
Isabella grape jelly for the winter. How to make grape jelly

Delicious and ripe grapes are good not only for fresh. You can make a lot of blanks from it so that you can enjoy the sweet taste of summer even on a cold winter day. Preserved berries do not lose their useful properties and will be a real treasure trove beneficial vitamins and micronutrients. Great option there will be grape jelly. This delicious dessert handmade, sure to please everyone.

Preparing to make jelly

For the preparation of this delicacy, universal varieties that are best preserved are suitable. "Armalaga", "Karaburnu", "Cardinal", "Moldova" and many others - the choice is quite wide. But it is for jelly that it is most preferable to pay attention to the Isabella variety.

Isabella grape jelly will not only be a fragrant and appetizing addition to tea, it can also be used as a base for a variety of sauces.

In order for you to make grape jelly for the winter without any problems, you need to follow a few useful tips:

  • For blanks, it is better to choose grapes with fleshy pulp and a dense texture;
  • It is preferable to use grapes slightly unripe;
  • Berries must be carefully separated from the branches, trying not to damage them;
  • Grapes should be washed well with water and sorted for damaged or spoiled berries.

Now the only thing left is to choose suitable recipe grape jelly and start cooking it.

Grape jelly recipes

Recipe #1

All we need is grapes and sugar. We put the sorted berries into a saucepan and start cooking. Do this for 14-17 minutes until the juice begins to stand out. It must be rubbed through gauze or a fine sieve, and then squeeze out the remaining mixture. We put the strained liquid back on the fire and continue to cook until its amount is reduced by ½. Do not forget to remove the resulting foam. When we have achieved the desired volume, you need to slowly enter granulated sugar(700 grams per liter of juice) and wait until the mixture boils. Continue cooking until the sugar is completely dissolved. When that happens, it's time to test the grape mixture. Put a small amount of future jelly on a saucer and evaluate the result. If the mixture has thickened, then it's time to lay it out in sterilized jars.

Recipe #2

To prepare fragrant jelly, we need one and a half kilograms of grapes, 1 kg. 100 grams of sugar and 400 ml. water. Put the water on the fire and add 1/3 of the total amount of sugar. Wait for the sand to dissolve completely before adding the grapes. Mix the berries with the syrup and simmer for another 7-8 minutes. Remove the mixture, and when it has cooled, squeeze it through cheesecloth, leaving no berry particles behind. Add sugar to the resulting product and keep on fire for at least 30 minutes. Ready jelly you can put it on the table right away, or you can distribute it into jars (previously sterilized) and leave it for the winter.

Recipe #3

You can also make jelly from Isabella grapes in a slow cooker. To do this, rinse well one and a half kilograms of grapes and let the water drain. In the multicooker bowl, 1 ½ cups of water and the same amount of sugar. Set the "Extinguishing" mode and, stirring, bring the sugar to complete dissolution. Pour in the grapes, stir and leave to boil for 10 minutes. After that, strain the mixture, add three more cups of sugar and continue to cook in the "Stew" mode for another half hour.

Recipe #4

Some housewives advise adding when preparing grapes lemon juice. Try it, it is quite possible that you will like this recipe the most. You will need one and a half kilograms of grapes, one lemon and 700 grams of granulated sugar:

  • You need to peel the skin and add 350 grams of sugar to it. Then we interrupt the mixture with a blender and wipe through a sieve;
  • Pour 350 grams of sugar and the juice of one lemon into the grape pulp. We put it on the stove for thirty minutes. After the mixture has boiled, it must be rubbed through a sieve, removing all the bones;
  • We combine the grated mixture from the skin and the mixture from the pulp in one saucepan and keep on fire for another 30 minutes, and then lay it out in prepared containers.

For the manufacture of healthy treats You don't need a lot of ingredients, but the result will be just amazing. And for everything to succeed, you need to follow the cooking technology and properly store the product.

Grapes are not only beautiful and tasty, but also very healthy. A whole arsenal of vitamins and minerals contained in them have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system help to reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk diabetes. Therefore, it is important not only to eat grapes in the autumn-summer time, but also to make preparations from it for the winter.

We bring to your attention a wonderful recipe for jam from dark grapes in the form of jelly, which will delight you in winter with an excellent dessert taste. Of course, you can make jelly from light grapes, but dark varieties will give berry delicacy especially intense ruby ​​color. The recipe provides for the preparation of jelly from the squeezed grape juice by means of boiling.


  • ripe burly grapes - 1 kg
  • sugar - 2 cups (400 g)
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - ½ cup

Dark grape jelly. Cooking:

  1. Wash the grapes thoroughly under cold running water, pick the berries from the branches, put them in a wide saucepan with a thick bottom, put on the stove. Starting to heat over low heat, mash the berries in a saucepan with a mashed potato pestle.
  2. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the berry mass over low heat for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling.
  3. Then pour the mass into a sieve set over the pan and leave for 2 hours for the juice to drain. Periodically press the berry pulp. You should have about 300 ml of juice.
  4. In a saucepan with strained grape juice, add lemon juice and sugar. Put on fire and heat over medium heat, stirring, until sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Reduce the heat and boil the juice for about 20 minutes, until a drop left on a cold saucer begins to solidify without spreading.
  6. Transfer the finished jelly from the pan to a dry sterile jar, seal tightly or screw on the screw cap and turn upside down until it cools completely.
  7. Grape jelly for the winter can be stored at room temperature, but in cool place it will have a thicker consistency.

On a note

Grape varieties with pits freeze better in jelly. If you use seedless grapes for cooking, then at the end of cooking, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any gelling powder (for example, Żelfix, Dr Oetker).

Bon appetit And delicious preparations!

Grapes are used not only for eating fresh, but also for adding to various dishes, preparation of drinks and preparations for the winter. One of the latest is grape jelly for the winter. Consider the nuances of its preparation at home and the most popular recipes.

Cooking features

The main principles of preparation are:

  • Juice is made from grapes.
  • Grapes are the best for cooking. big size. Shriveled and rotten berries should be discarded.
  • Before making jelly, the berries must be washed with running water.
  • To obtain juice, grapes are often first succumbed heat treatment, and then spread on gauze and squeezed. The juicer is used very rarely.
  • It is obligatory to measure the amount of juice, since it depends on how much sugar is needed.
  • The juice must first be digested so that its volume is halved.
  • In jelly, you can add thickeners or cook the workpiece without them. The use of thickening mixtures allows you to cook the dish faster. The use of pectin, gelatin or agar-agar is allowed. They are added at the very end of cooking.
  • To test readiness, you need to take a little jelly and throw it in cold water. It shouldn't dissolve.
  • The blank for the winter should be packaged in sterile jars.

Several cooking recipes

Most popular recipes:

  • Jelly with apples and wine. For cooking, you need 1 kg of dark grapes, which are prepared according to general principles. Then 1 chopped apple, 1 lemon, a little cinnamon and half a glass of wine are added to them. In the future, the mixture is put on gas and boiled for an hour. After that, juice is squeezed out of it, and 2 cups of sugar are added to each liter of it. When the juice has cooled, a thickener is poured into it. The prepared jelly is poured into sterile jars, rolled up with lids and transferred to a cool room.
  • Jelly with lemon and orange. First of all, you need to take 6 lemons and 2 oranges large size and squeeze juice out of them. Then cut 1 kg of grapes into halves, throw in this juice and cook for 15-20 minutes. Cool the resulting mixture and squeeze through gauze. In the future, add 0.5 kg of granulated sugar to it, cook for 30-40 minutes over low heat, then pour into sterile jars.
  • Isabella grape jelly. It has pleasant aroma and taste. The berries are separated from the stalk, washed, poured into a saucepan with a thin bottom, add a little water and boil for 10-15 minutes. Then remove from heat and grind through a sieve. Later, 500 g of sugar is added to each liter of juice, boiled and poured into jars. Jelly from this grape can be stored in a cool room for several years.
  • Jelly without thickeners. Prepare all natural jelly jam. According to this grape jelly recipe, you will need 4 kg of fresh white grapes, 1 kg of granulated sugar and 300-400 ml of water. Water is poured into an enameled container, 0.5 kg of sugar is added to it and put on fire until dissolved. Then peeled grapes are added to the syrup and boiled for half an hour. After that, the mixture is cooled, filtered through a sieve with gauze, the rest of the sugar is added, and then boiled for another 30-40 minutes. The finished jelly is rolled into jars.

Hi all!
Today's supplement recipe for the winter is just a godsend! Grape jelly for the winter is tasty, healthy and easy to prepare. My step by step recipe will help you cook properly at home.

Grape jelly for the winter: recipe with photo

One way to keep taste qualities and useful properties of grapes is its harvesting for the winter. In addition to the usual juice, there are many more interesting and unique recipes that can be made based on fruits. From white and dark grapes, you can make jam, confiture, jam and even jam, each time enriching its taste with various spices and other additives. It goes well with other fruits (apples, plums, mountain ash and even pumpkin).

Grape jelly for the winter: a recipe at home

One of the most good ways harvesting grapes for future use is the creation of sweet jelly. Due to the fact that mashed potatoes are used for its manufacture, the mass has a dense, uniform, slightly viscous texture and can be given even to small fidgets.

Grape puree can be made different ways. To do this, you can put clean and dry berries in a blender, chop them and grind through a fine sieve or pass the fruits through auger juicer. You can also use a special nozzle in a food processor (which can be used to extract juice and fruits).

To create jelly, you can use grapes of any shade and variety. Turns out very tasty winter dessert from domestic grapes. He has an incredible, bright and rich aroma and also has a spicy taste.

Jelly Ingredients

  • grapes (1000 grams);
  • granulated sugar (2-2.5 st.).

How to make grape jelly for the winter

Step-by-step recipe for grape jelly for the winter:

We wash the bunches under water and separate the berries from the twigs. Dry the fruits by laying them in a thin layer on a napkin.

We make mashed grapes in any way convenient for ourselves.

Pour the prepared thick mass into a dry bowl. We measure the amount of liquid formed.

If it turned out 2 tbsp. puree, add to it 2.5 tbsp. granulated sugar. With a smaller amount of juice (1.5 tbsp.), We introduce 2 tbsp. Sahara.

We mix the products for jelly and leave the grape preparation for 2-3 hours until the sweetener is completely dissolved.

We clog grape jelly cover, store only in a cool place. We use thick fragrant preparation as an independent dessert, as well as for creating pastries, desserts and drinks.

Grape jelly is a very simple and easy recipe homemade. Grapes are the most beautiful of berries, they are tasty, fragrant, rich in vitamins and other substances necessary for humans. We eat it with pleasure in the summer-autumn season and, of course, strive to prepare these healthy berries for the winter. Therefore, if you are thinking about what can be made from grapes for the winter, master the preparation of jelly according to this recipe.

And so, how to make jelly from grapes for the winter.

To make jelly at home, you need to take fleshy and dense, slightly unripe grapes. Wash well, separate from the stalks. Spoiled and rotten berries must be selected, for jelly we take only good grapes.

Then, put the grapes in a saucepan and cook over low heat for 16 minutes.

The resulting juice is drained and filtered through a cloth filter.

We spread the pulp in a canvas bag and squeeze the juice out of it, which we also filter and add to the previously obtained one.

The juice is doubled. When cooking, remove foam and impurities from it.

Then, gradually add sugar to the juice and bring it to a boil.

When the sugar dissolves, we try our workpiece for jelly. To do this, pour a little jelly with a spoon on a plate. If the jelly thickens quickly, then cooking is over.

Now you need to close the grape jelly in jars. To do this, take washed, dry, slightly heated jars and pour hot jelly into them. We cover loosely with lids and lower them into a pot of water (water 70 ° C). We pasteurize the jars in a saucepan in water (90 ° C). Banks 0.5 l. hold for 8 minutes. Banks 1 l. - 12 minutes. Pasteurize the jelly in a saucepan with a lid. Water should be 3 cm below the necks of the cans to be pasteurized. Seal the pasteurized jars tightly.

In order to make jelly we need:

1 kg of grapes - 2 tbsp. water

For 1 liter of juice 700 g of sugar.

beautiful and delicious jelly from grapes for storage put in a cool room. It is beautiful suitable for winter as a dessert for tea, pancakes or puddings.

Grape jelly - a recipe for how to make grape jelly for the winter

Grape jelly is a very simple and easy homemade recipe. Grapes are the most beautiful of berries, they are tasty, fragrant, rich in vitamins and other substances necessary for humans. We are happy to eat it in the summer-autumn season and, of course, we strive to prepare these healthy berries for the winter. Therefore, if you are thinking about what can be made from grapes for the winter, master the preparation of jelly according to this recipe.

Grape jelly


Red grape juice - 300 ml

Red grapes - 100 g

Instant gelatin - 15 g

  • 67 kcal

Cooking process

This year I have a bountiful harvest of very tasty and sweet grapes, which are just begging to be used in desserts. One of the most successful sweet dishes with it is grape jelly. Children really like this dessert, it is tasty, beautiful and very healthy, because gelatin is excellent source collagen, and red grapes are powerful antioxidants. In addition, grape jelly is not a high-calorie dessert, so it is suitable for almost everyone.

To make grape jelly, prepare according to the list.

Pour the juice into a small saucepan or ladle and heat to 45-50 degrees. Remove the ladle from the stove, add the gelatin and stir until dissolved. If you do not have instant, but regular gelatin, then dissolve it without removing the ladle from the stove, slowly heating and stirring the mixture.

Cut the grapes into halves and arrange in molds. If you don’t like bones, then you can remove them, on the contrary, I love them and always leave them, besides grape seeds- great source valuable oil so eating them is very healthy!

Pour the juice with gelatin over the grapes. Cool until room temperature and refrigerate until completely set, about 1 hour.

Grape jelly is ready! Serve chilled!

Jelly from grapes for the winter

For me, this delicacy is associated with childhood, since the grapes grew on our site, then for the winter my mother cooked from it various blanks, including such an amazing jelly.


  • Grapes dark 1300 Gram
  • Sugar 500 Grams

To begin with, we cut off the berries from the branches and wash the grapes under running water, put them in a colander to dry the berries.

Put dry grapes in a saucepan and put it on slow fire, warm the grapes, stirring, for 10-15 minutes, during which time it should become soft and let the juice go.

We fold the gauze in several layers and in small portions put the grape mass on it. We outlive the juice, throw out the cake and again lay out a new batch of grapes.

We measure the amount of grape juice obtained, pour it into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

For every 500 ml of juice, add 500 grams of sugar.

Stirring the mass, we continue to heat it over medium heat until the sugar granules are completely dissolved, it is not necessary to bring the juice to a boil.

Turn off the heat and pour the juice into sterilized jars.

We carefully wipe the neck of the jars and twist the jars tightly with lids.

Then we sterilize them for 10 minutes, after which we cover the jars with a warm blanket and leave to cool.

Grape jelly for the winter - a step by step recipe with a photo on

For me, this delicacy is associated with childhood, since the grapes grew on our site, then for the winter my mother prepared various preparations from it, including such an amazing jelly.

Grape jelly

Recipes - Grape Jelly

Grape Jelly - Recipes

Grapes are used not only for eating fresh, but also for adding to various dishes, making drinks and preparations for the winter. One of the latest is grape jelly for the winter. Consider the nuances of its preparation at home and the most popular recipes.

Cooking features

The main principles of preparation are:

  • Juice is made from grapes.
  • For cooking, large grapes are best suited. Shriveled and rotten berries should be discarded.
  • Before making jelly, the berries must be washed with running water.
  • To obtain juice, grapes are often first subjected to heat treatment, and then spread on gauze and squeezed. The juicer is used very rarely.
  • It is obligatory to measure the amount of juice, since it depends on how much sugar is needed.
  • The juice must first be digested so that its volume is halved.
  • In jelly, you can add thickeners or cook the workpiece without them. The use of thickening mixtures allows you to cook the dish faster. The use of pectin, gelatin or agar-agar is allowed. They are added at the very end of cooking.
  • To test readiness, you need to take a little jelly and throw it into cold water. It shouldn't dissolve.
  • The blank for the winter should be packaged in sterile jars.

Several cooking recipes

Most popular recipes:

  • Jelly with apples and wine. For cooking, you need 1 kg of dark grapes, which are prepared according to general principles. Then 1 chopped apple, 1 lemon, a little cinnamon and half a glass of wine are added to them. In the future, the mixture is put on gas and boiled for an hour. After that, juice is squeezed out of it, and 2 cups of sugar are added to each liter of it. When the juice has cooled, a thickener is poured into it. The prepared jelly is poured into sterile jars, rolled up with lids and transferred to a cool room.
  • Jelly with lemon and orange. First of all, you need to take 6 lemons and 2 large oranges, and squeeze the juice out of them. Then cut 1 kg of grapes into halves, throw in this juice and cook for 15-20 minutes. Cool the resulting mixture and squeeze through gauze. In the future, add 0.5 kg of granulated sugar to it, cook for 30-40 minutes over low heat, then pour into sterile jars.
  • Isabella grape jelly. It has a pleasant aroma and taste. The berries are separated from the stalk, washed, poured into a saucepan with a thin bottom, add a little water and boil for 10-15 minutes. Then remove from heat and grind through a sieve. Later, 500 g of sugar is added to each liter of juice, boiled and poured into jars. Jelly from this grape can be stored in a cool room for several years.
  • Jelly without thickeners. Let's make a completely natural jelly jam. According to this grape jelly recipe, you will need 4 kg of fresh white grapes, 1 kg of granulated sugar and 300-400 ml of water for cooking. Water is poured into an enameled container, 0.5 kg of sugar is added to it and put on fire until dissolved. Then peeled grapes are added to the syrup and boiled for half an hour. After that, the mixture is cooled, filtered through a sieve with gauze, the rest of the sugar is added, and then boiled for another 30-40 minutes. The finished jelly is rolled into jars.

Grape jelly - Recipes, Description, tips, reviews, photos and videos

Grapes are used not only for eating fresh, but also for adding to various dishes, making drinks and preparations for the winter. One of the latest is grape jelly for the winter. Consider the nuances of its preparation at home and the most popular recipes. Features of cooking The main principles of cooking include:

Cooking delicious jelly from grapes

Tasty and ripe grapes are good not only fresh. You can make a lot of blanks from it so that you can enjoy the sweet taste of summer even on a cold winter day. Preserved berries do not lose their beneficial properties and will be a real storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals. An excellent option would be grape jelly. This delicious homemade dessert is sure to please everyone.

Preparing to make jelly

For the preparation of this delicacy, universal varieties that are best preserved are suitable. "Armalaga", "Karaburnu", "Cardinal", "Moldova" and many others - the choice is quite wide. But it is for jelly that it is most preferable to pay attention to the Isabella variety.

Isabella grape jelly will not only be a fragrant and appetizing addition to tea, it can also be used as a base for a variety of sauces.

In order for you to make grape jelly for the winter without any problems, you need to follow a few useful tips:

  • For blanks, it is better to choose grapes with fleshy pulp and a dense texture;
  • It is preferable to use grapes slightly unripe;
  • Berries must be carefully separated from the branches, trying not to damage them;
  • Grapes should be washed well with water and sorted for damaged or spoiled berries.

Now the only thing left is to choose the right grape jelly recipe and start cooking it.

Grape jelly recipes

All we need is grapes and sugar. We put the sorted berries into a saucepan and start cooking. Do this for 14-17 minutes until the juice begins to stand out. It must be rubbed through gauze or a fine sieve, and then squeeze out the remaining mixture. We put the strained liquid back on the fire and continue to cook until its amount is reduced by ½. Do not forget to remove the resulting foam. When we have achieved the desired volume, you need to slowly introduce granulated sugar (700 grams per liter of juice) and wait until the mixture boils. Continue cooking until the sugar is completely dissolved. When that happens, it's time to test the grape mixture. Put a small amount of future jelly on a saucer and evaluate the result. If the mixture has thickened, then it's time to lay it out in sterilized jars.

To prepare fragrant jelly, we need one and a half kilograms of grapes, 1 kg. 100 grams of sugar and 400 ml. water. Put the water on the fire and add 1/3 of the total amount of sugar. Wait for the sand to dissolve completely before adding the grapes. Mix the berries with the syrup and simmer for another 7-8 minutes. Remove the mixture, and when it has cooled, squeeze it through cheesecloth, leaving no berry particles behind. Add sugar to the resulting product and keep on fire for at least 30 minutes. The finished jelly can be put on the table immediately, or it can be distributed into jars (previously sterilized) and left for the winter.

You can also make jelly from Isabella grapes in a slow cooker. To do this, rinse well one and a half kilograms of grapes and let the water drain. In the multicooker bowl, 1 ½ cups of water and the same amount of sugar. Set the "Extinguishing" mode and, stirring, bring the sugar to complete dissolution. Pour in the grapes, stir and leave to boil for 10 minutes. After that, strain the mixture, add three more cups of sugar and continue to cook in the "Stew" mode for another half hour.

Some housewives advise adding lemon juice when preparing grape preparations. Try it, it is quite possible that you will like this recipe the most. You will need one and a half kilograms of grapes, one lemon and 700 grams of granulated sugar:

  • You need to peel the skin and add 350 grams of sugar to it. Then we interrupt the mixture with a blender and wipe through a sieve;
  • Pour 350 grams of sugar and the juice of one lemon into the grape pulp. We put it on the stove for thirty minutes. After the mixture has boiled, it must be rubbed through a sieve, removing all the bones;
  • We combine the grated mixture from the skin and the mixture from the pulp in one saucepan and keep on fire for another 30 minutes, and then lay it out in prepared containers.

It doesn’t take many ingredients to make a healthy treat, but the result will be simply amazing. And for everything to succeed, you need to follow the cooking technology and properly store the product.

Isabella grape jelly for the winter at home

For the preparation of jelly from grapes, universal varieties are suitable, which are best preserved. "Armalaga", "Karaburnu", "Cardinal", "Moldova" and many others - the choice is quite wide. But it is for jelly that it is most preferable to pay attention to the Isabella variety.
