
Jasmine tea - health benefits and harms. Jasmine tea - what is useful and how to brew

Many of us are used to starting the day with a cup of coffee, but jasmine green tea can also be a great way to invigorate in the morning. This drink also has one more feature: a cup of tea, drunk at the end of the working day, will help you relax. No wonder he has so many fans around the world. We will talk about the beneficial properties of jasmine tea in our article.

Composition and useful properties

Green tea has numerous health benefits. And jasmine only adds to its benefits. As part of tea:

  • flavonoids;
  • most trace elements;
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • essential oils;
  • minerals;
  • organic compounds;
  • alkaloids.

Thanks to such a rich composition, green tea with jasmine aroma helps:

  • improve the work of the digestive tract;
  • reduce the risk of myocardial infarction;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • reduce the amount of bad cholesterol;
  • alleviate the condition with allergies;
  • increase the body's resistance to infections;
  • normalize sleep;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • reduce excess weight.

Popular varieties

This tea was invented in China. He is loved and appreciated there. There are several varieties of Chinese tea that have jasmine flowers added to it.

Jade Butterfly. The tea has a delicate and light aroma. The name of the tea is not given by chance, the tea leaves are twisted in such a way that when they are opened during brewing, they resemble butterfly wings.

Fen Yang. Refers to elite teas. The leaves resemble the eyes of a Phoenix, hence the name. It has rejuvenating and toning properties.

Hua Zhen Lo. This premium green tea is infused with delicate jasmine petals. Each leaf of tea resembles a small bundle, which in a bizarre way unfolds under the influence of hot water. It is believed that tea removes toxins, is effective in improving the emotional state of a person.

Moli Hua Long Zhu. Each tea leaf is twisted to form a small pearl. Hence the name - dragon pearl. The drink is flavored with jasmine buds. A cup of this tea will relieve gloomy thoughts.

White Monkey. Tea with a tart taste, in which you can catch light grape notes. It is recommended to drink it in winter, it has a warming effect.

tea production

The production process of real jasmine tea is very labor intensive. It includes several stages: picking tea leaves, picking jasmine flowers, flavoring tea with jasmine.

Harvesting jasmine and tea

The best flowers, the most useful and fragrant, are jasmine flowers collected in summer. Therefore, the collection begins in July and lasts until October. At this time, the flowers are filled with sun and warmth, they are very fragrant. In China, jasmine is harvested at sunrise or at night, the flowers at this time contain the largest amount of essential oils.

The jasmine flowers are then carefully laid out in an even layer to dry. Drying is carried out naturally. The oven is used less often, but the temperature in it should not be higher than 45 degrees.

Tea leaves are harvested, it is recommended to take only the top two leaves with a kidney. The leaves are first dried, then finally dried to get green tea. Depending on the variety, they are twisted using special rollers or manually.

Flavoring green tea

Jasmine scenting uses one of two methods:

  • naturally;
  • thermal way.

Tea leaves have unique properties, they can absorb flower aroma, keeping it for a long time. To do this, simply sprinkle tea leaves with jasmine flowers.

Thermal processing is less common. To do this, tea leaves are mixed with jasmine, steamed. The jasmine flowers are then carefully removed so that only the green tea remains. When brewing, you can feel the astringency of green tea and the magnificent delicate aroma of jasmine.

At home, you can also make tea, just add jasmine flowers when brewing green tea. And do not buy jasmine tea bags. It is flavored with artificial flavors, there can be no talk of any jasmine flowers. Of course, this drink will not cause harm, but there will be no benefit either.

The secret of making tea

To prepare green tea with jasmine flowers, you must first mix the tea leaves with jasmine petals in a ratio of 4: 1. This mixture should lie in a hermetically sealed container for about four months. You will get a great tea with a floral aroma. The jasmine petals are then manually separated from the green tea.

Preparation: a teaspoon of tea leaves is poured into a well-heated teapot, poured with water at 85 ° C. Wait a minute and enjoy a great drink. When re-brewing, the infusion time should be increased by 30 seconds.

Are there any contraindications?

  • An allergic reaction from jasmine is possible, but only if you brew some flowers and then, with a tendency to allergies. Individual intolerance to green tea with jasmine practically does not occur.
  • With caution, this tea should be used by people who have a stomach ulcer in remission, and in the stage of exacerbation of the disease, the drink should not be drunk at all.
  • Before going to bed, it is not recommended to drink this fragrant drink, otherwise insomnia will occur.
  • Tea is not suitable for satisfying hunger, it stimulates the appetite.
  • During pregnancy, tea can be drunk only in consultation with the doctor.

In the absence of contraindications, you should not consume more than 3 cups per day. With a deterioration in health, the appearance of shortness of breath, headache, heart palpitations, it is better to stop taking tea. Further use of this drink is possible only with the permission of the doctor.

Jasmine- fragrant shrub of the olive family. The plant is distinguished by large white or yellow flowers (see photo), the aroma of which has a positive effect on the human nervous system. Arabia is considered the birthplace of the shrub.

According to an ancient legend, the jasmine bush represents an angel who descended from heaven so that people could live more beautifully. The ancient Greeks believed that an amazing bush with white fragrant flowers was the work of the goddess of wisdom, Athena. In our time, jasmine is still a symbol of love, associated with romantic feelings. Tatars believe that in order to get to heaven, it is necessary to grow a bush of this wonderful plant.

Jasmine is sometimes also called the "queen of the night", which is associated with its collection. Flowers are harvested at such a late time of day, as they bloom in the dark. Jasmine flowers are very beautiful, the bush is even called the "king of all flowers." People prone to irritability are advised to walk more often where this wonderful plant grows. The smell of jasmine has a calming effect, drives away bad thoughts. Jasmine is also considered an excellent honey plant, because the smell of white petals attracts bees. Flowers are picked in good weather, then dried immediately. An oven is used to dry the plants.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of jasmine make it possible to use the plant in traditional medicine. The plant is rich in salicylic, benzoic, formic acid, as well as essential oil. Jasmine oil is effective for wounds, it is used to disinfect them.

The essential oil of the king of flowers is considered one of the most valuable and expensive oils. This is due to the cost of its production, because jasmine is very reluctant to give up oil: from 1000 kg of fresh flowers, only 1 kg of oil is obtained.

Means prepared on the basis of jasmine relieve pain symptoms well, so jasmine is often included in mixtures for muscle pain, joint pain.

Jasmine is considered a female plant, it helps with many diseases.
Taking jasmine also promotes lactation. Decoctions or teas with jasmine, warm baths are considered an effective remedy for women. Jasmine is able to reduce the pain syndrome that accompanies menstruation. The properties of the plant help relieve pain during contractions. A cup of hot green tea with jasmine petals will relieve a headache. Jasmine is also effective for migraines.

Jasmine is known as an aphrodisiac, it increases potency and increases sexual desire. For romantic purposes, jasmine oil has long been used, it helps to relax and tune in to a pleasant pastime. The smell of jasmine drives away anxiety, fear, depressive states. Green tea with jasmine perfectly fights irritability, improves mood, tones the body.

In cosmetology, jasmine is used as an anti-aging agent. Jasmine essential oil can be used in relaxing baths to help relieve tiredness after a hard day. A few drops of essential oil should be added to a tablespoon of cream or honey so that the concentrated oil does not cause a burn. The bath should be taken no more than 20 minutes. Jasmine is considered an effective remedy for mature skin, but can also be used to care for sensitive or dry skin, in which case it is added 3 drops per 100 ml of foundation.

When applied externally, the leaves of the shrub can be used as a remedy for calluses. In order to get rid of calluses, crushed jasmine leaf should be applied for several days.

Application in cooking

In cooking, jasmine has found application due to its fragrant aroma. Jasmine flowers give a unique taste and smell to tea drinks, they are mainly added to green tea. Tea compositions made from green tea and jasmine flowers are especially popular in England.

Flowers are also used to make original desserts. Desserts are very delicate and delicious in taste. Jasmine flowers are often used in culinary homemade ice cream recipes. To do this, the flowers must be soaked in cold water and left to infuse for 3 hours. The infusion, which was obtained from soaking jasmine, is poured into a saucepan and boiled, be sure to add cinnamon and sugar to the fragrant water. The mixture is cooled and proteins and rum are added to it. The resulting mass is placed in the freezer until completely solidified. In order for the ice cream to turn out airy, it is necessary to interrupt its solidification and beat the mass, for the best effect, this trick should be done 2-3 times until it completely solidifies.

Tea with jasmine petals is prepared as follows. The flowers of the plant are added to green or black tea and poured with boiling water. In a few minutes, the fragrant drink will be ready.

A very tasty drink can be obtained from white wine and jasmine. The oil is diluted with lemon juice, a few drops of the resulting mixture are added to a bottle of white wine. The wine is left for several days, and then carefully filtered. Jasmine wine is an excellent choice for a romantic date.

Jasmine scented oil can be obtained at home. Jasmine flowers are dried, then poured with olive or any other base oil. The mixture is placed in a dark place, after 14 days the product will be ready.

Jasmine leaves are sometimes added to salads. The low calorie content of the plant allows it to be used even in dietary nutrition. 100 g of jasmine contains only 1 kilocalorie

Jasmine benefits and treatment

The benefits of jasmine are known to traditional medicine. The plant is used to treat hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver. Chinese medicine uses jasmine for diseases of the visual organs, a decoction is prepared from it, which is then washed in the eyes. Also, the plant is considered an effective remedy for rheumatism, it is also used to purify the blood.

Jasmine apply for the treatment of bronchial asthma. With this disease, a tablespoon of the plant is poured into a glass of water and boiled over low heat. The broth is insisted for about an hour and take 2 tablespoons before meals.

Green hour with jasmine petals is recommended for women to treat frigidity. Jasmine tea is considered an excellent antidepressant. Tea is best taken in the morning, especially in combination with green tea, as jasmine has a tonic effect.

The smell of jasmine has a stimulating effect on brain function. Jasmine is also used as an alcoholic infusion. About 100 grams of jasmine flowers are poured with alcohol (100 ml) and stored in a dark place. Before use, the tincture is diluted with water at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of water. The tincture can be used as a tonic, applied as a compress to damaged or problematic skin.

Jasmine root is used in folk medicine for the treatment of hemorrhoids. To do this, prepare a special tool. Crushed jasmine root (1 tablespoon) must be poured over ½ cup of boiling water. The broth is brought to a boil, simmered for 10 minutes, and then infused for 2-3 hours. Then it is divided into 3 doses and drunk before meals.

For the treatment of nervous diseases, the effects of stress, hysteria use the following decoction of jasmine flowers. One teaspoon of flowers is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and insisted in a thermos for an hour. The decoction is taken in 2 tbsp. spoons 40 minutes before meals. It calms well, helps to overcome insomnia.

Harm of jasmine and contraindications

Jasmine can harm the body during pregnancy, high blood pressure and peptic ulcer. Jasmine can cause allergies, so people suffering from allergic reactions should be extremely careful. The presence of an allergic reaction to such a product is a contraindication for its use. Jasmine tea can also cause headaches if consumed in excess.

A mug of jasmine tea will warm and soothe, bring peace. Which of the jasmine teas is healthier and does not contain artificial flavors?

Intoxicating jasmine tea scent

Is it possible to give ordinary tea a pleasant aroma and sweet taste without the use of artificial flavors and sweeteners? Of course, add jasmine petals to the usual tea leaves! Jasmine tea is created on the basis of black or green, adding flower petals to it.

Jasmine is an evergreen shrub with yellowish-white or red flowers. When flowering, it spreads around itself a strong, but delicate smell. In China, jasmine bushes bloom from May to November, the best for tea are flowers collected in summer - they are more fragrant and rich. After harvesting, the petals are laid out to dry.

Dried jasmine is mixed with primary processed tea leaves in the right proportion. The resulting mixture is then processed in one of two ways:

  • heated - subjected to heat treatment at high temperature (in an oven or in the sun);
  • cooled - placed in a cold place with a certain level of humidity for a period of several days to 3-4 months.

The first method is quick and cheap, but the resulting tea has only a slight aroma. The second method is long and labor-intensive, but retains more useful properties in tea leaves, which absorb the maximum amount of jasmine smell. After processing, jasmine petals are harvested by machine sorting or manually, manual labor improves the quality and cost of the drink. Some varieties of jasmine tea are packaged with petals - this drink is beautiful when brewed in a transparent container, where you can watch the unfolding of flowers in the water.

Beneficial features

High-quality green and black tea in itself is very useful for the body, and its combination with other plants can enhance one or another of its characteristics. Jasmine was no exception - the beneficial properties of this shrub have long been used in herbal medicine. Thanks to the addition of fragrant petals, jasmine tea acquires invigorating and toning properties. It will help you wake up and give you a long-term boost of energy in the morning, but it will not increase the load on the cardiovascular system. The drink improves mood, because in Chinese medicine, jasmine is a powerful regulator of energy metabolism, which helps to find a state of happiness.

  • A pleasant property of jasmine tea is the ability to pacify with its smell. It acts on the thalamus of the brain, helping to relieve emotional overstrain, stress. Natural essential oils relax, but do not lull. Tea also reduces high blood pressure - for this they drink it without sugar.
  • Natural sweet taste determines another popular property of jasmine tea - weight loss aid. The drink reduces the feeling of hunger and the number of calories consumed, because it does not need sweeteners. Tea accelerates the burning of fat, removes toxins and toxins, improves the appearance of the skin.
  • Has jasmine tea properties and reduce the risk of developing cancer. Chinese scientists have found that the phytoncides of the drink do not allow cancer cells to form. It also reduces cholesterol levels, strengthens and cleanses blood vessels.
  • An increase in body temperature is a property of jasmine tea that is especially useful in cold weather. A mug of the drink will warm you after freezing and help you cope with a cold, but only at normal body temperature - at elevated temperatures, it is worth limiting the use of jasmine.
  • Also, jasmine infusions have a beneficial effect on the intestines - they normalize its work: in case of constipation, they will establish regular stools, and in case of disorder, on the contrary, they will fix it. Despite the obvious benefits of jasmine tea, do not forget that it also has contraindications.


  • Like any herbal remedy, jasmine can cause an allergic reaction. Allergy sufferers should be wary of flavored drinks. However, flower petals are added to black or green tea in a relatively small amount, so the likelihood of intolerance is low.
  • The composition of the drink contains an analog of caffeine, which under certain conditions can increase pressure - despite the general property of jasmine to reduce it. In large volumes, tea provokes an increase in nervous excitability.

Use during pregnancy

A normal pregnancy is not a reason to severely limit your diet, but you should pay closer attention to it. Drinking jasmine tea during pregnancy will help you calm down and immerse yourself in a peaceful state, support blood vessels and the heart during this not always easy period.

But with a tendency to increase pressure, in the presence of uterine tone, drinking tea with jasmine during pregnancy should be done with caution, carefully listening to the reaction of the body.

How to brew

  • Green jasmine tea is brewed with hot water, but not boiling water - the temperature should not exceed 80-85 degrees. Such water will preserve and reveal the aroma of flowers in all its glory. For a mug of 200 ml, take 5-7 gr. tea leaves, leave for 2-3 minutes.

Now you know the benefits and harms of jasmine tea - prepare a cup of this fragrant drink and slowly enjoy it!

Tea is perhaps the most common drink in the world. That is why in the modern world there are so many varieties of it. In addition to the most popular varieties - black and green - on store shelves you can find a product with a variety of additives. Fruits, herbs and other components give the tea a special taste, aroma and even medicinal properties. A popular tea additive is jasmine. Such a drink has a special aroma that cannot be confused with any other, and also gives it a slightly sweet aftertaste. That is why this tea can be drunk without sugar. What other properties does jasmine have, what are its main benefits, can it be harmful, and how to brew jasmine tea correctly?

Jasmine is a plant from the olive genus. Thanks to this, it has such an unforgettable aroma, and an essential oil is obtained from its fruits, which is used in the cosmetic and perfume industries. Another feature of this plant is that its flowers bloom in all their glory only at night, and only at night they are collected in order to make jasmine tea. In many cultures, jasmine is considered a female flower because of the delicate, feminine scent it exudes when it blooms. And thanks to the shape of the buds, which resemble a crown, jasmine is called the "royal" flower.

Jasmine tea is prepared from ordinary varieties of tea leaves, adding flowers of the plant to it, mixing thoroughly. The mixture is kept for several days at a temperature provided by a special technology. Due to this, the tea leaves absorb the aroma of jasmine, after which they are manually selected. Due to such painstaking work, the cost of the drink increases significantly. Another method of preparation is that the flowers are crushed and left in the tea mixture. In this case, they are not used much. The first option allows you to create a drink that retains the jasmine aroma for quite a long time, while in the second case it disappears quite quickly. What can not be said about the beneficial substances contained in jasmine, they are preserved in both cooking technologies.

What are the benefits and harms of jasmine tea?

In addition to essential compounds that have a powerful bactericidal effect, jasmine contains salicylic, formic and benzoic acids. Among the beneficial properties of jasmine tea is a pronounced tonic effect. In addition to the invigorating effect, this drink also has a warming effect. That is why, if you are cold in frosty or rainy weather, such a drink will help you warm up faster. Just remember that a contraindication to its use is elevated body temperature. But with bronchitis, which is not accompanied by fever, jasmine tea is very useful and helps fight colds. The drink is also used in the treatment of stomach pain, but it is better to be recommended by a specialist. It is also known the property of jasmine tea to reduce pain - head, muscle, and menstrual.

Jasmine tea well enhances metabolism, which contributes to a faster removal of toxins from the body. Thanks to this, the drink also helps to cleanse the liver, kidneys, blood vessels and blood. Such tea - especially if mixed with green tea - is useful to drink if the day before you had a long feast and you drank alcoholic beverages. A fragrant drink will very quickly help you get back to normal, stabilize the digestive tract and invigorate. In addition, tea with jasmine supplement helps to lose weight by increasing metabolism and faster "utilization" of subcutaneous fat. The sweet taste of tea will allow you not to abuse the goodies that we traditionally complement our tea drinking, which will also have a good effect on your figure. And if you decide to start a new life - without sugar - then drinking jasmine tea will help you quickly overcome your addiction to sweets.

There is an opinion, scientifically, however, unproven, that jasmine is able to increase sexual desire due to the content of aphrodisiacs. At a minimum, no one will argue with the fact that it is very conducive to a romantic mood. Its aroma is able to give strength and vigor, relieve fatigue, set up for rest, improve mood. With regular use, the drink normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens tooth enamel and lowers cholesterol. High-quality jasmine tea can prevent depression and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Chilled, this drink is perfectly refreshing in the hot season.

Among the disadvantages of jasmine tea may be allergenicity, but only in case of individual intolerance, which is not so rare today. However, there may be another explanation for this. After all, those drinks that are sold today in supermarkets - with the so-called jasmine aroma - most often do not contain a natural plant. Often this is a synthetic additive, which causes the reaction of the body. It is impregnated with tea leaves to increase its price and hide the low quality of the raw material.

In addition, if you have unstable blood pressure, then you should not abuse jasmine tea, it is better to ask a doctor for advice. Do not drink tea on an empty stomach, as this can cause heartburn and acidity, and caffeine will unnecessarily excite the nervous system. Nursing mothers, as well as pregnant women, should use jasmine tea with caution. And, of course, excessive consumption - even the most healthy tea - can harm the body. So set yourself a limit of three to four cups a day.

How to brew jasmine tea?

Arguing about which tea is best combined with jasmine is as useless as discussing the taste of a particular type of drink. If you have dried jasmine flowers, then just add two or three to your regular tea leaves and make it like regular tea. Take a transparent teapot or teapot for your tea ceremony. Then, in addition to the breathtaking aroma, you can enjoy how beautiful jasmine flowers “bloom” in the water. Do not use teas with extra additives to prepare such a drink, it is better to choose regular, “clean” tea. For the "jasmine" ceremony, bagged tea is also not suitable, which is most often made from waste, the so-called tea dust (if you look into the package, you can find traces of it at the bottom). The higher the quality of the original tea, the brighter the aroma you will get in the end.

If you don't want the jasmine flavor to be too strong and the taste of the tea too sweet, don't steep the tea for more than one minute. Wait until the flowers open and the tea can be consumed. Pre-rinse the teapot with boiling water, but brew the tea itself with slightly cooled water, its temperature should not exceed 85 degrees. If the tea mixture is poured directly into boiling water, then it will lose most of its beneficial properties and a significant amount of flavor.

Jasmine tea (with green) can be brewed up to four times, increasing the brewing time by one minute. When choosing jasmine tea, be sure to make sure that the additive in the drink is natural. Components may be yellow, white or reddish. And, of course, you should not drink tea brewed exclusively from the "royal" buds. In this case, you risk getting a severe allergy. Jasmine should be exclusively an addition to your usual tea. Store tea leaves in a box with a tight lid, away from heat and sunlight. And to appreciate the taste and aroma of jasmine tea, drink it in a relaxed atmosphere an hour after a meal or between main meals.

Jasmine tea is a fragrant and tonic drink, which contains the petals and flowers of the plant of the same name. This tea gained popularity in ancient China. Today, dried jasmine flowers are added to black, green, and white tea leaves. It is called the Chinese drink because jasmine is grown in the highlands of this country. The plants are harvested in the summer, because in the warm season the flowers are most fragrant.

Manufacturing features

For the manufacture of the elixir, only dried flowers are used, which are combined with a tea leaf. Description of aromatization methods:

  1. 1. Leaf and jasmine are mixed and the mixture is subjected to heat treatment. But with this method of processing, the amount of vitamins and trace elements decreases.
  2. 2. Everything is mixed and placed in a dark, dry place for a period of 4 months. During this time, the leaf is saturated with the aroma of white flowers. Raw materials obtained in this way are considered more expensive.

    Even if green, black or white tea, saturated with the aroma of jasmine, does not contain the flowers of this plant, such a drink is still considered jasmine.

    What is a chubushnik?

    In many countries, people grow a plant that resembles Chinese jasmine in appearance, and it is called mock orange. The flowers of this shrub are actively used in folk medicine, in particular, in the preparation of medicinal products. Mock orange is not a Chinese jasmine, but an invigorating drink and other medicinal products are also made from it.

    mock orange bush

    Benefit for health

    The benefits of the Chinese plant have been studied and confirmed since ancient times. Useful properties of jasmine:

    • has a calming effect on the nervous system;
    • protects against cancer;
    • in combination with green tea tones and invigorates;
    • contributes to the treatment of neurosis and insomnia.

    Green or white tea with these white flowers enhances your mood with its exceptional aroma. In summer, it cools and helps to better tolerate heat, in winter it helps to warm and protect against viral diseases.

    Green tea with jasmine is useful for both men and women. In the stronger sex, under the influence of this drink, potency increases, physical strength is restored and immunity is strengthened. For girls, it is a healing elixir that allows you to always maintain beauty and youth. Elixir helps to get rid of frigidity and restore sensuality.

    Mock orange in its beneficial properties is not inferior to jasmine. It is valuable due to such properties:

    • balance the nervous system;
    • strengthen immunity;
    • increase the endurance of the body.

    The drink contains caffeine, so it invigorates perfectly.

    Contraindications for use:

    • intolerance to the components of the product;
    • hypertension;
    • increased acidity of gastric juice;
    • ulcer disease.

    A strong drink should not be consumed by pregnant women and children under 12 years of age.

    How to brew?

    To get the most out of drinking jasmine tea, you need to learn how to brew it properly. For take tea in leaves or filter bags. To get a rich aroma, you need to take a teapot and pour boiling water over it. A teaspoon of a leaf is poured into a container or 1 filter bag is placed, and then everything is poured with a glass of boiled water at a temperature of 85 degrees. The elixir is infused for 5-7 minutes, filtered, after which it is ready for use.

    At home, you can enrich ordinary green tea with jasmine yourself by taking a few dried flowers for this. No more than three are taken per glass of liquid. If you put too much of a herbal supplement, the drink will only harm your health, since the concentrated agent rapidly increases the pressure.

    If you want to soften the taste, the recipe can be adjusted. The drink is diluted with milk, taken in a portion of a tablespoon per glass. But do not forget that the addition of milk will increase the calorie content of the drink. The same goes for sugar and honey. Serve chilled or hot.

    Jasmine tea is a great alternative to coffee as it invigorates and improves body tone. In order not to harm your health, before drinking this drink, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
