
The price of eternal youth: the surgeon reveals the secrets of our TV presenters. “I save on food: the healthier the food, the cheaper it is”: Ekaterina Andreeva about her secret skill, absence of fears and oatmeal with Winston Churchill

Andreeva wonders why people at the age of 50 allow themselves to grow old - they stop caring for themselves. According to the presenter, it is very easy to prevent this. And it’s not at all about plastic surgery, which is often attributed to Catherine. The star of Channel One believes that it is not a surgeon's scalpel, but only three points that allow a person to remain young: constant movement, proper nutrition, love for people and for oneself.


The presenter is convinced that it is health that provides youth, and not vice versa. But it's not just about physical health. It is equally important to live in a state of inner harmony.

It is difficult to control genetics or karma, but there are things that a person can change on his own. These, according to the TV star, include thoughts, attitudes towards oneself and towards people.

Few believe that in the age of plastic surgery, Andreeva does without outside interference. Such gossip tired Catherine, and she decided to put an end to the rumors about her unnaturalness by posting a refuting video on the Web. On it, a woman is on a cosmetic chair with many needles on her face.

As the presenter herself put it, she reminds herself of a porcupine. The caption under the video reads: "My 300 needles, like 300 Spartans, protect my face from everything they lie about. And Dr. Igor, like Tsar Leonid, said and did. He protected my skin and muscles. In our case, everyone remained alive, tea is not in Sparta 491 BC, but in Russia, and chinese secrets we know."

As you know, the TV presenter, in addition to visiting beauty salons, diligently goes in for sports and yoga. Andreeva pays no small role to proper nutrition and sleep, believing that the temperature in the bedroom should not exceed 20 degrees. Catherine does not eat or drink after seven in the evening, has breakfast with porridge and berries, drinks a glass of water on an empty stomach room temperature and completely excluded meat and fried foods from the diet.

» Adelina Altyeva is sure: “Whatever a woman amuses herself with, the main thing is not to the detriment of her health!” We learned from Adelina what procedures and operations our favorite TV personalities do in order to remain as young and blooming.

Tatyana Vedeneeva

“Our beloved and forever young “Aunt Tanya” Tatyana Vedeneeva also preserves the gifts of nature with the help of plastic surgeons. And don't skimp! In her own, what is there to hide, 64 years old, the actress looks 15 years younger. Well-groomed, radiant, always in a good mood ... Vedeneeva knows the way to plastic surgeon! Circular facelift, neck lift, blepharoplasty, cheekbone and lip augmentation with fillers, botulinum toxin injections into the bridge of the nose and forehead, thread lift in the cheek area - this is just the beginning! The actress went further: platysmaplasty, liposuction of the neck, helped Tatiana maintain a good neck contour. A very painful and expensive procedure, but the result is worth it. A young neck is a young woman! The upper eyelids of the TV personality are naturally lowered, which interfered with her lively and young eyes. After blepharoplasty, the eyes opened, and the look opened wide - I highly recommend this operation to women after 50! To maintain youth and beauty, Tatyana uses peptide injections and pampers her face, neck, décolleté and hands with hyaluronic acid injections at least twice a year.

The total cost of operations and procedures by Tatiana Vedeneeva exceeds 2 million rubles.”

Larisa Guzeeva


“The dream of all Soviet men, actress Larisa Guzeeva prolonged her youth not only thanks to her sparkling sense of humor. The leading main “marriage” of the country had pronounced fatty hernias in the lower eyelids, which made the eyes puffy and the face tired. After a successful blepharoplasty, a young look returned to Larisa Andreevna. An endoscopic forehead lift also took place here - through a puncture in the scalp, as a result of which the eyebrows rose up and the face “opened”. Like many other colleagues "in the shop", Guzeeva underwent a facelift, neck lift and liposuction. Contour plastic was most clearly reflected in the increase in cheekbones. “There is” injections of botulinum toxin. Good result I also see after filling the purse-string wrinkles with hyaluronic acid: the “mesh” above the upper lip has disappeared. After that, it was not a sin to increase her lips, but, apparently, Larisa Andreevna is not yet ready for such changes. The most successful operation for the artist is canthopexy: changing the shape of the eyes. Due to the raising of the corners of the eyes of Larisa Guzeeva, they acquired an almond-shaped shape, which was not in her youth.

The total cost of Guzeeva’s operations and procedures is more than 1 million rubles.”

Rosa Syabitova

“Of all domestic TV divas, Roza Syabitova made the biggest investment in herself! Photos of the main matchmaker of the country "before and after" are simply shocking and delighting! Incredible transformation! The woman is unrecognizable! Roza Syabitova did everything she could! But, I must agree, she really needed all this! Circular facelift, neck lift and liposuction, blepharoplasty, lip augmentation, contour plastic surgery. Abdominoplasty - an operation to remove the "apron" on the stomach, liposuction of the hips and even the arms radically changed the star. But breast augmentation, in my opinion, is vulgar - like two balls, although it looks very sexy against the background of a slender silhouette. But Syabitova did not stop there either - and pulled up the “fifth point” with golden threads. Now he walks with a “golden” booty!

Roza Syabitova put a Moscow suburban “kopeck piece” into her appearance! The total cost of the transformation of the main matchmaker of the country is from 3 to 4 million rubles.

Larisa Verbitskaya

"The permanent face of the chief" Good morning“ countries Larisa Verbitskaya is now a face in a million. In the truest sense of the word! The TV presenter has always been distinguished by a gentle appearance, a calming look and noble facial features. But the years still have power over female beauty, and the aristocratic face of one of the most beautiful women in the country has lost its former elasticity. The contour of the face "sagged", and the neck acquired deep "rings of Venus". The telediva decided the issue radically: one of the best plastic works that I have seen! The new ideal contour of the star's face speaks of the SMAS-lifting - a deep circular facelift. It differs from a regular facelift in that it tightens not only the skin, but also the deeper layers of the face. There is also an excellent platysmaplasty: liposuction and a neck and chin lift. I think the operations were carried out at the same time. It is very difficult to beat from the “rings of Venus”, and Larisa Viktorovna has an ideal result: her neck has become absolutely smooth. This is the result of combined work: after the operation, the remaining traces of the stripes on the neck were unequivocally filled with fillers. I see fillers in the nasolabial folds, and a little in the lips for volume, but everything is done very delicately. Botulinum toxin in the forehead, in the bridge of the nose, around the eyes. An amazing job has been done! The doctors managed to preserve the former sophistication of the artist's face. It looks exactly like it did 20 years ago. Only added aristocracy. Breed!

We continue the special column "About Me Frankly", in which our idols answer 20 unusual, not always pleasant, and sometimes openly provocative questions. This time, Ekaterina Andreeva became the heroine of our material.

site - 20 years! We are proud of this figure and throughout 2018 we will repeatedly return to this joyful event for us (we hope for you too). So, we continue the rubric "Frankly About Myself", in which we interrogated our celebrities with prejudice. What are they ashamed of? What are they saving on? What are they afraid of? We want to know everything!

The host of Channel One, Ekaterina Andreeva, became a new member of our column.

For 20 years now, we have been learning all the most important news in Russia and the world from her. It is amazing, but all these years Catherine does not change outwardly. From the TV screen, a well-groomed and impeccably elegant beauty is still looking at us seriously. But on the page of her microblog, we see an adventurer filled with a thirst for life - in a good way adventurous, provocative, sincere and infinitely energetic. Where there is so much vivacity in her and how to achieve the same "zen", you will learn by reading Ekaterina's answers to our traditional questionnaire.

1. What is the biggest challenge you have given yourself?

I took part in a very dangerous and important operation for the delivery of the symbol of the 2014 Olympics to the bottom of Lake Baikal. The immersion of the Olympic torch into the deepest lake on the planet was one of the key points relay races.

Combat submariners and I participated in this special operation. At first, the guys took me, to put it mildly, without joy. They probably thought that they would have to deal with a visiting "star" from Moscow. But after a couple of hours of training, they realized that I was a tough nut to crack. For very short term I mastered diving in a dry suit. Those who are familiar with scuba diving know that a dry suit and one in which they dive into warm seas are two big differences. Plus the weather.

“The dive was in November, the water temperature was +2 degrees Celsius. Depth - 35 meters. And a heavy torch, which also burns under water.

My husband’s friend from Irkutsk, having learned from the news what I was doing on Lake Baikal, called him and joked blackly: “You chose an elegant way to get rid of your wife, dear friend!” (Smiling). And it really was very difficult. Some cameramen became ill under water: they were given direct adrenaline injections in the heart. But I, a newcomer, coped with everything and received praise from people who were not in such trouble.

“And many years ago I quit smoking, which I also consider a big victory, because bad habits are difficult to give up.”

2. What is your secret skill that would surprise many people?

E.A.: I can negotiate - so to speak - with wild animals. I am not afraid of them at all, and they trust me.

3. What quality are you proud of and do not miss the opportunity to demonstrate it?

E.A.: I am not prone to pride. And there are no qualities that I would not miss the opportunity to demonstrate. Boasting is not my nature.

4. Signs in which you believe?

E.A.: I don't believe in omens. I just believe.

5. What information about yourself would you be happy to remove from the Internet?

E.A.: On many famous people(I am no exception) flows of lies and dirt pour out on the World Wide Web. But that's what she and the web: "spiders" control these processes and almost always - not disinterestedly. However, the strength of my spirit is such that I simply do not pay attention to lies. Those who lie cannot be shut up. Those who know me well understand that all this is done only to ruin my reputation.

"I do not pay attention to the evil opinion of others."

My mother was always worried: “Well, how! The neighbor said so-and-so! And I always didn’t care what Princess Marya Alekseevna would say (we recall Griboyedov’s “Woe from Wit”), and even more so - a neighbor or an anonymous spiteful critic from the Internet. So my answer is: I wouldn't delete anything. It's their sin of lying, not mine.

6. Cats or dogs?

E.A.: I love everyone, but now I have cats at home - Mr. Rooney and Mr. Berendey. There is such a judgment that freedom-loving people love cats (try to control the purr!), while dogs are preferred by more authoritarian people, for whom the team is everything.

7. What are you saving on?

E.A.: On food. How healthier food the cheaper it is. For example, buckwheat, apples, oatmeal, yogurt, nuts, honey, eggs and 200 grams of fish twice a week are my normal diet. And I can not say that I spend a lot of money on it.

8. If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

E.A.: Good whole grain bread.

9. What would you spend your last thousand rubles on?

E.A.: For a lottery ticket. Suddenly lucky, and this thousand will become a million.

10. Have you met manifestations of the supernatural?

E.A.: Yes, but that's why it's supernatural, so as not to talk about it. The secrets of heaven are not to be revealed to everyone.

11. What are you ashamed of?

E.A.: I try to behave in such a way that I am not ashamed. Pay your taxes and sleep well. I always pay my taxes. There are no debts. I don’t steal money from the budget, I don’t take bribes, I’m not involved in scandals. Good family. The child was raised well. The husband is a wealthy businessman and a decent person. Together we participate in many charitable projects. I visit Crimea. And other regions of Russia too.

“And if suddenly I inadvertently offend someone, in this case there is a very good mechanism, the most effective is to sincerely ask for forgiveness”

I try to live in such a way that I rarely have to apologize.

12. What is the strength?

E.A.: Strength in the spirit. The strength of the spirit is the most important component of a person who can really call himself a person, and not a creature.

13. WhatsApp, Viber or Telegram?

E.A.: What's up.

14. To whom would you like to apologize?

E.A.: At this point in time - to no one. Didn't offend anyone.

15. What do you lack for happiness?

E.A.: I am always happy with what I have. As my grandmother used to say, “Never compare yourself to anyone.” There will always be someone who has something more. And what is your life to spend on these comparisons? I'd rather go traveling, chat with friends, adopt dogs from the shelter to families, help those who really need it, and not consider what I lack there.

“I woke up in the morning, smiled - that's great!”

16. What character trait in yourself would you like to get rid of?

E.A.: Why get rid of something? God gave you everything for a purpose. And work on oneself is not deliverance with pleasure, but awareness, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, changes, which I call not deliverance, but the result of the work of the soul.

17. What are you afraid of?

E.A.: Nothing. Fear hinders progress. For example, if you are afraid of flying, you will never get to Australia and put your hands in the fur of a koala. And they are so fluffy.

18. What superpower would you like to have?

E.A.: Everything I have is enough, and I'm happy with it.

19. What era or civilization would you like to be in and at least live a little?

E.A.: I am very interested in the times of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. I would like to shake hands with Socrates and see how Cleopatra controls men. I would spend a couple of days with Cardinal Richelieu and visit Winston Churchill's estate. I would drink tea with him and eat oatmeal, sir!

20. If you believe in reincarnation and could choose your next incarnation, who or what would you become?

E.A.: So that everyone can answer this question for themselves, I advise you to read the book "Empire of Angels" by Bernard Werber. There, Archangels Michael and Gabriel explain that what you can choose later depends on the kind of life you lead now. And if you are an evil, envious, cruel, rude, deceitful person who humiliates others, do not hope that next life turns out to be a raspberry.

Unbelievable, but true: the forever young TV presenter from Channel One recently celebrated her anniversary, and the country was surprised to learn that this beauty is suitable for many viewers as a grandmother!
And she turned no less than 50 years old. A number that does not immediately fit into the head. After all, when we turn on the news on the "first button", we usually see a blooming young woman, about whom you can't say that she has already lived half a century.

Andreeva has been working on television for 20 years. How does she always manage to look so fresh? At the request of journalists, Ekaterina revealed the secret of her beauty. Firstly, not being cold, she always ventilates the house. Even in the cold, he sleeps with an open window, enjoying the fresh air. And in the morning he does not bask in a warm bed, but washes himself with an ice cube from tea, which has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Before leaving the house, Andreeva takes cold and hot shower. The alternation of water of different temperatures helps the body look younger than ever. Ekaterina also slyly notes that the beauty of a woman is also influenced by ... love! The TV presenter is happily married and wishes the same to everyone who wants to remain attractive.

Ekaterina goes to the pool and sauna once or twice a week.

She does not consider herself a foodie. And she does not like any frills in food.

The menu of the TV presenter necessarily includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. "Otherwise," she says, "the stomach starts to panic: aha! Yesterday they didn't feed me - I'll put aside the supply just in case."

Breakfast. As a rule, it is some kind of porridge. Porridge is boiled in water or 0.5% milk without butter. By the way, butter Katya doesn't eat. Kashi cooks all kinds, with the exception of manna. But most of all he loves wild black rice and English porridge (similar to our oatmeal, but more tender). For breakfast, you can eat an egg or yogurt. And be sure to have a glass of green tea. Naturally, without sugar. Sugar, jam and, unfortunately, honey, gradually became unloved foods.

Dinner. For the first - soup, but not for meat broth: vegetable, mushroom, fish. For the second: a piece of steamed fish, meat, chicken, game with a minimum of salt, instead of salt - soy sauce. And no sausages, sausages, cuts! This does not happen in the house. True, Katya's husband sometimes buys for himself a piece of some natural meat. But this rarely happens. Catherine's daughter adheres to her mother's rules.

Dinner. Dinner is light. About the same as for breakfast. At the same time, Ekaterina believes that it doesn’t matter what time you eat, the main thing is what time you go to bed later. She adheres to the rule that dinner should be two to three hours before bedtime, no later. Fruits are constantly in her diet, and preferably not exotic, but those to which she has become accustomed since childhood. The only exotic thing she likes is mango. And now fashionable pineapple, which breaks down fats well, she does not really like it.

In this regard, our heroine is not chasing fashion. Except for fashion consumption of vitamins. She always accepts them, regardless of the season. In the first place - ascorbic. The rest - for health reasons and the season. Now it is pycnoginol (extract from grape seeds which scavenges free radicals from the body.

But there is also a know-how: a glass of cool water is drunk on an empty stomach. Ekaterina has been following this rule for a good ten years on the advice of Slava Zaitsev.

Ekaterina also has bad habits! She doesn't even try to get rid of them. Her "v / p" is chocolate and cigarettes. And if the passion for chocolate and sweets "Bear in the North" lends itself to reasonable taming, then our positive heroine in everything does not even struggle with nicotine addiction. True, she smokes ultra-light cigarettes, with carbon filter and always only "Muratti". "They are the most purified," says Katya. Unfortunately, these cigarettes are not sold in Moscow, they have to be brought from Italy. Italy is Ekaterina's favorite country, the designers chosen by her live and work here. A couple of times a year she goes there to update her wardrobe.

At the age of 55, TV news presenter on Channel One, Ekaterina Andreeva, looks like a young and happy woman, on whose face there is not a hint of old age. Many fans of the star are hoping to catch the presenter in plastic, trying to find photos before and after surgical interventions. But such images simply do not exist. Because the beauty of the news star on Channel One is the merit of her daily work and the maintenance of the correct and healthy lifestyle life.

Sports nutrition natural products, without chemical additives, a long sleep in a cool and dark room - all this together does not allow Andreeva to grow old.

Every morning she starts with gymnastic exercises that energize her for the whole day and prevent her skin from wrinkling and fading over the years.

And yet, a charge of vivacity and energy is given to Ekaterina by her beloved family. The TV presenter has loving husband with whom she feels beautiful woman. The spouses have a worthy daughter.

A lot of positive emotions, from the bright events that Catherine's life is full of, favorably affect her appearance.

Positive, gymnastics and proper nutrition are companions of eternal youth

The Internet, newspapers and magazines are full of photos of Russian and foreign stars before and after plastic surgery. But, Ekaterina Andreeva was not seen in such publications.

The telediva herself is not opposed to surgical interventions to stop the aging process of the skin. But, she does not exclude that in 10 years she will turn to a plastic surgeon for help.

Proper nutrition is one of the main stages on the way to beautiful figure. In her youth, Ekaterina Andreeva had problems with overweight. There was a time when a woman smoked. But all this is now behind, taking will into a fist, the TV presenter now has an ideal figure.

Catherine always radiates positive. Without a smile, she can only be found on the blue screen, when she reads the news from the prompter to tell the audience about the events taking place in the world. In fact, Andreeva tries not to get upset over trifles, to smile more often. The woman surrounded herself only with happy moments: she loves and is loved.

Help of cosmetologists

Many do not believe that youth is directly related to good mood and gymnastics. Therefore, the "fans" of Ekaterina Andreeva continue to accuse her of hypocrisy, they themselves create photos before and after the plastic surgery of the presenter's face, using Photoshop. Once the presenter decided to put an end to the rumors and posted in social network video showing her face, all studded with needles.

As it turned out, this is an ancient Chinese procedure, which is aimed only at influencing the nerve endings of the face. Undoubtedly, this technology affects the external condition of the skin. Andreeva does not do any Botox, blepharoplasty and other plastic procedures in salons.

“Plastic surgery is the personal choice of each person,” Ekaterina Andreeva shared in an interview. - On the Internet you will not find my photos before and after plastic surgery.

There are changes in me with age, photos in my youth and in adulthood can be found in the public domain, but they have nothing to do with surgical intervention.

In beauty salons, Ekaterina also makes face masks from a well-known French brand of cosmetics, which is developed on natural plant pomace. Once a week, Andreeva is given a facial massage, but this is most likely just an addition to Ekaterina's daily gymnastics, which she does every morning without getting out of bed.

Secrets of youth from the charming Ekaterina Andreeva

Ekaterina Andreeva shared the secrets of her youth with those who are trying to find her photos on the Internet before and after plastic surgery. According to the TV presenter, she lives an ordinary life, does not torment herself with constant food bans, but adheres to only a few recommendations from nutritionists. Ekaterina goes in for sports and sleeps 7-8 hours a day.

A few tips from the forever young presenter of Channel One:

  1. Good sleep is the key to beautiful and rested skin. Andreeva recommends sleeping in complete darkness, without any lamps. Only in pitch darkness, melatonin is produced, which helps the tired human body to recover. In the bedroom, the air temperature should not be higher than 20 degrees. And in winter, Catherine sleeps with an open window so that Fresh air. Under such conditions, a woman sleeps for at least eight hours and sleeps well.
  2. You need to try to fall asleep already at 10 pm. Since, according to Ekaterina, it is in the interval between 22.00 and 24.00 that the most valuable hormone for women, which is responsible for beauty, is produced in the sleeping body. The British even came up with a name for this period of sleep: “beauty sleep”. What in translation means - a dream of beauty.
  3. In addition to proper sleep, Andreeva advises drinking a lot pure water. After getting out of bed, you should immediately drink a glass of water at room temperature.
  4. Ekaterina does not drink coffee, but gives her preference to tasty and quality tea. Green tea is preferable, but there are exceptions. A woman does not recognize bagged tea: she buys only leaf tea.
  5. Ekaterina eats buckwheat and rice porridge. Likes to add to oatmeal nuts and dried fruits. The first meal occurs only after morning exercises. And after 19.00, the TV presenter no longer eats - she gives her stomach a rest until the morning.
  6. Maintaining the weight of the leader helps to comply with all posts. She also suits fasting days your body twice a week. On this day, the TV star eats only fruits and vegetables, and also drinks a lot of mineral water.
  7. In the diet of Ekaterina Andreeva there is nothing fatty, sweet, flour and salty. Conservation also has no place on the table of a woman. She also does not eat meat, but prefers vegetables, fruits and fish.

The motto of Ekaterina Andreeva, with which she goes through life: “Give me, God, peace of mind to accept what I can’t change, give me strength for what I can, and give me wisdom so as not to confuse one with the other!”.
