
How many degrees to pour into an oak barrel. How does a simple moonshine in an oak barrel turn into a noble drink? Requirements for moonshine before pouring

Being engaged in moonshine brewing at home, you are guaranteed to pay attention to oak containers, which can not only guarantee decent storage of your alcohol, but also provide the product with new interesting organoleptic properties.

Further in the article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with how to cook moonshine in a barrel, based on its strength and other interesting nuances. You will also get acquainted with the fundamental principles of selecting and preparing containers for operation.

Did you know? Since 2002, brew moonshine on the territory Russian Federation allowed only for subsequent personal consumption.

Deciding to enrich the structure of your homemade alcohol from potatoes, buckwheat or any other ingredients, you will definitely pay attention to the process of aging the product in a wooden barrel.

With its help, you can achieve non-trivial organoleptic indicators in almost any alcohol. It is enough just to choose the right container and responsibly treat the procedure for its preparation. At the same time, not wanting to miscalculate with the choice of a keg, try to pay attention to the following significant points:

  • Manufacturer. The purchase of a container should be carried out only in specialized stores, where the client can be provided with certificates of quality and guarantees for the product. In no case do not purchase containers from your hands, since you do not know for sure how many times it was used by the former owner and what kind of alcohol was poured into it.
  • Volume. Do not neglect this parameter, as various inconveniences may subsequently arise. To store the same moonshine from wine in an apartment, small containers with a volume of 2-10 liters are perfect. If you have a whole house at your disposal, then you can purchase a larger container. It should also be remembered that the volume of the container directly affects the rate of maturation of the product. The smaller the product, the faster drink acquires balanced and elegant organoleptic characteristics.
  • The degree of roasting of wood. Having decided to store - moonshine from potatoes - in an oak container, be sure to take a look at the degree of roasting of the inner walls of the product. It can affect the color, smell and, of course, the taste of the finished product. In total, today there are three degrees of roasting: light, medium and strong.

How to properly prepare an oak barrel for moonshine infusion

Having chosen a suitable barrel for aging your alcohol, take your time, be sure to pay attention to the principles of proper preparation of the product for operation. That is, the choice of containers was only the first step.

Next, you need to learn how to soak an oak barrel for moonshine so that later in the process of using it, tannins that can kill the best tasting colors of alcohol do not penetrate into the drink. The preparation of containers involves the following procedures:

  1. Preparation of an oak barrel for moonshine begins with the fact that you need to pour water into the container room temperature, filling it on 9/10. Next, close the container and leave it filled for 2-3 hours. During this time, systematically check the product for leakage. At the same time, the rivets must be soaked, but there should not be any liquid under the container.
  2. After the expiration date, replace the water with a new one and leave it in this form for several days. This process will then need to be repeated again.
  3. Long exposure of water will cause it to change color to brown. You will need to drain this liquid and then fill the container with boiling water by 1/3. Once you've done that, start spinning the barrel to wash away the rest of the tannins from the walls. You need to do this for 5-10 minutes. Then leave the product for 30-40 minutes alone. As soon as the required time has passed, add water to the top and close the product with a cork. In this form, the product should stand for at least a month.
  4. As soon as the 30-day period comes to an end, drain the water and fill the container halfway with a hot soda solution in the proportion of 20 g per 1 liter of water. Shake the container with light movements and drain the solution.
  5. Rinse the vessel from the remnants of the solution and fill the container with boiling water for 20 minutes. Next, drain the water and fill it with cold water instead. Leave everything like this for 24 hours.
  6. Drain all liquid from the container and let it dry. After complete drying, you can start infusing moonshine by pouring primary distillate with a strength of 20-30 degrees into the container. The first aging of light alcohol should be carried out for no more than 2-3 months, then more resourceful products can be poured into containers.

Did you know? Moonshine still allows you to make better strong alcohol than the one you can buy in the store, but at the same time, home production is always an experiment, which can often lead to an unpleasant result.

What strength of moonshine should be poured into an oak barrel

To decide what exactly should be the degree measure of alcohol poured into an oak barrel, you must initially set a clear goal, namely, decide for yourself what product you want to get.

For example, to ready-made alcohol acquired characteristics, the strength of the initial distillate should be approximately 45 degrees. Of particular importance is the place where you subsequently place your keg.

In a dry, dark room, an oak container will increase the strength of the drink. That is, by pouring 45% alcohol, after aging you can get alcohol with a 65-degree strength. At the same time, in damp rooms, the strength of alcohol during exposure decreases by about 10 degrees.

How long to keep moonshine in an oak barrel

Infusion of moonshine in an oak barrel at home is a complex and very interesting process that does not tolerate negligence. At the same time, you should understand that this strong alcohol should not be kept for too long, as it can seriously change its taste, and not for the better.

The standard period for aging homemade distillate in oak barrels is considered to be a period of 3 to 10 months. Remarkable is the fact that each drink has its own special relationship to aging.

To get "scotch" you will need to age the product for 6-10 months. It can take only 2-3 months to make, and it will be ready in about 4-6 months.

How many times can you use an oak barrel for moonshine

The service life of a standard quality container is at least 10-15 years. Throughout this period, strong alcohol can be stored in the container.

Moreover, the more often you change the fluid in the tank, the faster it wears out. On average, one barrel is enough to age 5-7 batches of alcohol. Alcohol tends to evaporate and strongly dry the walls of the product in which it is stored.

And this can lead to damage. Therefore, after 5-7 aging, professionals recommend completely disassembling the casks and re-firing them from the inside. After this process, the quality of aging the drink in an oak barrel, of course, drops, but the product lasts much longer this way.

To protect your container from premature internal destruction as much as possible, do not neglect the simple generally accepted rules for operating the product. Fill the container with liquid at least 9/10 and every month try to add a little fresh distillate to it. Also, after completely draining the liquid, let the barrel dry normally. Do not speed up this process artificially.

Did you know? Do not confuse moonshine with sivukha! The latter is an unrefined product that should not be consumed.

Enjoy unique flavors

A properly selected and responsibly prepared oak barrel for moonshine will allow you to create unique alcoholic products again and again, with which you will subsequently delight both yourself and all invited guests. Using the recommendations outlined in the article, you are guaranteed to improve your skills in the production of alcohol.

Go to the nearest special shop or a workshop for a quality natural oak keg that will provide you necessary conditions extracts of finished alcohol.

Sooner or later, distillers think about the aging of their drinks. The main attribute of this technological process are oak barrels. But how to choose a barrel, prepare it and what conditions must be met in order to get a noble aged distillate?

We will deal with these and other questions in this article. Let's start with the fundamental - the composition and properties of oak barrels.

Composition and properties of oak barrels

Different types of trees can serve as material for the manufacture of barrels: oak, cedar, chestnut, mahogany, etc. But it is oak, due to its unique properties, is the most common and used.

Oak wood has:

  • low content of resinous substances
  • increased density
  • high strength

There are many varieties of oak, but not all are suitable for aging drinks. There are mainly 3 types in production:

1. Rock oak

One of the most common. Most often found in France, Hungary and the Caucasus.

2. White oak

Its most prominent representative is American oak. Because of his chemical composition mostly used for whiskey aging.

3. Pedunculate oak

It grows in the west of Europe, most of all in Spain and Portugal. Used to age wines.

It is believed that French and American oak barrels are the best for aging strong alcoholic beverages. But time does not stand still and woodworkers from every corner of the planet strive to make barrels best quality. Behind Lately barrels made of Caucasian, Belarusian and Hungarian oak have proven themselves well.

To understand the significance of using one or another type of oak in the process of aging drinks, it is necessary to have an idea about the chemical composition of the tree itself.

In the table, consider the chemical composition of oak wood (in terms of dry matter):

Table #1

wood component

% by weight of dry oak

Propertiesgiven to drink


The main material of the barrel, practically does not participate in the formation of the taste of the drink.


Consists of residues of simple sugars, which are destroyed during roasting. Gives sweetness and caramel tones upon aging.

Reacts with alcohol. When aged, it gives light notes of vanilla and spices.

Tannins and phenolic substances

Form a bouquet of the drink. During aging, tannins and phenolics oxidize and add subtle flavors to the drink. At great content in the taste of the finished product, a pronounced woody taste is observed.

Resinous substances

They protect the structure of the barrel and influence the organoleptic quality of the drink. They give a woody taste and aroma. At in large numbers negative tones appear in the organoleptic of the drink.

The composition of the wood will depend on the place of growth and the age of the tree used.

For example, American oak contains: up to 50% cellulose and about 32% lignin. Whereas its counterpart French oak contains: 40-45% cellulose and about 25% lignin. Belarusian and Caucasian oaks: about 50% cellulose and 12-20 lignin.

In addition, the substances contained in oak are divided into easily and hardly soluble in alcohol. Moreover, the number of easily soluble compounds increases with the age of the oak. It is for this reason that it is recommended to use oak at least 40 years old to create barrels.

Processes that occur during aging in a barrel

After the young distillate enters the barrel, its composition begins to change rapidly. Physical and chemical processes take place.

Physical changes:

1. Shrinkage or volume reduction

Evaporation of alcohols occurs through the pores of the wood. Their rate of evaporation will depend on:

  • wood properties
  • evaporation surfaces
  • external conditions (temperature and humidity)

2. Fortress downgrade

It is not difficult to guess that during evaporation there is a change in the strength of the drink. On average, the loss of alcohol per year is from 0.7 to 5.5% vol. Evaporation will mainly depend on the properties of the drums, but the humidity of the environment is also an important factor.

The physical laws of diffusion describe the transfer of matter or energy from an area with a high concentration of components to an area with a low concentration. According to these laws, in very humid rooms, alcohol evaporates much faster than water. Consequently, the fortress decreases more significantly than in dry rooms. The decrease in the alcohol content of the drink in the barrel is directly proportional to the degree of humidity. Therefore, the higher the humidity in the room, the stronger the evaporation of alcohol through the pores of the barrel.

3. Extraction

Alcohol, as a good solvent, draws various compounds out of the barrel. Further, they undergo chemical changes and give rise to the taste of the aged drink.

Chemical changes:

1. Oxidation

Thanks to the pores of the barrel, oxygen is actively in contact with the chemical compounds of the distillate. In this case, new compounds are formed that improve the profile of the drink. For example, acetal and ethyl acetate.

2. Complex reactions of the formation of substances under the influence of temperature and oxygen

As a result of all the complex transformations during the aging process, the transparent product poured into the barrel acquires the color, taste and aroma of a noble drink.

We examined what barrels are made of and what processes take place during aging, now it is important to talk about creating right conditions to mature the distillate.

The quality of the finished product will largely depend on the course of physical and chemical processes during aging. They, in turn, depend on external conditions created by us.

Impact of external factors

There are 3 main parameters that affect the aged drink:

  • temperature regime
  • humidity
  • air circulation

Their value will vary depending on the drink poured into the barrel.

Table No. 2 shows the indicators of the main parameters.

Table number 2

With regards to air, it must freely enter and circulate into the room.

Barrel selection

The preliminary stage of aging the drink is the choice of the same barrel. A well-chosen barrel, of course, does not guarantee a 100% guarantee of success for a distiller, but a significant step towards creating a high-quality noble drink will definitely be taken.

Let's go straight to the selection. For structuredness and clarity, we denote the steps to choosing a barrel with points:

1. Determining the type of oak

The first step is to find out what kind of oak the barrel is made of. Most often on Russian market Barrels made of Belarusian and Caucasian sessile oak are presented. These barrels are quite good and durable. Of course, you can complicate your task and look for American or French oak barrels, but the game is not worth the candle. Their cost is higher and usually such barrels are made with a volume of 10 liters or more. But the choice is naturally yours.

2. Barrel firing

Barrels of small volumes are often not fired, such barrels are suitable for the maturation of wines. For aging strong drinks, medium or strong roasting is needed.

3. Availability of shut-off valves

It is desirable that the barrel has a tap for the convenience of draining the contents. The valve material must be made from of stainless steel or oak. Any other material is not suitable for long-term contact with the distillate and will add negative touches to the organoleptic.

4. Barrel waxing

The barrel must be waxed, i.e. waxed. This stage of barrel production protects it from drying out, external factors and prolongs its service life. At the same time, waxing does not interfere with gas exchange during aging.

5. Barrel size

The volume of barrels for aging drinks varies from 2 to 5000 liters. The larger the volume, the longer the ripening process takes.

For home use used barrels with a volume of 2 to 50 liters. The optimal size is considered to be a volume of 5-10 liters. They are easiest to fill with distillate, and they do not take up much space. For commercial purposes, the volume of barrels varies from 50 liters.

These simple rules will help to cope with the choice of high-quality and reliable barrels for your drink. Depending on the chosen barrel, indescribable aromas will be revealed in the aged drink. Basically, it is nutmeg, vanilla, flowers and fruits. The taste from the degree of exposure will acquire a pleasant, enveloping, woody viscosity and piquancy.

Barrel preparation for aging

The organoleptic characteristics (taste, color, aroma) of an aged drink are influenced not only by the tannins and resins contained in the wood of the barrel, but also by the firing process used after assembly.

If you do not prepare the barrel before aging, then the drink acquires:

  • unpleasant stiffness
  • overly woody and even earthy aftertaste
  • dark color
  • colloidal opacities

As you already understood, it is impossible to do without preparing the barrel before aging.

Barrel preparation algorithm

  1. Pour the purchased barrel with warm water (t=20-25℃) by 80-90% of the volume. Water must be clean and drinkable.
  2. Leave for 2-3 hours.
  3. Check for cracks. If there are no damages and obvious leaks on the barrel, then leave it for a day.

    During this time, the water will begin to draw tannins from the wood and prepare the barrel for aging the drink. Do not be alarmed until the barrel has absorbed water into the wood, it can dig. Therefore, water must be brought to the required volume (80-90%). At the same time, the barrel should never leak. This speaks of its poor quality production. Such a barrel is not suitable for use.

  4. The operation with a bay for a day and a drain is repeated until the water stops changing color when draining. The speed of this process will depend on the degree of roasting of the barrel.
  5. After the water stops changing color when drained, the barrel must be steamed. This operation is carried out to get rid of extraneous microflora of wood. Steaming is carried out hot water(t=80-90℃) at the rate of 20% of the volume of the barrel. After pouring hot water for steaming, they begin to roll the barrel to distribute hot water over the entire surface of the barrel.
  6. At the end of the procedures done, the barrel is ready for use.

Despite its simplicity, the barrel preparation algorithm is a very important step before aging. Its observance will certainly bear fruit and significantly improve the organoleptic quality of the drink.

Before the end of the article, I would like to give you a few more recommendations:

Remember that the secret of success in obtaining a noble drink depends only on you. It lies in the correct selection of barrels and compliance with all conditions of maturation.

Try, experiment and then a worthy result will always be on your side!

Despite the fact that oak barrels are considered the most suitable, durable and reliable containers, they cannot be used immediately after purchase. If you received a non-new product, you should conduct an external inspection, which should reveal important defects. Particular attention should be paid to the hoops. If they are not located where they should be, they must be knocked out. This preparation of the barrel involves the use of special heels and a hammer.

Preparing a newoak barrelfor the preparation of whiskey and cognac is an important step towards obtaining high-quality drinks. A fresh product contains a lot of tannins, especially in riveting. To eliminate them, soaking is carried out. Otherwise, the wine or distillate will be spoiled, acquire an excessively tart taste. And no one wants to transfer a large batch of raw materials and waste a lot of time!

High-quality preparation of an oak barrel for moonshine allows you to get rid of another problem - cracks. They are not a marriage, these are natural small gaps that are inherent in any new container. Therefore, both a large barrel and a small jug need steaming and rinsing, which boils down to spilling the container with water. This helps the wood to swell, cracks and gaps are eliminated naturally. Further, during aging and storage of wine / cognac / moonshine, the optimum level of humidity will be maintained without human intervention.

Preparing a barrel for cognac: the steaming stage

Many unknowingly make the same mistake - they pour water to the brim, i.e. A 50-liter container is filled with 50 liters of water. Proper steaming begins with the use of a small amount of boiling water. So, for every 10 liters of volume, 1-2 liters of boiling water are taken.
After pouring, it is necessary to carefully roll the barrel or shake it (in the case of a small jug) until the steam stops rising. This indicates the absorption of water by the wood. This preparation of an oak barrel must be repeated several times. Those. You have to heat the water, pour it in, wait until the water cools down, pour it out - and so on in a circle 3-4 times.

Preparing a barrel for cognac: soaking stage

After steaming, it is necessary to soak the new product well. On the one hand, this allows it to be saturated with the necessary moisture, and on the other hand, it allows you to eliminate unnecessary tannins. Initially, the container is filled cold water. It should be changed every day, the procedure is carried out until the liquid stops staining. Some experts advise preparing oak barrels and jugs for use using warm water. This will speed up the release of tannins.

After that, rinse alcohol solution 20%, and it is better to leave it for 5 weeks in a container. For such purposes, it is worth using a well-purified distillate after double distillation diluted with water. low quality raw material or industrial alcohol may adversely affect the quality of future drinks. After all, the preparation of an oak barrel for moonshine, cognac and other drinks is carried out in order to cleanse it, and not to contaminate it with fusel impurities! If not enough alcohol water, you can rinse with a solution of baking soda. At the same time, only 2 grams are taken per 1 liter of water. soda, and the container is filled with only 1/3 of the volume.

During the soaking process, the container may leak, which is normal. This does not mean that you have purchased a defective item. Microcracks after swelling of the wood are stopped by themselves, and you get a high-quality and well-prepared barrel. After the above procedures, the container is rinsed again with boiling water. But even after that, you can’t immediately pour drinks into it. Surfaces, both internal and external, should dry slightly naturally.

In order for the further operation of the oak barrel to be correct, all alcoholic beverages must be made on the basis of clean water. IN tap water before filtration contains a lot of chlorine and heavy metals that can settle on the walls. Therefore, both steaming and steeping should ideally be done using pure spring or filtered water.

Preparing an oak barrel for moonshine: eliminating defects

The new product may have too large gaps. Also, a leak can be the result of improper preparation of an oak barrel. If the container began to leak after pouring moonshine or cognac, you should not wait for a natural decrease in gaps as a result of swelling of the wood. In order not to lose valuable product, it is worth immediately pouring it into another container.

At the next stage, the defective place should be dried; a household hair dryer is also suitable for such purposes. But the air should not be too hot, so keep the device at a distance of 30-40 cm. Then the area of ​​​​the leak must be treated with wax, which is sold in beekeeping departments. It is worth smearing the surface several times, after each, waiting until the beeswax dries. Immediately before the procedure, the product should be heated in a water bath so that it melts well, but boiling should not be allowed. It is most convenient to apply wax with an artistic brush with natural bristles. Careful preparation of an oak barrel for use is carried out according to this scheme only 1 time. But during operation, it is equally important to properly care for the wood and maintain its properties.

Empty barrel storage

Moving, transportation, simple packaging - all this means that an oak barrel will stand for some time without an alcoholic drink. So that it does not lose its qualities, you should properly store an empty container from natural wood. In order not to prepare the barrel for cognac every time, after draining the residues, it must be filled with clean water to ¼ volume. A jug or barrel must be rolled with liquid so that the walls are well washed. After the water is drained, and the procedure is repeated 3-4 times. It is very important to achieve purity of water, i.e. it should stop staining, which indicates a high-quality washing of the container.

The next step is to pour hot water into the barrel and add baking soda. The proportions are shown above. Then you need to roll the barrel, rinse again with cold water and leave to dry. Dryor the barrel needs to be wrapped in a woven fabric and placed in a dark place until use.

Before long-term storage, experts advise fumigating the container with sulfur. This will prevent the appearance of insects and the growth of fungi, harmful microorganisms. But for prevention, in any case, the barrel is stored in a dry, cool room, where high-quality ventilation is organized. If it was not possible to avoid drying out of the wood, it is worth filling the container with cool water.

What you need to know about depleting an oak barrel?

Everyone knows that with each new aging of young alcohol in a wooden container, more and more time is required for "work". The process of transferring valuable components to the drink is significantly slowed down. But how many cycles can 1 good container withstand?

A noticeable difference in infusion time can be felt after the third time. Repeated use does not affect the strength characteristics in any way. A barrel can serve as a vessel for homemade alcoholic beverages for a very long time. It should be borne in mind that the inner surface of the rivets becomes thinner over time, so if you purchased a non-new product, you must carefully check it before use. SpecialistsAlkopribor companyrecommends not to hastily part with a barrel that has passed 6-7 exposure cycles. This capacity is optimal for infusing alcohols on oak chips, which you can buy in our online store.

If you do not know how long wines and spirits should be aged, you should stick to special rules. So, to obtain Calvados and cognac, moonshine should be infused for 3 to 6 months at a concentration of 5-30 g. oak chips for 1 dm 3. If you intend to make red wine (fortified, table or dessert - it does not matter), the drink must be infused in a barrel for at least 6 days, with a maximum period of 1 month. In this case, chips should be taken at the rate of 1 gr. for 1 dm 3. For white table wines you will need least amount chips - from 0.3 gr. up to 1 gr. to the above volume. At the same time, homemade drinks are aged for 1-2 weeks.

Storage conditions for home-made drinks in barrels

If you have correctly prepared an oak barrel for moonshine or cognac, wine or calvados, you should not let the aging process take its course. For such a noble container, you should choose cool rooms with moderate humidity, of course, the presence of heat sources near the container is excluded. Even if this is a basement, air circulation must be ensured, while it is worth protecting homemade drinks from drafts.

"Angel's Share" is essential in home storage drinks. This concept refers to evaporation. The loss of 5-10% of alcohols within 12 months is considered normal. Thus, if you put 50 liters of cognac, after 1 year there may be 45 liters in the barrel, and this is normal. But if you leave the barrel in a dry room, for example, in an apartment, then losses over the same period can reach 70%. The rate of evaporation largely depends on the area of ​​the liquid. In a small container (barrels, jugs) less is lost in volume, but the aging of alcohols proceeds more slowly.

Optimum indicators of air humidity are considered from 80% to 85%. In this case, the temperature in the room should be no more than 17°C, but not less than 10°C. In order not to waste time on experiments, it is better to listen to the advice of professionals. It is known that cognac matures better and better at 16°C. But for wine and drinks of a small strength, it is worth maintaining the temperature at around 12 ° C. It is not difficult to organize such conditions if you consider ventilation, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and use a standard household thermometer for control. At lower temperatures, maturation is inhibited, and higher rates increase the intensity of evaporation. To maintain humidity, you can install several containers of water in the immediate vicinity of the keg.

Is it really impossible to use an oak barrel in an apartment? Can. In order for the drinks to be of high quality, and the container not to deteriorate, certain nuances must be taken into account. AND proper preparation oak barrels for use in the apartment is one of them. A pre-steamed and soaked barrel should be coated with a thin layer of beeswax. The bottom and chimes are also processed. It is worth leaving only a couple of rivets in the lower part waxed, because. gas exchange is still required. Following simple recommendations, You can use the barrel in any home, and at the same time you will receive the highest quality drinks.

How to improve the taste homemade moonshine? There are many ways to do this. But to obtain a high-quality, elite drink with high aromatic and taste properties, moonshine should be aged in oak barrels, where it will become even stronger and more aromatic. Moonshine in an oak barrel is saturated with oxygen, tannin, lignins and acquires the taste of an expensive, strong drink.

However, if you pour alcohol immediately into a new wooden container, you can throw it away without aging and trying. The fact is that the wood of a new barrel contains a lot of tannins - tannins. They pass from the boards into the drink and make it unbearably bitter. Therefore, before pouring moonshine, the container should be pre-prepared.

There are the following stages of preparation:

  1. Pour clean water (preferably artesian) into a new container by 90% of the total volume. Water is taken at room temperature (17-18⁰С). Close tightly and leave for 2-3 hours.
  2. After the water settles, inspect the barrel. During this time, the wood will swell and block possible leaks. Drain the water.
  3. Now fill the container with water completely. If smudges remain, periodically add water until the leak stops. Let the barrel rest for 2-3 days. Then pour out the water, which will become dark in color. Pour a new portion of clean water to the top and let stand for another day.
  4. Drain the water and pour boiling water into the container, filling the third part of the volume. Plug the hole and, shaking and turning the barrel, thoroughly rinse the inside. Then leave for half an hour and add water (not boiling water) to the very top, close tightly, leave for a day.
  5. Drain the water and fill the container with a new one. Continue the process, each time letting the barrel filled with water stand for a day, and then drain the old water and collect new water until it is clean and tasteless.
  6. Tune in to the fact that this process will take you about a month.
  7. After the water becomes clear, fill the container halfway with hot (80⁰С) water and dissolve in it baking soda based on the proportion: for 1 liter of water - 20 grams of soda. Vigorously shaking the container for 10 minutes, achieve that soda solution well rinsed the inside. Then drain.
  8. Now remove the remaining soda by filling the barrel with hot water to the very maximum. Let stand for half an hour and pour. After that, you need to pour cold water into the barrel and leave for 12 hours, then pour it out.
  9. Dry the container well and pour moonshine into it. But for starters, it’s better to put a 30-degree drink there and stand for a couple of months.
  10. Then drain it, rinse the container and place there what will be stored in it for a long time. And the drained liquid can be drunk, observing the measure.

How to store the drink?

Do not forget that in an oak barrel - a process that requires attention and control. Moonshine (like other liquids) evaporates. Moreover, the volume of dishes can be any, but one liter will still evaporate in a year. Therefore, consider how much drink you will store, and how long this process will take. Otherwise, all efforts may end up with a dry, empty container.

The longer the exposure, the higher the strength. But for this you need to comply with the storage conditions:

  • 80% air humidity in the room where the container is kept;
  • constant temperature within 14-16⁰С.

During storage, it is not forbidden, even encouraged, to periodically try the drink, determining the strength and taste. In this regard, there are no specific criteria. If you like the taste of the drink, then you can pour it into sealed container. In general, moonshine in an oak barrel can be stored from 5 months to three or more years.

What moonshine can be poured into barrels?

This question can be answered simply: good. First of all, it must have minimum content fusel oils. The best drink is made from cereals (wheat, rye, barley, corn) or fruits. flooding strong moonshine(40-45⁰С), remember that its strength during storage for up to three years in a dry room can rise to 60⁰С. If the air in the room is humid, then it is better to pour a high-grade drink into an oak barrel, since the fortress in this case may fall by 15-20%.

Product infusion

Aging moonshine in an oak barrel requires a constant filling of the container by 90%, so keep an eye on the volume of contents and, if necessary, top up.

Oxidizing, moonshine acquires a yellowish color, its taste changes, it becomes softer. In no case do not allow contact with direct sunlight and substances with a pungent odor (braga, fresh moonshine).

The process of dressing and infusion of the product is carried out in different rooms. It is also not recommended to move the barrel during tincture. The best combination is silence, peace, darkness and control. Place of storage - cellar or basement. Then, regardless of the fortress, moonshine will be mild in taste and will give pleasure when consumed.

Storage of empty containers

With such difficulty, prepared containers are not suitable for throwing away after a single use. Having poured moonshine into a sealed container, the oak barrel must be prepared for reuse. To do this, it is properly washed.

The process is similar to the one described above, but takes much less time. First, rinse the container with cold water 3-4 times. Pour water up to a quarter of the barrel and roll it on its side. You can just shake or twist. The main thing is to thoroughly rinse the walls and bottom.

After that, a hot solution of soda is poured, the remnants of which are washed off with cold water. Dry the barrel, preferably in the sun. Then you should wrap it with a cloth and send it to a dark place with good air circulation. In a wooden container that is not sufficiently dried or placed in a damp place, mold appears or a fungus starts.

The main condition for a good end result is attention, diligence and thoroughness at all stages of preparation, storage and aging of both containers and moonshine.

The article was prepared based on materials: the book "Fundamentals of Whiskey Technology" Makarov S.Yu. and forum discussions

One of the main differences between the technology of distilled drinks (whiskey, cognac, Calvados, etc.) from our classic moonshine is a long-term aging in barrels. Barrels can be made from various types of wood, both deciduous and coniferous. However, as it was found over time, almost all types of wood either have a negative impact on the quality of whiskey, enriching it with undesirable components, or are unsuitable for long-term storage liquids due to decay. Only oak wood has high strength and fewer resins compared to other woods and does not produce unnecessarily strong off-flavours.

In general, buying a barrel is no less difficult a question than choosing moonshine still. All the factors influencing the final choice cannot be listed. Everyone has their own. I spontaneously bought my first oak barrel. The second and third have already bought consciously. I chose them based on the following parameters:


How many liters of barrel do I need? Take a small one - it will end quickly. At the same time, the exposure period will not allow you to quickly fill the need for a drink. If you take a large one - can you fill it so as not to keep it half-empty or, God forbid, completely empty? A balanced assessment is needed between the amount of moonshine produced and disposed of.

Note (source of information - a post on the forum )

According to experts, the quality of the drink also depends on the volume and shape of the barrel: alcohol in small barrels with a larger specific surface matures much faster than in large ones, but the latter give a higher degree of oxidation of whiskey. All over the world, for the standard of 1 year of aging of an alcoholic beverage, its aging for exactly 12 months in a 200-liter barrel is accepted. Aging in barrels of other sizes differs in time. Without going into details why, I simply give the table itself, which indicates the volume of the barrel and how many days a 12-month aging of the product is achieved in a reference, 200 liter barrel:
1 liter - 58 days
2 liters - 80 days
3 liters - 90 days
5 liters - 105 days
10 liters - 134 days
20 liters - 173 days
200 liters - 365 days

Was sawn or split oak used in the production of staves?

In the manufacture of oak barrels for manufacturers alcoholic products the chipped oak technology is used. It is more expensive, but allows you to get better quality barrels. For home distillers there are barrels made using the "sawn oak" technology. They are cheaper but lower quality. This is exactly what I bought the first time.

With or without a faucet?

I prefer no faucet. Extra hole through which leaks are possible. Although for decorative use it is more beautiful of course with a tap. How to drain the finished product without a tap? I use a hose.

Where to buy?

But in any case, do not rely on the price. Buy only on the recommendation of users who are not interested in selling. Ask a question where it is better to buy in any group about moonshine in the social network.

Preparing the Barrel for Operation

A new oak barrel must be prepared before use. When making the barrel, no glue or nails are used. The barrel consists only of oak staves, which are very carefully selected in size and held by metal hoops.

There may be natural gaps between oak staves, invisible to the human eye, but essential for the liquid that can flow through these gaps. Therefore, the cask retting procedure is the process of eliminating small gaps between oak staves to make the cask airtight.

The soaking process is as follows: pour the full volume into the barrel plain water, it is necessary to change the water every 2-3 days so that it does not "stumble". You need to do this until the oak barrel stops flowing. At the beginning of the soaking, the water will be dark brown - this is the result of the extraction of tannins. Their concentration must be reduced until the water in the barrel becomes clear. The dark brown water at the beginning of the soak is a natural dye. Therefore, it is not recommended to carry out the soaking process in expensive bathtubs, which can be stained with tannin.

As a rule, the complete elimination of leaks occurs within 2-3 weeks, but this process can take up to 4 weeks. After the oak barrel stops flowing, and the water in it becomes clear - oak product ready for your first use.

The theory of aging in oak barrels

Creating barrels

For the manufacture of barrels, wood is selected between the core and sapwood of trees, devoid of large knots and graininess. Oak for the manufacture of staves is not sawn, but split along the wood fibers to ensure greater strength and water resistance, and then planed by hand or on machines into even boards (staves). The output of split riveting from the business part of the oak does not exceed 18-22%. Rivets are laid out on outdoors, where they are aged (ripen) in stacks, depending on the climate, for 1.5 to 3 years (in France - up to 5) without sheds to dry out and eliminate the undesirable bitter taste of raw wood and muffle "oak" tones. After the expiration of the exposure, the rivets are finally given the desired curved shape of the side surfaces by cutting along the patterns. The skeleton of the barrel is assembled with a fan on one end working hoop. Further, to ensure better flexibility of the staves, the wood is subjected to heating (burning) with periodic surface moistening. The degree of burning depends on the time of contact with fire, which can vary from light to strong. Despite the differences in barrel preparation technology, and, as a result, different organoleptics of the future drink, the main goals achieved after roasting are approximately the same:

    degradation of wood polymers to obtain aromatic compounds;

    destruction of unpleasant resinous compounds found in the tree;

    charring wood and creating a layer of pure carbon on the surface.

Under the action of fire, the wood changes its structure, the sugars contained in it are caramelized, some aromatic components are released, which will appear in the drink with hints of vanilla, coffee, toast, spices. The content of furan aldehydes in the wood, mainly furfural, phenoaldehydes (vanillin, syrinaldehyde), (3-methyl-y-octalactone) increases. Ready barrel re-fired, which gives the drinks in it a characteristic aroma of fresh bread crust, caramel, roasted almonds. Roasting significantly accelerates the maturation process of whiskey and, although the total amount of extracted tannins is reduced, higher quality alcohols are obtained as a result of enrichment with the decay components of wood substances.

Variety and quality of oak affect the organoleptic quality of the final product. therefore, trees no younger than 40 years old are used. For exposure the best varieties selected trunks having an age of 100 to 200 years.

The substances that make up the wood enrich the bouquet of the drink, it becomes complex:

Two types of lactones are responsible for the oaky and coconut flavors in aged beer, which are released when the wood is dried;

Vanillin is obtained by roasting a barrel, but high temperatures can reduce its level;

Thanks to guaiacol, formed during the breakdown of lignin under the influence of fire, the drink acquires a smoky flavor;

If spicy, clove notes are felt, then this is the influence of volatile phenol-eugenol. It is released during the drying of wood, but decreases from firing;

Furfural appears during the dehydration of hemicellulose pentosaccharides at high temperature and gives the drink shades of creamy toffee, almonds, fresh bread

In general, the analysis of oak wood by gas chromatography methods gives about 100 chemical components.

There are about 300 types of oak in the world, but only three of them are suitable for cooperage:

Rock Oak (Quercus sesstiis)

Pedunculate oak (Quercus peduncolator)

North American white oak (Quercus alba)

On a note

French oak is currently considered the best. Its wood is not only very fragrant, but the very subtlety of its aromas is considered unsurpassed. However, this wood is the most expensive on the market.

Slavonian oak is exclusively a variety (Quercus peduncolator). The structure of its fibers is somewhat coarser than that of the French. The main suppliers of these breeds are Hungary, Romania, Ukraine and Russia.

Wood american oak has a significantly higher hardness. Most of the oak used to age whiskey these days comes from the USA.

The barrel consists of a round, somewhat convex in the middle of the core and two flat bottoms - end walls. The skeleton and donya are assembled from separate planks. The skeleton of the barrel is pulled together with galvanized steel hoops, which achieves strength and tightness, glue or nails are not used, as they will affect the taste of the drink. The donas are firmly held in the body of the barrel with their beveled edges on both sides, which enter the grooved grooves on the inner surface of the body, called chimes. The middle, most convex part of the skeleton is called a bunch. The diameter in the bunch is the diameter of the largest section of the barrel.

Service life of an oak barrel

Barrels in the course of their operation take an active part in the formation of consumer properties of drinks, and, therefore, grow old and after a certain period, become unsuitable for further work, "die". The aging of oak barrels has not yet been studied, however, qualitative changes consist in the washing out of individual chemical components and a change in the porous structure of the stave, the inner surface is noticeably destroyed.

Barrel upgrade

Multiple reuse barrels for infusion due to depletion of extractives give an unsatisfactory result, so they can be regenerated. Barrels are cleaned from the inside with metal brushes or mechanical devices, and then re-charred with gas burners. At the same time, changes of lignin and polysaccharides similar to the first firing take place. However, other components of the wood may not be regenerated at the same time, so a drink aged in such barrels will vary greatly in quality and most of whiskey matured in such barrels is used only for blending.

Existing styles of aging in oak barrels

With the exception of whiskey made in the US and Canada, very few whiskeys are put into new barrels. Most barrels have previously held other spirits or wines. According to some winemakers, whiskey matures best in used barrels, their first aging removes the most obvious "woody" flavor from the wood, while adding its own desired flavors of strong drink or wine. Other experts, on the contrary, argue that new charred barrels give the drink a better bouquet and accelerate maturation. In any case, it is obvious that the choice of barrel is determined by food traditions country of origin, style, from which the following can be distinguished.

Scottish-Irish style.

Whiskey is aged in oak barrels up to 700 liters (usually 180-500) for at least 3 years. Infusion is done in used bourbon (charred) or sherry casks. Oak stocks in these countries are very limited, so initially this was done to reduce the cost of purchases, since barrels are not reused in the USA (bourbon) and Spain (sherry). However, it turned out that such barrels give whiskey a new quality, and marketers included used barrels in the whiskey legend created in those years. The most suitable are Spanish sherry casks. Filmy sherry yeast "yog" (Saccharomyces ellipsoideous), living on the surface of the wine, not only absorbs the sharpest part of the extractive substances of the oak, but also add other wine oxidation products, which are then transferred to the whiskey. Since sherry casks are in short supply, American white oak casks, previously containing bourbon, are used.

American style.

Aging only in new heavily charred oak barrels. According to one of the legends, such barrels began to be used when, after a fire in one of the warehouses, whiskey had to be kept in partially burnt barrels, this improved the quality of the drink so much that the next time they began to burn them from the inside on purpose. According to another version, fish barrels were used, which were subjected to deep roasting to get rid of fishy smell. The barrels were stuffed with straw and set on fire, which deodorized them and killed most of the microorganisms on the walls. Be that as it may, a deeper roasting of the barrels allows you to somewhat speed up the maturation of the drink, strengthens the walls, protecting them from decay, and disinfects the surface layers inoculated with microorganisms during the maturation of the stave. Whiskeys are obtained with a sweetish aftertaste and a beautiful golden color, the specific corn smell disappears. After the drink has matured, barrels are not used again in the USA, but are sold to the countries of the Old World and Canada.


For aging, oak barrels are used, both new and from bourbon, sherry, fortified wines. The volume of barrels is up to 680 liters. The holding period is at least three years. Three-year aging became mandatory only from 1974, and before that, according to the law of 1890, whiskey was aged for at least two years.

Processes that occur during aging in a barrel

Unaged whiskey contains more than a thousand different components in its bouquet, and, as a rule, has mediocre organoleptic properties. It is during aging in oak barrels that whiskey reaches its final bouquet, this is the longest operation, so aging can be considered the main operation in which alcohol with low organoleptic properties becomes whiskey, which at the same time acquires characteristic color and flavor properties, darkens, the taste becomes softer, additional aromas appear. Despite the fact that many reactions that take place during aging in oak barrels have already been described, there is still no complete understanding of the chemical and physical processes that occur during this, and, perhaps, the only way to assess the quality of aging remains organoleptic.

Changes in the organoleptic properties of the drink

During aging, reactions take place that form new aromas, and vice versa, remove other chemical compounds. In any case, during the exposure, the flavor and aroma characteristics of the product should improve. By "mature" aromas, they mean vanilla, spicy, floral, woody and soft. To "rough", "immature" include sour, grassy, ​​oily and sulphurous odors. The degree and rate of change in organoleptic properties during aging depends on the type of barrels. Clyne J. (1993) showed that filtering whiskey through charcoal before aging enhances the intensity of such "mature" characteristics as "softness", "vanilla" and "sweetness", and reduces the intensity of "immature" ("sharpness", "acidity" and "oiliness"), and vice versa, the use of already used barrels reduces the intensity of the characteristics of "maturity" and increases the intensity of "immature" properties.

Changes in chemical composition during aging

From a chemical point of view, for the separation of volatile compounds from the mash, the distillation process is decisive, and aging in barrels mainly affects the content of non-volatile compounds. However, some volatile compounds undergo significant changes during aging, which are associated with the type of barrels. During aging, color, pH, total solids, acids, esters and sugars change, and the combination of all of the above components affects the taste and aroma of the final product.

During maturation, a lot of different reactions take place simultaneously, the products of which, in turn, react with each other, however, they can be conditionally divided as follows:

1) direct extraction of soluble wood compounds;

2) decomposition of wood substances such as lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose with the formation of soluble substances that can be extracted with a water-alcohol solution;

3) chemical interaction of wood substances with distillate substances;

4) reactions in which only soluble substances of wood participate;

5) reactions in which only distillate substances participate;

6) evaporation of volatile substances of the distillate, both through the layer of wood and through the micro-leaks of the staves;

7) the formation of stable hydrates of ethanol and water, as well as hydrates of other substances in the distillate.

1. Direct extraction of soluble wood compounds.

In the wood of barrels, the main types are formed as a result of the splitting of polymeric compounds of wood (lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose), both directly in the thickness of the staves, and after their extraction with a water-alcohol solution. Oak wood consists of 45% cellulose, 15% hemicellulose, 30% lignin and 10% extractable fractions (essential oils, volatile and non-volatile acids, sugars, sterols, tannins, dyes and inorganic compounds). Despite the relatively small amount of extractable fractions, they have a major impact on the aged drink, and their composition depends on the type of wood, on the pre-treatment and on how many times the barrel has already been used for aging drinks. In general, more is extracted from European oak wood tannins and less - lactones and scopoletin than from the American one, but this alone cannot explain the differences in the organoleptic properties of whiskey when aged in certain barrels. Such differences are only partially related to the wood of the barrels - they are also influenced by different barrel manufacturing technologies.

Barrel roasting, which is so widespread in the USA, is one of the reasons for the specific aroma of bourbon (a rich creamy-floral bouquet that combines aromas of toffee, chocolate, vanilla, honeysuckle and anise, a grain taste with tones of candied fruits, nutmeg and spices). During pyrolysis of the inner surface of barrels under the influence of fire, a layer of coal is formed and the release of lactones, coloring and phenolic extracts from oak wood increases significantly. The main factor in increasing the content of phenol extract is the decomposition of lignin to aromatic compounds - vanillin, lilac, coniferous and mustard aldehydes. During exposure, these compounds are extracted with alcohol, and further decomposition of lignin occurs under the action of oxidation and hydrolysis. With repeated use of barrels, the content of the extract decreases each time. With a decrease in the content of the extract, the development of such properties inherent in ripened drinks as “softness”, “vanilla” and “sweetness” is also reduced, as well as the degree of suppression of “unaged” properties - “soapiness”, “oiliness” and “sulphuriness”. Naturally, there comes a time when the barrel exhausts its ability to improve the organoleptic properties of the drink and it is recognized as "exhausted resource".

2. The decomposition of wood substances with the formation of soluble substances, extractable with a water-alcohol solution.

Among the substances extracted from wood, in most tannins, lignin, reducing sugars are presented, and to a lesser extent - amino acids, lipids, volatile acids and oils, resins, and enzymes. At the first stage, the extraction of the most easily extracted tannins and their intensive oxidation, hydrolysis of hemicelluloses and the appearance of xylose, arabinose and glucose, and the formation of furfural take place. At the next stage, the extraction of tannins weakens, but their further oxidation occurs.

3. Chemical interaction of wood substances with distillate substances.

The maturation and aging of alcohol is accompanied not only by the extraction of oak components and their chemical transformation under the influence of oxygen, but also by the interaction of these compounds with each other and alcohol. Usually these are esterification reactions, but theoretically they can also include oxidation and acetylation reactions. During aging, due to the esterification of free acids with ethyl alcohol, the concentration of esters increases. Lignin and the products of its transformations play a decisive role in the formation of the taste and aromatic characteristics of the drink. In the process of long-term storage of alcohol in oak containers, oak wood is ethanolized and the alcohol is enriched with ethanol-lignin. Alcoholic acids, the content of which somewhat increases with the exposure of alcohol, enhance the ethanolization of lignin. Ethanol-lignin serves as a source of formation of coniferyl and synapic alcohol, which, under the action of oxygen, turns into coniferyl and synapic aldehydes, respectively. Further oxidation of these substances leads to the formation of vanillin, lilac aldehyde and other whiskey components that have a specific pleasant aroma and participating in the addition of its high organoleptic properties.

4. Reactions in which only soluble substances of wood are involved.

As a result of the oxidation of the polymer compounds of wood and whiskey, the taste of the resulting drink improves. Thus, during the oxidation of tannins, the taste softens, the roughness and sharpness in the taste ("oak tones") disappear, as a result of the oxidation of oak wood lignin, aromatic aldehydes, acids, which mainly determine the organoleptic properties of the alcoholic beverage, are formed and extracted into the aged drink. . During the oxidation of carbohydrates, compounds of the furan series (furfural and its derivatives) are released into the solution, which also determine the taste and aroma of the resulting drink. The formation of molactones, which are also aroma-forming compounds, is associated with the oxidation of wood lipids; it is also likely that these compounds can be formed during the oxidation of fusel oils and aliphatic acids. Oak wood contains quite a lot of tannins (about 1% in American white oak and 8% in Spanish or French), which are the most extractable substance. There are also lignins, vanillin and wood sugars, which caramelize when the barrel is fired, giving the contents, in addition to color, sweet taste and aroma. Oak enriches the drink with hemicellulose, tannins, lignins, polyphenols, colorants and aromatic organic acids (wine and spirits aged in new oak barrels are especially characterized by the smell of vanilla).

5. Reactions in which only distillate substances participate.

Changes in distillate properties during aging can be caused by loss or suppression of aromatics due to evaporation of low boiling point compounds through the wood, adsorption to the surface of the barrel, or a chemical reaction resulting in a reduction in the whiskey's volatile content, or a change in its organoleptic properties.

Chemical reactions that affect the change in the content of components in the distillate include oxidation and acetylation reactions. Examples of the former are the formation of acetaldehyde from ethyl alcohol and acetic acid, as well as the formation of dimethyl sulfoxide from dimethyl sulfide. Aging oxidation reactions are enhanced in the presence of wood extracts, especially vicinal hydroxyphenols, which, along with trace amounts of copper from the distillation apparatus, act as catalysts.

6. Evaporation of volatile substances of the distillate, both through the layer of wood and through the micro-leaks of the staves.

The most intense change in the chemical composition of whiskey occurs in the first year of aging. The content of titratable and non-volatile acids, extract and tannin increases especially rapidly. The content of aldehydes and fururol in the first year remains practically unchanged, and then the rate of their formation increases. The amount of esters increases uniformly throughout the entire shelf life. The content of higher alcohols slightly increases. Color and extract increase almost evenly. In general, the concentration of most volatiles is increased by the evaporation of alcohol and water during storage (natural "concentration"). But the sharp increase in esters and aldehydes occurs due to other reactions.

Oak wood belongs to colloidal capillary-porous bodies, in which the movement of liquid is caused not only by diffusion-osmotic (impregnation), but also by capillary forces. During aging, the strength of alcohols changes and the volume of the drink decreases due to evaporation through the pores of the barrels.

7. Formation of stable hydrates of ethanol and water, as well as hydrates of other distillate substances.

Whiskeys are composed primarily of ethyl alcohol and water, and the compounds involved in the formation of aroma are present in very small quantities. More D.I. Mendeleev showed that ethanol and water at different ratios do not form a homogeneous mixture, at high concentrations there is an excess of free alcohol molecules, low - water. Only at low concentrations of ethyl alcohol (less than 17% vol.), when combined with water, does it completely form hydrates. This aggregation of ethanol molecules increases the solubility of hydrophobic aromatic compounds, which in turn affects their release into the headspace of the beverage.

The influence of various factors on the characteristics of the drink during aging

The properties of the barrels for infusion have the greatest influence on the properties of the drink, however, storage conditions, infusion time, and so on also play a certain role.

New burnt barrels.

Aging in new casks imparts intense color and flavor, often completely masking the original distillate bouquet. Aromas described during tasting: wood, vanilla, coconut, resinous, pine, cedar.

Sherry casks.

They give the whiskey typical aromas of sherry: a combination of vanilla, fruity and sweet aromas. Despite the mild mode of heat treatment, alcohol, maturing in such barrels, gives a fairly intense color and aroma.

Bourbon barrels.

Characterized by a dry, earthy, fragrant and vanilla aroma. Quite well changes the properties of the distillate compared to sherry casks.

used barrels.

The repeated use of barrels leads to a decrease in alcohol-extractable compounds, the maturity of the drink comes later, and the ability to mask soapy, fatty and sulfuric aromas is reduced. All compounds extracted from wood with alcohol are preserved, but at a much lower level, their ratio may also change. The evaporation process takes precedence, which inevitably affects the mature whiskey. If bourbon or sherry were previously infused in barrels, their influence on the drink's bouquet is almost imperceptible.

Reclaimed barrels.

Used barrels are restored for subsequent aging by scraping off the old charred layer and re-firing. Regeneration does not completely restore all components of the wood, however extractables levels are higher than in used bourbon or sherry casks. During firing, pyrolysis products of lignin and wood polysaccharides reappear. On the other hand, the tannins and lactones of the oak, extracted by the previous infusion, can no longer be extracted, although they are present in a small amount. The ability to mask unpleasant aromas and tastes of whiskey is also restored.

Barrel sizes.

Barrel sizes vary from 500 liters (bottles) to 191 (standard American) or even 45 liters (octaves). In accordance with the legislation of most countries, their capacity cannot exceed 700 liters. The shape of the barrel may differ from the traditional "barrel-shaped", for example, Spanish port wines are cigar-shaped. The smaller the barrel, the greater its ratio of internal surface area to volume, in connection with which the extraction of compounds from wood is faster, but at the same time, ethyl alcohol and water evaporate faster. If we compare barrels from the same wood and the same "history", then in smaller barrels the degree of extraction of wood components will be higher, and whiskey aging will require less time.

holding time

is an important factor in the maturation of the drink. It is not uncommon to mature within ten to twenty years. It is rather difficult to identify any clear patterns in the change in the quality of the drink due to the many factors that affect whiskey, the processes practically cannot be modeled in the laboratory. The change in color during the first and second filling occurs, as a rule, during the first six to twelve months, after which the rate of pigment extraction decreases, but does not become zero. In used barrels, this effect is not so pronounced and the color increases throughout the exposure. In the latter case, an increase in the aging period undoubtedly affects the appearance of mature flavors of the drink. Of course, aging in used barrels takes longer, due to the reduction in extractables, which explains the three-year period for Scotch and Irish whiskey(actually much more) versus two years for American and Canadian ones aged in new barrels. have been empirically determined optimal timing aging of wines and spirits in different climatic conditions. Thus, tequila producers came to the conclusion that aging in barrels for more than 7-8 years is meaningless - firstly, a significant part of the volume is lost, and secondly, woody tones begin to dominate in the drink. Therefore, rums and tequilas - drinks from countries with a hot and dry climate - are rarely aged in barrels for more than 10 years. In cool and rainy Ireland, Scotland and France, whiskeys and cognacs can live in barrels for 20, 30 and even 60 years, but those specimens that have benefited from such longevity are the exception rather than the rule. Usually very old spirits as a result of prolonged contact with a barrel completely lose their individual characteristics, turning into an alcohol extract of oak wood. Therefore, throughout the maturation, samples are taken from the barrels for tasting in order to exclude the possibility of “over-ripening” of the whiskey.

Initial strength of raw whiskey.

Distillates are poured into barrels at a strength of 57 to 70% vol. ( American whiskey- up to 62.5% vol.) for malt whiskey and up to 80% vol. for grain. The fortress directly affects the character of the future drink. Low - promotes the preferential extraction of water-soluble compounds, such as hydrolyzed polyphenolic substances, glycerol and sugars. High alcohol content removes alcohol-soluble substances such as lactones, which later create problems during filtration, reducing the content of coloring pigments, solids and volatile acids. The optimal strength for the extraction of solids is 60% vol., but this does not mean the best organoleptic characteristics of the drink. When choosing a fortress, one has to take into account the climatic conditions of storage, what process takes place: strengthening or reducing the alcohol content. American practitioners, for example, consider concentrations up to 50% by volume to be the most favorable, as this not only speeds up the whiskey maturation process, but also minimizes evaporation losses.

Rooms for storing whiskey on maturation.

The distillate loses alcohol, volatiles and water. These unavoidable losses are called the "angels' share", they range from 1.5 to 7% of the total volume of distillate per year, depending on the storage conditions, although the evaporation process slows down somewhat over time. Losses of volatile substances are also different in geographic zones: in countries with a dry and hot climate (Mexico, USA) they can be large, in England with its cool and humid climate they decrease. The rate of liquid volume reduction depends on many factors: the type of oak from which the barrel is made, what kind of drink was previously in it or the barrel was new, the size of the barrel, the number of times this barrel was used to age whiskey (usually a barrel is used to age whiskey not more than three times), alcohol strength, temperature and humidity in the storage, and their differences depending on the geographical location.

Depending on the outside temperature and humidity, both a decrease in the strength of the distillate and its increase can occur, due to the predominant evaporation of not alcohol, but water. It is believed that if the relative humidity is below 70%, then the rate of evaporation of water exceeds the rate of evaporation of alcohol. At humidity levels above 70%, the predominant evaporation of alcohol will take place. At 70% - the evaporation rates of water and alcohol are equal, in this case, a decrease in the volume of the drink is observed without a decrease in strength. Of great importance in increasing losses is also played by air exchange in storage: in well-ventilated rooms or when holding under sheds, losses are higher. Evaporation through leaks in barrel staves should also be taken into account. Of course, the temperature in warehouses is of great importance, accelerating not only evaporation, but also all chemical reactions. The higher temperature allows faster extraction of barrel substances and general term drink maturation. Ripening at high temperatures, accelerating the rate of diffusion processes, gives whiskey darker, sweeter, but with big amount impurities and less pleasant than at low temperature.

In general, the influence of parameters such as temperature, humidity, ventilation rate and barrel pressure on the quality of whiskey is not exactly known. Therefore, there are no scientifically based recommendations for the design of storage facilities, their designs are developed mainly on the basis of traditions and experience.
