
Orange jam recipes for every taste. With the addition of cranberries

Step-by-step recipes for making fragrant orange jam for the winter

2018-08-03 Liana Raymanova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


45 gr.

180 kcal.

Option 1. A classic recipe for orange jam for the winter

Unusual, original dessert for tea - orange jam. Opening a jar of such a delicacy, you feel an unforgettable note of freshness and excellent aroma. It can be prepared in several ways: from orange juice, pulp, peel. Jam can be lumpy or in the form of jam.

One of the most common recipes is considered a classic, this delicacy includes oranges, sugar and a small amount of water. Fruits are pre-peeled, pitted, cut into small slices and boiled for several minutes with sugar and water. The consistency of the jam is thick, tender.


  • oranges - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

A step-by-step recipe for orange jam for the winter

Rinse the citrus lightly, peel off the peel, cut each orange into slices, removing all the seeds.

In a large container, mix water with sugar and, placing on a small fire, boil after boiling for 4-5 minutes.

After the syrup becomes slightly thick, immerse the orange slices in it, wait for the boil, remove the foam.

The quietest fire is regulated and the jam is boiled for a couple of hours, stirring often.

Hot jam is laid out in sterile jars, rolled up with lids and cooled completely, lowered into the cellar for storage.

For more flavor when cooking jam, you can add a little citrus zest, after scalding it with boiling water and twisting it through a meat grinder.

Option 2. A quick recipe for orange jam for the winter

In haste, orange jam is prepared without heat treatment. Thanks to this, oranges do not lose their natural flavor, and the delicacy turns out to be natural and very healthy. An additional ingredient here is gooseberries, which give the dessert a greater density, an interesting greenish tint and mild sourness. In glass jars under metal lids in winter, such a blank is well stored in a cold cellar, the only condition is to rinse and sterilize the container well.


  • 3 oranges;
  • 3 kg of green gooseberries;
  • 3,200 kg of granulated sugar.

How to make orange jam for the winter

After rinsing and drying the oranges, cut them together with the peel into small slices, remove the seeds.

Gooseberries are washed in a colander, dry tips are separated.

Citruses are ground together with the berries through a meat grinder.

After mixing the mass in a large cup with sugar, they are laid out in well-washed and sterilized glass containers, tightly corked with tin lids, and sent to a cool basement until winter.

And for a variety of color and taste of jam, you can use red instead of green gooseberries.

Option 3. Orange jam for the winter with lemons

Another popular variant of orange jam. The combination of two citrus fruits makes the delicacy more fragrant, interesting in taste, with a light and pleasant sourness.


  • oranges - 3 kg;
  • lemons - 2 kg;
  • 3.5 kg of granulated sugar.

Step by step recipe

Wash lemons with oranges, wipe each with a dry towel.

After cutting the citrus fruits into several parts, all the seeds are removed. Set aside three lemons.

Put citrus fruits in a large container, pour in water until completely immersed and stand for several hours.

A container of fruit is sent to a small fire, boiled for about half an hour after it boils.

The container with the contents is removed from the stove in a ventilated room for one day.

Juice is squeezed out of the reserved lemons using a juicer, sugar is poured into it, mixed well, put into a container with boiled fruits, put on the same burner again and boiled for half an hour.

Arranged in sterile jars and rolled up with metal lids, cooled in a fur coat and taken to the basement for storage.

You can not mix lemon juice with sugar, but add it to the jam a few minutes before it is ready.

Option 4. Orange jam for the winter with apricots

Interesting, with a rich and magnificent aroma, a variant of orange jam. The apricots present in it give the dessert a thicker, more delicate texture and a memorable taste. Prepares quickly and easily.


  • 12 apricots;
  • 6 oranges;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.

How to cook

After washing and drying the apricots, a small incision is made on their surface, divided into halves, and the bones are removed.

Processed apricots stand in sugar for 1.5 hours.

Rinse the citrus, dry it with a soft cloth, cut it into small pieces, remove the seeds.

Spread oranges to apricots, boil over medium flame until thickened.

Having decomposed into glass sterilized containers, they are closed with ordinary lids, having completely cooled, they are sent to the cellar until winter.

Jam will turn out no less tasty if the apricots are ground in a blender or passed through a meat grinder.

Option 5. Orange jam for the winter with carrots

Oranges are in perfect harmony not only with different fruits and berries, but also with vegetables. So, for example, with carrots you get a wonderful dessert with a delicate taste of rich orange color. The lemons included in the composition give a refreshing sourness.


  • 850 g of sugar;
  • 7 oranges;
  • 8 small carrots;
  • 3 lemons.

Step by step recipe

The zest is cut from the washed lemons, cut into halves, all the seeds are removed and the juice is squeezed out using a piece of gauze.

Do the same with oranges and combine two types of juice in one container.

Carrots are cleaned of impurities, washed, cut into circles.

Immerse the circles of carrots in the mixture of juices.

Placed on a stove with a small flame of fire, boil until the carrots become soft, while often removing the foam.

Sugar is added, everything is mixed well and boiled for another 60 minutes on the same flame.

After sterilizing and drying the jars, they fill them with hot jam and cork with tin lids.

Wrapped in a fur coat, kept for 15 hours and lowered into the cellar.

Carrots for making orange jam are best used young, homemade. And to give the dessert a light astringency, you can add citrus seeds while cooking, wrapping them first in a cloth bag, but at the end of cooking, do not forget to remove them from the container.

Option 6. Orange jam for the winter with tangerines

Tangerines taste a bit like oranges, but have their own unique flavor. And if you don't have enough oranges to make jam, buy the same amount of tangerines and make delicious jam. This delicacy takes a little longer to prepare, but the result exceeds all expectations.


  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 5 oranges;
  • 5 tangerines;
  • a little less than half a lemon;
  • water - 560 ml.

How to cook

Tangerines and oranges are rinsed, spread on paper napkins and allowed to stand for 20 minutes.

Dried fruits are poured with boiling water and left for eight minutes.

Free from water, allow the fruit to cool slightly.

After cutting the oranges and tangerines into small slices, they take out the seeds.

Squeeze juice from a slice of lemon.

After mixing sugar with water, put on a medium flame and boil for ten minutes, mix with lemon juice.

Boiling syrup is poured into tangerines and oranges, mixed well, set aside for two hours.

Send a container of jam to the stove with a moderate flame of fire, boil for 12 minutes, turn off the fire, cool.

Again placed on the stove and boiled for 15 minutes, and this is done 4 times.

The jam is poured into sterile jars, rolled up, cooled under a fur coat and taken to a cool room until winter.

You can replace lemon juice with citric acid if you like.

A cozy evening over a cup of tea is hard to imagine without a bowl of fragrant jam. Especially if this tea party takes place on a rainy day or winter time. A jar of such a delicacy is not just a tempting dessert, but also a source of many vitamins and minerals.

Usually jam is made from commonly available fruits and berries like apples, pears, raspberries, blueberries or gooseberries. Recently, recipes for exotic jams made from imported fruits - lemons, kiwi, oranges, tangerines, grapes - have become popular. A product made from citrus fruits, especially from oranges, is very attractive in appearance and has an unusually attractive aroma.

Natural orange jam is similar to light buckwheat honey - the same deep amber shades of color and viscous texture. As additional ingredients, any seasonal berries, fruits, and nuts can be added to homemade canned food. For example, many people know the recipe for orange jam with walnuts.

It is not at all necessary to use only fresh oranges for making jam. You can gradually collect and dry the crusts in the oven and make an incredibly fragrant roll based on them. In any case, you get a bright and very tasty, no doubt healthy dish that is sure to captivate the whole family.

Classic fresh orange jam

Everything as mentioned above is an incredibly attractive amber-colored dish that drives you crazy with its thick aroma. The number of products indicated is approximately 4 half-liter jars.

List of ingredients:

  • Fresh oranges - 1.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg per 1 kg. pure product.
  • Water - 400 ml. per 1 kg. pure product.

Cooking method:

  1. Be sure to wash the oranges with soap and wipe dry to remove the fat-like preservative from the skin.
  2. Cut off the top (orange) layer of the peel from the fruit, leaving the bitter white base intact. It just needs to be thrown away, like the seeds.
  3. Break the orange into slices. If the skin on them is hard, then remove it. Cut the pulp into pieces of arbitrary size.
  4. Chop the orange skin into thin strips.
  5. Put the peel in an enamel bowl, add water and bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil for about 5-10 minutes. This water must be drained, so essential oils are removed, which also begin to taste bitter over time and reduce the shelf life of the jam.
  6. Combine boiled skin with juicy pulp. Pour everything with water and add sugar.
  7. Bring to a boil quickly, then lower heat intensity.
  8. Boil for about an hour, removing the foam and stirring regularly, avoiding burning.
  9. When the jam thickens and changes color to amber, it can be poured.
  10. Sterilize jars in the oven or microwave. Boil the lids in water for a minute.
  11. Pour the jam into jars, cork, turn over and wrap until cool.
  12. The same recipe can be made more “adult” if, after removing from the heat, add any dessert alcohol or rum to the jam at the rate of 80-100 ml. per 1 kg. jam. Such jam is not rolled up, but stored under a lid in the refrigerator.
  13. The shelf life of orange jam is about 2 years, with alcohol and stored under the lid - 1 year.

Orange jam based on dried peels

Budget option for citrus jam. For it, crusts are collected, cut into thin strips, soaked in boiling water for 5 minutes and then dried in an oven at a temperature of about 150 degrees and with a slightly ajar door. Moreover, they need to be harvested as described in the first recipe - without the white part and with the obligatory preliminary washing of the fruit with soap.

The number of products indicated is approximately 3 half-liter jars.

List of ingredients:

  • Orange peels - 500 g.
  • Lemon - 1 pc. or
  • Lemon peels - 300 g.
  • Water - 500 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour dried peels with water, cover with sugar and quickly bring to a boil.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon, squeeze out the juice.
  3. Remove the foam, reduce the heat, add the lemon juice and zest and cook until the crusts are completely softened and the liquid thickens.
  4. Pour into sterilized half-liter jars, cork, turn over, wrap until completely cool.

Orange jam with walnuts

An old "aristocratic" jam recipe. Walnut and orange complement each other very organically in this dish. Orange is a source of vitamin C, and a nut is a storehouse of iodine and unsaturated fatty acids. All together - a striking force that will defeat any cold.

The number of products is indicated approximately for 4 half-liter jars.

List of ingredients:

  • The pulp of two oranges.
  • Dried orange peels - 300 g.
  • Dried lemon peels - 100 g.
  • Fresh zest and juice from 1 lemon.
  • Walnuts - 200 g.
  • Sugar - 700 g.
  • Water - 600 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water over the walnuts, rinse to remove all the husks.
  2. Dry the nuts in a dry frying pan, then coarsely chop with a knife.
  3. Prepare lemon and orange peels without a white bottom skin, immediately chop into beautiful straws and dry in a hot way. Simply drying on paper is useless, in most cases everything is affected by mold.
  4. Slices of oranges to clear from films and randomly cut.
  5. Dried crusts pour water, quickly bring to a boil and drain all the liquid.
  6. Pour again, add orange pulp and lemon juice, cover with sugar.
  7. Bring to a boil again quickly, then reduce the heat intensity and cook until the jam acquires a thick consistency and a rich amber color.
  8. 5 minutes before the end, add crushed walnuts to the mass.
  9. At the end, decompose into sterilized half-liter jars. Cork also with a sterile lid, turn over and wrap until completely cool.
  10. The shelf life of jam with nuts is 1 year.

Orange jam with zucchini

Neutral-tasting zucchini is good with both salt and sugar, so it is often added to various types of jam. For example, in jam from pumpkin, gooseberries or, as in this case, from oranges.

Zucchini gives the workpiece a denser, rougher texture. If it is overexposed on fire, then the dish can become almost “candied”. Vegetables for the recipe are taken as young as possible, that is, those in which seeds have not yet set. Ripe fruits have well-tangible fibers, which can be seen in jam.

The number of products is indicated approximately for 6-8 half-liter jars.

List of ingredients:

  • Young zucchini - 4 pcs.
  • Oranges - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Citric acid - 0.25 tsp.
  • Water - 1 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the zucchini and puree with a blender or finely grate.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar and let it brew.
  3. When the juice appears and the sugar gets wet, put on fire and bring to a boil. If little juice stands out, then add water.
  4. Again, leave for half a day to insist.
  5. Cut oranges. Twist the zest and pulp without a loose white layer in a meat grinder, season with citric acid and transfer to zucchini.
  6. On medium heat, bring to a boil again, hold for about 5-8 minutes with constant stirring and remove from the stove.
  7. Pour into half-liter sterilized jars and cork with a boiled lid. Wrap and turn over to cool the jam.
  8. The shelf life of this jam is about 2 years.

Orange and cranberry jam

An unusual combination of southern fruit and northern berry. The result is a bright red-orange jam with a jelly-like consistency.

The number of products is given approximately for 4-5 half-liter jars of jam.

List of ingredients:

  • Oranges - 600 g.
  • Fresh cranberries - 600 g.
  • Water - 800 ml.
  • Sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • Citric acid - 0.2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the oranges as in previous recipes, that is, discard the white bitter layer, peel the slices from the films and chop, chop the top orange layer of the skin into strips.
  2. Rub cranberries through a sieve.
  3. Make sugar syrup from sugar and water. Add cranberry puree to it. Boil for 10 minutes over medium heat, then add the orange pulp.
  4. Boil the whole mixture over medium heat in 2 sets for 10 minutes.
  5. At the last stage of cooking, pour citric acid into the workpiece.
  6. Sterilize jars and lids in any way. Pour jam over them, roll up, wrap and turn over until completely cool.
  7. The shelf life of this jam is about 2 years.


Orange jam is not only a tasty and fragrant delicacy, but also a preparation with unique cooking possibilities. You can make it all year round, and there are so many recipes for cooking that no other jam can be compared in terms of the number of options. Orange delicacy can be cooked only from the oranges themselves, with peel and zest, or even from these parts of the fruit with the addition of other citrus fruits, almost all berries, some vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, carrots) and nuts, as well as with cinnamon. Each recipe has its own zest, which allows you to always get an excellent, but different in piquancy taste.

To prepare this delicacy, purchase only high-quality fruits, preferably sweeter. You should not take crumpled fruits, especially when preparing a dessert for the winter. Of these, most likely, you will get a tasteless jam with an inconspicuous color, which, moreover, will probably not be stored for long. It is better to check the quality and taste of oranges at the outlet immediately. Do not rely only on the appearance of the fruit. Gotta try them. At a minimum, oranges should not be bitter inside. And by the taste of oranges it will be possible to judge how much sugar is needed for jam.

Oranges for making jam

Before use, be sure to wash all citrus fruits thoroughly, preferably with soap. Otherwise, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely remove the fat-like preservative from their peel. Then dry the oranges with a towel. If it is decided to cook jam without peel, then we clean it. But you should not throw away the peels. Then it will be possible to remove the zest from them, which you suddenly want to add during the next cooking of orange jam for the winter. It will give the dessert an extraordinary aroma and piquant astringency. Or from the most dried peel, when a lot of it is collected, you can also cook quite tasty and appetizing jam (before cooking the peel, you need to soak for 30 minutes in water, and then cut into thin slices).

Then we cut the orange in an arbitrary way. The smaller, the more homogeneous the jam will turn out, and it will cook less in time. If the orange is peeled, then it is enough to divide it into slices. But often it is then cut even smaller, as in the photo. All bones must be removed. With them, an orange delicacy will be bitter. If according to the recipe, in addition to oranges, other fruits are used, then they also need to be prepared - washed and peeled. But it will already be seasonal harvesting for the winter. After all, fruits, berries and vegetables are most available in summer and autumn. You can add spices such as cloves, cinnamon, cardamom to the jam.

The jam cooked from oranges, like any other, is poured into carefully washed and then sterilized jars, which we cork with lids that have undergone the same preliminary preparation. If orange jam is prepared in a slow cooker, then it is advisable (and when the “five-minute” is mandatory) to package it while still hot. Especially if it is supposed to be stored for a long time when it is harvested for the winter. In all other cases, the dessert can first be allowed to cool, and then poured.

These recipes use only oranges, sugar and water as ingredients. Moreover, the fruits must be cleaned, and not only from the peel, but also from the white skin and veins under it. From oranges prepared in this way according to classic recipes, jam is obtained that is very similar to honey - an almost homogeneous tender mass that has the same viscous consistency and amber color. The differences between different classic recipes are only in a small difference in the ratios of the ingredients used and the method of obtaining syrup before cooking the jam.

Traditional orange jam

Or we cook it from water and sugar, and then fill it with oranges. Or we fill the fruits with sugar and fill them with water, and then leave them to stand so that they secrete juice. It mixes with water and sugar to form a syrup. And if you use high-quality ingredients and do not deviate much from the basic rules for their preparation and cooking, then according to any classic recipe, you can only make good orange jam with an excellent taste and wonderful aroma of this citrus. Just depending on the specific recipe and possible improvisations during cooking, the dessert will turn out to be thicker or thinner, sweeter or sourer.

The easiest classic recipe. You will need:

  • oranges - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • filtered or settled water - 0.5 l.

So, we divide the carefully peeled fruits into slices, from which we remove the seeds. Then, in a bowl for cooking jam, you need to prepare a syrup. To do this, pour water into it, pour sugar, heat this mixture to a boil and cook for 2 minutes, stirring. Then we throw slices into the resulting syrup (whole or cut in half or smaller). Immediately after that, reduce the fire to a small one.

We heat the resulting mixture to a boil, after which we cook it for 2-3 minutes. All the time the jam is on the stove, it must be stirred, and after boiling almost continuously. Then remove the jam from the stove and leave to cool. It is better to let it cool completely, but if someone is in a hurry, then you can devote only 2 hours to this process. Then again put the jam on a small fire. In general, we repeat the same operations (heating, cooking and cooling). You need to do 2-3 more repetitions. Then we make the final cooking, during which, after boiling, boil the jam to the desired consistency (thickness).

Of course, jam only from oranges in itself is very tasty and fragrant. But you can add notes of other fruits to it. From this, it certainly will not lose anything, but someone will even like it more. Without delving into a little useful enumeration of all recipes, we can only indicate the recommended ratios in the jam of the most commonly used additional ingredients in relation to oranges (per 1 kg of this citrus). Lemons are added from 1/4 pcs. up to 0.8 kg. Accordingly, they take sugar. Tangerines are added in a ratio of 1: 1 (less or more can be) and usually a little lemon is also used with them - 1/2–1 pc. Gooseberries and other berries are usually added in a ratio of 1:1.

Orange and tangerine jam

Apricots are usually taken more than oranges - 2 kg per 0.5 kg. Apples or pears can be taken as equal in weight to oranges, or less. It is advisable to add a little lemon to them. These are generally win-win compositions - what, what are pears with this citrus. Peaches are also taken more than oranges themselves - about 2 times. Together with them, it is recommended to use a little lemon juice or this citrus itself. Zucchini take: 1 large per 1 kg of oranges. Carrots are added along with lemon. Usually they are taken at the rate of 1 kg of vegetable and 4 pcs. lemons per 1 kg of oranges.

When preparing such assorted dishes, one should not be afraid to experiment, and one's own experience and intuition will prompt the most correct proportions. The main thing is that these combinations of products have already been tested in practice and have given excellent results. It is necessary to cook assorted in the same way as jam according to the classic recipe - in several stages.

The peel of an orange also contains many different vitamins, so jam with it will be even more useful. But admirers of this citrus and desserts from it appreciate such recipes for something completely different. With the peel, orange jam turns out to be slightly tart-bitter, which gives its taste a special unique piquancy. In addition, the dessert will be much more flavorful.

Making orange jam

True, to prepare such a jam, you will have to spend much more time than to cook a dessert without a peel. After all, it will have to be cooked in several stages until the latter becomes soft. There is, however, one way to speed up the cooking process somewhat. Even before cutting into pieces, oranges are blanched whole, as shown in the photo, and some home cooks even cook until soft, and then cool. But most housewives do not favor these methods and make jam with peel in the same way as in classic recipes, while increasing the number of heating and cooling cycles for the dessert.

Blanching option. You will need:

  • oranges - 1 kg;
  • filtered or settled water - 0.7 l;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Blanch the washed fruits whole in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Then we take them out, let them cool down by themselves and then cut them into circles or slices, while removing the bones. Next, cook orange jam, as in the classic recipe above: in the prepared syrup and in several steps.

Even if it is decided to make jam from oranges without peel, it is still recommended to add zest to it. With it, the dessert will turn out to be as fragrant as from unpeeled fruits. And the degree of light spicy bitter astringency of the taste of jam can be adjusted by yourself by adding a little more or less zest to it. In addition, excessive bitterness can be removed by soaking whole oranges overnight in cold water or steaming only the zest for a few minutes in boiling water. At the same time, it will no longer take so long to cook an orange delicacy as from fruits in a peel.

And with the addition of zest, you can make jam according to any recipe, including when boiling oranges with other ingredients. Just do not confuse the zest with the peel. It represents only the topmost layer of the latter painted. The easiest way to prepare the zest for cooking is in the following ways. We remove it from the fruit on a coarse grater, as shown in the photo. This is the fastest way. Or cut with a regular or special knife for vegetables, and then chop with a blender (you can use a meat grinder).

The optimal amount of zest is 2-3 tablespoons per 1 kg of fruit.

You can add zest to jam at any stage of its preparation. And when they just started to boil it, and during any subsequent stage of cooking, and during the last boil. In the latter version, the jam will turn out to be much more aromatic than in the first. True, there is a small chance that when the dessert is ready, the zest is not yet fully boiled.

Ginger not only gives the dishes to which it is added a specific pleasant aftertaste and aroma, but also makes them healthier. The substances and vitamins contained in this seasoning contribute to the normalization of the work of a number of organs and many physiological processes of the body. It is most useful to use raw ginger root, and not a product of its processing in the form of a powder. If you do not attach importance to the usefulness of ginger, then the taste of jam with it, after all, is not for everybody. Therefore, you need to be careful with this seasoning. You can overdo it so much that the taste and aroma of ginger will almost completely drown out the orange.

Ginger for jam

Lovers of this seasoning and supporters of a healthy diet can add it to orange jam prepared according to any recipe, including with other ingredients. The accentuated flavor and aroma of ginger in the dessert is achieved with its amount of 200–300 g of root per 1 kg of fruits used in the recipe. If it is necessary to make jam with taste and smell, in which notes of cooked fruits will prevail, then seasonings should be added less. Before using as an ingredient, the root must be peeled, and then chopped with a meat grinder (blender) or grated on a fine grater. Add the prepared ginger to the fruits just before they start cooking. Then we cook jam, according to the chosen recipe.

Jam made in a slow cooker

Orange jam in a slow cooker according to the classic recipe, but with citric acid. You will need:

  • oranges - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - a little bit on the tip of a spoon;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • filtered or settled water - 250 ml.

As in the classic recipe, washed oranges are thoroughly peeled, white films and pits. Then we cut the fruits into medium cubes in a deep bowl, cover them with sugar and pour water. We leave the oranges to let the juice and soak in the syrup for at least half an hour. It's better if they stay longer. You can even leave them like this all night. In this case, the oranges are ideally soaked in syrup. Then the fruits are thoroughly, but gently mixed and loaded into a slow cooker. We turn on the "Paired" mode. We set the time of its operation to 1 hour. And at the end of the preparation of the jam (at the signal of the multicooker), add citric acid to it and mix everything properly.

"Five Minute" - a quick and healthy orange dessert

A variety of “five-minute” jams from various fruits and berries are very popular with housewives, mainly because of the speed of their preparation. But in fact, this is not the main advantage of such desserts. The main charm of the “five-minute” is that it is much healthier than jam prepared in the traditional way or in a slow cooker. After all, any heat treatment destroys vitamins, and the shorter it lasts, the more useful substances remain in the final product. Most of them are saved in the “five-minute period”.

Orange jam five minutes

Oranges are primarily rich in vitamin C, which is very important for humans. And therefore, five-minute orange jam at any time of the year will be a powerful source of nourishment for the body with this vitamin. Oranges for the "five minutes" can also be peeled or left in the peel, divided into slices or cut into pieces of any desired shape and size. Other citrus fruits (lemon or tangerine), any fruits or berries can be added to the main ingredient. The fruits will need to be cut into pieces that are close in size and shape to orange.

For a more piquant taste, you can also add cinnamon, ginger, vanilla sugar, cloves. Sugar for an orange five-minute should be taken by weight about the same as that taken for cooking fruits (including additional ingredients - fruits, berries or citrus fruits). Depending on preferences, it can be put less (for lovers of sour jam) or more. “Five-minute” can be eaten right away, having prepared the required limited amount, or rolled up for the winter.

Recipe for a classic orange "five-minute". You will need:

  • oranges and sugar - 1 kg each;
  • filtered or settled water - 1 cup.

Peeled oranges are divided into slices, which are cut in half, removing the seeds. We put the fruits crushed in this way in a bowl for making jam. We fill them with sugar, and then fill them with water. Mix everything gently and leave the oranges for 2 hours to extract juice. Then we put the cooking utensils with fruits on the stove and turn on a small fire. We heat the oranges in our own syrup to a boil, and then boil them for exactly 5 minutes, after which we remove from the stove. Everything, the jam is ready. Do not forget to gently stir the oranges all the time while the dishes with them are heated on the fire. In the process of boiling, this must be done almost without stopping.

Make this amazing orange jam. Although the jam recipe requires a little time and patience, you will be fully rewarded for your efforts. The taste of this orange jam is unusually delicate and at the same time rich, worthy of the highest praise.

Other jam recipes:


  • 1 kg. sugar for every kilogram of orange pulp
  • 2 tbsp. water per kg. pulp
  • We buy ripe and juicy oranges for jam. Well, if the peel is thin and well separated from the pulp.
  • Thoroughly wash the oranges, let the water drain.
  • Using a sharp knife or a regular vegetable peeler, cut the orange zest into thin ribbons. We try to get as little as possible of the white part of the peel, which contains bitterness.
  • We cut the peeled peel into thin strips. The thinner the stripes are, the more beautiful our orange jam will turn out.
  • Pour orange peel with water, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes, and then filter. To completely remove bitterness, it is recommended to repeat the procedure, but cook for a couple of minutes. Drain the water.
  • We clean the oranges from the remnants of the peel, disassemble into separate slices.
  • Using a sharp knife, we cut each slice, extract the pulp into an enameled or faience dish. Throw away the skin. If seeds come across, carefully remove them.
  • Combine orange pulp with pieces of orange peel.
  • We weigh. For every kilogram of the resulting mass, add a kilogram of sugar and two glasses of water.
  • We put a bowl with an orange mass on a fairly strong fire. While stirring, bring the jam to a boil.
  • Cook orange jam over medium heat. Carefully remove the foam that appears with a wooden spoon. Stir the jam from time to time so that it does not burn.
  • Cook the jam until it becomes thick and acquires a beautiful amber color. Estimated time 1.5 hours.
  • Pour the finished orange jam still boiling into jars. We do this carefully so as not to burn ourselves. All utensils and lids are pre-sterilized.
  • Roll up or close with metal lids. While the jam is still hot, turn the jars upside down, wrap them up and leave to cool.
  • The next day, we put the jars with beautiful orange jam in a cool, dry place.
  • This orange jam goes well with tea, for cakes and desserts. As for the children, they simply adore it, spread it on bread and eat it like a cake))). By the way, in addition to orange jam, you can cook an amazing oriental sweet Turkish delight from oranges.
  • P.S. To give orange jam a new accent, you can add the juice of half a lemon to it. In Spain, for example, bitter orange jam is very popular. To do this, during the preparation of jam, the seeds are not thrown away, but carefully collected in order to soak them overnight. Overnight, the orange seeds release a jelly. This jelly, along with water, is added to the orange mass. Thanks to this little trick, orange jam turns out to be thicker and acquires a specific bitter aftertaste.

Alla 11/26/13
My grandmother cooked such jam in my childhood, I still remember its sweetish taste with a slight aftertaste of bitterness. Now I decided to master it myself, I will pamper my beloved boys)

Sofia 29.01.14
Orange jam is very refined and noble, it gives such an excellent texture, and what color, aroma ...?! It is a pleasure to put on the table for tea!

Well said))) Orange jam can also be served with tea, but for desserts this is generally a fairy tale)))

Sophie 06.01.15
prigotovila po vashemu receptu varenie, nuuuuuuuuuuu ochen vkusnoe varenie, like jele. acquaintance ocenili na 5 +. spasibo ogromnoe za reseptik.

Sofi, and thank you for your feedback))) Merry Christmas!

Olesya 24.01.15
My son, as soon as he saw the photo of this jam, began to beg me to do the same for him. I had to please the child. The most confusing was to remove the films from each orange slice. But the result was worth all my efforts - the jam turned out to be just delicious, tender, fragrant, and many more different excellent epithets can be said about it)). The child was delighted.

Valeria 04.03.15
I decided yesterday to try to cook such a jam, already in the pantry all the stocks were over, but I wanted something tasty. While I was peeling and cutting oranges, my husband and son did not give rest, everyone was interested in how things were going in my kitchen)). And when she put the jam on the fire, she almost choked on her saliva, such aromas that it is unthinkable. As a result, all my labors in the form of a liter of jam were eaten in one day. Today, even for tea, there was nothing to smear on toast. I'll have to cook more, my swallows are eaten so that you can't keep up with them.

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Orange peel jam

Orange peel jam - a recipe with a photo and a detailed description. Read, cook, enjoy!

Orange - 3 pcs
Water - 400 ml
Sugar - 300 g
Citric acid (half of an incomplete tsp) - 0.5 tsp.
Ginger (root, optional. You can not add) - 10 g

Wash the oranges thoroughly, pour boiling water over them (in order to wash off the wax that is applied so that the orange does not deteriorate during transportation) and clean it in any way convenient for you. I cut the peel in the center so that I got two hemispheres. Then she cut each hemisphere in half and each part into three more strips.

If the orange is thin-skinned, the inside can be left, if it is thick-skinned, remove a little from the inside so that the curls are easier to wrap and they are neater. My oranges were thin-skinned, so I didn’t take off the inner white part - I photographed it for a sample.

Roll each piece of peel into a tight roll and string on a thread like beads. The thread must be pulled tighter so that the curls do not unfold. Pour orange beads with cold water. Change water two to three times a day. It is necessary to soak the peel for 3-4 days, until the crusts become soft and stop bitter. It's even convenient - you can add the peel as you eat oranges, so the soaking period can be extended by two to three days. After that, boil the crusts 3-4 times for 15-20 minutes, each time changing the water. After each boiling, the peel should be doused with cold water. I did it very simply - I boiled the kettle and filled a bowl of cold water. I boiled it for the first time - I put the beads in a bowl of cold water, poured fresh hot water into a saucepan and put the peel back in. And so several times.

Now we need to weigh the peel. I took three oranges - it turned out exactly 200 grams.
The proportions for jam are as follows - 1.5 times more sugar, twice as much water. If you do not have scales, I give other proportions: for 10 oranges - 1 kg of sugar, 1-1.2 liters of water and 1 tsp.

19 orange jam recipes

citric acid (or juice of half a lemon). I read such proportions in another recipe, but I did it myself as indicated above.

So - peels from 3 oranges (200 g), 300 g of sugar, 400 g of water, (as a gag - 10 g of ginger root cut into small pieces) put in a saucepan and cook until slightly thickened - the syrup should be quite liquid , similar after cooling to very liquid honey. Add citric acid before removing from heat. We remove the threads after the jam has cooled. Pour into a clean dry jar. The output turned out to be a little more than a 0.5 liter jar. How much is stored - I can not say. I had a jar of jam at room temperature for only a week.)) They ate it very quickly.))
The author of the recipe is Larek

Orange jam - general description

It is hard to imagine a person who would not love orange jam, its fragrance spreads throughout the rooms and reminds of the warm sunny days of summer. Orange jam cannot be called typical for Russia, but in recent years, thanks to its amazing taste, it has been actively prepared by our housewives. There are many options for creating a dessert, it is cooked from peeled fruits, peeled oranges, peels, zest, with the addition of vegetables and fruits.

Orange jam - preparing dishes

When preparing orange jam, the same utensils are used as when cooking other types of sweet dessert.

Orange jam - recipes for an invigorating treat for every taste

The ideal option is an enamel basin or a large saucepan, stainless steel dishes are suitable. Before use, the container must be thoroughly washed, while making sure that no drops of cleaning agent remain on the walls. Orange jam is rolled into pre-sterilized glass jars (the recipe is familiar to every housewife).

Orange jam - fruit preparation

The principle of preparing fruits for jam depends on what the dessert is made from - peeled oranges, oranges with peel, peels or grated zest.

Oranges with skins are prepared as follows: the fruits are blanched in boiling water for several minutes (this procedure helps to remove bitterness), then they are cut into pieces, bones are taken from the pulp, it is better to carry out this procedure over a saucepan so as not to lose juice, it is he who is the basis of jam .

If the jam is made from peeled oranges, you should remove the peel, divide the fruit into slices, remove the seeds and cut into small pieces.

Dry crusts for jam should be poured with water for 30 minutes, then cut into thin slices.
Prepared for cooking oranges or crusts should be poured with hot sugar syrup, the recipe of which depends on the type of jam.

Orange Lemon Jam

- 2 kilograms of oranges;
- 1.5 kilograms of lemons;
- juice of 4 lemons;
- sugar (the amount depends on the juiciness of the lemons).

Cut the oranges and lemons together with the zest into small pieces, remove the seeds so that the jam does not acquire additional bitterness. The easiest way to do this process is on a special board, in which case the juice will not “run away” and the jam will be more saturated and fragrant.

Sliced ​​citrus fruits should be soaked in cold water in a ratio of 1:3 (1 part citrus to 3 parts water). Let the fruit brew for 12 hours.

Put the base of the future jam on the stove and cook for 20 minutes, then remove from heat and place in a cool place for another day.

Add the juice of 4 lemons to the jam, the same amount of sugar and boil the orange dessert for 30 minutes.
Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up the lids. Do not worry that the dessert has a liquid consistency, after cooling it will turn into jelly.

Orange peel jam

- 1 kilogram of orange peels (you can take the zest);
- 1/2 liter of water;
- 1.5 kilograms of sugar;
- 1 lemon (if desired).
Frozen orange peels slightly defrosted, cut into small pieces. Pour the jam base with water and cook for half an hour, add sugar and cook for 1.5 hours. After the jam is ready, you can add the juice of one lemon to it.

Orange and zucchini jam

- 1 large zucchini;
- 3 oranges;
- 1 kilogram of sugar;
- lemon acid.
Zucchini must be peeled and pitted, grated on a coarse grater, add sugar and leave to stand for 4 hours. Bring the jam base to a boil and leave again for 4 hours. Twist the oranges in a meat grinder along with the peel, add to the zucchini and bring to a boil, leave for 4 hours. Boil the dessert again, add a little “lemon”, put it in glass jars and roll it up.

Orange jam without cooking

- 1 kilogram of gooseberries;
- 1 large orange (pitted)
- 1 kilogram of sugar.
Pass oranges and gooseberries through a meat grinder, mix with sugar, put in soda-washed and scalded jars. Do not roll filled glassware, but close it with plastic lids. It is best to store such a delicacy in a cool darkened room or in the refrigerator, so the hostess will be sure that there is a tasty and fragrant treat in her bins.

If you are preparing jam from peeled oranges, be sure to add the fruit zest passed through a meat grinder (no more than a few teaspoons), the dessert will become more fragrant and fragrant.

Before adding oranges to the future jam, cut and try each of them, if you get a bitter one, immediately sort it to the side, if a poor-quality product gets into the jam, it will get an unpleasant shade, if there is a bad orange in the jam, the dessert will not be stored for a long time .

Always get rid of the orange pits, otherwise the jam will taste bitter.

It is not necessary to suffer with the zest for a long time, it can be removed using an ordinary coarse grater, do not be afraid that it is large, it is suitable for zest.

It is always nice when vegetables or fruits can be fully used. A kind of non-waste production. This type of fruit includes oranges. Yes, yes, yes, orange peels are also useful if you are making homemade preparations. From them you can get excellent jam, add them to compote or make a supply of candied fruits for the winter. The oranges themselves (without peel) are also used for rolling compotes, juices, and for cooking jams, jams, and for making jelly. Have you tried any of the above yet?

Orange jam (1st option)

The fruits are peeled (the peel is not thrown away!), Dismantled into slices, seeds are removed: they add bitterness to the jam.

The slices are dipped in boiling syrup (1.25 kg of sugar and 400-500 g of water per 1 kg of oranges), let it boil again and remove from heat. After an hour, the syrup is drained, boiled for 10 minutes, the slices are poured over them and boiled over low heat until they become transparent (no more than 15 minutes).

For flavor, scalded and finely chopped peel is placed in hot jam.

You can cook the slices in syrup for longer, about 2 hours, but always on low heat, avoiding a strong boil. The amount of sugar in this case must be increased (up to 1.5 kg per 1 kg of oranges).

Orange jam (2nd option)

Whole fruits (with peel) are blanched for 15 minutes at 90 degrees, cooled and kept for 10-12 hours in cold water. Then they are divided into slices or cut into circles and the seeds are removed.

Before cooking, oranges are poured with hot syrup (800 g of sugar and 500 g of water per 1 kg of fruit) and kept for 6-8 hours.

Jam is cooked in four doses with exposures of 8-10 hours; after the first exposure, another portion of the syrup is added (400 g of sugar and 180 g of water per 1 kg of fruit).

They also make tangerine jam.

Orange Peel Jam

The peel removed from the fruit is soaked for 2-3 days in water, which is periodically changed so that bitterness leaves the peel. Then the peel is passed through a meat grinder, a little water is added and boiled together with sugar (in a ratio of 1: 1); you can add a small amount of citric acid.

Such jam can be prepared from lemon and tangerine peels. It is used as a filling for pies, added to compotes, served with tea.

Jam from oranges

Peeled fruits are cut into small pieces.

The zest removed from the fruit is poured with apple juice (500 g per 1 kg of oranges) and boiled until softened.

Chopped fruits, sugar (1.3 kg per 1 kg of oranges) are added to the zest and boiled over low heat with constant stirring in one go.

After cooling, the jam is transferred to jars, covered with paper and tied.

Part of the oranges can be replaced with lemons.

Orange compote (1st option)

Peeled oranges are divided into slices, removing white fibers from them, placed in jars, poured with hot syrup (300 g of sugar per 1 liter of water) and heated at 85 degrees for 10-15 minutes or sterilized for 5 minutes.

Orange compote (2nd option)

Peeled and cut into four parts, oranges are placed in jars, poured with chilled syrup (100-200 g of sugar per 1 liter of water), tightly closed and sterilized for 3-4 minutes.

Cool the jars in the same pan in which they were sterilized.

Orange peel compote

Orange peels are soaked in water for three days, changing it two or three times a day, after which they are cut into pieces and boiled for 20 minutes.

Boiled crusts are cooled with water, placed in jars, poured with syrup (400 g of sugar per 1 liter of water), a little citric acid is added and heated at 85 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

A more delicious compote is obtained from orange peels with cranberry juice (the sugar rate is increased by one and a half times).

Jam from oranges

The fruits are crushed on a coarse grater, mixed with grated lemons (1 pc.

per 1 kg of oranges), put in a deep saucepan, pour water (2 liters per 1 kg of the mixture) and incubate for a day.

After exposure, the pan is put on a strong fire, the mixture is brought to a boil and left.

After another day, the puree is again brought to a boil and left again.

The next day, sugar is added to the puree (2 kg per 1 kg of fruit) and boiled until tender.

This jam has an exceptional aroma and high durability.

oranges in sugar

The fruits are cut into thin slices and, after removing the seeds, they are placed in jars, sprinkled with sugar (1.5 kg per 1 kg of oranges).

The jars are left in a warm place for 3 days so that the sugar dissolves and a syrup forms, then they are tightly closed.

Lemon slices are also preserved.

Orange peels in sugar

The crusts are soaked in cold water for a day, changing it three or four times, then laid out in a thin layer and air-dried. Dry crusts are finely cut with a knife and placed in layers in a jar, sprinkling each layer with sugar. A tightly closed jar is removed in a dark, cool place.

The peels prepared in this way are used together with dried fruits for compotes.

orange syrup

After squeezing the juice from the fruits, cut them finely (together with the skin), pour hot water (1.1 liters per 1 kg of oranges) and cook at a low boil for 10 minutes.

The broth is removed from the fire, allowed to brew for 30-35 minutes and filtered. Then sugar is added to it (1.3 kg per 1 kg of fruit) and boiled at a low boil for 15-20 minutes. The previously squeezed juice is poured into the syrup and brought to a boil.

Orange juice

Fresh, undamaged fruits are washed, cut into halves with a stainless steel knife and the seeds removed.

Juice is squeezed out of the halves and filtered through cheesecloth placed in a colander. Then the juice is heated to 80 degrees and hot poured into clean heated bottles, corking them with boiled corks.

The bottles are placed in a saucepan with hot (75-80 degrees) water and kept at a constant temperature for 20-25 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and cool the juice bottles in water (up to 40 degrees).

The bottles are tightly corked and cleaned in a dark, cool place.

Since orange juice is very acidic in its natural form, syrup (300-400 g per 1 liter of juice) is added to it before packaging, prepared from equal amounts of sugar and water.

They also make juice from lemons.

Candied oranges (1st option)

Peels are removed from thick-skinned oranges, cut into squares or rhombuses, put in a glass dish, poured with cold water and kept for 2-3 days, changing the water two or three times daily.

After aging, the crusts are transferred to a bowl for cooking, poured with boiling water, boiled until soft, thrown into a colander, allowed to drain and dipped in boiling syrup (1.5 kg of sugar and 1.5-1.9 liters of water per 1 kg of crusts).

After boiling the crusts until the syrup thickens, they are laid out on a dish sprinkled with sugar, and, after cooling, they are packaged in layers in jars, sprinkling each layer with fine sugar (250 g per 1 kg of crusts).

You can also make candied fruits from lemon or grapefruit peels.

Candied oranges (2nd option)

Soaked and boiled until soft, the crusts are passed through a meat grinder, sugar is added (500 g per 1 kg of crusts) and a little raspberry rubbed with sugar (you can not put it).

The mixture is boiled over low heat, stirring constantly so that it does not burn, until it thickens and easily lags behind the walls and bottom of the dish.

The thickened mass is laid out on a dish moistened with water, leveled with a knife and dried for -3 days, after which it is cut into slices, rolled in crushed nuts - candied fruits are obtained - “truffles”.

Stored in boxes sprinkled with crushed nuts.

Recipes from Krylova E. A.

Jam (option 1)

Oranges - 1 kg, sugar - 1.2 kg, water - 400 ml

1. Wash the oranges and soak them for 15 minutes in boiling water. Then immerse the fruits in cold water and leave for 12 hours.

2. Prepare a syrup from half the sugar (600 g) and water.

3. Cut the oranges into circles or slices, remove the seeds and fill the pulp with hot syrup.

4. Infuse oranges for 7–8 hours, then drain the syrup, add the remaining sugar (600 g) to it, boil for 15–20 minutes.

5. Immerse the oranges in the boiling syrup and soak the jam again for 8 hours.

6. Repeat the previous step again and cook the jam until tender.

7. Pack hot jam. Cover the jars with metal varnished lids, roll up, turn the jars upside down and leave to cool completely.

Jam (option 2)

Oranges - 1.3 kg, sugar - 1.5 kg, water - 800 ml

1. Cut the oranges into thin circles, remove the seeds and cut each circle into pieces.

2. Put the fruits in a basin, add water, sugar and cook until tender over low heat for two hours.

3. Cool the jam, and then pour into glass jars.

4. Cover the container with parchment paper.

Jam (option 3)

Oranges - 800 g, sugar - 1 kg, water - 1 l, citric acid - 3 g

1. Peel all oranges with a fine grater and soak them for 24 hours in cold water. Put the container with oranges on low heat, bring to a boil and boil 3-4 times for 5-6 minutes.

2. Prepare syrup from water and sugar. Cool the finished fruits, cut into 10-12 slices, remove the seeds and pour hot syrup over.

Orange peel jam

Cook over low heat until thickened. 3-4 minutes before the end of cooking, add citric acid and zest soaked in water.

4. Pour hot jam. Cover the jars with metal varnished lids, roll up, turn upside down and leave to cool completely.

Peeled orange jam

Oranges - 1 kg, sugar - 1 kg, water - 400 ml

1. Peel the oranges, divide into slices and carefully remove the seeds.

2. Boil the syrup from sugar and water, dip oranges into it while boiling, let it boil again and remove from heat. Hold for 1 hour.

3. Drain the syrup, boil it, pour it over the slices again and leave for another 1 hour.

4. Drain the syrup again, boil it for 10-15 minutes, pour it over oranges and cook for 1520 minutes over low heat.

5. Before the end of cooking, add a little finely chopped orange peel to the boiling mass.

6. Pour hot jam into clean, heated glass jars and close with airtight lids.

7. Turn the canned food upside down and cover with a thick cloth, leaving it to cool completely.

Orange peel jam

Orange peel - 500 g, sugar - 650 g, water - 100 ml, citric acid - 2 g

1. Remove the peel from the oranges, cut it into strips, which are tightly rolled up and threaded with a needle.

2. Dip the peel into boiling water three times and cook for 4-5 minutes each time, then cooling in cold water.

3. Cut the prepared peel into small pieces.

4. Prepare a syrup of sugar and water and, while boiling, pour over the chopped peel with it.

5. Bring the mass to a boil and cook until tender, at which a drop of syrup on a cold dish will not blur.

6. At the end of cooking, add citric acid to the jam.

7. Keep the jam at room temperature for 3-4 days, and then pour it into clean, dry jars and cover them with parchment paper.

Oranges in own juice with sugar

Oranges - 1 kg, sugar - 1.3 kg

1. Cut the oranges into thin slices or circles, remove the seeds and place in glass jars, sprinkling with sugar.

2. Keep the fruits in this form at room temperature for 3 days, periodically shaking the jars so that all the sugar dissolves.

3. Close jars with parchment paper or plastic lids and store in a cool place.


Oranges - 1 kg, sugar - 1 kg, gelatin -20 g, water - 100 ml, lemon juice - 50 ml

1. Peel the oranges and squeeze the juice from the pulp. Leave it overnight to drain through gauze. Separate the juice from the sediment, add half the sugar (500 g), mix and put on high heat.

2. Bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes.

3. Soak the gelatin in cold water and heat it until completely dissolved.

4. Add the remaining sugar (500 g) to the syrup, pour in the cooked gelatin and lemon juice.

5. Hold for 2 minutes and pour the product into dry sterilized heated half-liter jars.

6. Cover them with lacquered metal lids and place them in a container of hot water.

7. Sterilize at 100°C for 30 minutes.

8. Roll up the lids and, without turning over, leave the jelly jars at room temperature until completely cooled.

Oranges - 1.5 kg, sugar - 100 g, water - 200 ml

Peel the oranges, cut in half across the slices and squeeze out the juice.

2. Drain the juice through a colander into a saucepan.

3. Make syrup from sugar and water and combine it with orange juice.

4. Bring the mixture to a boil, cook for 23 minutes and immediately pour into heated jars.

5. Cover them with lids and place them in a container of hot water (85 °C).

6. Sterilize the juice at 100 °C for 25 minutes in half-liter jars and 35 minutes in liter jars.

7. Roll up the lids, turn the jars upside down and leave to cool completely.

Candied fruit

Oranges - 1.5 kg, sugar - 1.3 kg, water - 200 ml

1. Peel the oranges by cutting them into narrow, even strips.

2. Dip the peel in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Throw her in a colander.

3. Boil the syrup from sugar and water and dip the prepared peel into it while boiling. Boil for 10-15 minutes and then refrigerate and hold for 8 hours.

4. Boil the peel twice more for 10-15 minutes with an interval of 8 hours.

5. After the third time, discard the peel in a colander and let the syrup drain.

6. Place the orange peels on a sieve and dry in the oven at a temperature of 35-45 ° C until sugar crystallizes on them.

7. Put candied fruit in dry glass jars and close with tight plastic lids.

Orangeade (old recipe)

Oranges - 10 pieces, sugar - 2 kg

1. Peel 8 oranges, divide them into slices, remove the seeds.

2. Cut the remaining 2 oranges into slices without removing the peel. Remove the seeds and combine with peeled fruits, sprinkling the whole mass with sugar.

3. Pound the oranges with a wooden pestle until a liquid mass is obtained, or use a blender for this.

4. Transfer it to glass jars and close with tight lids.

5. Store this blank in the refrigerator or cellar.

6. To prepare a drink, add 1 teaspoon of orangeade to 1 glass of water. You can add some sugar to taste.

Jam, in the traditional sense, is made from soft, fresh, juicy and fragrant pulp of fruits and berries. However, there are also more exotic options that use ingredients that are not the most standard for this dessert. For example - orange peel jam, the recipe of which we will give.

Orange peel contains many vitamins and pectin. Jam will allow you to get the special nutrients contained in the peel, as well as waste-free use of products. The most common options for such a jam are preservation.

Top 3 Orange Peel Jam Recipes

Delicious orange peel jam

You need the following ingredients: a kilogram of crusts, a kilogram of granulated sugar, citric acid. The zest can be collected gradually - it is not necessary to use fresh ones. When a sufficient amount has accumulated, place them in a saucepan, cover with water, boil for 15 minutes, drain the liquid and repeat the procedure three times. This is done in order to remove unnecessary bitterness from citrus.

Processed raw materials must be weighed and the required amount of sugar calculated (one to one). After that, pass the orange peels through a meat grinder. Mix the mass in a saucepan with sugar and boil the jam from the peels for about an hour, adding citric acid at the end. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars and store in a dark place.

Orange peel jam "Curls"

Oranges are thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water in order to wash off the layer of preservatives on the surface.

Orange jam or confiture d'orange

The fruit is cut lengthwise into 4 parts, after which each of the parts is cut in half again. So-called watermelon slices are obtained. The pulp is removed, and then each crust is cut in half again, resulting in very thin strips.

The strips are placed in a deep bowl and filled completely with water. Soak for 3-4 days, while regularly changing the water. Then, with a knife, the albedo is removed from each strip - the white part on the inside of the peel. Each strip is folded into a spiral and put on a thread like beads. If the orange is thin-skinned, the albedo may not be removed. In this case, the curls are folded before soaking and ready-made beads are poured with water.

After soaking, the crusts are boiled 3-4 times for 15-20 minutes, each time water is poured out. After each boiling, the curlicue beads are doused with cold water. After that, prepared beads weighing about 200 g are poured with 400 ml of water, 300 g of sugar are added and boiled until the syrup is slightly empty. It should not look like thick jam. Usually this jam is cooked in two doses for 15 minutes on low heat, covering it with a lid. When the orange peels are ready, the threads are removed from the peels and the finished mass is laid out in sterilized jars, closed with lids. The jam is stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe for jam "Exotica" from orange peels

We will need 1 kilogram of whole orange peel, 1 kg of sugar and citric acid. Making jam is pretty easy. After a sufficient amount of orange peels have accumulated, they are placed in a large saucepan and filled with water, put on fire.

After the water boils, it is allowed to boil for another 15 minutes, after which it is drained, poured fresh, and boiled 3 times, thus getting rid of the bitterness in the jam. The last water is also drained and the crusts are allowed to cool.

After that, the raw materials are weighed in order to know how much sugar needs to be put. It should be put in a ratio of one to one. The jam is twisted through a large grate in a meat grinder. The last stage - sugar is added to the pan with ground orange peel and boiled for 40 minutes. At the end of the preparation of the jam, citric acid or lemon juice is added as desired. The jam is laid out in sterile jars, rolled up with lids.

Video recipe: Orange peel jam

Sweet and juicy oranges are not just a storehouse of vitamin C, but also a wonderful product from which healthy jam is prepared for the winter. You can cook the workpiece from peels, pulp or whole citrus fruits. At the same time, other ingredients can be added to it: ginger and lemons, for example. But even without such additives, you can make an amazing sweetness that will have an original taste and look. It will help to easily prepare an unusual orange jam recipe in which the peel is folded into curls and rolled up with the pulp. If the hostesses want to find a simple photo or video instruction for making jam with oranges, then they should study the proposed five-minute recipes. They step by step describe the process of quickly harvesting orange jam in a large volume.

Original orange peel jam step by step - recipe with photo

You can cook orange jam not only from the pulp, but also from the zest. Proper preparation of the crusts will help you easily create an unusual translucent jam with an amazing citrus aroma. The following recipe tells you step by step how to cook such a dessert at home.

Ingredients for making orange peel jam

  • lemons - 2 pcs.;
  • oranges - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 2 tbsp.;
  • drain. oil - 25 g.

Recipe with photo of making orange peel jam

  • Cut citruses, pour water and put on fire. Cook for 1 hour with the lid closed. Then add sugar and simmer for another 1 hour.
  • Separate the finished citruses from the peels. Remove seeds and films, transfer to gauze and tie. Cut the peel into strips.
  • Pour the crusts into the syrup, put the seeds and films in gauze into the pan, bring to a boil.
  • Cook the mixture over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  • Roll up the finished jam in sterilized jars.

    How to make jam from oranges with pulp and peel for the winter - step by step photo recipe

    Quick preparation of orange jam allows it to be boiled with the peel. At the same time, the oils released from the zest will help to make the finished product as fragrant and tasty as possible. The following recipe details how to make a simple peeled orange jam.

    List of ingredients for the recipe for a simple jam for the winter cold from oranges

    • sugar - 9 tbsp.;
    • oranges - 1 kg;
    • lemon - 1 pc.;
    • water - 6 tbsp.;
    • chili pepper - 1 pc.

    A step-by-step recipe for making jam for the winter with peel and pulp of oranges

  • Wash oranges and cut into small pieces (can be passed through a meat grinder).
  • Transfer the oranges to a saucepan, cover with water, add the zest and lemon juice. Cook over low heat for 40 minutes. Then add chopped chili and stirring, cook for another half hour.
  • Gradually add sugar to the mixture and cook for 15 minutes.
  • Sterilize jars and lids.
  • Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up.

    Unusual jam Curls from orange peels - recipe with video instructions

    The most beautiful jam from sweet oranges with peel can be made by unusually curling them in the form of curls. The following recipe will tell you step by step how to prepare such an original and tasty sweet.

    Video recipe for making jam Curls of oranges

    In the following video, the author details how orange peels should be prepared for work so that they can be saved in the form of curls. With a simple instruction, it will not be difficult to learn how to make orange peel jam quickly and easily.

    Healthy orange jam with ginger for the winter - a recipe with photo instructions

    Adding ginger root to any jam allows you to include a maximum of useful vitamins and elements in it. Such a preparation for the winter will help tasty and easy to maintain immunity for both kids and adults. You can learn how to cook healthy orange jam with ginger in the following recipe.

    Ingredients for a recipe for healthy orange jam for the winter with ginger

    • oranges - 6 pcs.;
    • water - 6 tbsp.;
    • sugar - 4 tbsp.;
    • ginger - 2 tablespoons;
    • lemon - 1 pc.

    Photo-instruction for the recipe for making jam for the winter from oranges and ginger

  • Wash oranges and cut into pieces.
  • Transfer oranges to a saucepan and cover with water.
  • Add lemon juice and zest, cook the mixture over low heat for 40 minutes.

    Orange peel jam at home

    Then add sugar and cook for another 10 minutes.

  • Ready to roll up the sweetness.

    Simple five-minute orange jam with lemon - step by step recipe

    If you sterilize jars of jam before seaming, then it is not necessary to boil citruses for a long time. The five-minute recipe below will tell you how to cook simple jam with orange and lemon step by step.

    List of ingredients for making five-minute jam from lemons and oranges

    • lemon - 2 pcs.;
    • orange - 3 pcs.;
    • pectin - 1 pack (20-30 g);
    • water - 1.5 tbsp.;
    • bourbon - 1/4 cup;
    • sugar - 4 tbsp.

    A five-minute step-by-step recipe for cooking orange jam with lemons

  • Peel oranges and lemons from peel, films and seeds.
  • Transfer the citruses and chopped peel to a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil.
  • Add bourbon, pectin, sugar.
  • Boil the mixture over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  • Pour jam into jars.
  • Sterilize jars for 5 minutes.

    What orange jam goes well with butter cream and crispy cantuccini - video recipe

    Many hostesses are looking for unusual recipes for orange jam, which is suitable as an additive to tea and pastries. The following recipe tells step by step about the rules for making universal Italian jam with oranges.

    Recipe with video of orange jam combined with cantuccini and cream

    The proposed video shows how to cook orange jam with the addition of pumpkin. The combination of these ingredients allows you to get a healthy and tasty sweetness that will optimally complement the Italian cantuccini croutons and will go well with butter cream.

    Sweet Orange Jam Curls made from peels, simple sweets made from the pulp and peel of citrus fruits are great for preventing colds in winter. In addition, you can cook a vitamin dessert with other useful ingredients: lemon, ginger. Fans of original tea additives are advised to check out the video instruction, which describes the process of making Italian jam, which goes well with butter cream and crispy cantuccini. If the hostess does not have time for a long cooking of seaming, then a recipe that includes quick cooking of ingredients will help her prepare a delicious orange jam recipe. The five-minute instruction will make it easy to make useful blanks for the whole family.

  • Orange peel jam is rightfully considered a unique delicacy that will not leave anyone indifferent. The product goes well with hot drinks and is widely used in confectionery. Consider popular recipes in order.

    Orange peel jam: classic

    • oranges - 3 pcs.
    • filtered water - 350 ml.
    • granulated sugar - 0.3 kg.
    • lemon fresh - 30 ml.
    1. Rinse the citruses thoroughly with running water using a brush. Pour boiling water over the fruit, so you rid the peel of chemicals. Cut the fruits into 4 equal parts. Use the pulp for personal purposes. It is necessary to remove the white layer from the zest, it is characterized by bitterness.
    2. Chop the prepared orange peel into strips and place in a suitable container. Pour the contents with cool water, leave the product to soak overnight. Keep in mind that changing the fluid should be done every 3-4 hours. Thus, the bitterness in the jam will be completely excluded.
    3. In the allotted time, the zest will curl up a little, this is what we need. Drain the liquid from the container, prepare a needle and a strong thread. Roll the peel into a circle. Pass a thread through the zest to secure the result. As a result, you will get "beads". Send the prepared raw materials to the pan.
    4. Pour in water, boil the zest for a third of an hour after the appearance of bubbles. Drain the boiling water, repeat the process 4-5 times. Remove the curls, wait for the liquid to drain completely. Use an enamel pan, pour the water indicated in the recipe, add sugar.
    5. Set the container on the burner, wait for the boil. Reduce the stove to medium power. Place the zest into the syrup. First you need to pull the thread. Boil the product over medium heat for about 35 minutes. Wait until it cools down completely. Pour in lemon juice, repeat the cooking process. Ready.

    Jam from orange peels and tangerines

    • peel of citrus fruits (arbitrary proportions) - 0.4 kg.
    • granulated sugar (preferably beetroot) - 0.4 kg.
    • citric acid powder - 9 gr.
    • cloves, cinnamon - optional
    • water for soaking the zest - in fact
    1. First, prepare the peel. To this end, rinse the citrus fruits, remove the wax from the surface of the zest. To obtain the amount of crusts indicated in the recipe, it is necessary to peel about 1 kg. oranges and the same number of tangerines.
    2. To make the jam tasty and juicy, choose raw materials with an initially thick skin. The following varieties are distinguished from oranges: Navel, Orange, Jaffa.
    3. After washing, remove the peel from tangerines and oranges, remove the white layer, it will add bitterness to the jam. Try to remove the albedo as carefully as possible. Now chop the zest in random order or into strips, cubes, triangles.
    4. For the purpose of grinding, an electric grater, a food processor with appropriate nozzles, and a meat grinder are used. After grinding, the crusts are soaked in order to eliminate the bitterness characteristic of citrus fruits.
    5. Send the chopped zest of tangerines and oranges to a bowl, pour cold drinking water over it. It is important that the liquid completely covers the composition. The crusts remain for 2 days. Once every 6 hours, the liquid must be drained and filled with a new one. After the specified time, get rid of the water in the basin.
    6. Prepare sweet filling. To do this, take a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour granulated sugar into it. Add some water and place the contents on the burner. Simmer on low until particles dissolve.
    7. Pour the prepared soaked crusts into the hot mass, continue boiling the jam. Wait until seething appears, leave to languish for 6 minutes, turn off the stove and cool for 3 hours. Repeat these manipulations 2 more times.
    8. At the end of the last (third) cooking, add spices to the jam as desired, add a lemon. Cook for 5 more minutes and switch off. The crusts should become translucent.
    9. Pack the drug in suitable sterile jars, seal with a key and turn over. When the composition has cooled under a sweatshirt, move it to coolness and darkness. After 3 days, you can start tasting.

    • sugar sand - 250 gr.
    • orange - 4 pcs.
    • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
    • filtered water - 120 ml.
    1. To prepare a delicious treat, you need to carefully prepare the products. Wash the oranges under the faucet with a brush. Dip in a container with boiling water for 2 minutes. Peel the fruit from the zest, remove the white layer.
    2. You can immediately eat the pulp of an orange, the peel must be chopped into strips. Send the composition to the multibowl. Squeeze the lemon juice over the zest, sprinkle with sugar. To make jam in a slow cooker, you need a steam cooking mode.
    3. Pour in water. Leave the composition for a couple of hours to insist. After a specified period, set the program on the household appliance, start the process. The readiness of the jam is determined by the translucency of the orange peel.
    4. Once the product is completely ready, let it cool down. Treats can be consumed. In addition, the jam can be rolled up hot in sterile jars and stored in a cool room for long-term storage.

    Orange peel jam with ginger

    • oranges - 4 pcs.
    • ginger - 12 gr.
    • drinking water - 0.4 l.
    • granulated sugar - 360 gr.
    • citric acid powder - 10 gr.
    1. It is necessary to prepare oranges for further manipulations. To do this, rinse them under the tap and get rid of plaque with soda. Dip in boiling water, remove the zest. Remove the white layer that gives bitterness.
    2. Now prepare the thread and thread it into the needle. Chop the zest into strips 1.5-2 cm wide. Twist each piece into a roll, pierce with a needle and put on a thread.
    3. Make a knot to secure the curl. Now repeat the manipulations with another piece of peel. When all the elements are ready, send the peel to a basin of ice water.
    4. Wait five days. Every 5-6 hours, drain the old fluid and fill the container with new. Finish soaking after the rinds have lost their bitterness and become translucent.
    5. Next, drain the water, move the crusts without threads to the pan, add new liquid. Boil for a quarter of an hour. Repeat steps 3 times. After each languishing, douse the zest with ice water.
    6. Now weigh the zest. With this amount, measure out 2 times more water and 1.5 times more sugar. Sprinkle the crusts with sand, pour in the liquid, add the lemon. Boil until thick.
    7. Try to set the fire between the average and minimum. Stir the composition during the boiling process. The final syrup, when cooked properly, looks moderately liquid.
    8. Turn off the stove and leave the treat in the pan to cool. When this happens, sterilize the container. Pack a treat in jars, transfer to the cold.

    Orange peel jam can be made in a variety of ways. Choose the most suitable for you. Rest assured, the household will appreciate the extraordinary delicacy. Jam is prepared to your taste with the addition of spicy spices. Do not be afraid to experiment, the unique flavor of the delicacy will not leave anyone indifferent.

    Video: orange peel jam recipe
