
Burning encyclopedia: the names of alcoholic beverages. The most unusual and strong alcoholic drinks

Wine with a huge spider or a snake in cognac. Are you ready to drink this?! So, we present to your attention a rating of the most unusual and strongest alcoholic drinks in the world.

In almost every country, in every culture, there is some kind of traditional drink that is made from those ingredients that can be found among the local nature, and some of these drinks are very unusual.

Honey , as the basis for good beer or very strong wine. The origin of honey dates back to ancient times, as well as the origin of strong alcoholic drinks containing this sweet product. This drink is very popular in the cultures of Europe, Africa and Asia.

Moutai, commonly referred to as China's national liquor, was created in China over 800 years ago.

Chicha, a drink derived from corn in several South American countries, is one of the oldest drinks on the planet. Chicha was probably created thousands of years ago and consumed by the Incas, but today traditional chicha is only made in a few small towns and villages in Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Costa Rica.

Another old drink - pulp, a traditional Mexican alcoholic drink made from Magee juice and agave. This drink has a very long history. Here, for example, is a figurine of the Aztec period, where a monkey holds a bottle of pulque in his hands:

Popular drink in Central Asia, koumiss - This is a traditional sour-milk drink of nomads, made from mare's milk. . This is a low-alcohol drink containing only 2.5 % alcohol.

If an alcoholic drink with horse milk is not to your taste, then how about vodka? Vodka Bakon made by Seattle-based Black Rock Spirits and flavored with bacon (pictured left). Or how about chili vodka (pictured right)?

Kosher vodka with the original name "Aunt Sonya" comes from Russia.

mezcal. This drink is from Mexico. Just like vodka with bacon, this liqueur is based on meat. The worms are actually the larvae of the moth that lives on the agave fruit. No one knows where the tradition of adding worms to liquor came from, but perhaps this is evidence that the alcohol content is high enough to keep the worm salted.

By the way, if you are not a fan of strong alcohol, then you are in the subject of the best wines in the world.

Lizard wine. Wine made from lizards, this drink was created in China. It may not be very attractive, but it tastes like brandy, improves vision!

Another wine with supposedly medicinal qualities that helps with coughs and on cold days. This wine is made on the basis of mouse cubs, the creator of this wonderful drink was Korea. This drink actually contains newborn mice that are soaked in rice wine for a year before drinking it!

If snakes and mice didn't impress you, how about scorpions and spiders? This distilled rice vodka is from Thailand. And next to her is a bottle of rice-based Thai whiskey with a large, non-venomous spider!

These were the strangest drinks from all over the world. And now the strongest drinks in the world!!!

In terms of alcohol content, the strongest drink is Everclear. Everclear can contain 95% or 75% wheat alcohol, these are 190 and 151 degrees respectively. It is rarely consumed on its own, usually added to cocktails!

Bacardi 151 has an alcohol content of 75.5% or 151 degrees, and is also used in cocktails. It is flammable and is used in flaming drinks such as B-52.

Raicilla often called the Mexican Fantasy - the alcohol content is more than 100 degrees.

Absinthe is the next highly alcoholic drink, with an alcohol content between 45% and 74%. Flavored with anise, it is prepared on the basis of herbs. Absinthe is usually green, but may also be colorless. Due to its strength, it is usually diluted with water. Absinthe, gained popularity in Switzerland and became very popular in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in Paris - among artists and poets who were fans of the 'green fairy'. With such a spoon as in the photo on the right, they tried to sweeten this bitter drink.

Alcoholic products have gained considerable popularity in many countries. The assortment is so huge that the eyes run up from all this diversity. Types of alcoholic beverages are divided into strong, medium and weak (light). They can be completely diverse: elite (premium class), domestic, dangerous and safe. It is very difficult to draw up a single system of alcoholic beverages, but we will try to consider many of the most popular types of alcohol.

Alcoholic beverages are products made from ethanol and obtained by fermentation. Alcoholic beverages are produced from raw materials such as:

  • Barley, corn, rye, wheat, millet, rice.
  • Grapes, apples, plums, pears, pineapples, apricots.
  • Potato, sugar cane, agave, sweet potato.

Also, during the manufacturing process, various spices, herbs, honey, flavors, dyes, and so on are added.

True connoisseurs tend to try all the alcoholic drinks in the world. Each country has its own national alcoholic drinks. The main thing to remember: in all states, the use of any alcohol is regulated by law and is limited to a certain age.

Strong alcohol

The strength of such products varies from 21% and can reach 80% alcohol content. The range of alcoholic beverages is represented by well-known and common types of intoxicating products.

List of the strongest alcoholic drinks in the world:

Alcoholic drinks with a lot of ethanol should be consumed only on special holidays and in small doses. They are also the highest in calories.

Medium strength alcohol

Some types of this alcohol are made from or include various fruits or fruit juices, including grapes. And as you know, grapes contain a huge amount of vitamin B, C, P and other useful trace elements. Grape juice is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the respiratory tract, asthma, pleurisy.

List of medium strength liquor:

Less strong types of alcohol not only do not harm health, but are often used as prophylactic agents against various diseases.

Low alcohol products

And finally, the most harmless alcohol with an alcohol content of no more than 6–8%:

Low-alcohol drinks cause the least harm to health, and sometimes, in general, are not considered alcoholic products. The variety of alcoholic beverages is not limited to this list. The assortment is so diverse that it is simply impossible to list the types of alcoholic beverages.

In addition to the products described above, there are even less well-known ones that are used only in certain countries. There are also different types of cocktails, obtained by mixing different types of alcohol.

The production of alcohol is now very popular, so it is possible that the range will continue to grow.

Drinking alcohol has a negative effect on the state of the body. Alcohol abuse can lead to unpredictable consequences and serious pathologies. But all these factors do not affect the popularity of this product. Alcohol production is one of the largest in the world.

Types of alcoholic beverages consist of dozens of positions, and it is not possible to list all the brands that exist today.

Alcoholic brands are among the most expensive brands, the volume of alcohol production worldwide is amazing, and new types of alcoholic beverages appear with astonishing regularity.

Alcohol is a faithful companion of any feast. Weddings, birthdays, corporate parties and other events do not pass without the use of alcoholic beverages. Today, the assortment is so rich that each person is able to find a drink to his taste.

The wealth of choice leads to the fact that the problem arises of how to choose a drink that will appeal to everyone. Alcoholic beverages can be classified in several ways. The first way is to classify drinks according to the way they are made:

  1. Drinks to be obtained, which use the fermentation procedure.
  2. Drinks made by distillation.

This classification allows us to divide all types of alcoholic beverages into several categories that differ in the main components. The role of such components can be both fruits and vegetables, and various cereals.

The second way to classify alcohol is to divide products according to the following three criteria:

  • low alcohol;
  • medium strength drinks;
  • strong.

Low alcohol drinks

The category of low alcohol includes those products, the percentage of alcohol in which does not exceed eight percent. This category includes sweet alcoholic drinks, beer and some national products. The list of low-alcohol drinks includes more than ten positions.

Beer. One of the most popular alcoholic products in the world. The history of this intoxicating drink has more than several thousand years. Recognized brewers are countries such as Germany, Russia and the Czech Republic. The strength of the beer starts at five degrees and rises higher. In addition, beer can be produced both in non-alcoholic form and with a very high strength.

Braga. The basis of this product are vegetables and fruits. Braga is obtained as a result of fermentation and often acts as the main component in the manufacture of moonshine.

In general, all types of alcoholic beverages are divided into groups depending on the strength.

Toddy. Toddy is made by South American countries from palm sap. For the manufacture of the product, a fermentation technique is used.

Kvass. The history of this drink has many hundreds of years. Traditional kvass, made from sour milk, contains about one and a half percent alcohol.

Cider. The strength of cider depends primarily on the country in which it is made. In France, cider is made with 2% alcohol. In Germany, this percentage can be raised to seven. Apple juice is used to make cider. All fermentation processes are based on a technique that excludes the addition of yeast.

Perry. Perry is one of the drinks, the method of preparation of which is similar to cider. Perry is made from pear juice and sugar. The strength of such a drink ranges from five to eight and a half degrees.

Khuremge. The traditional alcoholic product comes from Buryatia. Khuremge is made from whey. The fortress is from two to eight degrees.

Icevine. This drink can be classified as one of the varieties of wines. The fact is that the drink is made from grapes, but the fruits of the plant must survive the frost. It is thanks to this approach that the drink got its name. The strength of this wine is about eight degrees.

Togba. Togba is an alcohol that comes from Nepal and, according to legend, it is madly adored by yetis. Togba is made by fermenting cereals. This alcohol must be consumed hot, using a straw.

Khandi. Khandi is an alcohol originating in India. Only women have the right to make such a product, and the process of its manufacture follows strict rules. The strength of Khandi is eight degrees, and rice, herbs and the roots of some plants are used to make it.

With the help of various additives and preparation methods, at least 100 types of alcoholic beverages are available today.

Medium strength drinks

This type of alcohol includes drinks containing up to thirty percent alcohol. The following products can be included in this category.

Mead. A product obtained by mixing alcohol and honey.

Mulled wine. This subspecies of wine is made from fruits and spices.

Wine. One of the products that is rich in its subspecies. There are more than a hundred types of wines, which differ in composition and method of preparation. The strength of the wine can reach twenty-five degrees. Recognized winemakers are countries such as France and Spain.

Sake. Wine originated in Japan. This type of wine product is made from rice, and its strength is about twenty degrees.

Port wine. Another branch of the wine family. Port wine is made from a special type of grapes and the alcohol content in it reaches twenty percent. The birthplace of this wine is Portugal.

Madeira. Another type of wine from Portugal. The fortress of Madeira is about twenty degrees. The main feature of such a drink is that in order to make it, high temperatures are used.

Sherry. The peculiarity of the Spanish Sherry is that the fermentation of grapes takes place under a kind of film from a special type of yeast. The strength of Jerez is twenty degrees.

Marsala. Product from the wine family. The fortress of Marsala is approaching the mark of eighteen degrees. Marsala is considered a dessert subspecies of wine, originally from Sicily.

Malaga. This wine product got its name from the place of production, the Spanish winery Malaga. The strength of the resulting product can be from thirteen to twenty-two degrees. Several types of grapes are used for production.

Both strong and low-alcohol drinks are very harmful to the body in excessive doses.

Tokay. Wine comes from Hungary, which is considered to be a separate product. The fortress of Tokay is twelve percent. The main component is a special kind of honey.

Vermouth. According to one legend, vermouth was created by Hippocrates himself in the fifth century BC. When preparing vermouth, medicinal herbs and plants are used. The main component of this fortified wine is wormwood. Today, vermouth is traditionally made in Italy and France.

Champagne. A sparkling wine that many people associate with solemnity and mystery. Champagne is produced by winemakers from the small province of Champagne. This French product contains up to thirteen percent alcohol.

Sato. Sato is one of the brightest representatives of the wine family. This Thai type of wine is made from rice grains. The alcohol content in this alcohol is about ten degrees.

Cynar. Italian composition containing a mixture of artichokes, spices, special herbs and seventeen percent ethyl alcohol.

Campari. Liquor named after its creator G. Campari. For the preparation of liqueur, fruits and herbs with a bitter aroma are used. The alcohol content in such a liquor is about twenty-eight percent.

Koumiss. The birthplace of koumiss is Central Asia. This drink is made from milk, yeast and alcohol. There are several options for preparing koumiss, differing in strength. The maximum strength of koumiss is forty degrees.

Grog and punch. These drinks are combined, since both are derived from independent products. Grog is rum that is diluted to reduce the strength of the product. Punch is a product obtained by mixing certain types of wines and fruit juices.

Recioto. One of the representatives of the wine family comes from Italy. The fortress of rechoto is fifteen degrees.

Pisco. French wine, the strength of which is at around twenty-two degrees. It is made from grape juice with the addition of cognac spirit. It is very important that the age of such alcohol must be at least several years old.

Pulque. A Mexican product obtained from the fermentation of the agave fruit. The alcohol content in this composition is about eighteen percent.

Most often, spirits are called alcoholic beverages in which the percentage of alcohol is higher than 20

Strong alcoholic drinks

Drinking strong alcohol is dangerous to health. The strength of such a product can reach eighty degrees. The most popular spirits:

  • vodka;
  • cognac;
  • whiskey;
  • brandy;
  • absinthe;
  • sambuca;
  • gin;
  • tequila;
  • chacha.

It does not make sense to describe the above drinks, since most consumers are familiar with these products. Strong alcohol can be made from a variety of ingredients, so only the most unusual formulations are worth considering.

Akvavit. Literally translated, the name reads "water of life." Akvavit is made in Norway from ordinary potatoes. The alcohol content of the product is fifty percent.

Arak. Arak is an ambiguous drink. For its manufacture, various types of natural raw materials and manufacturing techniques are used. So the fortress of such a composition can be from forty to fifty degrees. Arak is native to Central Asia.

Pastis. Pastis is one of the derivatives of absinthe from France. The history of the production of this anise vodka has about a hundred years. The strength of such vodka is forty-five degrees.

Mastic. Another type of alcohol made from anise. Mastic is a traditional Bulgarian drink and its strength is forty-seven degrees.

Armagnac. The birthplace of Armagnac is the province of Gascony, located in France. The alcohol level in the composition is at around forty percent. The manufacturing technique consists in distilling wine from grapes with the addition of fresh berries.

Grappa. Initially, Italian grappa was made from waste wine raw materials. The alcohol content in grappa can reach fifty percent.

Calvados. One of the subspecies of brandy, which is made from apple cider. The alcohol content of this product averages forty percent.

Kirschwasser. Kirschwasser was first made in Germany at the beginning of the seventeenth century. The strength of the drink is about forty degrees, and the main ingredient is black cherries.

Low-alcohol drinks usually include a variety of cocktails, wines, beer, liqueurs.

Slivovitz. A subspecies of brandy, with a strength of forty-five degrees, made from plum juice. The production of this alcohol is established in Bulgaria and Serbia.

Metaxa. A Greek composition based on a mixture of grape wine, grape apple brandy and herbal tincture. The alcohol content in metax is about forty percent.

Schnapps. The basis for the preparation of schnapps can be both cereals and the fruits of fruit trees. Schnapps originated in Germany. The product manufactured in this country contains forty percent ethyl.

Bourbon. An American type of whiskey made from corn on the cob. The strength of the bourbon is about fifty degrees.

Maotai. The birthplace of this drink is China. Maotai is a festive drink, the use of which is associated with the celebration. It is made from cereals and has a strength of fifty-three degrees.

Ouzo. A mixture of alcohol solution and special herbs. The birthplace of the drink is Greece. The composition contains about fifty percent alcohol.

Cancers. Strong alcohol from Turkey. Raki contains fifty percent alcohol. This alcoholic product is made from grape wine and anise.

Tutovka. Caucasian product made from the fruits of the mulberry tree. This drink has a unique aroma, and its strength is already eighty degrees.


The most correct classification of alcohol is to separate drinks according to their strength. Knowing the approximate composition and percentage of alcohol in the liquid, you can calculate not only the correct dosage of the drink, but also save yourself from the consequences of a hangover.

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Today, at almost every holiday, celebration, feast, you can see alcoholic beverages. At weddings, guests' glasses are filled with various wines, at birthdays and corporate parties cognac splashes in glasses, on New Year's Eve sparkling champagne is drunk to the sound of chimes.

Therefore, many people are interested in the varieties of alcoholic beverages, their taste, color and price. Many even devote their lives to studying the properties of drinks. People who deal with alcohol professionally are called sommeliers. But even ordinary people can figure out what and how to drink, how to choose expensive "drinks of the gods" and avoid fakes.


To begin with, it is worthwhile to figure out what categories alcoholic beverages can be divided into:

  • low alcohol (1.5-8%): this category includes beer, kvass, cider;
  • medium strength drinks (9-30%): this includes wines, champagne, vermouth, port wine, etc .;
  • strong (31% and above): vodka, cognac, whiskey and absinthe are in the highest degree category.

List with photo

The full list of all existing drinks is huge: it includes both officially recognized national drinks and home-made "developments" in the form of tinctures and liqueurs. But there are some of the most common representatives of the alcoholic world (the names in the list are sorted alphabetically, not by popularity).


This is a strong French drink based on wormwood extract. It has an unusually beautiful green color, which attracts many gourmets. Associated with many "adult" fairy tales and legends about green fairies.

The method of drinking the “green fairy” deserves special attention: absinthe is poured into small glasses, special spoons with holes are placed on top, and on them is a piece of sugar soaked in the drink. Then it's all set on fire.


This is a strong tincture of medicinal herbs. Balms are widely distributed in the expanses of the post-Soviet space. Due to the complexity of the formulation, balms are produced in small quantities, which explains the narrow range on store shelves.


Alcohol of medium strength based on wine. It is produced by adding tinctures of various herbs to wine. Due to the huge number of recipes for this drink, it is often used by bartenders.


One of the most famous medium alcoholic drinks. At the moment, there are many varieties of wines in winemaking, so even a brief description of each of them is not possible.


A strong drink made from grain. Widespread in the West. Rarely used by bartenders due to its unique flavor.


A strong drink popular in the cold countries of the Eastern Hemisphere. Has a pungent taste. The problem of taste is solved by adding third-party ingredients - honey, cinnamon, ginger, fruits, etc. After drinking "colorless" it is customary to have a snack, and some even drink it with juice, sparkling water, in rare cases, beer.


Strong alcohol, similar to vodka in the way of preparation. The only difference is the mandatory addition of herbal spices. But over time, the culture of drinking this drink began to disappear. This is due to the fact that bartenders have chosen it. Now, few people can imagine this drink without a tonic.


Low alcohol drink. It was invented by the Slavs to quench their thirst on hot days. Each Slavic people has a special recipe for making kvass.


Strong alcohol made from special types of grapes. For drinking, special glasses are used, narrowed upwards. This shape contributes to a high concentration of alcohol vapor in the upper part.


Sweet alcoholic drink. It was invented by alchemists as a result of attempts to find the elixir of life. They drink mostly with tea or coffee. Often used by confectioners to create sweet masterpieces.


One of the most famous cocktails. It is obtained by mixing gin and vermouth. This American drink is traditionally served in a cone-shaped glass with one or more olives.


This is a low alcohol drink. There are over 1000 varieties of beer from around the world. Europeans consume the most beer. Every nation has its own way of using it. So, for example, residents of the Far East drink beer with crayfish.

An open letter from a reader! Pulled the family out of the hole! I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after we got married. First, a little bit, go to the bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to come back every day very drunk, rude, drinking away his salary. It really got scary the first time I pushed. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so on in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and ... beatings. And in the mornings, apologies. Whatever we tried, we even coded. Not to mention conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, but not my husband). After coding, I didn’t drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, they began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, he stayed at work (as he said) and dragged himself on his eyebrows in the evening. I still remember my tears that night. I realized that there is no hope. And about two or two and a half months later, I came across an alcotoxin on the Internet. At that time, I had already completely given up, my daughter left us altogether, began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and description. And, not particularly hoping, I bought it - there is nothing to lose at all. And what do you think?! I began to add drops to my husband in the morning in tea, he did not notice. Three days later he came home on time. Sober!!! A week later, he began to look more decent, his health improved. Well, then I confessed to him that I was slipping the drops. He reacted adequately to a sober head. As a result, I drank a course of alkotoxins, and for six months now I didn’t have to drink alcohol, I was promoted at work, my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I found out about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Save families and even lives! Read about the remedy for alcoholism.


A strong liquor made from molasses or cane sugar. Dark rum is consumed without mixing, and is eaten with orange and cinnamon. Light varieties are used in their business by bartenders.


A strong drink obtained from the juice of the blue agave. Produced only in 5 Mexican states.


Sparkling wine produced in the Champagne region of France. There is an interesting fact about our "Soviet champagne". French winemakers, having learned about this name of the Soviet drink, decided to sue the manufacturer, since champagne is produced strictly in the Champagne region. Nothing is known about the outcome of the case. About serving the drink, we can say that it is always served chilled in glasses of various shapes.

The most expensive liquor - in ascending order

Some manufacturers have so perfected the skill of creating a particular alcoholic drink that they are forgiven for indecently high prices for products. But when buying such alcohol, a person understands that he gave preference to quality and impeccable taste. But not always the high cost is due to the drink itself - sometimes other factors also play a role.

Beer Vielle Bon Secours

For this beer you will pay $ 1000 for a 12-liter bottle. The drink is served only in one place on the planet - in the London pub Bierdrome.

Sherry Massandra

Estimated at $43,500 per bottle. This type of alcohol does not have a special taste, the cost increases due to the age of the drink.

Rum Wray&Nephew

The cost is $53,000 per bottle. The cost of this alcohol has increased due to several factors:

  • at the moment there are only 4 unopened bottles in the world;
  • the recipe is completely lost;
  • the last release of rum was in 1940.

Wine Chateau Lafite

Connoisseurs will have to pay $90,000 for a bottle of this fine wine. It has been aged since 1787, which causes a high cost.

Tequila Ley. 925

The cost is $225,000. You will pay this amount not for the alcohol itself, but for a bottle decorated with chic platinum and high-grade gold.

Champagne Piper-Heidsieck

The cost is $280,000. The price of champagne has risen due to its history. He was raised from a sunken ship in 1998.

Vodka Diva

The cost is 1.61 million dollars. The bottle is decorated with many precious stones, and the vodka itself is filtered with Scandinavian birch charcoal and diamonds.

Cognac Henri IV Dudognon Heritage

The cost is 1.9 million dollars. Gold and platinum of the highest standard adorn the bottle, and the cognac itself was aged in a barrel for about a century.

Whiskey Isabella's Islay

The cost is 6.2 million dollars. Again, the price rises due to the vessel in which the whiskey is poured. The container is made of crystal and decorated with a huge amount of diamonds and rubies.

Liqueur D'Amalfi Limoncello Supreme

The cost is 43.6 million dollars. There are only 4 diamonds on the bottle, but what kind - 3 of 12 carats and 1 of 18.5 carats.

Ordinary people drink alcohol cheaper. And in order to understand it, it is advisable to study the recommendations for choosing drinks.

Each type of alcohol has its own rules, but there are a few general ones:

  1. Always pay attention to the price. Good alcohol cannot cost 40 rubles per bottle.
  2. Look at the label: it should be free of bubbles, well glued. This rule applies mainly to strong drinks.
  3. Never buy wine in paper bags, as this means that the manufacturer has tried to save as much as possible on you.
  4. Do not buy beer in plastic packaging. Many types of plastic, when interacting with ethanol, form new harmful substances.
  5. Buy alcohol only in a verified place.


There are many types of alcoholic beverages. It is impossible to try all of them, but there is an option to choose something most suitable for yourself. Or maybe you set out to try one of the most expensive alcoholic drinks.
