
Three chocolates from the best confectioners. Cake Three chocolates: recipes

Hello Daniella and Grandma Emma! You are great fellows, as you create such beauty in your kitchen and share it with others. The three chocolate cake recipe is the best dessert I have ever made. Perfect for adults and kids parties, as chocolate is a versatile ingredient that will never ruin a dessert, and here there are already three of them! Creative inspiration to you and new recipes! Sincerely, Elena.

When I saw your three chocolate cake recipe with a photo of the cooking steps, I immediately took up the kitchen apron and ran to cook it. This is just an incredible mixture of chocolate that spends very little time on the table, as few people can restrain themselves from reaching for another piece of such goodies. Thank you for this recipe!

Despite the fact that this dessert is very high in calories, it is also insanely delicious. And yet, having such a dish on the table with aromatic coffee, there is not enough willpower and you constantly want more.

Good day everyone! My name is Irina, I have been living in Austria for three years now. On weekends, my friends and I often gather at each other's and have tea parties with various sweets. Recently, I invited all my friends to visit me and prepared a three-chocolate cake for them. The recipe on your site seemed simple enough to me, and I wanted to try making this delicious dessert. The next day I presented my masterpiece to my friends. The reaction was not long in coming and everyone began to wonder how to make a three-chocolate cake? I showed your site and praised how convenient and easy everything really is. So now I am entitled to a bonus for having increased the number of your fans, led, of course, by me) I wish you success in your culinary business and look forward to new masterpieces!

Hello grandma Emma and Daniella! Thank you so much for the super three chocolate cake recipe with photos, it is much easier to cook, because I do not have the fastest internet and the video does not always display well. But you approached the submission of recipes taking into account all situations and, despite the lack of the ability to cook from a video, photos with a description of the steps are enough for me. I love you and cook with you always!

Greetings Grandma Emma! You can praise me, because yesterday I used your video recipe and prepared a three-chocolate cake for my husband's wedding anniversary. The step-by-step recipe helped me a lot and I did not experience any difficulties in the cooking process. My husband already blossomed when he received a piece of chocolate cake in my performance as a bonus to a cup of tea. A real confectionery hit for all sweet lovers!

Ohh delicious! Too bad it didn't work out the first time. Such cakes need to be made in large portions, because due to its delicate structure, it is eaten very quickly. Thanks for the three chocolate cake recipe with photos and videos!

Good afternoon I really like to cook desserts, and even had thoughts to connect my future profession with this. I tried to do everything on my own, using cookbooks and video recipes from different authors. But when I got to your site, I found a recipe for how to make a three-chocolate cake and was delighted. Since earlier I was preparing something more banal and common. And three chocolates - a cake, the recipe of which I have not seen before. I want to express my delight to you and wish you success and health!

A few days ago I was looking for a cake for my son. He was 7 years old and I get the impression that chocolate is the most important thing in his life. At first I thought about looking for a cake recipe in the shape of some cartoon character, but I was confused by the huge amount of fondant that is used to create the cake shape. When I saw a three-chocolate cake on your site, a recipe for cooking, photos and videos of cooking steps, I did not hesitate to make a choice. Let it not be in the form of one or another cartoon character, but it will be tasty, satisfying, and most importantly - very chocolatey! The result came out great and my little Artemka was in seventh heaven with happiness. It seemed to me that the toys given to him were not as important to him as his personal chocolate cake, which his mother prepared for him. Thank you for the happy smiles on my son's face!

I really liked the cake, the most delicate mousse, excellent biscuit dough and all this in a composition with a large amount of various chocolate. I want to eat and eat it, despite the danger of adding extra pounds. It is impossible not to reach for an extra piece of such a dessert. The whole family fell in love with your cake from the first bite. Bravo!

Dear Danielle! If you don’t stop pampering us with such delicious cakes with your grandmother, then we won’t fit in the doorway soon!) Have a conscience) But don’t take it as criticism, but only as the warmest compliments.

Surely, many housewives have heard more than once about the famous chocolate cake "One, two, three" from Andy Chef. This dessert impresses with its taste characteristics; the cake of such a delicacy turns out to be sweet, tender and soft. Thanks to a special cooking technology, the base for the cake does not require impregnation, as the biscuit comes out moist and incredibly chocolatey.

Chefs advise that in order to get the softest biscuit as possible, it is worth simply wrapping it in plastic wrap after baking, in just a couple of hours the base can be used. This cake does not need a separate impregnation or cream, but if you wish, you can cut the cake into two parts and grease with a creamy mass.

The composition is really surprising, it does not contain any complex products that would be difficult to get. The dough is kneaded in just a few minutes, it is enough to put all the ingredients in one bowl, and then beat well with a mixer. The cooking process takes a minimum of time, so you can cook a cake at least every day, enjoying its exquisite chocolate taste.

Cake "One, two, three" with a layer of cream

This recipe makes it easy to make Andy Chef's One, Two, Three Chocolate Cake in a slow cooker or oven. The base is very easy to make, and absolutely any recipe can be used to make the cream. Best of all, this biscuit is combined with a rich chocolate cream, or they prepare a classic version of sour cream.


  • table soda - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • cocoa powder - 65 grams;
  • flour of the 1st grade - 245 grams;
  • coarse salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 310 grams;
  • soft butter - 65 grams;
  • wine or apple cider vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
  • olive oil - 65 ml;
  • vanilla extract - 2 tablespoons;
  • fresh milk 3.2% - 285 ml;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces.

Step by step cooking process:

The amount of flour indicated in the recipe is poured into a large bowl, cocoa powder, a little salt and soda are added there, a little more than a glass of sugar is poured last. Such a composition is mixed with a spoon so that bulk products mix better with each other.

The next step in the preparation of Andy Chef's One, Two, Three Chocolate Cake, according to this recipe, you need to take chicken eggs and soft butter. In order for the dessert to turn out to be of high quality, it is better not to save on oil, otherwise the cake will turn out not so lush and soft.

A couple of chicken eggs and butter are added to the obtained bulk products, everything is mixed, olive oil, a spoonful of vanilla extract and milk are poured. At the last moment, wine vinegar is mixed into the dough, it should be prepared in advance. Such a composition is kneaded very well to obtain a smooth dough consistency. It is more convenient to knead with a mixer at high speeds.

The finished mass is poured into a mold where it will be baked, it is best to use a round detachable container, so it will be more convenient to take out the biscuit. When the base is poured into the mold, the dough will fill only half of the container, but during the baking process, the mass will increase significantly in size.

It is very important to grease only the bottom of the mold with oil, and leave the sides untouched, otherwise the middle will rise strongly, and the dough will not be able to rise along the edges.

The cabinet for baking dessert is heated to 180 degrees, a form with dough is placed there, and the door is closed. The baking process lasts no more than one hour, readiness is checked with a skewer. As soon as the cake is ready, it is taken out of the oven and then wrapped in cling film.

In this form, the dessert should stand for a couple of hours. After the allotted time, the finished dessert is cut into two cakes, smeared with a layer of sour cream or chocolate cream, and served. Thus, we got an incredibly delicious chocolate cake "One, two, three" according to the recipe from Andy Chef with cream.

Classic icing recipe


  • granulated sugar - 285 grams;
  • milk 3.2% - 545 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 spoon;
  • flour of the 1st grade - 265 grams;
  • chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • vanillin powder - 1 pack;
  • cocoa powder - 105 grams;
  • good butter - 125 grams;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • soda and salt - 1 spoon each;
  • for decoration chocolate and fruits - 110 grams each.

How to make a biscuit:

  1. First you need to prepare a large bowl into which high-quality flour is sifted. Then, soda, a little salt, half of the amount of cocoa, as well as granulated sugar and a pack of vanilla powder are additionally poured into this product. Using a whisk, you can mix these ingredients.
  2. After that, we need chilled chicken eggs, they are added to the dry mass. It is also worth preparing butter for the One, Two, Three chocolate cake from Andy the Chef according to the video, for this the product is pre-defrosted, or slightly warmed up in the microwave. The finished product is added to the future dough, in addition, olive oil is poured there.
  3. The following ingredients are added to the dough cow's milk and vanillin extract, if the latter is not at home, then ordinary vanilla powder is used. Do not forget to add a spoonful of wine vinegar. The resulting mass is well mixed, this can be conveniently done with a mixer or combine. The resulting mass should have a good uniform and lush texture.
  4. Now we need a form for baking a dessert, it is greased with butter, and baking paper is lined at the bottom. Carefully pour the dough into the container, and then level with a spatula. The oven warms up to 180 degrees, and then the delicacy is removed into it to bake for 65 minutes. It is very important to remember that you cannot open the oven, otherwise the cake will settle. Readiness can be checked only after 40 minutes of baking.
  5. Once Andy Chef's One, Two, Three Chocolate Cake is done, it is removed from their ovens and allowed to cool slightly. After that, you can remove the biscuit from the mold and wrap it in cling film for two hours. In the meantime, they are preparing the icing for the dessert.

Glaze preparation method:

  1. To make the glaze, you need to take a saucepan, into which cocoa residues are poured, three tablespoons of granulated sugar are added and milk is poured. Such a mass is well mixed until the composition becomes more homogeneous, the remaining oil is added to it and everything is put on fire.
  2. The icing is boiled until the mass becomes thick enough, it is very important to constantly mix the chocolate composition and not let it boil. As soon as the glaze becomes the desired consistency, the fire is turned off, and the mixture is allowed to cool slightly.

Assembling the cake:

  1. We start the collection with the preparation of the cakes, as soon as the biscuit has cooled down, it is cut into two parts, and then soaked with any cream you like. If there is no cream, then you can do without it, since the cake is tender and juicy. It is enough just to pour the dessert with icing.
  2. The top of the dessert is decorated with berries or pieces of fruit, and the top is sprinkled with grated chocolate or powdered sugar. Dessert should be served chilled, so the cake is moved to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. The result is an incredibly delicious chocolate cake "One, two, three" from Andy Chef. Reviews about him say that this cake can be eaten even without icing and impregnation, as it comes out incredibly tasty.

Dessert for "one, two, three" with glaze filling


  • wine vinegar - 1 spoon;
  • granulated sugar - 305 grams;
  • cow's milk - 285 ml;
  • soda - 1 spoon;
  • olive oil and butter - 65 grams each;
  • salt - 1 spoon;
  • vanilla extract - 2 tablespoons;
  • cocoa powder - 65 grams;
  • chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • flour 1 grade - 235 grams.

How to cook the crust:

  1. First of all, all the bulk ingredients are combined in a large plate, the flour must be sifted. The composition is slightly mixed so that the ingredients disperse, and then a couple of chicken eggs are driven in there, a piece of soft butter is placed and olive oil is poured. In addition to the mixture, it is worth pouring a couple of tablespoons of vanilla extract, the required amount of milk and vinegar.
  2. The finished mass is well mixed to make the dough homogeneous and smooth in structure. To get the right dough, it is better to beat it with a mixer, as the butter should disperse well. The finished composition has a gloss and a beautiful chocolate shade.
  3. You can start the process of baking such a dessert, for this a form is taken, which is smeared with butter. Parchment paper is laid there and the dough is poured. The baking process is carried out at a temperature of 170 degrees. It takes 55 to 75 minutes to bake. Readiness is checked by the classical method, a skewer is used. The finished cake will be slightly higher than the mold. It is taken out of the container and then placed on a wire rack to cool. It is on the grill that this delicacy will be more convenient to glaze.

Preparing the frosting:

To prepare the glaze, we only need one and a half bars of dark chocolate, and about 155 milliliters of heavy cream. First, the cream is brought to a boil, and then pieces of chocolate are added to them. It is necessary to wait until the chocolate dissolves in the creamy product. The prepared thick chocolate mass is poured onto a warm dessert, and then the delicacy is left in the refrigerator for 45-65 minutes so that the glaze hardens.

If you want to get a glossy shine, then a piece of oil is additionally placed in the mass. Decorate such a cake with pieces of fruit or fresh berries. You can also cut the biscuit and soak with chocolate cream. It is possible to create a beautiful pattern on the cake if you sprinkle the icing with powdered sugar through the lace fabric.

Recently, one of the most popular and fabulously delicious desserts has become the Three Chocolate Cake. He has become so popular that it even surprises - what is his secret?

A tall, beautiful cake, with colorful layers of delicate chocolate mousse and Baileys flavor, with stylish trickles of chocolate and decoration of fresh berries - one sheer aesthetic pleasure.

We invite you to cook this cake yourself, and even if you have never done anything like this, following our instructions, you will definitely succeed, especially since you need to start somewhere somewhere? :)

It is better to bake a biscuit for a cake a day earlier to save time, and besides, it will become denser, which is more convenient to work with.

Three chocolate cake recipe:


Chocolate cake (24 cm mold):

  • black chocolate - 100 gr.;
  • sugar - 150 gr. (100 gr. of them for proteins);
  • butter - 100 gr.;
  • 4 eggs;
  • baking powder - 10 gr.;
  • flour - 100 gr.;
  • vanilla;
  • Baileys liquor for impregnation - 40 ml;
  • cream for impregnation - 100 ml.

Mousse with dark chocolate (form with a diameter of 20 cm):

  • dark chocolate from 60% cocoa - 200 gr.;
  • butter - 30 gr.;
  • gelatin or agar-agar - 6 gr. (agar-agar is slightly less);
  • milk - 60 ml;
  • Baileys - 40 ml;
  • 33% cream - 300 ml.

Milk chocolate mousse:

  • milk chocolate - 200 gr.;
  • butter - 30 gr.;
  • gelatin or agar-agar - 8 gr. (agar-agar is slightly less);
  • Baileys - 40 ml;
  • milk - 60 ml;
  • cream 33% - 300 ml.

Mousse with white chocolate:

  • white chocolate - 200 gr.;
  • Gelatin or agar-agar - 10 gr. (agar-agar is slightly less);
  • milk - 60 ml;
  • Baileys - 40 ml;
  • butter - 30 gr.;
  • 33% cream - 300 ml.

Chocolate icing for chocolate cake recipe:

  • dark chocolate - 80 gr.;
  • butter - 40 gr.

Cake three chocolate step by step recipe

Chocolate biscuit - preparation:

  1. To begin, preheat the oven to 160 ° C, and grease the baking dish with oil and sprinkle with flour.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, then remove from heat and let it cool.
  3. At this time, beat the butter with 50 gr. sugar in a lush mass.
  4. Add to this mixture and slightly cooled melted chocolate and mix again until fluffy.
  5. Then separate the eggs into whites and yolks. Add all 4 yolks and vanilla to the chocolate mass, and beat again until creamy.
  6. Next, combine the flour with the baking powder and sift it into the chocolate mass, mixing gently.
  7. Beat the remaining whites with 100 gr. sugar and add to the chocolate mass, stirring with a spatula to preserve the airiness of the dough. It is not necessary to achieve 100% smoothness, the main thing is to maintain airiness.
  8. Pour the dough into the mold, smoothing the surface.
  9. Bake the cake for 25-35 minutes. Check readiness in the good old way with a wooden skewer or match (if the skewer remains dry after dipping into the biscuit, then congratulations - it's ready!).
  10. Take it out of the oven and let it cool in the mold. Then turn over onto a rack. For the best result, as we wrote above, you can cover it with a towel and keep it at room temperature or in the refrigerator for one night, then it will become denser and crumble less, if you don’t have such an opportunity, then place the cooled cake for 20 minutes into the freezer.
  11. On the day when you will prepare the mousses, the cake must be cut off (20 cm in diameter). This can be done using a detachable form, also level the surface by cutting off the sugar crust.
  12. Then the ring must be laid from the inside with a film and the sides should be made using an acetate film or files and adhesive tape. If you are preparing a cake in a 20 cm form, then make the sides with a margin, as the cake will be high. If you make a cake in a detachable form, then put the biscuit in a ring, pull it off and make the sides, and then soak it by mixing cream with liquor. Put the whole structure in the freezer.

Black mousse - preparation:

  1. Pour gelatin / agar-agar into 60 ml of milk and let it swell. Next, put the mixture in a water bath and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. (It all depends on what kind of gelatin or agar-agar you use, be sure to read the instructions for use - gelatin can be powdered, granulated, sheet, instant or classic). Add liquor and stir. Remove from water bath and set aside.
  2. Then melt the dark chocolate in a water bath with butter. Break it into small pieces and add oil to it. Put on a minimum fire and slowly stirring, melt it.
  3. Add the warm gelatin mixture to the melted chocolate and stir. It is important that the temperatures of the chocolate and the gelatin mixture do not differ much. Remove the finished mass from the bath and let it cool to a spruce warm state.
  4. While it is cooling, you can whip cold cream with a mixer.
  5. Add the chocolate mixture to the whipped cream and mix from the bottom up with a spatula, keeping the airiness.
  6. Lay the mixture on the cake, leveling the surface. Place in refrigerator.

Milk mousse - preparation:

Milk Mousse is prepared in the same way as black mousse.

  1. 8 gr. pour gelatin into milk, let it swell. Heat it in a water bath until dissolved and add 40 ml of liquor.
  2. Then we break the bar of milk chocolate into pieces, add butter and put in a water bath.
  3. Add gelatin mixture to warm chocolate and mix.
  4. Then whip the cold cream and add it to the chocolate mixture, mixing with light movements.
  5. Pour the milk mousse over the black mousse and smooth the surface. And back in the fridge.

White mousse - preparation:

White Mousse is prepared a little differently.

  1. Pour gelatin into milk, let it swell. Warm up in a water bath and add liquor. Pour the warm gelatin mass over the broken white chocolate and let stand for a minute. Then stir the mixture with a spatula.
  2. Put in a water bath, adding butter and melt.
  3. Whip the cold cream separately, gradually adding it to the slightly warm chocolate mixture, stirring each time.
  4. Pour the finished white mousse over the milk mousse and smooth the surface. Place overnight, or better overnight, in the refrigerator.

Chocolate icing for the cake - preparation:

  1. For glaze - break dark chocolate into pieces, add butter to it and melt in a water bath. When everything is melted, mix with a spatula until smooth.
  2. We take out the finished cake three chocolates from the mold and remove the film. Pour the slightly cooled chocolate icing into a pastry bag and make chocolate drips.
  3. Decorate the cake with 3 chocolates as you wish and you can be justly proud of yourself! :).

Video recipe for making a three chocolate cake:

Chocolate lovers, this cake is for you! And three in one: in this recipe, black, milk, and white chocolate are combined into an amazing tricolor chocolate rainbow!

As a lover of everything chocolate - bars, cakes and ice cream - I have been looking at this cake for a long time, thinking at the same time how beautiful it is and how difficult it must be to make a Three Chocolate cake at home. The incentive to try it was the order of Yana, a regular reader of the site ... and it turned out that the recipe was not at all difficult to execute! It just takes a long time, most of which, like all jelly cakes, freezes in the refrigerator. And at this time we are resting. So let's try to make homemade Three Chocolate Cake together! I tried to prepare for you a detailed step-by-step recipe with a photo to clearly show all the steps and you could repeat the first time. Do not be alarmed that there is a lot of text - I just tried to describe the cooking process in as much detail as possible.

Dear Yana, thank you for the idea - I also wanted to try this beautiful and spectacular cake for a long time!

From the indicated number of products, a cake is obtained that is small, but high: about 16 cm in diameter, 8 cm high, and weighty - about 1200 g! It is very chocolatey, with a rather dense structure - not airy, like other soufflé-mousse cakes, but plump - due to cream, butter and chocolate. And it has a very rich taste (I liked the bottom layer, and white chocolate lovers liked the top one). Even a thin slice of this cake can be full, as it is very high in calories. If you want a smaller cake, you can reduce the number of ingredients for the layers: take 100 g of chocolate and cream, 30 g of butter and a little less gelatin.

From kitchen appliances we need:

  • mixer;
  • detachable form - I did in 17 cm; it is possible in a larger one - then the cake will be larger in diameter, but the layers are slightly lower.
  • confectionery ring - can be replaced with a strip of flexible dense polyethylene, setting it inside a detachable mold to build up its sides. Victoria's advice from Zaporozhye from yummybook.ru: use a plastic cutting board cut in half as a material.


For the crust:

  • 100 g butter (half a pack);
  • 100 g sugar (half a cup);
  • 2 medium eggs;
  • 120-130 g flour (1 cup with a volume of 200 g without a slide);
  • 1-1.5 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 2/3 teaspoon baking powder.

Explanations. I took the cake recipe a little different than in various variations of this cake on the Internet. Often a simple chocolate biscuit (eggs-sugar-flour-cocoa) is used as the base, but I decided to make a butter biscuit following the pattern of Cherry Wave, only half as much. The fact is that an ordinary biscuit is very soft and delicate, airy, I thought that it could bend under the weight of chocolate layers. A butter biscuit is denser in structure and at the same time very tasty, more like a cupcake. It is perfect in taste and density as the basis for the cake.

For three layers of chocolate:

  • 150 g dark chocolate;
  • 150 g milk chocolate;
  • 150 g of white chocolate;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 450 ml heavy cream 33%;
  • 24 g gelatin;
  • 9 tablespoons of hot water.

Explanations again :)
If you can take cheaper oil for cake, for baking, then for mousses it is better to choose good quality oil. I took 72.5%.

Cream needs 33-35%, the photo shows what I used. At first they are liquid, but thicken when whipped; the main thing is not to overwhip, otherwise the cream may turn into butter.

In order for the chocolate layers to be demarcated as clearly as possible, it is better to take:

  • for the darkest, lower layer, - bitter chocolate 72-74% and more cocoa. I met chocolates of 80% and even 90%, but the latter was so vigorous that we ate it for a month in tiny pieces ... So I took 74% for the cake.
  • for a medium, light chocolate layer, milk chocolate 30-50% cocoa. Again, the lower the content of cocoa products in the bar, the lighter the layer will be.
  • For the top, white layer - white chocolate, but better not porous. I read that they make a cake with porous, but when I made strawberries in white chocolate, I didn’t want to melt normally. Therefore, especially for the cake, I bought white chocolate pennies. By the way, it is much more convenient than tiles - no need to crumble into pieces, pour and melt.

It is convenient to prepare the ingredients for each layer in advance by dividing the oil and gelatin into three parts.

How to bake:

Let's bake the cake first. Butter and eggs should be at room temperature. Beat soft butter with sugar on low speed for a minute.

Add eggs one at a time, beating each time until smooth.

It turns out a creamy mass into which we sift the flour mixed with baking powder and cocoa.

After mixing, we get a rather thick chocolate dough. We spread it in a form, the bottom of which is covered with oiled parchment, and the sides are greased with oil, and distribute it in an even layer. I made a notch in the middle of the cake so that it came out smooth ...

But he, such a cunning one, still rose to the center. Baked for half an hour at 180C, check for readiness with a bamboo skewer. Having cooled the cake, as it crumbled when warm, I carefully cut off the top, and we ate it :)

Then I placed the cake on the bottom of the springform, removing the sides, and instead of them I installed a ring - so that it tightly clasped the cake, leaving no slits through which the soufflé could escape.

If desired, you can soak the cake with cognac or tea with lemon.

And you can start preparing the first chocolate layer! Pour 8 g of gelatin (this is 1 tablespoon with a small slide - just the third part of a 25-gram bag) with 3 tablespoons of hot (70-90C) water, and stir until the gelatin dissolves.

In parallel, melt 150 g of dark chocolate in a water bath. I crumble the chocolate into a ladle, which I place in a container of hot water on the stove. Just make sure that water does not splash into the chocolate - then it may not harden.

Stir and watch - when the chocolate starts to melt, add soft butter (50 g) and then melt, stirring, together.

In the meantime, the gelatin dissolves and the chocolate melts, leave them for a couple of minutes to whip the cream. We measure 150 ml of cream, pour it into a deep container and beat with a mixer for 1 minute and 30 - 45 seconds, until “soft peaks” appear - when the cream is no longer liquid, and the mixer whisks leave soft marks on their surface. I beat first at low speed, then at medium speed.

Pour the gelatin dissolved in water into the whipped cream and beat a little more to mix well - 10-15 seconds. If lumps or grains are observed in gelatin, it should be filtered through a strainer.

In the meantime, the chocolate with butter has melted and is no longer hot, but barely warm - pour it into the creamy-gelatin mixture.

And beat everything until smooth, about 20 seconds.

Here is such a chocolate-creamy-gelatinous mass.

Pour the chocolate filling onto the cake, level it and put it in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours, until it hardens.

When the first layer hardens, you can cook the second, milky.

We repeat all the steps as for dark chocolate: dissolve 8 g of gelatin; melt 150 g of milk chocolate with the addition of 50 g of butter; whip 150 ml of cream, add gelatin, beat again, add milk chocolate and beat again until smooth.

Carefully pour the second layer on top of the first - do not thump everything at once from a bowl, first pour a little from a spoon so as not to disturb the surface. When the first layer is covered with the second, you can carefully pour the rest of the soufflé on top and put it back in the refrigerator.

After about an hour, it's time to do the third, white layer. My second layer froze even earlier - after 45 minutes, but I decided not to rush: what if it seized only from above, and when pouring a new layer, the crust, like thin ice, breaks ... then it will not be three chocolates, but something something else, with an exquisite pattern!

We make white chocolate soufflé in the same way: dilute the remaining third of the gelatin in hot water; whip the cream and pour in the dissolved gelatin, beat again.

We melt white chocolate with butter ... and he again behaved inappropriately: only after melting, he decided to exfoliate into butter and chocolate. The oil floated on top in a greasy, sun-yellow, translucent liquid, while the chocolate flaked and precipitated. I decided after waiting a bit - maybe he will cool down a bit and begin to behave more civilized? But the chocolate did not come to its senses: after half a minute it began to solidify into a thick mass right at the bottom of the oil lake. Ah, you are. OK. And, having mixed the chocolate-butter disgrace well, I resolutely poured it into the cream with gelatin and quickly, until it decided to exfoliate again, beat it with a mixer. Despite the tricks of white chocolate, the light mousse came out quite decent: homogeneous, pleasant warm tone.

I carefully but quickly poured it over the frozen milk layer - and the cake went to spend the night in the refrigerator.

When the top layer is completely dry, you can get the cake out of the mold! To make it come out easily, and the edges remain neat, you need to quickly heat the sides of the form - for example, blow hot air from a hair dryer. Just do not overdo it so that the cake does not start to melt. Unlike agar-agar, which already sets at 40C, gelatin begins to melt at 30C and above. You can also gently run a thin knife between the walls of the mold and the cake.

And now - an exciting moment: the form is successfully opened, and the cake is placed on the dish! Hurrah, he did it! Just like it should be: striped, three-story, with a smooth transition of chocolate shades from dark to white.

How to decorate the cake "Three chocolates"? There are various options - from white chocolate icing and cream (which, in my opinion, is unnecessary - and there is enough of both in the cake), to chocolate leaves. We just painted the top of the cake with chocolate patterns, like "Bird's milk". It turned out nice and contrasty.

Now carefully cut off a piece with a sharp knife to see which cake is cut.

It turned out to be very high - 8 cm, dense, rich chocolate and surprisingly satisfying.

Pieces need to be cut off thin, otherwise you have to leave it for later: you can’t eat a large portion of such a cake at a time!

For my taste, it would be possible to make the cake more tender: the layers of the soufflé are quite dense, it is even difficult to cut when chilled. Probably less cream and butter, or substituting cream for yogurt - as in blueberry or apricot mousse cakes - will fix this.

And my guests loved the cake!

Now it is interesting to know your opinion, dear readers!

A melting mousse with rich chocolate flavor and not a single gram of flour? Or biscuit cakes shading delicate creamy layers? All this he is - the famous cake « Three chocolates”, causing enthusiastic responses. Simple. Unusual. Always relevant. How to cook it? Read advice from VTK.

Looking on Instagram at even layers of mousse or lush multi-colored biscuits of this cake in a section, it may seem that the question « how to bake a three chocolate cake at home”, belongs to the category « curse of the hostess”: five hours in the kitchen, mountains of dirty dishes and expensive inventory. But everything is not so difficult. Choose the most attractive recipe for you and get started! The result will not disappoint.

Mousse cake 3 chocolates: recipe with photo

Cake mousse 3 chocolates is a godsend for fans of mousse desserts and people with gluten intolerance. Gentle, light - it is ideal for the holidays, and just « for tea". It is important that the ingredients are of high quality, and the proportions are verified.

Little life hacks for the perfect result:

  • mousse cake « Three Chocolates is easy to make at home, but you need to have a cooking thermometer, a good mixer and scales.
  • The cake is collected in a split ring, but if it is not available, a silicone mold can be used.
  • Make sure that your bowls are completely dry and not greasy, otherwise the egg whites will not whip.
  • Gelatin must be decomposed into containers and soaked in cold water in advance.
  • Mousse is made the same for all layers, but each part should be cooked only when the previous one is already frozen in the refrigerator.

How to easily make mousse cake « Three chocolates»

Three chocolate cake step by step: biscuit version

Classic sponge cake recipe « Three chocolates ”- these are three cakes and the same number of layers of multi-colored cream. The sweet trio is prepared according to a standard recipe, just all the ingredients must be laid out in three bowls and melted white, milk and dark chocolate should be added to each. To make dark chocolate even darker - and the contrast between the layers was more pronounced, add cocoa to both cream and biscuit dough.

Some more helpful tips:

  • Biscuits are best baked at the same time. If there are no three identical shapes, wrap the existing one with thick foil. In the resulting improvised « molds" put baking paper. You can spread the dough!
  • It is better to divide the dough and cream on the scales - this way you will get the same cakes, and the cream of one of the colors will not end unexpectedly.
  • so that the chocolate mixes easily with the dough and cream, put a few tablespoons of one or the other in a bowl with chocolate and mix, and then put this mass in « home" cup;
  • Cakes should « stand, "so you need to bake them 8-10 hours before assembling the cake.

Step by step sponge cake recipe « Three chocolates»

  1. 1. Knead the dough: beat 175 grams of softened butter with the same amount of sugar. You should get a magnificent mass. Add three eggs and three tablespoons of milk. Whisk again. Next, add flour - as much as butter and sugar. For flavor - vanilla. « Base is ready!
  2. 2. Divide the dough into three parts, stir in 50 grams of good melted chocolate into each. IN « dark "part add 2 tablespoons of milk and one - cocoa.
  3. 3. Biscuits are baked for about 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees. After they have cooled, the cakes must be removed from the molds and sent « defend."
  4. 4. The cream will require 500 grams of mascarpone ( cream cheese) and the same amount of butter. Beat softened butter with cheese, add powdered sugar to taste and a little vanilla. Multi-colored cream is made in the same way as cakes - divide into bowls and add melted chocolate ( 100 grams of each type). Beat until smooth.
  5. 5. Everything! You can collect the cake. A cream with the same type of chocolate is placed on each cake. Do not get carried away with spreading the cakes - leave a little cream of each type to decorate the sides.

Cake decoration 3 chocolates

This cake does not need a mandatory « masking" layers, it is very elegant in itself. Therefore, you can limit yourself to simple decorative elements.

  • Decorate sponge cake « Three chocolates" can be done by smoothing some of the cream on the sides and squeezing patterns out of the pastry bag. It doesn't matter if it's roses, stars or simple lines - the three colors of the cream make the cake very elegant on its own.
  • You can simply sprinkle the mousse option with cocoa, put berries or sweets on top.
  • The cake can be poured with ganache or melted chocolate, and do it deliberately casually - smudges on the sides will only add charm to it. Sprinkle with grated white chocolate on top for a contrast and lay out, for example, « Raffaello" or waffles.
  • Chocolate icing for pouring can be made in almost any color, supplemented with mastic plates with inscriptions, confectionery toppings, fruits.
  • Such cakes with mirror glaze look very unusual.

Necessary equipment for making a cake « Three chocolates" is available in the Supermarket for the confectioner. In the catalog of our VTK online store, as well as offline in Moscow, you can find everything: from stars for sprinkling and mastic, to the best planetary mixers and accurate thermometers. Delivery - by courier in Mosikva and to any city in Russia and the world by transport service or mail.
