
How to make a healthy energy drink. Energy drinker at home: recipes for making an invigorating drink

An energy drink is a drink that can cause a temporary surge of vivacity, energy and strength. Its miraculous effect has been known for a long time and disputes regarding the benefits and harms of this drink still do not subside. We can definitely say that if you do not abuse its use, then in reasonable doses it can definitely help.

Energy drinks can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first group is drinks for vivacity after a long work, study or a stormy night. The second is drinks designed for athletes, enriched with vitamins and minerals necessary to restore the body after exhausting workouts.

There is a fairly wide selection of energy drinks on the sports nutrition market. Recently, a new trend has emerged, aimed at the use of natural, home-made products. It turns out that you can make an energy drink at home. There is a wide variety of recipes available on the Internet.

How to make an energy drink at home

There are several ways to prepare an energy drink. The most common and simple, it is also called classic, involves the presence of several tea bags and ascorbic acid.

Tea must be brewed with hot water, let it brew for 10 minutes. For the convenience of preparing a drink, pour the resulting liquid into a bottle and bring the volume to 0.5 liters with boiled water. Add ascorbic acid tablets there so that they dissolve faster, you can shake the bottle.

The resulting drink tastes like iced tea, which is sold in large quantities in stores. The drink contains a sufficient amount of caffeine and will help to cheer up for a while. You can replace black tea with green tea, it contains tonin, which prevents the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Sports energy drink at home

How to make an energy drink at home for sports purposes is an equally important issue for workout lovers. To do this, you can add a few drops of Eleutherococcus to the above drink - this substance is most often sold as an alcohol tincture in a pharmacy.

The unique properties of the drug are expressed in a powerful general tonic effect, increased metabolism, reduced physical fatigue, stimulated mental activity.

Glucose tablets, about 20 pieces, will provide muscle tissue with the necessary nutrition and energy. 5-10 grams of BCAAs will ensure optimal recovery of the body after exercise.

For exercise enthusiasts who lose a decent amount of fluid from the body through sweat, a similar homemade drink will benefit. As a basis, you can use not tea, but mineral water.

To replenish the lost elements after a conscientious workout, mineral table water is excellent. It contains the necessary microminerals that leave the body with sweat during sports activity. Potassium is excreted most quickly in this way from the body. As you know, potassium affects the structure of muscles, and its lack in the body can even provoke problems in the heart, disrupt its rhythm.

Some authors of energy drinks recipes suggest adding honey, lemon juice and succinic acid to it. The substances contained in them also have a beneficial effect on improving the general condition, combating fatigue and lethargy.

To get the best taste of the drink, you can experiment with the components of the cocktail. Add them in turn, use some substances separately from each other, increase or decrease their number. The main thing is not to forget about the dangers of large doses of any energy drinks and listen to your body, how it reacts to a particular composition.

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Energy drinks or energy, as they are often called, have become very popular in our time. Who uses them? Firstly, party-goers, when they need to stay on their feet throughout the night and until the morning. Secondly, athletes who have to train hard before competitions, and thirdly, workaholics in order to get up early in the morning, for example, at 4 o'clock. Naturally, there are other situations in life when you need to bring your body into tone. That's when energy drinks help us.

It is clear that each of these groups needs different energy. And they can be easily prepared at home, rather than buying plastic bottles or cans in the store. The proposed range of such drinks is now very wide. They always contain carnitine, guarana, caffeine, ginseng and taurine. When abused, such substances can cause very significant harm to the body. In addition, industrial energy drinks can be addictive. That is why it is advisable not to drink them. And if necessary, cook on your own, at home.

Home energy drinks are prepared very quickly, and there is much more benefit in them. For example, in order to make guests at a house party feel more cheerful, you can prepare an energy cocktail with alcohol for them. If in the morning you need to quickly cheer up, raise muscle tone, then you can not do without caffeine, sugar, glucose, B vitamins and antioxidants. To maintain strength after long workouts, you need an energy drink with vitamin C, salt and sugar. Such a drink and a large amount of liquid will not interfere with athletes even before starting a workout.

Today we bring to your attention several recipes for energy drinks that you can cook at home with your own hands.

Let's start with the simplest, most invigorating drink. For those who get up very early. This drink is very popular in Latin America.

Energy drink recipe with ground coffee and butter


  • Brewed coffee - 2 cups;
  • Butter (unsalted) - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - optional;
  • Cinnamon - optional.


  • Fresh ginger root - 2 tablespoons chopped;
  • Boiling water - 250-300 ml;
  • Bee honey - to taste;
  • Lemon juice - to taste;

Ginger root should be grated on a fine grater, pour into a jar and pour boiling water. It should be infused for 5-10 minutes. Further, it is better to strain this ginger solution through a strainer, pour a glass. Add honey and lemon juice as desired.

banana energy drink


  • Banana - 1 pc.;
  • Ice cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • Strong coffee - 50 ml.

Banana, if possible, put in the freezer in the evening. We will use it frozen. In the morning, it must be cleaned, cut into pieces and put in a blender. We also add ice cream and strong coffee there. We beat everything until a homogeneous mass and are charged with energy.

Mint energy drink

A mint drink will help to quickly recover, bring your body into tone, including a hangover (after a stormy party).


  • Peppermint herb - 2 tablespoons;
  • Mineral water - ½ cup;
  • Honey - to taste;
  • Lemon juice - to taste;
  • Boiling water - one glass.

Peppermint grass is desirable to pour a glass of boiling water in the evening (you can in a thermos). And in the morning, mix half of the herbal infusion with mineral water. Ennoble the taste of the drink with lemon juice and honey.

Instead of a conclusion

Living in a large modern city requires huge energy costs from us. And not everyone can withstand this frantic rhythm, use canned energy drinks. But we must remember that such drinks can provoke a jump in blood pressure, cause cardiac arrhythmia and overwork of the nervous system. As a result, on the contrary, a drowsiness may occur.

You can not deceive your body, abuse such means. If necessary, you can always prepare energy drinks at home, from natural ingredients. It will take quite a bit of time - no more than 10 minutes for any of them.

Homemade energy drink is an anti-sedative drug that stimulates the central nervous system. Often energy drinks are used to improve performance by people who have to get up too early in the morning for work, young people who are going to study after nightclubs, athletes in order to spend more time in the gym during training.

Sometimes young people wonder how to make an energy drink at home, because there are times when you don’t want to buy a store-bought energy drink. Of course, energy drinks contain tonic substances, guarana or tea extract.

Experts warn that with the regular use of such drinks, there is an addiction to them. Energy drinks also provoke disorders of the cardiovascular system and the nervous system. With an overdose of a drink, a negative toxic effect of harmful substances on internal organs occurs, the brain and liver are affected.

Despite their negative aspects, energy drinks perfectly fight insomnia, give strength and, if used correctly, give a positive effect. Taking into account all the pros, everyone should learn how to make an energy drink at home, because this knowledge may be needed.

Classic recipe with ascorbic acid


  • Black tea - 3 bags;
  • Drinking water - 0.5 l.;
  • Ascorbic acid - 20 tablets.


It is very easy to make such an energy drink. First, you need to boil the water and pour it over the tea bags, as in the usual steaming. When the tea has become black and strong, pour it into ordinary plastic butyl, throw in ascorbic acid tablets, cork and shake thoroughly. When the energy drink bottle has reached room temperature, the drink can be consumed. Such an energy drink is best suited for athletes, because it contains vitamins that have a great effect on muscle structure.

Energy drink with glucose

This energy drink recipe perfectly helps people who have been involved in sports for a long time, because the drink gives a sufficient amount of energy and helps to recover after exercise. Making homemade energy drinks is very simple, you just need to purchase the necessary components at the pharmacy.


  • 5 black tea bags;
  • 15-20 tablets of ascorbic acid;
  • 0.5 liters of drinking water;
  • 10 drops of Eleutherococcus solution;
  • 10 grams of glucose;
  • 10 grams of BCAA powder.


We boil water on gas or using an electric kettle, fill it with tea bags and pour it into a plastic bottle. When it cools down a bit, add ascorbic acid tablets, glucose, Eleutherococcus solution and BCAA powder. Shake thoroughly. You can use not only cold, but also warm.

Energy drink with Coke

It is very simple to prepare such an energy drink, it requires a minimum of money and time, and its taste will pleasantly surprise you.


  • 2 tsp black coffee;
  • 0.5 l. coca cola.


To prepare such an energy drink, it is enough, just to mix the ingredients. Be sure that after drinking such a strong energy drink, you will definitely not be able to fall asleep even on a very boring couple.

Read recipes for drinks that you can make at home. See recipes for milkshakes for children and adults and how to make them at home.

Energy drink with oil and coffee

Such an energy drink has gained immense popularity in South America. Residents of Europe do not use it so often, but over time the drink is gaining popularity.


  • 3 tsp coffee;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 400 mg of drinking water;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • 0.5 tsp Sahara.


First, boil water in an electric kettle or on a gas stove, pour coffee over it. When the coffee is dissolved, beat it with butter using a blender, manually with a whisk or mixer. Add sugar, cinnamon and use a home-cooked energy drink with delicious foam.

You need to know how to make energy drinks at home that are beneficial and soothing. There are several recipes for the preparation of energy drinks, from affordable products and useful ones.

Green tea

A lot of people don't realize that green tea has the same properties as energy drinks. It perfectly tones and gives strength.


  • 1 tsp green tea;
  • 200 mg drinking water;
  • 3 mint leaves;
  • 1 slice of lemon.


We steam green tea with boiled drinking water, add mint leaves and lemon, cover with a lid, leave for 15 minutes. Thanks to its bound form of caffeine, green tea with lemon is great for helping you focus and get rid of insomnia.

Lemonade with ginger

Due to the large amount of vitamins contained in ginger, it helps to improve blood circulation and enhances human immunity. After drinking an energy drink with ginger, you will be alert and fresh.


  • 1 slice of lemon;
  • 1 piece of ginger;
  • 200 grams of water.


Grate a piece of ginger. The water is heated to be hot, but not necessarily boiled. Put grated ginger and a slice of lemon into a glass, fill it with water, cover with a lid or saucer and leave for 10 minutes. It is best to drink this drink before meals.


Scientists have proven that hibiscus tea helps to be more physically resilient, and due to the large amount of vitamins, it is used to prevent flu and colds. It is recommended to use hibiscus tea for athletes. Many vitamins and minerals that are contained in it help to strengthen the immune system and get rid of fatigue. Preparing such tea is very simple, you just need to steam the leaves with boiling water and let it brew. Tea is not only healthy, but also very tasty. Anyone who tries it for the first time will be surprised by the incredible taste and aroma.

How to make drinks at home with an energy component? We hope that you were able to make sure - it's very simple, and their effect will be no worse than from purchased energy drinks in a store. By adhering to the dose, energy drinks not only help to concentrate, get rid of drowsiness, bring to life, but also strengthen the immune system, carry out preventive actions against many diseases, thanks to the beneficial biological substances and vitamins that are contained in drinks.

In order to understand which of the presented energy drink recipes is the best for your body, you need to try each of them. You are sure to find a drink that you absolutely love.

Do you feel chronically tired and have a hard time forcing yourself to do anything? If this condition is familiar to you, then what is written below is just for you! By the way, admit it, have you ever used energy drinks from the store? Most will answer yes. After all, the effect of them is still noticeable: after 20, you feel a surge of energy, and drowsiness and fatigue disappear. So why not try to make this kind of "energy catalysts" with your own hands? They will act no worse, believe me, and they, unlike artificial counterparts, do not bring harm. About do-it-yourself energy recipes - our new article.

In the sports nutrition industry, a lot of attention has recently been paid to energy drinks.

They increase endurance, increase strength and motivation in training. It is a well-known fact that store-bought energy products negatively affect the heart and other organs of our body.

Unlike them, energy products bring only increased working capacity, good nervous stability plus increased mental abilities .

In terms of their effect, home-made energy drinks do not differ from special additives. Plus, an undeniable advantage: all the necessary ingredients can be easily found in the pharmacy and in the store.

Recipe #1:

The recipe for this energy drink is quite simple, but it has a good taste.

For cooking:

Brew with boiling water 3 black tea bags and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Then pour the resulting solution into a 0.5 liter bottle, and pour the rest with cold boiled water.

Put 20 tablets of ascorbic acid, 50 mg each, into a bottle. Shake until the dragee dissolves and place in the freezer. Drink several sips throughout your workout

The drink is effective, because tea contains many tonic and stimulating components, such as caffeine. Water promotes rehydration, and ascorbic acid suppresses the secretion of cortisol.

Recipe #2:

It is also quite a popular recipe. Follow all the preparations described in the previous recipe. You should add 10-20 drops of alcohol tincture of Eleutherococcus. It is sold in any pharmacy. Add 20 crushed tablets of 0.5 g glucose (dextrose). Plus here comes 5-10 grams of BCAA powder. Refrigerate the drink and consume during training. If you want to further enhance the energy effect, then simply increase the number of tea bags to 5 pieces.

The effect is manifested in the energy supply of muscles - due to glucose, recovery - due to BCAAs, stimulation and motivation - due to tea and eleutherococcus. Water provides rehydration, ascorbic acid - anti-catabolic effect.

Recipe #3:

Heat 0.5-1 l of mineral table water, dissolve a few tablespoons of honey, squeeze out lemon juice. Add 0.15-0.30 g of succinic acid and alcohol tincture of any adaptogen to the resulting solution. Cool the drink. Part of the drink can be drunk 15-30 minutes before training, the rest can be drunk in small portions during training.

Stimulation and motivation, rehydration and energy supply of muscles are provided to you.

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Everyone has long known that during intensive sports it is necessary to maintain the body's water balance. Salvation in this case is water. However, lately it has become very fashionable to drink a variety of sports drinks. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of these drinks.

A person takes energy and strength not only from food. There are a huge number of recipes for drinks that give energy and a sense of cheerfulness to a person: teas, infusions, cocktails.

This is very convenient, as drinking is absorbed faster, supplies the body with nutrients and at the same time serves to quench thirst.

They are prepared from plants: herbs, seeds, root crops, vegetables, fruits, water, juices, milk or liquid fermented milk products. All of the following are invigorating for a person, but it is important to know their specific properties and rules for preparation and use.

Top 6 invigorating drinks

The most famous energy drink is coffee, teas, decoctions and infusions on water. They are convenient in that you can cook them very quickly at home: you always have raw materials at hand, you can choose what you like best in taste and are suitable for health reasons.

So, what is the best drink to boost energy levels for men and women? Here is a list of 6 effective drinks that give vitality and motivation.

1. Coffee

This is one of the most popular drinks on the planet, which are legendary: some endow coffee with fantastic properties to give a person energy and strength, while others believe that coffee tones up only for a while, after which an energy decline occurs.

In fact, there can be an individual reaction to any tonic drink, and you need to select a drink based on this reaction of the body and the state of health.

In general, coffee is useful in that it:

  1. slightly raises blood pressure, so it is good to drink it at the beginning of the working day;
  2. relieves headache with hypotension;
  3. improves blood circulation, which are located in the heart and muscles;
  4. helps digestion;
  5. prevents the appearance of oncology;
  6. and improve performance;
  7. it has also been proven that, since it reduces the risk of developing many cognitive diseases.

After coffee, fatigue can really set in. More often this is due to excessive consumption and violation of the water balance. If you follow the rules, then coffee can only bring benefits and give pleasure.

Recall that in the last article we considered.

The following factors influence the effect:

  1. Kind of coffee. Only natural brewed coffee, which is obtained by brewing ground coffee beans, can tone up without harm to health. Granulated, freeze-dried and powdered drinks contain many flavors and other additives that worsen well-being and cause many health problems.
  2. The amount drunk. Without harm, you can drink 1-3 cups of coffee a day: only this amount invigorates; increasing the dose leads to the opposite effect.
  3. Maintaining water balance. Drinking coffee is best in the morning. But since it is a diuretic, it is best to consume it after a glass of water. After half an hour, it is rational to drink water again. In this case, the work of the urinary system will not have disturbances, and the brain will not be dehydrated.

2. Black and green teas

Black and green tea are also known for their tonic properties. But they are used in different ways.

It is believed that black tea is better to drink in winter and in the cold, and green tea in hot weather. Black should be preferred in hypotonic patients, as it increases blood pressure, and green in hypertensive patients, since after the initial increase in pressure, it has a subsequent hypotonic effect.

Thanks to caffeine, minerals, vitamins, catechins and other beneficial substances, both black and green tea:

  1. improves blood circulation in general and, in particular,;
  2. contains a large amount of antioxidants, thanks to which it retains youth and energy;
  3. prevents oncological diseases;
  4. and improves mood, is an excellent antidepressant;
  5. increases the speed of mental operations, etc.

3. Ginseng

Ginseng root is brewed as an independent drink and added to other teas. It is one of the most effective herbal remedies that helps quickly increase the overall tone and add strength.

Biologically active substances ginsenosides help produce hormones that activate brain cells. Thanks to this, as well as vitamins, a special set of micro and macro elements, ginseng tea:

  1. stabilize energy exchange;
  2. relieves chronic fatigue;
  3. helps you get enough sleep in a shorter time;
  4. positively affects the properties of memory;
  5. sharpens attention and reactions.

4. Eleutherococcus

Eleutherococcus is close in composition and action to ginseng. It is also useful to brew as a tea and take for:

  1. increase of working capacity;
  2. increase physical and mental endurance;
  3. elimination of symptoms of overwork;
  4. aggravation of hearing and vision.

Eleutherococcus is considered a good adaptogen used for nervous stress and physical exertion.

Despite the similarity of the action of ginseng and eleutherococcus, they affect the processes associated with weight in different ways: if ginseng helps to reduce it, then eleutherococcus, on the contrary, contributes to weight gain.

5. Schisandra chinensis

This is also a well-known adaptogen, which can be easily used by brewing in the form of regular tea. Organic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, minerals:

  1. help relieve fatigue;
  2. regulate reflexes;
  3. help to concentrate;
  4. contribute to the improvement of performance.

But with hypertension, with heart disease, epilepsy, and in a state of strong excitement, Chinese magnolia vine do not use to avoid exacerbation. It is also not recommended to take it during pregnancy and lactation.

6. Ginger tea

Ginger tea is best brewed using fresh root, although an infusion of powder will also have its effect. Ginger can be infused, cut into pieces or ground in a blender, alone or in a mixture of lemon and honey.

Ginger tea is often used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-cold remedy. But he also:

  1. well tones;
  2. from cholesterol growths, which means it improves the activity of all the cardiovascular system;
  3. normalizes blood pressure and improves blood circulation in the brain.

Ginger is best brewed grated or ground, directly with the peel, since it contains the largest amount of gingerol - the substance responsible for effect of ginger on mood and performance.

2 recipes to improve performance

A variety of smoothies and shakes are a good option to boost your energy levels. They are nutritious mixtures that taste good, are quickly absorbed and saturate the body with moisture, the presence of which also determines the tone of the body.

Tonic smoothies

A smoothie is a whipped mixture of healthy herbal ingredients and some liquid: milk, yogurt, juice, or just water. There are a lot of smoothie recipes: you can experiment with their ingredients.

  1. With banana and dates. One banana, four dates and a glass of milk are enough to make an energy drink, which is especially useful before an active holiday or sports.
  2. With raspberries and beets. A good energy drink in the morning is a smoothie of one medium boiled beetroot, one banana, half an orange, half a glass of raspberries and 50 ml of milk.
  3. From avocados and berries. A fragrant and concentrated smoothie will well raise the tone of the body at any time of the day. To do this, grind in a blender half a peeled avocado, 125 g of berries, 2 teaspoons of honey and one and a half glasses of any milk: cow, almond or coconut.

Energy cocktails

To prepare an invigorating cocktail, it is enough to mix several energy-rich liquids. It can be juices, milk, liquid dairy products.

  1. Carrot, apple, parsley. If chronic fatigue and nervous tension have accumulated, you can do a course lasting 1-2 weeks, when in the morning you drink a mixture of freshly squeezed apple and carrot juices, taken in half, as well as a bunch of parsley. Such a cocktail is especially useful for hypertensive patients. If desired, you can grind the parsley in a blender and add to the cocktail. This will not spoil its taste, but will make the cocktail healthier.
  2. Apple, orange, berries. You can raise the tone by drinking a cocktail with a high content of vitamin C. To do this, the juices of one apple, one orange and a handful of any berries are mixed. If the berries are not hard or rough skinned and have tender flesh, then you can add them to the cocktail in the form of puree, not juice.
  3. Oats, strawberries, banana. A mixture of 200 ml of milk, 40 g of pre-soaked oatmeal, one banana and about 10-15 fresh or frozen strawberries will help to cheer up and relieve fatigue.

To keep yourself in good shape, it is not enough to drink healthy teas or make smoothies from time to time. Other rules for maintaining energy must also be observed.

  1. Everyday. In addition to tea from healthy plants, other foods also support energy. These are all vegetables, fruits and herbs, nuts, virgin vegetable oils, spices, dark chocolate, lean meats, cereals, whole grain bread, fatty sea fish and seafood.
  2. Exception . There is a category of dishes and products that, instead of supplying energy to the body, take it away from it. These are too fatty meat and dairy products, refined oils and sugar, spreads, margarine, confectionery, muffins, convenience foods, chips, salted peanuts and other snacks.
  3. Proper drinking regime. To maintain cheerfulness, an adult needs. Otherwise, all connections in the body are broken and the energy goes into decline.

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A proper diet means a lot for those who intend to get maximum energy and strength from nutrition. It is essential for both men and women. Drinks play an important role in supplying the body with energy, so you need to carefully consider their use and use them to the maximum in the daily menu.
