
How to make almond flour from almonds. How to make almond flakes at home

Sometimes you want to surprise everyone at home and cook something extraordinarily tasty. The impetus for this can be a dish that you first tried in a cafe, restaurant or at a party. Sometimes exotic, unfamiliar or almost non-commercial ingredients can become an obstacle to achieving the goal. Almond flour is just such a product, without which it is impossible to cook some dishes and desserts. But if almond flour was not found at the moment in the store, it can be prepared at home.

What is this product?

A powdery mass of white color - this is what almond flour or powder looks like. These are nothing but finely ground sweet almond grains. Flour of exactly white color will turn out only if the almonds are peeled. Otherwise, the powder will have a beige tint.

Where are ground almonds used?

The main area of ​​​​application of such a product as ground almond grains, of course, is cooking and confectionery. It is used to prepare:

In addition, almond flour is used as an additional ingredient for the preparation of many types of dough, and it is also found as an independent dish. Powdered almonds are also used in the preparation of sauces, soups of Mediterranean cuisine. Thanks to the nut additive, dishes are thicker, with a delicate aroma and delicate taste.

Varieties of almond flour

There are two types of almond flour:

  1. Plain almond flour. It is a finely chopped blanched almond.
  2. Partially defatted. This product is made from almond seeds after cold pressing the oil from them. This is a rarer almond flour, the price is correspondingly higher. You can buy it for 500-700 rubles per pound. Fat-free has some advantages over plain, here are the main ones:

As a result, defatted almond flour can be used to make a more uniform, neutral-tasting dough. It is also good for noodle dough, cheesecakes, biscuits and even pancakes. Plain almond flour, which is more expensive than wheat flour, is ideal for crumbly baked goods with a more nutty flavor. Both varieties have a whole range of useful vitamins and minerals, because the powder contains the same substances as the whole almond grain.

Preparation process for making almond flour

Since this product is not always found in stores and outlets, some housewives have adapted to cook it on their own. Therefore, almond flour at home is done quite often. In addition, this process guarantees the freshness of the product and gives housewives a new culinary experience. It's not as easy as many say, but it's not as difficult either. Even a novice cook can cope with this task with accuracy and patience.

Before you make almond flour, you need to decide which one you need:

In the first case, snow-white powder is used to prepare delicate desserts, biscuits, and some types of cakes. Making white almond flour takes a lot longer because the almond kernels need to be peeled first. To do this, put the nuts in an enamel bowl and pour hot water. After the almonds stand in the water for about 5 minutes, the water must be drained. The grains are washed with cool water. Then again pour boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. After these procedures, the skin from the almonds is easily removed. Unrefined almond flour is used in many dishes. The recipe for these dishes is such that the color of the nut powder does not matter. These include chocolate biscuit, salads, etc. Preparing almonds for such flour is quite simple: you just need to sort it out and rinse it in cool water.

Drying almonds

After the almonds have been washed, peeled and sorted out, they must be dried. After all, wet nuts will not turn out to be almond flour at all, but a soft gruel. The ideal option for drying grains is as follows: the kernels must be decomposed in one layer in a dry and bright place for two days. It is desirable that this place is well ventilated. But there is a faster way to dry. You need to preheat the oven to 85 degrees. Cover a baking sheet with parchment and pour almond seeds in one layer, after cutting each into 2-3 parts. Almonds are not recommended to be kept in the oven for more than 20 minutes, otherwise they may burn and the white color of the flour will be compromised. The kernels must be thoroughly mixed during drying. Only cooled almonds are the basis for the preparation of a product such as flour.

How to make almond flour at home?

All processes of preparation of almond grains for grinding are fully completed. Now you can start the most important thing. So how to make almond flour and what is needed for this? It can be obtained in several ways:

  1. In a blender.
  2. In a coffee grinder.
  3. In a food processor.

It is advisable to scroll the almonds several times on any equipment to obtain a homogeneous mass without large pieces. Flour is best used immediately after it has been cooked to avoid loss of flavor. You can store the product in a sealed container or in the freezer.

It is used to prepare almond flour by carefully grinding the kernels. Flour is used mainly for culinary purposes. It is added when baking confectionery and desserts, as well as in sauces, first and second courses.


  • Ground almond kernels contain all the nutritional and medicinal qualities of whole almonds.
  • Thanks to this flour, the consistency of many dishes can be made thicker.
  • Gives food a nutty smell and taste.
  • Products with such flour can be prepared very quickly, since, in fact, this flour (nut powder) is a finished product.
  • Baking with almond flour will never come out dry, due to the ability of almonds to retain liquid.
  • Does not contain gluten, a substance that can cause allergies.


Almond flour contains 602 kilocalories per 100 g. Of these:

  • Proteins - 25.86 grams, which is 103 kcal.
  • Fat - 54.55 grams, which is 491 kcal.
  • Carbohydrates - 3.02 grams, which is equal to 12 kcal.

You can learn about the beneficial properties and contraindications of almond flour from the article about almonds.

  • A pack of almond flour usually contains 500 grams of flour.
  • One 250 ml glass contains 170 grams.
  • 1 tablespoon of flour equals 32 grams of flour.
  • A teaspoon contains 12 grams of almond flour.

Where to buy and how to choose

You can make your own almond flour at home, but there are some difficulties in this process. Firstly, it is very difficult to get a homogeneous powdered form on your own, and secondly, if you overexpose the flour in a combine or blender, then soon it will begin to moisten and can turn into a thick oil. For these reasons, it is easier to buy almond flour in the store.

Almond flour can be purchased in stores and online. The average price for 1 kg of flour in Moscow and the Moscow region is 640 rubles.

Application in cooking

Made with almond flour:

  • Nut toppings.
  • Sand-nut and protein-nut semi-finished products.
  • Various dough - for pies, muffins and cakes.
  • Edible decorative decorations for dishes.
  • Almond cream - This cream is added, for example, when preparing tartlets and buns.
  • Sauces and soups - Popular in Mediterranean cuisine.


Macaroons (macaroni) are the famous small round-shaped cakes based on almond flour. To prepare them you need:

  • Mix 50 grams of almond flour with 50 grams of powdered sugar.
  • Sift the mixture through a medium sieve directly onto the baking sheet.
  • Dry the flour mixture in the oven at 150 degrees for five minutes. Cool the mixture.
  • Sift again and add half the egg white.
  • Take a pan and pour 50 grams of sugar.
  • Pour sugar with 15 grams of water and boil the syrup to a temperature of 110 degrees.
  • Beat half the egg white and pour into the syrup in a thin stream, without removing from heat.
  • Beat until the mixture reaches 50 degrees Celsius.
  • Add food coloring and 1 tbsp to the almond mixture. a spoonful of syrup (Italian meringue).
  • Mix lightly.
  • Add the rest of the meringue and mix thoroughly.
  • Do not knead the dough for a long time so that the circle does not spread.

Transfer the dough into a pastry bag.

Preheat oven to 150 degrees.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and cut out 3cm circles of dough. In this case, you can use stencils. Leave the baking sheet with the circles at room temperature for 20-25 minutes.

When a thin film appears on the circles that does not stick to your fingers, put the baking sheet in the oven and bake for 13-14 minutes.

Remove the baking sheet from the oven and drag the paper from the baking sheet to another surface. Allow the halves to cool, and then remove from the parchment.

Mix 40 grams of chocolate with 40 grams of 33% cream. Melt the chocolate and cream in a water bath or microwave. Crush 3-4 cocoa beans. Add to stuffing. Spread the filling with a pastry bag on the round halves.

Top with "empty" halves and connect the cakes.

Send to refrigerator for 24 hours.

Remove the dessert from the refrigerator half an hour before serving so that the cookies are not cold and the filling is hard.

For the simplest recipe for making macarons, see the following video.


Preparation of marzipan dough

Marzipan is an ancient confection. They say that it appeared during the famine, when there was nothing to make bread from except almonds. It is loved and prepared in many European countries. There are two ways to prepare marzipan:

  • cold;
  • hot.

The cold method involves grinding all the ingredients and combining them. Use powdered sugar instead of sugar.

The hot method involves making sugar syrup and then combining with ground almonds and the rest of the ingredients.

In both cases, the mass must be thoroughly kneaded. Only by observing this rule, the dough will turn out like plasticine, and it will be possible to sculpt different shapes.

The main ingredients of marzipan are bitter and sweet almonds and sugar. However, today many variations of the marzipan recipe have been invented. Some of them are kept secret, some are available to everyone. Below are two simple marzipan recipes.

cold way

Peel 200 grams of sweet and 2 pieces of bitter almonds. Dry in the oven and grind into flour. Combine 200 grams of powdered sugar, 1 egg white, 5-6 drops of lemon juice, 2 drops of almond essence and a little food coloring. Stir the mixture with ground almonds. Prepare 2 plates 3 cm thick. Wrap in foil and leave for a couple of days.

hot way

Peel 1 cup almonds. Dry in the oven and grind thoroughly. Pour 1 cup sugar with 1/4 cup water and make syrup. Put the almonds into the syrup and heat, stirring, for four or five minutes. Then add some almond essence and food coloring.

Tape the desired shape. You can make sweets, decorative decorations for cakes and many other figures (animals, fruits, flowers, etc.) from this dough.

Mix 300 g flour with 200 g butter. Add sugar, soda (quenched with vinegar), chicken eggs, a little salt and 200 g of crushed marzipan. Knead the dough and refrigerate. After 1 hour you can cook cookies. Finished cookies, if desired, cover with chocolate, or berry or fruit jam.

Chocolate hazelnut cookies

Cookies consist of two parts: dough and filling. For the dough you need 500 g flour, 100 g cocoa powder, 250 g butter, 2 eggs, 100 g milk, 200 g sugar and salt. Prepare the dough and refrigerate for an hour.

Prepare the filling from 300 g of almonds, 100 g of flour, 50 g of sugar, 1 egg, 150 g of butter and half a teaspoon of salt. Combine everything and mix thoroughly.

Roll out the dough on one sheet of cooking paper and the filling on the other. Make one side of the filling 3 cm smaller. Put the filling on the dough and roll into a roll. Put in the freezer. After 1 hour, take the roll out of the freezer and cut it into circles one centimeter thick. Place in the oven at 180°C and bake for 20 minutes.

Almond pie "5 spices"

Grind 120 g of almonds with 3 tablespoons of sugar in a blender. Mix the resulting powder with 80 g of flour and 0.5 tsp. ground cinnamon, 0.5 tsp ground ginger, 0.5 tsp ground cloves, 0.25 h.d. ground anise seeds, 0.25 tsp ground fennel seeds. Mix 3 eggs with 1 cup sugar. Beat the egg and sugar in a water bath for 4 minutes. Remove from heat and add salt. Beat some more time. Soften the butter and gradually add the egg and almond mixture. Bake the resulting dough in the oven for 30-35 minutes, covered with parchment at a temperature of 180 ° C.

To prepare the glaze, beat 125 g butter with 125 g sugar. Add 0.5 tsp. almond extract. While whisking, add 125 warm milk. Top the chilled cake with icing. Put in the refrigerator for 8 hours. The pie can be garnished with roasted almonds and candied ginger slices.

How to make at home

To make almond flour, you will need some almonds. First, peel the nuts from the skin, scalding it first with an ode. Then dry in an oven at 100 degrees Celsius. After that, put the dried nut in a coffee grinder or other grinding tool. Grind the almonds for no more than 15 minutes, otherwise it will turn into almond paste.

For detailed instructions on how to make almond flour, see the following video.

Almond flour for weight loss

Despite the fact that almond flour contains more calories than other types of flour, including wheat, many dietitians for losing weight advise cooking with it.

It happens that there comes a moment when nothing new comes to mind, how you can please the household. I would like to cook something unusual and tasty. In order to somehow stimulate yourself, remember that you tried something interesting in a cafe or at a party. Exotic foods come to mind. Almond flour is one of those. With such raw materials, delicious desserts and dishes are obtained. Unusual flour can be prepared independently.

Properties and composition of almond flour

  1. The product is often referred to as almond powder. The characteristics are due to the fact that the powder has a very fine grinding. The product is obtained by grinding sweet nut kernels. To obtain high quality flour, the kernels are necessarily cleaned from the skin. If this is not done, the grinding will be with a beige tint.
  2. Basically, almond powder is actively used in the culinary and confectionery industries. Flour is in demand among people who adhere to proper nutrition. The composition has a low indicator of the presence of carbohydrates. People striving for an ideal figure often replace classic wheat flour in baking and other dishes with such a product.
  3. Regardless of the preparation methods, almond flour works well as a thickener and base for dough, as well as breading. It is worth noting that such a product is ideal for marzipan. Nut flour, together with sugar syrup, turns into an “ideal” plastic mass. From edible "plasticine" various sweets are obtained, the composition is malleable for sculpting various figures and similar decorations.
  4. Almond flour is great for macaroons. A French delicacy based on nut powder is currently very popular in various public catering establishments. Also unique flour is great for baking various cakes, muffins, bread and pies.
  5. With this focus, it's safe to say that almond powder can come in handy in your kitchen anyway. Also, do not exclude the fact that the product contains a large number of valuable enzymes for the human body. In terms of useful properties and nutritional value, almond flour is an order of magnitude superior to wheat flour.
  6. Plus, everything else can be considered that all the beneficial properties of the nut are preserved in the flour. The product has a high protein content, valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber (slow carbohydrates) and complex amino acids. Wheat flour of the highest grade cannot boast of a rich composition. Almond powder contains vitamins, minerals and carotene.
  7. Of course, you should not assume that a valuable chemical composition will make low-calorie and completely harmless dishes from various pastries due to only one nut flour. But if you compare such products with other confectionery products, almonds should be preferred. You will feel light nutty notes when eating dishes. There comes a rapid saturation of the body, so you will definitely not be able to eat a lot.

  1. I should warn you that almond flour is not as easy to prepare as professional confectioners or chefs can tell you. If you have patience and carry out the manipulation carefully, there will be no problems with creating the powder. Before preparing the powder, it is also important to decide what you need it for. The method of preparation will depend on such a criterion.
  2. To get a snow-white powder from a peeled nut, you should follow simple tips. Such flour is more suitable for some cakes, biscuit dough or a delicate dessert. The downside is that the process of preparing such a powder is much longer. You will have to peel each nucleolus from the shell.
  3. Once you've decided what you're going to cook, it's time to act. Place the nuts in a deep, heat-resistant container. Pour in hot water (almost boiling water). Wait about 5-7 minutes. Drain and rinse the almonds under cold running water. For convenience, use a colander.
  4. Repeat the process with boiling water. The waiting time increases from 10 to 12 minutes. After a given period of time, the skin itself will move away from the nuclei. Remove the shell. Unpeeled nut flour is used in most recipes, here the color of the composition does not play any role. Among them are pastries, chocolate, salads, etc. Therefore, almonds can simply be sorted out and get rid of spoiled kernels.
  5. After cleaning, nuts should be dried. Otherwise, after grinding, you will get porridge. It is highly recommended not to be lazy and put the almonds on parchment. After that, leave the nuts for a while in a well-ventilated place. Also, sunlight will not be superfluous. The drying process will take at least 2 days.
  6. If you do not really want to wait so long, the procedure can be significantly accelerated using a tricky method. Preheat the oven, the temperature should be 80-90 degrees. Lay parchment paper on a baking sheet. Arrange the kernels in one layer. Each copy must be cut in two. Drying in the oven should take no more than a third of an hour.
  7. After the first 10 minutes, mix the raw materials. You can do the same using a dry frying pan, only there is a risk that the nuts can be overcooked. After the correct procedure, cool the product. The use of a refrigerator is allowed. Send the prepared nuts to the blender bowl. The container should be no more than half full. Set the power to medium.
  8. Turn on the household appliance for literally 20 seconds. Tap on the container to make the powder fall off. Repeat the procedure for 30 seconds. Tap the bowl again. The flour is ready, it can be used for its intended purpose. To get exactly the powder, it is worth considering the option of grinding with a coffee grinder. Here you need a special approach, but the result will be worth it.
  9. Keep in mind that such a household appliance should not grind raw materials for a long time. Otherwise, hot blades will turn the dust into a paste. The procedure is carried out in short series of no more than 20 seconds at a time. It is imperative to take a break. If you don't want to take that risk, it makes sense to consider the food processor option. An electric meat grinder will also work. Almonds will have to be passed through it several times.
  10. Keep in mind that nut flour is not recommended to be harvested for the future, it is better to use it immediately for its intended purpose. Otherwise, the composition will lose valuable qualities, aroma and gather in lumps. Over time, oxidative processes begin, the flour deteriorates. In extreme cases, it is allowed to store the powder in a dry glass container with an airtight lid.

Almond flour is a unique product. The process of obtaining is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Also, in extreme cases, the product can be stored for a long time if the powder is poured into an airtight container and placed in the freezer.

Video: how to make almond flour or powder

Almond flour- this is a very important ingredient for making delicious airy cookies and pasta cakes that all sweet teeth like without exception. This ingredient is powdered almonds. Almond flour has special properties, so replacing it with regular flour will be problematic. Many hostesses tried to use wheat flour in the process of making pasta, but in the end they got a completely different dessert. That is why it is impossible to find a replacement for almond flour, since not a single ingredient is suitable in its properties.

This product is used not only for making cakes, cookies and other baked goods. Almond flour is often added to meat dishes and fruit or vegetable salads, as well as to various fillings for sweet pastries. The ingredient gives a nutty flavor to dishes, and also significantly improves their taste.

Sometimes it happens that finding almond flour is quite problematic, and it cannot be replaced. The only way out is to make the product with your own hands at home. How to cook almond flour, we will tell in our article.

How to do it yourself?

You can make your own almond flour at home. To do this, you need to stock up on the necessary amount of ingredients, as well as set aside some free time. The process of making almond flour with your own hands is as follows:

  1. Take the almonds and rinse well in running water, then put them in a deep container and pour boiling water over them. Leave the ingredients to infuse for ten minutes.
  2. After the required amount of time, the water must be drained, and then peeled from the almonds and put them in a dry plate.
  3. In order to get quality almond flour, you need to use dry nuts, so you will need to dry them before starting the grinding process.
  4. You can dry almonds both with napkins and in the oven. To do this, heat it up to a temperature of 60 degrees and leave the nuts in it for a few minutes until completely dry.
  5. Now you will need a blender or coffee grinder. Pour the dry almonds into the container and turn on the appliance while grinding the almonds.
  6. The resulting mass must be sifted through a fine sieve, and what remains in it, grind with a coffee grinder again. Then the flour needs to be sifted again, and so on until, after sifting, a large sediment no longer remains.
  7. Spread the finished almond flour on paper to dry, then put it in a bag or plastic container and put it in a dark place for storage.

Homemade almond flour will not turn out exactly the same as store-bought, as the factories usually use special aggregates that grind nuts more efficiently. But self-made flour will be more useful than the one you can buy in the store.

You can store almond flour from one to three months in a dark, cool place.. Learn more about creating a product at home in the video below.

The use of almond flour in cooking

In cooking, almond flour is used both for baking and for adding all kinds of salads and meat dishes. So, most often this ingredient is used for the preparation of French cakes, which are called pasta. They are small round cookies with a delicious crust. Also, cakes, muffins, cheesecakes, pancakes, charlotte and even bread are prepared from almond flour. Some confectioners make delicious sweets and casseroles from this product, and almond flour is sometimes added to American cakes called macaroons.

Sometimes the name “Almond powder” is found in culinary recipes, and many hostesses are confused, not understanding whether it is the same as almond flour. These are actually two names for the same ingredient, so if a recipe calls for almond powder, you can use almond flour with peace of mind.

Almond flour is often added to marinade for meat, seasoned with fruit salads, and also added to canned vegetables.

The calorie content of such a product is quite high: 600 kilocalories per hundred grams. Products made from almond flour are not recommended for people who are on a diet and watch their figure.

Benefit and harm

Almond flour is a healthy product, but it can also be harmful if used incorrectly.

The composition of this product includes a large amount of fatty acids, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, as well as many other trace elements. Thanks to this composition, the use of almond flour helps to improve gastric motility, strengthen immunity and supply the body with essential vitamins.

This product is capable of harming if you have an individual intolerance to almonds. Also, when trying to lose weight, almond flour will contribute to the opposite result.

Almond flour is a truly healthy product, based on which there are many baking recipes. Partly for this reason, many culinary housewives are interested in how to make real almond flour. All actions are easily carried out at home, so we will analyze the step-by-step preparation. Let's start!

Almond flour - recipe

1. Before preparing homemade almond flour, remove the husks from the nuts. To do this, rinse them several times in running or filtered water, then move them to a bowl and pour boiling water over them.

2. Detect for 5-7 minutes, drain the liquid, remove the husk from the nuts. Put a dry frying pan on the burner, do not add oil. Heat it up to the maximum, pour the almonds.

3. Fry the contents and stir for 3 minutes. Then turn off the heat, wait until all the nuts in the pan have cooled down. Pour into a container and send to the freezer for a third of an hour.

4. Prepare your coffee grinder, blender, or sugar flour maker. Using the selected unit, grind the nuts into dust in portions of 1 handful. The device should work for 30-45 seconds.

5. So that the flour does not get lumpy during the grinding process, it can be mixed with powdered sugar or ordinary wheat flour.

6. After cooking, pass the composition through a fine-grained kitchen flour sieve. If large pieces remain, run them through the blender/coffee grinder again.

7. Now you know how to make almond flour. The finished composition at home is best stored in hermetically sealed jars.

Oatmeal almond flour cookies

  • oatmeal (coarse grinding) - 200 gr.
  • almond flour - 110 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 75 gr.
  • almond nuts - in fact
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • butter - 175 gr.
  • baking powder, salt - 6 gr.

1. Prepare the blender for work. Crush in it 150 gr. oatmeal, the remaining 50 gr. we will add in integral form.

2. Take a suitable size dish. Pour into it ground flakes, granulated sugar, salt in the amount according to the recipe, as well as almond flour.

3. Leave the butter to thaw first, then add it to the dry mixture along with the egg. Make a homogeneous dough, add the rest of the whole oatmeal and mix again.

4. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Scoop up the dough with a spoon, lay out future cookies at a distance from each other. Press an almond nut into each product.

5. Set the oven to heat up to 170-175 degrees. Bake for 25 minutes, after cooling you can take a test.

Delicious honey cookies with almond flour

  • sweet nut paste - 0.1 kg.
  • honey - 130 gr.
  • salt - pinch
  • almond flour - 160 gr.
  • baking powder - 4 gr.
  • sesame - 40 gr.

Before you make delicious honey cookies, you need to prepare almond flour. Technology at home has already been mentioned in the first recipe.

1. Mix together flour with salt and baking powder. In another bowl, combine honey with nut paste.

2. Now connect all the components from the two containers together. Whisk the mixture with a fork.

3. When you get a dense homogeneous dough, pinch off pieces from it. Roll into small balls the size of a quail egg.

4. Pour sesame seeds into another spacious bowl, roll the balls. Line a baking sheet with parchment, lay out the balls and press them down with your hands. You need to get cakes 0.5-1 cm thick.

5. Bake almond flour cookies for a quarter of an hour at 170-175 degrees. Cool before tasting. This is such a simple recipe!

Amaretti cookies made from almond flour

  • chicken protein - 3 pcs.
  • almond flour - 0.4 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 80 gr.

When deciding how to make Amaretti cookies, you should first prepare almond flour. You will find the technology of creating at home in the first recipe.

1. Combine sugar with flour and grind with a blender for 20 seconds. Then add the whites, continue beating until you get a soft and homogeneous composition.

2. When the dough is ready, take it into a spoon and spread it on a parchment-lined form. Cook in a preheated oven at 150-160 degrees for 25 minutes.

French macaroon made from almond flour

  • almond flour - 150 gr.
  • vanilla sugar - 45 gr.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • salt - 5 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 85 gr.
  • dyes (blue, red) - in fact
  • cocoa powder - as needed
  • whipped cream - in fact

Before making macarons, you need to prepare almond flour. The technology for creating at home was described earlier.

1. In a separate container, beat the egg whites with salt. After that, add granulated sugar and mix the composition until the crystals dissolve. Next, vanilla sugar is added. Beat the mass to firm peaks.

2. Gradually add flour and continue mixing. Make sure that the foam does not settle. The finished dough must be divided into 3 equal parts.

3. Introduce blue dye into the first part of the test, red into the second, and cocoa powder into the third. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Type dough of different colors into confectionery syringes. Squeeze the workpiece onto a baking sheet. Fill the tray with colorful pastry.

4. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake cookies for about 25 minutes. In parallel, mix whipped cream with couverture (dough with cocoa), send in the cold for half an hour. Connect the finished colored blanks together with the help of the filling.

Chocolate chip cookies made from almond flour

  • egg whites - 4 pcs.
  • water - 20 ml.
  • dark chocolate - 110 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 300 gr.
  • almond flour - 150 gr.
  • instant coffee - 8 gr.
  • wheat flour - 55 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 200 gr.

Since chocolate chip cookies are easy to make, prepare your almond flour at home ahead of time.

1. Beat the chilled proteins in a convenient container with a mixer. Sift the icing sugar through a sieve and mix with the protein.

2. In a separate cup, combine coffee, cocoa and wheat flour. Pour in water and mix with a mixer for several minutes.

3. Pass the chocolate pieces and almond flour through a blender. Mix all prepared products in a common container.

4. Spread the finished mass on a teaspoon on a covered baking sheet. Bake cookies at 180 degrees in the oven for a quarter of an hour.

Now you will not have questions about what to cook from almond flour. She herself is quite simple. You do not need to have culinary skills to regularly delight the household with various goodies.
