
Amaranth seed flour benefits. Amaranth flour: benefits and harms, how to take? Amaranth flour recipes

Some people have not heard of the existence of amaranth flour. The product contains a rich composition beneficial trace elements. Amaranth is a plant that began to be mastered back in ancient Rus'. IN modern world The product is widely used in medicine and cooking. In the vastness of our homeland, amaranth is known as amaranth. After heat treatment, amaranth flour is often added to sports nutrition cocktails for best effect and absorption of micronutrients.

What is amaranth flour

  1. The bulk composition is made from amaranth seeds, the latter outwardly very similar to poppy seeds. The difference is that the grains of amaranth are lighter in color.
  2. In production, the seeds are ground into powder, the output is a yellowish composition with a peculiar aroma. The undoubted advantage of the product can be considered that it does not contain gluten.
  3. Our ancestors quite often added amaranth grains to various dishes. Products with plant seeds gained useful qualities that improve overall health.
  4. It is known that amaranth prolongs life, once the plant was banned from growing in Rus'. Currently, the product is in great demand and popularity.
  5. Therefore, you can easily purchase amaranth flour. Unfortunately, the plant is not cultivated in the fields of Russia, the product is supplied from abroad.

Composition of amaranth flour

Amaranth flour useful for the body, it is practically harmless. The main thing is not to abuse the product. The plant is rich

  • phospholipids;
  • amino acids;
  • squalene;
  • antioxidants;
  • choline;
  • fiber;
  • Omega-B acids;
  • a group of vitamins B;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • selenium;
  • vitamins E, PP, A, C.

The benefits of amaranth flour

  1. Amino acids. Due to the incalculable amount of lysine and amino acids in amaranth, the human body regular use product produces a strong immune system. It actively prevents serious viral diseases. Great content in flour, natural protein helps the heart muscle to renew tissues at the cellular level. The trace element is actively involved in hematopoiesis, normalizes the production of enzymes and regulates the balance of hormonal levels.
  2. Lysine. Amaranth contains a truly unique enzyme - lysine. When digesting various products trace element helps to absorb calcium. If we compare the usual wheat flour and amaranth powder, the latter has many times more iron and fiber. It is known that amaranth grains contain 2 times more calcium than fresh milk.
  3. Squalene Thanks to this substance, all aging processes slow down in the body. The trace element is actively involved in the formation of new cells and the renewal of the body as a whole.

If you systematically use amaranth flour, the body will soon get rid of harmful cholesterol and toxins. It also normalizes metabolism. In addition to all of the above, amaranth flour helps:

  • remove old slags;
  • treat and prevent diabetes;
  • improve blood vessels;
  • stabilize blood pressure;
  • strengthen protective shell organism;
  • resist the formation of tumors;
  • rejuvenate tissues;
  • smooth out scars;
  • quickly heal abrasions;
  • fight ulcers, colitis, cirrhosis, constipation, gastritis, varicose veins, angina pectoris;
  • replenish anemia;
  • heal urogenital ailments in women;
  • fight skin diseases.

Amaranth flour during lactation and pregnancy

  1. Experts recommend including amaranth flour for girls who are carrying a fetus or are on breastfeeding. The product is rich in vitamin E and many other beneficial trace elements.
  2. Nutritionists and gynecologists strongly advise to regularly consume amaranth flour, it is in such periods that the body needs natural ingredients, which will help to cope with stress and beriberi.
  3. The systematic use of flour in short time will help you get used to or recover during the period of feeding or bearing a baby. Amaranth flour contributes to the proper development of the fetus and warns the body against pathologies.
  4. For girls who are in position, it is enough to eat various dishes with the addition of amaranth flour, as a result, you and your baby will not have health problems.
  5. Pregnant women are advised to use pastries based on amaranth flour. The product contains a large number of tryptophan, an enzyme actively involved in the breakdown of protein and its absorption.
  6. As described earlier, amaranth helps to form new blood cells. A woman in a difficult period normalizes hormonal background. The product acts as an antidepressant.
  7. The composition of amaranth grains is very similar to mother's milk. During breastfeeding, experts recommend eating foods with the addition of amaranth. The composition will help better production of milk, improve its taste.

Amaranth flour for weight loss

  1. If you adhere to any diet, amaranth flour in the diet will not become superfluous. Due to the high protein content, muscle tissue is strengthened, fat layers are burned.
  2. Due to the healing composition of amaranth, the skin after losing weight is not prone to sagging. Amaranth flour with systematic use has an amazing result. The skin comes into proper tone and is visibly tightened.
  3. Amaranth flour has a saturation effect. You fully receive all the necessary trace elements, while the usual portion of food is noticeably reduced. The harm of amaranth is practically excluded, due to the high content of fiber in the grains, the product is vital for a person.
  4. With regular use of amaranth flour, the body is cleansed of toxic substances. The product launches and normalizes all metabolic processes. The result is natural combustion. extra pounds without damage to health. The recommended dose of flour should not exceed 270 gr. per day.

The subtleties of using amaranth flour

  1. The product can be added to various dishes in pure form or in conjunction with wheat flour. Approximate proportions are 3 to 1. Amaranth flour is more sticky, and the product is also less high-calorie compared to the wheat composition.
  2. If you bake various dishes based on amaranth flour, the products are lush with a pronounced nutty flavor. The advantage of such products is that they do not get stale for a long time.
  3. Often, amaranth flour is added in its pure form to first courses, sauces, and dairy products. In this case, you do not have to bother with baking. Shiritsu is used as a basis for baby food.
  4. Amaranth flour is included in the daily diet of people suffering from individual gluten intolerance. Loose composition is actively used by athletes, it is added to cocktails. As a result muscle mass develops faster, increases endurance.
  5. Before using amaranth flour, it is worth remembering that the substance is not recommended to be consumed raw. The product is subjected to heat treatment. Amaranth flour should be simmered in the oven at 110 degrees for about 10 minutes.

  1. In its raw state, the product contains nitrates and oxalates. Such enzymes have a toxic effect on the body. For this simple reason, flour must be heat treated. At high temperature in the composition of the product all break down harmful components while beneficial enzymes are preserved.
  2. It is forbidden to use amaranth flour for people who suffer from pathology of the kidneys and stomach. The product contains a large amount oxalic acid.
  3. From an unusual aroma, some people develop individual intolerance. After a test of flour, the body may not respond correctly to the new composition.
  4. If you have any chronic ailments, it is strictly forbidden to use amaranth flour. New Product can adversely affect health and exacerbate the course of the disease.
  5. Most often, contraindications occur when the product is consumed raw. Such food slows down metabolic processes in the body, useful substances are slowly absorbed.
  6. In some cases, amaranth can cause allergies, it is worth considering that the phenomenon is rare. Use the composition with caution if you have cholecystitis, pancreatitis, kidney and gallbladder disease. Amaranth flour can provoke a body reaction in the form of loose stools, heartburn, nausea, and malaise.

Do not rush to purchase large volumes of amaranth flour, start with a pack of 200 grams. After you are convinced that the product is completely suitable for you, buy more. Buy flour with a window on the package, in this case you can clearly see the structure of the substance. The pack should be made of paper materials; in polyethylene, amaranth becomes rancid. If possible, purchase flour in a ziplock bag. In this case, the product will last longer.

The benefits of amaranth flour are undeniable. The composition is actively used by athletes, pregnant and lactating girls. Contraindications include individual intolerance to the product. Start taking with small portions, add bulk composition to familiar dishes.

Video: amaranth flour - benefits and harms


Diets and healthy eating 04.08.2017

Dear readers, today we will talk about amaranth flour. Have you heard of her? If not, then I recommend that you pay attention to it. IN Lately diabetics, nutritionists, doctors, people leading a healthy lifestyle show interest in this flour. It will help diversify and enrich the diet of adults and children. And it is very beneficial for our health.

Amaranth grains are a real healing gift, the most striking example of food that has medicinal properties. Amaranth is an annual plant native to the South American continent, in our area it is known under the names velvet and amaranth. Once in its homeland, amaranth was almost the main product in the diet of Indian tribes. In our country, until recently, the plant was considered a weed or in best case decorative inhabitant of flower beds - for their unusual beautiful inflorescences. Now there are about a hundred different varieties amaranth, food and fodder, which are grown on all continents.

Amaranth began to arouse great interest only at the end of the twentieth century. It turned out that it has a great nutritional value, unique composition and a set of useful medicinal properties. You can read about it in the article.

It is not eaten raw. Unless someone may like amaranth leaves in a salad. Inflorescences, leaves and roots are used for medicinal products- infusions, etc. Oil, flour and cereals are made from the seeds of the plant.

The seeds are used to produce flour, which is no less useful than butter. fresh product, like oil, has a pleasant nutty smell. Let's see what are the benefits and harms of amaranth flour, how best to use it.

Amaranth flour. Composition and calories

Beautiful and unusual amaranth is just a storehouse useful substances, and they are also found in amaranth oil and flour. The composition of amaranth flour is valuable and unique:

  • amino acids, including essential ones;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acid, including Omega-6;
  • cellulose;
  • a complex of vitamins - A, B1, B2, B4, C, D, E;
  • minerals - copper, iron, phosphorus, calcium, etc.;
  • antioxidants, including the powerful natural antioxidant squalene;
  • phytosterols;
  • phospholipids;
  • flavonoids - quercetin, rutoside.

Studies have shown that the proteins that make up amaranth flour are ideal for the human body. They are rich in lysine, methionine, tryptophan - essential amino acids that our body needs for the protection and healthy functioning of many organs and systems. In terms of the content of lysine and methionine, amaranth flour is ahead of wheat flour, it also contains more copper, potassium and iron.

Another important point- amaranth flour does not contain gluten. Many people are allergic to this protein. This product compares favorably with wheat and rye flour.

Caloric content of skimmed flour is up to 300 kcal/100 g. With the usual fat content - about 460 kcal.

Useful properties of amaranth flour

Amaranth flour contains many biologically active and nutrients. It will enrich the diet, suitable for some diets, well complement vegetarian cuisine. Is not medicine in its pure form, but the constant use of amaranth flour will be a good help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Amaranth flour has a whole spectrum useful action on the body:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • antiviral;
  • bactericidal;
  • antifungal;
  • wound healing;
  • antitumor.

The benefits of amaranth flour

Let us consider in more detail what are the benefits of amaranth flour for our health.

For the heart and blood vessels

Amaranth flour is good for the heart and blood vessels. It is used for prevention and treatment along with medical means. It lowers cholesterol levels, helps with hypertension, improves vascular elasticity, and normalizes blood clotting.

With anemia

With amaranth flour we get copper, iron, lysine and vitamins. This makes it useful in anemia. It also promotes the production of hemoglobin.

For digestion and liver

Amaranth flour is good for the stomach and intestines. It improves digestion, relieves inflammation, supports microflora. rich in fiber, it helps with constipation, helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from accumulated toxins. It can also help prevent inflammation in the liver and gallbladder. The choline contained in it is useful for normal bile secretion. Recommend amaranth flour for gastritis, colitis, ulcers, cirrhosis.

For diabetes

Recent studies have shown that amaranth flour lowers sugar levels. Together with amaranth oil, it began to be used to prevent diabetes. In addition, flour normalizes insulin levels.

With obesity

Amaranth flour is useful for obesity. The fiber in its composition slows down the absorption of fats. Phytosterols and squalene perform a regulatory function in relation to fat metabolism. Flour prevents excess cholesterol from accumulating if there is a lot of fat in the diet. Experts say that this is not a remedy for fast weight loss but a way to control weight.

For allergies

Japanese scientists have proven the usefulness of amaranth flour for allergies. The fact is that amaranth seeds strengthen the immune system well.

To cleanse the body

Flour from amaranth seeds is rich in antioxidants, therefore it helps to cleanse the body, remove toxins, toxins, radionuclides and salts of heavy metals.

For oncological diseases

The composition of amaranth flour contains squalene and vitamins C and E. Their action is associated with stimulating the immune system and destroying carcinogens in the body. Squalene, the most valuable element in its composition, is especially effective against tumors. Amaranth flour is useful for bowel cancer and skin cancer. It can be taken daily by patients during chemotherapy.

For skin health

Amaranth flour will also be useful for the skin. If you include this product in your diet, it will help heal wounds, restore skin, and eliminate bacteria and fungi. Ascorbic acid and lysine will improve the production of collagen - the most important protein for the skin. Flour will help with dermatitis, eczema, herpes, burns, wounds.

With osteoporosis and diseases of the bones, joints

Minerals and vitamins in the composition of amaranth flour make it very valuable for bone disease - osteoporosis. Its presence in the diet helps to better absorb calcium from food. Recommend flour for rickets, polyarthritis, rheumatism.

For women's and men's health

Vitamins and phytosterols in amaranth flour are beneficial for the genital area. Men are recommended to take flour for infertility, impotence, prostatitis, women - for gynecological diseases, PMS.

For the nervous system

Amaranth seed flour has a beneficial effect on nervous system. Vitamin B4 is good for the brain, improves its functioning, strengthens memory. Also, amaranth flour will help with migraines, sleep disorders, nervous diseases.

For vision and oral cavity

Vitamin A in flour is good for vision - with cataracts, conjunctivitis. Amaranth flour has good bactericidal and healing properties, it turns out to be useful for stomatitis and periodontitis.

During pregnancy, breastfeeding, for children

The unique composition of amaranth flour, especially rich in vitamin E, useful for the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy. Promotes flour and improved lactation. Minerals and many vitamins in its composition make it useful for babies.

Amaranth flour has a lot of valuable health qualities. It is recommended for high physical activity, for recovery after a long illness or operation.

I suggest watching a video about the benefits and possible harm amaranth flour. Here's what a nutritionist has to say about it.

How to choose and store flour

How to choose high-quality amaranth flour? Her color should be gray, sometimes a little brownish. Freshly ground flour smells slightly of nuts. Differs in small, uniform grinding.

For food, it is better to use defatted flour. It is made on amaranth meal after removing oils from it. If there is no fat, then rancidity will not appear over time. Russian manufacturers do quality flour premium.

To begin with, I recommend buying a small package - 180-200 g. You can evaluate whether this flour is suitable for you to use, how much you like it. Your unobtrusive pleasant aroma she will transfer and dishes.

Paper bags are best for storing it. Store flour tightly closed in a dry place or in the refrigerator. Shelf life - from 6 to 10 months.

Where can you buy amaranth flour? Need to search in shopping malls in the "gluten-free" departments or can be ordered in the online store.

How to take amaranth flour

It is primarily used in baking. To do this, it can be mixed with plain flour from wheat, the recommended ratio of amaranth and wheat flour is 3: 1. Baking from amaranth flour will be fragrant, fluffy, soft. Due to the lower calorie content and its beneficial properties, flour can be nutritional supplement if you are on a diet. Amaranth flour will add variety to vegetarian cuisine, it is good to use it for baby food. It is also perfect for breading.

They make bread, cookies, muffins, pancakes, pancakes, pasta, mayonnaise, yogurts from amaranth flour. Little by little it is added to the most different dishes- cereals, soups, casseroles, etc. You can add it to chopped meat instead of bread.

In pursuit of in a healthy way life, new, healthy foods are gaining popularity. cooking from medicinal herbs, drying and using them in all kinds of dishes allow you to diversify the table for everyone who follows the right diet. One of these products is amaranth flour, the benefits and harms of which are the subject of controversy among well-known nutritionists. Cooking is no longer limited to using only wheat and rye flour, which has a lot of gluten. Amaranth flour is used in a variety of ways, it is good for diet food and even the treatment of ailments. Let's try to figure out what is the peculiarity of this flour and for what purposes it can be used.

Composition and nutritional value of amaranth flour

Amaranth flour is made from the amaranth plant, the oldest cereal crop (rare title- shiritsa), which was the main source of food for 8 thousand years among the ancient Aztecs and Incas. First of all, amaranth grains are valued for their high protein content, which is easily absorbed by the body. The taste and aroma of baking from amaranth flour has the aroma and flavor of nuts.

Amaranth flour has a considerable calorie content per 100 g - 465 Kcal, but fats with such a calorie content are only 3.9 g, and most of them are carbohydrates - 67.8 g. The basis of fat in amaranth grains are fatty acids - linoleic, oleic, linolenic. Due to this balance, using this flour in food there is no danger of losing weight control. 16-20% amaranth flour consists of vegetable protein. To satisfy the daily human need for protein, you need only 100 g of amaranth flour.

Also, this type of flour is rich in essential acids (primarily lysine), pectins, macro- and microelements. The flour contains all the main vitamins of the PP, B, C, E groups, as well as quercetin, rutoside, trefolin (flavonoids), and a considerable amount minerals.

Interesting fact! Amaranth in Greek means "flower of immortality" or "unfading gift". That is why all amaranth products, including flour, are credited with miraculous properties up to rejuvenation and longevity.

Useful properties of amaranth flour

Amaranth flour products have long been appreciated by vegetarians, but recently many adherents have become interested in this product. healthy eating. Nutritional composition amaranth flour makes it truly valuable product nutrition. It has been proven that flour from amaranth grains has a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • regular inclusion of amaranth flour in the menu helps the body keep weight under control;
  • amino acids in the composition of this flour maintain normal cholesterol levels, lowering the level of "bad cholesterol" in the blood;
  • flour from amaranth seeds does not contain gluten, therefore, in people with gluten intolerance, it does not cause allergic reactions and is approved for use;
  • indispensable in osteoporosis - contributes to better assimilation calcium, which comes with food;
  • rich in carbohydrates, amaranth flour normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • the use of flour from the amaranth plant enhances intestinal peristalsis due to plant dietary fibers, improves the digestion process;
  • amaranth flour removes toxins and slags accumulated over the years from the body, being a source of strong natural antioxidants.

This type of flour is useful for people with a weakened immune system, women in the position and lactation period.

About amaranth flour: what is the product

Right choice flour from the amaranth plant is of great importance, because from appearance, color and condition of flour depends on its value as food product. amaranth flour, beneficial features which are undeniable, must have a certain number of signs confirming its high quality:

  • amaranth flour has a gray-brown hue and differs markedly from the usual wheat flour in a visual comparison;
  • amaranth flour can be found on sale only of the highest grade, its grinding is fine and completely homogeneous, without inclusions;
  • amaranth flour has a light, pleasant aroma with a nutty note, which is also felt in ready-made pastries, and in a dry, uncooked product;
  • the texture of amaranth flour is lighter, airy in comparison with cereal flour.

How to choose high-quality amaranth flour

For the first time, you can choose a package with a mass of 200 g. This amount of amaranth flour is enough to evaluate it taste qualities and understand if this product suits your table. Amaranth flour of a domestic manufacturer has proven itself well.

When choosing a package with amaranth flour, take a couple of relevant tips into service:

- pay attention to the packaging - it is desirable that it has an insert window through which you can carefully examine the purchased product;

- flour is well stored in paper packaging, the product in it "breathes" and does not become rancid. For this reason paper bags it is better to prefer bags made of polymeric materials;

great option there will be a zip package for flour, which can be opened and closed many times, while the product is sealed in storage.

The shelf life of amaranth flour is 18 months.

Amaranth flour: use in home baking

Having a congenital allergy to gluten, a person is forced to refuse any baked goods containing flour with gluten. But amaranth flour has a peculiarity - it is gluten-free. Moreover, it contains twice as many essential amino acid lysine than in wheat flour. Do you want to treat yourself to healthy homemade cakes? Amaranth flour cooking recipes are the most affordable, which are easy to correct even for a novice hostess.

Recipe 1. Pancakes on amaranth flour with milk.

Prepare the dough: beat 1-2 eggs with 2 tbsp. sugar, a pinch of salt and 500 ml of milk. 200 g of amaranth flour are gradually added to the whipped mixture, mixed with 1 tsp. baking powder. Added to the dough 1-2 tbsp. any vegetable oil (sunflower, olive) will prevent the dough from sticking to the surface of the pan.

Preparation: we start baking pancakes in a hot frying pan, pouring the dough in portions and frying until golden color. Ready hot pancakes will have an amazing nutty flavor. Serve this healthy treat hot tea can be served without fillers, or sprinkled with honey and sour cream.

Recipe 2. Pancakes from amaranth flour on kefir.

We prepare the dough: in 0.5 l of kefir add 150 g of amaranth flour and 1 egg. Beat thoroughly, add 1 tsp. baking powder (or slaked soda), a pinch of salt and 2-3 tbsp. brown sugar. Brown sugar can be replaced with honey regular sugar, but with brown pancakes are more fragrant and tastier.

Preparation: Spread in portions in a pan with a spoon. Fry pancakes in hot vegetable oil until tender, 1-2 minutes on both sides. fluffy pancakes on amaranth flour are good with jam and condensed milk.

Recipe 3. Sour cream cake on amaranth flour.

Cooking dough: 3 tbsp. mix amaranth flour with 200 g of wheat flour, add 1 tsp. baking powder and 100 g of sugar. In dry ingredients add 130 g of melted butter, 120 g of fresh sour cream (15-20% fat), 2 chicken eggs. Thoroughly mix the dough, one should be moderately liquid, a pleasant brownish tint.

Preparation: sprinkle the dough mold with amaranth flour or grease vegetable oil. Pour the dough into the form, distribute evenly throughout the volume. Bake the cake for 40 minutes, setting the temperature to 180 degrees. You can put the dough both in cold and in hot oven. Ready sour cream cake it turns out moist, similar to the famous brownie cake.

Many, faced with such a product as amaranth flour, have absolutely no idea how to take it. But this type of flour does not differ at all in the way it is used from the flour of other plants and grain crops. Flour can be used for breading, baking, and even almost raw - just adding to morning porridge or scrambled eggs.

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The benefits and harms of amaranth flour are due to the content of trace elements, useful amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, the properties of which are widely known. She recently appeared on store shelves, but has already become popular among those who monitor their health. It is recommended for those who follow a gluten-free diet.

How and from what is amaranth flour made?

It is obtained from a representative of the family of the same name - tailed amaranth. For the first time, as a culture, it began to be cultivated on the North American continent by the ancient people - the Aztecs, who knew about its benefits. Aborigines used amaranth grains, ground them to make bread.

The Europeans called the unfamiliar culture "the wheat of the Aztec people", "the bread of the Incas". Its properties are still the subjects of interest of scientists. Currently, amaranth has spread as a weed throughout Europe and Asia. In Russia, the plant does not ripen, so flour is an imported commodity. Production in industrial scale conducted in North and Central America, India.

Amaranth is a beautifully flowering tall plant with many benefits in its leaves and seeds. Very small flowers are collected in long cherry-colored panicles, picturesquely hanging down. In autumn, seeds are formed in them, which are then used for grinding. Each plant produces over 500,000 grains. True, they are quite small: 2.5 thousand seeds per 1 g.

Composition and calorie content of amaranth flour

Why has it become popular lately, is there any harm from its use? These questions will be answered by comparing the product with its wheat counterpart, from which most are made. bakery products.

Attention! Amaranth products are not cheap, so it is especially important to buy a good quality product.

The composition includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Depending on the quality of flour, proteins are contained in an amount of 9 to 13 g per 100 grams, which is close to that of wheat. But they have a different set of amino acids.

For example, powder from amaranth grains contains 2 times more of such an essential amino acid as lysine than wheat. Lysine is not synthesized human body, but has the ability to participate in the metabolism. Most of amaranth proteins - globulins, albumins, the benefits of which have been proven long ago.

There are a little more carbohydrates in wheat flour, which also indicates the benefits of amaranth flour (the indicator ranges from 61 g to 68 g per 100 g of the substance), calorie content is 344 kcal. And there are 2 times more fat than in the usual one. But they do no harm.

Important! The basis of the fats contained in this substance are mostly unsaturated fatty acids, the beneficial properties of which are known to all. They, in turn, are 10% squalene.

What is useful amaranth flour

The benefits of flour from amaranth seeds are due to the presence of the following useful features:

  1. High content of amino acids, primarily lysine. It, in combination with other amino acids, prevents the formation harmful substances that cause blockage of blood vessels. Lysine is involved in protein synthesis, and since it is not synthesized by the body, its supply must be maintained with food.
  2. Squalene is useful in that it is involved in the regulation of cholesterol levels. Scientists have discovered its ability to protect cells from the effects of toxins that are harmful, poisoning the body.
  3. Amaranth flour can be treated with celiac disease, that is, those who suffer from gluten (gluten) intolerance. It is known to be present in both wheat and rye flour. For patients with such a digestive disorder, gluten causes irreparable harm. This substance does not contain gluten.

The benefits of amaranth flour for the body are due to the high content of trace elements, vitamins and other substances, the properties of which have been proven by scientists and nutritionists.

Amaranth flour during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, it is useful to add it to food due to the increased content of amino acids. They play an important role in the metabolism, formation and development of the fetus.

Useful amaranth flour for children. When breastfeeding, you can eat pastries from this component or add it to vegetable soups, puree, second courses.

The harm from this unique product, as well as an allergy to amaranth flour, has not yet been identified.

Amaranth flour for weight loss

Amaranth flour is recommended on the Dukan diet, it is part of the allowed products. Its usefulness is due high content protein and the complete absence of gluten. That is, it has the properties that are recommended for this diet.

Comment! Baking from this ingredient does not contribute to weight loss, but tends to maintain a stable weight after any diet.

How to use amaranth flour

Not everyone has heard of this useful product so a lot of people don't know how to use it.

Amaranth flour has a bright nutty flavor that is transferred to dishes.

It can be used in its pure form when baking bakery products. This product can be mixed with ordinary flour in a ratio of 1: 1, then baking is soft and fluffy.

It can also be added to sauces.

Is amaranth flour good for diabetes?

Since at diabetes there is a metabolic disorder, first of all, patients are recommended products that have a useful ability to restore this lost property.

Important! Ground amaranth grains will not harm someone who has a metabolic failure, because they do not contain gluten.

The use of amaranth flour in cosmetology

This ingredient is used in the preparation of cosmetics for the face. Masks are useful for those who want to restore the lost youthfulness of the skin.

Amaranth flour face mask:

  • 2 tablespoons of amaranth grain powder;
  • 1 tablespoon of sour cream;
  • 1 drop of vitamin E oil solution.


  1. Mix everything until a homogeneous slurry.
  2. Apply the mass on a cleansed face.
  3. Wash off with cold water after 20 minutes.

This mask is good for restoring aging skin: it will restore freshness to the face and smooth out wrinkles.

What can be cooked from amaranth flour

From this product you can cook:

  • bread;
  • cupcakes;
  • pancakes and pancakes;
  • fruit charlotte;
  • cookie;
  • cake layers;
  • pita.

It will be useful if you add it instead of wheat during the preparation of cheesecakes, casseroles, meatballs, sauces.

Harm of amaranth flour and contraindications

The dietary remedy brings significantly more benefit than harm to the body. But, like any other product, it has contraindications.

In case of diseases of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder, any chronic disease, you should consult your doctor before use.

With hepatosis, amaranth flour should be used with caution.


The benefits and harms of amaranth flour have been scientifically proven and substantiated for many years by its use as food by the inhabitants of India and Mexicans. The uniqueness of the product is confirmed by the presence of amino acids and light polyunsaturated fats which are useful for both young children and the elderly.

Nutritionist talks about the benefits:

If earlier our knowledge about the types of flour was limited to wheat, at best, buckwheat, today the range has greatly expanded. Special attention got hold of types of flour that do not contain gluten.

Protein-rich amaranth flour is gluten-free. And if in Europe they learned about it quite recently, then even in America of the pre-Columbian period it was eaten by the Incas and Aztecs.

The product is obtained by grinding amaranth seeds. The flour has a characteristic dark yellow hue. A very important point that we will focus on here is that it is rich in amino acids (lysine and methionine). And this despite the fact that lysine is very rare in plant products.

A distinctive feature is the high quality of the protein, the concentration of which is approximately 17% of the dry mass. Only 150 g of crushed amaranth seeds can provide 150% of the average recommended daily allowance protein intake for an adult.

The product is also rich in lysine, which helps to absorb calcium from food. There is also quite a lot of calcium itself in such flour: 2 times more than in cow's milk. Compared to wheat flour, amaranth flour has 5 times more iron and 3 times more fiber.

It is worth noting other important components such as fatty acids and tocotrientol (the most active form of vitamin E), potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A and C.

Beneficial features

The unique composition of amaranth flour makes it valuable nutritious food with a wide range of useful properties. But a few of them require a detailed excursion.

For hypersensitivity to gluten

If you are experiencing allergic reactions to foods containing gluten, amaranth seed flour will help minimize the trouble. Her distinguishing feature- extremely low gluten content, which cannot be said about products made from wheat and some other grains.

Susan O'Brien, author of Gluten and Sugar Free Cooking, recommends using pure amaranth flour to thicken sauces and breading. For baking, she suggests making a mixture of various kinds gluten-free flour (for example, from and brown rice) with the addition of 25% amaranth flour.

Antioxidant Properties

A team of Brazilian researchers focused their efforts on evaluating the antioxidant properties of the seeds of the Amaranthus hypochondriacus plant. This is the main species used for the production of amaranth flour.

Testing revealed high levels of naturally occurring phenols and demonstrated the increased antioxidant activity of amaranth seed extract in protecting the liver of laboratory rats from ethanol damage.

Scientists are confident that the amaranth product will act in a similar way in the human body. In the future, this should help in the treatment and prevention of liver disease in alcoholics.

Cancer prevention

The peptide linazine and squalene in amaranth have powerful anti-cancer properties. Squalene, in addition to preventing the development of tumors, is also a chemoprotector (protects healthy cells of the body from the destructive effects of chemotherapy).

Anemia treatment

An easily predictable beneficial property of amaranth flour for a reason high content iron - prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia.

For gastrointestinal disorders

The product contains 8-20% dietary fiber to help treat disorders digestive tract. In addition, the presence of vitamins A and E is useful for the mucous membranes of the intestines, stomach and esophagus.

For weight loss

The high amount of protein and fiber in amaranth flour reduces the calorie content of the food you eat. Phytonutrients and fiber prevent the body from absorbing excess cholesterol along with fatty foods.

The inclusion of amaranth flour in the diet will not help you lose weight quickly, but it will be a good help in the long-term struggle with being overweight.

Normalizes sugar

Research data on the beneficial properties of amaranth and amaranth flour related to the regulation of blood sugar levels are rather contradictory. Some scientific reports suggest that such foods lower blood sugar levels and protect against insulin deficiency, others indicate a high glycemic index(GI) amaranth seed.

At the moment, three scientific tests prove the positive role of this product:

  1. Wheat flour enriched with amaranth helped lower blood glucose levels in volunteers.
  2. Amaranth seeds also correct high blood sugar levels, so they are good for preventing diabetes.
  3. Amaranth supplementation improves blood glucose and lipid metabolism in diabetic rats.

Fights allergies

Japanese scientists drew attention to the ability of amaranth grain extract and other products based on them to fight allergies. In the presence of allergic diseases, it shows a rapid immune response.

Harmful properties and contraindications

Nutritionists warn against eating raw flour as it can interfere with the absorption of nutrients. Therefore, be sure to subject the product to heat treatment before use!

In products from amaranth, traces of oxalates and nitrates of toxic action are sometimes present, however, in the process of preparing them bad influence manages to be neutralized.

Because amaranth flour contains a small amount of oxalic acid, it is contraindicated in those who suffer from kidney disease.

Key beneficial properties of amaranth flour: increased immunity, normalization of blood sugar levels and blood pressure. That's why to eat this product together with the reception medicines a similar action is not recommended.

Application in cooking

In addition to flour itself, which can be used to make bread, crackers, pancakes, cookies and other baked goods, cereals, pilaf, gravy and thick sauces, flakes for muesli and pasta. You can already buy them in health food stores today.

