
Can be grilled in a pan. How to cook on a cast iron skillet grill

A couple of pieces of meat. Coarse salt and peppercorns. A pinch of dried Provence herbs. That's all - the third bell sounds, and raw foodists, who basically do not eat fried foods, are politely asked to leave for fresh air. In a couple of minutes there will be smoke in the kitchen, a deafening crack, and the smell of cooking meat will tickle your nostrils. If there are no more faint-hearted people among you, march to the stove - today we will cook on a grill pan!

The first experience of using it excites no less than a timid kiss - except that in a romantic situation you do not need to turn on the hood or open windows. There will be a smokescreen and the deepest remorse that you got involved in this, but it's worth it: you will cook no worse than in a real steakhouse - you just have to learn how to do it right. Let's take the "Spanish" method as a standard - tanned machos in white caps in Madrid restaurants cook exclusively in this way.

Nothing compares to grilled meat. Do not wash it - unless natural disgust leaves you a choice; if this happens, wipe it with a towel. The meat must be dry, like an accountant's spices: this is the only way to achieve a crispy crust and the famous fried strips. Hear a helpful tip - do not add oil to the pan. It is better to coat the steak with it in advance, at the same time adding a little sweet syrup. Due to the high temperature, sugar will harden, preventing the meat juice from boiling away on a hot surface in vain.

For 10 minutes of frying, we need not to overdry the meat and maintain a high temperature of the cooking surface. The grill pan will easily solve both problems thanks to the thickened corrugated bottom - torment it with fire, mock it, heat it up: strong heat is half the battle.

Drop a couple of drops of water to understand that the temperature has “approached” - the lucky owners of models with a thermospot do not even need to do this - just watch the color of the icon. Throw the meat into the pan - you do not need to salt it in advance, otherwise you will draw out all the water, making the piece look like the sole of a rubber boot. The hardest time is coming for you - you will have to endure noise and thoughts for about ten minutes. Five will go to fry one side, three or four - the other. That's enough - the classic beef steak is ready. Serve and Serve!

Underwater inhabitants have a more diverse relationship with a grill pan - a fish that is soft in structure can simply fall apart. Buttered salmon is unmatched in taste and texture - a couple of drops of wine vinegar after roasting will make it even more desirable. Italian comrades, for example, use a two-stage cooking method: first, one and a half minutes on each side, then, after covering with a lid, two or three more. As a result, we get a crust on the outside and tender flesh inside.

A few follow-up tips:

  1. Serve salt separately with meat - salting it before cooking means drawing out all the moisture;
  2. Leave the meat for at least 10 minutes after removing it from the pan: this will help the juice to evenly distribute inside the piece, making it softer;
  3. Before cooking, cut the meat across the grain - the heat during cooking will be distributed more evenly.

Not so long ago, only professional chefs had this device, now you won’t surprise anyone with a frying pan with symmetrical hollows. But you can surprise with a treat cooked on it! Golden stripes awaken the appetite, give the pieces a restaurant chic, evoke picnic ideas, a delightful meal in the open air. Knowing a few features of using a grill pan in the home kitchen, you will make a bestseller out of any dish. The simplest is suluguni grill.

Suluguni grill

You will need:

  • suluguni cheese - 300 g
  • a mixture of herbs - basil, oregano, rosemary, paprika, thyme, tarragon
  • wine or apple cider vinegar - to taste
  • olive oil - 1/2 teaspoon

How to cook:

Cut cheese into slices. Put in a deep flat dish, flavor with herbs, vinegar, let stand for 15-20 minutes. Brush the ribbed part of the pan with olive oil with a pastry brush. Heat the pan, put the cheese, after a minute turn over with cooking tongs, serve.

Grilling secrets:

  • In order for the dish to fully reveal the taste, try to pre-marinate the products. If semi-finished products require salting, do it at the pickling stage, with the exception of vegetables.
  • Turn the pieces only once, otherwise the strips will be smeared. Do this with tongs or a silicone spatula. The exception is meat steaks, they should be turned over more often.
  • On a grill pan, everything cooks faster, so keep an eye on readiness, do not trust the experience of a regular pan.
  • It is a mistake to think that a grill pan does not require fat at all. A golden “zebra” will turn out if you fry the semi-finished products, like pancakes, on a slightly oiled surface. Otherwise, they will simply burn out. And don't worry about the calories! The dish will still be dietary. After all, fat will be required much less than in a flat frying pan, and the excess will drain into the hollows. The exception is foods that are fatty in themselves, such as expensive fish or meat with fat.

How to cook:

Cut the fillet in half, form a steak 1-2 cm high. Treat the meat with a tenderizer or lightly beat with a culinary hammer, after wrapping the steaks in cling film. Grind greens and garlic in a blender or finely chop. Marinate the steaks with herbs, garlic and salt in a deep flat dish, leave for 15-25 minutes. Brush the ribbed part of the pan with olive oil with a pastry brush. Heat the pan, put the steaks, turn over after a minute, reduce the heat, fry until tender (about five minutes).

There is always a choice!

  • Cast iron, aluminum or ceramic? Cast iron is stronger and more durable, but does not wash well and can rust. Aluminum is easy to clean and generally light, but can be deformed, which will violate the integrity of the coating. Ceramics does not tolerate overheating and is very fragile, but it washes well and looks modern. Doctors consider cast iron to be the safest material for health, but with proper care, aluminum with ceramics will not become harmful either. Just read the operating instructions carefully and strictly follow them.
  • Big or not so big? Depends on your stove. If it is gas or induction, then the size does not matter - the bottom will warm up anyway. If a ceramic or electric stove, then the pan should be chosen according to the size of the largest burner.
  • With or without press cap? If you can't live without grilled chicken, abs matter.
  • Round or square? See what you cook more often. More steaks will fit on a square one, and a round one will fry fruits and vegetables more evenly.

How to cook:

Cut vegetables: champignons in half, zucchini in circles, bell peppers in squares, tomatoes in half, onions in four parts. Prepare the marinade: de-seed and finely chop the chili, pass the garlic through a press, squeeze out lemon juice, mix and pour dressing vegetables in a deep plate for 15-30 minutes. Brush the ribbed part of the pan with olive oil with a pastry brush. Heat the pan and fry the vegetables in one layer. A minute before the readiness to salt.

If you like to surprise your friends and family, then you urgently need ... a frying pan. True, not quite ordinary: instead of the traditional smooth bottom, it has a corrugated surface. On a grill pan, you can cook a variety of golden-striped dishes: from meat and fish, vegetables and fruits, mushrooms and cheese. A modern kitchen gadget will give them restaurant chic or evoke memories of a country picnic in the fresh air. Grill pan reviews are 100% confirmed: you can make a bestseller out of any dish.

Why do you need a grill pan? Then, to realize the three main culinary aspirations of the modern hostess:

  • simplify the cooking process;
  • speed it up as much as possible in order to save time;
  • get both tasty and “healthy” results.

Grill pan: pros and cons

This wonderful frying pan for home cooking migrated from the professional restaurant industry and immediately fell in love with the hostesses for the ability to turn the most ordinary dish into a gastronomic masterpiece. The functions are impressive: the grill pan combines the capabilities of a traditional frying pan, barbecue and barbecue, toaster and microwave, steamer and oven.


Cooking in such modern heat-resistant dishes is very simple. What distinguishes a grill pan from a regular one is that it preserves the natural taste of the products, nourishes them with excess fat and juice. A special mode of heat treatment allows you to save energy value. The following five features favorably distinguish this type of cookware.

  1. Corrugated bottom. The main distinguishing feature of a frying pan is a grill. Direct contact of products with the coating of the pan occurs only on the “hill”, that is, on the ribbed strips. The melted fat flows into the hollows between the grill ribs and evaporates, which eliminates the appearance of an unpleasant smell and smoke in the kitchen.
  2. Profitability. You can cook on a grill pan without vegetable oil or with a minimum amount of it. It is enough just to lubricate the convex surface with a silicone brush or spray the product itself with oil.
  3. Uniform distribution of heat. After heating, the grill pan keeps the temperature reached for a long time. This is the merit of a thick bottom, ideal for distributing and retaining heat. The mode guarantees fast cooking without overdrying of food and sticking to the bottom, simulating the process of cooking on a barbecue or grill.
  4. Simultaneous frying of different foods. Grill pan technology allows you to cook several types of food. For example, you can combine the preparation of meat steak, mushrooms and vegetables.
  5. Appetizing "beauty". Culinary art is not only a gastronomic, but also an aesthetic component. Delicious golden-striped dishes from the grill pan are pleasing to the eye and awaken the appetite.


Grilled frying pan has many advantages, because it is not in vain that it is among the bestsellers. But among the key features, there are three points that can be considered as minor flaws.

  1. Frying pan weight. Cast iron will weigh from two and a half to five kilograms, aluminum is much lighter (from one and a half to two). This is the net weight of the dishes without the weight of the food.
  2. Mandatory care after each use. It consists not just in washing, but in the further thorough wiping dry and lubricating the bottom and walls with oil. By neglecting these requirements, one day you run the risk of seeing your kitchen assistant covered in rusty spots.
  3. Lack of cover. Most often, a grill pan is not equipped with this accessory.

We buy: how to choose

A grill pan is not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, when choosing, it is better to immediately study the topic, read the reviews, take into account the taste preferences and habits of family members, so that the device takes its rightful place in the kitchen. Everything is important: shape, material, diameter of the frying surface. Consider these and a number of other factors when buying.


The choice of a standard round or an unusual oval pan depends on what you plan to cook on it. Four options can be distinguished.

  1. Square. The most capacious and suitable for absolutely any dish.
  2. Round. Less capacious, but heats up more evenly. Convenient for frying cutlets, meat steaks, cheesecakes.
  3. Oval or rectangular. Ideal for cooking fish.
  4. Large grill trays. Outwardly, they look like corrugated baking sheets for the oven, they occupy several burners at the same time (size about 40 × 26 cm).

"Advanced" housewives are advised to pay attention to the presence of a spout designed to drain excess fluid and fat. There can be a couple of such gutters: on both sides of the pan.


Mostly they make either cast iron pans or aluminum alloys. It is believed that cast iron holds the palm among kitchen utensils. But aluminum is not inferior in many respects. More about the advantages and disadvantages of materials in the following table.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of aluminum and cast iron pans

Cast iron- Strength;
- durability;
- environmental friendliness and safety;
- chemical inertness;
- ability to accumulate heat;
- Meals are tastier
- natural non-stick coating;
- not afraid of scratches;
- does not require the use of special blades
- Big weight;
- the price is above average;
- rusts with improper care;
- fragility;
- Do not wash with ordinary dishwashing detergents;
- for different types of dishes (fish, pancakes, vegetables) you need separate pans
Aluminum- Lightness;
- low and average price;
- high thermal conductivity;
- does not require special care
- Soft material, subject to deformation;
- reacts with alkali and acid;
- non-stick coating is short-lived;
- requires the use of wooden or silicone spatulas;
- high chance of food burning

How to use a non-stick grill pan? A pan with a Teflon bottom must not be heated above 200°C due to carcinogenic fumes. And the longevity of a ceramic-coated grill pan can be extended by washing it gently and avoiding the use of abrasive cleaners.


The location and material of the handles can also be a big deal when you urgently need to move a hot grill pan from point A to point B. Pay attention to two recommendations.

  1. Better two. Choose a model where one handle is located opposite the other. So it is much more convenient and safer to use the pan.
  2. Definitely heat resistant. It can be a special silicone-coated plastic, wood, a mixture of steel and Bakelite. The latter is a modern plastic that mimics the texture of stone. In a cast-iron grill pan, the handle can be cast in one piece.

Grill pans often come with compact, removable handles. This design is convenient in that it saves space in the kitchen, and is also practical when used in the oven.

corrugation height

The height of the grate is a key feature responsible for the perfect heating of the dish. The protrusions must be high enough. If the bottom ribs are shallow, the product will come into contact with the entire surface, stick to it and, as a result, the expected grilling effect will not work.

No less significant is the height of the sides. Usually - 1-7 cm. In dishes with higher sides, food warms up better. In addition, they act as a splash barrier when turning products.


On store shelves, you can most often find a grill pan with a diameter of 20 to 28 cm (upper diameter, a lid is selected from it). When choosing, be guided by the number of family members for whom food will be prepared:

  • for one - a frying pan with a diameter of 20 to 24 cm is enough;
  • for two - 26 cm are optimal;
  • family format - 28 cm.

Consider the area of ​​the burners. Avoid two extremes: it is better not to go beyond the burner circle and not to take a frying pan smaller than the diameter of the burner.

Cooker Compatibility

Before choosing a grill pan, ask what types of coatings are compatible with your type of stove.

  • Gas. All types can be used for a gas stove.
  • Electric. For an electric oven, a frying pan made of any material is suitable. It is important that the bottom is thick, as the heating temperature of the electric stove is higher.
  • Glass-ceramic. Glass ceramic heats up even more, so the bottom of the cookware should not be thinner than 3 mm. In addition, the bottom of a grill pan designed for a glass-ceramic hob must be perfectly smooth and level.
  • Induction cooker. Designed for the use of cookware with a thick bottom made of metals with magnetic properties. This is both cast iron and aluminum (but without fail with steel inserts at the bottom).


Typically, a grill pan does not provide a lid. By the way, opinions on its necessity are divided.

  • Behind. Some housewives advise you to immediately pick up the lid when buying, because during frying, fat can splatter and stain the stove. It can be made of heat-resistant glass, metal or a press lid. The latter weighs from three to six kilograms and is needed for preparing voluminous dishes: tobacco chicken, hot sandwiches or a vegetable mix.
  • Against. Other owners of the “striped” frying pan claim that the very technology of grilling involves frying without a lid. In a word, it is up to everyone to decide for themselves whether it is advisable to buy a cover.

Review statistics say that most often women choose a cast-iron grill pan or aluminum pan with a ceramic coating, with high sides, a heat-resistant handle, with a press lid and suitable for the size of the burners. Which grill pan is better and what is right for you depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. Before using the grill pan, be sure to read the instructions and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

How to use

To cook on a miracle pan, it is not necessary to look for special recipes. Create and experiment with the usual menu. Whatever you fry, the main thing is to adhere to the ten key cooking principles.

  1. Lubrication only on the grille ribs. Oil only the convex parts of the pan or the food itself.
  2. Warm up before cooking. The pan should warm up well, only then put food on it. Otherwise, adhesion to the surface of the dishes is guaranteed.
  3. Moderate fire. If you like well-roasted meat, lower the heat and turn the cue balls several times.
  4. Wait for the crust. Do not immediately turn over the products, but only after the formation of a golden crust.
  5. Appetizing drawing. Turning at an angle of 90°C will give your dish a "mesh" pattern.
  6. Be careful with the lid. If you cover the dishes with a lid, the dish will be stewed, not fried.
  7. Preliminary preparation of products. Meat and fish can be pre-marinated (depending on taste).
  8. Don't overcook your meals. Everything is prepared very quickly. Shish kebab is fried for no more than two minutes on each side, steak - two to three minutes, vegetables - about four.
  9. Do not cut food very finely. Otherwise there will be no juiciness. For example, steaks with a thickness of at least 1.5 cm.
  10. Take the fish with the skin. The fillet may fall apart.

First use of a cast iron skillet

In order for the cast-iron "helper" to serve faithfully for many years, it is important to create a natural non-stick coating from the oil layer at the first use. It will also prevent rust. The following six steps will help you get started right.

  1. Open a window or turn on the hood.
  2. Heat a grill pan and toast it with salt for ten minutes (stir salt until color changes).
  3. Discard the salt, and rinse the cooled dishes without detergents.
  4. Pour in less than half a teaspoon of vegetable oil and rub it thoroughly with a brush along the bottom and walls.
  5. Heat up and bake for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Repeat the procedure for “frying” the oil two or three times so that it penetrates into the pores of the cast iron.

During operation, cast iron does not need to be scraped or cleaned with abrasives. To remove stubborn food residues, you need to heat water in a grill pan with a drop of dishwashing balm or vinegar, soda or mustard and leave to cool completely. Then wash with a soft washcloth.

What can be cooked

What can be cooked on a grill pan? Connect your imagination, invent and come up with unusual recipes, collect admiring reviews. It doesn't matter what it will be: juicy meat or fish steaks, chicken fillet or meatballs, vegetable or meat kebabs, squid with sauce or fruit platter.

vegetable mix recipe


  • two large tomatoes;
  • one bell pepper;
  • medium zucchini;
  • one eggplant;
  • three or four champignons;
  • one onion;
  • a tablespoon of oil;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • a pinch of salt and black ground pepper;
  • chilli;
  • a tablespoon of sugar without a slide.

Cooking process

  1. Cut vegetables into large bars or circles.
  2. Make dressing: chop chili and garlic, squeeze lemon juice.
  3. Mix everything, marinate vegetables for half an hour.
  4. Grease the bottom of the pan with oil.
  5. Heat up a grill pan and fry in a single layer.
  6. Salt for a minute until done.

Grilled fruits


  • six to seven pieces of any elastic fruit (maybe a little unripe);
  • 30 ml of sugar syrup or sweet alcohol;
  • aromatic spices to taste (cinnamon, rosemary, cloves, nutmeg);
  • half a teaspoon of olive oil;
  • skewers.

How to cook

  1. Sliced ​​large fruit put on skewers.
  2. Place in a container.
  3. Mix spices with syrup and alcohol.
  4. Pour over fruit and soak for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Heat a grill pan, grease the bottom with oil, reduce the heat and put the fruit on skewers.
  6. Fry on both sides until characteristic stripes.
  7. Add honey before serving.

Bananas in chocolate


  • four bananas;
  • the third part of a pack of butter;
  • cream and milk 100 ml;
  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 100 g sugar.

How to cook

  1. Melt the butter in a water bath.
  2. Add sugar and mix well.
  3. Peel bananas and cut lengthwise.
  4. Dip them in oil and fry on a grill pan until golden brown.
  5. Melt chocolate in a water bath, add milk and cream, warm up.
  6. Drizzle fried bananas with chocolate sauce.
  7. Serve with ice cream.

Pieces of chocolate can be stuffed with a banana, cut on one side. Fry the fruit with chocolate on top until it melts. Dessert can be sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with ice cream.

Chicken fillet


  • 0.5 kg chicken fillet;
  • greens (assorted);
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • half a teaspoon of olive oil;
  • salt and black pepper.

How to cook

  1. Cut the chicken fillet in half up to 2 cm thick.
  2. Wrap in cling film and beat off.
  3. Grind the greens and garlic, mix with salt and pepper, marinate the meat.
  4. Hold up to half an hour.
  5. Grease the ribbed bottom of a hot grill pan with oil.
  6. Reduce the heat, put the fillet and fry for a minute on each side until fully cooked.
  7. Approximate cooking time is five minutes.

Marinated pork steaks in a grill pan will cook less. Chicken requires a longer heat treatment.

Cheese delicacy


  • 300 g of suluguni;
  • Spices: basil, tarragon, rosemary, thyme;
  • apple or wine vinegar to taste;
  • oil for lubrication.

How to cook

  1. Sprinkle sliced ​​cheese with herbs and pour vinegar for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Grease the bottom of the grill pan with a silicone brush.
  3. Put the cheese on the hot surface of the grill pan.
  4. After a minute, flip over with tongs.

If you decide to grill fish with a delicious taste and aroma, take fatty varieties: salmon, mackerel, salmon. Suitable as a whole fish, and steaks, pre-salted and peppered. Prepares up to 20 minutes. Try not to overcook the dish, otherwise the fish will fall apart and be very dry.
You can also put fish pieces on onion rings and wrap in foil, laying lemon slices on top and sprinkling with herbs. The grill pan is used without oil. Delicate varieties (flounder or halibut) should be cooked with care.

Knowing how to cook on a grill pan, even in rainy or snowy weather, you can enjoy the perfect barbecue. The grill pan is a good invention. But manufacturers have gone further. There are already double grill pans on sale, in which you do not need to turn the food. It is enough just to alternately put different sides of the dishes on the stove. Products in it are prepared in their own juice, they surprise with their delicate, exclusive taste and appetizing appearance.

Every housewife wants to pamper her household with something tasty and at the same time useful, perhaps dietary. Do fried chicken legs or pork cause stomach discomfort? And after cooking, it is problematic to wash the fat and oil from the pan? Now you can forget about it. will become an indispensable assistant to any cook. The meat will not burn and remain juicy. Vegetables will retain their beneficial properties, the fish will not overcook and will not fall apart.

We will talk about the technology of cooking with the help of a miracle pan, advise which one to choose, offer popular recipes and study the reviews of those who have already purchased such an assistant.

Healthy and wholesome food

Does not require the presence of oil in the cooking process. Products undergo heat treatment similar to traditional cooking on a barbecue or grill using coals. Meat, vegetables, fish do not come into direct contact with the heating surface, as a result of which they will not burn. Cooking occurs due to the circulation of hot air under the lid of the pan. The absence of oil makes the dishes healthy, dietary. The products do not accumulate carcinogenic substances that harm the entire body. The juice is baked inside the meat or fish, preserving the natural taste and smell of the food.

If you are a fan of juicy meat or are concerned about your health, all you need is the Gas Grill pan. You will find recipes for the most popular dishes here and you will be able to cook dishes served in the most expensive restaurants in the world in your own kitchen.

Principle of operation

Frying pan "Miracle-Grill-Gas" consists of a grid, a tray, a lid and a removable handle.

So, the pallet must be installed on the stove, on a medium or small burner. Turn on the fire so that it does not touch the pan.

Pour a little water into the pan so that the fat flowing from the meat does not burn. Preheat the grill a little and place the grate in the pan. Put the meat or vegetables and cover with a lid.

During cooking, try not to lift the grill lid. After a while, turn the meat or vegetables over to the other side.

Frying pan "Gas-Grill" can work as a double boiler. To do this, the hole in the pan must be closed with foil, pour more water into the recess. This principle of cooking is especially relevant for families with small children or for those who want to lose weight.

If you want to bake fish, meat or vegetables in foil, the Gas-Grill pan will do the job. Just wrap the product in foil and bake as you would on a regular grill.

Hundreds of housewives have an assistant in the kitchen - the Wonder-Grill-Gas frying pan. User feedback shows that people who are on a diet or limit themselves to fried or high-calorie dishes can now relax and enjoy food cooked without oil.


The frying pan tray is made of stainless carbon steel coated with double refractory enamel.

Since August 2015, the manufacturer has changed the packaging due to the increasing counterfeiting and copying of the product. Now on the front of the box is a frying pan with the inscription: "Home BBQ".

A special manufacturing technology provides for firing enamel at a temperature of +900 degrees. It is this refractory and mechanical damage-resistant coating that the "Grill-Gas" frying pan has. The price depends on the originality of the product and ranges from 1050 to 2500 rubles. If you are offered to buy a frying pan at a lower cost, pay attention to the packaging: it may be a Chinese fake.

The reason for the popularity of the miracle pan

Consider the advantages that the "Gas-Grill" pan has in comparison with traditional methods of roasting meat and vegetables:

  • Simple and easy to use. Even a child can handle it.
  • The result is a healthy and tasty dish, since the cooking process does not require butter or margarine.
  • Products cooked in a pan can be consumed while dieting, as they are low in calories.
  • The convection principle cuts the cooking time in half. Pork and veal are baked for 30-35 minutes, chicken - 20-25 minutes, vegetables - 10-15 minutes.

  • The spacious tray allows you to cook dinner for four at a time.
  • Compared to an air grill, it is economical: the Grill-Gas frying pan does not require electricity.
  • The price is so reasonable that every housewife can buy it.
  • The presence of a pallet with water allows you to avoid smoke and fumes.
  • There is no need to roast separately meat or fish and vegetables for garnish. All this can be combined and cooked at the same time.
  • Durable. The enamel of the two-layer coating is fired at +900 degrees, which prolongs the life of the pan.
  • For a holiday, anniversary or housewarming, the "Grill-Gas" frying pan will be an excellent gift.

Customer Reviews

The basics of proper nutrition include the restriction or complete rejection of fried foods. However, this is not necessary if you have a Gas Grill pan. Reviews confirm that it allows you to fry food without the use of oil and margarine. The function of the steamer makes it an indispensable companion for people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

One has only to look at how much fat and oil will drain into the pan when cooking. But they could get into the body if you cook meat in the traditional way.

Many housewives have found a good alternative to the oven - this is the Miracle Grill Gas pan. Reviews show that with its help you can even bake pies and cook soufflés.

simple recipes

Even if you are a beginner in the kitchen, the Grill-Gas pan will help you create culinary masterpieces. yet simple and uncomplicated.

Vegetable dishes

eggplant caviar

Required products:

  • 4 blue eggplants;
  • 2 yellow and 2 red sweet peppers;
  • 3 small tomatoes;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt.
  1. Place vegetables on the grill, cover, simmer until tender.
  2. Clean the baked vegetables.
  3. Cut them finely with a knife or chop with a blender. Pepper, salt to taste, improve texture by adding oil.
  4. Serve with potato garnish.

Meat dishes

Pork skewers

Required products:

  • pork - 1 kg;
  • spices for barbecue;
  • 2 large onions;
  • mayonnaise.
  1. Rinse the pork, pat dry with a towel.
  2. Cut into pieces 2.5-3 cm in size.
  3. Peel the onion, cut into half rings.
  4. Mix pork, onion, spices, mayonnaise in a bowl.
  5. Leave to marinate for a day.
  6. Set the pan on the stove, pour water into the pan, install the grate.
  7. Place the barbecue on the grill. The "Gas-Grill" pan should already be preheated. Cover and bake until cooked through, depending on the size of the pieces of meat (approximately 30-35 minutes).
  8. Serve with greens and potatoes.

Stuffed pepper

Required products:

  • 4 bell peppers;
  • 300 g minced meat;
  • 100 g of rice;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • salt, spices.
  1. Finely chop the onion and carrot.
  2. Saute onions and carrots in a frying pan in a small amount of oil.
  3. Boil rice until half cooked.
  4. Mix minced meat, rice, fried vegetables, salt, spices.
  5. Wash bell pepper, cut lengthwise, remove seeds.
  6. Put minced meat in each half of the pepper.
  7. Set the pan on the stove, pour water into the pan, install the grate.
  8. Arrange the stuffed peppers on the grill. Cover with a lid and bake until done.
  9. Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Omelet with sausages

Required products:

  • 8 small sausages;
  • 4 eggs;
  • milk;
  • a piece of hard cheese;
  • salt, soda, vinegar, spices.
  1. Cut sausages.
  2. Grate the cheese.
  3. Beat eggs with a fork until smooth.
  4. Add milk, a pinch of salt, half a teaspoon of soda slaked with vinegar, spices if desired.
  5. Moisten 4 muffin molds with water or oil, pour the omelet into the molds.
  6. Sprinkle grated hard cheese on top.
  7. Set the pan on the stove, pour water into the pan, install the grate.
  8. Place omelet molds and sausages on the wire rack. Cover and bake until the omelet is done.
  9. Serve with greens.


with jam

Required products:

  • 1 sheet of ready-made puff pastry;
  • apple jam;
  • powdered sugar.
  1. Defrost puff pastry, roll into a circle.
  2. Cut the circle of dough with a knife into 8 pieces. You will get elongated triangles.
  3. Spread 1 teaspoon of jam on the outer edge of the triangle and roll into a tube.
  4. Set the pan on the stove, pour water into the pan, install the grate.
  5. Place bagels on the rack. Cover with a lid and bake until done.
  6. Cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

What does it take to feel like a chef? The simplest products that you have in your kitchen, and "Grill Gas" (frying pan). You can invent recipes yourself, change, supplement and cook a new dish every day. Experiment with the pan, surprise your family and friends, cook conveniently and with pleasure.
