
What nozzles for a pastry bag are better. The most necessary tools for working with cream

Confectionery nozzles. If you have one, then this is definitely only the very beginning of the collection :) And to make it easier for you to decide on its continuation, we at elle-craft have prepared a small inspiration guide on pastry nozzles, from which you will learn:

Types of basic nozzles,

What effects can be achieved with their help,

And get some inspiration :)

So, let's begin.

Nozzle tube(it is also called round or simple).

This is one of the basic attachments. It is perfect for decorating cupcakes and cakes, arranging macarons and meringues (meringue). See what interesting effects you can achieve by making cupcakes not a traditional habitual hat, but such a flower or cloudy one. In addition, the tube attachment is simply necessary to form such beautiful "shell" sides on cakes: place several balls of cream in a vertical strip and "stretch" it with a spatula or spoon.

Nozzle open star

Another basic setup. Also suitable for cakes, cupcakes, homemade marshmallows and meringues. Open stars come in a wide variety of sizes, with the most commonly used being 5 to 18 mm. Nozzles of a large diameter are convenient for forming a delicious cap on cupcakes, a smaller one for decorating cakes, for example, as in the photo, as well as for creating unusual cupcakes.

Nozzle closed star

Its main difference from an open star is that the nozzle rays are tucked inward. Thanks to this, the grooves on the cream are deeper, more pronounced. This allows you to get interesting effects on cakes and cupcakes. This nozzle is one of the most popular with cooks who specialize in cupcakes. The closed star also comes in different diameters. Tips with a small diameter are often used when decorating cakes, as they allow you to create beautiful waves and borders.

Nozzle open rose

An open rose or impeller is good because it literally twists the cream during its application. It is with her help that these beautiful roses are created on cupcakes and cakes, in which each next layer of "petals" slightly covers the previous one. The most pronounced effect with this nozzle can be achieved on creams with a dense texture that hold their shape well. Also nozzles of this type are ideal for jigging marshmallows.

French nozzle

The main difference between the French nozzle is small rays. It is thanks to them that this thin delicate cream pattern in a small scar gets. The diameters of such nozzles range from 3 mm to 18 mm or more. Traditionally, large cupcakes are used, and small ones are used for cakes. With the help of the French attachment, you can easily make a funny hedgehog out of a cupcake, as well as "galactic swirls" with planets and stars.

Nozzle flower

Traditionally, these are small nozzles that are ideal for creating real flower bouquets on cakes and cupcakes. Look carefully at the photo of the nozzle in the store's catalog, because the "flower" nozzles can be both with a middle (as in our photo) and without it. Nozzles, which have a metal rod in the center, allow you to deposit the cream without its accumulation in the middle. This is handy if you want to make it a different color, or if you want a tousled shabby effect.

With the help of a confectionery syringe, even a not very skilled confectioner can steal a cake, pastries, pies or sweets. Get a syringe with several types of nozzles, such an accessory has a lot of possibilities.

The thinnest nozzle with a straight cut will allow you to write with cream, sugar paste or chocolate. She can draw a variety of patterns resembling lace, flower stems, and also create chocolate monograms.

To decorate the edge of the cake, a nozzle with an oblique cut is indispensable. She can make cream borders. With a wedge-shaped nozzle, it is easy to draw leaves and flower petals. Star-shaped nozzles are also very popular. With a small nozzle, you can make cream stars, borders and figured points. A large one is useful for depositing cookies, for example, meringue.

Cooking cream for the cake

To make the decorations beautiful, make the cream correctly. You can use the custard or protein version, as well as well-whipped heavy cream. However, thick butter cream remains the most popular, with its help you can create designs of any complexity - from a modest border to real cream flower beds.

You will need: - 100 g of sweet butter; - 4 tablespoons of condensed milk; - a few drops of vanilla extract; - food colorings.

Mash the butter and beat with a mixer together with vanilla essence and condensed milk. You should get a lush, homogeneous mass that holds its shape well.

Divide the cream into portions and add a little food coloring to each. Whisk the mixture thoroughly until the color is uniform.

Select the desired nozzle, put it on a confectionery syringe. Use a spoon to fill the reservoir with cream. Pack it tightly: if there are voids inside the syringe, you can ruin the decoration.

Front view: decorating a birthday cake

Try decorating a traditional round cake. Cover its surface with fondant or chocolate icing; against such a background, cream decorations look especially impressive.

Before you start creating decorations, sketch out a sketch on paper, and then carefully mark the lines on the surface of the cake; it is convenient to do this with a toothpick or a needle

Start with the center decoration. Try to make a bouquet of daisies, you can draw them with a beveled nozzle. Fill the syringe with pink cream and bring it to the surface. Holding the syringe slightly at an angle, squeeze out the cream so that it lays down in steep waves resembling petals. Moving your hand in waves, move the syringe in a circle, drawing a flower. Draw three large daisies and a couple of buds.

Fill the syringe with green cream and use a thin straight nozzle to draw flower stems. Change the nozzle to a wedge-shaped one and depict the leaves. Finish the edges of the cake last. Use white cream to deposit stars that form a beautiful border. Draw them with the star tip.

A beautifully decorated cake is pleasing to the eye, able to charm and surprise guests. Housewives come to show maximum imagination and make remarkable efforts so that their pastries become not only tasty, but also surprisingly beautiful, unusual. There are a lot of techniques and recipes for decorating cakes today. For this, a variety of devices are used, of which the most inexpensive and affordable is a confectionery syringe or a bag with nozzles.


For a confectionery syringe, a cream is selected that is sufficiently thick, plastic, well-preserving its shape. Too thick mass will be squeezed out of the nozzle unevenly, in pieces. And too liquid - it will spread immediately after applying the decoration to the surface or sides of the cake. Therefore, the main parameter for choosing a cream recipe is its consistency.

Butter cream

The easiest and cheapest recipe ever. Consists of several available ingredients. It can be used for decoration in its pure form, as well as tinted and additionally flavored.


  1. Butter - 250 grams;
  2. Condensed milk - 1 can (boiled is used more often in this case);
  3. Vanilla, cognac, liqueur optional.

Cooking process:

  1. Soften the butter and chop it finely with a knife.
  2. Enter the condensed milk and beat with a mixer for 5-10 minutes. Make sure that the mass does not delaminate.
  3. Add flavoring, food coloring according to the recipe.


This cream is more airy. The mass turns out to be snow-white, and therefore can be used for decoration in its natural form or shaded with natural or artificial dyes. The cream keeps its shape perfectly if prepared strictly according to the recipe.


  1. Half a kilo of sugar;
  2. 5 proteins very cold;
  3. Half a teaspoon of citric acid;
  4. Half glass of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Make syrup from water and sugar. Add citric acid to it.
  2. The syrup is boiled, stirring, for at least 5 minutes.
  3. The mass is cooled slightly.
  4. Proteins are beaten to a fluffy consistency and the uncooled syrup is introduced in a thin stream.


Cream based on fresh cream is also suitable for decorating a cake with a syringe or bag. It is light, well squeezed out even from the narrowest nozzle, its consistency is uniform, so there are no voids and air bubbles in the finished decor.


  1. One large egg;
  2. One glass of cream (35 percent);
  3. 80 milliliters of milk;
  4. 80 grams of granulated sugar;
  5. 10 grams of gelatin;
  6. Vanilla.

Cooking process:

  1. Soak the gelatine in plain cold water for 25 minutes. Wait until it swells and absorbs all the water.
  2. Mix the egg with sugar and grind until white. Bring the milk to a boil, immediately remove from heat and slowly pour into the egg mixture.
  3. Add gelatin, stir and place in a water bath.
  4. Continuing to stir, dissolve the gelatin (just do not bring the mixture to a boil).
  5. Whip the cold cream until foamy. This will take about 10 minutes.
  6. Pour the milk mixture cooled to room temperature into the creamy foam, add vanilla and mix.

decoration technology

The method of decorating with a syringe is quite simple. You will need the actual syringe and a few nozzles. There are sets with nozzles in the amount of 4-10 pieces. The more of them, the more refined and unusual decorative elements you can make on the cake.

Pastry bags: how to make the right choice when buying?

How to use pastry bags? is one of the most frequently asked questions in our store. Today we will try to give the most detailed answer, as well as understand the large assortment of bags that are found on store shelves.

Buying pastry bags is easy, but what kind will you need for work? How not to make a mistake with the size? Surely you asked yourself these questions, but the answer was not so easy to find. In many specialized stores, there are sellers who are poorly versed in their own product. Therefore, on our part, we see an urgent need to correct this situation so that our confectionery shop will really help you in the implementation of your culinary ideas.

So, back to the choice of pastry bags. All models can be divided into two broad categories: disposable and reusable bags.

Disposable pastry bags are durable. Strength is measured in microns: the higher the “micron” index of the bags, the higher the quality. The choice of bag by the number of microns is a very important point that should not be overlooked.

For example, in our confectionery shop, there are high density bags of 100 microns and low density bags of 10-15 microns. To the touch, the first bags are smooth, very durable, do not “rustle”, the second, respectively, are very light, “rustling”.

High-strength disposable pastry bags are ideal for working with hard masses: marshmallows, sauces, dough.

Let's open the secret: dense disposable bags can be washed and reused!

The second type of disposable bags are light bags of 10-15 microns. Outwardly, they resemble a plastic bag. Simply put, these are real disposable bags - used once and can be thrown away.

However, such bags have their advantages: they are cheaper than high-density disposable bags. Simple disposable piping bags are well suited for working with thin masses, such as icing or chocolate icing.

It is especially convenient to melt chocolate in disposable bags. Everyone who has ever worked with chocolate knows that it is easy to overheat the chocolate mass. Overheated chocolate curls into flakes, it is impossible to continue working with it. So, catch a life hack: break the chocolate into pieces (or immediately use the chocolate in disks or cullets), put it in a disposable bag. Boil water and pour it into a tall glass or measuring jug. Gently place the bag of chocolate into the water. Every 3-4 minutes, take out the bag and slightly remember the chocolate mass so that each piece dissolves evenly.

This way you will NEVER overheat the chocolate. And you don’t have to wash the dishes after a water bath.

We talked about disposable bags, now we will talk about reusable ones. Among them, two categories can be distinguished: fabric bags and silicone bags.

First, about pastry bags made of fabric.

On sale there are reusable polyurethane (nylon) bags and reusable cotton pastry bags.

Polyurethane bags are soft and light, ideal for non-professional use. Such bags are good when working with any masses, but they are mainly used when working with cream and thin sauces. Easy to clean in the dishwasher and by hand.

Reusable cotton bags are very durable and reliable, impregnated with a polyurethane coating, which facilitates the work. Such bags are good for working with both thick and thin masses. Durable, practical and easy to clean.


If reusable cloth bags are not cared for and rinsed very thoroughly after each use, the bags can absorb odors that are difficult to remove. Therefore, many confectioners prefer disposable pastry bags in their work.

Hi all. Today I come to you without a prescription, but with an extremely important article! We dismantle confectionery nozzles. Yes, this time I will tell you in detail about my nozzles and show examples of hats on cupcakes.

This question has become so popular in my direct that I could not pass by. Many girls who begin to comprehend this path of sweets are lost in the world of tools and do not understand where to start.

If you open the site of any store for confectioners, you can spend half a day looking through its contents. And after all, at first it seems that all this is so important and necessary for the beautiful design of your desserts.

I can reassure you! A good half of all this is useless rubbish! You don't need a lot of tools to get the job done.

Let's take a look at some of them today with examples.

So, what nozzles do you need for decorating cupcakes for a beginner?

You will be surprised! But, in fact, only 1-2, well, with a maximum of three nozzles, you can create absolutely incredible patterns on cupcakes!

Do you know how many I have? 15! And some in duplicate) And I work with only three!

What is the most basic and necessary nozzle for a home pastry chef? What should you pay attention to?

A nozzle that is a must for every cake maker is 1M or 2D Wilton. The principle of their work is approximately the same, in principle, as well as the appearance. These are closed star nozzles. Here's what they look like.

I have 2D. This is the same nozzle that I use to make roses on cupcakes. Here is such a plan.

And I decorate my trifles - desserts in cups, and Pavlova cake.

When choosing nozzles, be sure to look at their size. Standard nozzles are approximately 3-4 cm high. Less than 3 cm are not convenient to use. There are large nozzles of 5 cm, they make beautiful patterns on cakes and wonderful meringues.

Below are examples of hats with different nozzles.

In order for you to understand that sometimes the same patterns are obtained with different nozzles, I made such a selection.

Nozzle 2D.

Rosette with this nozzle.

Nozzle 4CS. Similar to the previous nozzle.

Here's what it looks like from the side.

But such a rose is obtained using this nozzle.

Next nozzle. She has no number. It's called a French fantasy rose. This is what it looks like from above.

And here is the rose.

As you can see, all three of these nozzles have a similar pattern on the cupcakes. And you can safely choose only one nozzle of such a plan - a closed star. Don't buy the whole set

But, not only roses can be twisted with such nozzles. If the cream is deposited not from the middle of the cupcake, but from the edge to the center, then tall beautiful hats for cupcakes come out. Now I will show examples of such cool hats.

The Wilton 2 D nozzle is my favorite.

So, for comparison, both a high cap and a rosette with a wilton 4cs nozzle.

And here is the cap with a closed rose again. The pattern itself is beautiful, but the nozzle is too small, so it is not very convenient to work with it.

So from these three examples it can be seen that there is not a very big difference in the pattern, so you can safely buy one of the nozzles without spending money on others of a similar plan.

Here's what the drawing looks like.

There are nozzles of this plan with different slots, wider and narrower. But, the point is the same. High hat on cupcakes. There is only one minus, the middle is empty, so it will have to be decorated with berries or candy cookies. But, after all, almost always cupcakes are decorated with this kind of decor, so you can safely take such a nozzle.

If I have any new favorites, I will definitely add their photos here.

Well, in the next article I will write a recipe for lemon cupcakes, the same ones from the photos above.
