
Fertilizing sugar mash with mineral fertilizers. Fertilizer for sugar mash

Inexperienced distillers believe in myths that adding any components to the mash to speed up the fermentation process is harmful or even dangerous. In cases where moonshine is made from berries or fruits, it is not always advisable to add fertilizer: they already contain the necessary minerals. And if the mash is made only with sugar, it is simply necessary to resort to special additives.

Yeast must be fed so that the wort ferments faster, and the alcohol is stronger and of higher quality. The most suitable fertilizing for mash, according to professionals, is minerals, the main of which are phosphorus and nitrogen.

Of course, the wort can be infused without any additions, just with yeast alone, but its maturation period will increase significantly, by the way, along with the amount of harmful impurities. One teaspoon contains five grams of superphosphate, four ammonium sulfate and three grams of urea.

How to feed at home?

Moonshine lovers often ask the question “how to feed the yeast in the sugar mash?” Their interest is understandable, because the mash is made with sugar.
at home it takes quite a long time to ripen, unlike the berry or fruit version (they already contain the mineral components necessary for fermentation). Let's look at what substances can be added to the wort to speed up fermentation without spoiling it.

Chemical substances

Experienced winemakers actively resort to chemicals to feed and accelerate the fermentation process of yeast.

The most common of them are the following:

  • fertilizers for the garden - urea 0.8 g plus three grams of superphosphate per kg of granulated sugar;
  • diammonium phosphate - three grams per kg of granulated sugar;
  • ammonium sulfate 1.5 g plus superphosphate - three grams per kg of sugar;
  • in rural conditions, rotted chicken manure is actively used - 45–50 g per 10 liters of wort;
  • vitamin B1, bought at the pharmacy in the form of a solution in ampoules - 2 mg per kg of granulated sugar;
  • ammonia - five grams per 10 liters of mash.

Adding malt

Malt is the dried and sprouted seeds of millet, barley or rye. Using it for yeast growth is considered the most environmentally friendly and effective option. The downside is that you need to purchase it or make it yourself.

For 40 liters of wort, one kg of ground malt is required. To do this, heat the water to 63 °C and gradually add sugar and malt to it, stirring continuously. The resulting substance is boiled for five minutes. Next, cool to 30 °C and add yeast. After just one week, the mash can be considered ready for distillation. The resulting alcohol will have a rich grainy smell.

Yeast with additives

With the development of the chemical industry, special yeast with additives appeared on sale. They speed up the fermentation process and increase the strength of the mash. Manufacturers place the inscription “Turbo” on the packaging of such yeast.

In the manufacture of this product, chemical additives and special vitamins are used. Due to this, the percentage of alcohol in the wort ranges from 15 to 20, in contrast to 12% when using conventional baker's yeast. In this case, moonshine turns out to be of high quality, with high organoleptic characteristics.

People's secrets

Folk secrets for accelerating the fermentation process have been developed over several centuries.

Here are the most popular ones based on 10 liters of mash:

  • a third of a loaf of rye bread (200–300 g). It is added at the fermentation stage; in some cases, when fermentation is delayed, it can be added later;
  • 100 g tomato paste;
  • a handful of raw peas;
  • 100 g of any fresh crushed berries;
  • 10 pieces of raisins.

In general, there are many ways to speed up the fermentation process. You can choose the most suitable one and get strong, high-quality alcohol.

The faster and more active the fermentation occurs, the sooner the sugar in the wort is converted into alcohol by yeast. But to multiply and get more energy, you need to feed the yeast nitrogen and phosphorus materials. These can be both chemical microelements and those found in food products.

If you add a little of the substances that they love so much to the wort, they get enough energy to attack the sugar and process it. Having completed their mission, the yeast fungi enter into suspended animation and “switch off” when the alcohol in the wort acquires a concentration that they can no longer tolerate.

For bakery drinks it is 12° (actually 9-11°), for alcohol – 14-18°, for Turbo it can be up to 20°. Braga, which has reached the required alcohol concentration, immediately after ripening, otherwise it will turn sour.

Important. The faster the mash ripens, the less by-products of yeast activity it contains - fusel oils, aldehydes, acetone and other impurities that are unnecessary and harmful to us.

How and what to feed?

Let's look at the feeding methods used by home distillers. And you choose the most suitable one for yourself according to your conditions and beliefs. Many people consider “chemicals” harmful and use only natural products.

Others see nothing wrong with reasonable doses of artificially created compounds.

Chemical substances

For yeast to develop quickly, nitrogen and phosphorus are most important. In addition, potassium and magnesium, and B vitamins are needed. See what moonshiners use to feed the brew with chemical elements:

  1. Mineral fertilizers.
  2. Food additive E517 (ammonium sulfate). Unlike a mineral fertilizer with the same name, the additive (at least theoretically) is better purified. It is added to flour to raise it.
  3. Orthophosphoric acid (additive E338). Usually used together with E517.
  4. B vitamins - from the pharmacy.
  5. Asparkam (also a pharmaceutical drug) is added as a source of potassium and magnesium.

Adding malt

Barley or wheat malt will not only feed the sugar mash, but will also give the finished moonshine a light grain flavor, thereby improving its organoleptic properties.

You can buy malt in specialized stores or prepare it yourself: germinate the grain, then grind it in a meat grinder:

  • For 20 liters of mash, take 0.5 kg of pre-ground malt.
  • Heat the water to 62-63°C.
  • Gradually add malt to it, stirring.
  • Dissolve sugar and heat until boiling.
  • Boil for 5-7 minutes.
  • After the wort has cooled to 28-30°C, add the yeast.

Yeast with additives

Turbo yeast for moonshine already contains nutritional supplements in balanced quantities. This is why they provide a fermented base for distillation so quickly.

There is no need to add anything to them yourself. The main thing is to follow the manufacturer’s recommended proportions when adding to the wort.

Mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen and phosphorus are most often used. The main thing is not to exceed the norm and nothing harmful will get into the finished product. You will need one of the following substances:

  • superphosphate at the rate of 3 g per 1 kg of sugar;
  • nitroammophoska - the same amount;
  • ammonium sulfate – 2 g/kg sugar plus 3 g superphosphate;
  • carbamide (urea) – 0.8 g/kg sugar plus 3 g superphosphate or nitroammophoska;
  • complex fertilizers with nitrogen, phosphorus and other additives - 3-4 g per 1 kg of sugar.

Reference. 1 tablespoon contains: superphosphate and nitroammophosphate (granulated) – 18-22 g; urea – 10-12 g; ammonium sulfate – 12-14 g. In a teaspoon, respectively – 6; 3; 4 years

When determining the quantity, use a measuring spoon, taking the substance level, since cutlery has a wide range in capacity.

Natural food products

For supporters of organic moonshine, food products containing the necessary elements are more suitable. Among them we will name:

  • Fresh rye bread, which contains a lot of minerals and B vitamins. Add a piece to the wort, crumbling it.
  • Bran, peas, soybeans are sources of nitrogen and phosphorus, stimulate and accelerate fermentation.
  • Freshly squeezed juice – fruit or berry. For 10 liters of mash, a glass of juice is enough.
  • Jam. You can also ferment it, but without signs of mold, in the same proportions as the juice.

What else should I add?

Among the rarely used but effective fertilizers:

  • unrefined olive oil – 1 drop per 30 liters of mash;
  • vitamin B1 – 1 ml per 1 kg of sugar;
  • chicken manure (a source of pure nitrogen) – 3-4 g per liter of mash;
  • ammonia in the amount of 1 ml per liter of wort.

Note. Sugar mash needs feeding. In fruit or grain, nutrients are already in abundance.

When to fertilize?

Apply fertilizing at the first stage, when fermentation “starts,” when there is a lot of oxygen in the liquid, because respiration (aerobic, in the presence of oxygen) is necessary for yeast.

Subsequently, as oxygen is displaced from the wort, the yeast switches to anaerobic respiration (without oxygen), during which sugars are processed into alcohol. Simply put: - immediately add fertilizing, later it will be useless.

As a rule, natural fertilizers are chosen when making moonshine for yourself. When preparing for sale, they add chicken manure, ammonia, and fertilizers that accelerate fermentation, thanks to which moonshine can be distilled in just a couple of days.

Important. Do not exceed the amount of fertilizing, including natural products, as this changes the taste of moonshine.

In order for yeast to reproduce, they need building material for new fungi

We add this building material to the mash along with fertilizing.

Yeast reproduces by budding, that is, a shoot begins to grow from the yeast membrane, which then separates and turns into a new yeast fungus

In order for yeast to reproduce, they need a lot of energy and building material; they get energy by eating glucose

There are two ways yeast can respire, anaerobic without oxygen and aerobic with oxygen.

Anaerobic respiration in yeast is fermentation. When yeast does not have enough oxygen, it does not completely consume the glucose and alcohol is formed.

As a result of fermentation, yeast receives little energy from glucose alone and they do not want to multiply.

Aerobic respiration is the most efficient way for yeast to produce energy.

From one molecule of glucose during aerobic respiration, 2872 kJ/mol of free energy is produced, and during anaerobic respiration 234 kJ/mol, 12 times less.

At the beginning of fermentation, when there is oxygen in the wort, aerobic respiration occurs, the yeast eats sugars and produces a lot of energy.

There is enough energy for reproduction, but there is no building material.

Yeast eats sugar when idle; it does not produce alcohol or reproduce.

So you can add building material to the mash in the form of fertilizing.

In this case, one condition must be met: fertilizing should not be more expensive than yeast, since it is easier to add more yeast to the mash for this amount.

Adding fertilizing reduces the ripening time of the mash by a day.

Since yeast multiplies in the presence of oxygen, it is useless to apply fertilizing during fermentation, since there is no oxygen in the wort.

It will then be necessary to aerate the wort, enrich it with oxygen, and the alcohol will oxidize as a side effect.

How much fertilizer should I add to the sugar mash?

Since we have a limited amount of oxygen in the wort and it cannot enter it during fermentation, because the released carbon dioxide displaces it from the fermentation tank, therefore a little yeast nutrition must be added.

If we use expensive alcoholic yeast for fermentation and our goal is to increase their quantity, then before fermentation we need to specially aerate the mash to increase the oxygen concentration.

To do this, mix the mash vigorously with a blender to form bubbles or use an aquarium compressor.

If the yeast is dry, then we scatter it over the surface of the wort, do not stir it immediately, so that it floats, swells and breathes.

What fertilizer is best for sugar mash?

The main building materials for yeast are nitrogen and phosphorus.

There is a lot of nitrogen in soybeans, milk, cocoa, lentils, and peas.

There is a lot of phosphorus in soybeans, rye or wheat bran, milk, cocoa.

Yeast also needs magnesium and potassium.

There is a lot of magnesium in the bran of rye or wheat, cocoa, buckwheat, and soy.

There is a lot of potassium in apricots, potatoes, rye or wheat bran, cocoa, soybeans, peas, raisins, and tomato paste.

Yeast needs B vitamins; there are many of them in tomato paste, rye or wheat bran, corn, millet, and peas.

Ammonium sulfate, a source of nitrogen, is used as a mineral fertilizer for mash.

Ammonium sulfate is registered in the food industry as food additive E517.

Ammonium sulfate can be bought in stores for chemists, for example RUSKHIM.

In the alcohol industry, along with ammonium sulfate, orthophosphoric acid, a source of phosphorus, is also added to the wort.

Instead of ammonium sulfate and orthophosphoric acid, diammonium phosphate is added to the mash.

Moonshiners add a mineral fertilizer for plants called azofoska to the mash. Azofoska contains nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and some sulfur.

Add 3-4 grams per liter of wort.

Potassium and magnesium are found in the pharmaceutical drug Asparkam.

If the mineral salt has not been used by the yeast, it remains in the stillage during distillation.

Organic fertilizing has a drawback; the mash can turn sour during fermentation.

Yeast sediment from mash with fertilizing is also undesirable to reuse for fermentation due to possible souring of the mash.

To feed the mash and add flavor to it, you can use old berries, fruits, and peels; they are less likely to cause the mash to sour.

If you use baker's yeast for fermentation, then you don't need to get carried away with fertilizing; it's easier to add more yeast to speed up fermentation.

Add some old berries or fruits to the mash.

Moonshining is a creative process. What home craftsmen don’t prepare alcohol from! The usual apples, cherries, potatoes and exotic feijoas, pineapples or figs are used with equal success. Despite the countless recipes, moonshine mash made from sugar and yeast remains a classic, the manufacturing process of which we will consider step by step and in detail.

photo from the site kotiki-protiv-lisichek.ru

Sugar mash: selection of ingredients

Sugar-based moonshine owes its popularity to the availability and simplicity of the ingredients. People who have their own garden or vegetable garden willingly experiment with different raw materials, especially when the harvest is good and there is nowhere to put the excess. City dwellers, who are not expected to have a surplus of potatoes, prefer to follow the path of least resistance and distill moonshine according to the traditional recipe. There are only a few components of this mash, and choosing the right ones will not take much time.

Water as the basis

When choosing water, everything depends on the pickiness of the moonshiner. If the drink goes on sale, it will probably use tap water, which is not the best option with a centralized water supply. When cooking for yourself, you should take good water, focusing on the following criteria:

  • Rigidity. Distilled water is completely devoid of minerals that are necessary for the functioning of yeast, and too hard water inhibits its activity. Using hard water, filter it through a regular filter pitcher or let it sit for a couple of days.
  • Organoleptic qualities. Foreign smells and tastes are easily transferred to moonshine, so water from natural reservoirs or stagnant water should not be used.
  • Oxygen saturation. Oxygen dissolved in water is needed by yeast fungi, which means it is better not to use degassed boiled water for mash.

Any soft drinking water is suitable: bottled, spring, well or filtered.

What you need to know about choosing yeast?

photo from the site nakrutiperiscope.ru

Invisible to the eye, single-celled fungi work hard to produce ethyl alcohol. The amount of alcohol in the mash and the hassle of preparing it largely depend on the type of yeast.

  • Pressed yeast. Conventional briquettes are attractive due to their affordable price, but that’s where their advantages end. They give moonshine a specific smell, foam strongly during fermentation and produce only 12-14% alcohol.
  • Dry baker's yeast. The difference from pressed ones is only in long shelf life, ease of use and dosing.
  • Alcohol strains. The best option, if you do not take into account the higher cost of the product. Sugar mash made with alcoholic yeast practically does not foam, has no unpleasant odor and reaches a strength of 18⁰.
  • Turbo yeast. This type of mushroom accelerates fermentation up to 72, 48 and even 24 hours, allowing you to get up to 20% ethanol in the mash. The disadvantages of turbo types are the high price and sale only in specialized stores.

Supporters of the authentic taste and smell of country moonshine prefer to use pressed yeast. They are ready to put up with the shortcomings of the product for the sake of special organoleptics, which are called the “soul of the drink.”

Sugar subtleties

photo from www.awwam.in

There are no special requirements for regular granulated sugar. It is enough that there are no foreign impurities in it. More attention should be paid to selecting the amount of sugar, which determines the success of fermentation.

The vagaries of yeast fungi

The concentration of carbohydrates in the wort should be exactly what is required to produce the degree of ethanol that is critical for the yeast strain used. A lack of sugar will result in a lower strength of the mash, which means a lower yield of moonshine. The excess will not be processed into alcohol and will simply disappear. The sugar:water ratio is referred to as the hydromodulus.

  • For baker's yeast, the optimal hydromodulus is 1:5.
  • Sugar mash with dry yeast of alcoholic strains is placed at a hydromodulus of 1:4.5.
  • Turbo yeast requires a ratio of 1:4 or higher, the exact amount depends on the manufacturer.

How to make mash from sugar and yeast: step-by-step instructions

The first thing you should think about before setting up the mash is choosing the right container. Keep in mind that baker's yeast foams intensely, so you need to leave about a third of free space in the container. Alcoholic yeast does not produce strong foaming, and the container can be filled to 80%.

photo from www.youtube.com

Proper mash made from sugar and yeast: recipe

Amounts of ingredients are given for alcoholic yeast. When using baking types, add 1 liter of water for every kilogram of sugar.

  • sugar – 4 kg;
  • water – 16 l;
  • yeast - 80 g dry (or 400 pressed).

Check the exact proportions for turbo yeast on the packaging, as they differ depending on the desired duration of fermentation and alcohol content.

Inverted syrup: how and why to cook?

photo from www.ingredientsnetwork.com

Before making a mash of sugar and yeast, it is advisable to carry out the procedure of inverting the sugar. It allows you to convert sucrose into a form of glucose and fructose that is more accessible to yeast fungi. Monosaccharides are immediately absorbed by yeast, which speeds up fermentation. Due to this, fewer foreign impurities accumulate in the mash, and the quality of the moonshine improves. Preparing invert syrup is quite simple:

  • For 1 kg of sugar, take 0.5 liters of water and 5 g of citric acid.
  • Heat the water and dissolve the sugar in it, bring the syrup almost to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Remove any foam that appears with a slotted spoon or spoon.
  • Add citric acid little by little. The syrup will foam intensely, so think about a larger saucepan in advance.
  • Turn the heat down to low and simmer the syrup under the lid until done, which is determined by the test on the thread. The boiling time will be about an hour.
  • Drop the syrup into cold water, and if the drop disperses in the water in the form of threads, the inversion is complete.

Please note that the water used for inversion is not taken into account when calculating the hydraulic module. Braga made with inverted syrup smells like caramel instead of the usual specific smell. However, many moonshiners prefer to skip this step, dissolving sugar directly in water.

Yeast activation: when and why is it done?

photo from www.thedailymeal.com

In order for the mash of sugar and yeast to begin to ferment quickly and intensively, it is worth stimulating the work of yeast fungi as follows:

  • Dissolve 2 tbsp in 1 liter of warm water. sugar and the entire portion of yeast.
  • Leave the dough in a warm place for 20-40 minutes until a foamy cap forms on its surface.

If after 40 minutes foaming has not begun, it is better to use another yeast so as not to risk it. Alcohol strains do not require preliminary fermentation, and they are poured directly into the wort.

How to ferment mash for moonshine from sugar?

Mixing the components is a simple and quick step, but a few useful tips for its practical implementation will be useful.

  • Place the fermentation container on a stool or other elevated surface. This will ensure uniform heating of the liquid on all sides and make it easier to drain from the sediment.
  • Pour warm (30⁰C) water into a bottle, dissolve sugar or invert syrup in it.
  • Pour in activated or dry yeast and stir until smooth.

When the hydromodulus is above 1:4, the wort has a high density, which negatively affects the rate of ethanol osmosis through the yeast cell membrane. To eliminate this obstacle, moonshiners practice adding sugar in portions. Half is applied immediately, ¼ after 12 hours, and another ¼ after 24 hours. It is also common to add sugar twice, 24 hours apart.

Yeast feed for sugar mash

photo from the site ntc-transport.ru

Unlike fruit and starch-containing recipes, mash for moonshine made from sugar requires mandatory fertilizing, since it does not contain the mineral substances necessary for the life of mushrooms. To do this, add one of the following products for every 10 liters of wort:

  • 1/3 loaf of Borodino bread;
  • 100 g tomato paste;
  • a handful of fresh crushed berries;
  • 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed juice;
  • 250 g of steamed ground malt;
  • 2 tsp nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer;
  • 5 g of ammonia.

Home brewing stores sell ready-made powdered fertilizers, and turbo yeast already has all the necessary minerals added.

How to put mash on moonshine from sugar?

In an unfavorable environment, yeast fungi reduce their activity and slow down the production of alcohol. In order for them to work hard, bringing the mash to the desired strength, create suitable conditions for them.

Restriction of oxygen flow

photo from rampages.us

The wort contains bacteria that, in the presence of oxygen, oxidize ethanol to acetic acid. An environment with a high alcohol content (vodka, moonshine) is destructive for these microorganisms, but in mash they feel great. Restricting the access of oxygen saves the mash from souring, and is done in one of the following ways:

  • Put a medical glove on the neck of the container. Make punctures in several fingers to release carbon dioxide.
  • Seal the container with a lid with a water seal, which you can buy in specialized stores or make yourself.

It’s not difficult to make a homemade water seal; just drill a hole in the lid, insert a flexible tube into it and seal the joint with silicone or glue. Place the outer part in a jar of water, and adjust the inner part so that it does not reach the surface of the mash.


photo from playerist.ru

Yeast is quite sensitive to temperature, and is most active in the range from 26 to 30⁰C. When the temperature deviates below +18⁰C, fermentation stops, and above +30⁰C, the synthesis of fusel oils increases. To ensure your mash is at the optimal temperature, use the following methods:

  1. Insulate the container with blankets or other insulating materials.
  2. Place the mash near the heating radiator.
  3. Install an aquarium thermostat inside the container to maintain the set temperature.

If you plan to regularly make mash from sugar and yeast, consider purchasing special fermentation containers. They already have a built-in water seal and thermostat, and all that will be required of you is daily shaking to remove excess carbon dioxide.

How much does mash with sugar and yeast cost?

The exact fermentation time depends on the type of yeast and technology. On average, the process will take 5-7 days, but can take 10 days. Manufacturers of some types of turbo yeast claim that fermentation will end after 24 hours, but in practice the minimum period is 2 days. The following signs indicate the readiness of the mash:

  • The liquid stopped foaming and hissing.
  • The upper layers became lighter, and sediment began to fall at the bottom.
  • Bubbles do not come out of the water seal or the glove is deflated.
  • The match at the surface of the liquid continues to burn.
  • The sweet taste gave way to a bitter taste.
  • There was a smell of alcohol.

photo from the site http://rybaltika.rf

The following devices will help to reliably confirm the end of fermentation:

  • Hydrometer. Filter the mash through cheesecloth and measure its density. If the reading is less than 1.002, you can start distilling.
  • Alcohol meter. Dilute a little mash with half and half water, distill it and measure the alcohol level. A score of 10 or higher is considered sufficient.

If the mash has clearly stopped fermenting, but retains its sweet taste, add water to it. This will reduce the alcohol content and allow the yeast to finish the job of converting glucose into ethanol.

Final chords: lightening

Before pouring the mash into the distillation cube, it is better to clear it of yeast and other foreign impurities. Unclarified mash can be thrown into a steamer and burn in it or in a distillation cube. The following methods are used to precipitate impurities:

  • cooling to a temperature of +3⁰С or less for a couple of days;
  • heating up to +50⁰С;
  • adding bentonite;
  • increasing acidity with hibiscus tea or citric acid.

The author of the video offers his version of how to prepare the right mash from sugar and yeast, in which he guarantees the receipt of moonshine of crystal purity and excellent quality.

Many moonshiners have encountered the fact that the fermentation of the brew is weak or prolonged.

The best solution in this case is feeding for the sake of speeding up the process and increasing output strong alcohol.

But in order not to overdo it, you need to know how long the mash ferments if the proportions are observed and it is kept warm?

The optimal temperature for proper ripening of mash is 22 – 28°С. When falling below +18°, yeast fungi become inactive, and already at +5°C they die. The same thing happens when the temperature rises to +40°C. Dates:

  • “long-lasting” - fruity, with natural yeast (without adding alcohol or baker’s yeast), ripens for up to 2 months;
  • The mash takes 3 days to mature. But usually it takes 5 days;
  • quick-ripening (from 4 days) is considered to be mash made with or starch;
  • ripens in 7 – 14 days.

Peculiarities. It has been noticed that the faster the mash matures, the better the quality of the product.

What and how to feed at home?

Sometimes even experienced moonshiners do not understand why the fermentation of wort on sugar does not end for a long time. That’s when you have to “connect” feeding. Let's look at what they are and how to use them so as not to harm yourself.

Chemical substances

Home distillers actively use available chemicals, which “officially” have a different purpose, for feeding and activating yeast.

1. Chemical fertilizers for gardens containing phosphorus and nitrogen. Among them:

  • diammonium phosphate is a fertilizer, of which 3.3 g is taken per kilo of sugar in the mash;
  • ammonium sulfate (1.5 g) plus superphosphate (3 g) from the same calculation;
  • carbamide (aka urea) - 0.8 - 0.9 g plus 3-4 g of superphosphate per kilo of sugar used.

Other proportions: for 10 liters of mash - 2 large (tablespoons) spoons of fertilizer.

Reference. One teaspoon contains approximately 4.5 g of superphosphate, 3.4-4 g of ammonium sulfate, 2.5 g of urea. In a matchbox: superphosphate – 22-24 g, urea – 13-14 g, ammonium sulfate – about 16 g.

2. Can add 5 g ammonia for 10 liters of wort.

3. Rotten chicken droppings(nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer for the garden!) also do not hesitate to use. The usual dose is 40-50 g per 10 liters of mash.

4. Pharmacy vitamin B1, 1-2 mg (ampoule) for each kilogram of sugar used.

Let us note that when moonshiners distill the product for themselves, they do not use chemical additives (especially chicken droppings). But in “commercial” moonshine brewing, this practice has taken root. After all, what is important? Quickly drive out - quickly sell!

Conclusion: you need to use your own recipes and your own to know what you are drinking!

Adding malt

A method in which fermentation time is reduced and the final product acquires a light bready taste and is easy to drink. The only thing you need is dried malt.

You can either buy it or prepare it yourself. The process is simple, but takes time. But you can stock up for the year ahead! In addition, it is not prohibited to use green malt(immediately after germination and grinding of grain).

For 20 liters of mash, take 0.5 kg of ground malt.

Before adding malt, it is specially prepared:

  1. Malt is added to water heated to 63°C to make a mass that is not too liquid. Stir and then boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Cool until lukewarm (30 degrees).
  3. Add to the wort.

Using this method, it is advisable to place the mash under a water seal (read:). Try again in 3 days. If it’s ripe, drive it.

Yeast with additives

Today, on the shelves of ordinary, especially specialized stores, you can find yeast with additives that accelerate fermentation and increase the yield of strong moonshine. Look for the inscription " Turbo" and buy if you want.

Such yeast contain vitamins and chemical additives to speed up the rise of dough or ripening of mash. The exact recipe is known, apparently, only to the manufacturers. But it is a fact that this yeast produces high-quality moonshine, which has excellent organoleptic properties during double distillation with the selection of heads and tails!

Therefore, their use is advisable. If on the packaging, in addition to the word “Turbo,” there is also the designation “Alcohol,” then, as practice shows, this is also increases alcohol yield.

The use of alcoholic yeast to make moonshine is justified by the following fact: bread yeast stops vital activity when the percentage of alcohol in the mash reaches 12, and alcoholic yeast works up to 14-20%. As a result, there will be no unprocessed sugar left in the wort, because it will turn into alcohol.

People's secrets

Folk methods for accelerating fermentation have been known for centuries. But they still work today. Therefore, let us recall some of them. Provided funds designed for 10 liters of wort:

  • black bread – 250-300 grams (a third of a loaf), break into pieces and put into the wort while fermenting, but you can add it later, noticing that the process is being delayed and the fermentation is not intense enough;
  • a handful of crushed berries, among which popular ones are grapes, raspberries, strawberries, currants;
  • a dozen raisins;
  • a handful of raw peas;
  • 50 ml. freshly squeezed fruit juice;
  • 70 - 100 g tomato paste.

Types and application of a hydraulic module for sugar mash

The hydraulic module is not a unit, as some people think, but just percentage ratio between sugar and amount of water in mash. It would seem, what difference does it make whether you add 2 or 4 kilograms of sugar to 10 liters of water? And the yield of alcohol directly depends on this.

Which one is better to use?

Let's look at examples. Among moonshiners, hydraulic modules are considered acceptable from 1:3 to 1:5.

Small – 1:3

It means that For 10 liters of water take 3 kg of sugar. They are guided by the fact that they want to save the amount of liquid, since they have a distillation cube with a capacity of, say, 12 liters. Will this idea make any sense?

Taking into account the use of special modern alcoholic yeast, capable of processing sugar to an alcohol concentration of 20%, this is quite possible. The downside is that such yeast is only available in specialized stores and is not cheap.

If you use regular raw or dry yeast, then don’t expect good results. The yeast will not be able to process all the sugar present with this volume of water. As a result, you won’t get enough moonshine, and some of the sugar will simply disappear. And one more minus - fermentation may be delayed, and there will be a need to feed.

Average – 1:4

Four parts water to 1 part sugar is 2.5 kg per 10 liters. The ratio is favorable, but “prolongation” of fermentation cannot be ruled out.

And this, in turn, leads to the accumulation of harmful and unpleasant impurities.

As a result, the organoleptic quality of the final product will suffer.

Moonshine, in addition to double distillation, will have to be added additionally.

Big – 1:5

If the capacity of the distillation cube is 50 liters, you can install a 1:5 water seal directly in it. And you can immediately distill 10 kg of sugar into alcohol. At the same time, fermentation is fast even without the addition of fertilizers and harmful substances - a minimum.


Today they are no longer as popular as they used to be; they have been replaced by plastic containers intended for food use. Among them there are even containers in which the use of a water seal is provided.

Large glass bottles are popular. But the point is not in the dishes used, but in the ratio of the ingredients placed in it. We take:

  • 30 liters of water;
  • 7 kg sugar;
  • 0.5 kg of raw yeast.

That's the whole recipe. We take soft water, preferably spring water, and not from the tap, it will come out of the filter. Sugar is of high quality, and if necessary, we replace raw yeast with dry yeast in the amount of 150g. From this wort you will receive 7 liters of strong moonshine.

The water seal is 1:4.3. With a distillation tank capacity of 40 liters of mash distilled at one time or twice if your tank is 20 liters.

But the specified water seal does not mean at all that this proportion will be ideal for you. Much depends on the specific conditions and even on the available equipment.

Useful videos on adding mash fertilizing

Do you need fertilizing, which is better, how to add:

How to feed sugar mash with raisins and breadcrumbs:

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What kind of water seal do you use and what do you feed the yeast in the mash with? Share in the comments. Like and share the article online.
