home are sold in stores such as Zara home, Leonardo, Ikea, TSUM, Letual.

If all else fails, buy an odor neutralizer from a professional household supply store. And keep everything clean.

It is hard to imagine a festive table without fish cuts, which go well with most main dishes.

An important role in serving fish platter is played by its design. After all, few people want to taste a dish that has an inappropriate appearance.

For the correct serving of fish, you must adhere to several rules that will help to please your guests.

How to beautifully serve fish on a festive table: serving

In addition to the main cutlery, when serving fish slices, additional ones should be added:

  • Knife with a blunt blade, shaped like a spatula
  • Fork with three prongs
  • Assorted fish

The list of dishes that will decorate the festive table can be very diverse. It all depends on the culinary skills of the hostess and the taste preferences of the guests.
However, it should be borne in mind that it is customary to open the festive table with light meals - snacks.

Snacks, the main ingredient of which is fish, include:

  • fish salad
  • Hot fish snacks
  • Caviar of various types of fish
  • Assorted fish

The successful serving of appetizers before serving the main courses plays an important role. Having pleasantly surprised the guests at the initial stage of the feast, you guarantee yourself an unambiguous success when serving the rest of the dishes.

The lack of a decently decorated table can ruin any festive feast. Only one originally designed fish dish should make your visitors want to quickly taste the rest.


Before serving, the sprat is thoroughly cleaned and the head is removed. Then, beautifully laid on a plate and decorated with eggs, herbs, cucumbers, onions (optional) and topped with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

Canned fish

This type of seafood is taken out of the jar, excess oil is removed and transferred to porcelain dishes or trays. Decoration can be green lettuce leaves placed under the fish.

jellied fish

Delicious cooking of jellied fish, without proper experience, can be a difficult task for any housewife. Broth is an important ingredient in this dish. Properly prepared broth is the key to an excellent aspic.

Jellied fish - festive serving

Jellied fish - serving for the festive table

By following a good recipe, you can cook a truly delicious fish in aspic and make an unforgettable impression on your guests.
The finished dish is decorated with vegetables (green peas, bell peppers, tomatoes, capers) and herbs.

Wine is a frequent addition to fish on the table. It goes well with seafood and helps to fully reveal and enjoy the taste of the dish.

As a rule, white wine is served with the fish dish. But depending on the taste preferences of the host and guests, it can also be dry red or rose wine.

Making fish dishes: options, photos

First meal

A liquid fish dish is almost always garnished with herbs and served in a warm bowl.

Main dishes

  • Serving is usually carried out in the same dish in which the fish dish was cooked.
  • Before serving, the finished dish is stored where it was prepared (in the oven or pan).
  • It is advisable to serve dishes cooked in the oven immediately so that it does not cool down.

Stuffed fish can be served whole so that guests appreciate its appearance, and then start tasting it.

The finished dish, depending on its size, is served whole or in separate portions, garnished with lemon slices, herbs and olives. You can add a small amount of side dish to the dish.

  • It is recommended to cut and shape the fish just before serving. By doing this a few hours before serving, you will make a big mistake, as the dish will lose its freshness and taste.
  • The optimum temperature for cold snacks is 10-15°C.
  • The number of servings on one dish should be no more than 10 pieces.

There are no specific rules for decorating fish platter. To achieve success, you just need to connect your imagination and creativity.

A few tips for a good design of fish slices:

  • Use a sharp knife to cut the fish neatly.
  • Individual slices should be small and more or less the same size.
  • Try to put as many different types of fish as possible on a separate plate. Spectacularly combined varieties of white and red fish.
  • When laying the fish, use vegetables classic for fish: olives, lemon slices.

Serving hot smoked fish

Decorating a festive fish table is a rather lengthy procedure that requires patience and originality. With a little love and imagination, you can create a real masterpiece. The main thing is not to overdo it and you will definitely hear rave reviews from your guests.

Video: Fish cutting on the festive table. How beautiful to lay out fish slices?

Serving a festive table, every housewife tries to show her imagination, and often the highlight of it is the fish cuts. And even if you have a small set of fish delicacies available, by interestingly decorating and serving a plate, you are able to create a real masterpiece. It is clear that restaurant masters from cooking are much more experienced, but having become acquainted with the original photos, at home you are able to decorate the cuts no worse.

Fish cut on the festive table

A beautiful fish plate is quite simple to make, you just need to show ingenuity and imagination, or use the experience of sophisticated chefs.

Fish plate - assorted several types of fish, beautifully laid out and exquisitely decorated.

When choosing fish delicacies, I advise you to pay attention to the color of the fish. Pieces of different colors look incredibly advantageous. For example, lightly salted pink salmon, white oil salmon and halibut, smoked tan-colored eel or sprats.

How to serve the table:

Each guest should have a fork for fish, skewers on which pieces of fish are strung will be a good solution. By the way, slicing with skewers will allow you to make a unique fish plate. Because with them you can find literally fantastically beautiful options.

Beautiful cut design

A product of different cooking methods is allowed - salted, smoked, hot smoked. These are salmon, pink salmon, stellate sturgeon, halibut, butterfish, mackerel, horse mackerel, herring, sprat.

Sprats and sardines are appropriate in the festive cutting. Crab sticks, shrimp, caviar - red and black - look extremely elegant. As you can see, the composition of the cut is varied.

  • Try to put as many varieties on the plate as possible, then it looks much more advantageous.
  • The fish can be cut into even pieces, divided into plates into fillets.
  • Carefully remove the strings from hot-smoked fish, and try to pull out the bone no less carefully.
  • Make cuts just before serving, as the pieces quickly wind up, and the dish loses its appetizing appearance.
  • Before serving, be sure to clean the sprat, or even better, divide it into fillets. Boiled eggs, cucumbers, green onions and any greens are traditionally used as its decoration.
  • Do you use canned food? Remove from the jar, remove excess oil by blotting with a napkin. An excellent solution for decorating will be lettuce leaves, on which sprats can be laid out.

How to decorate a holiday cut

Slices of chopped vegetables, olives and black olives, lettuce leaves, other greens - parsley, dill, cilantro look great in sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfor a festive treat. From vegetables, radishes, cucumbers and tomatoes are more suitable.

Be sure to put next to the plate, or put directly into the fish platter, beautifully decorated butter (roses, ornate shavings), as many guests prefer to treat themselves to fish on sandwiches. Offer them this opportunity.

As a festive decoration, black and red caviar is always a win-win.

Photo of cutting design

I offer examples of original design and presentation of fish products that will surprise and delight guests.

Wine with fish

Often, assorted wine is served with wine that goes well with the product and complements the flavor range. White wine is suitable for fish, based on personal preferences, dry rose or red wine is also acceptable.

Video of a beautiful decoration of the festive fish cutting

I suggest watching a video with a photo of fish cutting. With a little work, patience and perseverance, you will create a unique plate, and you will certainly hear rave reviews from guests and relatives.
