
Mussels - what is it? How to eat peeled mussels, in brine and in shells - etiquette rules and special cutlery.

mussels- This is one of the most common types of marine or river mollusks. Currently, there are a large number of special farms where mussels are grown for further sale.

The appearance of mussels is distinguished by a dark oval shell (see photo). The color of the shell may vary depending on its place of residence. Most often, the mussel shell is purple, brown or greenish.

Gourmets around the world love to eat mussels, which vaguely resemble oysters, but the taste of these two mollusks is significantly different. In addition, oysters have a muscle that holds the shells together, while mussels do not have such muscles, which makes it much easier to open the shell. Therefore, the cost of mussels is much lower than the cost of oysters.

Types of mussels

At the moment, there are a large number of different types of mussels, some of which are very difficult to distinguish from each other without opening the shell. But in general, there are three main types of mussels:

  • black sea,
  • edible
  • mussel Gray.

These types of mussels differ in habitat, shape and color. So, the Black Sea mussel lives or is grown on the Black Sea. The edible mussel comes from the Atlantic Ocean, while the Gray mussel comes from Japan. These mussels live at a depth of five meters, the maximum depth is twenty meters.

In order to cook mussels correctly and tasty, first you need to choose them correctly so as not to buy spoiled goods. To do this, we decided to give you a list of recommendations, using which you can choose the right mussels, so that later you can cook a tasty and healthy dish.

  • The first step is to pay attention to the integrity of the mussel shell. It must not be damaged, scratched or cracked. Also, the shell must be closed, since open mussels cannot be stored for a long time.
  • If a loud click is not heard when opening the shell, this means that the mussel is probably stale.
  • If you want to buy frozen mussels, then make sure that they do not stick together in a bag or in a box.
  • The color of the clam inside the shell should be white, cream or pink. If you see mussel meat of any other color, this means that the product is not fresh.
  • From the purchased mussels should only smell like the sea or iodine, but not other foreign odors.
  • Be suspicious of mussels that are too heavy. It is possible that there may be sand inside the sink.

There are several varieties of mussels that can be seen on the market: frozen, canned and fresh. Be very careful when buying so as not to spoil the impression of the dish.

How to cook and how to eat mussels?

There are several ways to cook mussels. First of all, it is necessary to clarify that mussels should be cooked no later than 36 hours after purchase, otherwise they may deteriorate. Before cooking mussels, it is always necessary to open, remove the clams and rinse them well in water to remove dirt and sand that may be contained there.

Next, the mussels should be cooked in a large saucepan. In order to diversify the taste of ready-made mussels, you can add herbs, spices and salt to boiling water. Add everything to your liking, but do not overdo it. Mussels must be cooked for at least seven minutes if they are fresh, and at least ten minutes if they are frozen.

You can also cook mussels in the sink, but for this you will need to rinse them thoroughly, then dip them in boiling water and boil for about ten minutes. After that, the water will need to be drained, boil a new one, add spices, and lower the mussels there again. They will be ready when their shells open on their own.

There are a large number of recipes for dishes with mussels. You can cook with them paella, salad, soup, puree, sauce, you can stew them, fry or marinate them. In any case, you need to eat mussels along with wine, which will perfectly complement their amazing taste. In our article, you can see a photo of the finished dish to make sure that the mussels look very appetizing!

Benefit and harm

The benefits of mussels are undeniable, because, thanks to their unique composition, it is possible to restore damaged sectors of the nervous system and provide the body with the necessary energy. Due to the high content of vitamins and trace elements in mussels, they have a beneficial effect on the human immune system, help in the treatment of colds or viral diseases, have a positive effect on blood vessels and the process of hematopoiesis in general.

Also, mussels have long are a powerful aphrodisiac. Regular consumption of mussels increases sexual desire, and also increases stress resistance. Also, mussels can act as a dietary product, since their calorie content is quite low.

Mussels can cause harm only in case of excessive abuse of this product. Mussels are only beneficial if used wisely.

Composition of mussels

The energy composition of mussels explains their usefulness to us. The composition of these mollusks contains a large amount of vitamins, such as A, E, C, D and a group of vitamins B. In addition to them, mussels contain various trace elements: zinc, iron, iodine, potassium and calcium, and many others. Thanks to such a rich composition, mussels can undoubtedly benefit the human body.

Especially in our country, where this wonderful seafood comes mostly frozen. The main thing is to learn how to choose high-quality mussels and be able to cook them. And you can make anything from a mollusk - light salads, delicious pasta, soufflé, soup or risotto.

Valued for...

Mussels are good for both ladies and their life partners. The former appreciate them for their extremely low calorie content: if a piece of pork or lamb weighing 100 g averages 250-300 kcal, mollusk meat gives only 50 kcal (even shrimp have a higher calorie content of about 80 kcal). Therefore, you can safely enjoy the good taste and delicate texture of mussels and not be afraid to spoil your figure. For men, this seafood is also incredibly useful and is a real aphrodisiac.

It's all about the unique mollusk meat, which contains almost no carbohydrates, but has a high concentration of high-quality protein, vitamins B and E (the latter is called "bearing offspring" by professionals), omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, calcium and magnesium. At the same time, mussels contain little cholesterol and a lot of phospholipids, which have a beneficial effect on liver function. In general, this seafood is incredibly healthy, so try to periodically include it in your menu. True, do not forget that sea reptile poisoning is one of the worst, so choose mussels for your culinary masterpieces very carefully.

Shellfish farm

The mussel, beloved by many gourmets, is found in almost all the expanses of the World Ocean, but mass industrial production is carried out only in some parts of the globe. Let's say that seafood "sails" to our country from China, New Zealand (large green "kiwi" is just from there), there are some Spanish and French products, and almost 50% of shellfish comes from Chilean Patagonia - the southernmost and least populated region of Chile, washed by the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean. The cultivation of mussels on farms is as follows: the fry are raised a little and sent to the ocean, where they hang on ropes, like giant bunches of grapes, and build up their mass within 8-15 months. At the same time, the seafood is not fed with anything - it grows in natural conditions, constantly filtering water and eating valuable plankton. Then the grown mussels are taken out of the ocean and subjected to two procedures: canned or scalded with hot steam and frozen.

More dead than alive

If you are lucky enough to buy fresh mussels, make sure that the doors of all shells are closed. If they are ajar, then the mollusk is more likely dead than alive. You can even hit the shell with your finger - if it reacts and shrinks, then everything is “ok”, if not, such seafood is dangerous for your stomach. Another important indicator of the freshness of a marine reptile is the absence of a specific smell. Professionals say that good mussels should only smell like the sea. However, in our country, mussels are sold mainly in a boiled-frozen state, so it is possible to understand whether they are fresh or not only after defrosting. So, before cooking, take them out of the freezer, thaw at room temperature and smell well. If you feel even a slight odor, it is better to refuse the delicacy.

In the sink or without?

Unlike shrimp, which can vary greatly in size, mussels do not have a wide variety of shapes. There are large deli (35/40), bearing the fruity name "kiwi", and there are medium-sized clams, of which there are from 40 to 60 pieces per kilogram, - they are the most popular. You can buy seafood in a whole shell (it is steamed and vacuum-packed), in a half-shell or a clean fillet. In any case, mussels should not be covered with a very thick layer of ice, and even more so, they cannot have snow and yellow streaks - this indicates that the product has been defrosted and refrozen. The clam meat should be light, voluminous, elastic and have an excellent presentable appearance (black and flabby fillet indicates the old age of the seafood). If you buy canned food or preserves, before buying, be sure to study the brine - the brine in which the mussels float. It must be absolutely transparent, it cannot contain blood clots, mold and other foreign inclusions. Do not forget to also check the integrity of the packaging so that the oil does not leak out of the plastic jar and the vacuum bag is not torn. The label on the jar must be glued evenly and carefully, and all the information on it is set out clearly and understandably. If the composition of the product is impossible to read, the letters are blurry and the piece of paper is crooked, then most likely such preserves were made in an underground workshop (they are usually made from thawed mussels).

Fillet soufflé

Given that almost all the mussels that are on our shelves are already cooked and ready to eat, they do not need to be steamed and fried for a long time. You just need to unfreeze and immediately put into action. You can cook delicious pizza with mussels, pasta in tomato or cream sauce (seafood loves both dressings), make Spanish paella or cook soup in combination with other seafood and fish. Also very tasty clam fillet soufflé, which is very popular in countries that produce healthy seafood. To prepare it, first fry 1/2 chopped onion and 3 crushed garlic cloves in butter. Then add 1/2 sweet pepper, dry paprika, pour in 300 ml of dry white wine and boil for 5 minutes. After that, put in a saucepan 1 kg of mussel meat, 400 ml of cream, 200 g of breadcrumbs and cook the soufflé for 10 minutes over low heat. Salt and pepper the finished mixture, pour it into clay pots or cocotte makers, sprinkle with grated parmesan on top and send it to the oven preheated to +180º C for 10 minutes. The souffle will be covered with a golden crust and will be ready for tasting.

Sink under the cheese

If you manage to buy large or medium-sized mussels in half shells, it is best to simply bake them with garlic and cheese. To do this, first defrost the mollusk at room temperature. While the valuable product is thawing, make green garlic butter by thoroughly mixing 100 g of softened butter, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 2-3 crushed garlic cloves and a handful of chopped fresh parsley and basil. Then put the resulting creamy mixture on each mussel in the shell, sprinkle it with grated cheese on top and send it to the oven to bake for 10 minutes at +180º C. Such an easy-to-prepare dish can become a real sensation at any family celebration.

Salad with clam

If you purchased not boiled-frozen, but canned mussels in oil or your own juice, you can make a wonderful light salad from them. As a basis, take any green leafy salads (arugula, lettuce, frieze, iceberg), add canned green peas, fresh bell peppers and cucumber to them. Drizzle all this with olive oil and put the mussels without liquid and slices of boiled eggs on top. In general, canned mollusk meat can be safely combined with any other ingredients: white cabbage, boiled rice, various seafood, fresh vegetables, and not vegetable oil, but mayonnaise, as a dressing.

5 secrets of cooking mussels

1. The best companion for mussels is white wine. They can be washed down with dishes or used to prepare "mussel" treats.

2. For cooking mussels, it is best to use sea salt. The main thing is to remember that seafood already contains some salt, so do not oversalt your dish.

3. Do not be afraid to combine lemon juice with any seafood, including mussels.

4. The best sauce for mussels is extremely easy to prepare. You need to mix olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and herbs.

5. Mussels are combined with absolutely all products - vegetables, dough, meat, chicken, fish and other seafood. However, real gourmets believe that it is best to cook clams alone so that other ingredients do not interrupt their taste.

In our countries, mussels can be eaten all year round. The main thing is to learn how to collect them correctly, choose high-quality mussels in the store and be able to cook them. And you can make anything from a mollusk - light salads, delicious pasta, soufflé, soup or risotto.

Mussels are valued for…

Mussels are good for both ladies and their life partners. The former appreciate them for their extremely low calorie content: if a piece of pork or lamb weighing 100 g averages 250-300 kcal, mollusk meat gives only 50 kcal (even shrimp have a higher calorie content of about 80 kcal). Therefore, you can safely enjoy the good taste and delicate texture of mussels and not be afraid to spoil your figure. For men, this seafood is also incredibly useful and is a real aphrodisiac.

It's all about the unique clam meat, which contains almost no carbohydrates, but has a high concentration of high-quality protein, vitamins B and E (the latter is called by professionals bearing offspring), omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, calcium and magnesium. At the same time, mussels contain little cholesterol and a lot of phospholipids, which have a beneficial effect on liver function.

In terms of protein content, mussel meat is superior to beef and fish. It includes up to 3 percent of fat of high biological value, animal starch useful for the body - glycogen, the content of which surpasses all other products of animal origin, even cottage cheese. Mussel meat contains more than 30 different macro and microelements, almost the entire group of vitamins, including provitamin D3, a number of enzymes that improve digestion.

Mussel meat is recommended as a dietary product for people with atherosclerosis in order to prevent obesity in diseases of the liver, gallbladder, diabetes, anemia, and the elderly.

In general, this seafood is incredibly healthy, so try to periodically include it in your menu.

True, do not forget that sea reptile poisoning is one of the worst, so choose mussels for your culinary masterpieces very carefully.

Mussel fishing

The simplest thing is to collect mussels. Mussels "graze" on reefs and rocks.

Mussels should be looked for on natural and man-made sea rocks and pitfalls. Take a plastic bag, some kind of mittens or gloves, which are not a pity, because their task is to suffer cuts instead of hands, and diving goggles, if you have any. It is usually not necessary to dive deep for mussels - quite large specimens live at a depth of 0.5-1.0 m.

The place of fishing can be any where they have something to grow on. In the wild, these are rocky beaches, where rocks break off into the sea and continue under water in the form of underwater grottoes and crevices, in civilized ones, these are all kinds of piers, reinforced concrete piles, walls in ports and other places where it is forbidden to swim.

Perhaps the only type of coast where it is better not to fish for mussels is sandy and pebble beaches. The general rule is: the deeper and farther from civilization, the larger the mussels.

Since mussels filter water through themselves, it is advisable not to collect them in bays where the water can stagnate and be dirty.

It is also advisable to tear mussels that grow as high as possible from the bottom, because. they will have less sand. Under water, you need to hold on tightly to the algae with one hand so as not to emerge, a bag or mesh for mussels should hang on the same hand, and tear with the other hand. You can also adjust the bag over the shoulder - it should be held on tight enough not to fall off, but loose enough to slip out of it in case of emergency.

We protect not only the hands, but also the legs, so as not to cut ourselves on the sharp edges of the mussels.

That's probably all...

How to choose mussels in the store

If you do not have the opportunity to collect mussels on your own, you need to be able to choose the right mussels in the shop.

So, experts advise buying freshly caught mussels (which were caught for three hours) or frozen ones. This is important to protect yourself and your family from serious poisoning. If you have even the slightest suspicion that the mussels were previously defrosted, it’s not worth the risk.

More dead than alive

If you are lucky enough to buy fresh mussels, make sure that the doors of all shells are closed. If they are ajar, then the mollusk is more likely dead than alive. You can even hit the shell with your finger - if it reacts and shrinks, then everything is OK, if not - such seafood is dangerous for your stomach. Another important indicator of the freshness of a marine reptile is the absence of a specific smell. Professionals say that good mussels should only smell like the sea. However, in our country, mussels are sold mainly in a boiled-frozen state, so it is possible to understand whether they are fresh or not only after defrosting. So, before cooking, take them out of the freezer, thaw at room temperature and smell well. If you feel even a slight odor, it is better to refuse the delicacy.

In the sink or without?

Unlike shrimp, which can vary greatly in size, mussels do not have a wide variety of shapes. There are large deli (35/40), bearing the fruity name of kiwi, and there are medium-sized clams, of which there are from 40 to 60 pieces per kilogram, - they are the most popular. You can buy seafood in a whole shell (it is steamed and vacuum-packed), in a half-shell or a clean fillet. In any case, mussels should not be covered with a very thick layer of ice, and even more so, they cannot have snow and yellow streaks - this indicates that the product has been defrosted and refrozen.

The clam meat should be light, voluminous, elastic and have an excellent presentable appearance (black and flabby fillet indicates the old age of the seafood). If you are buying canned food or preserves, be sure to study brine before buying - a brine in which mussels swim. It must be absolutely transparent, it cannot contain blood clots, mold and other foreign inclusions. Do not forget to also check the integrity of the packaging so that the oil does not leak out of the plastic jar and the vacuum bag is not torn. The label on the jar must be glued evenly and carefully, and all the information on it is set out clearly and understandably. If the composition of the product is impossible to read, the letters are blurry and the piece of paper is crooked, then most likely such preserves were made in an underground workshop (they are usually made from thawed mussels).

How to cook freshly caught (or fresh bought) mussels?

First, let's define the quantity. For an adult, you need about 500 grams of mussels in shells. However, as practice has shown, if you want to eat up, then it is better to increase the amount by another 250 grams. In total, you need 750 grams of raw mussels per person.

So first you need to wash the sinks well in running water. Next, with a sharp knife, it is necessary to clean the shells of adhering dirt, silt, and the remains of aquatic plants. You can clean the mussels with the mussels themselves, just wipe the dirt from the other with one mussel.

The second important point is it is necessary to check whether the mussels are alive or not. You can do it this way. First, immerse the mussels in cold water and hold them there for about 20 minutes. Alive, that is, good mussels, will drown. If they float on the surface, then they are no longer the first freshness and it is better not to eat them. Another important feature is that the shells of live mussels must be closed. If you knock on a live half-covered shell, it should immediately close. If the mussels do not close, they must be thrown away.

Mussels are easy to cook. The most popular way to prepare mussels is to stew them in wine or simply in water with spices (lemon, garlic, parsley, dill, bay leaf).

In order to stew mussels, wine or water, it is not necessary to pour a lot into the container. Just enough liquid to cover the bottom. Mussels are boiled and stewed for only 3-5 minutes. So, as soon as the shells open, the mussels are ready.

If you bought frozen mussels, then first you need to defrost them. It is best to do this not in the microwave, but at room temperature. Next, rinse the mussels in running water. And you can cook or stew our dish according to the recipe written above.

By the way, it turns out that mussels, like oysters (but only very fresh ones!) Can be eaten even raw. To do this, just pour them with lemon juice and lightly salt.

Mussels (and also mytilids) are the so-called marine bivalve mollusks that live throughout the world's oceans and have been eaten by humans since time immemorial.

The most popular mussels for cooking from edible mussels are the Black Sea mussels and, caught in the cold Seas of Japan and Okhotsk, as well as in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, Gray mussels (or giant mussels).

Every year, during the active fishing/gathering season for these delicious mollusks (at the very end of August), in the small Belgian village of Yersek, Mosseldag (Mussel Day) is held - a holiday during which people eat shell clams in truly huge quantities in local restaurants and cafes. By the way, the only Mussel Exchange in the world is located here, so there is no end to buyers (retail and wholesale), as well as tourists, as they say.

Now mussels are not only caught in their natural habitat, but also artificially grown on special platform farms. And the cost of the meat of such mussels in the refrigerated display cases of supermarkets is somewhat cheaper than the meat of their "wild" counterparts.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of mussels

The nutritional value:

  • Calories: 77 kcal
  • Proteins: 11.5 gr
  • Fats: 2 gr
  • Carbohydrates: 3.3 gr
  • Water: 82 gr
  • Saturated fatty acids: 0.4 g
  • Cholesterol: 40 mg
  • Ash: 1.6 gr


  • Calcium: 50 mg
  • Magnesium: 30 mg
  • Sodium: 290 mg
  • Potassium: 310 mg
  • Phosphorus: 210 mg
  • Sulfur: 115 mg


  • Vitamin PP: 1.6 mg
  • Vitamin A: 0.06 mg
  • Vitamin A (RE): 60 mcg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.14 mg
  • Vitamin C: 1 mg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 0.9 mg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 3.7 mg

Trace elements:

  • Iron: 3.2 mg

Mussels are one of the lowest calorie foods that modern man eats. They are rich in healthy proteins (by the way, there are much more proteins in mussels than in any fish or even meat) and contain almost no carbohydrates.

What are useful mussels

The benefits of mussels are determined by the composition of their meat (muscle), as well as the mantle and shell fluid, which are also used to prepare delicious dishes.

The inclusion of mussels in the diet of a modern person (with regular use) provides:

  • improved metabolism;
  • increase in immune status.

Mussel meat is a product that can provide a fairly reliable prevention of arthritis. And besides, such meat stimulates:

  • circulation;
  • removal of toxins and toxins from the body.

Mussel meat is literally saturated with mineral salts, vitamins (here, almost the entire group B, as well as vitamins PP, E and D), microelements. Mussels contain a lot of phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc and cobalt. The content of iodine is high, as well as useful fatty polyunsaturated acids.

Like any of the seafood, mussels have a beneficial effect on activity. . They also improve mood and provide prevention of numerous nervous disorders. Regular consumption of mussels in food is a guarantee of bone strength, prolongation of external youth, maintenance of the natural beauty of skin and hair.

The positive effect of meat, mantle and shell fluid of mussels on male potency has been proven. Some doctors even call this product "natural Viagra".

But for children, pregnant and lactating women, mussels are little recommended because of some features of their existence that can affect the quality of nutrition of these population groups. So not everyone can appreciate the beneficial properties of mussels.

Why are mussels harmful?

Mussels can be harmful to human health. Especially if they do not undergo mandatory pre-sale preparation (we are talking about mollusks living in their natural habitat). They can interfere with blood clotting and can cause serious allergic reactions.

In addition, the harm of mussels has been proven for patients suffering from gout, since in the human body protein compounds are converted into uric acid, and it can be painfully deposited in the joints.

But in general, mussels have few contraindications. In fact, anyone can eat these mollusks in reasonable quantities. Unless, of course, there is no individual intolerance to seafood.

Features of the preparation and use of mussels

Freshly caught mussels, unless they have been grown artificially on special plantation farms, should not be eaten. They must be kept (and not less than a month) in fresh ponds-settlers.

The fact is that these shellfish are living natural filters, the mission of which is to purify the natural environment of their own habitat. They are able to accumulate toxins and microorganisms that are harmful to human health. And they just need a fairly long quarantine to get rid of the sometimes frankly dangerous "luggage".

When buying mussels in a supermarket, it is better to choose frozen packages. Unless you live near the above mentioned shellfish farm. And you should pay attention to the appearance of the purchase - if the mussels stick together into an ice lump, there is a great danger that they have already been defrosted. And maybe even spoiled.

Seafood, which was once considered exotic dishes, has long become an integral part of the feast: mussels, oysters, snails, shrimps, octopuses, squid, crabs are eaten as part of appetizers and main courses. Sea delicacies are loved for their unusual taste and useful properties. Fans know perfectly well how to handle them, and people who want to try this dish for the first time are faced with the following question: how to cut mussels?

What are mussels

This is a bivalve mollusk with a black smooth shell, which, in addition to the most delicate meat, hides pearls. These marine inhabitants live in all the seas and oceans of the world, they are artificially bred on marine farms. Shellfish should only be eaten fresh. The essence of preparation is simple: they are boiled in a small amount of salted water. Sometimes the product is served smoked, pickled, fried, only without “clothes”; often they act as components of Italian dishes - pasta or pizza.

What is eaten in mussels

The tidbit of the mollusk is hidden under two shell valves - this is a fleshy muscle and a mantle (the insides can be seen in the photo). Delicacy meat is a source of a large percentage of protein, while there are few carbohydrates and fats. Mussels contain many micro and macro elements, vitamins, amino acids, glycogen that are useful for the body. The calorie content of the dish per 100 grams is 77 kcal.

What do they eat with

Mussels are a dish for true connoisseurs to eat in style, although they are already considered an easily accessible food. Dry white wine at room temperature or light beer will serve as an excellent addition to seafood - these drinks will harmoniously emphasize the delicate and salty taste of mussels. Non-drinkers or children are served grape juice. The delicacy is combined with lemon, greens and garlic are present in soups with shellfish. As a side dish, you can choose salads or cereals, such as rice, couscous, bulgur.

How to eat mussels

Shellfish are eaten in different ways - it all depends on the serving of this dish. Their meat is strung on skewers, it can be served in sauce, but, as a rule, it languishes inside the shell, you can see this from photos in various culinary magazines. Mussel meat placed on sticks is eaten directly from them or taken with a fork. In a special soup, shellfish “float” cleaned, if there is a shell, you need to get the meat from there. For unpeeled mussels, you will need tongs and an oyster fork.

in brine

Mussels in brine (canned) are popular when it is difficult to find fresh clams on the shelves. Such a product is used for a variety of salads: for example, you can add canned mussels to iceberg leaves, avocados and boiled eggs. It is correct to eat mussels in oil: they can be seasoned with olive or other vegetable oil. Delicious clams can be combined with pasta or cereals. The advantage of mussels in brine is that they simply do not need to be removed from the shell, they are ready to eat.

in shells

This is a perishable product, so it must be prepared after being caught from the sea or after thawing. If the shell falls apart in your hands, then the product is unsuitable for consumption - you can get poisoned. The clam shells should be slightly ajar after being treated with boiling water. There are a few very simple steps on how to eat mussels in shells:

  1. One sash should be separated from the sink - it will serve as a kind of spoon.
  2. Separate the wings of the delicacy with your hands (tweezers), remove the clam with a fork, not forgetting the salt and lemon for taste.
  3. Pour the sauce inside the sink, bring it to your mouth and actually suck out the contents.

How to eat mussels in a restaurant

For eating any dish, there are rules of etiquette that should be observed at the table. When serving delicious seafood, there must be a bowl of water and lemon, a towel, because you need to wash your hands so that the peculiar smell of seafood does not settle on the skin. To open the “house”, an oyster fork and special tweezers are issued (the photo shows what shape they are). Empty shells are laid on a separate plate.

The tongs should be held with the left hand for convenience, pressing the shell against the plate. With another device in the right hand (a fork), open the sink and gently pry the meat, tearing it off the leg, without splashing the juice. Pour lemon over an open clam and sprinkle with salt, bring the shell to your mouth, draw in delicious meat and juice, while not making extra sounds - this is considered bad manners.

