
Quotes about coffee and life. Quotes and aphorisms about coffee of famous people

There are various aphorisms about coffee, in fact, as varieties of this drink. For people who like to drink it, they can be very interesting. Read the quotes about coffee collected here with pleasure.

There is no mutual understanding. Nobody listens to each other. Every person is an island. Better give him coffee.
Bel Kaufman. Up the stairs leading down

The coffee should be black as the devil and sweet as a stolen kiss.
Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons. Guardians

Sometimes life is having a cup of coffee.

Richard Brautigan

Did you like the quotes about coffee? Read more about tea.

Those minutes that you spend with a cup of coffee are relaxation in every sense.
John Ernst Steinbeck

Coffee may not be an all-healing elixir, but it is very close to it.
Laurel Hamilton. Anita Blake

Coffee is an elusive moment and a fragrant aroma.

Claudia Rodin

Reading the aphorisms of coffee, it may seem even tastier!

If coffee spills on clothes, then it is no longer coffee, but dirt.
Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel

A cup of coffee is an attribute of status, every real trader always keeps an unfinished cup of coffee in his hand or at hand.
Martin Page. How did I become an idiot

Most tasty coffee- the one you drink on the way.
Max Fry. Winds, angels and people

Maybe it's all about coffee - it was he who turned me on so much.

Erich Maria Remarque. Triumphal Arch

You can't be an artist and not drink coffee. It's just... indecent.
Madeline Ru. Shelter

When a person is very unlucky, he is able to absorb an unthinkable amount of coffee and donuts.
Robertson Davis. Fifth character

Twenty minutes under a hot shower, three mugs of black coffee - and now I'm almost human.
William Hjortsberg. Angel Heart

I find it very humiliating when you are offered coffee as if you were actually being treated to something. Coffee is a very personal thing, and trying to pay for it is tantamount to a brazen invasion of privacy ...
Pedro Almodovar. Patti Difusa and other lyrics

Coffee is great medicine from all diseases.
Coffee, good for what ails you.
Lee Child. Jack Reacher or It's Worth Death

Good morning starts with coffee, fresh pastries and a spoiled woman.

Sasha Kramar

Life is too bitter, at least coffee should be sweet...
Hachiman Hikigaya

It turned out that both coffee and marriage have a smell that is more pleasant than taste.
Mary Faris. Better crane

Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, sweet as love.
Turkish proverbs and sayings

Coffee is like love, the old saying went, the more patience you have, the better it tastes.
Elif Shafak. Honor

This page has collected phrases about coffee, especially for those who love this drink!

There are many coffee lovers who are ready to enjoy it day and night. Among true connoisseurs a deep drink with a velvety, aged taste, there were many brilliant personalities, actors and actresses. Coffee has been mentioned many times works of art. It is not for nothing that this particular drink is considered the most popular all over the world. We invite you to read a selection of articles by famous people about taste, aroma and emotions, thoughts that filled them with just one cup of coffee.

A good conversation invigorates like a cup of coffee, and after it it is just as difficult to fall asleep.

(orig. "Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after.")

~ Ann Morrow Lindbergh

Even if you are not a supporter of this drink, you know exactly what you should not use. coffee drink a few hours before sleep. The caffeine contained in it can give you insomnia.

If a person has a can of coffee, it means that he is not completely dead yet, he will still last a little.

~ Julio Cortazar. secret weapon

This quote, said by the famous science fiction writer, is not so difficult to understand. Indeed, many people who prefer coffee in the morning note that every sip of a fragrant potion is a delight not only for taste buds, but also for the soul. Therefore, we can safely say that the drink inspired and continues to inspire many people.

If coffee is a poison, it is an extremely slow one, since I myself have been dying from it for more than half a century.

~ Voltaire

For a long time it was believed that coffee adversely affects human health. But scientists have already proven that if you drink several cups of the drink a day, then your body will only benefit. Certainly, we are talking exclusively about natural product in grains.

Coffee is a very personal drink. It, like cognac, should not be drunk in mugs!

~ Churchill

Indeed, the British Prime Minister was right. After all, scientists have proven that allowable dose coffee per day - no more than 300 mg, which, in turn, equals 3-4 cups. At the same time, real connoisseurs of the drink prefer to drink it in small sips from special coffee cups small volume.

How do you drink coffee? We ourselves drink it black as night and sweet as sin.

~ Neil Gaiman. american gods

Many people like to use sweet drink. In addition to adding sugar and airy milk foam, there are many recipes for making a drink with spices and spices. Most commonly used: cinnamon, clove buds, ginger, anise, vanilla.

Better bad coffee than none.

~ David Lynch

We are sure that Lynch was talking about natural coffee. Because the instant drink low quality is better not to use. Not only does it not have that aroma and taste characteristics which is natural, but also capable of causing serious damage to your health. For example, it is believed that it is cheap instant coffee leads to gastritis, as well as leaching of calcium from the body.

If I didn't like coffee so much, I wouldn't have any outstanding personality traits at all.

~ David Letterman

People have said things like this before and now. Since ancient times, people who confess their true love for this drink, automatically entered the ranks of aristocrats. And today, if you say you adore natural coffe and its aroma - you will be treated with special respect in high circles.

The truth is inaccessible to those who have not joined the foamy grace of coffee.

~ Sheikh Abd Al Qadeer

Many people believe that when using such valuable drink(called by some nations the "gift of the gods") a person is able to think faster.

What do you prefer coffee with? With sugar, milk, cinnamon?

I prefer with a book.

~ Nadia Yasminska. bookharmony

This quote was born for a reason. After all, even modern representatives of various nationalities adhere to this opinion. For example, many French people start their day by reading a book or a newspaper with a hot croissant and burning, fragrant coffee.

There is no better love potion, how regular coffee, brewed by hand. When a man tries it, he will not go anywhere.

~ Sophia Loren

The famous Italian actress, probably, did not mean how right she was. After all, it was in Italy that coffee houses were the first to appear, where you could start or end your day with a cup of a magnificent, fertile potion. So for Italian men perfect coffee with a bright, but nevertheless balanced taste - this is an extremely important attribute of a successful day.

If the morning starts with fragrant coffee, then this is a good sign for the people around me.

~ Nika Gardo

A lot of people are of the same opinion. After all, beloved by many inhabitants the globe the drink really charges us not only with energy and cheerfulness, but also allows us to look at the world more friendly.

After a cup of coffee, everything flares up, thoughts crowd around like battalions of a great army on the battlefield.

~ Honore de Balzac

Many connoisseurs of this drink wrote their brilliant works while drinking coffee. After all, with such a serious impact on taste buds the process of deeper thinking starts automatically.

The taste of coffee is wonderful, but incomprehensible. You need to learn to understand and love it, only under this condition can you fully enjoy it with rapture. ~ Gustave Flaubert

A lot of people don't understand natural taste coffee without adding any additional components. And it's not just about traditional cream, milk, but even sugar. Only true gourmets are able to enjoy a touch of bitterness, enveloping the magic potion in your cup, whose name is coffee.

There are things that are worth keeping faithful to. For example, coffee.

~ John Galsworthy

Despite the numerous varieties of drinks, yet most people remain true to the strong, burning taste of coffee. Only this drink with a heady aroma can finally wake them up and saturate them with a lot of energy.

Cautiously sniffing at the steaming cup, the young lady suddenly realized that she had fallen in love. And not just like that, but for the rest of your life. And yes, of course, in a drink made from strange grains. ~ Max Fry

It has been proven that people tend to forget a lot. But true gourmets remember the first acquaintance with a drink made from strange grains very well. Some of them discover the taste of coffee as a child (using it with milk and mother's toast), and someone already at a fairly adult age.

Coffee ... sometimes resembles the smoke of a fire, sometimes it surprises with fruity notes, sometimes it smells like a new book. It is difficult to catch and convey in words the taste, but it is more difficult to guess and keep true love ...

~ Anthony Capella

There are simply countless recipes for making a drink. All of them are able to reveal the taste and bitterness of coffee from different sides. When spices and spices are added, the fragrant potion becomes similar to mulled wine, giving that very feeling of celebration and joy that overwhelms a person. And when adding fruit juice(Norwegian) gourmet gets a brand new coffee cocktail. Its taste is sustained and balanced, and the slight bitterness inherent in the drink melts like a night in a sweet and spicy aftertaste of citrus fruits.

What on earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book and a cup of coffee?

~ Anthony Trollope

This is how you start your morning great amount inhabitants of the earth. According to them, no the best supplement to a fragrant potion than an exciting piece. None of the most famous gourmet desserts is not able to overshadow the sensations that quality literature gives us. Leafing through the pages and inhaling the aroma of the drink, you can imagine what is described in detail and immerse yourself in deep thought.

Coffee as a source of inspiration

But when do you sleep?

Yes, I'm sleeping! I will sleep when I finish my education. In the meantime, I'm drinking black coffee.

~ Frank Kafka, "Letters to Felicia"

The quote is taken from real life. Because many students who are interested in preparing for exams do this to this day. Drinking coffee in large quantities helps them not only concentrate on the learning process, but also think more creatively.

All I need for inspiration is an open piano, silence and a cup of coffee. Music will be born from the smell, silence will allow it to be heard, and the piano will bring it to life.

~ Johann Strauss

This amazing drink at one time helped many geniuses to create. Indeed bright coffee aroma, hovering over a cup of drink, is able to fill our minds with many ideas that are destined to become successful.

Behind every successful woman ... a significant amount of coffee drunk.

~ Charles Maurice de Talleyrand

This phrase, flown from the lips of a French diplomat, has long become winged. At the same time, I want to note that it is really true. Indeed, at that time, in order for a woman to work on an equal footing with a man and achieve success, she needed an inextinguishable source of energy (in the form of coffee) and the greatest industriousness.

Sometimes life is just a matter of having a cup of coffee and the privacy that comes with it.

~ Richard Brautigan

For many people, drinking coffee has become a truly intimate morning ritual. Someone prefers to plunge into thoughts over a cigar supplemented with coffee, but someone still prefers a book. In any case, the drink is able to give the very privacy that many of us secretly yearn for.

Drinking coffee at night is like the first snow or early morning after a storm: it always seems that something similar has already happened in your life...

~ Banana Yoshimoto

Although doctors forbid drinking coffee a few hours before bedtime, many people continue to enjoy the taste and aroma during the dark hours of the day. They find a special charm in this ritual. After all, what can be better cups drink, immersing you in warm memories of your first love, father's house and travel?!

They don't drink coffee on the road.

~ Samuel Goldwyn

The author of the quote meant that it is impossible to fully enjoy coffee, to feel its smoothly opening tart taste, if you drink the drink quickly and in large sips. There is a special magic in this ritual that only true gourmets can understand.

Quotes About "Coffee Feelings"

“- True love is coffee that you brew at home in the morning. Freshly ground, preferably by hand. Cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom. Coffee, next to which you have to stand so as not to run away, otherwise the taste will hopelessly deteriorate. We must make sure that he rises three times, then pour a spoon cold water into the cezve, wait a couple of minutes for the thick to settle. Coffee that you pour into your old favorite cup and drink, feeling every sip, every day. Enjoying every sip."

~ Max Fry

The famous author, let's not be afraid to say, of the whole "coffee" work, very subtly noted in his quote that building strong relationships between members of opposite sexes is no easier than cooking flavored drink. It would seem easy to add everything necessary components and simmer over low heat. But if you are distracted even for a second, the coffee “runs away”, and the crushed coffee beans, which are often calcined in a cezve, and can even burn out. So it is with relationships. If you stop working on them even for a second, do not look for compromises and underestimate your soulmate, nothing will work out.

“Latte is dreams, espresso diluted with milk of hope, and foam, remember, right? The same foam that happens in cappuccino. But there is no cinnamon, there is no astringency that allows you to feel the moment.

~ Max Fry

It is this coffee, diluted with milk, that most people preferred in childhood. In modern coffee houses you can try an amazing drink with a milky taste and a real “head of foam”, sweet taste which and airiness so tickle the taste buds.

“For inspiration, I only need an open piano, silence and a cup of coffee. Music will be born from the smell, silence will allow it to be heard, and the piano will bring it to life.” Johann Strauss Austrian composer, conductor and violinist

“There is no better love potion than ordinary coffee brewed by oneself. When a man tries it, he will not go anywhere. » Sophia Loren Italian actress and singer

“It strengthens the limbs, cleanses the skin and eliminates puffiness, and also gives the whole body a great aroma.” Avicenna Abu Ali Hussein ibn Abdallah ibn Sina, Central Asian philosopher and physician

“Boiled coffee, known and common by Persians and Turks after dinner, is a fair remedy for arrogance, runny noses and headaches” medical prescription to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich of the court physician Samuel Colline 1665.

"Good coffee should be as strong as a handshake, as sweet as a woman's kiss, and as black as the devil"
Hungarian proverb

"... black as night, sweet as sin, hot as a kiss, strong as a curse." Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord French politician and diplomat

"... this drink strengthens the resistance of the viscera, promotes digestion and the timely release of the intestines"
Carl Linnaeus Swedish physician and naturalist

"The awakening of the central nervous system- this is the main reason for which millions of tons of coffee and tea are grown and consumed every year in the world ”V. B. Prozorovsky, a famous Soviet pharmacologist

"Coffee is gold common man; and just like gold, coffee adds luxury and nobility to it." Abd al-Qadir, 1587

"Truth is inaccessible to those who have not partake of the foamy grace of coffee" Sheikh ABD al-Qadir

“Coffee is a very personal drink. It, like cognac, cannot be drunk in mugs! Winston Churchill

“The taste of coffee is wonderful, but incomprehensible. You need to learn to understand and love it, only under this condition can you fully enjoy it with rapture "G. Flaubert - French novelist, author of the novel" Madame Bovary ""

"Behind every successful woman ... a significant amount of coffee drunk." Stephanie Piro

“After a cup of coffee, everything flares up, thoughts crowd around like battalions of a great army on the battlefield.” Honore de Balzac

“There are things that are worth being faithful to. Like coffee." John Galsworthy

Let's pretend this coffee is champagne.
- Why do it?
- To celebrate life.
© Coffee and cigarettes

"Coffee should be hot as hell, black as hell, pure as an angel, and sweet as love." Charles Maurice Talleyrand

“The terrible truth about me is that I don’t like coffee much. However, I drink it in buckets. It's not even about the invigorating effect of caffeine, which, strictly speaking, is required only in the morning, and even then not always. The taste of coffee calms me and tries it on with life, returns to my feet the firm ground that is always striving to leave from under them and gives life at least some semblance of meaning. In a word, I don't like coffee, but when I drink it, I'm almost happy, and that's all that matters." Max Fry

“... – You know,” the stranger said unexpectedly. Some people consider coffee to be the drink of the devil. It seems to them that there is some secret in this brown liquid that keeps you awake. Your body, nature, God tell you to sleep, and you drink coffee and spend time with the devil…” Eteri Chalandzia

“If I didn’t like coffee so much, I wouldn’t have any outstanding personality traits at all.” David Letterman

"True love is the coffee you brew at home in the morning." Natalia Krainer

“Cappuccino is love. At first tart, then sweet and light, but in fact - all the same life. But the moments when it's sweet and tart are the best." Natalia Krainer

Espresso is life. Bitter, but invigorating. The first sip may seem tasteless, but after finishing a cup, you always want another one. And there is often not enough time for another one. ” Natalia Krainer

“Latte ... latte is dreams, espresso diluted with milk of hope, and foam, remember, right? The same foam that happens in cappuccino. But there is no cinnamon, there is no astringency that allows you to feel the moment. Natalia Krainer

“There is also mocha - coffee with hot chocolate. Mocha is melancholy. Thick and viscous. But even mocha has milk. And sweetness, one that you won't find in espresso, for example. You don’t feel it right away, and each time you don’t really understand why you ordered it. Only then do you remember, at the very moment when it becomes sweet. Natalia Krainer

“Irish, Irish coffee…passion. Somewhere there, at the very bottom, burning alcohol. You can mix, then it is practically not felt, if the coffee is prepared correctly, of course. But it's still there, and you still inevitably get drunk. By the way, yes, only a bad Irish can be worse than a bad espresso.” Natalia Krainer

Elite Arabica varieties from the world's best plantations from Venera. Bio product" http://www.site/users/3841563/post150840913/
You can order coffee right now! The product is supplied in a package with a valve, the weight of one package is 200 g. The shelf life of coffee is 18 months.
Happy coffee drinking!

Series of messages "
  • Strong coffee in large quantities- that's what I need to wake up. It warms and gives me strength. Sometimes it causes sweet pain, but I would rather suffer from it than refuse coffee. Napoleon Bonaparte
  • I'd rather suffer, but with coffee, than feel nothing at all. Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Coffee is a very personal drink. It, like cognac, should not be drunk in mugs! Winston Churchill
  • A good conversation invigorates like a cup of coffee, and after it it is just as difficult to fall asleep. Ann Morrow Lindberg
  • Coffee should be hot as hell, black as hell, pure as an angel, and sweet as love. Charles Maurice Talleyrand (as he described the perfect cup of coffee)
  • Coffee is the favorite drink of the civilized world. Thomas Jefferson
  • The taste of coffee is wonderful, but incomprehensible. You need to learn to understand and love it, only under this condition can you fully enjoy it with rapture. Gustave Flaubert
  • Coffee, it cleanses the skin and eliminates puffiness, and also gives the whole body a great aroma. Abu Ali Hussein ibn Abdallaah ibn Sina, aka Avicenna. Medieval scholar, philosopher and physician
  • This drink strengthens the womb, helps the stomach in cooking food, cleans the clogged inside, warms the stomach. Carl Linnaeus, Swedish naturalist and physician
  • No one can understand the truth until they taste the coffee foamy bliss. Shayk Abd al Qadeer
  • Coffee is the gold of the common man; and just like gold, coffee brings it to luxury and nobility. Shayk Abd al Qadeer
  • The truth is inaccessible to those who have not joined the foamy grace of coffee. Sheikh Abd Al Qadir
  • If the morning starts with aromatic coffee, then this is a good sign for the people around me. Nika Gardo
  • Coffee is an elusive moment and a fragrant aroma. Claudia Rodin
  • You can do anything for coffee. Even to work. Bill Gates
  • There is no better love potion than ordinary coffee brewed by oneself. When a man tries it, he will not go anywhere. Sophia Loren
  • Behind every successful woman ... a significant amount of coffee drunk. Stephanie Piro
  • After a cup of coffee, everything flares up, thoughts crowd around like battalions of a great army on the battlefield. Honore de Balzac
  • Coffee is an ally with which writing ceases to be flour. Honore de Balzac
  • If coffee is a poison, it is an extremely slow one, since I myself have been dying from it for more than half a century. Voltaire
  • All I need for inspiration is an open piano, silence and a cup of coffee. Music will be born from the smell, silence will allow it to be heard, and the piano will bring it to life. Johann Strauss
  • Sometimes life is just a matter of having a cup of coffee and the privacy that it provides. Richard Brautigan. "Trout fishing in America"
  • - True love is coffee that you brew at home in the morning. Freshly ground, preferably by hand. With cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom. Coffee, next to which you have to stand so as not to run away, otherwise the taste will hopelessly deteriorate. It is necessary to make sure that it rises three times, then pour a spoonful of cold water into the cezve, wait a couple of minutes for the thick to settle. Coffee that you pour into your old favorite cup and drink, feeling every sip, every day. Enjoying every sip. Max Fry
  • Irish, Irish coffee, passion. Somewhere there, at the very bottom, burning alcohol. You can mix, then it is practically not felt, if the coffee is prepared correctly, of course. But it's still there, and you still inevitably get drunk. By the way, yes, only bad Irish can be worse than bad espresso. Max Fry
  • There is also mocha - coffee with hot chocolate. Mocha is melancholy. Thick and viscous. But even mocha has milk. And sweetness, one that you will not find in espresso, for example. You don’t feel it right away, and each time you don’t really understand why you ordered it. Only then you remember, at the very moment when it becomes sweet. Max Fry
  • Latte is dreams, espresso diluted with milk of hope, and foam, remember, right? The same foam that happens in cappuccino. But there is no cinnamon, there is no astringency that allows you to feel the moment. Max Fry
  • Cappuccino is love. First tart, then sweet and light, but in fact - all the same life. But the moments when sweet and tart are the best. By the way, you can always just eat the foam and not drink, but few people think of it. Apparently, it's still a combination. Max Fry
  • Espresso is life. Bitter, but invigorating. The first sip may seem tasteless, but after finishing a cup, you always want another one. And there is often not enough time for another one. Max Fry
  • The terrible truth about me is that I don't really like coffee. However, I drink it in buckets. It's not even about the invigorating effect of caffeine, which, strictly speaking, is required only in the morning, and even then not always. The taste of coffee calms me and reconciles me with life, returns to my feet the firm ground that is always striving to leave from under them and gives life at least some semblance of meaning. In a word, I don't like coffee, but when I drink it, I'm almost happy, and that's all that matters... Max Fry. " coffee book»
  • ... with a cup of coffee in hand, it is much more interesting to read all sorts of different books that she used to consider boring ... Max Fry. "Coffee Book"
  • Coffee ... sometimes resembles the smoke of a fire, sometimes it surprises with fruity notes, sometimes it smells like a new book. It is difficult to catch and convey in words the taste, but it is more difficult to guess and keep true love ... Anthony Capella. "Coffee Flavors"
  • - In this form, I can not ... I have to take a bath, drink a cup of coffee ... - If you have a bath there, there will be coffee, there will be cocoa with tea. Go! Let's go Gesha... K / F "Diamond Hand"
  • I got up in the morning, poured coffee, went to the window, looked at the morning sun and realized that I was happy. Unknown author

Good morning everyone! It's time to part with your favorite pillow and start a new day! We have selected a wonderful selection of morning statuses that will help you wake up faster and charge you with positive energy for the whole day. Share aphorisms, sayings and phrases about the morning with your friends, let every day start with pleasant and fun moments.

For some people, the morning is a real challenge. Still, because in the morning you need to wake up and go to work, and in the morning no one and nothing seems as close and dear as a pillow and a blanket. To wake up easily and quickly, you need quite a bit. Firstly, you need to go to bed on time, and secondly, you need to find an incentive in the evening that will help you wake up faster in the morning.

An indispensable morning attribute is coffee. Its aroma invigorates and inspires to go and conquer the world! Coffee helps to feel all the charm of the morning and enjoy the notes of its cheerfulness and freshness.

Morning is the beginning of life, everything wakes up in the morning, nature wakes up first. And, perhaps, there is nothing more beautiful than watching the dawn, how the sun wakes up to give people light, a smile and joy. Morning is a surge of vivacity and the desire to create and achieve your goals. All important decisions must be made in the morning, then they will be the most correct.


The coffee ritual is a kind of morning meditation. (L. Ulitskaya)

If the morning starts with aromatic coffee, then this is a good sign for the people around me. (Nick Gardo)

Morning... Ruthless morning - the destroyer of nighttime illusions, vague dreams, sweet dreams. Morning is a convinced pragmatist, a sober practitioner, an arbitrator who raised his hand and is ready to start a new race. (O. Roy)

Morning without coffee is not morning.
So…. prolonged sleep.
Coffee in the morning is wise
coffee in the morning - like a law.
Morning without coffee is useless
and somersault all day long.
Coffee in the morning is a joy
and without it - rubbish.
Morning without coffee is unbearable -
like flying, only down.
Coffee in the morning is cheerfulness.

Coffee in the morning is life.

More correct thoughts come to people in the morning than in the evening. (S. Lukyanenko)

Every morning is a time to start life again. (Paulo Coelho)

Stop sleeping!
- Say “wake up” is positive, and “stop sleeping” is negative. (Wall Street)

Good morning brings good afternoon.

What you don't do in the morning, you won't make up for in the evening.

It is believed that success comes to those who get up early. No: success comes to those who get up in good mood. (Ashar Marcel)

The morning remains good as long as the chance is given to it. (Sabir Omurov)

It is not enough to get up early in the morning, you must also stop sleeping. (Yanina Ipohorskaya)

Not everything is new that begins. But every morning shines with freshness. (Ernst Bloch)

You can’t just take it and get up early in the morning. This is always a complex philosophical process. (Sergey Yasinsky)

Thoughts are like flowers: picked in the morning, they stay fresh longer. (André Gide)


Every morning I play leading role in the fantastic thriller "Sleep in 5 minutes" ...

If in the morning the cat smiles mysteriously, then it is better not to wear slippers ...

Every morning we have to make a difficult choice - what to wear: not washed or not ironed?

Often looking at a woman in the morning, you realize with horror that the fact that you seduced her yesterday was not your merit, but her merit.

Here is the morning. Became richer for a day of life.

Dear men, always kiss your wife in the morning! Well, at least in order to be the first!

The message received in the morning - does not just mean "Good morning" ... it means - I think of you when I wake up ...

Good morning, homo sapiens. Drink coffee and run to evolve.

Strong coffee in the morning? What are you?! I won't sleep at work!

It turns out that in the morning you can do a lot if you do not go online!

There are only three types of morning - early, very early and too early!

Every morning I tell myself: “Wake up, beauty, great things are waiting for us!” But the inner voice whispers: “If they wait, then they love, and if they love, then they will wait!”

The morning should start with coffee, not with a spoiled mood.

Morning at the gypsies: whoever got up first, dressed most beautifully!

Scientists have found that the morning is always better if it starts after lunch.

A good morning is the key to a successful day. It is very important that there is a person next to you to whom you will say “Good morning!” every morning! and hear this wish addressed to you. After all, happiness lies in starting the day not alone, but next to your loved one and with good thoughts.
