
Amaranth flour: composition, properties and application features. Application in home beauty recipes

The energy value of amaranth flour is 298 kcal per 100 grams of product. The general nutritional composition of flour is presented in the table.

Such flour is incredibly rich in vegetable proteins: the protein content in the product is several times higher than in ordinary wheat flour. Moreover, amaranth flour does not contain gluten and is perfect for the diet of people suffering from intolerance to this substance - celiac disease. The glycemic index of flour is 35, which means that its use will not lead to a sharp jump in blood glucose, which means it is suitable for people with diabetes.

The list of vitamins and valuable elements contained in ground amaranth grains is indicated in the table.

Substance group
Content per 100 g of product
0.001 mg
Group B
72 mg
4 mg
1.2 mg
0.92 mg
506 mg
160 mg
245 mg
2.85 mg
19 mcg
526 mcg
555 mg
Amino acids
0.745 g
1.05 g
0.790 g
0.181 g
Fatty acid
2.73 g
1.65 g
0.04 g

Useful properties of amaranth flour

There are several reasons why the flour from this seed is so highly valued. Firstly, the presence of a unique active substance in it - squalene. Clinical studies confirm the anticarcinogenic and strengthening effect of this substance on the human body. Once in the blood, squalene improves cellular respiration and accelerates the synthesis of valuable trace elements in organs. Secondly, the essential amino acid lysine in flour has an antiviral and healing effect on possible damage in the body and promotes better protein absorption. The concentration of this amino acid in amaranth is several times higher than in wheat. Thirdly, phospholipids and vitamin E have a powerful antioxidant effect on the systems of internal organs and are responsible for maintaining immunity.


The main contraindications to the use of amaranth flour are cholelithiasis, as well as kidney failure and chronic liver disease.

You should start taking crushed grains little by little: no more than 15-20 grams per day. With a sharp increase in portions, there is a risk of indigestion and the occurrence of allergic reactions.


Currently, everyone can afford to enrich their daily habitual diet with amaranth flour. Its use in cooking will not only make it possible to endow dishes with a pleasant nutty taste and the beneficial properties of amaranth itself, but also prolong the freshness of bread and pastries, preventing them from quickly getting stale. To do this, you don’t even need to completely replace wheat flour with amaranth flour, it will be enough to replace only a third. According to your own desire and taste preferences, you can change the proportion. Also, flour can be added to ready-made cereals, smoothies and mixed with breading for frying meat and fish dishes. There are many recipes using ground amaranth seeds, for example, a recipe for making bread. For homemade fragrant bread, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Wheat or rye flour - 300 grams
  • Amaranth flour - 80-100 grams
  • Dry fiber or - 20 grams
  • Water - 300 ml
  • Unrefined vegetable oil (olive, sesame, linseed) - 4 tablespoons
  • Dry yeast - 3 teaspoons
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon


  1. Mix dry ingredients and prepare yeast in warm water.
  2. Gradually add dry ingredients to water, add yeast and vegetable oil.
  3. Knead the dough, form a ball, place the ball in a deep dish, cover the dish with a damp towel and put it in a warm place for several hours. During this time, the dough should at least double in size.
  4. Put the dough into a mold and bake the bread at a temperature of 200 degrees until a golden brown hard crust forms.

How to choose quality flour

A quality product has a light milky color and a crumbly texture. Lumps and an uneven texture are indicative of excess fat or moisture during storage, which means flour can spoil quickly. The bitter smell also makes it clear that the product is unsuitable. Fresh high-quality flour has a delicate nutty flavor.

At the dawn of mankind, amaranth and its flour were very popular. The ancient Indians were well aware of the unique, healing properties of this plant. Therefore, it was cultivated throughout the Americas, widely used in medicine and cooking. Later, it was undeservedly forgotten, amaranth fields were overgrown with weeds, useful recipes disappeared ...

Today, adherents of a healthy diet have resurrected amaranth. The plant itself, its leaves and stems are not used for food, except for the preparation of medicinal tinctures. Its grains are of nutritional value.

Oil is squeezed out of them, grits and flour are made. It is about the last product that we will talk about. What is so special about amaranth flour, what are the benefits and harms, how to take it and to whom - perhaps in the answers to these questions you will find the key to solving many health problems.

Interesting to know: Amaranth or amaranth also grows in Europe, but it was massively cultivated by the Indians of South America, along with maize. Once Europeans saw a ritual rite in which amaranth powder was mixed with blood. The plant was innocently declared a "devil's seed" and subjected to disgrace, while among the Indians amaranth was called the "gift of the gods."

Today, scientists have studied its properties and called amaranth a product of the 21st century. True, amaranth flour is still much more expensive than wheat or rye flour.

Composition and properties

Grains are extracted from the bright inflorescences-spikelets of amaranth. They are dried and then ground. The finished product contains:

  • amino acids, including essential lysine and tryptophan;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3;
  • vegetable fiber;
  • antioxidants, including sclavene;
  • phospholipids and flavonoids;
  • phytosterols;
  • vitamins of groups B, A, C, D and E;
  • minerals - magnesium, calcium, fluorine, iron, copper, zinc and many others.

If we talk about the nutritional value of the product, then 100 g contains approximately 300 kcal, of which 9 g are proteins, 1.7 g are fats, 61.7 g are carbohydrates. But most importantly, there is no gluten in amaranth flour! For this reason, it can even be included in the diet of infants and allergy sufferers, because many people now suffer from gluten intolerance.

Compared to wheat flour, amaranth flour contains more fats and proteins. But recovering from it is more difficult, since it contains three times more fiber. Shiritsa dishes saturate quickly and for a long time, while the body needs a lot of energy to digest them. That is, it is an ideal supplement for losing weight.

So this unique product is shown:

  1. All children, starting from the first feeding, especially premature, often ill and allergic.
  2. Pregnant and lactating.
  3. Suffering from excessive weight, slagging of the intestines and liver.
  4. People experiencing great mental and emotional stress.
  5. Those who have a predisposition to diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  6. With weak bones, teeth, hair and nails.
  7. Adhering to a vegetarian diet.

Recent studies have proven that amaranth helps fight high blood sugar and prevents cancer.

Application in cooking

A spoonful of priceless amaranth flour can be added to children's cereals, soups, vegetable and fruit purees. But best of all, she has proven herself in baking. Amaranth flour makes bread more crumbly and airy. Ideally, mix it with wheat in a 2: 1 ratio. But even one part of amaranth to two parts of wheat flour will do its useful work.

Other uses:

  • instead of breading for meat and fish;
  • instead of bread in meatballs;
  • in half with ordinary flour for pancakes and pancakes;
  • as a thickener for gravies and sauces.

Raw amaranth flour cannot be consumed in its pure form, a large amount of solid fiber will be aggressive for the intestines, and useful substances will not be fully absorbed. Dishes with amaranth must undergo at least 10 minutes of heat treatment.

Finally, you can buy amaranth flour in health food stores or order it online. A quality product has a uniform fine grinding, a gray color with a brownish tint and a characteristic nutty smell.

Adherents of a healthy diet are well aware of such a product as amaranth flour. It is produced from the seeds of the annual amaranth plant, better known as amaranth.

For thousands of years, amaranth has been the basis of the diet of the inhabitants of South America and Mexico. It is called the bread of the Incas and Aztecs. Today, culture is experiencing a new surge in popularity. And there is an explanation for that.

The raw plant is not suitable for food. It serves as a raw material for the production of butter, cereals and flour. The Aztecs used amaranth in rituals. The ancient Indian tribes believed that the plant was sent by God. And the Chinese introduced its seeds and leaves into the composition of life-prolonging drugs.

Chemical composition

The benefits and harms of amaranth flour are due to its composition. The crushed grains contain:

In amaranth flour, unlike wheat or rye, there is no gluten (gluten). For this, it is appreciated by people suffering from celiac disease - an allergy to this type of protein.

Beneficial features

The product features a well-balanced amino acid composition. So, lysine in its composition has pronounced antiviral properties. It contributes to the normal functioning of the heart and circulatory system. With the help of this protein, enzymes and hormones are synthesized. The process of formation of antibodies also takes place with his participation.

Methionine protects the body from the action of salts of heavy metals, radiation. Tryptophan normalizes metabolic processes in the body. Dishes from such vegetable raw materials are useful for:

  1. diabetes
  2. oncological diseases;
  3. atherosclerosis;
  4. immune disorders;
  5. diseases of the heart, blood and vessels;
  6. problems of the sexual sphere;
  7. violations of the functions of the liver and digestive organs.

The product is popular among people leading a healthy lifestyle. It is indicated for significant physical exertion. Dishes based on it help the body bounce back after operations and long-term illnesses.


People suffering from pancreatitis, having stones in the bile ducts and kidneys, can use crushed seeds of cultivated amaranth only after consulting a doctor.

And we must not forget about individual intolerance. If any discomfort occurs, the reception should be discontinued.


The product is used as an additive to pastries, hot dishes, sauces and soups. It is not uncommon in various diets. However, amaranth increases the calorie content of dishes. The energy value of defatted flour is 298 kcal per 100 grams. With the usual fat content - 344 kcal.

Freshly ground powder has a slight nutty smell. It is better to buy a partially fat-free product. It is made from amaranth meal, from which the oil was previously removed. After all, fat quickly rancid, negatively affecting the quality.

You can buy amaranth flour (amaranth) online or in a regular retail chain. You need to look for it on the shelves with gluten-free products.

Amaranth flour: reviews and prospects for use

There is controversy regarding the medicinal properties of amaranth. It should be understood that this is a product, not a medicine. It has beneficial properties, helps with many painful conditions, but cannot cure serious diseases.

Recipes for the use of amaranth flour

Amaranth flour widely used in cooking. In small quantities, it is introduced into the composition:

  1. bread and pastries (replace about 8–10% of rye or wheat flour);
  2. breadings.

But the most popular dishes are pancakes, cereals and casseroles. Let's take a closer look at the recipes for using amaranth flour.

And in a bread machine, and in a slow cooker, and just in the oven, you can cook delicious bread from amaranth flour. Its recipe is simple. You will need:

Knead the dough and leave for 3 hours in a warm place. When it has increased several times, it is placed in a baking dish. After half an hour, the future bread is put in the oven. An average loaf for baking is enough for half an hour. The temperature is about 200 degrees.

Amaranth porridge

The recipe is this:

  • boil 0.5 liters of water,
  • add a glass of crushed amaranth seeds in a thin “stream”,
  • Bring to a boil while stirring and cook for about 10 minutes.

Fill with vegetable or butter. Salt, honey and sugar are added to taste.

Fritters with amaranth

Knead the batter from:

  • 0.5 l of kefir,
  • 1 egg
  • 100 g wheat,
  • 50 g amaranth flour.


  • some salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • baking powder package or 1 tsp. soda.

Fry in vegetable oil.


Regular consumption of amaranth flour helps to strengthen the immune system. Introduce the product into regular food, and you will feel better. You can simply replace them with the usual breading, or add a spoonful to an omelet. From this dish will become not only more interesting and tastier, but also healthier.

And another video on the topic.

Amaranth flour is a relatively obscure product that contains high quality vegetable fats, sugars and, last but not least, a high ratio of easily digestible dietary fiber.

It is a suitable food, especially for athletes, vegans and people leading a healthy lifestyle, due to its high protein content.

Medicinal properties include a beneficial effect on lowering cholesterol; the benefit also lies in the low glycemic index and, therefore, the possibility of use as a component of a diet for weight loss. It is worth attention and promoting the mental development of children.

One of the most nutritious plants in the world

First of all, let's figure out what amaranth flour is made of. It is made from the seeds of a plant called amaranth or amaranth.

Its healing properties were known to the ancient peoples of the Incas and Aztecs, surrounded by many legends. However, as you know, these peoples used only the best gifts of nature. Shiritsa grains were their main cereal, and were called "holy grains". This is evidence of their true value.

This is a plant that is rightfully considered one of the rarest in the world. Compared to other cereals, it is a high quality and extremely rich source of protein.

Therefore, people deprived of protein due to a lack of meat or other animal products in their diet, as well as those who for any reason need protein supplementation, are advised to include it in their diet.

So, what are the positive qualities of amaranth flour, what is its benefit (and harm)? How to take and use it?
Energy value (100 g):

  1. KJ - 1496.5.
  2. Kcal - 365.

Nutritional value (g/100 g):

  • protein - 15;
  • fat - 6;
  • carbohydrates - 62;
  • fiber - 9.

Minerals (mg/100 g):

  • calcium - 290;
  • copper - 0.9;
  • sodium - 20;
  • zinc - 3;
  • iron - 15;
  • potassium - 480;
  • magnesium - 150;
  • selenium - 17;
  • manganese - 3.1;
  • phosphorus - 410.

Vitamins (mg/100 g):

  • A - 2.1;
  • B6 - 0.5;
  • B1 - 0.2;
  • C - 4.4;
  • B2 - 0.3;
  • E - 1.3;
  • B3 - 1;
  • pantothenic acid - 1.7.

Health effects

The positive effects of this cereal are excellent! After including it with your diet, you will feel changes in your health. In folk medicine, it is used due to the following positive effects:

  1. Supports the immune system, protects cells from free radicals.
  2. Cancer prevention.
  3. Improve digestion, support regular emptying.
  4. Cleansing the colon from toxins, help with constipation, removal of edema.
  5. Acceleration of the metabolism of animal proteins.
  6. Prevention of colon cancer and hemorrhoids.
  7. Support for brain activity, calming the nervous system.
  8. Support of hematopoiesis, prevention of anemia.
  9. Lowering blood cholesterol levels, preventing cardiovascular disease.
  10. Prevention of osteoporosis, promoting bone formation.

The product has no contraindications, it does not harm the body. Due to the fact that it does not contain substances unfavorable for the body, amaranth flour is suitable for the elderly, pregnant and lactating women. It is also recommended for children as an alternative to other types of flour.

Good alternative for celiac patients

In our area, amaranth is mostly known to people who follow a gluten-free diet (for example, those with celiac disease), because. suitable as an alternative to classic flour containing gluten.

It has a characteristic spicy and slightly spicy taste. Therefore, it is advisable to use it not on its own, but in combination with other types. This will ensure excellent taste and quality of the final product.

How to use?

Shiritsa flour must be heat-treated. There are many ways to use it. It is versatile and suitable for:

  1. Sweet and salty pastries.
  2. Thickening soups and sauces.
  3. Preparation of batter for meat and fish.

Selection and storage

Choosing the right flour is essential for a quality and healthy end product.

  1. First of all, pay attention to the manufacturer - if he is famous (at least a little), then this is the first item in the trust statistics.
  2. The second factor is packaging. It must have a transparent "window" so that the buyer can see the contents.
  3. Important is the presence of a zipper, which provides the possibility of reusable opening and closing of the package.

In the question of how to properly store, amaranth differs from other cereals, and prefers storage in the refrigerator - this will allow it to be used up to six months. Freezer storage extends shelf life up to a year.

The content of nutrients and their beneficial qualities

An excellent substitute for other cereals, shiritsu also makes healthy fat content, which includes unsaturated fatty acids that fight bad cholesterol.

Lysine is also worthy of attention - a valuable essential amino acid that promotes the production of brain cells and full mental development. Therefore, it is advisable to include the product in the children's diet.

Amaranth contains a large percentage of fiber, cereal is a source of rutin - a substance that has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels.
Due to the composition, it is a suitable food for athletes as it promotes muscle growth.

The ability to lower cholesterol levels should not be overlooked. Regular consumption is the first (and essential step) towards the prevention of diseases of civilization, including oncology.

Shiritsa is rich in B-vitamins, especially B1 (thiamine) and B2 (riboflavin), which are necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, vitamins C and E (?-tocopherol), which have a strong antioxidant effect.

The cereal is characterized by a high content of iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc and calcium. These substances are present in it in greater quantities than in milk or cottage cheese!

Quite unusual is the presence of the rare antioxidant squalene, first discovered in deep-sea shark liver oil. Amaranth, with a concentration of 5-7% of this substance, is the largest plant source of squalene.

Cereal contains a minimum of simple sugars. In grains, simple monosaccharides (glucose, fructose) are contained in scanty amounts, and oligosaccharides (maltose, raffinose, sucrose) are present in the range of 1-2%.

The main share falls on complex sugars, i.e. polysaccharides (especially amylopectin starch - 92-100%, depending on the type of plant and its cultivation conditions), which are gradually absorbed and do not lead to fluctuations in blood sugar. Starch grains are very small (1-3 microns) and bind large amounts of water in the intestines, therefore they are suitable for the prevention and treatment of constipation.

Amaranth has a high protein content (13-19%) with a balanced amino acid profile. Like the quinoa plant, it contains the amino acids lysine and tryptophan, which are relatively rare in the plant world.

Thanks to them, the proteins contained in the plant are close in composition to high-quality animal protein, and surpass milk and soybeans in their biological value.

An important role is played by a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids. From the point of view of nutrition, the content of linoleic and?-linoleic acid, omega-6 and omega-3 is especially valuable. These acids are responsible for the optimal functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems, the brain, and the production of hormones.

beauty application

Externally, flour is used for facial skin - it reduces the formation of wrinkles, softens the skin and gives it a youthful appearance, improves the condition of eczema, fungal diseases (including nails), improves the appearance of hair. As a bonus, it has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, capillaries and lymph, including immune support. A face mask is easy to prepare.

  1. For oily skin, a mixture of amaranth powder and egg white is suitable. Apply the mask for 20 minutes once a week.
  2. For dry, its combination with sour cream or cream is recommended. Apply for 15 minutes once a week.
  3. For all types, you can use a mixture with coconut oil, applying to the skin for 20 minutes once a week.

A mixture of amaranth flour and olive oil (should make a liquid gruel) is a good hair mask, which is recommended to be used once a week, applied to the hair and scalp for half an hour.

Amaranth flour is recommended for healthy weight loss. Provides the body with nutrients, speeds up metabolism. However, one should not forget about a regular and balanced diet. For weight loss, it is enough to replace the use of white pastries with food from amaranth powder.


First of all, the benefits for women are presented, for men - the prevention of prostate cancer.

For preventive purposes, it is enough to consume 200 g of the product per day, preparing various dishes or pastries from it.

Heart diseases

Despite the fact that it is considered the best cholesterol liquidator between cereals, amaranth is no less effective. It is a good option for those who are allergic to oats or simply don't like the taste. To prevent heart disease, it is advisable to replace white and rye pastries with amaranth, while consuming no more than 200-300 g per day.


Amaranth has been found to help prevent hyperglycemia and relieve complications associated with diabetes.

Of course, this cereal will not save the world, and people should not consume it from morning to evening, but the inclusion of cereal in the diet is advisable.

The positive aspect is fast saturation, i.e., instead of ten pancakes, you will eat only five! Why not help in improving health and gaining a slender waist?

Amaranth flour, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in this article, is flour obtained from amaranth seeds. This flour is rich in protein and does not contain gluten and has been used in the diet since the Aztecs and Incas. Now this flour can be bought in health food stores, as well as in special departments of large retail outlets. Amaranth flour is especially popular among people who are intolerant to gluten and fans of a healthy diet.

Until people learned to cultivate wheat, one of the main crops was amaranth. Amaranth is one of the ancient plants that grew on the globe. Its homeland is South America. Today it is grown in many parts of the world. And in most cases, it is precisely for the sake of obtaining plant seeds, from which cereals, butter and flour are produced.

Amaranth in Greek means "immortal" or "eternal". Indeed, this plant can adapt to very difficult weather conditions, is drought tolerant and amazing in its uses, from leaves to seeds.

Amaranth seeds contain a large amount of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and the only grain that contains vitamin C.

Compared to other grains, it has more of the essential amino acid lysine, which is needed for the absorption of fatty acids, calcium.

Amaranth seeds reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and the protein lowers insulin levels in the blood. In addition, amaranth seeds are well absorbed by the body and suppress hunger, which makes them a good food for people who want to lose weight.

Amaranth flour composition and useful properties

Amaranth flour is made from several types of amaranth. Seeds can be of various colors: white, pink, brown or yellow, depending on the type of amaranth. Three types of plants are mainly cultivated for the production of flour. These are amaranth hypochondriacus, amaranth caudatus and amaranth Cruentus.

Amaranth flour is obtained by grinding the seeds of the plant into a fine powder. Depending on the seeds used, the flour may differ in color and smell.

Amaranth flour is a balanced and easily digestible complex of vegetable protein, vitamins, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, steroids and squalene. See the table of flour nutritional value at the end of the article.

It is rich in fiber, amino acids methionine and lysine. High levels of lysine help the body better absorb calcium from the gastrointestinal tract. Calcium in flour contains twice as much as in cow's milk.

The fatty acids include tocotrineol, a form of vitamin E and one of the most powerful antioxidants. In addition, it contains phytosterols, which are beneficial for the body and can prevent the development of many diseases. In addition, it does not contain gluten, as in the flour from other traditional grains.

Compared to wheat flour, this flour contains three times the fiber and five times the iron. It is also rich in other trace elements, including potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A and C.

Compared to wheat or other types of flour, amaranth flour is much richer in protein, which makes up approximately 17 percent of the total nutrient content. 100 grams of flour can provide the body with almost a quarter of the daily protein requirement.

Nutritionists are increasingly paying attention to the beneficial properties of amaranth flour. After all, its chemical composition is amazing and balanced. Without amino acids, the body cannot perform many of its functions.

Due to the presence of vitamins and antioxidant compounds, flour has a strengthening effect on the entire body. Studies have shown that with the regular inclusion of flour in your recipes, it has a beneficial effect on the immune system, reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors and inflammatory processes in the body.

Amaranth flour contains a lot of fiber, which is necessary for normal digestion, removes toxins, salts of heavy metals from the body, prevents constipation, and optimizes fat metabolism.

Flour also has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood. In addition to iron, it contains a number of other substances involved in the production of red blood cells, which allows you to normalize the level of hemoglobin.

Regular consumption of amaranth flour will help reduce bad cholesterol, improve myocardial function and the condition of blood vessels, which serves as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

This type of flour is of particular interest to people who cannot tolerate gluten products. People who experience allergic reactions to foods containing gluten can avoid or minimize these unpleasant symptoms by using amaranth flour.

Another amazing substance in flour is squalene. Squalene is an antioxidant that can slow down the aging of the body, help with skin problems, and restore cells. Previously, this substance could only be extracted from shark oil. Now, more and more often, plant products are used for this, including amaranth.

The benefits of amaranth flour for the body

The benefit of amaranth flour lies in its balanced composition. It is shown with:

Cardiovascular diseases;

oncological diseases;


Metabolic disorders;


Liver diseases;

Violation of the hormonal background;

Some autoimmune diseases;

Skin diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and others.

Harm of amaranth flour

Despite the fact that amaranth flour belongs to a healthy food product, there are some features of this flour that can be harmful to certain categories of people. It is contraindicated in people:

With individual intolerance to amaranth;

During an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

Those who suffer from it should be treated with caution:

Chronic diseases of the digestive system;

High blood pressure.

The inclusion of this flour in your diet should be started gradually, with small doses, gradually increasing. Carefully monitor the body's reaction to flour. If you experience nausea, heaviness in the stomach when eating flour, you need to exclude it from your diet or find the rate at which you do not experience discomfort. Especially in this matter, you need to be careful for people with high blood pressure, who may have dizziness when eating dishes or products made from amaranth flour.

It is necessary to take into account the high calorie content of flour, which is 344 kilocalories per 100 grams. On the one hand, flour is useful in dietary nutrition due to the large amount of fiber, on the other hand, it can be harmful. Therefore, people prone to obesity need to clearly normalize its use.

How to choose and store amaranth flour

Flour is obtained from amaranth seeds, which contain a lot of fatty acids and oils. Most often, already partially defatted amaranth groats are used for the production of flour, i.e. the one from which the oil was extracted. Simply put, from amaranth meal.
