
Beautiful and large chocolate chips: how to make it? How to make a chocolate cake fence: chocolate patterns, photo. Photo gallery: cake design options with flowing and mirror glaze

E enterprise of the Abrikosovs, formerly known as the "Factory Trade Association of A. I. Abrikosov and Sons" (after the revolution, it was renamed the "Confectionery Factory named after P. A. Babaev") and E. S. Lenova, who founded the Lenov Trading House (later - confectionery plant "Rot Front"). In St. Petersburg in 1862, a merchant of the 2nd guild, G. N. Borman, opened a store on Nevsky Prospekt, where a “manual machine for making chocolate” was installed. Within a few years, the store turned into the Georges Bormann Chocolate Factory in St. Petersburg. In 1922, the company was named after the revolutionary Concordia Samoilova.

The label of chocolate products manufactured by the oldest confectionery enterprise in Moscow - the factory "Einem" (since 1918 - "Red October")

Cocoa "beans" are not beans at all

The fame of chocolate in the medical and culinary circles of the 17th-18th centuries was so great that when Carl Linnaeus came up with the time to give a name to a tree with such precious seeds, he called it Theobroma cacao L. The first word in ancient Greek means "food of the gods", and the second is the name of the seeds distorted beyond recognition, taken from the language of the Mayan Indians.

An evergreen chocolate tree from the Sterculiaceae family, up to 10–15 m high, forms an undergrowth in the tropical rainforests of South America and the Gulf of Mexico Islands. It is curious that small pink flowers develop directly on the trunk and thick lower branches. This phenomenon, called caulifloria, is just a biological adaptation to pollination by butterflies.

Ripe fruits with juicy pulp, appearing all year round on a tree trunk, contain 25-30 seeds, incorrectly called beans. Nevertheless, the trade name "beans" of cocoa has become generally accepted throughout the world.

The main components of the dry matter of seeds are fats (cocoa butter - up to 50%), alkaloids in small amounts - theobromine (from 0.3 to 2%), caffeine (from 0.05 to 0.8%), and proteins (20 %), carbohydrates (up to 30%), polyphenolic compounds (up to 5%), amino acids, vitamin and mineral complex.

Even on the plantation, the seeds are extracted from the fruits and subjected to fermentation, as a result, the kernels acquire a purple-brown color, a delicate sweetish-oily taste and a delicate aroma. In the production process, the kernels are fried, then cooled and sent to a perpetual machine, where the fragile shell (cocoa shell) is easily removed from them, and they themselves are crushed into cocoa nibs.

Hundreds of cans of cocoa with the famous painting "Chocolate Girl" by Jean Etienne Lyotard on the label during the Great Patriotic War were delivered to the USSR in the holds of the Liberty steamships as part of allied convoys. Now this miraculously preserved jar is an exhibit of the Russian Museum "Allies and Lend-Lease"

Roasted and peeled cocoa nibs are carefully crushed. The resulting cocoa liquor contains 54% cocoa butter. To separate this oil, cocoa liquor is heated to a certain temperature and pressed while hot. The remaining partially defatted cake is ground and the familiar cocoa powder is obtained.

For the manufacture of chocolate mass, cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter, the necessary aromatic and flavoring additives are mixed, crushed and kneaded at a high temperature. Introduced into the composition of chocolate and lecithin (emulsifier E322) - a natural substance belonging to the group of phospholipids. It is found in all vegetable oils and gives the mass a homogeneous consistency. By itself, lecithin is involved in the metabolism of animals and humans. It is produced by processing soybean oil, which, in turn, can be either genetically modified or natural. According to existing rules, information on the use of food substances derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is required only if they contain at least 0.9%. Lecithin in chocolate is 0.3-0.4%, so the manufacturer has the right not to indicate that lecithin is obtained from genetically modified sources.

The key step in chocolate production is tempering. To do this, hot chocolate is first cooled and then heated again to certain temperatures and for a certain time. Any violation of the tempering technology affects the appearance and structure of the product. For example, after some time, a characteristic white coating may appear on the surface of the tile, consisting of tiny droplets of fat. The defect is purely external, but unpleasant.

After tempering, chocolate is poured into heated molds, and then sent to cold storage.

Chocolate is different

Real chocolate is a confectionery product, in the manufacture of which only cocoa butter and finely ground cocoa powder, obtained, in turn, from cocoa "beans" are used. The higher the content of cocoa products, the more expensive the chocolate.

The most “chocolate” chocolate is bitter: it contains the maximum of cocoa products and the minimum of sugar. In the photo: dark chocolate label with 90% cocoa products

According to the content of cocoa products, chocolate is ordinary, or classic, bitter and white. In classic chocolate, there are from 35 to 55-60% of cocoa products, in bitter - more than 55%. White chocolate is prepared according to a special recipe without the addition of cocoa powder or cocoa liquor. There is not much less cocoa butter in it than in ordinary dark chocolate - it becomes white due to the presence of milk powder.

Chocolate containing dairy products is called milk chocolate. Cocoa products in it no more than 25-35%. Porous chocolate is similar in composition to ordinary chocolate, but has a porous structure, which gives it a special taste. Chocolate with additions contains coarsely ground nuts, candied fruits, raisins, wafer crumbs, caramel, cognac, coffee, etc. Filled chocolate - regular chocolate with filling inside. The filling makes up no more than 50% of the product in it.

The sometimes occurring name "dark chocolate" seems to have been invented by manufacturers and sellers for a product containing more cocoa products than milk chocolate, and even more so white.

Milk chocolate label with blueberry-yoghurt filling. All names of preservatives are listed on the label.

Aerated white chocolate label. Ingredients include cocoa butter. cocoa mass
and no cocoa powder

Milk chocolate bars with additions differ in content, which determines the “zest” of products. Cocoa products in them no more than 25-35%

When buying chocolate, read the label carefully. If it says “confectionery bar”, then this product has nothing to do with chocolate, since it is made from substitutes for cocoa products.

High-quality dark chocolate is expensive, in Russia it is produced only using cocoa butter, without the addition of any other fats. In the mouth, such chocolate should melt, since the melting point of cocoa butter is close to the temperature of the human body. If the chocolate has a sour taste, then it is a fake and low-grade cocoa powder was used in its manufacture.

Small domestic chocolate producers seek to replace expensive cocoa butter with cheaper palm oil or even with hydrogenated vegetable oil, the presence of which is guessed by the fact that such chocolate does not melt in the mouth and leaves a “fatty” aftertaste.

Dark chocolate, which includes cocoa butter, can be stored much longer than milk or white chocolate - up to two years: natural butter contains antioxidants that prevent fat oxidation. Chocolate that undergoes a large temperature difference during improper storage is sometimes covered with a white coating of tiny sugar crystals.

What is useful chocolate

In all products made from the seeds of the chocolate tree, there are biologically active substances of various composition, but small in quantity, which, on the one hand, does not allow them to be attributed medicinal properties, and on the other hand, to deny a number of medically useful properties.

Daily consumption of a small amount of dark chocolate improves the functioning of the brain vessels, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal system of the body, stimulates its adaptive and protective function, and thereby reduces the incidence of adults and children.

Unlike tea and coffee, which are mainly stimulating, chocolate and cocoa powder drinks are nutritious, have a mild effect that tones the central nervous system. So, in a cup of cocoa, brewed from 15 g of powder and 150 ml of water, contains 0.4 g of protein, 0.5 g of fat, 0.7 g of carbohydrates, 0.02 g of minerals, 0.1 g of other substances (fiber and others), 0.01 g of alkaloids, including 0.006 g of theobromine and 0.004 g of caffeine.

For comparison, a cup of coffee or tea contains about 0.1 g of caffeine and traces of theobromine, that is, 25 times more caffeine than a cup of cocoa. The therapeutic dose of caffeine per reception is 0.1 g, theobromine - 0.25 g; therefore, in a cup of cocoa there is 1/25 of the dose of caffeine and 1/40 of the dose of theobromine. In order to replace this therapeutic dose, you will have to eat at least a couple of dark chocolate bars. But this amount of it contributes to a fairly rapid weight gain.

No special craving for chocolate, independent of human consciousness, has been scientifically identified. There is only a habit of nutritious, healthy and at the same time tasty delicacy.

Chocolate is fertile ground for creating various decorations when decorating cakes and other confectionery products. In the solid state, it is great for making crumbs, large curls, shavings, melted - for creating glazes, inscriptions, patterns and borders. Chocolate cake decorations can be stenciled (ready-made or drawn by you), as well as complemented with fruits, ready-made sweets.

In addition, you can decorate your cake using a different base - black, dark milk, white chocolate. Today we will learn how to make chocolate decor - from the simplest to the most sophisticated, using simple and affordable recipes for this.

If there is no time to prepare labor-intensive cake decorations, you can make chocolate cake decorations in the simplest ways:

  1. topping. There is no recipe as such. It is enough to take a bar of chocolate and grate it on a coarse grater or grind it with a blender. Remember that with the help of such a sprinkle we decorate a cake smeared with a sticky mass - it can be protein, custard or chocolate cream, soft icing, mastic smeared with syrup, jam coating.
  2. You can make large crumbs for decorating cakes with chocolate according to the same principle, only use a larger grater for this or process the chocolate with a blender using an impulse. Also, you can use a regular rolling pin by covering the tile with polyethylene and walking over it several times.
  3. Beautiful curls can be made by first melting the tiles. Curved chips are obtained after tempering the chocolate. Melting should be done in a water bath or in a microwave oven. Before melting chocolate, prepare a flat plate or dish with low sides. Then pour the melted chocolate into a thin layer into the prepared container and wait for it to harden. After that, with a wide spoon or other suitable device, carefully scrape off the wide strips so that you get beautiful curls. They can serve as a decoration not only for the cake, but also for cakes, chocolate with fruits, desserts and any pastries. It is optimal to use such curls for a cake at home, covered with a contrasting cream or icing (dark shavings + white cream, for example).
  4. Large chip. It can be done with a vegetable cutter. A sharp wide knife will also work. To do this, place the tile vertically and make long, sharp pressures to make sticks. So that each piece does not break and keeps its shape, you need to use bitter chocolate with a minimum sugar content. White is softer, like milky, so it is not suitable for such large chips.

Remember that the decor made must be immediately placed on the cake. The chocolate product is stored only in the refrigerator, especially if the kitchen is hot. Such a simple cake decoration can be made just before serving and immediately decorate the cake with it.


A more complex decor option is various figures, patterns and other voluminous decorations, such as chocolate balls for decorating a cake. It takes some skill to make them. It is also important to know what kind of chocolate to use and how to properly melt the chocolate so that the figure is uniform and crisp.

Balls for decorating a product can be made in several ways according to a simple recipe:

  1. Inflate small balloons to desired size. Then melt the chocolate bar and cool slightly. Set the ball on the table and pour half of it with melted chocolate completely or strips. It is important that the balloon is stable. When the first half is dry, turn the ball over and repeat so that the chocolate strips meet. You can prepare such decorations with your own hands in advance, and install on the cake immediately before serving. In addition, you can combine dark chocolate with white, which will make the decor more original. Don't forget to take out the balloon when the chocolate is completely set.
  2. Balls can be made from two halves using special hemispherical silicone or iron molds, as well as improvised means. Each half of the chocolate ball is poured separately, and after solidification, both halves are glued together with melted chocolate or cream. Such balls can be stuffed with fruits or small DIY surprises for children.
  3. Also, balls can be made from some kind of mass, for example, cookies with cocoa powder and butter, thick cream. Chocolate icing can also be used for these purposes - when it starts to harden, moisten your hands with water and roll up balls or other figures, then place on the cake.

Exquisite figurines are made according to the same principle. For them, silicone molds are mainly used, since it is easiest to extract a frozen figure from them. Such chocolate cake decorations are also best placed on a liquid sticky cream or other base.


Drawing with chocolate can be done directly on the surface or sides of the cake, as well as separately, which will require special tracing paper or parchment. In the latter case, after the elements harden, they are transferred to a sticky surface. The recipe is the simplest - you need to melt the chocolate bar, let it cool quite a bit, transfer it to a pastry bag with a narrow even or corrugated nozzle, then immediately squeeze out the patterns.

If you do not have artistic skills, you may need stencils. You can make them yourself - print the selected pattern on a regular sheet, then put parchment on top and redraw the pattern with a pencil. Turn the parchment over to the back and squeeze out the pattern with the chocolate mass along the lines. After it hardens, gently pry with a knife and transfer to the surface.

By the same principle, you can make more sophisticated decorations, for example, a chocolate border. To do this, you will need a wide parchment tape, the height and length of which corresponds to the side surface. Also draw patterns on it, squeeze them out with chocolate mass, quickly wrap the sides, and glue the ends with a small piece of tape. Once the pattern has set, remove the parchment paper. Previously, the sides should be covered with cream or icing.

In the same way, you can make volumetric patterns. For example, wrap parchment around a jar or bottle, lay it vertically, squeeze out hemispherical strips with melted chocolate. So you can make a chocolate crown to decorate a cake or just three-dimensional patterns.


Chocolate-based cake icing or cream is the easiest option. Before making such a mass, evaluate the size of the cake. For a standard product measuring about 24-28 centimeters, 100-150 grams of pure chocolate will be enough. In addition, it will need to be mixed with cream (2-3 tablespoons) or milk, or a piece of butter. In this case, the glaze will turn out to be softer, and it will be easily distributed over the surface of the product.

Chocolate cream can be absolutely anything - custard, protein, oil. Melted chilled chocolate is added to the finished cream, then whipped intensively. It turns out to be thicker than usual and holds its shape better.

Decorating a cake with chocolate can be done even by a novice hostess, in addition, you can use a special confectionery glaze (it is usually sold by weight and looks like small circles). Using the simplest recipes, you can decorate a dessert with berries and chocolate, cream decorations, make exquisite volumetric figures and subtle patterns.

Chocolate is fertile ground for creating various decorations when decorating cakes and other confectionery products. In the solid state, it is great for making crumbs, large curls, shavings, melted - for creating glazes, inscriptions, patterns and borders. Chocolate cake decorations can be stenciled (ready-made or drawn by you), as well as complemented with fruits, ready-made sweets.

In addition, you can decorate your cake using a different base - black, dark milk, white chocolate. Today we will learn how to make chocolate decor - from the simplest to the most sophisticated, using simple and affordable recipes for this.

If there is no time to prepare labor-intensive cake decorations, you can make chocolate cake decorations in the simplest ways:

  1. topping. There is no recipe as such. It is enough to take a bar of chocolate and grate it on a coarse grater or grind it with a blender. Remember that with the help of such a sprinkle we decorate a cake smeared with a sticky mass - it can be protein, custard or chocolate cream, soft icing, mastic smeared with syrup, jam coating.
  2. You can make large crumbs for decorating cakes with chocolate according to the same principle, only use a larger grater for this or process the chocolate with a blender using an impulse. Also, you can use a regular rolling pin by covering the tile with polyethylene and walking over it several times.
  3. Beautiful curls can be made by first melting the tiles. Curved chips are obtained after tempering the chocolate. Melting should be done in a water bath or in a microwave oven. Before melting chocolate, prepare a flat plate or dish with low sides. Then pour the melted chocolate into a thin layer into the prepared container and wait for it to harden. After that, with a wide spoon or other suitable device, carefully scrape off the wide strips so that you get beautiful curls. They can serve as a decoration not only for the cake, but also for cakes, chocolate with fruits, desserts and any pastries. It is optimal to use such curls for a cake at home, covered with a contrasting cream or icing (dark shavings + white cream, for example).
  4. Large chip. It can be done with a vegetable cutter. A sharp wide knife will also work. To do this, place the tile vertically and make long, sharp pressures to make sticks. So that each piece does not break and keeps its shape, you need to use bitter chocolate with a minimum sugar content. White is softer, like milky, so it is not suitable for such large chips.

Remember that the decor made must be immediately placed on the cake. The chocolate product is stored only in the refrigerator, especially if the kitchen is hot. Such a simple cake decoration can be made just before serving and immediately decorate the cake with it.

A more complex decor option is various figures, patterns and other voluminous decorations, such as chocolate balls for decorating a cake. It takes some skill to make them. It is also important to know what kind of chocolate to use and how to properly melt the chocolate so that the figure is uniform and crisp.

Balls for decorating a product can be made in several ways according to a simple recipe:

  1. Inflate small balloons to desired size. Then melt the chocolate bar and cool slightly. Set the ball on the table and pour half of it with melted chocolate completely or strips. It is important that the balloon is stable. When the first half is dry, turn the ball over and repeat so that the chocolate strips meet. You can prepare such decorations with your own hands in advance, and install on the cake immediately before serving. In addition, you can combine dark chocolate with white, which will make the decor more original. Don't forget to take out the balloon when the chocolate is completely set.
  2. Balls can be made from two halves using special hemispherical silicone or iron molds, as well as improvised means. Each half of the chocolate ball is poured separately, and after solidification, both halves are glued together with melted chocolate or cream. Such balls can be stuffed with fruits or small DIY surprises for children.
  3. Also, balls can be made from some kind of mass, for example, cookies with cocoa powder and butter, thick cream. Chocolate icing can also be used for these purposes - when it starts to harden, moisten your hands with water and roll up balls or other figures, then place on the cake.

Exquisite figurines are made according to the same principle. For them, silicone molds are mainly used, since it is easiest to extract a frozen figure from them. Such chocolate cake decorations are also best placed on a liquid sticky cream or other base.

Drawing with chocolate can be done directly on the surface or sides of the cake, as well as separately, which will require special tracing paper or parchment. In the latter case, after the elements harden, they are transferred to a sticky surface. The recipe is the simplest - you need to melt the chocolate bar, let it cool quite a bit, transfer it to a pastry bag with a narrow even or corrugated nozzle, then immediately squeeze out the patterns.

If you do not have artistic skills, you may need stencils. You can make them yourself - print the selected pattern on a regular sheet, then put parchment on top and redraw the pattern with a pencil. Turn the parchment over to the back and squeeze out the pattern with the chocolate mass along the lines. After it hardens, gently pry with a knife and transfer to the surface.

By the same principle, you can make more sophisticated decorations, for example, a chocolate border. To do this, you will need a wide parchment tape, the height and length of which corresponds to the side surface. Also draw patterns on it, squeeze them out with chocolate mass, quickly wrap the sides, and glue the ends with a small piece of tape. Once the pattern has set, remove the parchment paper. Previously, the sides should be covered with cream or icing.

In the same way, you can make volumetric patterns. For example, wrap parchment around a jar or bottle, lay it vertically, squeeze out hemispherical strips with melted chocolate. So you can make a chocolate crown to decorate a cake or just three-dimensional patterns.

Chocolate-based cake icing or cream is the easiest option. Before making such a mass, evaluate the size of the cake. For a standard product measuring about 24-28 centimeters, 100-150 grams of pure chocolate will be enough. In addition, it will need to be mixed with cream (2-3 tablespoons) or milk, or a piece of butter. In this case, the glaze will turn out to be softer, and it will be easily distributed over the surface of the product.

Chocolate cream can be absolutely anything - custard, protein, oil. Melted chilled chocolate is added to the finished cream, then whipped intensively. It turns out to be thicker than usual and holds its shape better.

Decorating a cake with chocolate can be done even by a novice hostess, in addition, you can use a special confectionery glaze (it is usually sold by weight and looks like small circles). Using the simplest recipes, you can decorate a dessert with berries and chocolate, cream decorations, make exquisite volumetric figures and subtle patterns.

Decorating cakes with chocolate at home

Probably, many housewives thought about the independent preparation of cakes and decorations for them. Confectionery can be prepared at home. Moreover, in appearance and taste, they will be no worse than store products. Decorating the cake with chocolate looks beautiful. Photos of this beautiful work can be seen below. You will need special tools that allow you to do the job well.

To make the cake beautiful, you need to choose high-quality chocolate. It makes beautiful glossy jewelry. Many use chocolate glazes, in which cocoa butter is present instead of cocoa. Such products are convenient to use, but in terms of taste they are worse than real couverture chocolate.

Chocolate must contain cocoa butter. The main ingredients of the product are cocoa liquor and sugar. Dark chocolate is also made, in which 99% cocoa.

The following types of chocolate are used for decoration:

Professional confectioners use a product produced in blocks and dragees. Tiles can be used at home. Cocoa powder is also suitable for decoration, but it must be of high quality.

Decorating a cake with chocolate at home can be done using special tools. An assistant is a pastry syringe or bag. Attachments are suitable for creating beautiful swirls, flowers and leaves.

If there is no special device, then you can do it yourself. For this, a paper envelope is used. To create it, you need a landscape sheet. It should be rolled up in a bag, cut off the tip. The product must be held tightly, and after filling with cream or chocolate, you can decorate the cake.

Chocolate cake decorations look great. You just need to have skill and patience. You must first prepare the composition. Classical tiles are usually used. How to melt chocolate to decorate a cake? This work is carried out according to the following technology:

  • Divide the tiles into small pieces, and then put them in a clean, dry dish.
  • A pot of hot water is placed on the work surface. Its temperature should be more than 36 degrees, but not boil. Dishes with chocolate are placed in it so that there is no contact with water.

  • Chocolate should be stirred. You don't need to beat the mixture. The product melts gradually, and this process cannot be rushed, otherwise the decoration will be difficult to make. Although the confectionery product can be filled with the composition, a white coating forms with solidification. The temperature of chocolate cannot be more than 40 degrees.

How to melt chocolate for cake decoration so that it comes out neat? The product must not come into contact with moisture, steam or condensate, otherwise it will become thick. It will be difficult to carry out the procedure with him. If the decoration takes about 10 minutes, then the product must be put on a steam bath. The rest can be reused.

Various tools are used to decorate cakes with chocolate, with the help of which leaves, hearts are obtained. Undoubtedly, more time is needed for such work. The easiest option is to fill with chocolate. To complete it, you need:

  • Cool the cake until it is at room temperature, then place on a wire rack. A sheet of waxed paper is placed under the grate, which is necessary to collect the remaining chocolate.
  • Do-it-yourself chocolate decorations for a cake are made using scoops or large spoons. This will allow you to fill the entire product at one time. The coating is fast, because the composition instantly seizes.
  • Then the grate should be lightly tapped on the work surface to distribute the chocolate evenly.
  • If required, filling is carried out a second time. This must be done after the first layer has hardened.

Creating figures: preparatory work

Decorating cakes with chocolate requires endurance and patience. This work is labor intensive. Various figures can be made upon request. This will require:

  • Melt about 130 g of white milk chocolate, and then pour the mixture onto baking parchment. Smooth out with a spatula or knife.
  • To level the surface of the parchment, you need to take the edges and shake it a little. Bubbles will not appear because of this.

If the melted chocolate does not stick to your fingers, then it can be used in the work. First, the product must be covered with parchment. Then everything should be carefully turned over. The paper that was used as the backing must be removed.

The sheet of chocolate must be turned over again, after which it can be cut out. For this, molds for cookies or cocktail decorations are suitable. You just need to press the workpiece to the chocolate sheet and separate the figure. The result is neat edges. Such chocolate cake decorations are quite simple.

You can make other chocolate cake decorations at home. Photo options will help determine the transformation of the confectionery. Berries look great, near which there are leaves. It will be easy to make such a decor. To do this, you need to collect the leaves of plants. They should not be too small. You also need melted chocolate.

The finished composition should cover the turnover of the leaves, where the veins are better visible. Work should be done with a medium-sized brush. You need to make sure that the melted chocolate is not on the front side. The blanks should remain in a cool place to solidify. Leaves should be laid out chocolate side up. Separate the mold before use. This completes the preparation. The cake will look original.

How to make a cake decoration out of chocolate so that everything looks great? Mesh, flowers and other openwork details are perfect for this. To get them, you need parchment paper, foil and polyethylene, a spatula and chocolate melted with a water bath.

You need to choose a pattern. You can draw it yourself, after which you need to cut it out. A pattern is transferred to the foil and polyethylene with a pencil. Ready chocolate should be poured into a bag of parchment paper. The product must be extruded along the lines drawn on the foil or paper. If the figurine will stand on the cake, then the base must be dense. After tracing the drawing, the sheet must be transferred to the board and put in the refrigerator.

When the chocolate has hardened, the figures must be separated with a spatula. These ornaments look great, but they are very fragile. Therefore, several identical parts should be made. Such figures are suitable for decorating cakes, ice cream and other desserts.

Decorating cakes with chocolate chips is one of the proven methods. There are several options for obtaining such a decor. For example, chocolate can be put in a warm place, and then cut with a sharp knife. The result is chocolate tubes. But before decorating the cake, they should be removed in the refrigerator for solidification.

There is also another method. Glaze should be obtained from chocolate, and then applied to a corrugated surface. Everything should cool, and you can cut the chocolate into a thin layer. With solidification, large chips are obtained, and if you want small ones, then you should grate it. You can create a decoration from white chocolate, which must be melted and a dye of the desired color added.

Waves and ribbons look beautiful on cakes. Doing them yourself is not too difficult. You will need thick foil, plastic wrap, a spatula and 2 rolling pins. To create ordinary waves, like ribbons, you need to use a dense plastic film. It should be cut into strips of the required width and length, and then melted chocolate should be applied to them. It is necessary to fasten the rolling pins so that there is about 5 cm between them, and transfer the strips to them. In this form, they are put in the refrigerator. When the decorations are frozen, it is necessary to cut off the edges of the strips to remove excess and film.

If you want to get a complex figure, then you need a dense foil. From it you should cut out the figure that you want to get. It is quite simple to do this, since any shape can be obtained from foil. When it is ready, melted chocolate is applied to it. It should be placed in the refrigerator. After 3 hours the foil can be removed. Work must be done carefully. Decoration can be placed on the cake.

A homemade cake can be beautifully decorated in various ways. Volumetric compositions from mastic, patterns and inscriptions look great. To do this, you can use fresh, canned fruits, jellies, creams, mastics, sweets, whipped cream.

There are several rules that it is desirable to follow. At 70%, the decoration should consist of those products that are the basis of the dessert. Decoration for children's cake should not include alcohol. You can combine several components, as long as it looks harmonious. It should be remembered that the cakes should not be visible. They must be covered with cream or chocolate icing. You can make beautiful jewelry with your own hands, if you show a little imagination.

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How to make chocolate chips?

To decorate cakes or pastries, you can use different colors of chocolate, different types of chips, that is, combine them.

The easiest and most common way to make chocolate shavings is to simply grate a bar of chocolate, you can grate coarsely or finely.

You can put a chocolate bar in a warm place, after the chocolate becomes softer, using a sharp large knife, cut the chocolate at an angle with a thin layer, then it will begin to curl into a tube. Then such chocolate spirals must be put in a cold place so that they freeze and after that they decorate the cake with them, then such spirals will keep their shape.

And you can melt the chocolate in a water bath, and then pour it onto a corrugated surface, put it in the cold. After that, with the help of a sharp knife, it is necessary to cut off a thin layer of chocolate. You will get a large chip. Then the chips must be cooled again and you can decorate the cake with it.

There is another way to prepare shavings. It can be made not only in the color of chocolate or white or coffee or dark brown, but you can make it colored. To do this, dissolve white chocolate in a water bath and pour a little dye into it. The color can be any, at your discretion. And already from the frozen colored chocolate, you can make various shavings.

Desserts and pastries are decorated with large chips. However, 100% chocolate bars are not suitable for this, and in large bars, mostly glaze or cocoa liquor is sold, which is unsuitable in density for making sweet fibers.

The reverse side is homemade or artisanal chocolate, which can be made into the desired shape. However, it contains too much or, conversely, not enough cocoa butter, from which the curls become brittle.

The easiest way out of this situation is to use homemade raw materials to create chips! And to do this is much easier than it might seem at first glance. It is enough to take a bowl for a water bath, a food bag and a special knife for peeling vegetables. Use a vegetable peeler with a side holder (with a handle like a regular knife), it is easier to prepare the required fibers.

Step-by-step plan for making shavings

The recipe will require 2 ingredients: dark or milk chocolate, as well as honey, which will give the decoration the required plasticity. No extra butter or milk needed! Here is the step by step process:

  1. Break the chocolate into pieces, add 1 tbsp. l. honey (per 100 g bar).
  2. Melt the products in a water bath, stirring constantly, so that there are no lumps and inhomogeneous particles.
  3. Take a larger bowl, put cling film or a bag in it.
  4. Pour the hot chocolate with honey into a bowl with plastic wrap and leave at room temperature for 1 hour.
  5. Don't put the chocolate in the fridge, it will become too brittle!
  6. Remove the chocolate from the bowl by pulling on the edges of the cling film.
  7. Take a knife and with arbitrary movements create beautiful curls with a vegetable peeler.

The advantage of this processing method is that the chips are very ductile and quite long. But it is difficult to adjust the width.

If curls as wide as 2 cm are needed, then try cooling the chocolate in a smooth cake pan or other oblong dish. And then cut the shavings along the side edge using the same vegetable knife.

Method number 2. Twisted curls

You can make chocolate chips in another way, using a simple knife and frozen chocolate. But in this case, the decoration will turn out to be more brittle:

  1. Take a bowl, melt 1-2 chocolate bars in it without adding honey.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, pour liquid on it.
  3. As soon as you pour the chocolate, take a baking sheet and tap it on the table with the bottom to remove excess air.
  4. Put in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours, but not in the freezer.
  5. Take out the base for the chips, take a knife and with sliding movements away from you at an angle of 10-15% remove the curls-tubes.

By adjusting the angle of the knife or using other tools, you can get chips of different shapes, diameters and widths!
