
How to brew ground coffee. What coffee to brew


brewed from ground coffee beans is the favorite drink of many. A cup of fragrant invigorating drink in the morning has become a kind of ritual for them. However, true coffee connoisseurs know that it refined taste can be felt only if the ground grains are cooked correctly. Currently, there are several ways of brewing: from traditional Turks to modern coffee machines. Despite this, the principle of preparation is always the same: under the influence of hot water, extraction occurs - natural essential oils are extracted from ground coffee, which give unique taste and aroma.

At home, most often Turks or cezves are used to make a coffee drink. Traditionally, they have a shape expanding towards the bottom and are made of copper with inner coating from a thin layer of tin. This shape of the Turks is not accidental, the tapering neck helps to preserve the special smell of coffee as much as possible.

In order to properly weld ground coffee at home, except for the Turks, you need only 3 ingredients:

  • coffee;
  • water;
  • sugar.

Making coffee in Turkish is also interesting because the taste of the drink can be varied with the help of various additives e.g. salt, pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon.

How to choose the right ground coffee?

Thinking about what to cook right coffee Keep in mind that a lot depends on personal tastes and preferences. Someone spends several minutes cooking it, for others cooking is special ceremony. In any case, there are a few things to consider. Best buy raw grains coffee: they almost do not smell and are painted in a greenish color. They must be fried before use. This procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  1. For frying use thick-walled cast iron skillet, which is preheated on fire.
  2. Then green grains are poured into it in a thin layer. A large number of grains will affect the quality of cooking.
  3. During frying, it is necessary to constantly mix them with a wooden spoon or spatula.
  4. After a few minutes, the grains will turn yellow, and after a while, moisture will begin to evaporate from them and crackling will be heard.
  5. After this point, it's all up to personal taste: those who like heavily roasted coffee can continue the process until the beans turn dark brown.
  6. The whole process of roasting the beans takes from 15 to 30 minutes, after which they must be poured onto a metal tray or colander to cool.
  7. You can grind freshly roasted grains after about 12 hours.

For those who prefer to buy already roasted beans, you should know:

  1. Freshly cooked grains retain their aroma best. They are usually packaged in vacuum bags, opening which there is a very strong coffee smell. These beans make excellent coffee.
  2. If you bought coffee that was roasted a long time ago, it doesn't matter. You can try to correct the situation. To do this, the grains are heated in a pan for 10-15 minutes until it appears strong smell coffee.
  3. When buying grains, it should be borne in mind that, depending on the variety, they will have different flavor and taste. The characteristics of the drink depend not only on the variety, the most common of which are Arabica, Robusta and Brazilian coffee, but also on the country in which they are grown.

The easiest option is to buy ready-made ground coffee. At the same time, you need to carefully study the manufacturers' information about the product indicated on the packaging: country of manufacture, variety, degree of roasting and grinding.

Turkish coffee making

Properly brewing ground coffee is not difficult at all. To do this, you need to know the sequence of cooking and some of the subtleties of the process.

  1. Fresh is poured into the Turk cold water, without adding a few centimeters, so that there is room for the risen coffee foam. You can add salt on the tip of a knife or a little sugar to the water. This will raise the boiling point of the water and make your coffee even more flavorful.
  2. Heat water over low heat.
  3. If you use grains, then it is better to grind them before cooking. The average consumption of ground coffee is approximately 1 heaping teaspoon per 100-150 ml of water. The proportions are, of course, approximate and are determined by trial and error.
  4. The best time to add coffee is when the water starts to boil. Small air bubbles escaping from the water make it seem cloudy.
  5. When pouring coffee, do not immediately stir it. The bulk of the powder will stick to the surface. With a teaspoon, you need to lightly heat it, wetting it with water.
  6. When water boils, a thin belt of foam will begin to appear along the edges of the neck of the Turks. At this point, you need to stir the coffee with a spoon throughout the entire volume of the liquid and reduce the heat to a minimum.
  7. Continuing to brew coffee over low heat, you need to carefully monitor the rising foam, constantly stirring the drink. One of the rules proper cooking this drink - the water should not boil. At a time when the foam begins to rise quickly, the cezva is removed from the fire.
  8. Do not immediately pour coffee into cups. He needs to push a little. In order for the coffee grains to settle more quickly, you can drop a few drops of boiled cold water into the Turk.

After waiting a few minutes, you can fill the cup with fragrant liquid and enjoy enjoying great taste properly prepared ground coffee.

For many people, coffee is an essential part of starting a new day. But for most of them, the whole process of making this fragrant drink is to pour instant coffee and sugar into a cup and pour boiling water over it all. Here's how to cook natural coffe Unfortunately, many people don't realize. And not at all because it is a complex science that requires special skills and abilities - a person simply may not have time in the morning to make himself a cup of coffee.

But there are weekends when you don’t need to rush anywhere, and you can relax. Then our tips on how to brew coffee at home will come in handy.

What will we need? To brew coffee at home, you will need to have a brew pot, a long-handled spoon, coffee, sugar, and other ingredients that you plan to add to your coffee. Now let's say a few words about coffee. For beginners, it is better to buy already ground coffee, so it will be easier for you to figure out what the correct bean grinding should be if you do it yourself next time. If you have not found such coffee, or fundamentally want to buy coffee beans, then you will have to grind them before brewing. Use a coffee grinder, or a hand blender with a container. On this preparatory stage finished.

How to brew ground coffee in a Turk? Step-by-step instruction. Method one

  1. Boil some water in a kettle. Then, in a Turku, in which we will brew coffee, pour some warm boiled water.
  2. Pour ground coffee into a jug with water. For a standard coffee cup, you need to pour 1.5-2 teaspoons of ground coffee without a slide, but also your own taste preferences keep in mind, because someone likes coffee is stronger, and someone is weaker.
  3. Now pour into the Turk boiled water from a teapot. The total amount of water in the Turk should be approximately equal to the volume of your cup. But at the same time, the maximum water level in the Turk is the level of its narrowest place (isthmus). Please note that you do not need to pour boiling water, but only warm water, otherwise you will spoil the drink before you start brewing directly.
  4. We put the Turk with water on the fire and wait. You need to watch out for the moment when your coffee is almost boiling. That is, it has not boiled yet, but it is about to. It is at this point that you need to remove the coffee from the heat. Still need to monitor the level of foam. As soon as it starts to rise, the coffee is ready.
  5. Do not rush to transfuse ready drink in a cup, let it brew for a couple of minutes. Then pour coffee into a cup, add sugar to taste.

How to brew coffee? Recipe two

Sometimes our desires do not match the possibilities. You woke up, you wanted coffee, but you had 0% strength to prepare it? No problem. After all, coffee can be brewed in a cup.

How to brew ground coffee– recipes and recommendations:

"Open Brazilian Method"

  • a couple of teaspoons of Arabica;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • sugar to taste.

To get the most out of your drink coffee oils, you need to brew it with boiling water at 90 degrees Celsius. Pour the sugar into a mug, and pour the dry ingredients with boiling water. Cover with a lid and let it brew for about 5-10 minutes. coffee drink ready to eat!

Coffee in a cup in Warsaw

How to brew ground coffee in a Warsaw style cup? First of all, it will be useful for you to know that the grains must be finely ground - this is a nuance, an indispensable condition for preparing a strong and aromatic drink. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • glass of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of finely ground Arabica;
  • sugar to taste.

The recommended water temperature is 80 degrees Celsius. Coffee drink should be infused for about 10 minutes under a lid or saucer. Pour the dry ingredients into a cup, pour boiled and cooled water, cover with a lid and let the drink brew. Please note that small grains will come across in coffee. To avoid discomfort while drinking coffee, the liquid can be filtered using gauze.

Note: always boil water. Ideally, use bottled water instead of tap water. It is of better quality.

How to brewCuban coffee in a cup

The Cuban version of the preparation of a fragrant drink is famous for rich aroma And tart taste. Some people add a few drops of rum to the drink. If you just need to warm up on a cold winter evening, then this recipe was created especially for you. And for cooking, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • a couple of tablespoons of cane sugar;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 3 spoons of ground coffee;
  • a teaspoon of rum.

Pour sugar and coffee into a faceted glass. Pour boiling water over dry ingredients. Cover with a lid and let it brew for about 10 minutes. Open a fragrant drink, and add a teaspoon of rum. Happy coffee drinking!

Tip: Better before cooking. Freshly ground beans have a beneficial effect on the taste of the coffee drink.

Now we know whether ground . This is a simplified version of the preparation of your favorite drink. And by the way, not every coffee lover will find the difference between Turkish coffee and the so-called "custard" drink.

We reveal the secrets of making a "custard" drink

To maximize the taste of coffee, you should know about some of the intricacies of preparing this drink in a mug.

Please note: it is important that the dishes were made of ceramic and had thick walls.

Brewing Tips:

  1. Coffee lovers advise not to be lazy and before preparing a drink, warm the mug well. To do this, you can put it in the microwave, or just pour boiling water over it.
  2. To give the drink a fragrant smell and a refined taste, be sure to cover the dish with a lid after you introduce boiling water.
  3. Once the lids are removed, stir the liquid vigorously. If desired, you can pass it through cheesecloth.
  4. No sugar - coffee lovers advise. But of course this is a matter of taste. In the finished coffee, you can add not only sugar, but also milk, cream, alcoholic drinks, sweet syrups.

If you have a large company gathered, then you can use a French press to prepare a drink. To do this, 8 teaspoons of ground grains, pour 500 ml of boiling water, and let it brew for about 5-10 minutes. Don't forget to prepare for coffee drinking

Helpful Hints

He invigorates. It has been used since the 15th century. He appeared in Ethiopia and quickly became popular in the old world. It is called the "drink of the wise."

At first it was drunk by African shamans, and now it is a drink recognized all over the world.

Making coffee is not at all difficult, but certain rules should still be followed.

Read also:

How to brew coffee in Turkish

To weld quality coffee, prepare roasted beans. Do not store the beans for a long time, otherwise they will lose their flavor.

How to brew frothy coffee

1. It is best to grind grains just before cooking. Thus, you can fully enjoy the aroma of this drink.

The grind level of the coffee is also important - try a fine grind. The fact is that coffee must give its properties to water, and this happens faster and better if you use fine grinding.

It is worth noting that finely ground coffee rises faster before boiling. This creates a rich foam that tightly clogs the neck of the Turks, which retains the aroma.

2. To make more soft taste, before you start brewing coffee, put a small pinch of salt in the cezve.

3. It is advisable to warm the cup, as a cold cup will not allow the coffee to fully develop its aroma.

How long to brew coffee

4. You need to cook at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons of coffee per cup of water. Also, it's worth noting that an overdose of coffee won't make it taste better (too much caffeine makes the drink bitter), and it may also not be good for your health.

5. Use filtered water. You also need to make sure that it does not come to a boil during cooking. You need to cook on a small fire.

During cooking, make sure that the foam cap does not collapse.

Do not be distracted while brewing coffee, this process must be monitored from start to finish.

6. After you have brewed the coffee and removed it from the stove, add some very cold water. After that, the thick will settle, and the drink will become more transparent.

How to brew coffee in a coffee maker

It is already known that in order to recover faster in the morning, an apple more effective than coffee. But if you are an adherent of the old technique, while making coffee with a coffee maker, then you need to know a few rules.

1. Choosing the right grind for your coffee maker

Not all coffee makers are the same - different models need different grinds. First you need to find out which grind is right for your coffee maker. Any manual for using the coffee maker contains the necessary information.

2. Don't Forget the Filter

The coffee maker has a special removable container. You need to insert the filter into this container - it is different for each model. Properly sized, the filter fits easily and does not wrinkle or protrude at the edges. There are both reusable and permanent filters. If your coffee maker has permanent filter so you don't have to change it.

3. Pour coffee into the filter

Before you start pouring coffee, you need to accurately determine its amount. On average, a cup holds about 230 ml of coffee. To make coffee for one cup, you need to pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground natural coffee. If you prefer stronger coffee, you can add another spoonful.

4. Measure the amount of water

Pour the amount of water into the coffee maker reservoir that will correspond to the number of cups. The tank has divisions to determine the volume of water. If you think that you have not poured enough water, simply fill the tank with the required amount of water.

5. Pour water into the special compartment of the coffee maker

Usually such a compartment can be found at the top of the device, under the cover.

(*) In many models of coffee makers, the reservoir contains divisions so that the user knows how much water to pour. But still it will be more convenient to measure the volume of water with a cup into which the drink will be poured, i.e. for 1 cup of coffee 1-2 tbsp. spoons of drink and the volume of water corresponding to the volume of the cup.

6. Turn on the coffee maker

To do this, first insert the coffee maker flask on a special heated stand. Make sure the water compartment is closed. Next, click "Start" (START). Coffee preparation will end when the drink stops dripping.

It is worth mentioning the fact that some models of coffee makers are equipped with an anti-drip system. This means that if you are preparing coffee for several cups, but still want to drink the first cup before the preparation of the drink is over, then you can freely simply remove the flask (the coffee maker automatically stops "dripping") and fill your cup of coffee . Then just put the flask back in and the "dripping" will continue.

How to make delicious coffee in a pot

If you are waiting for guests and want to make coffee for them, or if you have big family who loves this drink, you can of course use the cezve as usual. But then you have to make coffee several times.

To save time and immediately prepare a large amount of coffee, you can use an enamel pot.

When choosing a pot for making coffee, the main thing you need to pay attention to is the snug fit of the lid. The better it adheres to the pot, the better your coffee will be.

Let's start cooking:

1. First you need to grind the grains. The degree of grinding can be any, depending on your tastes.

2. Use boiling water to rinse the pan, and then add the required amount of water to it and add some sugar.

3. After that, you brought the water to a boil, remove the pan from the stove and add ground coffee there.

4. Place the pot back on the stove, but do not bring to a boil. When will appear thick foam, remove the pan from the stove, and leave for a few minutes to infuse the drink.

5. When the coffee is infused, and the thick has settled, it's time to pour the drink into cups. But try to preheat the cups in hot water.

How to brew coffee in a Turk (video)

How to brew coffee (video)

How to store coffee

Try to protect coffee from exposure to air, direct sun rays, humidity and foreign odors.

Store your coffee in an airtight, opaque container - this way it can stand for about six months.

The best place for storage is a table or a kitchen cabinet - coffee can be stored in such places for several weeks. One of the most inappropriate places is the refrigerator, contrary to the erroneous opinion.

If you want coffee to be stored for a long time, choose coffee beans, as in this form the level of protection against harmful factors is higher.

It is better to grind coffee just before drinking, so you can fully enjoy the aroma and taste.

How to brew ground coffee

As mentioned earlier, it is better to brew very finely ground coffee in a Turk (see).

If you use a coffee maker, then it is very important to observe the measure when preparing coffee. It is better not to grind the grains very finely, but coarsely is also not correct.

In cases of too fine grinding, coffee dust can pass through the filter and the drink will turn out cloudy. And if the grinding is large, then it will be infused longer than usual, while most of the aroma disappear.

A sense of proportion comes with experience, so we will not name specific numbers.

The aroma of coffee improves salt, or rather a couple of its crystals. You need to add them before cooking.

It is better not to reheat coffee that has had time to cool down, as you will almost not feel its aroma.

How to brew natural coffee (recipe)

Brazilian coffee (serves 4)

8 tsp ground coffee

1 teaspoon cocoa powder

1 teaspoon sugar

200 g milk

400 ml of water.

1. Weld strong coffee(2-3 teaspoons per cup of water).

2. Bring the milk to a boil.

3. Pour cocoa and sugar into a separate container and fill everything with part of the milk. Stir. Add the rest of the milk and add quite a bit of salt.

4. Boil everything for 10 minutes.

(*) You need to drink such coffee in small mugs (in Brazil there are special mugs for this - schirazinhas).

Viennese coffee (2 servings)

Ground coffee 6 tsp

Sweet cream 150 ml

Sugar 1 tsp

powdered sugar

cocoa powder or chocolate syrup

1. Whip the cream together with a little powdered sugar until foam appears. Next, place in the refrigerator.

2. Pour coffee and sugar into the cezve and pour 2/3 cup of cold water.

3. Bring to a boil using small fire. Brew coffee as usual (see).

4. Strain the coffee into warm cups so that it takes up less than half.

5. Add cold whipped cream to a cup.

6. You can serve the drink with chocolate syrup and/or cocoa powder.

Oriental coffee

Typically, this coffee is brewed in a container called cezve - a cone-shaped saucepan with a long handle.

To make coffee in an oriental way, you need to make coffee of the finest grinding.

1. Pour sugar into the cezve, pour cold water and bring to a boil.

(*) It is better to use distilled or filtered water.

2. After that, you removed your syrup from the heat, add coffee to it and start stirring quickly until you get a thick foam.

3. Let the foam settle a little and put the container on a slow fire.

You need to remove the coffee several times and then heat it up again, so you get an oriental coffee.

You can add spices, a little cocoa or salt to enhance the aroma and taste.

Coffee "Oflameron"

There are 2 options for making this coffee according to the old recipe. Each depends on the type of coffee you prefer - bitter or sour.

For sour coffee you need:

1. Prepare 1 teaspoon of finely ground coffee.

2. Pour 60-70 grams of slightly warm water.

3. Heat over low heat and, when foam appears, add 1-2 tsp. semi-sweet champagne.

(*) It is worth noting that the champagne needs to be opened in advance in order for the gas to escape.

4. When the foam becomes massive, remove from heat.

For bitter coffee you need:

1. Prepare finely ground coffee at the rate of 1 tsp. for 60-70 grams of filtered or distilled water.

2. Before taking the first spoonful of coffee, dip it in vanilla water.

3. Heat coffee over low heat until frothy.

4. Add 1-2 tsp to the drink. semi-dry champagne without gas.

5. wait until coffee foam become massive, and remove from heat.

Coffee Glace (1 portion)

1. Make coffee in the usual way(cm. ).

2. Refrigerate your drink.

3. Put ice cream in 300 ml glasses

4. Pour ice cream 1 tbsp. spoon chocolate syrup and add chilled coffee.

5. In each glass with a drink, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of whipped cream, and a little sugar or powdered sugar. Can be sprinkled with candy crumbs.

Mocha "in the cloud" (serves 6)

You will need:

5 glasses of milk

10 grams of dark chocolate

2.5 cups black coffee

3 art. spoons of vanilla sugar

2/3 cup whipped cream

Ground nutmeg.

1. Prepare a saucepan, pour 3 cups of milk into it and put on low heat. Do not bring to a boil.

2. In a separate container (preferably a fireproof jug), mix coffee and 2 cups of milk.

(*) You can add sugar if you like.

3. Remove milk from heat, add to it vanilla sugar and put back on the stove. Bring the milk to a boil this time.

4. Put the chocolate broken into squares into the milk. All this time, the milk must be stirred to melt the chocolate.

5. Pour the milk into the jug where the coffee is located and whisk until foam appears.

6. Pour the drink into glasses or tall mugs.

(*) You can garnish with whipped cream, a cinnamon stick and a pinch of nutmeg.

On our site you can find a huge number of useful and interesting information about coffee, its properties and its influence. To read about it all

Some people don't see the difference between instant coffee and an invigorating drink made from ground grains. They simply pour a couple of spoonfuls of freeze-dried granules into a cup and pour boiling water over them. But real coffee lovers know a lot about preparing a fragrant and invigorating drink. To do this, they use ground coffee, which is obtained from pre-roasted beans. But the methods of preparing the drink may differ. It all depends on what devices for this are at hand at the moment. In our article, we will talk about how to make ground coffee using a cezve, coffee maker, microwave, saucepan or the most ordinary cup. Let us dwell on these and other methods in more detail.

True connoisseurs fragrant and invigorating drink in the process of its preparation must be adhered to the following rules:

  1. Ground coffee must be fresh. This means that from the moment of roasting the grains, a minimum of time should pass, or rather, no more than three weeks.
  2. The whole taste and aroma of the drink is contained in essential oils contained in grains. Under the influence of air, they begin to oxidize, making the taste of coffee poorer. To make the drink tastier, no more than 1 hour should pass from the moment of grinding the grains.
  3. Ground coffee can be stored in a place protected from light and moisture for 3 weeks. If it is necessary to increase its shelf life, it is recommended to place a sealed bag with ground grains in freezer.
  4. Another rule on how to make ground coffee at home concerns the degree of grinding. For Turks, grains need to be crushed as much as possible. But for a French press, coarse grinding is also suitable.
  5. Water quality - no less important point in the preparation of an invigorating drink. It is recommended to use purified or spring water with a low degree of mineralization.

Features of making coffee in Turkish

This method has been known since the 16th century. Preparing coffee in Turkish has a number of advantages, most of which are due to the special shape of the dishes. The classic cezve is made in the form of a cone, which allows you to fully reveal the taste and aroma of ground grains with the formation of a thick foam.

You can prepare ground coffee in a Turk, both from copper and ceramics, in the following order:

  1. Grind beans in a burr grinder. Only in this case it is possible to achieve perfect grinding (almost like flour). For cooking strong drink you need to take 10 g of coffee per 100 ml of water.
  2. Pour into Turk required amount ground grains and 10 g of sugar.
  3. Pour 100 ml of water. In this case, the contents of the Turks do not need to be mixed.
  4. Put the cezve on a small fire.
  5. Heat the contents of the Turks until the foam rises to the brim, then remove it from the heat. It is important not to miss this moment so that the coffee does not spill out of the pot.
  6. Wait until the foam settles, then return the Turk to the fire again. Repeat the same action 3 times.
  7. Wait 2 minutes for the drink to infuse, and pour it into cups.

How to make ground coffee without a Turk?

Fans of an invigorating drink should not be upset in advance if they do not have a cezve at hand. cook flavored coffee they can do without the Turks, using for this:

Let's consider each of the methods in more detail. But first, let's focus on the simplest of them, which is how to make ground coffee right in the cup. There is no doubt that the drink will turn out tasty and invigorating.

Preparing coffee in a cup

Real coffee lovers never use this method. They believe that simply brewing ground beans in a cup will never achieve perfect taste and aroma of coffee. But in some cases, even a serving of cooked hastily The drink will help to cheer up and gain strength.

The following sequence of steps will show you how to prepare ground coffee in a cup:

  1. Prepare two teaspoons of ground Arabica beans, 100 ml of water and sugar to taste.
  2. Boil purified drinking water. It is important that during brewing the temperature of the liquid is not lower than 90 ° C.
  3. Pour ground grains, sugar into a cup and pour boiling water over them.
  4. Cover the bowl with a lid and leave on the table for 10 minutes. During this time, the drink will infuse and be ready to drink.

How to brew an invigorating drink in

You can prepare a classic espresso using this device as follows:

  1. Unscrew the top of the coffee maker, remove the filter.
  2. Pour the required amount of water into the bottom of the coffee maker.
  3. Pour ground grains into the filter at the rate of 1.5 teaspoons per serving. Lightly tamp them down.
  4. Assemble the coffee maker by screwing the top. The finished drink will come into it.
  5. Put the coffee maker on medium fire. Wait for the moment when steam starts to rise from the spout, and immediately remove the appliance from the stove. After 10 seconds, the drink will be ready. It remains only to pour it into cups.

Thanks to this method, you can make coffee from ground beans as in gas stove, as well as electric.

Preparing in a coffee machine

The use of an automatic coffee machine is the fastest and easiest way to prepare an aromatic drink. It is enough to carefully study the instructions for the device and you can safely proceed to action. You can make ground coffee in a coffee machine, both coarse and finely ground, and it will turn out to be equally tasty in both the first and second cases.

The operating instructions for most modern models of coffee machines are as follows:

  1. Pour water into a special tank. The volume of liquid depends on the number of cups.
  2. Fill the coffee bean compartment. For with compressed ground coffee, it is inserted into a special hole in the capsule receiver.
  3. The prepared cup is placed under the nozzle of the coffee machine, after which the "Start" button is pressed.
  4. After about 30 seconds, the coffee brewing process will be completed and you can enjoy the taste of your favorite drink.

French press for making coffee

brew invigorating drink With the help of a French press, it is not difficult at all. Visually, a French press is a special closed container with a piston. To prepare a drink with this device, you need coffee beans coarse grinding. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to push the piston with the filter. But grinding does not affect the taste of the drink. In any case, the coffee will be excellent.

The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  1. Boil water in a kettle, then let it cool down a little to a temperature of 90-95 ° C.
  2. Pour ground coffee into a French press at the rate of 7 g per 100 ml of liquid.
  3. Pour into container a small amount of water (about 100 ml) and stir the coffee with a spoon.
  4. Wait exactly 1 minute, then pour the remaining water into the French press.
  5. Close the container with a lid. Wait 3 more minutes.
  6. Gently lower the piston all the way down. Pour the drink into pre-warmed cups.

What is an aeropress coffee maker?

Visually, this device resembles a large syringe. But according to the principle of preparing a drink, this method has much in common with the French press.

To brew a drink using an Aeropress, you need to put the syringe on flat surface bottom up. Pour 18 g of finely ground coffee, pour 190 ml of water at a temperature of 91 ° C. After a minute, push the contents with a syringe into the prepared container. Thus, after 90 seconds, the drink will be ready.

How to brew coffee using Chemex?

Not all people have the opportunity to purchase a professional coffee machine. But that doesn't mean they can't enjoy the taste. One of alternative ways brewing a drink is to use special device called Chemex. Visually, it is a glass flask, shaped like an hourglass, made of a paper filter. It remains only to figure out how to make ground coffee using this device. step by step in this case would be:

  1. Wet paper filter clean water.
  2. Pour the required amount of ground coffee into it.
  3. Prepare hot water(temperature 90-94 °C).
  4. Carefully and slowly pour water into the filter up to the 450 ml mark (for 32 g of ground coffee).
  5. After 4 minutes, the drink will be ready. It should be noted that the coarser the grind, the longer the coffee should be prepared.

How to brew coffee in the microwave?

There are many different ways how to make ground coffee. The microwave is one of them. The main advantage of this method is the high cooking speed. However, according to palatability coffee brewed in the microwave is much inferior to that prepared in a Turk or coffee maker. But it is worth noting that people who are open to experimentation will also be interested in this method.

The sequence of actions in the cooking process will be as follows:

  1. Prepare a transparent glass cup. Put ground coffee in it at the rate of 3 teaspoons per 200 ml of liquid
  2. Fill the cup with water to 2/3 of its volume and put it in the microwave.
  3. Set the power to the maximum value.
  4. Carefully monitor the cup in the microwave. As soon as the foam begins to rise above the surface of the liquid, the microwave must be turned off.
  5. Leave the cup in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. During this time, the coffee will brew better, and the thick will sink to the bottom.

How to make coffee in a pot?

This method is ideal for those people who want to brew an invigorating drink on big company without using a French press, Turk or coffee machine. How to prepare ground coffee in a saucepan will tell the following step-by-step instruction:

  1. Put the ground grains in enamel pan at the rate of 2 teaspoons of coffee for every 100 ml of water. Gently mix the ingredients with a tablespoon.
  2. Place the pot on the stove over low heat. During the heating process, once again stir the drink once or twice.
  3. Wait until a dense foam appears on the surface of the liquid, then remove the pan from the stove. It is important not to bring the liquid to a boil. Otherwise, the coffee will lose some of its flavor and aroma.
  4. Cover the dishes tight lid and let the drink brew under it for 5 minutes. This time will be enough to coffee grounds settled to the bottom.
  5. Pour the finished drink into cups using a small ladle.
