
Analysis of the consumer goods market (on the example of the soft drinks market). Analysis of the soft drinks market

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In April 2001, the department marketing research A study was conducted on the market of non-alcoholic carbonated drinks.
There are 5 groups of drinks on the soft drinks market: juices, mineral water, carbonated waters, tonic drinks and kvass.
Distribution of shares of these groups of soft drinks in the market Altai Territory as follows. (diagram No. 1). It can be seen from the diagram that carbonated waters make up a large share, then mineral water, juices, and a smaller share - tonic drinks and kvass.
Of those surveyed, 73% bought non-alcoholic carbonated drinks. Among them, both women and men are represented in approximately equal percentages. Most often, non-alcoholic carbonated drinks are bought by people aged 20 to 49 years. It is this age group that accounts for the largest volume of purchases.
by the most active consumers soft drinks are children under 16 years of age (20.4%) and young people from 16 to 29 years of age. (24%). The average consumption of non-alcoholic carbonated drinks in the Altai Territory is 1.7 liters per person per month.

2 Preferences of packaging capacity of purchased non-alcoholic carbonated drinks

Buyers' preferences in choosing the capacity of non-alcoholic carbonated drinks were distributed as follows. As can be seen from diagram 2, the 1.5-liter bottle is in the lead. Most likely, this is due to the fact that local producers pour non-alcoholic carbonated drinks into containers of such a capacity.
At 1.5 liter bottle soft drinks are bought mainly by men and women, from 30 to 49 years old, workers, employees, pensioners, pupils and students.
The main part of the respondents who buy carbonated drinks in containers with a capacity of 0.33 and 2 liters are men, people aged 18-24 and 40-49 years old, by social status they are students and entrepreneurs, with an income level of 600 to 1500 rubles per person.
The group of respondents who buy carbonated drinks in containers with a capacity of 1 liter are people from 30 to 49 years old, according to their social status, employees with incomplete higher and higher education, with different income levels of women (63.3%) and men (36.4%).
Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks in 0.5 liter containers are more often bought by men (65%), people aged 18 to 24 years.

3 Selection criteria for non-alcoholic carbonated drinks.

The distribution of criteria according to the degree of importance for buyers is presented in diagram No. 3
As can be seen from the diagram, the top three most significant criteria included: product quality, price and manufacturer. For 10% of consumers, PET packaging is also considered important when choosing non-alcoholic carbonated drinks.

4 Consumer preferences for brands of non-alcoholic carbonated drinks.

The distribution of brand preferences is shown in Diagram No. 4. Among the brands of carbonated drinks, Lemonade occupies a leading position. In second place after Lemonade is Cream Soda, followed by Tarragon, Pinocchio, etc.

For buyers who noted the brand as one of the important criteria for choosing carbonated drinks, Coca-Cola (52.6%), Orange ( orange flavor) (26%) and Cream Soda (21%)

5 Consumer preference for soda brands.

As can be seen from diagram No. 5, the leading position is occupied by Lemonade, Cream Soda, Tarragon, Pinocchio, Orange, Duchess, followed by Pear, Fiesta, Citro and others.

Preference for brands of sparkling water depending on the socio-demographic characteristics of buyers. "Lemonade", "Cream-soda", "Duchess", "Pinocchio", most often consumed by children under 16 years of age.
Tarragon is consumed most often by people aged 16 to 19, males.
"Orange" is preferred mostly by women.

6. Preference for brands of tonic drinks

There are 30 brands of products on the market of tonic drinks. Diagram 6 shows the distribution of preferences for product brands in percentage from all respondents who use this type drinks.

Among the brands of tonic drinks, Coca-Cola occupies a leading position, followed by Cola, Pepsi and Sprite, a significant share of the market of tonic drinks is occupied by Baikal, 7up and Fanta.

Preference for brands depending on the socio-demographic characteristics of buyers. Tonic carbonated drinks are more preferred by men than by women "Coca-Cola" is preferred mainly by people aged 20 - 29 years and younger, most This consumer group is made up of men. "Kola" is preferred by children under 16 years old, as well as young people 16 - 29 years old, mostly male.
A large group of consumers "Pepsi" are men, aged 16 to 29 years.
"Sprite" and "7 up" are preferred by children under 16 years old and people aged 16-19 males.

7 Share of producers in the market of non-alcoholic carbonated drinks.

Diagram No. 7 shows that Siberian Company occupies a large market share, followed by Ice, Coca-Cola and Triera. The "other" category includes manufacturers with a very small market share: Almaz-Foods, Vinap, Everest and Kaskad, together they account for 1% of the total market.
There are some features of manufacturers' preferences depending on the polling point. So the products of the Siberian Company are bought in many regions of the Altai Territory, but the main share falls on the city of Barnaul (50.7%).
Coca-Cola products are bought more in the city of Barnaul (70%), as well as in the city of Biysk (24.2%).
"Led" is popular mainly with buyers in Barnaul (92.5%), the same data for the products of "Kaskad", "Biotek", "Tacy" (100% of respondents who buy carbonated drinks from these companies) and BLVZ (80%). The Triera company is bought widely throughout the region, and in particular in the city of Banaul (37%), in the city of Biysk (22.2%), in the village (22.2%), in the city of Zarinsk (11%), Barnaul residents (92%) prefer to buy PepsiCo. The products of the Savoy company are bought in villages (33.3%) g. Rubtsovsk (28%), Barnaul (22.2%), Biysk (11%), Zarinsk (5.6%).
Carbonated drinks (in particular, the drink "Pear") of the Volchikhinsky brewery of the Rubtsovsky district are mainly preferred by residents of the city of Rubtsovsk and nearby villages.
The main group of buyers of Aquavit products are residents of Biysk (93.8%)
Buyers, for whom the manufacturer (37 people / 12.8%) and the quality of the product (127 people / 43%) are one of the important criteria for choosing carbonated drinks, also put Siberian Company, Ice and Coca-Cola in the first places in their preferences. The first group of buyers gives a large share of their preferences to PepsiCo and Savoy
Buyers who highlight price as an important criterion when choosing carbonated drinks prefer Ice, Siberian Company and Triere.

Soft drinks are becoming more and more popular - due to their ability to quench thirst, delight consumers pleasant taste and not provide harmful influence on human body, this is also related to the observable in Lately a shift in consumer preferences towards drinks that are healthier than the usual soda, namely mineral water and juices.

The importance of soft drinks in human nutrition cannot be overestimated. It is connected, first of all, with food and biological value these products. Without exception, all age groups of the population consume soft drinks. They serve as sources of carbohydrates, organic acids, minerals, other biologically active components.

Rational norms for the consumption of soft drinks have not been established. The consumption of soft drinks is mainly due to the physiological need of the body to obtain a certain amount of water. Under normal conditions, a person consumes 2.5-3.0 liters of liquid per day, with about 0.5 liters of tea, coffee, compote, juices and mineral water. Recommended intake for non-alcoholic beverages containing carbohydrates and natural ingredients, depending on the season - from 0.5 to 1.5 liters per day.

With regard to consumption and provision of the population with non-alcoholic beverages on the world market in Western Europe in 2012, the total consumption of non-alcoholic beverages amounted to 223 liters. The highest consumption of soft drinks in North America, so there are about 325 liters of soft drinks per inhabitant. The Russian market looks quite impressive, but per inhabitant with a result of 86 liters in 2012, Russia is inferior to many countries both in Eastern Europe and in other regions. Thus, in Estonia, the average consumption of soft drinks per person is 120 liters per year, in Poland - 182 liters, in the Czech Republic - 200 liters (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Dynamics of consumption of soft drinks l/person, 2012

There are three macro segments in the global non-alcoholic soft drinks market:

Bottled water accounts for about 32% of the global consumption of soft drinks, juices, nectars - 15%, soft drinks - 53% (Figure 2.).

According to the dynamics of sales in the world market of soft drinks, bottled water is the leader in physical terms (4652 million liters), carbonated drinks are in second place (4437 million liters) and juices are in third place (2910 million liters) (Figure 3).

Figure 2 Shares of three macro segments in the global soft drinks market in 2012, %

Figure 3 Dynamics of sales of soft drinks by category, 2012, million liters

The average per capita consumption of non-alcoholic beverages in the world market is characterized by stable positive dynamics. Over the past decade, the consumption of soft drinks has increased.

The Russian soft drinks market is considered one of the most dynamic and largest in the world, and according to experts, it ranks 12th. In Russia, carbonated waters, juices, nectars, fruit drinks, mineral waters, are in demand by more than 130 million people. or 90% of the population.

Modern Russian market soft drinks group includes five main segments: mineral and drinking waters, sugary carbonated drinks, juices and energy (tonic) drinks (Figure 4).

Figure 4 Shares of segments in the structure of the Russian soft drinks market in 2012, %

In 2012, retail sales of soft drinks in the Russian Federation reached 229.1 billion rubles. This is 17.5% more than the previous year.

In recent years (2011-2012) there has been a tendency to expand the range of soft drinks, including drinks from imported concentrates from various companies. This is especially evident in the segment juice products. From abroad, concentrated or frozen juices are mainly imported to Russia (the share of ready-to-drink juices is extremely small), and many Russian producers use them to produce juices under their own brands. Only a few companies use the domestic raw material base for the manufacture of beverages.

A large share of the volume of the Russian market of soft drinks and mineral waters occupies products of domestic manufacturers. Products imported from abroad form a little more than 12% of the supply on the market. The presence of an import manufacturer is more typical for the segment of sweet soft drinks, while the market for mineral water without sweeteners is almost completely independent of imports.

In the structure of imported mineral, carbonated waters and drinks containing sugar additives on the Russian market, products from the Republic of Korea prevailed. It accounted for more than 27% of all domestic imports in physical terms. Such products are also supplied to Russia by Ukraine, Austria, China, Switzerland, Germany and other countries.

Russian export volume drinking water and mineral waters in 2012 compared to the previous year increased by 34% and reached 20 thousand tons. Domestic mineral, carbonated water and drinks containing sugar additives are supplied to Abkhazia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Armenia, Mongolia and other countries.

As for the main players in the Russian market of soft drinks, as of the beginning of 2012, the industry has a total of 49 and 39 large and medium-sized enterprises producing soft drinks, which account for about 65% and 86% of the total production, respectively. The largest players on the Russian market are: PepsiCoholdings, Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia, Deka, Ochakovo, RedBull, Karachi Istochnik, OST-Aqua (LLC Aqualife).

Figure 5 shows the shares of the main players in 2012 in the Russian soft drinks market, where it can be observed that PepsiCo is the leader in terms of the largest share in the soft drinks market, and in particular in the juice market. Yes, share PepsiCo in the non-alcoholic beverages market exceeds the share The Coca-Cola Company by 10%, and in the juice market by 23%.

Figure 5 Shares of major players in the Russian soft drinks market in 2011, %

In recent years, the assortment and quality of non-alcoholic beverages produced both by domestic enterprises and those supplied from abroad have changed significantly. The production of artificially colored and flavored beverages increased significantly (by food additives), and the share of production of drinks based on natural fruit and berry juices and bread raw materials has significantly decreased. At the same time, hundreds of formulations of tonic drinks have been developed in our country, the basis of which are extracts and infusions from wild plants growing in Russia: leuzea safflower, eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis, Manchurian aralia, ginseng, golden root, Jerusalem artichoke and other plants. Along with the increase in the production of non-alcoholic beverages and kvass, the industry of bottling mineral waters from natural sources has been greatly developed in our country. Many new deposits of valuable mineral waters have been discovered. At present, the bottling plants produce more than 150 types of mineral waters. Bottling of mineral waters of local sources, drinking purified water is being mastered. These new drinks appeared in connection with the deterioration of the environmental situation and the quality of water consumed in many large cities of Russia.

Protection Russian manufacturers soft drinks. Protection of Russian producers of soft drinks can be carried out through the issuance of subsidies, the implementation of state programs aimed at supporting Russian producers, for example, issuing grants for the construction of Russian factories producing soft drinks, supporting the development of a raw material base for the production of soft drinks.

To support and protect the interests of Russian producers, the Union of Non-Alcoholic Drinks Producers was created, which promotes the improvement of the quality of soft drinks, mineral waters and bottled drinking water by supporting the production and sale high quality products, provides legal assistance to participants in the soft drinks market, aimed primarily at supporting national producers, participates in legislative activities on issues related to the development of the Russian market of soft drinks, mineral waters and bottled drinking water.

Prospects for the development of the soft drinks market. The non-alcoholic beverages market is one of the promising sectors of production in 2009-2012, further growth is predicted, however, based on the growth rates of 2011-2012, the non-alcoholic beverages market has entered a mature stage of growth, when significant sales jumps should not be expected.

Sales of soft drinks in Russia in 2012 increased by 5% in physical terms, exceeding 12 billion liters, and by 10% in monetary terms, reaching 455 billion rubles. Market dynamics slowed down compared to 2010.

The development of the industry in recent years has been facilitated by the increased demand for soft drinks, mineral and drinking water.

Almost every year, new types of products appear on the market: sports drinks, health drinks, mocktails ( non-alcoholic cocktails). Thus, according to experts' forecasts, in real terms the market will grow by 4-6% per year and by 2015 its volume may exceed 1.2 billion liters. Growing incomes of the population will ensure the growth of demand for non-alcoholic products.

In general, Russia is replicating the development of mature markets where consumers are seriously concerned about youth and health issues and where there is a high growth rate of products that help to keep fit and well-being. This trend is perfectly illustrated by the Russian soft drinks market.

Non-alcoholic drinks have recently enjoyed particular popularity in the Russian market - due to their ability to quench thirst, delight consumers with a pleasant taste and not have a harmful effect on the human body. Over the past few years, the Russian soft drinks market has been demonstrating high and steady growth rates. This success is due to the recent trend of shifting consumer preferences towards healthier drinks than the usual soda, namely mineral water and juices. In the media, there are more and more articles and programs that present the issue of consumption of high-quality non-alcoholic beverages as necessary condition for a long and healthy life. If earlier mineral water was bought mainly to quench a sudden thirst, now it is increasingly being chosen as the main drink at home, at work, while playing sports, used for cooking at home and in suburban areas.

Demand for soft drinks. Factors affecting the formation of demand

Today, the soft drinks market is one of the fastest growing consumer markets in Russia. Residents of urban Russia began to pay more attention healthy eating and their physical form. The growth of "healthy" segments significantly exceeds the growth of the categories themselves. The most striking example of this trend is the growth in demand for soft drinks. Demand is of great importance in the development of the market. Demand informs producers about what to produce, how much, what quality, and at what price. Quality, price and recognition of the product determine the demand.

The results of the analysis of the nutrition structure of the Russian population show that in recent years there has been a significant increase in the volume of consumption of soft drinks and juices, the contribution of which to the total energy value diet now exceeds 7%.

The importance of drinks in human nutrition cannot be overestimated. This is primarily due to the nutritional and biological value of these products. Without exception, all age groups of the population consume soft drinks. They serve as sources of carbohydrates, organic acids, minerals, and other biologically active components. From a consumer point of view, the ability of the drink to quench thirst and its organoleptic properties are of great importance.

According to the results of a Russian survey of consumers on which soft drinks they prefer, more than two-thirds of respondents answered that they quench their thirst with tea (Figure 2), 43% mineral water, a third of the respondents kvass. Approximately the same number of Russians (30%) do not deny themselves a cup of coffee. It turned out that coffee drinkers mostly live in big cities (38%) and earn good money (44%). Every fifth Russian drinks tap water, and among them there are significantly more residents

rural areas (29%). A quarter of respondents chose juices and nectars (27%) or soft drinks (24%). Least of all our compatriots cool down non-alcoholic beer(3%) and energy drinks(3%) (see figure 2).

In general, the structure of the soft drinks market (see Figure 3) is as follows: sweet soda accounts for 43% in kind. Coca-cola remains the absolute leader in the sweet soda segment.

Figure 2. Non-alcoholic drink preferences of Russian citizens

Figure 3. The structure of the soft drinks market

Compani (trademarks Cocacola, Sprit, Fanta) and PepsiCo (Pepsi, 7Up, Mirinda). In Russia, the most active consumers of non-alcoholic carbonated drinks are children under 16 years old (20.4%) and young people from 16 to 29 years old (24%) Olga Mikheeva. Who crosses the road to soda? Overview of the Ural market of non-alcoholic carbonated drinks. / Grocery business. 2007, No. 5, p. 28. In the past few years, its sales growth rates have lagged behind those in other categories of soft drinks, in particular juices or mineral and drinking water. This is largely due to the fact that consumers began to focus on more healthy drinks. Another reason for the decline in the popularity of carbonated water is the expansion of the range of other soft drinks offered to the consumer: cold tea, kvass, juice drinks. And although these markets are not widespread enough in Russia, their development also intensifies competition in the non-alcoholic market.

Juices and nectars occupy a quarter of the soft drinks market (25%). Most consumers prefer 100% juices as the most healthy and natural, containing least amount preservatives. The largest share of sales belong to the brands " Orchard"(Lebedyansky), "Good" (Multon), J7 (WimmBillDann Foods), "My Family" (Nidan Soki). In recent years, juice consumption in Russia has been constantly growing. The average per capita level of juice consumption in 2007 is 810 times higher than in Soviet times and is 18.4 liters (for comparison, in 2000 this figure was 6.3 liters). The population of large cities and metropolitan areas consumes juices approximately 1.5 times more than the average population of the Russian Federation, namely, about 2830 liters per year. This is due to the greater concentration of real and potential consumers of these products in cities. However, compared to Western European countries, juice consumption in Russia is still low, and this only inspires additional optimism regarding the development of this market. Marinina L. Russian juice market./ Conjuncture of the commodity market. 2008 No. 2. page 25.

The most successfully developing segment of the soft drinks market is kvass. It can be singled out as a separate category, which occupies 3% in the structure of soft drinks, since in recent years, the native Russian drink has shown a positive sales trend. The Marketing Index study of the TNS Russia group of companies for the second half of 2007 shows that the most popular kvass is Ochakovsky, known to 51.5% (49.7% for the same period in 2006) of respondents. In second place in terms of brand knowledge (40.5%) and in third place in terms of drink consumption (18.1%) is Nikola kvass. In third place (28.4%) - Monastyrsky kvass. Kvass has passed the period of more than 10-fold decline in production volume (5 million decalitres in 1997 against 70 million decalitres in 1991) and in the last two or three years it has been rapidly regaining its previous positions in the consumer's basket of consumption. Sales of bottled kvass increased by 2030% annually and reached 83 million decaliters in 2007 (Table 1). Kvass traditions are returning. Eliseev M. N., Patalakha A. E. / Beer and drinks, 2008 (#6), p 40, This indicates that kvass is returning to the Russian soft drinks market, trying to achieve the popularity that this drink had in Soviet time. In the USSR, it occupied a solid niche of soft drinks, but was gradually replaced by Coca-Cola and Pepsi, but today it is in demand.

Table 1

Sales of bottled kvass

The product category iced tea is quite young. Manufacturers started working in this niche about five years ago. However, this category shows very good growth and dynamics. The percentage of consumption of the most popular brands of iced tea is as follows: Lipton (17.2%), Nestea (16.3%), Nice Tea (2.5%), Edo (1.4%), Caprice (1.3%) (according to the TNS Russia group of companies, Marketing Index research for the second half of 2007). Previously, in Russia, even the concept of iced tea did not exist, but now the product is firmly entrenched and this segment is actively developing. Its share is 2% of the total consumption.

And 27% is occupied by drinking and mineral water. At the same time, with the traditional distrust of tap water, with the growth of purchasing power, buyers are increasingly buying bottled water (annual sales growth rates of which are estimated at 1012%) Unique source water…/ Trade area. 2008 March (#2)/08. p.16.. If earlier mineral water was bought in order to quench a sudden thirst, now it is increasingly being chosen as the main drink at home, at work, when playing sports, used for cooking and in suburban areas. The growth of water consumption in the regions of Russia is not associated with low quality tap water, it is associated with information about its quality, brought to the consumer. In the Sverdlovsk region, public opinion is shaped by market players: bottled water companies, filter sellers, water deliverers, the authorities prefer to remain silent. Bottled water consumption is growing. The example of the Sverdlovsk region is very expressive and testifies to the influence of available information on the formation of public opinion.

According to Romir, in 2007 the top three most popular bottled water brands were Aqua Minerale (19%), Bonaqua (18%) and Essentuki mineral water (16%). Next in popularity were ArkhyzVita (10%), Novoterskaya (8%), Karachinskaya (7%), Narzan (7%) and Shishkin Les (7%). That is, the largest players in the all-Russian market of mineral and drinking water are also the international concerns PepsiCo (TM Aqua Minerale) and CocaCola Company (TM BonAqua). medicinal water- 6%. E. Snegireva. Buy yourself living water. / Territory of trade. 2007 July (#2)/07. Page 18.

43% of Russians prefer to buy soft drinks in supermarkets and hypermarkets. Grocery stores, grocery stores (27.2%) and small self-service stores (23.6%) are in the second and third positions in the ranking of shopping places. Only 5% of Russians buy non-alcoholic drinks in pavilions and the same number at open markets(See Figure 4).

Figure 4. Non-alcoholic beverage outlets

Against the background of improving the well-being of the population and promoting a healthy lifestyle, consumer preferences are shifting towards more natural drinks- to water and juices. According to the Nielsen study, retail sales soft drinks in 2007 rose by 11%. Among the growth leaders here are juices (+14%) and carbonated drinks (+18%), the high dynamics of the latter was supported by the most Russian soft drink - kvass, whose sales in value terms increased by more than 60% in 2007, amounting to 10% of the total sales of carbonated drinks in value terms. Russia: food market grew by 13%. Peasant news. 25.02.2008

The soft drinks market is increasingly influenced by “healthy” trends: the desire for healthy lifestyle life, well-being and expanding the range of quality natural products. Especially popular are such drinks and products, the beneficial effect of which becomes quickly noticeable, for example, digestion improves or weight returns to normal. To the greatest extent, this applies to the category of functional drinks, that is, drinks that have additional useful properties. This allows the manufacturer to position the product in a higher price segment, which is an important advantage, especially in established markets where the consumer is looking for additional benefits in the form of High Quality, rich in vitamins and minerals composition, improved taste.

Among the important factors influencing the choice in favor of a particular product, one can note: brand awareness (6.1%), healing properties(6.1%), domestic producer (5.7%) (see figure 5).

Figure 5. Selection criteria for soft drinks

But the most important thing for the consumer when choosing soft drinks remains taste preferences(31.9%), acceptable price (15.4%), and product quality (15.3%). So, for example, the most preferred taste of carbonated drinks by Russians is orange, it is chosen by 38.3% of Russians over 16 years old. This is followed by tastes (according to the names of drinks: Cola (33.9%), Duchesse (27.8%), Pinocchio (25.6%), Kremsoda (20.8%), Bell (20.6%), Tarragon (19.5%), Baikal (17.5%), Lemon (16.6%), Apple (15.2%). popularity (6.1%) of a particular product also affects the demand, it depends on the degree of impact of the advertising campaign on the consumer audience. advertising companies on the central television channels of a certain drink, there is an increase in demand for this product.

You can also trace the characteristics of consumer preferences among consumers with different material wealth. Consumers with higher incomes prefer to buy drinks with a higher price category.

Another not unimportant factor influencing the soft drinks market is seasonality. The peak of sales comes in the summer. With the onset of summer, the volume of demand increases by almost 34 times. Beverage manufacturers are trying during this period to develop new drinks, with the best taste and quality. However, in winter, the demand for soft drinks does not disappear, the structure of preferences changes, that is, carbonated sweet water and juice-containing drinks give preference to natural juices. The peak of seasonal sales in Russia for soft drinks is June-July, the peak of demand for juices falls on autumn, winter and spring, the period of beriberi.

Demand is influenced by factors such as:

social, which can be caused by information received

from relatives, friends and colleagues;

commercial, which are directed by the manufacturer, wholesaler or

retailer, the purpose of this factor is to interest the consumer, to draw his attention to a certain product, a specific company through advertising, sales, presentations, exhibitions, tastings;

physical factors in which one or more

several physical senses.

Demand, as well as supply, is also affected by the location of the region, population size and density, and climate. Price has a huge influence on the formation of demand.

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Analysis of the consumer goods market (on the example of the soft drinks market)

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