
Your own organic food store. Environmentally friendly products, their characteristics - test

A striking example of eating low-quality foods is antibiotic resistance, which has arisen due to frequent use meat and milk of animals in the treatment of which antibiotics were used.
With a sedentary lifestyle, constant stress, overeating and inhaling dirty air, the conditional ecological cleanliness of food products may not affect health in any way.

What are the dangers of conventional products

In pursuit of economic gain, the global food industry is the least concerned about the health of its end consumer. Its main goal is to feed maximum amount people at the lowest cost. To achieve it, food producers are taking a whole range of measures, starting genetic engineering and ending with the use of completely useless, and even harmful chemicals.

Main methods used modern manufacturers to achieve economic benefits:

  • reduction of production costs;
  • reduction in the cost of manufacturing processes;
  • increase the shelf life of food;
  • reducing the rate of damage and loss of resources by increasing their resistance to pests and negative external factors.

As a result, the shelves of modern supermarkets, grocery stores, markets and stalls in all cities of the world are filled with bright, beautiful, mouth-watering products that can be stored in the refrigerator for months. And few people think, plunging into all this illusory abundance, about the gigantic size of the chicken and unnatural brilliance. bell pepper, about country milk that does not turn sour for weeks, and about the obviously distorted taste of many familiar products. [sidebar#1]

Eating such "modified" products, a person unknowingly causes serious harm to his body in the form of chronic diseases, reduced immunity, intoxication, metabolic disorders, allergies, fatigue, disorders of various systems and internal organs. And it is still somehow not customary to associate all these problems with food, although many do not even realize how healthy eating and organic products can transform lives.

Can Organic Food Help Improve Your Health?

Replace harmful products for natural food

healthy eating- the key to normal human life and even one of the surest ways to increase life expectancy. Recover after prolonged eating substandard products is not easy, and this can only be done with the help of a complete transition to environmentally friendly and natural food.

Replacement junk food useful products leads to a gradual improvement in well-being and mood, increased efficiency and disappearance depression, reducing the manifestations of chronic ailments and restoring vitality in general.

When switching to organic food, it is important to understand that a natural diet is not a panacea, and deviations from it are quite acceptable. You should not expect radical changes and total recovery of the body from organic food, and even more so hope that they will help cure any serious diseases. [sidebar#2]

The opposite effect can be given by the wrong combination of products or attempts to oversaturate the body with useful substances due to the uncontrolled consumption of food unusual for the body.

What products are environmentally friendly

Despite the desire of a significant part of the representatives food business get the maximum profit from the sale of low-quality products, the modern market law also applies to healthy food.

Demand creates supply, and every year everything appears on the market. more products nutrition, which does not harm the body at all, and on the contrary, saturates it with vitamins and microelements necessary for optimal life. And the main task of a person who decides to switch to healthy food is to learn to recognize such products on the shelves of supermarkets.

Environmentally friendly products do not contain genetically modified organisms, synthetic preservatives, artificial flavor enhancers, dyes and flavors. The raw materials used in the production of eco-products are grown without the use of hormones, antibiotics, artificial fertilizers, pesticides and pesticides.

Food grown on organic materials is much tastier and healthier than those obtained through the use of growth regulators, chemical enzymes and other artificial additives. Realizing this, many farms are trying to minimize human interference in the natural development of plants and animals.

Advantages of organic products over conventional ones

Natural products are best help health

In addition to the fact that organic food is completely safe for humans, it has other important advantages.

  1. High content of vitamins and microelements (in eco-products useful substances about 50% more than in ordinary food).
  2. improved taste, pleasant aroma, juiciness and appetizing (the taste of organic food has no chemical impurities).
  3. Security is not only inside, but also outside. Fruits and vegetables are often waxed to prevent them from spoiling quickly and to give them an attractive appearance. appearance. Environmentally friendly products do not need such processing. They can be eaten with the peel, which means you get even more nutrients.
  4. Benefits for children and pregnant women (lack of chemical additives completely excludes their penetration and settling in the body).

What are ecological products

Despite the fact that most often natural products fruits and vegetables are included, there is a huge list of products that can rightfully bear the proud title of "ecological". So, on the shelves of modern stores you can find environmentally friendly pasta and vegetable oils, nuts and dried fruits, natural canned food, dairy products, candy and chocolate.

Eco-products of animal origin are also known, prepared using special technologies that provide for the rejection of growth hormones, chemicals, antibiotics and low-quality feed in the process of growing birds and animals. Some manufacturers show concern not only for people, but also for their pets, launching ecologically clean food for cats and dogs on the market. What unites all these delicacies is the absence harmful components in the composition and the presence of a special sign on the package.

Requirements for environmentally friendly products

In order to bring truly safe, healthy and high-quality environmentally friendly products to the market, manufacturers must comply with certain requirements.

  1. When growing crops, it is not allowed to use mineral fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, chemicals and any unnatural radiation. Animals can be grown only on environmentally friendly feed, and their diet should not contain hormonal drugs and feed antibiotics.
  2. In the production of ecological food, it is forbidden to use artificial preservatives, genetically modified organisms, synthetic flavors, substitutes and taste regulators. Aggressive processing methods and changes in the original properties of products are not allowed.
  3. For environmentally friendly clean products characterized by minimal external processing. Wax and exposure to chemical factors is a sign of artificially increasing the shelf life of products and improving their appearance.

Where to buy organic products

It is better to buy organic products in specialized stores.

Every year, the world market is replenished with new manufacturers of organic products, and healthy food itself is becoming more and more in demand. Many companies from Russia and other countries open retail and wholesale points of sale, participate in international fairs, show their products at exhibitions.

Unscrupulous entrepreneurs are also becoming more active, passing off cheap low-quality goods as ecological products. That is why it is better to purchase eco-products in specialized stores and centers that have licenses and certificates confirming the naturalness of the products offered. Before getting on the shelves of eco-markets, real organic food undergoes mandatory certification and receives a brand certifying its naturalness. Russia has not yet issued a law that would regulate Agriculture and supervised the work of producers organic products However, a draft of such a document has already been submitted to the State Duma.

Agricultural fairs are regularly held in different cities of the country, presenting to buyers a wide selection of products grown by farmers on their own farms. And despite the fact that all the fruits, vegetables, berries, meat and dairy products they sell look very natural and natural, there is no guarantee that chemicals were not used when growing plants, and when feeding animals - harmful additives and stimulants. That is why it is better to buy ecological products in places where an official and 100% guarantee of their naturalness and safety is provided. bright sign and original presentation organic products is not an indicator of its naturalness and safety.

A modern buyer can recognize an environmentally friendly product by the signs "BIO", "ECO", "ORGANIC". Such badges indicate strict adherence to the principles of organic agriculture in the process of preparing products. The products themselves can be called differently: bioproducts, environmentally friendly products, organic food. It is much more profitable and safer to buy goods marked with an eco-certification mark than buying products from private farmers, whose quality control is almost impossible.

In accordance with the standards established in America and Europe, the inscriptions indicate that the product is 95% natural. Environmentally friendly products can contain about 70% organic matter and even a little less, but the inscription about these indicators must be present on their packaging.

Despite the fact that the cost of environmentally friendly products is usually 20-50% higher conventional products nutrition, a safe organic diet is an invaluable investment in your own health.

Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky

Faculty of Technology and Design

Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology


on ecology

"Environmentally friendly products, their characteristics"


3rd year student

Rodina T.V.


Associate Professor Vysotsky O.G.

Bryansk 2011


    Characteristics of environmentally friendly products………………………4-5

II. Classification of organic products

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… 13

List of literature used ………… .. ………………………… ........ 14


Natural products have become a part of our daily life. But, even realizing how useful the consumption of a healthy environmental clean food, not everyone includes it in their daily diet.

"Good food - the best medicine", says the proverb. Natural clean nutrition preserves and strengthens health, improves the quality of life. Energy, optimism, cheerfulness, which overwhelm adherents of this healthy food, have inclined to such a "diet" many millions of people around the world.

In our modern time, when the air, water and earth are polluted with products of human vital activity and the ecological situation, despite all the efforts of mankind, continues to deteriorate, people are starting to think more and more about their health.

In the food market today there are a lot of proposals on the topic of "healthy eating". Starting from all kinds of pills, powders (BAA) and ending with products with an optimally selected diet. But, no one can answer the question which of them are really useful and most effective, for one simple reason: there are so many people on the planet earth and there can be so many options for the impact of these products on them.

    Characteristics of environmentally friendly products.

In the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov, “pure” is defined as “containing nothing extraneous, without impurities.” Therefore, an environmentally friendly product is a product that does not contain foreign impurities, in this case, substances that could penetrate into this product from a polluted environment, from packaging, or get into the product during its production. And it goes without saying that in all these cases we are talking about substances that adversely affect health.

It's no secret that environmental problems today have become one of the most important in the world. Now everyone is concerned that everything is environmentally friendly. First of all, it concerns food. By environmentally friendly food we understand a fairly wide range of requirements for various products. A product produced in strict accordance with environmental standards does not necessarily fall under the concept of "healthy food".

Food products are characterized by their nutritional, biological and energy value. Nutritional value is a general concept that includes the energy value of a product, its content nutrients and the degree of their assimilation by the body, organolentic qualities, good quality (harmlessness). Higher the nutritional value products, the chemical composition of which is more consistent with the principles of a balanced diet, as well as products - sources of essential nutrients. The energy value is determined by the amount of energy that the food substances of the product give: proteins, fats, digestible carbohydrates, organic acids. The biological value primarily reflects the quality of the proteins in the product, their amino acid composition, digestibility and assimilation by the body. In a broader sense, this concept includes the content of other vital substances in the product (vitamins, trace elements, essential fatty acids).

Different foods differ in their nutritional value, but none of them are harmful or extremely beneficial. Products are useful if the principles of a balanced diet are observed, but can be harmful if these principles are violated. This provision shall remain in effect for clinical nutrition, although depending on the disease, some foods in diets for a short or long period are limited, excluded or allowed after a special cooking while others are preferred.

Among food products there are no those that satisfy the human need for all nutrients.

The number of consumed natural products is limited: mainly fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, honey. Most products are consumed after processing: sausages, confectionery, bakery products, sour-milk products, various dishes, etc. It is advisable to use in clinical nutrition products combined for a better balance of nutrients: new types of cereals, egg and dairy pasta, butter and processed cheese with Ocean pasta, etc. The use of artificial products is promising. These products are obtained on the basis of proteins and other nutrients of natural origin, but their composition, structure, appearance and other properties are artificially formed (artificial cereals and pasta and meat products, granular protein caviar, etc.). In artificial products, it is possible to regulate the chemical composition, which is important for the creation of special health food products.

The quality of products is a set of properties that determine the suitability of a given product to meet certain needs in accordance with the purpose of GOST.

The organoleptic properties of products - appearance, texture, color, smell, taste - are important indicators of their quality. A change in the organoleptic qualities of a product usually indicates a deterioration in their biological value (a decrease in the content of vitamins, essential fatty acids, etc.) and a possible accumulation of products of protein breakdown, decomposition of carbohydrates, and fat oxidation that are harmful to the body, especially for sick people. Moldy products may produce toxic substances. Organoleptic changes in perishable products may be accompanied by the reproduction of pathogenic microbes.

When receiving products in catering units and diet canteens, as well as before cooking stored products, their quality is checked by organoleptic indicators.

    Classification of environmentally friendly products.

Taking into account general characteristic features and features of use, the following groups of food products can be distinguished:

1) milk and dairy products;

2) meat and meat products;

3) fish, fish products and seafood;

4) eggs and egg products;

5) dietary fats;

6) cereals and pasta;

7) flour, bread and bakery products, bran;

8) fresh and processed vegetables, fruits (fruits, berries, nuts) and mushrooms; 9) sugar and its substitutes, honey, confectionery;

10) canned food and concentrates;

11) flavor products (tea, coffee, spices, seasonings, food acids); 12) mineral waters.

Products of all groups are divided into types according to origin or receipt. Some products are divided into varieties and categories based on quality in accordance with the requirements of the standard. For example: type of cow butter - creamy unsalted, grades of the highest and 1st; beef of I and II categories - according to fatness; fresh eggs of category I and II - by weight and quality.

Many food products, in particular after appropriate cooking, have certain medicinal (dietary) properties in relation to certain diseases. However, this does not give reason to call them dietary products. Dietary products are specialized products intended to replace in the diet of sick people traditional products prohibited for medical reasons and differing from them in chemical composition or physical properties.

There are 7 groups of dietary products:

1) products that provide mechanical and chemical sparing of the digestive organs and are used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, maxillofacial injuries, violation of the act of chewing and swallowing, in the postoperative period. These products have a high degree of grinding, they contain few extractives, sodium chloride ( table salt), dietary fiber, no spices. Such products include fine flour from cereals, homogenized (specially mashed) canned food from vegetables, fruits, meat, fish freed from inedible and indigestible parts, dry water-soluble concentrates of high nutritional value (enpits, inpitan, ovolact, etc.). ) and etc.;

2) products with a low sodium content (salt-free), used for certain diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, etc. This group also includes salt substitutes (sanasol, etc.), which are used to improve the taste of salt-free food;

3) products without protein or with the exception of certain proteins and amino acids, such as bread substitutes, pasta, cereals prepared without protein from various types of starch and used for chronic kidney failure and other diseases;

4) products with a modified composition of carbohydrates - their reduced content, the replacement of sugar with sweeteners, lactose-free dairy products, sugar substitutes (sweetener, saccharin, fructose, etc.). These products are used for diabetes, obesity and other diseases;

5) products with a reduced amount of fats and (or) their improved composition (fermented milk products and cow butter enriched with vegetable oils, etc.), used in diseases with impaired fat metabolism - atherosclerosis, obesity, etc.;

6) products of reduced energy value due to a decrease in the content of fats or carbohydrates in them, with fillers (dietary fiber, methyl cellulose, etc.);

7) other dietary products enriched with complete protein, iodine, iron, vitamins, lecithin.


Ecologically clean products must be of high quality, produced in ecologically clean regions, must not contain modified genes, grown according to recommended technologies, without the abuse of fertilizers and growth stimulants. Unfortunately, these requirements are not always met in real life. When buying food, it is very important to check by whom, where and when fruits and vegetables are grown. Appearance can also tell a lot, if vegetables or fruits do not look natural, it is worth assuming that some chemicals were used to grow them. It must be remembered that crop producers are primarily interested in making a profit, and not in environmentally friendly products. One of the most common violations in the cultivation of vegetables and fruits is the excessive use of fertilizers, in particular nitrates, which are natural growth and maturation stimulants for many plants. Of course, fertilizers are necessary, because without top dressing, not a single field will be able to produce constant crops. Ideally, any field or plot should be given a 1 year rest after harvest, which is not economically viable. Therefore, mineral fertilizers come into play.

By saying "environmentally friendly, organic product", we mean that it is not harmful to the human body, that vegetables do not contain nitrates, sausage and ham - carcinogens, yogurt and curds - artificial color enhancers and preservatives. And there are more vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances in them than in traditional ones.


    Voronkov N.A. Ecology general: Textbook. - Moscow, 1999.

    Glukhov V.V. Economic foundations of ecology: Textbook. - Saint Petersburg, 1997.

    Denisov V.V. Ecology: Rostov-on-Don, March 2002.

    Kruglyakov G.N., Krutikova G.V. commodity science food products: Textbook. - Minsk: Urajay, 1998.

    Mikulovich, A.V. Loktev, I.N. Furet and others; Merchandising of food products: Proc. allowance / Under the total. ed. O.A. Brilevsky. - Minsk: BSEU, 2001.

    Mikulovich L. S. Commodity science of food products with the basics of microbiology, sanitation and hygiene: Proc. allowance / L. S. Mikulovich. - Mn.: Vysh. school, 2002.

Dairy products of "Ugrin Eco Farm", located in the nature protection zone of the Ugra National Park (which is not far from Moscow), the cows graze on private land, which belongs to a family of 4, they take care of the cows without outside help, including milking the cows by hand! Cows are fed natural hay there... Self-call from the center of Moscow is possible.
-govinda-garden.com- in my opinion, a super kind store, it seems that there principles are more important eco-farms and a good attitude towards animals, and the prices are reasonable. Self-delivery is possible on Saturday from the Rizhskaya metro station (a 5-minute walk to the store). Eat positive feedback in a comment.
-donz.ru- some products there from the monastery. See positive feedback in the comments.
-moolookoo.ru- there are products from the nunnery. Learn more about this store.
-iorganic.ru- dairy, groceries, fruits and vegetables, household goods, etc.
-lavkalavka.com- expensive
-naturoed.ru- expensive due to logistics costs and average volumes
-sferm.ru- some say that the taste of the products there, including vegetables, is the same as in the store, although their site looks respectable. But in this comment they say that the butter is good there, but cheese and milk quickly sour (I think this is not an indicator Bad quality) and it even happens to be moldy on the 3rd day (but this is already suspicious), while the money is returned.
-efimsybbota.ru- there is a positive comment, but the truth is not clear from whom.
-ecocitylife.ru - free delivery in Zelenograd when buying over 1000 rubles

IMPORTANT- when drinking raw milk, beware of brucellosis and E. coli, use raw milk only those cows that were not fed mainly with cereals and corn, but were fed with grass in summer and hay + sometimes vegetables in winter, grass / hay for cows is just ideal, also cows should graze on the pasture at least in summer.

Organic cereals, locally grown fruits and vegetables, Eco cosmetics, hygiene products, organic spices, dried berries, cereals:
-i-mne.com - branch offices throughout Russia, self-delivery is possible
-syroeshka.ru - possible pickup from metro station Aeroport
-lifeway.su - (Altai Territory) - local cultures growing in ecologically clean areas, here is their magazine - vedlife.
-Nuts and dried fruits wholesale in Moscow
-hunnyshop.ru- (Moscow region)- a store of natural soap and cosmetics, there is also natural food - sprouts, flour, bee products, nutritional yeast(not bakery), it is run by a girl (vegetarian and mother of two children), who, by the way, is the moderator of this community
-iherb.com - (american store) - with a rich assortment of natural products, you can order to Russia and Ukraine, parcels arrive in about 3-5 weeks on average. Shipping costs 4 bucks. I write some things about this site.
-shop.wantbaby.ru- (self-call in Moscow, Zelenograd and Klin)- a reference point for raw food products, relevant for future / real mothers.
-dziwa.ru - (Moscow region)- shop of eco-goods, natural soap "from scratch", natural cosmetics self made and healthy food
-Dried persimmons and other dried fruits from Sochi and Abkhazia, Look .

List of physical shops and markets in Moscow:
-"Farmer Bazaar"- a shop that looks like a farmers' market. Located on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in Moscow. Prices are more expensive, however, than in Auchan, but it's worth it on Mondays from 10 am to 1 pm 20% discount on everything :)
-eko-magazin.ru- sells both foreign eco-products and domestic ones located on Sokolnicheskaya Square
-ekush.ru vacuum-dried berries, fruits and vegetables, natural sweets, teas, etc., Alekseevskaya metro station (Malomoskovskaya st.)
-White clouds- store of vegetarian products, m. Kitay-gorod, m. Chistye Prudy, st. Pokrovka, 4
- jagannath.ru- a range of healthy food products for vegetarians, vegans, macrobiotes. A selection of soy products (miso paste, organic tofu), natural sweeteners (stevia, palm sugar, maple syrup and Jerusalem artichoke syrup, etc.), sweets and confectionery for diabetics, seaweed, spices, vegetable oils, honey, whole grains from ecologically clean areas, tea and herbal drinks, natural cosmetic, aroma oils, incense, natural soap. There are 2 branches in Moscow ( on Kursk and on Taganka), in Tomsk, in Novosibirsk.
-cow-boys.com- 5th Donskoy passage, 21, bldg. 14. The list of farms and their owners on this site more or less inspires confidence, although I would like more details with videos and blogs of the farmers themselves, because 1-3 photos do not quite plausibly describe reality, but in general there are chances for quality products.
-indianspices.ru- spices, groceries, soy products, many real shops (Sukharevskaya, Kyiv, etc.). The store is suspicious, carefully read all the ingredients. There is a negative comment about their ghee.
-izbenka.msk.ru- I sell dairy products, there are many branches in Moscow and the Moscow region There are doubts about the naturalness of their products, similar to industrial production(see comment).
Ideally, cows should graze in the pasture, and not stand all the time in the stall, as shown in their view. Walking in the pasture improves milk quality and makes cows healthier. Imagine yourself working all the time in your apartment with breaks for stew, absolutely not going anywhere, because you will wither quickly under such conditions. Milk from cows grazing in the wild can even be drunk raw, which is much healthier for many reasons - firstly, raw milk is alkaline, unlike pasteurized milk, in which the PH level is acidic, and secondly, there are more different benefits in raw milk. I want to add that where I live, you can often see cows grazing on the lawn if you go outside the big metropolis. It would be interesting to know - how often do you observe a similar landscape?

Recommendations when buying goods:
Pay attention to preservatives and nutritional supplements . And items like modified starch or GM soy ingredients, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate etc. (see Exxx label on food). This muck can also be present in health food stores. I do not recommend buying soy or corn products at all, since 99% of these products are GMOs, unless otherwise indicated.

Palm oil - another trend for consumers, especially among vegans. Palm oil is the cheapest and very unhealthy. It is best to use coconut, here you can buy organic, unrefined and raw Coconut oil. (Good for baking any vegetable, even potatoes, but I always cook over low heat.) About hurting others vegetable oils well written.

agave syrup harmful, you can read about it.

It is desirable to know about essential oils how the product was obtained and processed, because if, for example, inhalations are made artificial essential oils, you can only harm the body. Although for the aromatization of premises it is much better than the philistine chemistry from ordinary grocery stores.

Preference, of course, should fall on those stores that can be reached, and not order groceries far away. Firstly, if we buy our Russian, then money goes into the domestic economy. Secondly, in this way we do not use cardboard and gasoline for shipment and delivery, that is, it turns out to be more environmentally friendly.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

P.S. I would love your feedback on any experience with these stores or additions to the list!

UPD: thanks to everyone for the tip on additional stores, thanks to them we can safely say what to lead healthy lifestyle life in Moscow is possible, although I would like to see more physical stores, because buying live, in my opinion, is easier and more enjoyable.

Excessive consumerism:
- Blue China (why having cheap jeans is not sustainable)

"Do it yourself" detergents:
- Eco-friendly detergents (why buy if you can make detergents on your own, which is much easier and more economical?)

Enough already for a long time man modifies the natural development of nature, interferes with the structure of the soil by applying chemical fertilizers, and uses pharmacological preparations in the diet of birds and animals. All these actions cannot but affect the quality of the products eaten.

In addition, manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of food, subject many of the products to genetic processing. It is much more profitable to produce long-term products than to sell perishable products cheaper, inflicting a loss on yourself.

As a result, when using these products, the human body is irreparable harm as:


Metabolic disorders;



Increased fatigue;

Disorders of various systems;

Decreased immunity, susceptibility to diseases and much more.

Why is it important to eat healthy food?

In this regard, there is a need for environmentally friendly products. Consuming them will help a person cleanse the body of harmful influence contaminated food, restore normal functions and increase life expectancy. After all, there is nothing more precious than health. If a person feels great, he can work fruitfully for the benefit of the family and society.

Every year the question of the use of environmentally friendly products becomes more and more relevant. The population wants to eat healthy food which requires large financial costs.

What are organic products?

They are also called organic. These foods do not contain:

Herbicides, pesticides;

Preservatives, dyes, food additives.

These include vegetables, fruits, eggs, sugar, baked goods, dairy products and baby food. Such products are labeled "ECO", as well as "BIO" and "ORGANIC".

But such signs are used as bona fide manufacturers, and not entirely conscientious. In Russia, there is no law regulating organic agriculture and the production of organic products. There is only a draft that has been submitted to the State Duma.

On the issue of organic food, you can only contact interested people who can guarantee the safety of products and who promote the idea of ​​licensing in accordance with international standards.

So, the signs "BIO", "ECO", "ORGANIC" mean that the products are purely ecological, made according to the principles of organic agriculture.

In accordance with European and American standards, this label indicates that the product is 95% organic. Other products may contain 70% organic or slightly less, while the packaging must be labeled accordingly.

Useful properties of organic products:

- It has a large number of vitamins;

Does not cause allergies;

Useful for children of any age;

It has natural taste;

Its assimilation occurs easily and quickly in the digestive tract.


Eating organic food heals the human body so that he can feel good for the rest of his life. There is a surge of energy, vital activity is activated, immunity is increased.

Even if you eat only organic vegetables, the body can improve by 30-40%.

Of course, the cost of such products is somewhat higher than everything else, but there are more benefits from it.

Prolonged consumption of processed foods leads to accumulation in the body harmful substances, which then follow in various chronic diseases.

Video on the topic of the article

For thousands of years man has intervened in natural processes living nature: changed the structure of soils, introduced various organic and mineral additives, destroyed insects, birds, changed the productive qualities of plants and animals, used chemically active drugs, genetic modernization, changed the natural diets of animals, used pharmacological preparations, etc.

The results of a negative impact on the quality of products.

All these impacts could not but affect the quality of food. An additional factor is the deterioration of environmental conditions: pollution of soil, air, water. Another weighty reason can be called economic feasibility: to reduce the cost of products and increase competitiveness, measures are taken that significantly worsen the quality.

What is the impact on the human body of products that are not environmentally friendly? Impacts are negative, of a very different nature. Intoxication, metabolic disorders, hypovitaminosis, allergic reactions, increased fatigue, sleep disturbance, various disorders of the nervous, circulatory, excretory, digestive, reproductive and endocrine systems, decreased immunity, increased susceptibility to cancer and much more.

Importance of organic food.

For these reasons, it is very important to take care that the products are environmentally friendly. Eating organic food helps human body gradually recover after negative impact low quality products. Healthy nutrition is the basis of normal human life and makes it possible to increase life expectancy. Every year the relevance of environmentally friendly products becomes higher. People prefer to eat quality and healthy food, but this requires careful control at all stages of obtaining food products and entails significant financial costs.

What are the requirements for environmentally friendly products?

1) Growing conditions.

In the process of growing crops, the use of mineral types of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or other harmful chemicals, as well as any unnatural radiation, is prohibited (or strictly limited). In addition, the ingress of foreign substances into the product during technological processing should be excluded.
To obtain environmentally friendly livestock products, you need to use only environmentally friendly feed when raising animals. Feed antibiotics and hormonal preparations should not be used.

2) The composition of the product.

In the manufacture of the product, it is prohibited to use genetically modified organisms, artificial preservatives, synthetic flavors, flavor enhancers and substitutes. It is not allowed to use chemical additives and harsh processing techniques to preserve and change the properties of the product.

3) External processing.

An environmentally friendly product should not be exposed to chemical factors, wax, etc.

The environmentally friendly product has a natural taste, aroma, high content vitamins and minerals safe for children and pregnant women.
