
Chocolate cake with coffee-chocolate and coconut mousses. "Coconut Chocolate Mousse" (Coconut Mousse Cakes)

Very very tasty cake!
It flew off almost instantly. Made for my brother's birthday.
Recipe from the topic "Desserts from Michelle" forum kuking.net

Topped with almond flakes.

Coconut Chocolate Mousse Cakes

100 g cl. oils, room temperature
1/2 st. Sahara
1/2 tsp vanillin
50 g chocolate
1 egg
1 1/4 st. flour for cakes
2/3 tsp soda
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 st. water

Coconut mousse:
1 st. sweet coconut flakes
1 st. milk
2 tsp starch
2+2 tbsp milk
2 tsp gelatin
2 tbsp coconut liqueur (Malibu)
3/4 st. cream

Chocolate mousse:
2 eggs
4 tbsp Sahara
4 tbsp starch
350 ml milk
100 g chocolate
1 tbsp gelatin
1/4 st. milk
1 st. cream

Preheat oven to 170C.
For one cake, grease and line a 9" (23 cm) tin with parchment. For 4 cakes, a 10" (25 cm) square tin (or whatever size fits).
Grind butter with sugar until white, add vanillin, melted and cooled to room temperature, chocolate, and beat everything with a mixer at medium speed. Continuing to beat, add the egg. Separately sift flour with baking soda and salt. Pour the flour mixture into the butter-egg mixture in 3 steps, alternating with water (also in 3 steps), kneading with a mixer. The resulting homogeneous (consistency of thin sour cream) dough into the prepared form, shake slightly so that air bubbles come to the surface.
Bake for 30-40 minutes, checking for readiness with a match. Cool down. For cakes, cut out disks from biscuits that are slightly smaller in size than the molds in which they will solidify. Also trim the edges of the biscuit for big cake so that there is a gap between the sides of the mold and the cake.

Coconut mousse.
Mix milk and coconut flakes(if there is no sweet, then add 4 tablespoons of sugar to milk). Bring to a boil, put on cheesecloth and squeeze well.
Mix 2 tbsp. milk with starch. Bring again coconut milk to a boil and add milk mixed with starch. Boil for about 2 minutes until thickened. Cool down.
Dissolve gelatin in the remaining 2 tbsp. milk, let swell for a couple of minutes and heat until completely dissolved.
Pour liqueur and gelatin into the chilled coconut mixture, mix. Whip the cream and in 2 steps combine them with mousse.
Line a mold (or cake tins) smaller than the biscuit disc with cling film. Fill it with mousse, smooth it out and let it freeze in the freezer.

Chocolate mousse.
cook custard. Cool down.
Melt the chocolate and beat together with the cream (they should be the same temperature).
Dissolve gelatin in milk, let it swell for a couple of minutes and heat until completely dissolved. Pour into cream and stir.
Whip the cream and gently fold into the cream.

cover the bottom of the form for solidification (preferably detachable) parchment paper, and the sides with a film (ideally acetate).
Put the biscuit on the bottom of the form, on it the frozen coconut mousse and pour the chocolate mousse over the surface. Cover with cling film and chill in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
Carefully release from mold and serve.

Recently, I came across coconut milk on the shelf of the store, and I immediately became interested in what can be prepared from it. Since I have a sweet tooth, I looked into the dessert book and immediately found mousses with coconut milk. I will tell you about the ones that I liked the most.

I liked the chocolate and mango mousses the most. Chocolate - for its ease of preparation, and mango - for its tender and pleasant taste. Such desserts can be easily prepared on weekdays, and if you decorate them in an original way and serve them in beautiful wine glasses, you get an unusual holiday dessert.

Chocolate mousse with coconut milk

A very simple mousse recipe, just mix all the ingredients, using confectionery syringe we put it in wine glasses and, behold, our air mousse ready. Mousses with coconut milk are prepared very quickly, but it will take no more than 10 minutes to prepare this.

Cooking method:

Open the coconut milk, transfer to an open cup and refrigerate overnight. By morning it will thicken.

Mix milk with the rest of the ingredients. Beat the mousse thoroughly with a mixer until a homogeneous airy mass is obtained.

Chocolate mousse with coconut milk is ready! Serve it in beautiful wine glasses, decorating with a pastry syringe.

Mousse with mango and coconut milk

I liked the mousses with mango the most, it turns out very tender and delicious dessert. It is very easy to prepare and has a pleasant mango flavor enhanced by a hint of coconut.


Cooking method:

Dilute gelatin with half a liter of water and leave to swell for half an hour.

Bring the coconut milk to a boil in a small saucepan along with the sugar, reduce the heat and add the swollen gelatin. Boil for small fire stirring constantly until the gelatin dissolves. Remove the mixture from the stove and let it cool down.

Rinse the mango and run a knife along the pit. Separate the halves from each other, peel and remove the bone. Finely chop the mango pulp in a blender.

Whip the cream with a mixer until peaks. When the jelly mixture has cooled, add mango to it, pour in the cream and beat with a mixer for about 5 minutes. Pour the finished airy mousse into molds or glasses and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

Garnish the finished mango mousse with slices fresh fruit or berries. Serve chilled.

Bon appetit!

  1. If you reduce the proportions - then evenly.
  2. It is not always possible to reduce the amount of ingredients for a particular component, because simply or a cream for a smaller amount will not boil everything; it will burn; or it will be unrealistic to beat. For example, not every mixer will be able to "take" 50 g egg white and beat it until foamy to pour in the syrup. Usually this is a minimum of 55 proteins. And boil the syrup in a saucepan for 30 g of water and 80 g of sugar up to 118C - it is unrealistic! Therefore, we approach wisely.
  3. An excellent formula for recalculating ingredients for a particular shape and size (active link)
  4. Canned fruit will not work! Frozen, yes, but not canned, there will be no taste at all.

The composition of the cake (for three cakes 18 cm in diameter, all the fillings are collected in a form of 16 cm in diameter):

  • lemon-lime shortbread dough;
  • Coconut biscuit "daquoise";
  • Baked exotic fruits;
  • Coconut mousse;
  • Velor coating and chocolate decor.

Lemon Lime Shortcrust Pastry:
75 g sugar
75 g flour
75 g almond flour
75 g butter
zest of 1/2 lemon and 1/2 lime

Mix everything until crumbly. Put in rings 16 cm in diameter, prebake at 150C for about 10 minutes. Leave in shape.

Coconut dacquoise:
135 g egg whites
110 g sugar
82 g almond flour
35 g coconut flakes
67 g powdered sugar
37 g flour

Make a meringue with 110 g of sugar, mix in the sifted dry ingredients. Lay on top shortcrust pastry and bake at 170C for 10-12 minutes.

Baked exotic fruits:
1 fresh small pineapple
1 fresh banana
1 fresh or frozen mango
250 g mango puree
250 g passion fruit puree
80 g sugar
50 g water
1 vanilla pod
1 cinnamon stick
3 cloves
3 g ginger powder
20 g gelatin

Soak gelatin in cold water and let it swell.

Bring puree, water, sugar and spices to a boil. Add fruit cut into pieces, transfer to a baking dish and bake at 160C for about 20-40 minutes. Then add the swollen and squeezed gelatin. Mix well with a silicone spatula. Pour into 16 cm diameter molds and freeze.

Italian meringue:
100 g protein
20 g sugar
60 g water
160 g sugar

Beat egg whites with sugar until light foam. Bring the sugar with water to 121C and pour in a thin stream into the syrup. Whisk until the meringue has cooled down.

Coconut mousse:
40 g coconut puree
100 g sugar
20 g corn starch
400 g coconut puree
130 g cocoa butter
200 g Italian meringue
200 g whipped cream

Mash 40 g of mashed coconut with sugar and starch. Add 400g boiled coconut puree. Bring to a boil again and add cocoa butter. Cool to 25C and combine with meringue and whipped cream. Use immediately.


At the bottom of the ring 18 cm in diameter, covered with acetate film, put a biscuit down with a sand base. Fill the mold halfway with mousse. Put the disc baked exotic fruits. Fill to the top with mousse. To freeze. After freezing, cover with velor.

Velor - cocoa butter + fat-soluble dye. Use in a compressor. Neither a “pshikalka” for flowers, nor a toothbrush or a brush that needs to be shaken on a cake will give that velvety effect that an airbrush will give, special aerosols with cocoa butter (ready-made, sold in online stores) or a compressor with a gun.

Decorate the cake with leftover baked jelly.

Happy tea!

"becomes independent, now I will look for and implement all the recipes and techniques myself, I hope it will be more interesting and diverse.

As usual, I want to tell you new techniques that you can use and combine with other desserts. I add something a little more complex to each product so that we can develop together.

Friends, I have a bomb for you! In terms of taste and new cooking technologies. I thought for a long time about what dessert would be interesting to make next. I had ideas for something autumnal, spicy. But then he changed his mind! I have spring inside now, so the dessert will be bright, sunny and very, very cheerful, even romantic. Let's call it Malibu and remember the palm trees, colorful flora and coconuts. This stunning dessert is the next step for sophisticated dessert lovers. It has a good crunchy component in the form of a saber (there will be super secrets in general), airy coconut mousse, which we will prepare with pulp, and under the hood we are waiting for pear confit with raspberries. And yes big surprise- pistachio molecular biscuit - a large porous hat that plays well both as a decor and as a flavor accent, and if done correctly, it will be extremely tasty. While I was preparing it for you, I worked different combinations and the pear surprised me, it works great with all the ingredients and at the same time is not as beaten as the same mango-passion fruit.

This dessert belongs to the middle category of complexity, and requires strict adherence to technology: grams, degrees, processing method and their order. If the ingredients are replaceable, I am talking about this, in other situations we strictly follow the recipe.

We start creating a dessert with a drawing. It will help us navigate the layers and their geometry. I chose the shape of the tart because I want to talk about an interesting saber recipe. For it, we need metal rings about 8-8.5 cm in diameter and about 1.5 cm high. I took a silicone donut mold from Silikomart for it (there are several pieces in the store). Instead, you can use just hemispheres. Obviously, the diameters of the rings and the silicone mold should be similar. However, if you don't have small rings, use something bigger or a different shape. The main thing is not to forget to count the ingredients in accordance with the volumes of your forms. So here's what we have:

Saber - sand foundation of a new level

  • Butter - 180 g
  • Powdered sugar - 98 g
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Almond flour - 45 g
  • Flour - 398 g
  • Eggs - 71 g

Everyone's big problem sand foundations- there is a lot of trouble with them. That dough is difficult to collect into a ball, then it takes long hours to cool, and the worst thing is when the workpiece rapidly loses its shape during baking. And certainly no one likes the moment when you need to pour something into empty dough pieces so that you do not swell in the rings.

It won't happen today!

Take the good and the cold butter(180 g) and cut it into small cubes, a little less than 1 cm. Remember that shortbread dough loves cold butter and low temperatures. So if your kitchen is hot, open a window, or put on gloves so that the warmth of your hands does not melt the oil in the future dough. It is important. You can freeze the butter in the freezer so that it does not melt so quickly in your hands during cutting. Scoop the cubes into a mixing bowl. It is clear that it will be possible to work manually (or even by hand), but the planetary will save a decent amount of time and effort. And we, in the end, are just making dessert, and not assembling a rocket to the moon.

Next add dry ingredients. powdered sugar(98 g), without lumps, only the smallest and highest quality that you can buy. Next is a pinch of salt. Almond flour (45 g), all the same, it is advisable to buy ready-made, not necessarily the smallest. Or do it yourself, but this is the most backup plan) We add the last plain flour(398 g).

Now put the spatula attachment and knead the ingredients at low speed. A low speed is needed because at a high speed, the spatula will begin to heat up and melt the butter, and we agreed that we try to keep it cold (by the way, the bowl can also be frozen together with the spatula). You should get a small crumb, uniform in composition and size of the granules.

Pour into the batter and continue beating at low speed.

The idea is that at first the balls of dry ingredients will connect with each other thanks to the eggs. And then they will keep getting bigger.

At some point, you will see that the dough no longer sticks to the sides of the mixer bowl. And you will perfectly succeed in collecting it into a ball. See how clean it is?

Divide the resulting dough into 2-3 parts. Place each piece between sheets of parchment paper and roll into 1cm thick sheets.

Place in refrigerator for 20 minutes. And while we cook the right tools. This is a rolling pin, preferably with adjustable height. Metal rings for tarts, a round knife (like for pizza), cutting for dough with a diameter of 3-4 mm less than the inner diameter of the rings.

If there are no rings, you can try to make tarts in rigid shapes, such as ceramic cups, but it will be difficult to work and the shape will not be perfect. ABOUT silicone molds we don't talk at all here. When the dough has cooled, roll out the layers to a thickness of 2 mm. In this regard, I was lucky with the rolling pin, I put the rings on it and easily got a uniform thickness. Please note that we DO NOT use extra flour. The dough should be smooth and not stick to the parchment or your hands. The secret is in the ingredients of the dough itself and the cool temperature on the table.

Now we need to cut out strips, slightly wider than the height of the tart ring - these will be our sides. The old school taught us to cut out large circles and carefully place them inside the rings. I do not like it this way. I want to get the perfect geometry inside and out. You can work the old fashioned way.

Then everything is simple, each strip is carefully inserted into the rings and distributed around the perimeter. The strip should touch the bottom and fit snugly against the walls. You can make a side of several segments, if the strips turn out to be short, on the contrary, we cut off the excess with a knife.

You should get such neat frames from the test. As you can see, the sides protrude slightly above the rings.

Now we do the same with the bottom. Cut out circles. The cutting diameter is smaller than the ring, because the bottom must freely enter the dough rim (and its thickness is 2 mm).

We lay the bottom in the center and gently join with the sides. You can slightly press the bottom to the side with your finger around the perimeter so that they seem to connect.

At the end, pierce the bottom with a fork so that it does not swell.

Put in the freezer for an hour. We will get about 8-10 blanks from this test. Cuts can be reused. The main thing is no flour. After an hour, we take out the blanks, transfer them to a baking sheet lined with parchment or a rug. And cut off the excess edges. movements sharp knife short and as if from the inside out. Look at the photo below - I will sharply swipe the blade to the right.

You will get tart blanks with perfectly even sides. If the knife is not driven correctly, the sides will bend inward. We put the oven at 160-165 degrees and bake the products until golden brown(12-15 minutes). As you can see in the photo, they did not change the geometry at all, they only became a little thicker. At the same time, the bottom did not swell, the walls remained smooth and beautiful. Without weights and other tools. Let them cool completely and they will come out of the rings themselves.

They can be frozen or stored for 2-3 days in an airtight container on the table, as long as there is no moisture inside. Little trick. All irregularities can be removed if you simply treat the surface of the tart with a small metal strainer, simply polishing the surface with it.

pear confit

  • Gelatin - 5 g
  • Fine sugar - 50 g
  • Pectin - 8 g
  • Pear puree - 250 g
  • fresh raspberries

We have already done confis with you, there is nothing new here. I took a pear as a taste, because it is not so boring, and here it is soft taste will be well combined with other components. If you decide to replace it with something, think about whether this layer will take too much attention on itself. After all, our confit will turn out to be quite thick.

As usual, soak sheet gelatin (5 g) in ice water. I roll the sheets and put them in a glass. If you take powder - dilute with water (1: 6) and let it swell.

Mix sugar (50 g, fine) with pectin (8 g, apple, NH, citrus can be used). Pectin always works only if it is pre-mixed with sugar. It will slightly change the texture of the confit, but in general, you can do without it, just the layer will be more rubbery (due to gelatin).

Pour into saucepan pear puree(100 g). You can take a professional one (sold in freezers next to ice cream) or an ordinary baby one. There we fall asleep mass with pectin.

This mass must be brought to a boil, stirring with a whisk, and boil for 2 minutes, so the pectin will begin to work. Then remove it from the heat, pour in more cold pear puree (150 g), and add the squeezed gelatin (add the powdered gelatin with the whole mass). Always, when making confit, do not pour the whole mass of mashed potatoes into the saucepan, but it will lose color and taste. We heat only part of the puree, in which we dilute the gelatin and pectin.

Mix well with a whisk until smooth. Please note that we tore the raspberries (this is our flavor accent) into three or four pieces. You can do without it, but the dessert will be noticeably more boring.

Place a raspberry at the bottom of each tart.

And fill the confit to the top.

We put it in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

molecular biscuit

  • Pistachio paste - 220 g
  • Almond flour - 60 g
  • Proteins - 180 g

This component of desserts is called sponge, molecular biscuit or microwave biscuit. Its essence is that it turns out to be very porous, like a sponge with big bubbles air and thin walls. Because of this, it is very light and airy. But has bright taste, in our case, pistachio. If you follow the technology, you need to do it in a siphon. Now they are sold in many stores. kitchen utensils and cost a little. I took it from the EasyCream website. I have a 1 liter model of of stainless steel and the ability to work with N2O and CO2 gases. read . You can do without it, but a simplified version of the biscuit will be released.

Mix all three ingredients in a blender. Pistachio paste (220 g), proteins (180 g) and almond flour(60 g). Instead of pistachio paste, you can use any similar in consistency - peanut, nutella and so on. It is clear that we need a pistachio - because of the green color and taste.

And just mix the ingredients for a minute and a half. If the mass is not such a bright green color, add green dye(gel, powder).

If you are making without a siphon, you will need to beat the mass well, like a meringue, so you will need a mixer. I just pour the mass into a liter siphon.

We will need to fill it with two bottles of N2O (or one if you have a 0.5 liter siphon).

We close the siphon, fill it with gas and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour and a half, preferably two.

Ready in two hours paper cups. Poke 3-4 holes in the bottom with a knife so that the biscuit breathes.

Shake the siphon well, tap down (or beat the cold mass with a mixer until lush foam). Pour 1/3 foam into each glass.

Place 1-2 cups in the microwave and heat for 40 seconds on standard power. You must take out the glass lush biscuit, in which large pores will be visible.

Turn glasses upside down and place on wire racks to cool. Then you can wrap them in cling film and keep in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, or freeze. To use, we simply run a thin knife along the walls of the glass and simply take out the biscuit, parsing it into more small pieces the form we need. If you will use peanut butter(we have it pale), you can add any dye, then the decor will be the desired color.

The biscuit dries pretty quickly. It will not lose its shape, and as a decor it will look great. But if you conceived it as part of the taste, it is better to collect the cake as close to serving time as possible.

coconut mousse

  • Milk - 60 g
  • Sugar - 25 g
  • Coconut flakes - 30 g
  • Gelatin - 7 g
  • Coconut puree - 170 g
  • Malibu liqueur - 20 g
  • Cream 33% - 300 g

To our crispy saber and bright pear confit with raspberries, you need something airy and soft in taste, but at the same time very recognizable - COCONUT.

Soak the sheet gelatin (7 g) again in ice water.

Pour milk (60 g) into a saucepan, add sugar (25 g) and coconut flakes (30 g).

Put on fire and bring to a boil. Then remove and cover with a lid for 5 minutes. During this time, the milk is well flavored with coconut, and it will become soft.

Dissolve the squeezed gelatin in it.

Pour in Malibu (coconut rum, 20 g). It is possible without it (now someone is thinking about alcohol), it will not be so tasty, not so bright and coconut. Think for yourself. But definitely no fragrances.

Cake " Coconut chocolate mousse " (Coconut Mousse Cakes) Biscuit: 100 g butter, room temperature 1/2 tbsp sugar 1/2 tsp vanilla 50 g chocolate 1 egg 1 1/4 tbsp cake flour 2/3 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 2/3 tbsp water Coconut mousse: 1 tbsp sweet coconut 1 tbsp milk 2 tsp starch 2+2 tbsp milk 2 tsp gelatin 2 tbsp coconut liqueur (Malibu) 3/4 tbsp cream Chocolate mousse: 2 eggs 4 tbsp sugar 4 tbsp starch 350 ml milk 100 g chocolate 1 tbsp gelatine 1/4 tbsp milk 1 cup cream Biscuit Preheat oven to 170C For one cake, butter and line a 9" (23cm) baking sheet with parchment. For 4 cakes 10" (25 cm) square shape (or any other suitable size). Beat butter and sugar until white, add vanillin, melted and cooled to room temperature, chocolate, and beat everything with a mixer at medium speed. Continuing beat add the egg Separately sift the flour with soda and salt Pour the flour mixture into the butter-egg mixture in 3 steps, alternating with water (also in 3 steps), kneading with a mixer. so that air bubbles come to the surface.Bake for 30-40 minutes, checking for readiness with a match.Cool.For cakes, cut out discs from the biscuit, slightly smaller in size than the molds in which they will harden.Also cut off the edges of the biscuit for a large cake so that there is a gap between the sides of the mold and the cake.Coconut mousse.Mix the milk and coconut flakes (if not sweet, add 4 tablespoons of sugar to the milk).Bring to a boil, put on cheesecloth and squeeze well. Mix 2 tbsp. milk with starch. Bring coconut milk to a boil again and add milk mixed with starch. Boil for about 2 minutes until thickened. Cool down. Dissolve gelatin in the remaining 2 tbsp. milk, let swell for a couple of minutes and heat until completely dissolved. Pour liqueur and gelatin into the chilled coconut mixture, mix. Whip the cream and in 2 steps combine them with mousse. Line a mold (or cake tins) smaller than the biscuit disc with cling film. Fill it with mousse, smooth it out and let it freeze in the freezer. Chocolate mousse. Prepare custard. Cool down. Melt the chocolate and beat together with the cream (they should be the same temperature). Dissolve gelatin in milk, let it swell for a couple of minutes and heat until completely dissolved. Pour into cream and stir. Whip the cream and gently fold into the cream. Assembly. cover the bottom of the form for solidification (preferably with detachable) parchment paper, and the sides with a film (ideally acetate). Put the biscuit on the bottom of the form, on it the frozen coconut mousse and pour the chocolate mousse over the surface. Cover with cling film and chill in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Carefully release from mold and serve.
