
Georgian cuisine - Recipes from David: Chicken in bazhe (satsivi). Bazhe - nut sauce of Georgian cuisine Bazhe sauce recipes

Chicken in bazhe (satsivi)

In front of you satsivi recipe, tested by time and festive events in Georgia. My mother cooked for the blog.

A little about terminology

Chicken in a bag - in Georgia they prefer to call this dish this way (as opposed to satsivi, in which the nuts are not brewed, but boiled - this recipe will appear on the site soon). However, if you tried it in a Russian Georgian cafe or restaurant, 90% of the time you ate a dish prepared approximately according to this recipe.


What you need to prepare satsivi for a large pan:

  • turkey or chicken - 2 kg
  • peeled walnuts - 0.5 kg
  • garlic - 7 cloves
  • real spicy adjika (without tomatoes, without starch and other rubbish) - 3 heaped teaspoons
  • satsivny seasoning (or ground coriander + utskho-suneli one to one) - 2 teaspoons
  • Imeretian saffron (ground, powdered) - 1 teaspoon
  • salt to taste

1. Selection of walnuts

Walnuts should not be brown, but light (as in the photo), not shriveled, but filled with juice. In Russia, such nuts can usually be bought at the market, but not in the store.

2. Roast chicken

It is believed that turkey should be used for canonical satsivi. Canonicity always has limits - the turkey, a bird brought to Eurasia from America. Therefore, we use chicken without a twinge of conscience.
It is necessary to fry the chicken pieces so that a rough crust does not form. Better - in the oven.

3. Chopping nuts

While the chicken is roasting, it's time to get started on the nuts. To create nut butter, use a meat grinder or blender. The main task is to create a walnut paste that is as fine-grained as possible, without large pieces. If the effect is not achieved after the first grinding, repeat the procedure. After the nuts are chopped, you need to prepare the nut butter.

4. Preparation of nut butter for satsivi

Take 3 heaping tablespoons of chopped walnuts, 7 cloves of garlic and 1 heaping teaspoon of adjika and grind these ingredients three times through a fine meat grinder. Take the resulting mass in your palm and squeeze out the liquid (oil) into a separate container. Scroll the remaining cake through the meat grinder two more times and squeeze out the oil again, and also collect the oil that has leaked out of the meat grinder. Place the remaining lump of walnuts, adjika and garlic in a container with ground nuts.

Obtaining nut butter - third turning through a meat grinder
The resulting oil will be used later, but for now you need to dilute the nut mass in water.

5. Diluting the nut mass in boiling water

Satsivi is made with water or light broth. Fundamentally, these two satsivi recipes do not differ - neither in the preparation technology, nor in the end result.

First you need to dilute boiling water (!) the cake obtained during the preparation of nut butter. In a separate container, add half a glass of boiling water to the cake and stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps left. (In boiling water, the nut mass miraculously changes its color from yellow-brown to a milky color with a coffee tint). When done, combine the resulting mass with chopped nuts and continue pouring boiling water: pour glasses (200 ml) into the nut mass and stir thoroughly - you will need another 3.5 glasses of boiling water (not counting 0.5 glasses for the cake).

The result should be a sauce similar in thickness to kefir. (Later the satsivi will thicken to the consistency of yogurt).

When you have obtained a homogeneous thick liquid, you can start adding seasonings.

6. Preparing seasonings

Take 1 teaspoon of Imeretian saffron, 2 teaspoons of satsiv seasoning (or ground coriander + utskho-suneli one to one) and 2 teaspoons of adjika and stir them in boiling water in a separate container.

7. Mixing the main ingredients

Pour the seasoning mixture obtained at the previous stage into the nut sauce (the color of the dish will turn yellow), add salt to taste and place. Toss chicken in seasoned peanut sauce.

8. Upholding satsivi

Satsivi must still stand - not less 4 hours until the peanut sauce has thickened and the chicken has soaked through. Do not put the satsivi in ​​the refrigerator until it has cooled completely, as the water may separate from the nuts! Before serving, add nut butter to the dish.

Store satsivi in ​​the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

It was Satsivi recipe

Fundamentally, satsivi differs from bazhi (in the nominative case, either bazhe or bazha) in that in the case of satsivi, the nut sauce boil, and in the case of a bag - brew boiling water (water or broth). Wine vinegar (some people also add to baja) and onions are also added to satsivi.

Satsivi recipes can differ noticeably from each other in ingredients; some of them contain exotic ingredients that are not typical of the nature and agriculture of Georgia, such as cloves (comes from the tropical Moluccas Islands/Indonesia) and cinnamon (from Sri Lanka), however , these are also today's realities.

Today, bazhey in Tbilisi restaurants usually refers not to a dish of poultry and nuts, but to a sauce made from nuts, mentioned in some cookbooks of the mid-20th century under the name satsebeli. In Georgian restaurants and cafes in Russia, bazha is often served under the name satsivi.

The significant fact is that Bazha comes from Western Georgia, I think, even more specifically Samegrelo. In the same region, the version of satsivi (boiled nuts + acidifier) ​​is called kharcho (not to be confused with kharcho soup).
Part 19 -
Part 38 -
Part 39 -
Part 40 -

In Georgia they know how to make any dish taste extraordinary. There is no secret, say restaurateurs and housewives. It's all about the sauces. Everyone knows their names, and the recipes are carefully preserved.

An additional advantage of the dish is the ability to prepare the sauce for future use and serve it piquantly for any feast. Let's get started!

Easy and tasty: tsitsibeli

Tsitsibeli becomes an indispensable seasoning for meat in winter. This sauce is spicy, like many Georgian dishes. To cook it, you will need tomatoes. You should also stock up on pepper. You will need sweet bell peppers, and bitter peppers will add spiciness to the dish.


For cooking you will need enamel dishes: a wide bowl or pan.


  • Tomatoes – 1 kg.
  • Pepper: sweet – 500 g, bitter capsicum – 300 g.
  • Garlic – 0.5 kg.
  • Salt is added to taste. For winter storage, you need to add at least a tablespoon.

TIP: carefully select vegetables for preparing tsitsibel. Give preference to juicy, fleshy tomatoes and fully ripe peppers.


  • The ingredients are washed properly. Tomatoes are cut into large pieces. The seeds are removed from the pepper. The stinging cloves cleanse.
  • Vegetables are chopped in a meat grinder.
  • The resulting vegetable mixture is salted and mixed.
  • The dishes are filled with grated vegetables, placed on low heat, and brought to a boil. It is important to stir the contents of the bowl all the time with a wooden spatula so that it does not burn.
  • After boiling, remove the container from the heat and place it in prepared jars (washed and sterilized).

Spicy tomato

Spicy tomato sauce is traditional for Georgian cuisine.


  • Tomatoes – 5 kg.
  • Hot pepper: fresh hot pepper – 750 g, ground red – 25 g.
  • Garlic – 150 – 175 g.
  • Salt – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Green cilantro – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Wine vinegar – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Water – 0.5 l.

TIP: You can use dry coriander instead of fresh cilantro.

Cooking method

  • The washed tomatoes are cut into large pieces, placed in a pan, and water is poured.
  • Boil the tomatoes over low heat, covered, for about 0.5 hours.
  • Fresh hot peppers and garlic are ground in a meat grinder.
  • If using fresh cilantro, chop it as finely as possible.
  • Place chopped products in a bowl and add ground pepper. Vinegar is poured there. Mix everything, pour in salt, and mix well again.
  • The tomatoes are removed from the pan and passed through a colander to separate the tomato juice.
  • The remaining tomato pulp is chopped with a blender.
  • Place the ground ingredients and vinegar there. Using a blender, combine everything into a uniform mass.
  • The pan is filled with the collected juice, and the crushed mass is laid out.
  • Cook over low heat. Cooking time – 50 minutes. The mass must be stirred all the time.

This recipe allows you to eat the prepared seasoning right away.

You can store the workpiece in the refrigerator. To do this, the cooled seasoning is placed in jars.

If the workpiece will be stored without a refrigerator, it is poured into jars or bottles with a wide neck without cooling! Fill the prepared container with boiling sauce, leaving no free space in it. Plastic lids are pre-prepared: they are washed, doused with boiling water, and dried. Cover the jars or bottles with lids and leave them in a cool room.


You should definitely prepare a sauce with an original nutty taste - delicious satsivi, which in Georgia is offered as a gravy for chicken or meat.

Products that are included in Satsivi:

  • Walnut – 0.3 kg.
  • Broth (chicken) – 400 ml.
  • Chicken fat – 30 g.
  • Onions – 160 g.
  • Garlic – 6 cloves.
  • Cilantro - a bunch.
  • Lemon - one.
  • Wheat flour - a tablespoon.
  • Georgian seasonings: hops-suneli – 14 g, saffron – 6 g.
  • Use salt, sugar and pepper to taste.

Traditional recipe for cooking satsivi

  • Peeled garlic is finely chopped. Cover with salt and grind.
  • Nuts are prepared in the same way: the kernels, washed in warm water, are cut and ground.

TIP: Georgians traditionally use mortars to grind garlic and nuts. If you don't have one, you can use a more conventional method - a blender.

  • The cilantro leaves are separated from the stems and finely chopped. Satsivi may also include parsley. It is used in equal proportions with cilantro. You can cook satsivi only with parsley.
  • Finely chop the onion head.
  • For cooking you will need a frying pan or saucepan. The fat is melted in them, and a little broth is poured in to sauté the onions.
  • When it becomes transparent, add flour and continue frying until light creamy, stirring all the time.
  • Carefully pour the remaining broth there and dilute everything with saffron. Mix everything to get a homogeneous mixture without lumps. Bring to a boil over low heat, boil for 6-7 minutes and remove from heat.
  • Squeeze the lemon and pour the strained juice into the saucepan.
  • Add ground products, herbs, suneli hops, salt, sugar - to taste.
  • Over low heat, stirring, bring to a boil. No need to boil! Immediately remove the dishes from the heat.

Satsivi can be eaten not only with chicken. It is perfect for eggplants, fish, and also for boiled meat, beef or veal.


Nuts are part of another sauce - garo, the recipe for which will help you prepare the dish at home for the winter.

  • Walnut – 0.2 kg.
  • Chicken broth – 2 tbsp.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 3-4 cloves.
  • Wine vinegar - ¼ tbsp.
  • Chicken yolk – 2 pcs.
  • Cilantro – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt to taste.

Spicy sauce recipe

  • Grind garlic, nuts, and cilantro in a mortar or blender.
  • Grind everything with salt.
  • Place the crushed ingredients in a bowl, pour vinegar into it, and stir.
  • Gradually pour chicken broth into the bowl. Stir to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  • Add onions.
  • Place the bowl over low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. During cooking, the sauce must be stirred all the time.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into a separate bowl and cool.
  • Beat the yolks, combine with two tablespoons of cooled sauce, and continue beating until smooth.
  • Whipped egg whites are poured into the warm mixture. Be careful to prevent the whites from curdling.

Mix the garo thoroughly and it is ready!


It is impossible to imagine the sauces of Georgian cuisine without the famous tkemali, which is easy to prepare at home! The recipe got its name from the small plums of the same name.


The recipe is given per kilogram of tkemali.

  • Garlic – 1 head (medium or large).
  • Greens: 1 bunch each of basil, dill or cilantro.
  • Ground red pepper – from 0.5 to 1 tsp.
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.
  • Water – 0.5 tbsp.

TIP: leaving the main components of the tkemali recipe unchanged, use all seasonings to taste.

Cooking method

  • The plums are washed, dried, and placed in a pan. Add water and cook for 10 minutes. You can diversify the recipe with cherry plum or red currant.
  • The washed greens are finely chopped or crushed in a blender.
  • Garlic cloves are crushed.
  • The plums are taken out of the pan. Do not throw away the broth!
  • Boiled tkemali are ground through a sieve, separating the bones.
  • The resulting plum puree should have the consistency of liquid sour cream. If it is thicker, dilute it little by little with the broth and stir thoroughly.
  • Add garlic and herbs.
  • Bring to a boil and cool.

Tkemali is ready for the meat plate! All that’s left to do is prepare shish kebab or chicken for it and enjoy!

Recipes for Georgian sauces are a fantasy of juicy vegetables and fruits, seasoned with herbs and spices!

To make the classic bazhe sauce, you will need a short list of ingredients. The basis of the dish is walnuts - take a glass with a good pile of peeled kernels to get a rich taste. You also cannot do without garlic and spices, which Georgian cuisine loves very much. Utskho-suneli, Imeretian saffron, coriander, red and black pepper will give the sauce a recognizable taste and aroma. To add the missing sourness and better reveal the aroma of the seasoning, you will need an acid - lemon juice or white wine vinegar will do. We will bring the sauce to the desired thickness by adding water, so do not forget to boil a couple of glasses in advance and cool to room temperature.

Bazhe's secrets

If you ask a Georgian housewife what is most important in preparing bazhe, she will tell you that you need the right ingredients and strong hands. Nuts, garlic and seasonings need to be thoroughly ground to a paste, so the main thing is to be patient and use a mortar. You can make the task easier by using a meat grinder or blender, but you will still have to work with your hands.

It is very important to buy the “right” nuts. The kernels should not be bitter. Choose light colors, then the seasoning, as expected, will be colored in light nut tones. The kernels should be filled with juice, selected, and not dried out and shriveled, then they will turn out to be a good fatty paste, which means that the kernels will be tasty.

Among the seasonings, coriander, utskho-suneli, Imeretian saffron (marigolds), and hot pepper are usually added to Georgian bazhe. However, in different regions of the country the proportions and set of spices may change, and if we add to this the personal preferences of each housewife, then there are countless options for the sauce, but the cooking principle is the same for everyone - grind and dilute with water. Shall we get started?

Total cooking time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Yield: 300-400 ml


  • shelled walnuts – 1 tbsp. (100 g)
  • garlic – 3 large cloves
  • coriander seeds – 1/2 tsp.
  • utskho-suneli – 1/2 tsp.
  • Imeretian saffron – 1/2 tsp.
  • salt – 1/2 tsp.
  • hot red pepper – 1/3 tsp.
  • black pepper – 1-2 chips.
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.
  • boiled water – 100-200 ml


Big photos Small photos

    Let's start with nuts. They need to be sorted out so that shell fragments do not come across.

    The nuts need to be ground to a paste. To make your task easier, you can use a meat grinder or blender. The ground nuts should turn into a homogeneous mixture, fine-grained, without large pieces. It’s best to run it through a meat grinder twice, but a powerful blender with a knife attachment does the job faster, in 2-3 minutes.

    I peeled the garlic, put it through a press and put it in a mortar. Salt and all the seasonings were poured there: coriander seeds, utskho-suneli, saffron, red and black pepper. I carefully ground the spices and garlic in a mortar.

    Then, 1-2 spoonfuls at a time, poured ground nuts into the mortar, grinding them with a pestle to a paste.

    You should get an almost homogeneous mass. If the nuts are of good quality, the mixture will be oily and will release nut oil. Pour the resulting paste into a bowl. Add acid - I used freshly squeezed lemon juice, which can be replaced with white wine vinegar.

    The mass turns out to be very thick, so it needs to be diluted with cold boiled water. Add a little at a time, literally 1 spoon at a time, thoroughly stirring the contents of the bowl. You need to add enough liquid so that the sauce has the consistency of liquid sour cream. You can make it a little thicker or thinner, but it shouldn't flow like water.

    As a rule, nut sauce is served with chicken or fish, eggplant and cabbage dishes. Bazhe is placed on the table in a bowl or in a gravy boat. The sauce is poured over the dish, dipped in gomi or eaten with mchadi. It tastes hot and spicy, with a pronounced nutty taste and garlic aroma.

If you dilute it not very carefully, but choose a thick consistency, it will turn out like in the next photo. For everyone and at will. Bon appetit and delicious culinary experiments!

To make the classic bazhe sauce, you will need a short list of ingredients. The basis of the dish is walnuts - take a glass with a good pile of peeled kernels to get a rich taste. You also cannot do without garlic and spices, which Georgian cuisine loves very much. Utskho-suneli, Imeretian saffron, coriander, red and black pepper will give the sauce a recognizable taste and aroma. To add the missing sourness and better reveal the aroma of the seasoning, you will need an acid - lemon juice or white wine vinegar will do. We will bring the sauce to the desired thickness by adding water, so do not forget to boil a couple of glasses in advance and cool to room temperature.

Bazhe's secrets

If you ask a Georgian housewife what is most important in preparing bazhe, she will tell you that you need the right ingredients and strong hands. Nuts, garlic and seasonings need to be thoroughly ground to a paste, so the main thing is to be patient and use a mortar. You can make the task easier by using a meat grinder or blender, but you will still have to work with your hands.

It is very important to buy the “right” nuts. The kernels should not be bitter. Choose light colors, then the seasoning, as expected, will be colored in light nut tones. The kernels should be filled with juice, selected, and not dried out and shriveled, then they will turn out to be a good fatty paste, which means that the kernels will be tasty.

Among the seasonings, coriander, utskho-suneli, Imeretian saffron (marigolds), and hot pepper are usually added to Georgian bazhe. However, in different regions of the country the proportions and set of spices may change, and if we add to this the personal preferences of each housewife, then there are countless options for the sauce, but the cooking principle is the same for everyone - grind and dilute with water. Shall we get started?

Total cooking time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Yield: 300-400 ml


  • shelled walnuts – 1 tbsp. (100 g)
  • garlic – 3 large cloves
  • coriander seeds – 1/2 tsp.
  • utskho-suneli – 1/2 tsp.
  • Imeretian saffron – 1/2 tsp.
  • salt – 1/2 tsp.
  • hot red pepper – 1/3 tsp.
  • black pepper – 1-2 chips.
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.
  • boiled water – 100-200 ml


Big photos Small photos

    Let's start with nuts. They need to be sorted out so that shell fragments do not come across.

    The nuts need to be ground to a paste. To make your task easier, you can use a meat grinder or blender. The ground nuts should turn into a homogeneous mixture, fine-grained, without large pieces. It’s best to run it through a meat grinder twice, but a powerful blender with a knife attachment does the job faster, in 2-3 minutes.

    I peeled the garlic, put it through a press and put it in a mortar. Salt and all the seasonings were poured there: coriander seeds, utskho-suneli, saffron, red and black pepper. I carefully ground the spices and garlic in a mortar.

    Then, 1-2 spoonfuls at a time, poured ground nuts into the mortar, grinding them with a pestle to a paste.

    You should get an almost homogeneous mass. If the nuts are of good quality, the mixture will be oily and will release nut oil. Pour the resulting paste into a bowl. Add acid - I used freshly squeezed lemon juice, which can be replaced with white wine vinegar.

    The mass turns out to be very thick, so it needs to be diluted with cold boiled water. Add a little at a time, literally 1 spoon at a time, thoroughly stirring the contents of the bowl. You need to add enough liquid so that the sauce has the consistency of liquid sour cream. You can make it a little thicker or thinner, but it shouldn't flow like water.

    As a rule, nut sauce is served with chicken or fish, eggplant and cabbage dishes. Bazhe is placed on the table in a bowl or in a gravy boat. The sauce is poured over the dish, dipped in gomi or eaten with mchadi. It tastes hot and spicy, with a pronounced nutty taste and garlic aroma.

If you dilute it not very carefully, but choose a thick consistency, it will turn out like in the next photo. For everyone and at will. Bon appetit and delicious culinary experiments!

Bazhe sauce, my great-grandmother pronounced it “bazha,” is a universal nut-garlic sauce of Georgian cuisine. The sauce is spicy, spicy and at the same time tender, very tasty. In addition, this water sauce is vegan and meatless. Bazhe nut-garlic sauce goes well with vegetables, poultry and fish dishes. Along with the sauce, my family really likes bazhe, based on the Armenian skhtor-matsun. All Caucasian cuisine recipes- By .


  • Walnuts - 1 cup
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Utskho-suneli spice (fenugreek) - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Imereti saffron - on the tip of a knife
  • Coriander - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Ground black pepper, red hot pepper, salt - to taste
  • Wine vinegar or lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • Water - 1 glass

How to prepare nutty garlic Georgian sauce Bazhe, a universal seasoning for vegetables, poultry or fish dishes

Walnuts should be as light as possible and of excellent quality. The sauce should be almost white.

Place walnuts and peeled garlic in a blender

Grind the nuts and garlic in a blender into a paste. Good, fresh nuts make the paste slightly oily and almost smooth.

Grind nuts and garlic into a smooth paste

Transfer the nut-garlic paste from the blender. Add chilled boiled water and dilute the sauce to the desired thickness. Add water little by little, a tablespoon at a time, and stir the sauce. Usually the bazhe sauce is diluted to the consistency of medium-fat sour cream.

Add water and stir the sauce to the desired consistency

Add light wine vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice. I like it better with lemon juice.

Add vinegar or lemon juice and stir

Add spices, salt the sauce to taste, mix thoroughly.

Add spices, salt to taste

Bazhe nut-garlic vegan sauce, a popular seasoning in Georgian cuisine, is ready.

Baje sauce (baja)

Most of all I love Bazhe sauce with cold chicken, boiled fish and
