
What is the cork on a liter martini bottle. Vermouth Martini - how to identify the real

How to distinguish a fake Martini from the original. Photo 4.67 /5 (93.33%) 9

"Martini" is a popular brand that is actively counterfeited, so the actual question is how to distinguish the original "Martini" from a fake.

In one of our previous articles, we already talked about, and from the original, today we'll talk about how how to distinguish the original Martini Bianco from a fake.

Why Martini Bianco? It's simple, this is one of the most popular, which is most often tried to fake by dishonest dealers.

1. Naturally, the first rule of buying a Martini is the price and place of purchase. You should not buy alcohol at a suspiciously low price, especially in "dumb" establishments.

2. Excise stamp. First of all, it must be, while the date of production must be clearly indicated on it. In addition, the excise stamp must be well pasted and normally held.

3. Martini Bianco label. The label is the face of any alcohol, so it must be clearly glued, without distortions and bevels. If in front of you is a bottle with a crookedly pasted label, then 100% in front of you is a fake of the famous vermouth.

4. The bottom of an original Martini Bianco bottle. From the label, we smoothly move to the bottom, because they have a connection. When buying a Martini, be sure to pay attention to the bottom of the glass bottle, if an orientator in the form of a recess is found on it, then this bottle is of local production.

In the West, indentations or chamfers on the cylindrical part of the bottle are used as an orientator for labeling; in Russia, on most production lines, bottles are made with an orientator in the form of a recess.

That's not all, at the bottom of the bottle there should be an inscription about the volume of the bottle, if you have an inscription like 1 L in front of you, then this is a local bottle with a fake, on the original bottles cl will appear instead of L.

5. Martini cork. The cork of the bottle is also a serious piece of evidence when exposing the counterfeit Martini Bianco vermouth. As a rule, a fake cork is solid, while the original has a cork with a golden top. In addition, pay attention to the inscriptions, the original should say - MARTINI & ROSSI FONDATA 1863.

6. A bottle of Martini Bianco must contain an emblem design, and the design must be of high quality, not blurry.

Martini (vermouth) is an alcoholic drink created a very long time ago. According to one of the most common versions, the composition of the martini was developed by Dr. Hippocrates himself. One day he noticed that wine mixed with herbal pomace had a positive effect on the sick. Taking it, they recovered much faster.

Let's look at the classic types of this drink, find out what you should pay attention to first of all so as not to buy a fake and how martini actually differs from vermouth.

What is vermouth?

To a simple question about how martini differs from vermouth, few people can give an exact answer. To begin with, let's define what vermouth is all the same. The very word "vermouth" in translation means "wormwood". Manufacturers add various fragrant spicy and medicinal plants. It is easy to guess from the name that the basis of these additives is wormwood. In addition, the composition of vermouth may include about 35 mint, St. John's wort, chamomile, ginger, coriander and others.

Herbs are infused for 20 days, during which time resins, essential oils and other necessary substances dissolve, creating the necessary bouquet. After obtaining the herbal extract, it is mixed with wine. Then alcohol and sugar are added to the drink. Alcohol is needed for better preservation and solubility of aromatic substances, while sugar smooths out excessive bitterness. After the performed operations, the vermouth is strongly heated, then cooled. The resulting drink should be infused for 3-4 months, sometimes this period can be extended to one and a half years.

Vermouths come in many varieties: white vermouth, which contains 10 to 15% sugar; pink, containing about 15% sugar; red vermouth - 15% and more.


Martini (vermouth), what is it? Martini is a brand of vermouth that is produced in Italian wineries. In 1847, by chance, two unusual personalities met in Turin: the wine merchant Alessandro Martini and the herbalist Luigi Rossi. Striving for new ideas and tastes, they exchanged their knowledge in the hope of getting an unusual drink that brings people joy and pleasure. As a result of many experiments, they managed to create a drink full of taste and energy, which is so popular now. The result of their successful experiment was called "Martini Rossi". Following this, in 1863, they formed a Martini vermouth company called Martini & Rossi.

As you already understood, the question of the differences between these two drinks is inappropriate, since martini is vermouth. "Martini" has become incredibly popular, it is almost synonymous with the word "vermouth". It often happens that a person who wants to try vermouth will ask for a martini in the store. However, many do not know that there are a lot of manufacturers of this drink. In addition to Italy, vermouth is produced in many countries: in France, Spain, USA, Germany, Argentina, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Moldova, etc.

Martini Bianco

Vermouth Martini Bianco appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. It has a fresh citrus flavor with quite interesting undertones. It surprisingly combines the bitterness and astringency of wormwood with pleasant sweet notes. This vermouth is quite strong, but its strength is almost imperceptible. Vermouth Martini Bianco is made from dry white wine, to which soft sweet floral spices and aromatic herbal extracts are added (the extract contains sandalwood, rhubarb, cloves, buckwheat roots, etc.). Vermouth has a pleasant color and its name comes from the white vanilla flowers used in the preparation process. This drink is preferred by young girls. There are many options for its use. In its pure form, green olive or lemon, ice are added to Martini vermouth. You can drink it with juice, soda, tonic. On the basis of vermouth, exquisite cocktails with a unique taste are obtained.

Martini Extra Dry

This species is one of the varieties of dry vermouth. Its presentation took place during the celebration of the New Year in 1900. Vermouth Martini Extra Dry was appreciated and immediately began to enjoy great success. It has a nice light color. A distinctive feature of this drink is that after tasting it, you will not feel a single gram of bitterness. This Martini vermouth has a pleasant aroma, in which you can distinguish both floral notes and fruit and berry motifs. Another advantage of this drink is the minimum sugar content.

Before serving, a bottle of vermouth must be cooled to 10-15 degrees, since when warm, the excellent taste of the drink is lost. Experienced tasters advise using this vermouth in its pure form, because this is how its taste qualities are most fully revealed. You can dilute it with a little water, ice, add a slice of lemon. In addition, martini goes well with gin, whiskey, cognac and vodka.

Martini Rosso

It differs from other species by its high sugar content (16%), sufficiently high strength and rich red color. It is similar in taste to Martini Bianco vermouth. A sweet white drink is the basis for making Rosso. To obtain Martini Rosso, white vermouth is initially prepared, to which various components are then added to enhance the taste and smell.

Vermouth has a pleasant caramel flavor, after the first sip there is an aftertaste of grapefruit and grapes. The drink goes well with various cheeses, olives, nuts and crackers.

How not to buy a fake?

The strength of Martini vermouth depends on the type of drink. Bianco, Rosso, Rose have a fortress of about 16%, Extra Dry - 18%, the strongest - Bitter, with a strength of 25%, it is produced only by the Martini and Rossi company. It is not surprising that vermouths, beloved all over the world, are often faked. Sometimes, just by looking at the bottle, it is difficult to determine whether it is a real Martini (vermouth) or not.

There are several rules, following which, you can protect yourself to some extent from buying low-quality vermouth.

  • First, buy martinis only in specialized stores. An exception can be made for large Internet portals of well-known companies.
  • Secondly, pay attention to the strength of the drink. Even one degree difference means that you have a fake.
  • Look at the price. Martini (vermouth) cannot cost less than 300-400 rubles. Of course, at pre-holiday sales, its value may decrease, but not by much.

How do you recommend drinking a martini? There are many ways, let's look at some of them. Martini is not recommended to drink in one gulp, since only in small sips the whole fullness of aroma and delicate taste opens up.

They drink vermouth both in pure form and diluted, or as part of various cocktails. As for dry vermouths, it is better not to dilute them, not to mix them and to use them chilled. It is important not to forget that vermouth is an aperitif, they drink it at the beginning of dinner.

Cocktail of the same name

There is a fairly common cocktail, which is based on gin and vermouth - Martini Dry. It got its name in honor of its creator - Martini de Toguia. This happened long before the emergence of a well-known trademark.

The original cocktail consisted of equal proportions of gin and vermouth. But over time, it came to the point that the glass can only be slightly rinsed with vermouth before pouring gin into it. Interestingly, the famous James Bond was a true connoisseur of such a cocktail, only in it gin was replaced with vodka and vermouth was added - a white Martini.

A bit about martini advertising

In addition to agent 007, who promoted the brand all over the world, this wonderful drink was also advertised by the heroine of the eponymous TV series Kamenskaya. Elena Yakovleva, who played the main role, claimed that thanks to this vermouth, wonderful and unpredictable ideas are born in the head, thought processes are accelerated. Who knows, perhaps there is something in this, because it was not for nothing that Hippocrates himself spoke about the healing properties of vermouth.

The Martini brand does not need special advertising, as it is very popular among show business stars even without it. Remember the ad in which Gwyneth Paltrow says: "My martini, please!". Commercials of this brand are both simple and memorable, because a quality drink does not need constant advertising.

The very mention of this divine drink evokes a feeling of admiration, luxury, relaxation and the expectation of unsurpassed pleasure.

Congratulations! HOORAY! We are already in 2016!

Morning. January 01, 2016. And I dedicate my first review to an alcoholic drink that I drank on New Year's Eve (night). If it’s not difficult to share information about which alcoholic drink prevailed on your tables (perhaps it was more than one type), and later at the end of the review I will rank the alcoholic drinks that were on the New Year’s tables of our citizens, in general, we will determine the rating of the best!

Name of the alcoholic drink: Martini (vermouth) white (it. Martini bianco)

Drink info:

Martini- a brand of vermouth produced in Italy, named after the distillery Martini & Rossi in Turin, founded by Alessandro Martini. The main competitor is Cinzano brand vermouth. Factory Martini & Rossi also produces the famous drink "Kinamartini". 15% alc.

According to the facts gleaned from an Internet source, there are nine types of vermouth. The closest, most familiar and favorite for me is white (Italian bianco).

By the way, the price per liter is 10 euros.

Bianco(white) (since 1910s) (rus. bianco ) - light straw color, has a mild aroma with a slight hint of vanilla and spices. The taste is less bitter and more refined than Rosso. Drink it with ice or lemon. You can also drink it with soda, tonic or lemonade.

The stores in my city do not have a large assortment of Italian vermouth, but even if there was, I would not take a new type of this drink for myself, there is nothing better than proven alcohol, because your well-being in the morning depends on it. And the morning promises to be the beginning of a new year!

A little about the appearance:

A bottle made of thick glass in the shape of a female figure (this is how I see it) in a volume of 1 liter, quite heavy. The lid is soldered with a license seal. We open it and then unscrew the lid. Convenient, no need to steam with traffic jams. For the convenience of pouring the drink, the neck of the bottle is equipped with a special plastic dispenser.

On both sides of the bottle there are native stickers with information about the product.

The sticker from the importer is pasted on the back of the bottle.


wine, sugar 165-190 g/l, 15% alcohol, natural herbal extracts, water, vanilla flavouring.

Taste properties:

I like Martini bianco for its mild taste, this is the kind of alcohol that you can sip slowly and enjoy the process.

Aroma- sweet with a slight bitterness, the associations are different, sometimes it resembles almonds, vanilla, sometimes I hear notes of valerian in it.

Taste in its pure form - sweet bitterness with a nutty aftertaste. Easy to drink, especially when diluted.

How to use!!!

Martini in its purest form is drunk in a special low glass with a slice of lemon and ice cubes - if it is Bianco, Rose or Extra Dry, and Martini Rosso - with a slice of orange. Martini-based cocktails are drunk from a long-stemmed cocktail glass. It is customary not to drink martinis in one gulp, but to sip slowly and exquisitely.

How do I drink Martini bianco:

Store at room temperature, do not refrigerate before use.

Naturally, I do not adhere to clear rules that are prescribed by the manufacturer, in what form and in what dishes to use this alcoholic drink.

Most often, in its pure form with a slice of lemon and even without ice cubes in an ordinary glass cup. Glasses for cocktails remained at the same place of residence, and in order to buy a set of new ones, hands still do not reach.

Sometimes I make the most uncomplicated cocktails. Two of which I will show you.

1 option.

I put ice in the form of frozen water cubes into a glass (glass), pour an alcoholic drink and add 2-3 olives (of course, canned). I decorate with a slice of lemon (forgot to show in the photo). I wait for the ice to melt, then I use it.

Option 2.

Again, I put ice cubes in a glass (glass), pour a martini, do not indicate the volumes, because I always do everything by eye, then I add cranberry juice, cranberries add a touch of acid instead of lemon. I decorate the glass (glass) at my discretion (before pouring liquids, you can moisten the edge of the glass, then dip it in sugar).

p.s. Cranberry juice can be replaced with ice, which can be frozen from the same cranberry juice, it will be beautiful and tasty!!!

Still, it's alcohol. What do Martini bianco eat?

If you drink a martini aperitif before eating, then it should be eaten with olives or black olives or hard cheeses.

If used as table drink(which it is not), then a white Martini Bianco is served with fish.

Connoisseurs consider it true to use martinis in their pure form, without biting it at all, maximum with olives.

There is also one good martini appetizer view- pineapple cheese canape and lettuce. Hard cheese and pineapple are cut into cubes of 3 cm, lettuce is cut into strips 6 cm long. They take a skewer and put cheese first, then lettuce, balanced 2 times and finish with pineapple. Simple and unconventional!

Particularly ardent to the question: what do martinis eat? - they answer - with a kiss of a loved one!

My choice- as an aperitif before meals, sometimes, when there is a desire, I have a snack with olives!

And today - January 1 - in the morning there was an exception to the rule - with a cold Olivier salad! Perversion!

It turned out to be some kind of not a review, but whatever, but let it be as reckless as the monkey who came to visit us! In general, do not judge strictly! If you have not tried this alcoholic drink - then of course, I recommend it !!! Although, perhaps, such people no longer exist!

Thank you all for your attention and looking forward to your choice of alcoholic (or not) drink that you drank on New Year's Eve (night)!

Happy New Year 2016 everyone! And have a sweet life, gentlemen!

  1. Champagne (sparkling wine) - 12
  2. vermouth - 5
  3. liquor - 2
  4. soft drink - 2
  5. vodka - 1
  6. rum - 1

There are several varieties of Martini and I have not tried all of them, but most of all I like this drink made from white grapes - “ Martini Bianko».

Bartenders called Martini the king of nightlife and parties. But I think that it is Bianko» should be called queen. It's still more "women's drink", because mostly girls and women prefer it.

Martini (Martini) is an alcoholic drink produced in Italy, more precisely - Italian vermouth. It is a flavored grape wine with the addition of herbal extracts. The drink is named after one of the founders of the Turin distillery - Alessandro Martini.

The first tasting of Martini was in 1863 in Turin, and in 1915 the drink had already gained worldwide fame.

In different types of martini, the proportions, the grape variety and the composition of the herbs and spices included in it change.

My favorite "Martini Bianko" sweet, delicate and light in taste. Vanilla is well felt with a bitter note of wormwood.

The bottle design is new. The shape of the bottle, the inscriptions on the glass, as well as the labels have changed. This new packaging has been in production since June 2016.

Customer: Martini. Agency: AMVBBDO. Art Direction: Richard Conner.

In its pure, undiluted form, I somehow did not quite appreciate this drink, but with citrus juices and ice cubes it turned out a great combination. Freshly squeezed orange juice is best. Some of my friends like it neat with citrus slices, someone mixes it with cola. Lots of cocktail options Martini is on the Internet. Of course, we all have different tastes, but I bet 5 stars and recommend to try.
