
Where they drink tea and coffee. The secret of this drink is Lapland cheese, which is put into a cup and then poured with hot and fragrant coffee.

Coffee and tea are among the most beloved drinks of millions of people. Almost everyone drinks one of these drinks in the morning, afternoon or evening. However, few people know that tea and coffee can be used in cosmetic purposes. From them you can make many masks and lotions that will benefit the skin and hair.

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Photo gallery: 15 beauty recipes with tea and coffee

Scientists have long proven that tea leaves contain healthy vitamins, caffeine, tannin, essential oils and amino acids. IN coffee beans there is not only caffeine, but also fats, magnesium, iron, potassium, organic and fruit acids and many others useful material. IN coffee oil contains a lot of linoleic acid, which has photoprotective properties and anti-inflammatory effect, and it also increases skin elasticity and prevents its aging. In this article, we will share with you the most the best recipes for beauty, which are made at home easily and quickly on the basis of coffee and tea.

Note: you need to use only natural coffee beans or ground, brewed in a Turk. The same applies to tea. Do not use packaged products or soluble products filled with boiling water.

Recipes beauty with tea and facial coffee


Weld strong coffee, strain it and pour into ice molds. Put in the refrigerator. In the morning and evening, wipe your face with the resulting decoction. You don't need to rinse it off. Such a remedy perfectly refreshes and tones the skin of the face. In addition, you will feel pleasant for a long time. coffee aroma. You can do the same with tea. For tea cubes, it is best to use green tea. Your skin after such procedures will be healthy and fresh. With regular use of tea cubes, the rash is reduced. But there are some contraindications to the use of frozen tea or coffee cubes. It is not recommended to use them if you have a vascular network on your face or if you are often sick.


Every girl knows that in the evening it is necessary to wash off makeup, and then wipe her face with a tonic. Not always the tonic is at hand. In this case, you can prepare it yourself from a weak infusion of green or black tea. If you wipe your face every day with an infusion of strong black tea, then your skin will acquire a swarthy shade. The main thing is not to overdo it.


If you have problem skin, and you suffer from rashes and acne, it is recommended to wipe your face with hibiscus tea. After daily wiping, your skin will become smooth and velvety.

Recipe 4

If you have enlarged pores and noticeable blood vessels on your face, then make this mask: moisten gauze or a soft cloth in black tea and apply for 20 minutes. If the skin becomes dry after the mask, then apply a nourishing cream on the face.


Almost every girl faced the problem of black dots on her face. You can’t squeeze them out on your own, as you can infect the infection. However, you can make such a mask: take a teaspoon of tea and two teaspoons of elder flowers. Pour everything in half a glass of boiling water and put in a warm place for 15 minutes, then strain the resulting infusion. After that, take a teaspoon of yeast and two teaspoons of chopped oatmeal, mix with the infusion to form a thick slurry and apply the mask on the steamed face. Rinse off the mask after 30 minutes first warm water and then cool. This procedure should be repeated after 3-4 days. Soon you will notice good results: the skin will become elastic and clean.


If you wake up with bags under your eyes and swollen eyelids, then use this recipe: take the thick tea and mix it with sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture on the eyelids (upper and lower) for 10 minutes, then rinse everything with warm water.

Beauty recipes with tea and coffee for the body


coffee is very effective remedy against cellulite. Many top models and actresses use coffee at home instead of expensive procedures in beauty salons. Try it yourself. Take warm coffee grounds and rub it into problem areas of the skin (rub with a washcloth or palm). After that, problem areas must be wrapped cling film for half an hour. After half an hour, remove the film and wash under warm water. To achieve positive effect, this scrub must be applied at least twice a week.

Recipe 8

If you have sensitive and dry skin, then try a mask - a scrub based on coffee and sour cream. Such a tool exfoliates dead skin particles well and at the same time softens the skin renewed by peeling. To prepare such a scrub mask, take two tablespoons of sour cream and a tablespoon of coffee (ground). Mix thoroughly and apply to the body with massaging movements. After such a procedure, your skin will be smooth and matte.

Recipe 9

It is not necessary to go to a beauty salon to get a body peel. This procedure can be carried out at home on your own and the results will be amazing after it. Take candied honey and mix it with a small amount coffee. The proportions will depend on how much scrub you need. For example, for one teaspoon of honey, you need to take half a spoon of coffee. Apply the resulting mass to the skin with massaging movements, then rinse with warm water. By the way, this tool can be used for the face. The skin will become velvety and smooth.


Sweating of the legs and bad smell is a problem many people face. But you can easily get rid of it with the help of baths from the infusion. strong tea. It is better to use green tea, as black tea can stain the skin. Brew four teaspoons of tea in 400 ml hot water, add a teaspoon of ground oak bark there and boil the mixture for 5 minutes slowly. Every day, take baths with this infusion for 10-15 minutes and soon you will get rid of sweating feet.


If you need to quickly cheer up, then take a bath with green tea. To do this, brew four tablespoons of tea in a liter of boiling water, leave for ten minutes and pour into the bath. If you use black tea instead of green tea, then your skin will take on a slightly dark shade.

Recipe 12

Another good recipe useful bath with aromatherapy effect. Brew two tablespoons of green tea with a glass of boiling water. While tea is brewing, dissolve a few drops of any essential oil in a spoonful of honey. Mix honey with tea and add the resulting mixture to the bath.

Beauty recipes with tea and coffee for hair


This recipe is for hair. To soften pernicious effect tap water, rinse your hair after washing with green tea. After such a procedure, they will become silkier, softer, fluffier and shiny.


If you have greasy hair, then rinse them with this remedy: take two teaspoons of green tea and brew them with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes, then strain and add a teaspoon of lemon juice and 30 g of vodka. Add a liter of boiled warm water to the resulting mixture and rinse your hair after washing.


Coffee can be used to make hair beautiful chocolate shade. The tannin contained in the tea strengthens the hair structure. Also, tea will help to give the hair a chestnut hue. To do this, prepare a strong infusion of black tea (4 tablespoons per liter of water should be boiled over low heat for 15 minutes). Otvarden must insist. After that, it must be filtered and rinsed hair after washing. After rinsing, it is recommended to wrap the head with polyethylene and a terry towel. After 15 minutes, a shade will appear, and after 40 minutes - saturated color. For a chocolate shade, add another 4 tablespoons of coffee to the same composition. After such dyeing, the hair does not need to be rinsed. Just dry it with a hair dryer.

Coffee with tea

Coffee with tea and condensed milk

Required: 3 tsp ground coffee, 2 tsp black loose leaf tea, 2 tbsp. l. condensed milk, sugar.

Cooking method. Pour boiling water several times teapot(preferably porcelain or faience), so that it becomes warm, and, after pouring the tea leaves, pour boiling water half the size of the teapot. After brewing, cover the teapot with a towel for 5-7 minutes to infuse the drink. Then add the rest of the boiling water and leave for another 2-3 minutes.

For coffee, boil water with sugar and add coffee powder. Then strain the drink and equal amounts mix with tea. Add condensed milk, stirring thoroughly. If you prefer sweet coffee, add sugar of your choice. This drink can be consumed both hot and warm.

coffee tips

The use of an extractor has a bad effect on the quality of a coffee drink. The content of fats and various substances that can be dissolved in water in coffee beans is quite high, therefore traditional cooking prevent their complete entry into ready drink. The extractor, on the other hand, prepares coffee by subjecting the coffee beans to too intense heat treatment, while all the substances that can dissolve in it are released from them into the water. Their excess gives coffee a somewhat unpleasant taste and affects its nutritional qualities. In such a drink, the caffeine content is much higher than the norm, so it can only bring harm to health. Excessive overheating in the extractor almost completely deprives the coffee of its inherent aroma.

From the book All About Alcohol the author Dubrovin Ivan

WHISKEY WITH TEA COCKTAIL Required: 60 ml of whiskey, 200–250 ml of tea, a slice of lemon, ice. Cooking method. Add whiskey to a glass of cold unsweetened tea. Garnish the cocktail with a wedge before serving.

From the book Your Coffee House author Maslyakova Elena Vladimirovna

Coffee with tea and condensed milk Required: 3 tsp. ground coffee, 2 tsp. black long leaf tea, 2 tbsp. l. condensed milk, sugar. Cooking method. Pour boiling water over a teapot (preferably porcelain or faience) several times to make it warm, and pour

From the book Dairy Kitchen. Healthy diet no hassle! author Isaeva Elena Lvovna

Coffee with tea - classic way cooking Required: 1 tsp. long leaf black tea, 2 tsp. honey and natural coffee, a slice of lemon. Cooking method. Immediately before brewing, dry the ground coffee on the fire and add a few salt crystals to it.

From the book The Most Delicious Cooking Encyclopedia author Kostina Daria

chocolate drink with tea Milk.............................. 200 mlChocolate.......... ...................... 30 gStrong black tea .................. ..... 30 ml Egg yolks ............................... 3 pcs. Sugar ........ ............................... 150 g1. Boil milk, remove from heat, add chocolate and stir until full.

From the book Cheese Dishes author Treer Gera Marksovna

Fish with tea 4 perch or trout fillets, 1 lemon, 570 ml of bergamot tea, a few cabbage leaves, 3 sprigs of rosemary, salt, pepper. Season perch or trout fillet lemon juice, salt and pepper. Bring the bergamot tea to a boil. Put a few cabbage leaves in

From the book Cookies for Children and Adults author Treer Gera Marksovna

Tofu with apples, green tea and Fujiyama honey - 100 g tofu cheese - 6 green apples - 1 tbsp. spoon of honey - 1 pinch of green tea Squeeze the juice from 5 green apples and pour into 4 bowls. Cut the tofu into cubes and arrange on plates. Peel the remaining apple

From the book Unusual Recipes author Treer Gera Marksovna

Creamy mugs with vanilla extract, powdered sugar and Earl tea

From the book Encyclopedia of Healing Spices. Ginger, turmeric, coriander, cinnamon, saffron and 100 more healing spices author Karpukhina Victoria

Sauerkraut with green tea and carrots "You will be surprised!" 10 kg of cabbage 500 g of carrots 30 teaspoons of long leaf green tea 400-500 g of salt Remove the upper leaves from the cabbage heads and chop. Mix the prepared cabbage with salt and grind with your hands until it appears

From the book Green Tea - User's Guide author Pavlichenko Boris

Carnation - a surge of vivacity with broth and tea The spice has nothing to do with the clove flower, although it is also a flower, or rather, a bud or bud of a clove tree. The tree grows in tropical countries, and burning hot taste carnation has long emphasized and even

From the book of 1000 recipes on hastily author Mikhailova Irina Anatolievna

Green tea recipes Jasmine tea with honey Ingredients: brewed Jasmine tea- 300 ml; honey - 3 teaspoons; ice - 1/3 of the shaker. Place all products in a shaker, shake for 30 seconds, pour the whipped mixture into transparent glasses

From book 50,000 selected recipes for multicooker author Semenova Natalya Viktorovna

Grog "Milk" (with tea) 100 ml of milk, 100 ml of strong tea, 10 ml of sugar syrup, 40 ml of rum, cognac or whiskey. Milk, brewed tea and sugar syrup or sugar, mix and heat, without boiling, for 1–1.5 minutes. Add rum and serve immediately. Cooking time -

From the book Cabbage Pickles. Cooking like a pro! author Krivtsova Anastasia Vladimirovna

Mulled wine with tea 1 l black tea (strong), 750 ml red table wine, cinnamon, cloves. Pour tea and table red wine into the multicooker bowl. Set the "Extinguishing" mode to 20 minutes. After boiling, add cinnamon and cloves to the mixture to taste. Then boil for another 2-3 minutes.

From book Big Encyclopedia spices, herbs and spices author Karpukhina Victoria

Sauerkraut with green tea? 1 fork white cabbage? 80 grams of salt? 150 g green loose leaf tea? 2 carrots Remove the green leaves from the forks, wash them in cold water. Finely chop the cabbage, grind with salt. Grate the carrots coarse grater. TO

From the book Best Author's Recipes author Ivlev Konstantin

Cloves - a burst of vivacity with broth and tea Cloves are important for us not for the content of vitamins that are easily destroyed, but for their stable biochemical properties. Therefore, any use of cloves is a boon for the body, including in hot drinks and

From the book Cocktails for adults and kids author Zvonareva Agafya Tikhonovna

Green tea noodles with salmon roll with asparagus Asparagus 4 pcs Skinless salmon fillet 400 g Olive oil 15 ml Nori seaweed 2 leaves Kimchi sauce 20 g Green onion (green part) 20 g Vegetable oil 200 ml Green tea noodles (boiled) 400 g Chili pepper 1 pc .Salt,

From the author's book

Green tea cocktail Ingredients: honey - 1 kg, water - 3 l, hops - 2 teaspoons, green tea (strongly brewed) - 1/2 cup. Mix honey with water and boil over low heat for 3 hours. Put hops, a small boiled pebble in gauze and, tying it in a knot, lower it into

On healing drink replace coffee and tea. There are now more and more warning words that coffee and tea are, in fact, drugs. At first, they excite the body, as if they give vigor and energy, and then the person feels empty, and he again needs to invigorate himself with a new, but stronger portion of this drink.

Such popular drinks all over the world as tea and coffee are familiar to many people since childhood. There is a lot different types coffee and tea. Among themselves, all drinks differ in taste and useful properties. These drinks are usually consumed separately. However, there are people who mix tea and coffee in one cup, thus getting a new drink.

What happens if you mix tea and coffee?

You can mix tea and coffee in one cup, there will be no harm to health from such mixing. And what happens if you mix tea and coffee, and what will be the taste? It all depends on what will be mixed and in what proportions. In many ways, the taste of the drink will depend on the type of tea and coffee that will be mixed. If tea and coffee are mixed in a cup in equal proportions, then the taste of such a drink will be incomprehensible, it will basically be simply lost. If there is more tea in the drink, then the taste of tea will be noticeable, and additives that are in tea, for example, the taste of mint, will be captured in such a drink. If there is more coffee in the drink, the aroma of coffee will be noticeable, and the taste of tea will be slightly perceptible.
For a new experience, you can try a drink obtained by mixing tea and coffee. Such a drink will have a taste that not all people may like, most likely, such a drink will be an amateur. You can try making this drink. However, it is much better not to mix tea and coffee, but to use these drinks separately, then the taste and aroma will not mix and be lost.

Coffee trip. 15 branded recipes making coffee in different countries...

It is difficult to even imagine how many people on the planet start their morning with a cup of aromatic coffee and how many times during the day people brew this invigorating drink. At the same time, coffee traditions in different parts of the world are radically different - from recipes to the choice of dishes for this beloved drink.

1. Egg coffee, Vietnam

The recipe is based on egg yolk, condensed milk and hot coffee.


1. Yolk of 1 egg

2. Ground vietnamese coffee- 3 teaspoons

3. Condensed milk - 2 teaspoons

Brew a small cup of coffee. Beat the yolk with condensed milk until a fluffy foamy mixture, pour in a tablespoon of already brewed coffee and beat well again. Add to coffee. Bon appetit!

2. Lapland coffee, Finland

The recipe is simple: A piece of Lapland cheese, poured with hot coffee.

3. Espresso Romano, Italy

Espresso with a citrus flavor, before drinking, the lemon should be “flattened” with a spoon on the walls or bottom of the cup and pour over hot coffee.

4. Lagrima, Argentina

The basis of this recipe is milk foam, to which only a couple of drops of strong coffee are added. The foam is prepared with a cappuccinatore or whipped with a mixer or blender...

5. Bonbon, Spain

  1. Just fill a glass halfway with condensed milk.
  2. Pour the espresso carefully into the glass. Do not mix so that both layers are clearly visible.

It is recommended to serve Spanish bonbon coffee in an Irish glass...

6. Coffee with spices, Morocco

7. Coffee with tea, Hong Kong

1 cup of water;
2 tablespoons Ceylon tea(or 4 bags of black tea);
1 teaspoon of condensed milk;

2 shots of coffee;
Sugar is added to taste.

Place water and tea leaves (tea bags) in a small container and put it on medium heat.
Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 3 minutes (the water should not boil!!). Remove the container from the fire.
Add condensed milk and sugar to the container and return it to the burner.
Bring to a boil and continue to cook for another 3 minutes.C
Remove the container from the burner, add strong coffee and mix well.
Can be served both hot and over ice.

8. Frappe, Greece

  • Pour about water into a tall glass
  • Pour in 1 tablespoon of instant coffee and sugar to taste.
  • Beat the mixture with any convenient way- there are special mixers, you can use a shaker, or you can, and as in the video below, if nothing is at hand!
  • When will it whip fluffy foam add ice, milk and cold water. Your frappe is ready!

9. Pharisee, Germany


1. Strong coffee that must be hot

2. Strong alcohol, better rum(but you can also strong alcohol)

3. Sugar

4. Whipped cream to soften the taste

5. Spices to spice up the drink
We brew strong black coffee.
Pour it into a cup (up to half). Pour in the same 0.5-1 glass of rum. Sugar can be added if desired. Spread whipped cream on top.

10. Touba, Senegal

During the roasting of coffee, guinea pepper grains are added to it. Everything else is standard...

11. Coffee with garlic and honey, Türkiye


  • ground coffee - 1 teaspoon
  • water - 100 ml
  • sugar - 0.5 teaspoons
  • garlic - 1/2 small clove
  • honey - 1 teaspoon

This is very unusual recipe with a special flair. To prepare it, mix ground coffee with a small piece of garlic, put it in a Turk and pour hot water. Next, we cook traditional way. Pour coffee into a cup, add honey and sprinkle sugar on top. It is not recommended to stir the coffee, you need to wait until everything dissolves by itself. It is honey combined with garlic that gives the drink an unusual taste and delicate aroma.

12. Coffee with orange, Jamaica

- Black coffee;
- Cream;
- Sugar;
- orange peel;
- Liquor.

Whip cream, mix with sugar and zest. Leave in cool place for half an hour.
In a mug of black coffee, add 2 tbsp. spoons of liquor. Garnish coffee with whipped cream and an orange slice.

13. Flat white, Australia

In 1/3 cup of strong double espresso, 2/3 cup of hot milk is added, part of which is whipped into fine foam and gently introduced into the rest of the milk in order to achieve a uniform velvety structure. The surface of the foam should not look whipped, but flat.

14. Affogato, Italy


1 teaspoon ground coffee
100 g vanilla ice cream,
30 ml Amaretto or Baileys liqueur
some dark chocolate for decoration.

Affogato Recipe:

  1. To cook italian coffee dessert affogato you need to brew a cup of coffee.
  2. Place ice cream scoops in a cup and pour liqueur over them. It is recommended to use cappuccino cups.
  3. Carefully pour in hot coffee and garnish with grated or melted chocolate on top and serve immediately.

15. Coffee with milk, France

- 4 teaspoons of black ground coffee;
- 0.25 l of milk;
- 75 g of sugar;
- 2 tbsp. cream spoons.

Boil milk, add sugar to it and heat until the sugar dissolves.
Add cream to milk and beat.
Brew strong black coffee: for 250 ml of water about 4 teaspoons of ground coffee.
Pour the black coffee into a cup and carefully add the milk.

Required: 1 tsp coffee powder, a glass of water.

Cooking method. Bring the water to a boil. Rinse the coffee pot well with water, and then pour boiling water over it, pour half of it into it. required portion coffee powder. Pour boiling water over the powder and, tightly closing the coffee pot, let the drink brew. After a couple of minutes, pour the rest of the powder, mix and add water to the required portion. Put the coffee pot on slow fire and heat without boiling. After five minutes, coffee can be served at the table, sugar is added to taste.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

If a fortuneteller sees stars and a month in coffee grounds, this indicates that he either already has some kind of goal or some important business at the moment, or will appear in the near future. This is a rather complicated matter, but life circumstances will turn out so well that in solving a complicated issue a person will show extreme calmness and clarity of thought. The fuller the month, the more bright stars, the more successful everything will turn out.

Double strength black coffee

Required: 2-3 tsp natural coffee, 1 glass of water, sugar.

Cooking method. Pour cold water into the coffee pot and boil. Pour finely ground natural coffee into the water and brew it over low heat. As soon as the coffee starts to rise, remove the coffee pot from the heat. After waiting for the foam to settle, put it back on the fire and bring it to a boil again. Let the drink stand for 5 minutes and you can serve it to the table. Serve it in a coffee pot along with grounds, without straining. After complete settling of the thick, pour the coffee into cups. This process can be accelerated, if necessary, by splashing a small amount of cold water into the coffee pot with a hot drink.

coffee tips

Coffee has the property of leaving on the utensils used to prepare it, and coffee cups brown coating. To prevent its occurrence, wash all utensils immediately after use. If plaque appears, remove it by sprinkling with tea soda and rubbing with a damp cloth. After that, thoroughly rinse all dishes with running water.

marble coffee

Option 1

Required: 1-2 tsp natural coffee, 1 glass of water, a small amount of milk, sugar.

Cooking method. Boil water and add ground coffee, stirring quickly with a spoon. Keep the coffee pot on the fire until the foam rises, then remove it and, as soon as the foam goes down, put the coffee pot back on the fire. Repeat this process several times. Then strain the coffee, add sugar to taste. Pour milk into cups and carefully add hot coffee. Pour coffee very carefully so as not to mix it with milk. Never stir this drink with a spoon.

Recipes from famous

Drew Barrymore offers a very peculiar coffee recipe. She adds to it not milk, not cream, but grass.

Required: 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee, 1 tsp. dry oregano, 1/2 tsp lemongrass leaves (dry), sugar.

Cooking method. Mix ground coffee with dry oregano leaves and crushed lemongrass leaves, pour 2 cups of hot water. Put this mixture on the fire and while stirring, bring to a boil, as soon as the water boils, remove from heat. Infuse the drink for 5-6 minutes. Here, the coffee variety must be very strong, so that its aroma is not interrupted by the added herbs. After the drink has cooled slightly and infused, pour sugar into it or put a piece of ice. This coffee is recommended to drink chilled.

Option 2

Required: 1-2 tsp ground natural coffee, 1 glass of water, 1 tbsp. l. milk, 2 tsp. condensed milk, 2 tbsp. l. whipped cream, 15 g dark chocolate.

Cooking method. Mix coffee with sugar and pour cold water. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil over low heat for 2-3 minutes. If the foam has risen, remove the coffee pot from the heat, and continue boiling as the foam descends. Don't strain the coffee. Pour into cups warm milk, put the condensed milk and, without stirring, gradually add hot coffee in a thin stream. Put 1 tbsp on top. l. whipped cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate. Serve hot coffee.

From the life of the great

Balzac was not indifferent not only to women, but also to coffee. And since he was a refined Frenchman and did not eat hot food, he drank coffee exclusively with ice.

Coffee with lemon

Option 1

Required: 2-3 tsp coffee powder, 1-2 tbsp. l. honey, a few slices of lemon, 1 glass of water.

Cooking method. Pour boiling water over the coffee pot, pour in 1 tsp. coffee and pour boiling water. Infuse for 1-2 minutes, then add another 1-2 tsp. coffee and the required amount of water. Close the coffee pot tightly and let the drink brew for another 3-5 minutes. Then put honey, stirring with a spoon until it is completely dissolved. Before serving, pour coffee into cups and put one slice of lemon into each cup.

coffee stories

Once in a bar, a tipsy man noticed beautiful woman at a table in the corner and decided to get to know her by treating her to a cup of coffee. Sitting down at her coffee table, he said: “What should I give you, beautiful nymph, so that you accept a kiss from me?” "Chloroform!" – confidently answered the lady.

Option 2

Required: 2 tsp natural coffee, 1-2 tsp. lemon mixture, 1 glass of water.

Cooking method. Pour cold water into the coffee pot and bring to a boil, add coffee. Stir thoroughly with quick movements. Keep on fire for a few minutes, then pour in 1 tsp. cold water and after settling the thick, strain and pour into cups. Add the lemon mixture and, if needed (for very sweet coffee lovers), sugar. To prepare a lemon mixture, take a lemon, pass it through a meat grinder or rub it on a coarse grater and mix with 1 cup of sugar.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

If an image of a skull is visible in the coffee grounds, this means a serious illness of either the fortuneteller himself or someone from his entourage. The disease can lead to death, so you need to be attentive to all manifestations of the disease and, if possible, protect yourself and others from such sad events.

Coffee with cocoa

Option 1

Required: 1 glass of water, 3 tsp. coffee powder, 2 sugar cubes, 1 tbsp. l. cocoa, condensed milk, whipped cream and 10 g of dark chocolate.

Cooking method. Pour boiling water over coffee powder, stir, add sugar, cocoa, condensed milk. Mix everything again and pour coffee into cups. Top with whipped cream and finely grated dark chocolate. Do not serve this coffee right away, let it cool a little beforehand.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

If the face of a man with a beard is visible on the surface of the coffee grounds, this means that there is gossip in society about the fortuneteller. He needs to try to recognize who the slanderous talk is coming from in order to prevent them, and as soon as possible.

Option 2

Required: 1 st. l. cocoa, 3 tsp sugar, 1 cup milk, 1/2 cup water, 2 tsp. coffee, whipped cream, roasted almonds.

Cooking method. Pour boiling water over finely ground coffee, mix quickly. Then filter the mixture into a previously prepared vessel scalded with boiling water. Put the coffee on a slow fire and brew it for about 2-3 minutes. Mix sugar and cocoa. Bring the milk to a boil and add to it, stirring constantly, cocoa with sugar. Keep on fire, stirring constantly, 5 minutes. Remove from heat and beat vigorously until smooth uniform consistency. Gradually pour in in small portions hot coffee without stopping whisking. Spill some more hot drink into cups and top with whipped cream and crushed almonds.

coffee tips

You can remove the brown coating left by the coffee drink on the bottom and walls of the dishes using a regular table salt or fine river sand, which in more used for cleaning metal cezve.

Option 3

Required: 3 tsp coffee powder, 2 tsp. sugar, 1-2 tbsp. l. condensed milk, 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, whipped cream.

Cooking method. Brew medium-strength black coffee. Add sugar, cocoa, condensed milk and mix everything thoroughly. Pour into cups and top with whipped cream. This drink can be served both hot and cold.

Coffee and health

The properties of coffee depend not only on the amount of powder per serving, but also to a large extent on how it is prepared. Properly prepared drink contains only useful substances. During overheating and boiling, the proportion increases harmful substances called alkaloids.

Coffee with tea

Coffee with tea and condensed milk

Required: 3 tsp ground coffee, 2 tsp. black long leaf tea, 2 tbsp. l. condensed milk, sugar.

Cooking method. Pour boiling water over a teapot several times (preferably porcelain or faience) to make it warm, and pouring tea leaves, pour boiling water over half the volume of the teapot. After brewing, cover the teapot with a towel for 5-7 minutes to infuse the drink. Then add the rest of the boiling water and leave for another 2-3 minutes.

For coffee, boil water with sugar and add coffee powder. Then strain the drink and mix in equal amounts with tea. Add condensed milk, stirring thoroughly. If you prefer sweet coffee, add sugar of your choice. This drink can be consumed both hot and warm.

coffee tips

The use of an extractor has a bad effect on the quality of a coffee drink. The content of fats and various substances that can be dissolved in water in coffee beans is quite high, so traditional brewing does not allow them to completely enter the finished drink. The extractor, on the other hand, prepares coffee by subjecting the coffee beans to too intense heat treatment, while all the substances that can dissolve in it are released from them into the water. Their excess gives coffee a somewhat unpleasant taste and affects its nutritional quality. In such a drink, the caffeine content is much higher than the norm, so it can only bring harm to health. Excessive overheating in the extractor almost completely deprives the coffee of its inherent aroma.

Coffee with tea - a classic way of making

Required: 1 tsp long leaf black tea, 2 tsp. honey and natural coffee, a slice of lemon.

Cooking method. Immediately before brewing, dry the ground coffee on the fire and add a few salt crystals to it. Boil water at the same time and add coffee powder from the moment of boiling, mix quickly. Remove from heat and after a while bring back to a boil.

Brew with boiling water 1 tsp. tea and infuse it in a warm place for 5-7 minutes.

Mix drinks in equal amounts, first stirring honey in hot tea, then add a slice of lemon.

From the life of the great

Irina Allegrova, who "forays" from her three-room apartment in Moscow Cheryomushki, in the evenings prefers the same route: to the nearest supermarket, where she constantly buys buns and quickly instant coffee in sachets.

Coffee with chocolate

Coffee with dark chocolate

Required: 1-2 tsp natural coffee, 1 glass of water, 10-15 g of dark chocolate, sugar.

Cooking method. Boil water in a Turk, add finely ground coffee and put on a slow fire until it boils. As soon as the foam starts to rise, remove the cezve from the heat. When the foam settles, put the Turk back on the fire and bring to re-boiling. Before serving, place one piece of chocolate into coffee cups and fill them with hot, pre-strained coffee. Stir lightly with a spoon until completely dissolved. Add sugar to taste.

From the life of the great

Nikolai Ostrovsky, as a truly Russian person, drank mostly tea, but sometimes he allowed himself to be pampered with coffee with jam. Why did he do this? Yes, I just liked it, he answered, once again confirming the apt statement: “You can’t understand Russia with the mind ...”

Brazilian coffee with chocolate

Required: 2-3 tsp coffee powder, 75 g dark chocolate with nuts, 1/2 cup water, 1.5 cups milk, sugar, whipped cream.

Cooking method. Chop the chocolate. Pour 1/2 cup of water 2-3 tsp. coffee powder and infuse for 2-3 minutes. Then pour hot coffee over the chocolate and, stirring with a spoon, achieve its complete dissolution. Put the milk on the fire, but do not bring it to a boil. Next, while whisking continuously, add milk to the resulting mixture. Before serving, add sugar and whipped cream of your choice. Sprinkle grated chocolate on top.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

If you see an image of cards in the thick, it follows that a fortuneteller in the future is expected to change in fate. The closer the cards are to the person, the sooner these changes will come. If the cards are clear and bright, the changes in life will be positive, rosy, promising. If the contour of the cards is very vague, unclear, with a predominance of a dark tone, then the upcoming changes do not carry anything positive. You should mentally prepare and gain strength.

mocha asset

Option 1

Required: 2 tsp natural coffee, 3/4 cup water, 30 g dark chocolate, 2 tbsp. l. milk and low-fat whipped cream, 10 g of chocolate chips or powdered sugar.

Cooking method. Pre-fry the grains well over low heat and chop. Prepare a cup of espresso coffee. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Heat milk to boiling point and immediately remove from heat. Carefully pour the hot milk into the chocolate, stirring constantly. Stir thoroughly and carefully add to hot coffee. Sprinkle on top chocolate chips or powdered sugar.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

If an image of a clown appears in the coffee grounds, this means that others treat the fortuneteller with mockery. Probably the man himself is to blame for this. Apparently, he behaves in the most frivolous way, extremely irresponsible. And this makes others look down on him, mock him and despise him. It is necessary to change this state of affairs, and only the fortuneteller himself can achieve change.

Option 2

Required: 1/2 cup espresso coffee, 30 g bar dark chocolate with nuts, 2 tbsp. l. cream, 10 g of powdered sugar and nuts, 1 tbsp. l. condensed milk.

Cooking method. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, mix it with condensed milk. Whisking constantly, heat the chocolate milk mixture until it begins to bubble. Carefully pour the fresh mixture into the still hot coffee without stirring. Garnish with whipped cream, powdered sugar and nuts before serving.

Recipes from famous

Cindy Crawford also has own recipe making coffee. By the end of the day, her strength after active filming is running out, so she invented for herself such a method of preparation so that this drink would help her cheer up.

Required: 1 tbsp. l. coffee beans, 20 g red wine, 1 cherry, 30 g whipped cream, 1 tsp. instant coffee, 1/2 tsp. mint leaves.

Cooking method. Grind the coffee beans to a very fine state and pour into the coffee maker. As soon as the coffee boils, pour it into cups, pour instant coffee here. As soon as the coffee dissolves, add red wine to it, it should be tart and strong enough, and mint. You can either put its leaves in a cup or hang it on a strainer, and when the coffee is filled with mint aroma, just remove the strainer from the cup. When you mix all these ingredients, put whipped cream in coffee, and ripe cherries on top. The drink is fragrant and invigorating.

Option 3

Required: 1/2 cup espresso, a few vanilla crystals, 2 tbsp. l. milk and low-fat cream, 10 g of almonds and hazelnuts.

Cooking method. Melt the chocolate. Mix milk with cream and put on fire. Bring to a boil, but do not boil, add vanilla. Pour the melted chocolate very carefully into the hot coffee, then the hot milk and cream. Top with nuts. Serve this drink hot.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

If an hourglass is visible in the coffee grounds, it means that soon a person will long and painfully wait for some event. A long wait will take a lot of energy from him, so it is best to prepare for this in advance so as not to attach too much importance to waiting.

Coffee with milk

Option 1

Required: 15 g coffee, 250 g milk, 1 glass of water, 2 tsp. Sahara.

Cooking method. Pour cold water into the coffee pot and bring to a boil, add coffee, stirring constantly, and return to the fire until boiling. Heat the milk separately and add it hot to the coffee pot. Heat the mixture until almost boiling, but do not boil. Set the coffee pot aside until the grounds settle for 3-4 minutes. Pour coffee into cups, put sugar, stir thoroughly with a spoon.

coffee stories

Two school friends met on the street and decided to go to a coffee shop to chat about their difficult female lot. Lenochka asks Tanyusha: “I heard you returned to your husband?” “Yes, I can’t watch how this scoundrel lives for his own pleasure!” she answered.

Option 2

Required: 10 g coffee, 1 cup milk, 1.5 cups water, 1 tsp. honey, sugar.

Cooking method. Rinse the coffee pot with hot water, pour in coffee, pour boiling water over it, mix thoroughly and put on low heat. Without bringing to a boil and letting the foam rise, remove from heat and let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Warm the milk, but do not boil. Put honey in hot milk and stir thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. Put the coffee pot on fire. When boiling again, remove the coffee pot from the heat and pour in, stirring constantly, milk with honey. Leave for 5 minutes to infuse and thicken. Pour into cups, serve sugar separately.

coffee tips

Coffee is usually used as a dessert. The drink is served with cookies, cakes or small sandwiches, the taste of which depends on the recipe of the coffee. You can serve black coffee cheese biscuits or sandwiches with thin slices cheese. Coffee brewed according to oriental recipes, goes well with exotic sweets such as sherbet, Turkish delight, candied fruits and nuts. Coffee with milk or cream can be served with cakes decorated with chocolate or coffee cream or frosting. With coffee without sugar, a dessert of whipped cream with powdered sugar or meringue cakes is suitable. sweet coffee goes well with biscuits or dry biscuits.

Option 3

Required: 2 tsp instant coffee, 1 glass of milk, 3-4 tsp. sugar, a few vanilla crystals, 35 g white chocolate, 10 g of powdered sugar.

Cooking method. Mix instant coffee with sugar, vanilla and a little hot water. Beat until white foam appears. Put the milk on the fire and, bringing to a boil, hold for 1-2 minutes on a very low heat. Then pour the whipped mixture with hot milk, stir and pour into cups. Garnish with grated chocolate and powdered sugar.

coffee stories

A conversation between two young girls in a coffee shop:

- And since when did you start smoking, you used to be categorically against smoking ?!

- Yes, since that memorable evening when my missus returned from a business trip ahead of time and found a cigarette butt in an ashtray!

Coffee "Amaretto"

Option 1

Required: 20 g of Colombian coffee, 10 g of Italian roasted coffee and almonds, almond extract.

Cooking method. Place the almonds on a baking sheet and toast them until they turn brown. Coffee beans also dry on fire, you can add a few crystals of salt. Then mix them with almonds and grind them in a coffee grinder. Heat the coffee pot by rinsing it with hot water, pour in the ground mixture and pour boiling water over it. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Add a drop of almond extract, let it brew for 5 minutes and pour into cups. Sugar, cream or milk, put at your discretion.

From the life of the great

The owner of a huge estate in the Nizhny Novgorod province, Sergei Vasilyevich Saltykov, was well educated and full of knowledge, but at the same time he was a terrible talker. There was only one trick out of a thousand to silence him, and that was... coffee.

Option 2

Required: 10 g each different varieties coffee, 15 g almond nuts, 50 g almond liqueur, 3 tbsp. l. whipped cream.

Cooking method. 10 g of almonds, coffee beans, dry on fire and grind. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture into boiling water and let the foam rise. Remove the coffee pot from the heat. As the thick settles, put the coffee pot on the fire and bring to a boil again. Repeat the procedure several times. Then let stand for 5 minutes, pour into cups, adding liquor, sugar - to taste. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with the rest of the grated nuts.

Coffee and health

To make coffee, so that its usefulness is high, you should use special utensils: coffee pots, Turks. You also need to choose good varieties drink, since the instant coffee known to many just causes numerous deviations in health.

Moscow coffee

Option 1

Required: 10 g ground natural coffee, 1 glass of water, 2 tsp. sugar, 1-2 tbsp. l. cognac, a slice of lemon.

Cooking method. This coffee is prepared in two cezves at the same time. Pour cold water into one and put it on fire, bringing to a boil. Pour medium-ground coffee into another and roast it over medium heat until the slightest burnt smell appears. With the first appearance of this smell, immediately fill the coffee with boiling water from the first cezve and set aside for 1-2 minutes to infuse. As soon as the crust settles (it should be squeezed under a spoon), pour in 1-2 tbsp. l. cognac. Put the cezve back on the fire and bring to a boil again. Serve coffee with lemon and sugar.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

If an image of a plate is visible in the coffee grounds, this means that the fortuneteller will have to visit large feast. Perhaps he will be invited to a wedding, anniversary, banquet or other holiday. This is a pleasant event, and therefore you can prepare a suit or dress in advance and take care of the gift.

Option 2

Required: 10 g ground coffee, 2 g chicory, 2 tsp. sugar, 3 tbsp. l. liqueur, juice of half a lemon.

Cooking method. Start making coffee as in the first case, but when the slightest burnt smell appears, add chicory and at the same time pour boiling water over the coffee. Insist 3 minutes. After the crust has settled, put the cezve, bringing to a boil again. Remove from heat, pour in lemon juice and just before serving - liquor and sugar, stirring everything thoroughly.

coffee tips

When you prepare coffee, time it so that immediately after removing it from the heat, the drink can be poured into cups. Do not prepare coffee ahead of time as it will take on a bitter taste and cool down after a while.

Parisian coffee

Option 1

Required: 10 g coffee, 250 g milk, 4 tsp. sugar, 4 tbsp. l. cream, 1 glass of water.

Cooking method. From 10 g of coffee and a glass of water, brew black coffee using any of the above methods. Put the milk on the fire and bring to a boil, add sugar, stir thoroughly. Remove the boiled milk from the heat and put the cream, whisking continuously with vigorous movements. Then pour in hot coffee, stir and pour into cups. This drink can be consumed both hot and warm.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Seeing the image of a waterfall in the coffee grounds, the fortuneteller will soon plunge into a wild passion. It is possible that the passion will take over him or her so much that the person completely forgets about the family, about duty and about work. But if this drags on for a long time, much will be spoiled, in particular, a fortuneteller can easily destroy a family or lose his job due to a dubious hobby.

Option 2

Required: 15 g coffee, 1 glass of milk, 1 tsp. sugar, 25 g grated chocolate, 2 tbsp. l. cream and whipped cream, 1 tbsp. l. condensed milk.

Cooking method. Brew strong black coffee in any way. Put condensed milk in it, stir until it is completely dissolved. Boil the milk, after pouring sugar into it and stirring everything thoroughly. Pour the cream into the milk and whisk until a homogeneous airy mass is obtained, gradually adding hot strong coffee in a thin stream. Stir the resulting mixture well again and pour the drink into cups. Just before serving, top with whipped cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

From the life of the great

While filming in Alexander Dulerain's film "Ivan the Fool", in early autumn, Sergei Chonishvili had to wear a short-sleeved shirt, despite the fact that it was already quite cold. “Saved” the frozen actor with hot coffee, which warms him up during long filming.

Option 3

Required: 15 g coffee powder, 1.5 cups milk, 2 tsp. sugar, 35 g milk chocolate, 2 tbsp. l. whipped cream.

Cooking method. Heat the coffee pot by rinsing it several times with hot water. Pour in half the coffee powder and pour in a little water. Steep for a few minutes, then pour in the rest of the coffee and pour over necessary quantity boiling water.

Warm the milk, after dissolving sugar in it. Chop the chocolate into small pieces and pour over boiled milk. Mix thoroughly. Once the chocolate has completely melted, mix with hot coffee. Top with whipped cream.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

When coffee grounds depicts woven lace, a fortuneteller in the near future expects a very important date for him, on the results of which a lot in his life depends. If lace with a large, clear pattern, the upcoming date will be of a business nature, will be very successful, will bring material gain and promotion. If the lace is thin, delicate, with a small pattern - the upcoming meeting will be personal. Romantic love, beautiful dreams and plans for the future are quite possible.

Slavic coffee

Option 1

Required: 3 tsp instant coffee, 1 glass of water and sugar, 50 g of white chocolate, 80 g of hot milk, 1 g of citric acid, 3 tbsp. l. whipped cream.

Cooking method. Dissolve sugar in water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Soak on low heat for 5 minutes, constantly collecting foam. Add citric acid. Let stand for 7-10 minutes and add chopped chocolate, stirring well until smooth.

In a large bowl, combine instant coffee, 2 tbsp. l. prepared mixture and pour hot milk. Stir until coffee is completely dissolved. Allow the drink to cool slightly, then top with whipped cream.

coffee tips

Alcoholic drinks such as cognac or punch can be served with both sweet and bitter coffee drink. Sweet liqueurs and cream liqueurs go best with strong black coffee without sugar.

Option 2

Required: 3 tsp instant coffee, 2 tsp. chocolate syrup, 1/2 cup milk, 3 tbsp. l. whipped cream, 20 g walnuts and pine nuts, 20 g dark chocolate.

Cooking method. Boil the milk and sweat it over low heat for a minute. Pour the hot milk over the instant coffee and chocolate syrup mixture, stirring constantly and thoroughly until the coffee is completely dissolved. Pour coffee into cups. Just before serving, top with whipped cream and garnish the coffee by sprinkling chopped nuts and grated chocolate on top.

Recipes from famous

Required: 1 tbsp. l. coffee beans, 20 g of coffee mousse and whipped cream, 30 g of ice cream, 15 g of cognac, 1 tsp. Sahara.

Cooking method. Grind the coffee beans in a coffee grinder along with sugar to a powder state. Then pour this mixture into a Turk and pour 1/3 cup of hot water, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Add cognac to hot coffee, it must be of a good brand, otherwise it will spoil the taste of the drink. Let the coffee cool a little and then add the whipped mixture prepared as follows: coffee mousse mix with slightly melted butter ice cream and add whipped cream, mix everything until smooth and put in chilled coffee. Sprinkle a little sugar on top of the resulting mass.

Lebanese coffee

Option 1

Required: 3-4 tsp natural coffee, 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder and sugar, 1 glass of water and milk.

Cooking method. Pour water into the coffee pot, put on fire and bring to a boil, add coffee and mix. After a minute, remove from heat and leave for 3-4 minutes for infusion and thickening. Then put back on the fire and bring to a boil again. Next, quickly filter the drink. Separately grind cocoa with granulated sugar and a little water. Add hot milk to the pounded mass, mix and immediately pour into cups along with hot coffee. The ratio of coffee and cocoa should be 1:1.

coffee stories

Two womanizers met in a coffee shop and argued about whether all women have lovers.

- If a woman walks with her head down - she has a lover!

- If a woman walks with her head held high, she has a lover!

- If a woman keeps her head straight - she has a lover!

- And in general, if a woman has a head - she has a lover!

Option 2

Required: 2 tsp finely ground natural coffee, 2 cups of water, 1/2 cup of milk, 3 tsp. sugar, 3 tbsp. l. whipped cream, 25 g dark chocolate.

Cooking method. Rinse the coffee pot with hot water. Pour a glass of hot water into it and dissolve sugar in it, put on fire and bring to a boil. Once the water boils, add coffee and stir thoroughly. Remove from heat, let the drink brew and settle thicker. Pour in hot milk and let the drink brew for another 5 minutes. Mix cocoa with condensed milk, diluted with a little hot water. Then bring the rest of the water to a boil and add it to the resulting mixture.

Mix both hot drinks in equal proportions in one container. Pour into cups, top with whipped cream and grated chocolate.

From the life of the great

Peter the Great's morning began at two or three o'clock, and in the morning he invariably drank a glass of vodka. And for good spirits, he was not averse to indulging in coffee with or without sugar from time to time.

Christmas coffee

Required (per serving): 1 scoop vanilla ice cream, 3 tbsp. l. cream, 3 chocolate (normal) cookies, 4 tsp. natural coffee, 1/2 cup water, 30 g milk chocolate.

Cooking method. Brew coffee. Put a ball of vanilla ice cream in the cup from which you will drink this drink, pour over hot coffee, put 3 tbsp. l. cream, thoroughly whipped. Garnish with finely grated cookies and milk chocolate. Refrigerate coffee before drinking.

Coffee and health

There are notorious claims that coffee contains a significant amount of harmful substances. However, they are unfounded in the case of moderate consumption of this drink. Many foods that are improperly prepared or that themselves contain a significant amount of carcinogens and other harmful substances cause much more harm health than coffee consumed in reasonable doses.

Coffee "Valeriya"

Required: 4 tsp natural coffee, 1 glass of water, 5 tsp. sugar, 30 g each walnuts and milk chocolate.

Cooking method. Brew coffee. Heat a frying pan on fire, pour sugar into it, stirring constantly, melt it until it turns into a liquid mass of light brown color, then pour it into a cezve or a ladle with cooked coffee. Put on a slow fire and boil for 15-20 minutes. Then remove from heat and cover with a lid for 15 minutes to infuse coffee. Add some hot milk and stir. Pour into cups and serve hot.

From the life of the great

The once famous singer Mikhail Ivanovich Vavich added a piece of coffee to coffee butter. The oil gently and gently envelops the vocal cords, which was excellent remedy to keep his high bass in "working order".

Milk coffee "Julia"

Required: 7-8 tsp organic coffee, 2 cups low fat milk, 2 egg yolks, 2 tbsp. l. condensed milk, 50 g cognac, 4-5 tbsp. l. fresh cream, sugar.

Cooking method. Pour natural well-ground coffee with boiling milk and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Let it brew for 10 minutes, then strain through a fine sieve and refrigerate. Beat egg yolks with condensed milk, sugar and cream. Add the resulting mixture to coffee, mix thoroughly and beat with a mixer. Pour into four small glasses, pour a little cognac into each. Refrigerate coffee for 30-40 minutes.

coffee tips

Never reheat cold coffee. This will deprive him of all useful properties, destroy it unique taste and aroma. If you like hot coffee, and the one you made is already cold, it's better to brew a new one.

Coffee "Cheerfulness"

Required: 8-10 tsp natural instant coffee, 2 cups of water, 4 tbsp. l. flower honey and cream, 1 egg yolk, 1/5 cup milk, 1 scoop vanilla ice cream, 3 tsp. lemon juice, sugar.

Cooking method. Pour instant coffee with boiling water, stir, add flower honey and sugar. Whisk milk with cream egg yolk and lemon juice. Mix both mixtures thoroughly. Divide ice cream into glasses and pour coffee.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

If a fortuneteller sees an elephant in the coffee grounds, his position in society is very strong and stable. He does not need to worry, everyone around treats him with due respect. The fortuneteller managed to achieve a lot, so everyone around recognizes his merits and abilities. Soon he can achieve much more if he continues to behave in this way.

Milk chocolate coffee with cream

Required: 1 glass of milk, 8-10 tsp. natural coffee, 1/2 glass of water, 8-10 pieces of chocolate, sugar, cream, walnuts.

Cooking method. Make strong coffee by mixing 1/2 cup water and 8-10 tsp. natural coffee. Put the milk on the fire and gradually dissolve the pieces of chocolate in it, stirring constantly. Pour the mixture into a bowl and ready coffee, stir, add and dissolve the sugar. Walnuts clean and rub on fine grater, mix them with cream, beat thoroughly with a mixer, pour Coffee with milk and chocolate into glasses and decorate with whipped cream on top.

From the life of the great

Mikhail Zadornov assures that you can get tired of jokes and humor if this is your job. Therefore, the satirist avoids companies in which, out of habit, jokes are expected from him, preferring to them a close circle of friends with whom you can just talk over a cup of strong aromatic coffee.
