
Purple tea for weight loss chang-shu. Purple tea chang shu: description, positive and negative reviews of doctors

A new weight loss remedy has appeared on the modern market. This is a fragrant tea "Chang-Shu", which is grown in distant Asia. Those who have tried it say that the drink helps to get rid of extra pounds, gives youth and beauty, gives health and strength. Is it so? What features does Chang-Shu purple tea have? Reviews of doctors, patients, opponents and admirers of the drink are presented in this article. We will also study in detail the composition, healing properties and contraindications of this remedy of Chinese traditional medicine.

What is this tea?

Some argue that the drink is a panacea, a remedy for almost all diseases, others call its popularization a "divorce" and lure money from gullible buyers. Despite diverse opinions, people who have tried all sorts of weight loss methods that ultimately did not help them pay attention to Chang-Shu purple tea. Real reviews of the drink indicate that it "works".

The healing potion is made from a tree that belongs to the myrtle family. This genus is very close to eucalyptus, known for its medicinal properties. The tea tree is an evergreen plant with fluffy yellowish or all-white buds and dry leaves that, due to their delicate size, don't actually provide shade. Of these, by the way, cosmetologists make essential oil useful for skin and hair. But flowers are widely used in folk medicine. Since the tree grows in the highlands of many Asian countries, the drink made from its flowers is called the Tibetan tea "Chang-Shu". In addition, it is called Chinese, Nepalese and Cambodian, as it is also produced in these states.

The drink is not addictive. The peculiarity is that it is harvested in conditions of low oxygen content at an amazing height - 3 thousand meters above sea level. Chinese healers, Nepalese farmers pick flowers, and they do it only twice a year. All work is done by hand - there is no production for the production of products.


The drink boasts an unusual sweet aftertaste and rich spicy aroma. But this is far from the main advantage that Chang-Shu tea has: the composition of the healing agent is so rich that it seems that it can really help in the treatment of many diseases. The main components of the drink are:

  • Chromium. It not only reduces appetite and eliminates the lipid layer, but also helps to overcome depression, accelerate the growth of muscle mass.
  • Phenolic compounds (tannins). Substances of plant origin stimulate fat burning, protect the digestive organs and strengthen the body as a whole.
  • catechin antioxidants. They help break down lipid deposits, reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • Dopamines. They affect the part of the brain that is responsible for burning fat. Activate this process. In addition, they accelerate the appearance of a feeling of satiety, improve mood.
  • Theotanins. They help to eliminate toxins from the body, have bactericidal properties, normalize the work of blood vessels, increase their elasticity.
  • Theanines. Useful for emotional and physical stress. Tone up the body, activate its potential. Calming effect on the nervous system.
  • luteins. Protects the organs of vision from the negative radiation of computer monitors and TV screens.
  • Bioflavonoids. Prevent the early appearance of gray hair, hair loss. They improve the condition of the skin. In addition, there are a lot of vitamins in tea. All of the above elements contribute to the fact that beauty is preserved, youth is prolonged, and health becomes strong and invulnerable.

Beneficial features

Purple tea "Chang-Shu", due to its amazing composition, has become the basis for the manufacture of numerous traditional medicines. Various useful decoctions, tinctures, essential oils, ointments and creams are made from its leaves and flowers. As for tea itself, it not only speeds up the metabolism in the body and normalizes the digestion process, but also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and helps in the treatment of diseases of the organs of vision and the gastrointestinal tract.

The drink acquired its useful qualities due to the influence of the same alpine location of tea trees. The rarefied atmosphere, low oxygen content in the surrounding air positively affects green spaces. These factors stimulate the production of a huge amount of useful substances in the main components of the plant. At the same time, there are several times more of them than in herbs, flowers, bushes and trees grown on the plain.

How to drink Chang-Shu tea? The manufacturer recommends taking the drink twice a day: in the morning it invigorates, in the evening it calms. For one serving, you need to brew 5 flowers in a standard cup. Adds zest to the drink with a slice of lemon. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with the dosage: the main thing in the use of this tea is not the quantity, but the duration of intake and regularity.

How does he work?

In most cases, women are concerned about their excess weight. Not surprisingly, they are the main consumers of the product. Many people buy Chang-Shu tea, while ignoring doctors' reviews or not even asking for a preliminary consultation. Although this must be done: the doctor will write out the correct daily routine, diet, and recommend certain sports. After all, it would be strange, lying on the couch and drinking tea, losing weight in front of our eyes. To quickly and easily reach your goal, one drink is not enough. But by combining in a complex its constant use, as well as exercise and diet, you can achieve amazing results.

Chinese tea "Chang-Shu", together with a real recovery, contributes to the external transformation:

  1. The aging process slows down, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.
  2. The nail plate is strengthened, its fragility is eliminated, and the risk of delamination is reduced.
  3. Hair stops falling out, becomes elastic, shiny.
  4. Problem areas in the form of fatty deposits are neutralized.

Inside the body, tea acts as a sedative. Taking it, a person feels calm, but at the same time continues to be active, active. He is better at dealing with negative emotions. At the same time, according to reviews, it is less likely to suffer from colds, as the drink boosts immunity and activates the body's defenses.

Slimming Tea

This function of the drink is one of the main ones. Tea for weight loss "Chang-Shu" stands out from its "brothers" with a similar effect. The fact is that it practically does not cause side effects. The manufacturer assures: drinking tea, you will not only feel great, but also be able to get rid of the hated centimeters in problem areas - on the hips and waist. At the same time, as it is written in the annotation, it is not necessary to do exhausting exercises and sit on strict diets. It is enough just to stick to a balanced diet: more protein foods, less carbohydrates. Fats should be eaten only healthy: those found in fish and seafood. Moreover, the drink contains a lot of vitamins. Therefore, it is better to drink than to eat artificial pills from a pharmacy.

The secret of purple tea is very simple: it has a tonic effect. The drink perfectly breaks down lipid deposits. It eliminates fats, and directs the released energy to the benefit of the body - to heat the body, increase energy and activity. Drinking just two cups a day, you can achieve a slim figure. At the same time, sweets are not prohibited: you can eat them, but only in moderation. The drink will quickly and reliably destroy excess calories. In addition, the tea is completely natural, so you can drink it without thinking about various complications or side effects.

Basic Secrets

How does purple tea "Chang-Shu" contribute to weight loss? The fact is that it normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines. As a result, harmful toxins and carcinogens do not linger in the body, and the substances contained in the drink help break down lipid cells. Also, with the help of "Chang-Shu" it is possible to bring out heavy carbohydrates and fats - they are absorbed by theotanin. Thanks to this, food harmful to the stomach - smoked, fried and canned - is easily digested and absorbed. As for weight loss, it is primarily due to the normalization of metabolism and the restoration of water-salt balance. This method makes your weight loss not only gentle, but also effective.

In addition, under the influence of theotanin and its "brother" theobromine, the body's main filters - the kidneys and liver - work smoothly and productively, bringing out a lot of harmful substances. And this, in turn, contributes to the disappearance of hated kilograms. At the same time, Chang-Shu makes the process of losing weight safe for health, as it does not interfere with the absorption of vitamins, minerals and other useful components in the intestines. Weight loss occurs gradually. Reviews say that for three months of regular use of tea, you can get rid of 20-30 kilograms without harm to the body. The most interesting thing is that the factors characteristic of weight loss - hair loss, the appearance of circles under the eyes, peeling of the skin - will not appear. Since getting healing substances from the drink, the stomach, intestines and liver do not interfere with the development of a positive cosmetic effect on your appearance.

Positive feedback from doctors

Some doctors highly appreciate Chang-Shu tea. Reviews of doctors who treat endocrine diseases testify: the drink is an excellent source of amino acids and vitamins, which are rarely found in the usual food. They cause longevity (not surprisingly, the Tibetans and Chinese can boast of very high life expectancy). At the same time, we are talking about youth not only of the face and skin, but also of internal organs. And under its influence, menopause in women comes later. At the same time, nutritionists say the following: tea provokes a rapid onset of satiety, which can significantly reduce the amount of food consumed. It also has a pleasant taste and perfectly quenches thirst.

Ophthalmologists also appreciated the Chang-Shu tea: doctors' reviews of it are positive. Doctors pay attention to substances that are useful for the eyes. The lutein and zeaxanthin contained in the drink provide filtering of light frequencies, thereby protecting the visual organ. With it, you can also increase the level of carotenoids, the number of which gradually decreases with age and under the influence of malnutrition. And they help relieve eye fatigue in those people who spend a lot of time at the computer. Therapists note that purple tea strengthens the body, speeds up its recovery after long-term illnesses and surgical interventions. In addition, it increases your ability to work - physical and mental. Helps to get rid of stress and depression. Gives masculine strength, as even the famous ginseng surpasses even the famous ginseng in its effect on the genitals.

Another point of view

Not everyone sings laudatory odes to the drink. Many doctors call purple tea "Chang-Shu" a pacifier. Real reviews of people who have tried the "panacea" on themselves, likewise, are far from ideal. Someone says that they didn’t notice any special effect: there is an effect on the body, but it is similar to ordinary green tea. In addition, the latter is much cheaper. Some women claim that they "earned" only the negative effects of drinking the drink. Like, it provokes severe thirst, dries the body from the inside - as a result, a person drinks a lot, excess fluid accumulates in the body, causing swelling and swelling. In addition, there are colic, abdominal pain.

The most interesting thing is that some ladies who bought a miracle cure not only did not lose weight, but, on the contrary, gained a lot of weight. According to them, tea is sugary and tasteless, so it is simply impossible to drink it without sugar. Accordingly, the sweet product, entering the body, has contributed to weight gain. Among the shortcomings are also called high cost. For the average resident of Russia, Chang-Shu tea significantly hits the pocket: the price of a trial course is 1990 rubles, the initial one is 3980, the full one is 4970. In the first two cases, you still need to pay money for delivery - 380 rubles. If you buy the full course, you will not have to pay for the transportation of the product.

Where to buy Chang-Shu tea?

The fact that the drink is sold only on the official website of the supplier refers to the disadvantages of the product. Let's say you don't want to pay for shipping, or you want to immediately start taking Chang-Shu tea. You simply will not find it in pharmacies or stores, you will have to place an order on the Internet. Any article about the drink contains a link to the official website, so it is easy to find it. Remember that one package, the price of which is almost 2 thousand rubles, is only enough for a month. And sellers recommend taking tea for three months to achieve the desired effect. The full course will cost 5 thousand without paying for delivery - thus, by ordering it, you save almost one and a half thousand rubles, which is also important. In the event that you live outside of Russia, you must pay for the transportation of the product under any circumstances.

Ordering is easy. There is a special form on the site that you need to fill out. In it, indicate your name, contact details and the number of tea packages. After registration, the manager will call you within 24 hours and ask you to confirm the address to which the parcel will be sent. In a few days you will receive the goods.


If you have made a firm decision to buy a product, be aware of the side effects. Among them, individual intolerance to the drink and various allergic reactions to its components are distinguished. Therefore, people prone to various rashes should try Chang-Shu tea before placing a full order. There are other contraindications: pregnancy and lactation are not the best periods for experiments. Also, minors and elderly people should refrain from using it.

Among the restrictions is the number of brewed flowers. The manufacturer does not recommend exceeding the standard dose of 5 pieces. The maximum allowable number of flowers per reception is 7 units. You need to drink tea strictly twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Only in this case, the use of the drink will be not only safe, but also effective. It is also important to be systematic. Forgetting at least one technique, you can negate all the results. Remember that sports and proper nutrition have not been canceled. Therefore, take tea as an additional tool for losing weight, while not ignoring the main methods of fighting for youth, beauty and health - a balanced diet and exercise.

Read the negative reviews of doctors about chang-shu purple tea. Find out all the positive and negative sides of chang shu purple tea from the reviews of real doctors in this article.

Everyone chooses a means for losing weight. Some prefer a strict diet and sports, others prefer magic pills. Manufacturers of dietary supplements and teas for weight loss take care of how to return grace, which from year to year offer new products. If 3 years ago liquid chestnut was actively advertised, then goji berries, now the baton has passed to Chang Shu tea.

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It is illogical to judge its benefits by negative and positive reviews. Those who exercised and drank the drink had an effect anyway. Those who lay on the couch with a tablet and hoped for the magic of the plant can hardly boast of the result. There are also negative comments in which people write about pain in the abdomen after a long intake. To have an idea about the product, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition.

What manufacturers write on the packaging

When advertising tea, the emphasis is on the areola of growth and the exoticism of moth peas (triple clitoris). It turned out that the plant has been grown for 6,000 years by Tibetan monks in the mountains and collect the petals by hand. The harsh climate and oxygen deficiency forced the flower to adapt to difficult conditions, which had a positive effect on the chemical composition.

However, except for Tibet, it grows in all regions of Southeast Asia. Tourists in Thailand are offered it at every turn as a cooling drink with ice. When lemon is added, the drink turns purple. If the plant has the ability to burn fat and speed up metabolic processes, why focus on dubious facts? Probably to increase sales and increase value.

Healing effect

The negative reviews of experts about Chang Shu tea are not aimed at the properties of the plant, but at an unreasoned statement about the breakdown of fat cells.

Benefits of tea:

  • removes liquid;
  • cleanses the body;
  • partially solves digestive problems;
  • positively affects the heart and blood vessels;
  • improves the condition of the skin and smoothes mimic wrinkles;
  • stimulates hair growth;
  • improves visual acuity;
  • relaxes the nervous system.

The result provides a unique composition of the clitoris triad with an antioxidant complex. The invaluable benefits of natural ingredients are undeniable, but as doctors assure, they are present in all herbs only in different volumes. Flavonoids have:

  • detoxification;
  • bactericidal;
  • immunomodulatory properties;
  • have a cardioprotective effect.

However, you do not need to be critical of the product. When used properly, the drink has benefited the body.

Is it possible to lose 10 kg on tea in 2 weeks?

The manufacturer claims that when Chang Shu is taken, weight loss occurs naturally. If the plant has a laxative effect, this is natural, but it is impossible to lose 700 g per day without correcting nutrition and habits. During this time, water will come out of the tissues, the volume of “rollers” on the sides and back will decrease, but the adipose tissue will remain in place. After stopping the reception, everything will return again. If you drink only tea, sudden weight loss can result in liver failure.

The claim that methylxanthate (an organic compound from flowers) burns fat is not justified. In the reviews, experts unanimously argue that the alkaloid has only an anti-spasmodic effect:

  • relieves swelling of the bronchi;
  • improves renal circulation;
  • removes water from the body and reduces pressure.

It has nothing to do with the breakdown of fat. Dopamine, acting as a neurotransmitter, does stimulate calorie burning, but since it is present only in the root, it does not enter the bloodstream. The petals contain synephrine and caffeine, which have little effect on adipocytes.

Reviews: what the experts say


Bought 3 packs of tea. I drink according to the instructions - a cup after meals 3 times. Tell me why there is no result?

Irina Alekseevna, general practitioner

Tea has not been clinically tested, so it should not be carried away. An excess of vitamins is fraught with no less serious consequences than their deficiency. Butterfly pea herbal tea cannot be considered a panacea for fat. The result will appear only with an integrated approach.

Maria Valentinovna, endocrinologist

When people with diabetes come to me, I first suggest normalizing their weight. In addition to motor activity, I recommend drinking herbal infusions with a laxative effect to cleanse the body. In my opinion, you shouldn't drink more than a cup of tea a day. It can harm women's health.

Nazar Vladimirovich, nutritionist

I have not yet formed an unambiguous opinion about the drink, as there is not enough information. However, promises of rapid weight loss are clearly exaggerated. I can judge about it only by the chemical composition of butterfly peas. Indeed, the plant is able to benefit the body and protect against oncology. The fact that it contains synephrine does not mean anything, especially since it cannot be combined with caffeine in intensive weight loss. But components in a meager dose can not be taken into account. I adhere to the point of view that the drink can serve as an auxiliary tool in a complex system.

Violetta Alexandrovna, nutritionist

I can't "diagnose" tea yet. It is difficult to talk about a little-studied product. In Russia, studies have not been conducted, a quality certificate could not be found. The results are impressive, but it seems to me that this is a marketing ploy.

Having studied the composition, I admit that flowers can activate metabolism, but I don’t believe in order to do anything and lose weight. I am a doctor and I know well how systems and organs function. Even if you follow a diet, you need to exercise to tighten the skin. If someone thinks that he needs to drink a drink, please, but without fanaticism. Expert advice - cut out high-calorie foods, drink clean water, walk briskly for 4 km.

After getting acquainted with the competent opinion of experts, everyone has the right to decide whether he needs to buy purple tea. The main thing is not to pin hopes on him and make efforts to lose weight yourself.

19 votes

Chang-Shu is a flower tea that manufacturers position as an effective means for losing weight. Unlike ordinary tea, the Tibetan purple drink Chang Shu is collected and brewed not with leaves, but with flower petals, which have a huge amount of amino acids and vitamins useful for the human body. After drinking Chang Shu tea, excess weight goes away and, according to women, does not return. Let's see what other qualities the alpine purple drink Chang Shu has.

Beneficial features

Chang Shu tea for weight loss grows in the highlands of Tibet and Nepal. Initially, it was used by Tibetan monks, famous for their longevity. The air in the mountains has a low oxygen content, which gives slimming tea unique characteristics. From green and black tea, the purple drink differs in a sweetish aftertaste and rich aroma. Chang Shu for weight loss contains many useful properties:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • slows down aging;
  • improves eyesight;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin;
  • strengthens nails;
  • prevents hair loss, stimulates their growth;
  • beneficial effect on brain function; breaks down fat cells;
  • produces a tonic effect;
  • promotes accelerated digestion of food;
  • heals ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • causes a feeling of satiety.

Tibetan tea Chang Shu is not a fat burner, but promotes weight loss if the drink is combined with diets and sports. After a three-month course of using this product, you will lose those annoying kilograms and the number of wrinkles will decrease, there will be less gray hair and your complexion will improve.

Composition of Tibetan Chang Shu tea

Slimming tea contains many biologically active components that will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, gastritis, salt deposits, atherosclerosis, venous insufficiency, obesity, diabetes and the formation of cancerous tumors. The following components were found in Tibetan Chang Shu tea:

  1. Tannin (theotanin). This is an amino acid that stimulates the mental and physical activity of a person, but does not have a very stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Tannin normalizes the functioning of the liver, stomach, intestines and has a bactericidal effect, the ability to remove toxins from the body.
  2. Kakhetin. A natural antioxidant that protects blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, promotes the oxidation and breakdown of fats, and reduces blood glucose levels.
  3. Caffeine. An alkaloid that has a psychostimulating effect, increasing physical endurance and mental activity.
  4. Methylxanthine. Stimulates blood microcirculation in the skin, which helps to eliminate toxins from cells.
  5. dopamine. Hormone of joy that improves mood. When dopamine is consumed, nervous tension is reduced, fear disappears.
  6. Lutein. A substance that actively protects the retina from harmful radiation.
  7. Bioflavonoids. Prevent hair loss, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  8. Chromium picolinate. A trace element that accelerates muscle growth helps fight stress, prevents depression, and reduces appetite.
  9. vitamins. Useful organic substances that have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Unlike other weight loss drugs, Chang Shu tea is safe for health. Extra pounds go away by improving metabolism and normalizing the water-salt balance. Body weight decreases without additional load on the internal organs that remove toxins. Two cups a day of this drink will release energy that will give strength to the body.

How to brew and apply

Buyers will definitely have a question: how to drink Chang Shu tea? Thousands of people who have bought the wonderful purple drink comment on how easy it is to take. When consuming Chang Shu tea, it is not necessary to revise the nutrition system or come up with tea use patterns. Getting rid of body fat with this weight loss drink is easy - just drink two tea cups a day for three months.

How to take Chang Shu purple tea:

  1. Take 5-8 flowers, depending on the desired saturation.
  2. Brew with a glass of hot boiled water, but not boiling water.
  3. Steep Chang Shu tea for 10 minutes.
  4. Drink for weight loss without additives.
  5. Add a slice of lemon, which will have an additional effect on burning fat.

Real reviews of people who drank Chang Shu tea for three months show that it is possible to lose 30 kg during this period. Moreover, it is not necessary to refuse food and exhaust yourself in the gym. Exclude high-calorie foods from the diet and a positive result will not be long in coming. There are also negative reviews of people who have not lost weight with Chang Shu tea. For such people, we recommend reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet and continuing to drink tea.

Are there any contraindications for use

There are no contraindications to taking Chang Shu, but you should not consider the use of tea as a medicine for burning fat. This is a drink for weight loss, which only helps to get rid of extra pounds, has many useful properties and is able to have a general strengthening effect on the entire body, slowing down the aging process.

It should be noted that the side effects from excessive consumption of Chang Shu tea are the same as from any other drink of plant origin: pressure may increase or decrease, nausea, vomiting, and irritation of the oral mucosa may appear. But for this, drink 20 cups of purple tea for weight loss. An overdose is not harmful. The first aid is to moderate the consumption of Chang Shu tea to two cups a day. If such a measure does not help, then it is advisable to temporarily stop using coffee and tea of ​​all varieties.

Where to buy Chang-Shu purple tea

In the mountains of Tibet and Nepal, the flowers of the Chang Shu tea plant are harvested by hand, so this process is difficult and takes more than one week. Altitude and lack of air requires people to have endurance and the use of physical strength. Among the local population, these jobs are recruited, mainly men, who receive wages much higher than women. For this reason, you will not be able to buy inexpensive purple tea for weight loss.

You can find and order Chang Shu on the Internet on the official website of the company, both in bulk and in a single copy. The price for a weight loss course (three months) is the most profitable - 5 thousand rubles. If you buy one package of Chang Shu tea, then taking into account the delivery, the goods cost 2.5 thousand rubles, which makes the purchase more expensive. Find out the cost of a wholesale order on the website of the online store "Chang Shu Purple Tea".

To make a safe purchase of natural tea for weight loss, you should:

  1. Go to the official website of the seller.
  2. Find the order form at the bottom of the page.
  3. Enter your phone number and name in it.
  4. Click on the "Order" button.
  5. Wait for communication with the manager to confirm the purchase.
  6. After 2 days, get Chang Shu slimming tea at your post office.
  7. Pay for the order.

Can I buy at a pharmacy?

Chang Shu purple slimming tea is sold not only on the Internet - it can be purchased at a pharmacy. The outlet plays the role of an intermediary, so the price of the goods will be higher. Finding out how much Chang Shu purple tea costs in Moscow pharmacies is easy, just type the corresponding query on the Internet in a search engine. However, whether the seller will guarantee you the quality of the purchased goods and how many hidden markups are in one package of tea - the question remains open.

Whichever way you choose to buy, you will not need to make an effort to improve the appearance of your figure with the help of Chang Shu tea, which contains a set of organic substances and chemical compounds that are beneficial to the body. If you regularly adhere to a moderate diet, then in a week you will begin to lose weight, and the pleasant taste of Chang Shu tea will activate your mood and give you energy for the whole day.

Herbal drinks are very beneficial for the body and have a huge number of positive properties. Among them is the Tibetan tea Chang Shu. Judging by the reviews, this drink is a source of beauty, youth and health, which, among other things, helps to lose weight. Read what effect it has, how it is brewed and consumed.

Properties of purple tea Chang Shu

A healing drink is prepared from a mountain plant that grows in Nepal and Tibet. Flowers for brewing are harvested twice a year by hand, and the leaves are not used. The color of the drink is purple, with a slight shade of blue. It is difficult even to list all the good properties of Chang Shu tea, their list is so large. There are no negative reviews of doctors regarding him. Benefits of drinking purple tea:

  • slows down the aging process;
  • affects the condition of the skin, makes it elastic, tones;
  • Chang Shu calms and relaxes;
  • wrinkles are smoothed, has a rejuvenating effect;
  • contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the digestive system;
  • purple tea is good for hair, it strengthens them, prevents the appearance of gray hair;
  • strengthens blood vessels, makes them more elastic;
  • improves eyesight;
  • strengthens nails;
  • beneficial effect on the heart;
  • reduces the risk of problems in gynecology;
  • has a fat burning effect, speeds up metabolism;
  • lowers pressure;
  • has a positive effect on the reproductive system;
  • for the prevention of stroke, heart attack.

Most women take purple tea for weight loss while enjoying other beneficial effects along the way. It contains components that contribute to the proper absorption of substances that enter the body from food. The best results can be achieved by balancing your diet and exercising. The components of the drink remove excess fluid, make the skin elastic, so after the extra pounds are gone, it will not sag.

Composition of Chang Shu tea

The Tibetan drink contains a huge number of biologically active substances and amino acids. The composition of purple tea Chang Shu includes:

  1. Bioflavonoid. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, removes the accumulation of cholesterol.
  2. Dopamine. A component that helps brain cells transmit signals. Improves mood, strengthens memory. Promotes faster satiety.
  3. Vitamins. Strengthen immunity.
  4. Synephrine. Burns fat, both internal and subcutaneous.
  5. Catechins. Antioxidants for weight loss. They have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. Break down fat deposits.
  6. Chromium compounds. Suppress appetite, strengthen muscles, nervous system. Help in the fight against depression.
  7. Methylxanthine. Has a fat burning effect.
  8. Thiamine. An amino acid that reveals the body's reserves. Indispensable for people experiencing stress. Tones.
  9. luteins. Useful for vision.
  10. Tannins. They have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, prevent gastritis, ulcers.
  11. Caffeine. Tones the body, makes it more resilient, burns fat.

How to Brew Chang Shu Purple Tea

Drinks should be made in batches. It is recommended to brew Chang Shu tea according to the following instructions:

  1. Put 4-7 flowers of the plant in a cup.
  2. Pour 200-250 ml of hot water. It is strictly forbidden to use boiling water, it will kill useful properties.
  3. Steep purple tea for 10 minutes. It will take on a blue tint.
  4. Chang Shu is very fragrant. It is allowed to add honey, lemon to purple tea.
  5. The entire cup should be taken at one time.

How to drink purple tea for weight loss

It is necessary to take a drink in courses. Tea for weight loss Chang Shu should be drunk three cups a day in the first week. This is followed by a seven-day break, then the use resumes. Medicinal blue tea for weight loss anchan is not recommended for more than three months. Do not make the drink too strong, follow the dosage. In addition, you should not combine it with other teas for weight loss. The cumulative effect can adversely affect health.

Chang Shu purple tea contraindications

There are no products that are equally allowed to all people. Chang Shu tea contraindications.

Read real reviews on purple tea Chang Shu from doctors and customers. People will talk about the negative points, whether it is worth buying weight loss products in a pharmacy, what benefits and harm they received, what they read on the forums. You will also find out why people are advised to buy Chang Shu tea on the official website at the manufacturer's price.

About 5 years ago, trouble happened to me, my health deteriorated sharply, I took sick leave, which lasted for a couple of months. I had an operation, I will make a reservation right away, the problems are feminine. After surgery, a long course of therapy was required, which caused hormonal failure. I could not stop therapy, I was treated for almost a year, during which time I managed to gain 24 kg, which, with my height of 158 cm, seemed like a disaster!

Habitual training did not give results, the violations were thorough. I was seriously interested in diets, healthy eating, but I only received dissatisfaction from my household. 4 kg per month did not seem like an impressive result. I began to buy pills in pharmacies, drank them, lost some weight, and then treated my stomach, causing more harm to myself. Then I switched to natural pharmaceutical preparations, they are sold in a large assortment, but the miracle did not happen again.

A long search led me to the official website of the manufacturer of Tibetan tea for weight loss. I read real reviews about Chang Shu purple tea, there were a large number of them.

I learned from experienced consumers that in Russia you can’t buy Chang Shu purple tea in a pharmacy, they don’t import it, since its cost would be indecently high due to transportation costs, the cost of creating special storage conditions, plus do not forget about the percentage of profit.

Why I chose him for weight loss

2 months after taking the tea, I came for a consultation at the clinic, the doctor was amazed at my appearance, and the results of the tests! Chang Shu really helps in the fight against excess weight, plus it is generally very useful!

My immune system got stronger, cholesterol returned to normal, the ulcer finally healed, I became more calm and cheerful! The beneficial property of tea is reflected on my face! Definitely recommend purple tea for adults and children!

Reviews of doctors

Strezhevoy Nikolai Veniaminovich, nutritionist in St. Petersburg.

Thanks to many years of practice in medicine, I know many drugs for weight loss. My patients were women and men. Problems with body fat arose due to malnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle and disruption of the endocrine system. Not all patients can stabilize body weight through diet and exercise. Drugs in pharmacies promise a long-awaited effect, mainly their action is aimed at removing excess fluid in the body, they do not break down lipids. Chang Shu purple tea is a natural product that speeds up metabolism without harm to a person, adipose tissue begins to rapidly break down. The product is proven, I have been recommending it for several years!

Zhdanova Ekaterina Gennadievna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Moscow.

Overweight is a serious problem! The problem is not in appearance, but in the loads of the body. An elevated cholesterol level causes many serious diseases, treatment of blood vessels or the liver will be a waste of time if you do not get rid of extra pounds!
Drugs in pharmacies are often counterfeited, their action is characterized as short-lived, after which adipose tissue increases rapidly. Plus, the chemical composition of pharmaceutical drugs for weight loss is a blow to the body. Proceeding from the situation, I recommend using natural purple tea Chang Shu, which successfully fights lipid deposits.

Real customer reviews

The birth of a child was the most joyful event in my life. Months passed, the child grew, and my gained kg did not go anywhere. After 2 years, I sounded the alarm, medical sources claimed that by this time the body of the woman in labor was completely restored. I sent the child to kindergarten and immediately signed up for fitness, a personal trainer recommended completely switching to a healthy and separate diet. I had to lose weight! When the semi-annual subscription ended, the result was only 9 kg, and the money spent was 42 thousand. Accidentally saw a review of Chang Shu tea. Decided to buy. Girls! I started losing weight within a week! For 4 weeks it took 16.5 kg! Lost weight girlfriends are also in shock! Definitely recommend! Margarita, 29 years old, Yekaterinburg

I am a pastry chef with many years of experience. I have been overweight since I was a student! I didn’t want to lose weight, my husband fell in love with me plump, I bore him 2 healthy, strong sons. Life seemed cloudless! Later, my husband left me for a young, slender lady. I couldn't find my place. I immediately went on a diet, excluded from the diet all flour, sweet, but the fat layer firmly settled in my plump body. Lose weight very slowly! I heard about the miracle properties of Ching-Shu tea and decided to try it! The result was stunning! I really lost weight! After 2 months - 23 kg. Now the ex is begging to return, but I met a decent, wealthy man. Hope it doesn't disappoint. Elena, 38 years old, Krasnodar

The restructuring of the female body began extremely early - at the age of 50. Hormones with mood created something unimaginable. I was not slim or fat, but in 1.5 years I gained 22 kilos! A friend of the doctor said at my age it is dangerous to gain weight sharply, a big load on the heart and other organs. Tamara wrote on a piece of paper the name of a wonderful miracle remedy for weight loss. And it was decided to say goodbye to being overweight. In a month and a half, I returned to my previous shape! All thanks to Chang Shu purple tea, it is inexpensive! You drink tea and lose weight - incredibly! I forgot to say, the main thing is to order goods on the official website of the manufacturer in order to avoid fakes! Smirnova Valentina, 54 years old, Novosibirsk

The problem with being overweight touched me too! Although I have been playing sports since school and looked great! Family life makes its own adjustments, this was reflected in the size of my clothes and on the dial of the scales. With horror, I realized - 17 kg extra! I was looking for information about losing weight on the net on the forums, reviews of Chang Shu tea bribed me. I ordered one trial pack and was shocked. I noticed the result after 10 days, when the jeans began to literally fall off! No diet, no training, just drink the magic drink twice a day! Elizabeth, born in 1990, Rostov-on-Don

I was fat since childhood, the fault of the genetic predisposition! Over the years I have tried a lot of ways, the results were, of course, but very small. Most recently, on the advice of my mother's new friend (doctor), I purchased Chang Shu tea. Initially attracted by the natural composition, then good reviews on the Internet. The effect is simply grandiose, a week later I rejoiced like a child! - 6.5 kg! The result seemed incredible, but the scales show completely different numbers! The tea definitely works! Malysheva Ekaterina, 30 years old, Voronezh
