
Quick yeast pizza. Thin pizza dough recipe: preparation

The cheese dish Pizza has won the hearts of millions of people around the world. It just so happens that it is customary to order it in pizzerias, but at home it turns out no worse if you approach the process correctly. The basis of any pizza is the dough, which contains 90% of the success of the dish.

Today I am sharing with you a recipe for classic yeast pizza dough. Those who wish can knead it with milk and add butter instead of olive oil. But, for me, this recipe is perfect and does not require any changes. Just be sure to let the dough rise a little, which is usually not required for pizza.

Ingredients for classic yeast pizza dough:

Pour three tablespoons of warm water over the yeast, add a pinch of sugar and stir well. Leave for 5-10 minutes for the reaction to occur.

Pour all the warm water into the container for kneading the dough, add the dissolved yeast and olive oil.

Add salt and sugar, stir.

Add flour gradually. Do not add all the flour at once. It is better to do this while kneading the dough. Sometimes it happens that you will need a little more or less flour, depending on its gluten content. It is better to have a maneuver in reserve.

Then the dough needs to be kneaded well. It is quite soft, manageable and sticky. If it sticks to your hands too much, you can grease your hands with oil. Leave the dough under a towel in a warm place until it rises a little. Then knead and you can cook the pizza.

Heat the butter in the microwave until liquid, let it cool slightly.

Beat eggs into butter

add sugar and salt and mix.

Pour water into the resulting mixture and stir with a fork until smooth.

Pour 2 cups of flour and yeast into another bowl.

Mix the flour and yeast thoroughly, then pour in the mixture of butter and eggs.

Mix everything together until smooth and add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

We begin to knead the dough, it should turn out to be quite homogeneous and soft in consistency. If the dough sticks a little to your hands, then add flour little by little (0.5 cups will be just right). Let the dough rise in a warm place for 1 hour, during which time it will double in size.

Distribute the dough with your hands according to the size of the mold, sprinkling flour on top of the dough.

Place sliced ​​mushrooms on top (for this pizza I used oyster mushrooms, which were previously boiled for 10 minutes in salted water and frozen in the freezer). If the mushrooms are frozen, they need to be thawed and excess moisture squeezed out. Canned mushrooms are easy to chop.

Place ham on the dough with mushrooms. I usually put tomatoes on top, cut into thin slices (I didn’t add tomatoes this time).

Top everything with grated cheese; for a tasty result, I mix “Russian” cheese and “Suluguni” cheese, but you can get by with just one type of cheese.

Bake homemade pizza on yeast dough in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes (use your oven as a guide).

Delicious, aromatic pizza is ready! Before serving, you can sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Everyone please come to the table! You will definitely enjoy homemade pizza made with delicious yeast dough.

Bon appetit!

They say that the taste of pizza depends on the toppings. I don’t agree, because the dough plays just as important in baking. Today we’ll talk about the types of yeast pizza dough made with water, milk, kefir, and dry yeast. Notice the difference? The taste of homemade products made from ready-made dough based on a specific batch also adds its own flavor.

Making pizza with yeast requires more free time, since the dough must “ripen”, but a pie with toppings only benefits from this. The pizza will turn out fluffy and very tasty.

Yeast pizza dough with water

I think this recipe is the best, fastest, easiest. The dough comes out very tasty, prepared with fast-acting yeast.


  • Water – 300 ml.
  • Flour – 500 gr.
  • Sunflower oil – 50 ml.
  • Dry yeast - 12 g bag.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • A little sugar.

Recipe with photos step by step

Warm the water, make it slightly warmer than room temperature. Pour in half of the vegetable oil specified in the recipe. Don’t measure it specifically, pour it by eye.

Sprinkle with some flour. Knead the dough with a spoon, a little thinner than for pancakes. Try to break up the lumps. But if there are a few tiny lumps left, don't worry, don't waste time trying to get the perfect consistency.

Separately, in a cup, prepare the instant yeast. Pour warm water over them, add a spoonful of sugar, stir until the crystals dissolve. Add a spoonful of flour and stir the mixture again.

Pour the yeast mixture into the dough. Mix well.

Start adding flour. Again, do not fill the entire amount completely. Pour in, stir the contents, add again and work with a spoon. The mass will become very thick, it will begin to fall off a spoon with difficulty, but it will not be stiff yet, not for baking pizza.

Place the pan in a warm place. You don't have to cover it. After 10-15 minutes the dough will begin to bubble and the yeast will begin to work. When the mass rises a little, it’s time to move on to the next step.

Place the remaining flour on the work surface of the table. Stir the dough in a bowl, place it on the table, on the flour. Knead with your hands. In total, you should use 0.5 kg of flour as stated in the recipe. If your hands are still sticking at the end, add a little more.

When the dough is almost ready and there is no flour left on the table, pour the remaining sunflower oil onto the countertop.

Start kneading the lump again so that the butter, like the flour, is completely absorbed into the mass. Leave to “rest” and soak for 10 minutes.

Tip: everyone's flour is of different quality, so if the dough continues to stick to your fingers, add a little more and knead thoroughly again.

Quick yeast pizza dough

The previous dough comes ready quite quickly, however, this recipe with water is even faster, thanks to a slight change in technology. After 20-25 minutes you can cook the pizza.

  • Water – 100 ml.
  • Granulated sugar - a teaspoon.
  • Flour – 1.5 cups.
  • Instant yeast - teaspoon.
  • Salt – ½ small spoon.
  • Sunflower oil – 2 large spoons.


  1. Pour warm water into a bowl, add yeast and sugar. After stirring, leave for 7-8 minutes.
  2. Pour oil into the dough and stir. Gradually start adding flour product. First, mix with your hands in a bowl, then, continuing to add, as the lump grows and strengthens, move to the table.
  3. After kneading the dough well, cover it with a towel and leave to “ripen” on the table for 10-15 minutes. If you want to speed up the process even more, place the bowl with the dough ball in a water bath.

Video recipe for dough like in a pizzeria

With milk and eggs

You can make equally tasty homemade dough if you use milk as a base. The elastic, pliable dough mass easily rolls out into a thin cake.

You will need:

  • Flour – 2 cups.
  • Dry yeast - a large spoon.
  • Granulated sugar - spoon.
  • Milk – ½ cup.
  • Egg.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt – ½ teaspoon.


  1. Warm the milk to approximately 40 o C. Dissolve the quick yeast in it, beat in the egg, add sugar, and salt.
  2. Sift the flour into a separate container. Slowly add the milk mixture and knead the pizza dough.
  3. Form a ball, wrap the bowl with the dough in film, and place in a warm place.
  4. After 1-1.5 hours, knead and start making pizza.

Yeast dough with milk


  • Flour – 2 cups.
  • Dry yeast – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Granulated sugar - a tablespoon.
  • Milk – 250 ml.
  • Salt.
  • Vegetable oil - tbsp. spoon.

How to knead:

  1. Combine sugar and yeast in a bowl. Pour in 2 tablespoons of warm milk and stir.
  2. Set aside and wait for the yeast to start working.
  3. Salt the rest of the milk, pour the earned dough into it.
  4. After stirring well, start adding the flour product.
  5. When the mixture becomes quite thick, stir in the sunflower oil. Then transfer the dough to the table.
  6. Continue adding flour until the dough is soft but firm.
  7. Roll into a ball and cover with a towel. Place in a warm place for 45 – 60 minutes to “ripen”.
  8. Knead the dough well and start forming the pizza.

Yeast dough for pizza with kefir

A very simple recipe for homemade dough with yeast. The dough will come out smooth and rise easily. True, this option has nothing to do with Italy; residents of the country do not make pizza with kefir. To get involved somehow, replace your native sunflower oil with olive oil.


  • Kefir – 0.7 liters.
  • Flour - how much will go in.
  • Warm water – ½ cup.
  • Dry yeast - 3 teaspoons.
  • Vegetable oil - ½ cup.
  • Sugar – 2 teaspoons.
  • Salt - to taste.


  1. Pour half the warm water called for in the recipe into a bowl. Add sugar, quick yeast, stir.
  2. Pause for 15-20 minutes, placing the dishes in a warm place.
  3. Pour kefir into the yeast, add flour (not all). Stir the mass. Add the second batch of flour, stir again.
  4. Add flour until you knead a tight, homogeneous dough. Don't make it too steep to make the dough easier to roll out.
  5. Shortly before the end of kneading, add oil. Finish kneading when the oil is completely absorbed.
  6. Cover the test ball with a towel and transfer to a warm place. Get busy with the filling or other things.
  7. After an hour, when the mass has risen well, crush the lump. Take another break for 15-20 minutes, and then start shaping the pizza.
Attention! It is very convenient to make dough for several pizzas at once. Wrap some in film and put it in the freezer. Next time you find it.

Video with a detailed recipe and step-by-step actions. This is pizza dough with mayonnaise. I haven’t done it, but I plan to do it in the near future. Join us and let us always have delicious food!

Although the first pizza was baked in Italy, today this dish is not only widely known beyond its borders, but is also one of the most popular in the world. It is not surprising that there are many recipes for pizza dough, but the classic version contains only a few ingredients:

  • yeast

The peculiarity of yeast dough is that it cannot be prepared in 15 minutes. It takes time for the yeast to activate and the dough to increase in volume. Depending on the recipe, it may take from 1 to 4 hours. This is worth taking into account, but there is also a plus: the direct participation of the cook in the process is not required, that is, while the dough is being prepared, you can go about your business.

Five fastest recipes for pizza dough with yeast:

What products to choose for cooking?

Of course, pizza dough can be kneaded using any flour, but for the classic recipe it is better to use premium wheat flour with a high gluten content. In this case, the dough will turn out obedient and flexible, it will stretch and roll out well, and the pizza will not crumble after baking.

The proportions of ingredients may vary from recipe to recipe. Often other components are included, which allows you to get an interesting and unusual result. For example, olive oil is often added to the dough. This is especially true for the American version of dough preparation. Olive oil can be replaced with another vegetable oil, such as sunflower.

The five most commonly used ingredients in yeast pizza recipes are:

In addition, yeast pizza dough can be kneaded not only with water, but also with milk or almost any fermented milk product. You can also include eggs in the dough - in this case it turns out more dense. Additives such as spices and aromatic herbs will not be superfluous. They will add zest and sophistication to the pizza and add originality to the familiar taste.

The taste of pizza largely depends not only on the well-chosen toppings and a certain type of cheese, but also on the dough that was used in a particular recipe. Most often, when creating homemade pizza, one of the following recipes is taken as a basis.

To prepare this test you will need:

Water (0.25 l);

Flour (four glasses);

Egg (one piece);

Sugar (two level tablespoons);

Vegetable oil (for lubricating hands).

First you need to dissolve dry yeast and sugar in water. Then flour is poured into a separate bowl, one egg is driven into it and salt is added. After this, water with yeast and sugar is poured. The dough is kneaded. In this case, you need to lubricate your hands with vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick to them so much.

Place the well-kneaded dough in a warm place (on a radiator, in hot water, near the stove, etc.), first covering it with a warm towel. After about thirty minutes, it will come up a little and will need to be kneaded. After another half hour, the dough can already be used to make pizza: it should be enough for two or three large cakes or 4-5 small ones.

If the pizza filling will consist of ready-made products (sausage, tomatoes, cheese, etc.), then the crust first needs to be baked a little without it, and then add your preferred products. But, if, for example, you plan to use raw minced meat as a filling, then it must be laid out on raw dough, otherwise the meat will not have time to bake.

Extremely tasty yeast pizza dough. In addition, it cooks very quickly, and there are no special difficulties in the recipe. To prepare it you will need:

Slightly warm water (0.25 l);

Sugar (tablespoon);

Dry yeast (small package);

Olive oil (tablespoon);

Salt (pinch);

Flour (about 350 g).

Pour the yeast with warm water and wait until it rises. Then pour the flour into a bowl in a heap, make a depression in the middle and add sugar, salt, olive oil and suitable yeast there. Knead the dough with your hands.

After about five minutes, place the dough on the table, lightly dusted with flour, and continue kneading here for at least ten minutes. After this, return the dough to the bowl, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for half an hour (approximately). When it rises, you can start making pizza.

The convenience of this recipe is that the resulting dough is perfect not only for making pizza, but also for baking delicious pies, chicken pies, flatbreads, etc. To create it you will need:

Dry yeast (one small package);

Slightly warm milk (0.5 l), can be replaced with water;

Flour (1 kilogram);

Salt (half a teaspoon);

Sugar (about 50 g);

Olive or sunflower oil (four tablespoons).
