
Lamber cheese manufacturer. Lamber cheese from the Altai Territory

About the brand Lambert

Cheese under the brand name "Lamber" was introduced to the market in 2003 by Wimm-Bill-Dann. The manufacturer is the market leader in dairy products in Russia and the CIS countries.

The name "Lamber" sounds European in Russia and inspires confidence in the product among buyers.

"Lamber" is a universal cheese for every day for all family members. It is good both for sandwiches and as an ingredient for cooking various dishes - grated or melted.

Lamber is made from the milk of the Altai Territory, known for its high quality and environmental friendliness. The fat content of Lambert is 50%.

Delicate creamy taste of "Lambert" made an impression on consumers. Already in 2003, the brand received the title of "Brand of the Year". This inspired Wimm-Bill-Dann to develop the brand and a new type of product appeared on sale - "Lamber Creamy", with a fat content of 55% and a more delicate texture.

Vika (July 14, 2016)

Deterioration in quality and increase in price.
In addition to the fact that this cheese has risen sharply in price, they now add the food supplement E252 (it is categorically contraindicated for children to use the supplement) and annatto dye, which were not there before! I don't buy it anymore :(

Victor (December 30, 2015)

Taste quality of Lambert cheese
Today before the New Year I bought a piece of Lambert cheese in Gatchina in the store "Like Cheese in Butter". I decided to have a cup of tea in the evening, made a cheese sandwich, well, I think now I will savor it. And the cheese is bitter, half a year ago I tried Lambert cheese for the first time, the taste was amazing. I called the store where I bought it, explained what the problem was, advised me to drive up to them in the morning, promised to replace it, it’s good that I kept the receipt.

Dmitry (October 30, 2015)

Lambert - excellent taste!
Yes, when it was...excellent taste....even before the sanctions, I preferred to buy Lambert when the store shelves were bursting with choice. And now ... there is only one name left .... tasteless! We don't need this cheese!

piece (October 12, 2014)

Oh yeah! lamber super


Delicious, but the price bites
We love this cheese, but the price has recently become high, so we buy this cheese less often now. Very tasty hot sandwiches with it, melts well when heated


Only he!
Cheese is above all praise for its quality and naturalness. Lambert is the choice of a gourmet. With white wine or snacks, this is just a masterpiece! The price has a place to be slightly higher than cheap fakes!


And the price doesn't change.
Until this summer, the cheese tasted very good. Yes, and in appearance - very attractive. Unfortunately, today only the appearance remains of high quality. The cheese tasted like it had been changed. The taste is not stable, bitter. Feels a little too soft to the touch. Where is that delicious cheese that used to be? And the price is still high.


about the quality of the product
We got acquainted with this cheese recently, but fell in love with it immediately and are now looking for it.


best cheese
I ate different types of cheeses, but it was "Lamber" that I remember most of all, since its taste is delicate, creamy and it is suitable both for a sandwich and can be grated.

When writing a review, try to describe

The traditional Lambert cheese, which appeared on the Russian market in 2003, is made from cow's milk of the Altai Territory, unique in its qualities.

This cheese belongs to semi-hard rennet cheese varieties. It has a light yellow color and a unique pronounced creamy taste, aroma and very delicate texture. A large number of small eyes-holes are rather randomly distributed over the cheese mass.

The manufacturer is the company. Wimm-Bill-Dann, Russia. This company is currently owned by the American firm PepsiCo. It should be noted that the plant for the production of Lamber cheese is located in the Altai Territory.

An important feature of "Lambert" is the original round shape, the patent for the production technology of which is held by PepsiCo. Packing - 1.15 kg.

The calorie content of Lambert cheese is 377 kcal per 100 g of product, the mass fraction of fat in dry matter is 50%. There is such a variety of cheese as "Creamy", with m.d.zh. 55%.

In the composition of Lambert cheese:

  • pasteurized cow's milk
  • bacterial concentrate of mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria CHOOZIT
  • milk-clotting enzyme preparation of animal origin CLERICI
  • edible salt
  • natural food coloring E160b
  • preservative potassium nitrate

Useful properties of Lambert cheese

Like any cheese, Lambert contains a huge amount of calcium, which means it improves the condition of teeth, hair, nails and bones.

There are no carbohydrates in Lambert cheese, a quarter of the protein content, the rest belongs to fats. This rennet cheese is very rich in phosphorus. It contains vitamins such as: vitamin A, E, vitamin D, PP, vitamin C, B1, B2, B12, as well as pantothenic acid.

Pantothenic acid, which is found in Lambert cheese, promotes the functioning of the immune system, improves the condition of muscle tissue, increases stress resistance, helps the adrenal glands, and participates in the reactions of fats and carbohydrates.

And vitamin C has a powerful antioxidant effect, improves the strength of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, favorably affects the state of connective tissue, increases the body's susceptibility to various diseases, promotes the speedy healing of wounds and skin ulcers.

Thanks to the rich content of vitamins, the product helps the body grow and develop, improves brain function and restores strength after heavy physical and mental stress.

Cheese Lambert in cooking

Lambert cheese, like all hard cheeses, is widely used in cooking, combined with many dishes. Included is on our website.

The cheese is quite rustic for a cheese plate, because it has a not too pronounced aftertaste, but it is quite possible to eat it in its pure form.

This semi-hard cheese is perfect for making sandwiches, baking a variety of pastries such as casseroles, adding to soups and sauces, pouring over spaghetti and other pasta, slicing or grating into salads.

About the brand Lambert

Cheese under the brand name "Lamber" was introduced to the market in 2003 by Wimm-Bill-Dann. The manufacturer is the market leader in dairy products in Russia and the CIS countries.

The name "Lamber" sounds European in Russia and inspires confidence in the product among buyers.

"Lamber" is a universal cheese for every day for all family members. It is good both for sandwiches and as an ingredient for cooking various dishes - grated or melted.

Lamber is made from the milk of the Altai Territory, known for its high quality and environmental friendliness. The fat content of Lambert is 50%.

Delicate creamy taste of "Lambert" made an impression on consumers. Already in 2003, the brand received the title of "Brand of the Year". This inspired Wimm-Bill-Dann to develop the brand and a new type of product appeared on sale - "Lamber Creamy", with a fat content of 55% and a more delicate texture.

Vika (July 14, 2016)

Deterioration in quality and increase in price.
In addition to the fact that this cheese has risen sharply in price, they now add the food supplement E252 (it is categorically contraindicated for children to use the supplement) and annatto dye, which were not there before! I don't buy it anymore :(

Victor (December 30, 2015)

Taste quality of Lambert cheese
Today before the New Year I bought a piece of Lambert cheese in Gatchina in the store "Like Cheese in Butter". I decided to have a cup of tea in the evening, made a cheese sandwich, well, I think now I will savor it. And the cheese is bitter, half a year ago I tried Lambert cheese for the first time, the taste was amazing. I called the store where I bought it, explained what the problem was, advised me to drive up to them in the morning, promised to replace it, it’s good that I kept the receipt.

Dmitry (October 30, 2015)

Lambert - excellent taste!
Yes, when it was...excellent taste....even before the sanctions, I preferred to buy Lambert when the store shelves were bursting with choice. And now ... there is only one name left .... tasteless! We don't need this cheese!

piece (October 12, 2014)

Oh yeah! lamber super

Delicious, but the price bites
We love this cheese, but the price has recently become high, so we buy this cheese less often now. Very tasty hot sandwiches with it, melts well when heated


Only he!
Cheese is above all praise for its quality and naturalness. Lambert is the choice of a gourmet. With white wine or snacks, this is just a masterpiece! The price has a place to be slightly higher than cheap fakes!


And the price doesn't change.
Until this summer, the cheese tasted very good. Yes, and in appearance - very attractive. Unfortunately, today only the appearance remains of high quality. The cheese tasted like it had been changed. The taste is not stable, bitter. Feels a little too soft to the touch. Where is that delicious cheese that used to be? And the price is still high.


about the quality of the product
We got acquainted with this cheese recently, but fell in love with it immediately and are now looking for it.


114 mg cholesterol.

Parmesan cheese, 100 g

Contains 26 g of fat, 36 g of protein.

The amino acid composition is balanced. There is vitamin A, group B, PP, a lot of selenium and zinc. The leader in the amount of calcium - 1184 mg, and sodium - 1602 mg - this is four times more than in Adyghe cheese (a teaspoon of salt).

68 mg cholesterol.

On November 24, the Rosselkhoznadzor for the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai published the results of inspections carried out at the Rubtsovsky Dairy Plant. It turned out that Lamber cheese, which is produced at this enterprise, does not meet the quality requirements. Moreover, as noted by the department, the violation was detected again. As a result, the regulatory authority has introduced restrictive measures for these products. How could this happen, is there a dairy plant's wine in it and will it be able to sell its cheese in Russia, read in our analysis.

Oleg Bogdanov

1 What violations were found at the Rubtsovsk Dairy Plant?

The inspectors found antibiotics of the tetracycline group in Lambert cheese. The department reports: this is not the first case of exceeding the permissible level of this substance in the company's products. After the first time, the Rubtsovsky Dairy Plant was put under enhanced laboratory control, which, in turn, confirmed the violation of veterinary and sanitary requirements. Based on the test protocols in the Register of Enterprises of the Customs Union, "RZM" received the status of "temporarily limited".

2 What does this status mean?

This status prohibits the Rubtsovsky Dairy Plant from supplying cheese to the market of the EAEU member countries. We are talking about Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan. The Rosselkhoznadzor for the Altai Territory explained to the website that the duration of the ban will depend on the actions of the enterprise itself. The department has already held a meeting with the management of the plant. The company began work to prevent the recurrence of a similar situation. As soon as the issue is resolved, the "temporarily restricted" status will be removed.

Oleg Bogdanov

3 Will Lamber cheese be banned in Russia?

The Rosselkhoznadzor informed the Veterinary Administration of the Altai Territory that an antibiotic was found in Lamber cheese. It has the right to restrict the movement of products of enterprises with the status of “temporarily restricted” across Russia. The agency also notified the veterinary department of the need to conduct regional monitoring of the safety of products produced at the Rubtsovsk Dairy Plant. It is not yet known whether the veterinary service will restrict the transportation of Lambert cheese. It was not possible to get a comment on this promptly.

4 How could antibiotics get into the cheese?

As Alexander Mayorov, director of the Siberian Research Institute of Cheese Making, explained on the site, such situations at dairy enterprises are possible due to an error at the stage of acceptance of raw materials. According to the rules, incoming milk is checked for antibiotics once every 10 days. At the same time, the supplier is obliged to notify the processor if animals were vaccinated at the livestock complex using antibiotic preparations. According to Alexander Mayorov, the plant is definitely not interested in the supply of such milk. Raw materials containing an antibiotic may not curdle to the desired consistency during the cheese making process.

5 What do the owners of the company think about this?

PepsiCo Russia, Ukraine, CIS and Central Europe vice president for corporate relations Sergey Glushkov told Interfax that the company received a letter from Rosselkhoznadzor about the detection of tetracycline group antibiotics in a sample of Lamber cheese. Measures were immediately taken: the plant blocked this batch of products in the warehouse and conducted research in three independent accredited laboratories, including a laboratory subordinate to Rospotrebnadzor.

According to Glushkov, studies have confirmed the absence of antibiotics. PepsiCo Russia does not consider the department's actions legal and justified "neither in terms of decisions made, nor in terms of published information." The company does not exclude the possibility of applying to law enforcement agencies and the court.

Oleg Bogdanov

6 Were there any complaints about the quality of Lamber cheese before?

In March 2016, claims were already made against the Rubtsovsky Dairy Plant regarding the quality of its products. Then the territorial committees for the protection of consumer rights of the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan checked 337 samples of dairy products. Some of them turned out to be in violation of technical regulations and safety requirements. So, in the city of Astana, according to the results of a study of samples taken in the Magnum supermarket, bacteria of the Escherichia coli group were found in Lamber cheese. Products were withdrawn both from stores and from suppliers' warehouses. Then the PepsiCo Russia website reported that the Kazakh side is not the first time "makes defamatory statements unsupported by anything."

Lambert is a fine, traditional-tasting cheese. Produced from selected milk of the Altai Territory, with a fat content of 55%. The cheese has a pleasant light yellow color, and throughout the mass contains evenly spaced holes.

The taste of Lambert cheese is very delicate, creamy, moderately salty. The consistency of the cheese is not very dense, but at the same time not soft.

The recipe for Lambert cheese was developed by European cheese makers, based on the time-tested recipes of Altai cheese makers. Modern Lambert cheese is produced in automated production under the constant supervision of specialists.

There are three varieties of Lambert cheeses in the line:

    Lamber "Classic" 50% fat

    Lamber "Creamy" 55% fat

    Lamber "Tilsiter" 45% fat.

Lambert cheese is perfect as an independent dish, and as a component of many recipes. Melted Lambert on pizza, and like a crust on a baked potato, it's just a magical taste experience.

I have been buying this cheese from Wimm-Bill-Dann for several years now. Lamber is sold in a 1 kg head, or packaged in vacuum-packed plates. Of the three types of cheese in my family, Lambert "Classic" is the favorite. Cream cheese seems too fatty, and Tilsiter, for an amateur.

The composition of the cheese, of course, contains a variety of preservatives, dyes, and many other not entirely useful chemical additives. Such is our life that everything that is tasty is not entirely safe. I believe that if you use this or that product in moderation, there will be no harm.

When guests arrive, Lambert cheese slices fly away instantly. In cutting, the cheese is especially good, it does not crumble, the pieces are even and neat.

Attention all vegetarians! Cheese Lambert contains rennet - absolutely non-vegetarian product. Be careful if the product's ethics come first for you.

I have complete confidence in Wimm-Bill-Dann and enjoy buying their products, including Lambert cheese. I have never come across a product of poor quality. Cheese is always delicious, fresh and fragrant. My little son eats classic Lambert cheese with great pleasure. Sometimes, to improve his appetite, I rub cheese on his potatoes, pasta, and even dumplings. My dog ​​regularly gets small pieces of cheese as a reward and she absolutely loves the taste!

Although I sometimes experiment with other cheeses, I always return to my favorite cheese Lambert!

Video review


Lambert belongs to rennet hard cheeses. It is prepared from the milk of the Altai Territory, has a pronounced creamy aroma and taste, and is yellow in color. Lambert cheese is widely used in cooking, combined with various dishes. A variety of casseroles and pies are baked with it, sandwiches are made, added to sauces and soups, cut into salads, sprinkled with ordinary pasta and fondue is prepared.


The product contains vitamins A, groups B, C, E, D, PP, as well as pantothenic acid. Since Lambert cheese is a milk concentrate, it contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium, and in an optimally balanced ratio.

Beneficial features

Lamber cheese not only has a positive effect on the body, but also helps in the fight against certain diseases (for example, tuberculosis). The product is recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers, adolescents and children, people suffering from stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Vitamin B strengthens the nervous system, and vitamin D promotes the absorption of minerals and trace elements. The latter help to restore the process of digestion. Frequent use of Lambert cheese normalizes metabolic processes in the body. Due to its calcium content, it protects teeth from caries and strengthens bones.


If you use the product in unlimited quantities, it can provoke a migraine, dramatically increase blood pressure and disrupt sleep. Also, Lambert cheese is contraindicated for people with acute pathologies of the stomach.
