
Coffee and rum. Proper coffee with rum

Coffee and rum is a favorite combination of the whole world. Rum is the perfect complement. strong taste coffee. The drink is more fragrant, tasty and warming.

As for the name, such coffee with rum in different countries Ah, it's called by different names. But, it was the Germans who were the first to discover and offer the world such a drink. First time mixed hot coffee with rum in the 19th century on the island of Nordstadt. And, at that time, a pastor served on the island, who was very strict about the use of alcoholic beverages. At one celebration, the inhabitants of the island thought of adding alcohol, namely rum to coffee, hiding it under a cap of cream. But, the pastor, who was present at this event, guessed everything, drinking coffee from a cup at the next table. At that moment, he uttered the word Pharisees, which gave the name to the drink.

Until our time, only Germans cover coffee with rum with whipped cream. The inhabitants of this country also forbid mixing the drink. If someone violated this, then he is obliged to treat all those present with alcoholic beverages.

Although, coffee with rum is prepared without cream. Coffee is first poured into a tall glass, and then cream is added in a proportion of 40 grams per glass. The amount of alcohol can be changed if someone likes more Reviver then you can add more rum. Also, on the contrary, by adding less rum, you can get less strong coffee.

Coffee with rum is an unusual combination that will help keep you warm in the cold season.

Classic recipe


  • coffee - 65 g
  • water - 1 liter
  • granulated sugar - 100 g
  • rum - 100 g

To start with, you need granulated sugar and fill with water. Bring to a boil, turn off and let it brew. After that, pour coffee into cups and put on a tray. Rum, or you can take simple alcohol, is required to be poured into a separate vessel, set on fire and quickly poured into the same cups. Such a drink must be served immediately.

Some experts believe that the combination of coffee and rum is something contradictory. Of course, if you take an expensive aged rum and excellent, you get something delicious. Since it's two unique taste they complement each other wonderfully.

Coffee with rum is a contradictory, at first glance, combination of two drinks that are completely different, even opposite, in terms of their effects. If the first sobers, invigorates and tones, then the second intoxicates, relaxes and warms. In cold weather, such a mixture warms up especially well, one might even say, to the bone. Moreover, this cocktail often helps to avoid colds during hypothermia.


The Germans in the 19th century on the island of Nordstadt at one of the festivities poured rum into fragrant coffee in order to hide the use of alcohol from the strict pastor. And it turned out to be an amazing drink. Now it is one of the favorite nectars all over the world. In different countries they gave him their original titles: in Germany - "Pharisee" (as the angry holy father originally called him), in France - "Arrosa", in Jamaica and Cuba - "Caribbean". And sailors call this drink with rum "Bear", and this is perhaps the most appropriate name for such a strong drink.


Traditionally, a rum cocktail is served in a tall cup. First, a sweet strong freshly brewed aromatic drink is poured, then 40 ml of rum, and whipped cream is added on top.

You need to drink such a drink, without stirring, through the cream. There are other cooking methods:

Whichever recipe you choose, the ingredients must be of very high quality. Then the drink is guaranteed to turn out delicious and warm on cold winter evenings.

Coffee and rum are a great pairing. Many may disagree, but certainly not those who have already tried this delicious combination. enjoy this " sweet couple» is possible in all coffee houses in Europe, where coffee and rum are in great demand. Firstly, alcohol relaxes, and secondly, it tones. This unique drink combines completely opposite characteristics, which makes it mysterious and attractive.

In many countries, coffee and rum are called by different names. If you find yourself in a German coffee shop, then confidently order the Pharisee drink, the French - Arroze Coffee, in Jamaica and Cuba - Caribbean Coffee, and among the sailors you can hear the Bear, which means coffee and rum. By the way, in Dahl's dictionary, in addition to the main meaning, the word "bear" also means coffee with rum.

As regards filing this alcoholic cocktail, then in different countries it is not similar to one another. If you are traveling in any exotic country, then you can count on a cup of coffee, which comes with half coconut filled with rum. In many European countries you can taste delicious espresso, which will be served with rum in a thick glass. But in most establishments, coffee and rum are mixed and served as a cocktail. By the way, in many coffee establishments there is a tradition - if someone masters eight servings of coffee and rum, plus cream, they can take a glass with them. Perhaps many coffee houses would have already gone bankrupt buying glasses, but cunning owners are increasing the concentration of rum. Given the strength of this alcoholic drink, few visitors dare to drink eight servings of the strongest rum at once, albeit mixed with coffee, so not everyone reaches the finish line.

The most famous consumers of coffee and rum are the indigenous people of Cuba. Almost everyone starts their morning with a cup of Creole coffee, which consists of fragrant drink and Roma. Jamaicans are not far behind the Cubans, because the rum they make is famous all over the world. Jamaicans call coffee and rum "Caribbean coffee".

In the East, too, do not neglect a cup of coffee and rum, despite the strictest religious prohibitions. This drink is Eastern countries called "Pharisee coffee".

The Austrians, who are known as true coffee aesthetes, call the mix of coffee and rum "fiacre". This name came from the cab drivers, who, while waiting for customers, warmed themselves with fragrant alcoholic drink long winter evenings. They, sitting in their fiacres, poured coffee and rum into cups and enjoyed this delicious drink.

Recognized worldwide French gourmet coffee and rum called "Coffee arrose". In the north of France, this mix became one of the favorites, especially after the First World War.

Coffee and rum can be called a celebrity drink, because at one time Hemingway himself drank it. He often went to his favorite Havana bar called Bodeguita del Medio and ordered a cup of an invigorating cocktail.

Coffee and rum, no matter how strange it may sound, many doctors advise those who have had a stroke to drink. Medical studies show that such cocktails contribute to a speedy recovery. However, do not forget that coffee and rum should be drunk in reasonable quantities.

Coffee and rum are a luxurious combination, because adding this alcoholic drink to coffee increases the alcohol content and does not change the refined coffee flavor. The result is a wonderful and balanced composition of coffee and alcohol.

If you want to enjoy a cup of coffee with rum in a cozy home environment, then I present to your attention the fastest and easiest recipe. Take 450 grams of freshly ground strong coffee and cook in a Turk, then add 3 tablespoons to it. rum and two-thirds of a glass of powdered sugar. Gently mix all the ingredients, and then pour into cups.

A German variant of coffee and rum called "Pharisee" contains the same ingredients to which cream is added. Another difference is that the cocktail is not stirred, and if you find yourself with friends in a German coffee shop and allow yourself to mix an exquisite mix, then you will have to pay for the drinks to everyone present. Those are the rules.

Usually coffee and rum are served hot. The cocktail warms and gives a unique pleasure. There are, of course, cold cocktails based on coffee and rum, but one thing is important - all the ingredients must be of high quality, then you will never forget the pleasant moments spent in the company of a wonderful cocktail.

The most popular products in the category - Coffee beans

1167 rub.

647 rub.

700 rub.

1926 rub.

2999 rub.

1564 rub.

569 rub.

2801 rub.
The most popular products in the category - Ground coffee

319 rub.

683 rub.

Taste combination good coffee and Roma - what could be better? Nice invigorating and warming drink. In Germany, coffee with rum is called "Pharisee", but what is this drink called in other countries? In France it is known under the name "Arrose", in Cuba, Jamaica this coffee drink called "Caribbean", and ordinary sailors, lovers of free life and fun rum called him "Bear". Despite the different names and the wide distribution of this drink, it is prepared in almost the same way. We
Let's introduce you to some of the most favorite recipes for coffee with rum.


  • coffee hammers - 7 gr,
  • water - 100 ml,
  • rum - 10 ml,
  • granulated sugar - 10 gr.

Cooking method:

In a Turk, mix coffee and sugar.

Fill with water. We put on fire. Bring to a boil. Let's brew for a couple of minutes.

Fragrant drink is poured into cups.

Rum is poured into a separate vessel, set on fire and quickly poured into cups of coffee. Let's go to the table!

Recipe for coffee with Pharisee rum

An interesting tradition of making coffee with rum in Germany. Only there this drink is covered with whipped cream and strictly monitored so that the drink is not mixed during preparation. If someone breaks this tradition, then he must treat everyone present with a drink, whoever wants what.

To prepare real coffee with Pharisee rum, you will need:

  • coffee beans - 3 teaspoons,
  • water - 150 ml,
  • rum - 40 ml,
  • granulated sugar - to taste,
  • cream - for decoration.

Cooking method:

We brew classic black coffee. Ready drink we filter.

Pour the drink into a tall transparent glass. If desired, add sugar and pour in the rum.

And finish with a topping of whipped cream.

You need to drink the Pharisee drink through cream, and for greater convenience you can
use a straw.

Strong black coffee with rum and powdered sugar

It would seem that the usual ingredients! But believe me, having prepared coffee with rum and
powdered sugar, you will discover the taste of this drink in a new way!


  • freshly brewed coffee - 450 grams,
  • rum - 3 tablespoons,
  • powdered sugar - 175 grams.

Cooking method:

Pour rum into freshly brewed coffee.

Adding powdered sugar. Stir until completely dissolved.

Pour the finished coffee into cups. Let's take a test!

But it turns out much more interesting if you add rum and powdered sugar while brewing coffee. However, in this case, the coffee with rum must be of the highest quality.

Coffee with rum is a delightful combination of two full-fledged, but complementary drinks. Both liquids are strong, warming and fragrant, but coffee invigorates, gives vitality and stimulates, while rum relaxes. At first glance, they have different properties, however, as a result of the combination of two components, unusual drink With great taste. To soften the strength of both components, cream, milk, molasses, sugar, powdered sugar, citrus fruits, berries and spices are used.

The Germans were the pioneers of a wonderful cocktail, which includes 2 main ingredients - coffee and rum. According to legend, pastor Georg Blaier served on the island of Nordstadt in the distant 19th century. He had a negative attitude towards alcohol and forbade its use to parishioners.

Somehow, at a holiday, one of the residents came up with the idea to add a little rum to their favorite drink. To hide the “deed”, the resulting drink was covered with a cap of whipped cream on top. People that evening were especially cheerful and relaxed, so the priest suspected something was wrong. He drank from someone else's mug of coffee and felt alcohol in it. Then he realized that he was shamelessly deceived, and exclaimed: "Oh, the Pharisees!"

And so the drink appeared, which is now called Pharisee in the world, which means "traitor, hypocrite." However, those who have tried this tempting drink will be ready for anything, even betrayal, in order to feast on it again one day.

The Pharisee has excellent invigorating property. Consumed in the early morning, it is able to energize for the whole day or warm in a sultry, winter cold. However, watching your figure, this drink should not be abused, because it is high-calorie. One serving contains at least 200 kcal, provided that it is used in the composition of sugar or powdered sugar. But even here you can get out of the situation - put instead of sugar its substitute and safely enjoy the drink.

There are guesses that 100 years before this drink appeared in Germany, it was already enjoyed in Cuba. And the locals called it Cuban. At various people the cocktail is highly respected and is called differently everywhere: "arrosé" - in France, "bear" - sailors.

Popular Recipes

Some believe that coffee with rum is an incompatible recipe due to this unusual combination components. Maybe, but only if the rum is a fake cheap drink or coffee is a product from low-quality beans. However, true connoisseurs use only the most the best ingredients, and this affects the taste and aroma of the drink.

All recipes are based on the following ingredients: water, coffee, rum, sugar. Today, a simple recipe is complemented with other ingredients such as berries, fruits, and spices. In addition, a cocktail can change its taste due to the play of the ratios of its main components. Some add to cocktail hot chocolate. Not inferior in its palatability adding other alcoholic beverages instead of rum, such as brandy, whiskey, cognac, liquor.

If you mix coffee with any strong alcoholic drink, its taste and strength will change. But if whipped cream is present in the recipe, then, despite the replacement of the alcohol component, such a cocktail will be called Pharisee. After all, the main component of this drink is a cap of whipped cream, which professionals recommend making on your own, without using purchased semi-finished products. As a flavor accent, you can add a cocktail with grated chocolate, cinnamon or coriander.

Coffee with rum: a classic recipe

The classic recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • 100 ml of rum,
  • 1 liter of purified water,
  • 65 g freshly ground coffee
  • 100 g of granulated sugar.

Technology of making rum with coffee.

First, put sugar to taste and coffee in a Turk, pour water. Stir the composition and bring it to a boil. Then turn off and let it brew for 2-3 minutes. After that, pour the drink into cups and put on a tray. Pour alcohol into a separate container, set it on fire and. After such simple manipulations, the drink acquires a luxurious taste. Aesthetics in this case plays a key role. Such a cocktail should be served in a beautiful and high-quality dish.

With orange and lemon

Coffee, the recipe of which includes lemon or orange, - invigorating drink energizing for the whole day. This extravaganza of taste is in great demand in restaurants and cafes around the world. This option can be prepared at home to treat yourself to a pleasant, unusual novelty. The recipe includes the following ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 1 orange;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 450 ml of drink;
  • 3 art. l. Roma;
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar.

Cooking technology.

Wash citrus fruits and wipe dry. Then cut a whole orange and half a lemon thin slices. We spread it in a Turk, pour in a coffee drink and put it on fire. When the contents begin to boil, add rum, add powdered sugar, then mix everything. As soon as the sweetener dissolves, remove the cezve from the heat and immediately pour the liquid into cups or glasses. Cut the remaining half of the lemon into thin slices and decorate the dishes. You can also add various spices, berries and fruits.

If you decide to make a cocktail using only citrus juice, then you must adhere to the following rules:

  • grind grains immediately before cooking;
  • before squeezing juice from citrus fruits, you need to remove the peel;
  • to get rid of wax coatings, fruits should be dipped in boiling water for 2-3 minutes;
  • the removed zest is mixed with ground grains immediately before brewing.

Strong coffee with rum and powdered sugar

Many gourmets know this recipe under the name "Black Beauty". This drink is easy to prepare, but extremely tasty. If you add crushed ice before drinking, you get a tonic cocktail for a hot summer evening.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 30 ml strong rum
  • 120 ml black coffee
  • 2 tsp powdered sugar.

Cooking method

First of all, you should brew strong coffee in a Turk, then add a sweetener and 30 ml of strong rum to it. After the powder has dissolved, remove the container from the heat. To mix or not is an individual matter. Ready coffee pour over beautiful cups and serve on a tray with crispy croissants.

IN this recipe feel free to experiment with taste: it is not forbidden to replace rum with cognac, and the amount of sweetener can be increased to taste, that is, take 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

If there is a desire or need to cool, then put in large heat-resistant glasses crushed ice, pour rum and ready-made black coffee on top, stir well and drink through a cocktail tube.
