
Overview of the Russian organic food market. What products are environmentally friendly

Environmentally friendly products

In a world where buying wholesome food has become a real problem, more and more people are thinking about where to buy products that would not contain substances hazardous to health. Fortunately, the market law works not only for hamburgers and cola, but also for healthy food: Demand creates supply. And every year manufacturers offer more and more products that will not harm the body. So, our task is to learn how to find it on supermarket shelves.

Such products can be called in different ways: organic, bioproducts or environmentally friendly. What kind of products can bear these proud names? Almost any. There are dozens of types of environmentally friendly pasta And vegetable oils, sugar and salt, nuts and dried fruits. If desired, you can find environmentally friendly canned food, sauces, sweets, chocolate. There is even organic dog food! They are united by the fact that they all have a special sign on the packaging.

Where do all these come from safe treats if the pipes of factories pollute the atmosphere, tons of poison are poured onto the fields, and food manufacturers can no longer imagine their business without using chemical additives?

The very idea of ​​selling useful products with special labeling originated in America about half a century ago. Interest in natural healthy food is largely due to the public mood that prevailed at that time in the United States. People protested against the Vietnam War, against the policies of the ruling elite, against the pollution of the planet and, accordingly, against everything that was associated with the "successes" of an industrial society. Including against fast food and food products “brought to mind” by chemists. In the 1960s, the ideas of a return to nature and basic values ​​were very common among Americans. Thus, it was they who first drew attention to the fact that it would be time to abandon dyes, preservatives and all kinds of "improvers" and return to simple and healthy food.

Unfortunately, the voice of the fighters for natural foodstuffs was then very weak and no one really heard it. True, specialized stores began to open in the West, selling environmentally friendly products. But there were very few of them, and they offered a meager assortment at exorbitant prices.

It took another twenty years before people began to clearly realize the evil that is fraught with the uncontrolled penetration of chemistry into the agricultural industry and food production. Not only the teachings and doctors, but also ordinary consumers understood: familiar products may cause harm instead of the expected benefit.

In America and Europe, special stores began to open one after another organic food. Entire companies and farms began to appear, specializing exclusively in the production of organic matter.

As the need for harmless products grew in the world, there was a need to somehow streamline the process of their production and sale. In the late 90s, all in the same America, national standards for environmentally friendly products were developed.

Without going into details, environmentally friendly products, according to international requirements, are those that:

And in the production of environmentally friendly products, the use of growth and fattening stimulants, antibiotics and hormonal drugs, as well as the use of non-organic feed is prohibited.

Organic food began to be marked with special license symbols on the packaging ("organic" or "bio"). This is a guarantee that the products have passed special certification. Perhaps the most important advantage of such products is that they are all carefully checked by independent experts and you can be absolutely sure of them.

Eco-products are of several types:

1. NP: Natural Products - these products consist entirely or almost entirely of ingredients of natural origin. The inclusion of chemical additives and artificial fillers in them is minimal. Usually these are products grown on land that has undergone a special cleaning procedure without the use of chemicals (the use of natural fertilizers such as manure and compost is allowed).

2. FF: Functional Foods- substances useful for the body have been artificially added to these products: for example, Apple juice with rosehip extract.

3. Nutraceuticals- These are special food additives that improve its "usefulness". For example, vitamins. Wherein we are talking exclusively about supplements of natural origin.

Note: if there is an “Organic” badge on a package or a jar, it means that not only the manufacturing company has passed certification, but also farms and companies involved in delivery and packaging ...

In a word, this simple icon obliges a lot.

Possibilities of the Russian consumer

The organic food market is growing rapidly all over the world. In the West, about a quarter of residents prefer to buy products with the "Organic" badge. In Europe, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland are recognized as the most active fighters for the production of environmentally friendly products. But what about Russia? Are we on the sidelines of the process? Yes and no.

On the one hand, we have great opportunities to produce such products. In Russia, the amount of mineral and organic fertilizers used in the fields is ten times (!) Less than in the so-called developed countries. We use much less means of chemical protection against various pests and diseases in the fields. So there is much less chemistry in domestic food products than in imported ones. And the huge reserves of land allow the introduction of environmental technologies on large areas under crops. So our agricultural products (albeit not all) may well be used for the production of eco-products.

But not everything is so simple. After all, products grown in an ecologically clean area without the use of fertilizers can reach the consumer in a “mutilated” form. And they usually mutilate her food production. Because they know that in Russia it is more profitable to sell products with chemical additives than without them. For example, tinted and flavored sausage is in greater demand than canned meat prepared in accordance with international environmental safety standards.

The need for organic products, alas, among our consumers is still quite low. Russian buyers are not yet accustomed to choosing from the whole variety of goods one and only - the one that bears the coveted "Organic" badge. Experts explain this by the fact that, on the one hand, Russians have an "environmentally low consciousness." That is, we are not accustomed to linking problems with pollution of the atmosphere, soil and water with our own health (which is typical for residents of Western countries). On the other hand, a lot depends on the level of income: we sometimes buy not what is healthier, but what we have enough money for. Therefore, domestic environmentally friendly products often remain unclaimed. And as a result, it is sent for import.

The first attempts to develop ecological farming in Russia (more precisely, back in the Soviet Union) began back in the late 1980s, though it all ended in failure: consumers were not ready for such products. And as a result, from the mid-1990s, batches of organic products began to be sent to Europe. The pioneer was Russian buckwheat (it is in great demand in the West), followed by wild berries for export.

Today, some farms in Central Russia are trying to produce organic products. They supply to Europe (in particular, to Hungary) organic fruits for the production of baby food. Goods from Russia are in demand in Europe. Moreover, some of our products (for example, Pine nuts) have no analogues.

Of course, the situation has changed somewhat in recent years. Our compatriots began to seriously think about their diet. However, their desire to eat organic food is not always easy to materialize: many Russian cities do not yet have specialized organic food stores. Healthy organic breads or cereals are scattered among many other products. And it can be quite difficult for a buyer to choose among hundreds of canned food a single package that meets the requirements of a healthy diet.

There is another stumbling block - this is a high price. Certified according to all the rules, imported eco-products that enter the Russian market are subject to huge customs duties. We can say that these are luxury goods. For example, for a loaf of "correct" bread, you can pay more than a hundred rubles.

A Russian manufacturers, who decide to undergo international certification, are forced to do it abroad. And this is quite an expensive pleasure. As a result, Russian buckwheat or oatmeal, tested by German experts, costs the same as imported analogues. Alas, we have to admit: for many Russians, environmentally friendly goods are an expensive and hard-to-reach pleasure.

Unfortunately, this was quickly realized bona fide manufacturers food. They decided to take advantage of the situation with eco-products and began to offer consumers fakes - cheap products that have not passed any checks, but have labels on the packages like: “contains only organic ingredients” or “environmentally friendly product”. And although at one time appropriate changes were made to GOST, prohibiting writing about the ecological purity of the product without good reason, every now and then such inscriptions flash on the labels of fermented milk products, cereals, and mineral water.

Currently, to assess the environmental cleanliness Russian products there is a document called SanPiN (sanitary rules and norms). It largely coincides with international requirements, although it does not completely repeat them. This document contains guideline values ​​for all potential food contaminants.

In 2008, an amendment was adopted to it, according to which, in order to obtain permission for the name "Organic" or "Bioproduct", it is necessary to submit full documentation along the entire production chain, which guarantees compliance with all parameters of an organic product. Even if it is not yet international standards - but still a certain guarantee of quality.

And one more fact inspires optimism: according to experts, the market for organic products in Russia will double over the next three years. This means that their prices will start to drop. The number of outlets where they can be purchased will grow. So, bioproducts will soon become cheaper and more accessible to Russians. As they say, the ice has broken.


Carefully read the information on the packaging: real organic products have a special mark "organic product" or "bioproduct" of the established sample.

Don't be fooled by the inscriptions on the packaging such as "tested for environmental safety", "grown in an ecologically clean area", etc. - products certified according to international standards usually do not contain such marks.

Sometimes manufacturers indicate only one of the environmental characteristics: "does not contain GMOs" or "does not contain chlorine." Such statements may well be true, but they do not at all guarantee that the product complies with other environmental safety requirements.

A statement such as "100% natural product” can also confuse the buyer. After all, some substances of natural origin, such as arsenic or nitrate, can be very harmful to human health.

Certified environmentally friendly products are more expensive than conventional counterparts.

It is safest to buy organic products in specialized stores licensed to sell them.

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To date, in our country, the concept of "environmentally friendly product" (ECP) has not been approved at the federal legislative level. Each of us, including the manufacturer, can interpret this combination of words in his own way and put different meanings into it. There are no standards for environmental products, there is no law that should regulate the legality of applying "environmental" labeling. Therefore, in Lately On store shelves, you can increasingly see products labeled "eco" or "bio". When buying such products, the consumer often does not think about why this marking is applied to a particular product, how it should differ from the rest, and whether it is lawful to apply such information on the product packaging.

After conducting a short survey among Muscovites on the topic “What is an environmentally friendly product”, we realized that they most often associated this concept with products grown on a personal plot, in “grandmother’s beds”, that is, with home-made products. Speaking about them, the consumer usually emphasizes that their production was done without the use of pesticides, herbicides and growth stimulants, that they do not contain preservatives and dyes. This is true in most cases.

At the same time, the consumer does not at all correlate the quality of products with the sanitary and hygienic standards of packaging, storage, sale and transportation of food products, which determine their safety.

Consider on simple example at what moment homemade milk may become unsafe. Let's say cows graze in an ecologically clean area, eat only "clean" grass, their diet does not include biostimulating additives. However, the conditions for the "production" and sale of milk are far from sanitary: hygienic conditions are not provided during milking, there is no need to talk about observing the thermal and sanitary regime when selling on roadsides. Consequently, milk reaches the consumer already with biological and chemical contaminants.

It follows from this that an environmentally friendly product (ECP) is not only a product made from environmentally friendly raw materials or a natural product, it is also a safe product that has undergone strict control over compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards during production, a product that must be stored, transported and sold only under certain conditions.

Environmental friendliness and safety are not synonymous

Both in Russia and in Europe, milk production in factories must comply with established safety requirements. But only Western-made milk can be called environmentally friendly, since it is in Europe that there are standards for environmentally friendly products.

When interviewed, many respondents, talking about ECP, said that such products should be, first of all, safe for human health. One cannot but agree with this, but the concept of "environmental friendliness" cannot be replaced by the concept of "safety".

Food safety is an object of sanitary and hygienic control. Sanitary norms and rules characterize it as the absence of danger to the life and health of people of present and future generations. Food products must meet the requirements of sanitary rules, norms and hygiene standards. Food products that comply with such regulations must not have a toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic or other adverse effect on the human body.

An environmentally friendly product is a necessarily safe product, but not only. It must be produced in accordance with environmental standards
- without pesticides,
- no synthetic feed additives,
- without growth regulators,
- free of artificial preservatives, colors and flavors,
- without chemical enzymes and additives,
- without the use of genetic engineering achievements.

It is important to note that organic farming is seen in Europe not only as a guarantee of the environmental friendliness of the product, but also as a guarantee of the conservation of natural resources for its production. On the packaging of milk, produced by order of the President company in Spain, it is indicated that organic farming allows you to preserve the traditional rural type of settlements, use renewable energy and water resources, and preserve the biodiversity of flora and fauna.

"Green" certification

Now more and more attention is paid not only to the ecological quality of the environment, but also to the "ecology" of human nutrition. In this area of ​​our environmental policy, there is much to be surprised and upset about. It turns out that in Russia, without a sufficiently legitimate federal basis, there are several food quality certification systems.

Firstly, the Moscow Ecological Product sign. As long as it is assigned after successful completion voluntary certification.

This is a joint project of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow and the Union of Consumers of the Russian Federation. According to the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated September 16, 2003 No. 783 “On measures for the environmental assessment of products sold at consumer market of the city of Moscow”, with the sign of conformity “Ecological product”, drinking water packaged in containers can be marked; animal products or plant origin made from natural food raw materials, grown in compliance with established sanitary norms and rules, and meeting the safety requirements established for food products for young children.

Secondly, it is the system of voluntary certification of ecological agricultural production "EkoNiva".

Thirdly, the system of voluntary certification "BIO".

Undoubtedly, voluntary certification is a way to improve quality. It gives the opportunity to develop business, improve product quality, fight in a world of fierce competition.

But for the production of environmentally friendly products at the present stage of economic development, first of all, laws must appear that regulate the use of the terminology "ECO" and the application of appropriate labels. These laws should be based on standards that set strict requirements for the quality of environmental products.

List of enterprises that have the right to use the Ecological Product sign (according to the Department of Food Resources of Moscow)

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated September 16, 2003 No. 783-PP "On measures for the environmental assessment of products sold on the consumer market of the city of Moscow", NP "Moscow Ecological Products" carries out practical activities for environmental certification of products within the framework of the Moscow system of voluntary certification "Environmental Products".

To date, this organization has issued certificates with the right to use the Ecological Product label for products manufactured by the following enterprises:
CJSC Agrofirma "Belaya Dacha": fresh cucumbers; fresh sweet pepper; fresh tomatoes; fresh potatoes; table carrots; White cabbage; onion turnip.
JSC "Cherkizovsky Meat Processing Plant": natural semi-finished products from beef and pork.
CJSC "Gorodishche": fresh table carrots.
CJSC "Dashkovsky vegetable plant": fresh table carrots, fresh food potatoes, fresh white cabbage.
JSC "Karat": butter "Domashnee".
Interregional public organization beekeepers: 14 varieties of natural flower honey.
ZAO Sistema Zernostandart: buckwheat and wheat flakes that do not require cooking.
JSC "Moscow Mill Plant No. 3": wheat flour of the highest grade.
JSC "Mill Combine in Sokolniki": flour premium"Sokolnicheskaya" and flour of the highest grade "Grain Company" Nastyusha ".


Today, the situation is often repeated when a consumer, purchasing a product, “buys” for a large number of various icons on the packaging, without thinking about what each of them means. Unfortunately, most cases of environmental labeling of products Russian production- it's a PR campaign clean water. When choosing a product, it is worth remembering that awards are not always an indicator of its quality and environmental friendliness. The application of so-called eco-labels is most often illegal, they are used as a method of competition and as a justification for increasing the cost of a product in a number of similar ones. Such products lead the consumer astray.

We discussed the problems of ECOdeception with the specialists of the ecological supermarket "Grunwald". They noted that for European market labeling "bio" is not a myth and not a PR move of manufacturing companies. Organic (organic, ekologisch), biological (bio, biologisch, issue d "agriculture biologique) or ecological products are not just a product with a specific inscription and icon. An ecological product is the result of a complex and long process based on compliance huge amount norms, recommendations and standards.

Manufacturers of quality products understand that falsification of products is a blow to their reputation. The worst thing for them is the massive loss of trust in the brand. Many people try to protect their product. Good example- the decision taken by the management of the company "Shishkin Les". Manufacturers incur higher production costs for original packaging than its competitors. But by financing the production own bottles for bottling, they receive a 100% guarantee against unauthorized use of their brand. Most other manufacturers simply buy cheap ready-made containers and reap disastrous results.

Unfortunately, goods with various illegally printed information regarding quality are quite often found on the shelves of stores, including some large chain department stores. The buyer is not able to independently understand the reliability of this information. You can hope for luck, or you can shop in stores that have their own quality control service and act as a qualified intermediary between the manufacturer and the buyer.

Enough already for a long time man modifies the natural development of nature, interferes with the structure of the soil by applying chemical fertilizers, and uses pharmacological preparations in the diet of birds and animals. All these actions cannot but affect the quality of the products eaten.

In addition, manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of food, subject many of the products to genetic processing. It is much more profitable to produce long-term products than to sell perishable products cheaper, inflicting a loss on yourself.

As a result, when using these products, the human body is irreparable harm as:


Metabolic disorders;



Increased fatigue;

Disorders of various systems;

Decreased immunity, susceptibility to diseases and much more.

Why is it important to eat healthy food?

In this regard, there is a need for environmentally friendly products. Consuming them will help a person cleanse the body of the harmful effects of contaminated food, restore normal functions and increase life expectancy. After all, there is nothing more precious than health. If a person feels great, he can work fruitfully for the benefit of the family and society.

Every year the question of the use of environmentally friendly products becomes more and more relevant. The population seeks to eat healthy food, which requires large financial costs.

What are organic products?

They are also called organic. These foods do not contain:

Herbicides, pesticides;

Preservatives, dyes, food additives.

These include vegetables, fruits, eggs, sugar, bakery products, dairy products and baby food. Such products are labeled "ECO", as well as "BIO" and "ORGANIC".

But such signs are used by both conscientious manufacturers and not entirely conscientious ones. In Russia, there is no law regulating organic agriculture and the production of organic products. There is only a draft that has been submitted to the State Duma.

On the issue of organic food, you can only contact interested people who can guarantee the safety of products and who promote the idea of ​​licensing in accordance with international standards.

So, the signs "BIO", "ECO", "ORGANIC" mean that the products are purely ecological, made according to the principles of organic agriculture.

In accordance with European and American standards, this label indicates that the product is 95% organic. Other products may contain 70% organic or slightly less, while the packaging must be labeled accordingly.

Useful properties of organic products:

- has a large amount of vitamins;

Does not cause allergies;

Useful for children of any age;

It has natural taste;

Its assimilation occurs easily and quickly in the digestive tract.


Eating organic food heals the human body so that he can feel good for the rest of his life. There is a surge of energy, vital activity is activated, immunity is increased.

Even if you eat only organic vegetables, the body can improve by 30-40%.

Of course, the cost of such products is somewhat higher than everything else, but there are more benefits from it.

Prolonged consumption of processed foods leads to accumulation in the body harmful substances, which then follow in various chronic diseases.

Video on the topic of the article

For thousands of years man has intervened in natural processes living nature: changed the structure of soils, introduced various organic and mineral additives, destroyed insects, birds, changed the productive qualities of plants and animals, used chemically active drugs, genetic modernization, changed the natural diets of animals, used pharmacological preparations, etc.

The results of a negative impact on the quality of products.

All these impacts could not but affect the quality of food. An additional factor is the deterioration of environmental conditions: pollution of soil, air, water. Another weighty reason can be called economic feasibility: to reduce the cost of products and increase competitiveness, measures are taken that significantly worsen the quality.

What is the impact on the human body of products that are not environmentally friendly? Impacts are negative, of a very different nature. Intoxication, metabolic disorders, hypovitaminosis, allergic reactions, increased fatigue, sleep disturbance, various disorders of the nervous, circulatory, excretory, digestive, reproductive and endocrine systems, decreased immunity, increased susceptibility to cancer and much more.

Importance of organic food.

For these reasons, it is very important to take care that the products are environmentally friendly. Eating organic food helps human body gradually recover after negative impact substandard products. healthy eating is the basis of normal human life and makes it possible to increase life expectancy. Every year the relevance of environmentally friendly products becomes higher. People prefer to eat quality and healthy food, but this requires careful control at all stages of obtaining food products and entails significant financial costs.

What are the requirements for environmentally friendly products?

1) Growing conditions.

In the process of growing crops, the use of mineral types of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or other harmful chemicals, as well as any unnatural radiation, is prohibited (or strictly limited). In addition, the ingress of foreign substances into the product during technological processing should be excluded.
To obtain environmentally friendly livestock products, you need to use only environmentally friendly feed when raising animals. Feed antibiotics and hormonal preparations should not be used.

2) The composition of the product.

In the manufacture of the product, it is prohibited to use genetically modified organisms, artificial preservatives, synthetic flavors, flavor enhancers and substitutes. It is not allowed to use chemical additives and harsh processing techniques to preserve and change the properties of the product.

3) External processing.

An environmentally friendly product should not be exposed to chemical factors, wax, etc.

The environmentally friendly product has a natural taste, aroma, high content of vitamins and minerals safe for children and pregnant women.

Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky

Faculty of Technology and Design

Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology


on ecology

"Environmentally friendly products, their characteristics"


3rd year student

Rodina T.V.


Associate Professor Vysotsky O.G.

Bryansk 2011


    Characteristics of environmentally friendly products………………………4-5

II. Classification of organic products

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… 13

List of literature used ………… .. ………………………… ........ 14


Natural products have become a part of our daily life. But, even realizing how useful the consumption of a healthy environmental clean food, not everyone includes it in their daily diet.

“Good food is the best medicine,” says the proverb. Natural clean nutrition preserves and strengthens health, improves the quality of life. Energy, optimism, cheerfulness, which overwhelm adherents of this healthy food, have inclined to such a "diet" many millions of people around the world.

In our modern time, when the air, water and earth are polluted with products of human vital activity and the ecological situation, despite all the efforts of mankind, continues to deteriorate, people are starting to think more and more about their health.

In the food market today there are a lot of proposals on the topic of "healthy eating". Starting from all kinds of pills, powders (BAA) and ending with products with an optimally selected diet. But, no one can answer the question which of them are really useful and most effective, for one simple reason: there are so many people on the planet earth and there can be so many options for the impact of these products on them.

    Characteristics of environmentally friendly products.

In the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov, “pure” is defined as “containing nothing extraneous, without impurities.” Therefore, an environmentally friendly product is a product that does not contain foreign impurities, in this case, substances that could penetrate into this product from a polluted environment, from packaging, or get into the product during its production. And it goes without saying that in all these cases we are talking about substances that adversely affect health.

It's no secret that environmental problems today have become one of the most important in the world. Now everyone is concerned that everything is environmentally friendly. First of all, it concerns food. By environmentally friendly food we understand a fairly wide range of requirements for various products. A product produced in strict accordance with environmental standards does not necessarily fall under the concept of "healthy food".

Food products are characterized by their nutritional, biological and energy value. Nutritional value is a general concept that includes the energy value of a product, its content nutrients and the degree of their assimilation by the body, organolentic qualities, good quality (harmlessness). Higher the nutritional value products, the chemical composition of which is more consistent with the principles of a balanced diet, as well as products - sources of essential nutrients. The energy value is determined by the amount of energy that the food substances of the product give: proteins, fats, digestible carbohydrates, organic acids. The biological value primarily reflects the quality of the proteins in the product, their amino acid composition, digestibility and assimilation by the body. In a broader sense, this concept includes the content of other vital substances in the product (vitamins, trace elements, essential fatty acids).

Different foods differ in their nutritional value, but none of them are harmful or extremely beneficial. Products are useful if the principles of a balanced diet are observed, but can be harmful if these principles are violated. This provision shall remain in effect for clinical nutrition, although, depending on the disease, some products in diets for a short or long period are limited, excluded or allowed after a special cooking while others are preferred.

Among food products there are no those that satisfy the human need for all nutrients.

The number of consumed natural products is limited: mainly fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, honey. Most products are consumed after processing: sausages, confectionery, bakery products, sour-milk products, various dishes, etc. It is advisable to use in clinical nutrition products combined for a better balance of nutrients: new types of cereals, egg and dairy pasta, butter and processed cheese with Ocean pasta, etc. The use of artificial products is promising. These products are obtained on the basis of proteins and other nutrients of natural origin, but their composition, structure, appearance and other properties are artificially formed (artificial cereals and pasta and meat products, granular protein caviar, etc.). In artificial products, it is possible to regulate the chemical composition, which is important for the creation of special health food products.

The quality of products is a set of properties that determine the suitability of a given product to meet certain needs in accordance with the purpose of GOST.

The organoleptic properties of products - appearance, texture, color, smell, taste - are important indicators of their quality. A change in the organoleptic qualities of a product usually indicates a deterioration in their biological value (a decrease in the content of vitamins, essential fatty acids, etc.) and a possible accumulation of products of protein breakdown, decomposition of carbohydrates, and fat oxidation that are harmful to the body, especially for sick people. Moldy products may produce toxic substances. Organoleptic changes in perishable products may be accompanied by the reproduction of pathogenic microbes.

When receiving products in catering units and diet canteens, as well as before cooking stored products, their quality is checked by organoleptic indicators.

    Classification of environmentally friendly products.

Taking into account general characteristic features and features of use, the following groups of food products can be distinguished:

1) milk and dairy products;

2) meat and meat products;

3) fish, fish products and seafood;

4) eggs and egg products;

5) dietary fats;

6) cereals and pasta;

7) flour, bread and bakery products, bran;

8) fresh and processed vegetables, fruits (fruits, berries, nuts) and mushrooms; 9) sugar and its substitutes, honey, confectionery;

10) canned food and concentrates;

11) flavor products (tea, coffee, spices, seasonings, food acids); 12) mineral waters.

Products of all groups are divided into types according to origin or receipt. Some products are divided into varieties and categories based on quality in accordance with the requirements of the standard. For example: type of cow butter - creamy unsalted, grades of the highest and 1st; beef of I and II categories - according to fatness; fresh eggs of category I and II - by weight and quality.

Many food products, in particular after appropriate cooking, have certain medicinal (dietary) properties in relation to certain diseases. However, this does not give reason to call them dietary products. Dietary products are specialized products intended to replace in the diet of sick people traditional products prohibited for medical reasons and differing from them in chemical composition or physical properties.

There are 7 groups of dietary products:

1) products that provide mechanical and chemical sparing of the digestive organs and are used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, maxillofacial injuries, violation of the act of chewing and swallowing, in the postoperative period. These products have a high degree of grinding, they contain few extractives, sodium chloride ( table salt), dietary fiber, no spices. Such products include fine flour from cereals, homogenized (especially mashed) canned food from vegetables, fruits, meat, fish freed from inedible and indigestible parts, dry water-soluble concentrates of high nutritional value (enpits, inpitan, ovolact, etc.), etc.;

2) products with a low sodium content (salt-free), used for certain diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, etc. This group also includes salt substitutes (sanasol, etc.), which are used to improve the taste of salt-free food;

3) protein-free products or with the exception of certain proteins and amino acids, for example, substitutes for bread, pasta, cereals, prepared without protein from various types of starch and used for chronic kidney failure and other diseases;

4) products with a modified composition of carbohydrates - their reduced content, the replacement of sugar with sweeteners, lactose-free dairy products, sugar substitutes (sweetener, saccharin, fructose, etc.). These products are used for diabetes, obesity and other diseases;

5) products with a reduced amount of fats and (or) their improved composition (sour-milk products and cow butter enriched with vegetable oils, etc.), used in diseases with impaired fat metabolism - atherosclerosis, obesity, etc.;

6) products of reduced energy value due to a decrease in the content of fats or carbohydrates in them, with fillers (dietary fiber, methyl cellulose, etc.);

7) other dietary products enriched with complete protein, iodine, iron, vitamins, lecithin.


Environmentally friendly products must be of high quality, produced in ecologically clean regions, must not contain modified genes, grown according to recommended technologies, without the abuse of fertilizers and growth stimulants. Unfortunately, these requirements are not always met in real life. When buying food, it is very important to check by whom, where and when fruits and vegetables are grown. Appearance can also tell a lot, if vegetables or fruits do not look natural, it is worth assuming that some chemicals were used to grow them. It must be remembered that crop producers are primarily interested in making a profit, and not in environmentally friendly products. One of the most common violations in the cultivation of vegetables and fruits is the excessive use of fertilizers, in particular nitrates, which are natural growth and maturation stimulants for many plants. Of course, fertilizers are necessary, because without top dressing, not a single field will be able to produce constant crops. Ideally, any field or plot should be given a 1 year rest after harvest, which is not economically viable. Therefore, mineral fertilizers come into play.

By saying "environmentally friendly, organic product", we mean that it is not harmful to the human body, that vegetables do not contain nitrates, sausage and ham - carcinogens, yogurt and curds - artificial color enhancers and preservatives. And there are more vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances in them than in traditional ones.


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