
Apricot compote recipe. Fragrant apricot compote (harvesting for the winter)

The apricot season is short, maximum the first third of summer. Of course, it is most useful to eat these fruits in fresh, stock up on vitamins, which is called "from the manufacturer", however, if you want to replenish yourself with vitamins not only in summer, you should think about rolling up apricot compote for the winter. Apricot is a delicate, perishable fruit, so if you decide to cook apricot compote for the winter, it is advisable to do it right away, without putting off the right thing for tomorrow.

When choosing a cooking method, a recipe option, thinking through the subtleties and nuances, do not bother yourself much, anyway, you will get approximately the same apricot compote for the winter, the recipes do not differ significantly, mainly in the way the fruits are laid: they are put either whole or cut along a longitudinal strip. The variety of this compote can be provided by combining apricots with other fruits and berries. In compote, in addition to apricots, cherries, plums, strawberries and other fruits are usually added. Such drinks are obtained in an interesting and unusual way: compote from apricots with oranges for the winter, compote from oranges with lemon for the winter. But, anyway, any apricot compote for the winter, simple or combined, it always turns out to be very fragrant and beautiful. For quick preparation, saving time, apricot compote is often made for the winter without sterilization, pouring boiled water or hot syrup over prepared foods. However, before that, jars and lids must be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water. It is better to remove seeds from fruits, but many housewives, in order to save time, prepare compote from apricots with stones for the winter. Such a compote should be consumed within the first year, because. further bones become unsafe for health.

A real compote of apricots for the winter is very beautiful and presentable, the photos of this drink, presented along with the recipes, glow with a bright sunny color. It should be prepared in the summer fruit season.

Take advantage of the tips experienced housewives how to cook apricot compote for the winter:

For the preparation of compote take ripe apricots, ripened precisely on the tree, and not taken off and lying in the kitchen for a while;

Ripe, dense apricots will not lose their shape and appetizing taste in compote by winter. appearance;

The main thing when preparing apricot compote is to correctly calculate the amount of sugar, follow this, clearly follow the recipes;

If you are making apricot pitted compote, be sure to use it within a year. The bones contain hydrocyanic acid, harmful to our body, which quickly passes from seeds to fruits;

Rolled-up jars with compote should cool upside down and wrapped in a blanket for at least 12 hours;

Cans of compote can be stored at room temperature.

The last month of summer is just around the corner. Vegetables, fruits and berries are just an abundance! Every day we try to cook our favorite dishes from them. After all, everyone knows that the most delicious they are fresh.

But knowing that such an abundance will end soon, I want to extend the pleasure as much as possible, and transfer a piece of summer to cold winter. And therefore, all housewives are actively engaged in preparations for the winter. Canned and, jam is made, compotes are prepared.

So it is with me, in the kitchen now every day a cannery. Yesterday, for example, two types of jam were cooked at the same time, cucumbers with currants were made (recipe a little later) and apricot compote was prepared. It is about him that we will talk today.

The fruits are already gradually moving away, soon they will not be left at all. But those that are sold are ripe, filled with the southern sun, with velvety thin skin. How not to stock up on these for a long cold winter?

You open a jar of such a delicacy for some holiday, or you just want to drink a glass on a normal day, and your mood immediately rises! After all, in a jar, like little suns, there are halves of fruits with a wonderful aroma and taste of summer. So let's prepare them together with you.

According to this recipe, we began to cook them when we lived in Uzbekistan. Everyone then actively shared recipes with each other. Then tried different variants, but this one gradually somehow supplanted all the others. And so it remains to this day the most beloved.

Favorite because it is made according to such a recipe quite easily and simply. It does not need to be pre-cooked and sterilized. It doesn't have too much sugar. It retains all natural scents. It keeps very well! It's delicious. So what more could you want?

We will need (for 5 three-liter jars):

  • apricots - 4 kg
  • sugar - 5 full glasses
  • water - about 2.5 liters per jar


1. Preparation of all preparations for the winter begins with a trip to the market. I usually go to the wholesale vegetable market during the harvesting season. Firstly, there you can choose what you need, and secondly, it's just saving money. When you buy a lot, you can save a lot. Today I bought a 10-kilogram box, saving 40 rubles per kilogram. In addition, I chose the fruits that I wanted.

4 kilograms will go to compote, 4 - to jam. It is being cooked now, when it is ready, I will write how we cook it. Well, the remaining 2 kg, we will eat with pleasure. After all, you also need to stock up on vitamins!

2. Let's look at what kind of apricots we need. Try to choose ripe but firm fruits. If they are soft, then in the process of cooking they will generally lose their shape. The appearance of the fruit will deteriorate from this. In addition, the syrup can turn out to be cloudy and ugly.

Unripe fruits are also not suitable. From such specimens, first of all, the taste will suffer. The syrup will become bitter, and you will not want to drink this.

3. And so, the apricots are bought and delivered to the kitchen. Now we need to sort them out. Choose ripe, whole fruits for cooking. If there are beaten, spoiled fruits, then it is better to put them aside. In the future, they can be used for jam, pie, or the same compote, but which can be cooked just for drinking.

4. Now we wash them well with water, and cut them into 2 parts, right along the groove. It is as if specially made to be divided into two halves. At the same time, we remove the bone.

There are recipes where the bones are left, and the fruits are preserved whole. We, in our family, are used to cleaning them. My mother kept telling me that the bones contained a poisonous substance. And that you can cook compote with whole fruits, but not for harvesting. Therefore, I got used to it, I take out the bones all the time.

5. Put the water to boil large saucepan. First you need 5 liters. But you can put another one of the same pan. We will also need this water, but a little later.

6. In pre-sterilized jars (how to sterilize them is described in detail), put the halves of chopped fruit, cut side down. It takes about 20-23 fruits per jar, that is, 40-45 halves. The jar in this case turns out to be 1/3 filled.

7. When the water boils, pour boiling water into the jars in this way. so that they are covered. Cover with a sterilized lid and leave in this closed state for 20 minutes.

8. Then drain the water back into the pan through the plastic lid with holes. This is a special lid for draining water during conservation.

9. Boil water again. And also boil water in another pan. The total volume of hot boiling water should be approximately 8 liters, this is with a margin.

10. Pour into jars a full glass of granulated sugar. It took me about 1.5 kg of sugar for 5 cans.

11. When the water boils, then first pour into the jars the one that has already been drained from them. This water has already become with the taste and smell of fruits, and of course we will save it. Pour half into each jar.

12. Cover with a lid and hold for 5 minutes. Let the sugar dissolve as much as possible. You can slightly rotate the jar from side to side. All of it will not dissolve, but that's okay. We also have hot water, which will finish all the work.

If you pour all the water at once, then its heat is not enough to dissolve the sugar. And when you pour in two batches, the sugar dissolves all without residue.

13. During this time, the water has boiled and now it needs to be topped up to the very brim. So that when you close the cans with a metal lid, it slightly overflows. In this case, we will be sure that there is no air left in the cans.

14. Immediately cover with lids and tighten with a seamer.

15. Prepare a blanket, blanket, or large towel. Turn the jars upside down and wrap well. During the time until the jars are under the covers and cool down, the sterilization process will continue. In addition, apricots do not cool quickly, but seem to languish in warmth. And this makes it even tastier, and the drink itself is more aromatic. Yes, and the sugar has not yet all dispersed, and the heat will help him with this.

After 24 hours, the jars are still barely warm. And so I leave them upside down for another 24 hours, until they cool completely.

16. Then we turn the jars over and put them in a place accessible for observation for 2-3 weeks. During this time, the lids should not swell, the syrup should become cloudy. Also, nothing should wander in the bank. If this suddenly happens, then such a jar needs to be opened and its contents thrown away. You can't eat this canned food.

If you followed all the rules, then this will not happen. This happens if jars and lids are not sterilized. If you do not respect the time, proportions. And also, if it is bad to twist them with a seaming machine.

Usually, canned compote apricots are perfectly stored for a year or even two. And nothing happens to him.

After opening such a jar, the fruits are delicious, saturated with syrup, and the syrup, in turn, saturated with the taste and aroma of fruits, is viscous, thick, fragrant and very tasty.

The only thing open fruit quickly lose their color, darken from contact with air. Especially when they are left without syrup at all. But they are not gone, and they can be eaten.

This is a recipe that we have been preparing for the winter for many years. But there are other recipes that also make delicious options. One of these will be discussed below.

Apricot compote - recipe with sterilization

I won't describe this recipe as carefully as the first one because the principle is exactly the same. There are only slight differences in the final stage. As well as some features, which we will discuss below.

  • It is convenient to make compotes with sterilization when you twist small jars, for example, liter ones.
  • Also easy to sterilize liter cans full of fruits.
  • But you can preserve in this way and three-liter jars.
  • The consumption of sugar during canning with sterilization is somewhat higher than without sterilization. For example, 55-60% syrup is used. That is, 550-600 grams of sugar is added per liter of water. There are recipes where 400 grams of sugar is taken per liter of water, that is, 40% syrup

How to preserve and sterilize?

  • Sterilized jars are filled with fruits at their discretion. Either full or half full.
  • We prepare the syrup in advance, that is, we make the concentration of sugar per liter of water either 400 or 600 gr. In the first case, the syrup will not be very saturated, in the second it will be strong, and it is more reliable for conservation. Bring the syrup to a boil.
  • We put it in banks. And there are two options here. Sometimes, for fidelity, holding the syrup in a jar of fruit for 10-15 minutes, pour it back. Then boil again, and pour again. And you can pour the syrup only once.
  • In both cases, you need to pour the syrup to the very end. So that when you close the jar, it slightly spills over the edge. Immediately cover the jars with lids and sterilize.
  • To sterilize, pour water into a large saucepan, putting a layer of gauze or a rag on the bottom. IN warm water set the jars, the water should reach up to her "shoulders". Boil. Sterilize -

0.5 l jar - 15 minutes

1 l. jar - 25 minutes

2 l. jar - 35 minutes

3 l. jar - 45 minutes

  • After the allotted time, remove the jar with special tongs, while the lid should in no case be opened. And immediately roll up with a seaming machine.

If, when you take out the jar, the lid opens, then you need to pour boiling water into it again to the very brim, and again put the jar to be sterilized. but already for a shorter amount of time, so a 3 liter one should be sterilized for at least 15-20 minutes, and a liter one - 10.

  • As soon as one can is rolled up, you can get the next one and twist it.
  • We turn the twisted jars over, tightly wrap them with a blanket or blanket, and leave them in this state for 2 days.
  • Then we turn over. We observe the banks for another 2-3 weeks.

Varieties of compotes

  • apricot compote for the winter can be prepared by adding other fruits. Add cherries, cherries, plums, apples.

  • any berries are also added if desired.
  • they are prepared by adding whole nucleoli from the stones. To do this, the fruits are divided into two halves and the bones are taken out. Then the nuts are removed, laid in halves, and in this form they are placed in jars. In this form, they are poured with syrup and sterilized.
  • honey can be used instead of sugar. Pleasure, of course, is not cheap, but there is a recipe and we must know it. For 1 liter of water, 350-380 grams of honey is used. For the rest, we do everything exactly the same.
  • and of course there are recipes where the stone is not removed, and the fruit is laid whole. But this is up to you.

These are so delicious and wonderful recipes with all the nuances and subtleties. Cook, and let your compotes always be the most delicious.

Bon appetit!

Hello! Let's continue today the topic of preparations for the winter. Recently, we have analyzed the methods of cooking and wonderful. For anyone who cares, I recommend reading it. And in this issue I bring to your attention recipes for making compote from apricots for the winter. If you have never had to deal with the conservation of compotes, then this post will be very useful for you, because here I tried to analyze the whole process in as much detail as possible step by step.

I am not a supporter of various fashionable drinks such as cola, fanta and the like. As for me, it's better to drink natural juices and compotes, rather than poison your body with any chemistry. And to be even more honest, I just don't like the taste of these drinks.

By the way, fanta lovers will find at the end of this review interesting video recipe for apricot compote with oranges, which is easy to prepare yourself, and the result is much tastier, with a more pronounced and bright taste and much more useful as well.

In this article, you will learn how to cook:

In general, compotes can be cooked from any fruit and berries. And you can combine several at once different types, so to speak, to combine different fruits. Therefore, as you might guess, you can get a huge range of different tastes, of which you will definitely find your favorite.

The most common, probably, are compotes made from cherries, apples and apricots. We will analyze the recipes of both of them later, and now I bring to your attention 5 recipes that will certainly not leave anyone indifferent to this drink.

Apricot compote for the winter pitted

The first cooking method will be pitted apricot compote. If you have enough time to tinker with the fruits a little, peeling them from the stones, then you will like this recipe. Oh, and one more thing: do not throw out the bones. In the future, you can chop them and add the kernels to the jam from the same apricots.

In the process of cooking, we will try to ensure that the berries remain whole and unharmed. To do this, I advise you to contact Special attention on fruit maturity when buying apricots. They should not be overripe, but greens should not be taken into account either. Try to choose medium-ripe fruits, and the flavor contrast can be easily adjusted with sugar, based on your own preferences.

It also gives the number of ingredients that, in my opinion, are the most optimal for apricot compote. But, again, it is worth noting that there is no arguing about tastes. In case you're wondering, we used a little under ripe fruit, with firm pulp. And it always turns out excellent.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:
  • Apricots - 300 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 150 gr.

Here is such simple recipe, having prepared according to which it always turns out very delicious drink. Having drunk it in the winter, you will definitely remember the summer. Try it and you won't regret it.

A simple recipe for apricot compote without sterilization

Now let's look at a few unusual option apricot compote. Its unusualness lies not in the fact that we will cook it without sterilization, but in the fact that we will take wild apricots. Although they are not as beautiful as domestic ones, they have their own unique aroma and specific pleasant taste, inherent in all wild berries and fruits.

If wild apricots grow in your area, then be sure to try to cook compote from them for the winter. I'm sure many will like it. In addition, we will add some apples to get a more pronounced aroma of the finished drink.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:
  • Apricots - 600 gr.
  • Apples - 200 gr.
  • Sugar - 250 gr.

This compote can be stored at room temperature, right in the apartment. If there is a basement, then, of course, it is better to store it in the basement.

Well, how do you like the recipe? Would you like to try it or not? If so, then feel free to go out of town where wild apricot grows and make preparations for the winter in the form of compote. By the way, the jam from it also turns out excellent. But more on that in one of the next issues.

Apricot compote for the winter with seeds

If you don’t have time to pit apricots, there can be many reasons for this. For example, you don't have time. Or are you planning to close a large number of cans of compote. Or you are just lazy, then this recipe is just for you.

It turns out it is no less tasty and healthy, and it takes much less time to prepare it. So, take the recipe into service, maybe it will come in handy for you. We will take the number of products based on the calculation for two three-liter jars.

  • Apricots - 1.2 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.

If you do everything as described above, then the cans of compote will stand for a very long time and are guaranteed not to open until you open them yourself. Good luck with your preparations! I am sure that you will succeed.

Recipe for apricot compote with citric acid

In order for your blanks for the winter to stand until the appointed hour and not “explode”, they are often added to the composition citric acid because it interferes with the fermentation reaction. This is if you took very sweet and slightly overripe fruits. Otherwise, you can do without citric acid, as we did in the recipes above.

Let's figure out how we will prepare compote and in what quantities add citric acid. The ingredients are given for a 3 liter jar.

  • Apricot fruits - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 300 gr.
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tsp

A simple recipe like all the others. I hope that the question of: “How to close an apricot compote with citric acid” has disappeared from you and you can safely use this recipe.

Compote for the winter of apricots and oranges

To have variety, we sometimes add apricot compote, other fruits and berries. As you have seen above, we added apples to one of the recipes. Quite a bit, not so much for taste as for aroma. So now I want to show you another option where we will add oranges. Such a compote turns out to be very interesting both in taste and smell.

If you do not know what it is made of, then it is unlikely that you will be able to guess exactly what fruits were used in its preparation. To understand what is at stake, you can only cook it according to this recipe and everything will become clear to you without further ado.

  • Apricots - 350 gr.
  • Oranges - 0.5 pcs.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Citric acid - on the tip of a knife

This is how compote is obtained. Very tasty and healthy, rich in vitamin C, which is very necessary in winter time of the year. Drink to your health!

Video recipe for compote of apricots and oranges with fanta flavor

As I promised at the beginning of the article, this compote recipe is especially for those who love Fanta. It turns out very similar taste. To be honest, we tried to cook compote according to this recipe quite recently. It was then that I decided that when I write an article about compote, I will definitely share this recipe with you. And so. We watch and remember.

We didn't close it for the winter. To begin with, they prepared for a “test”. Nothing. Fine. The kids liked it the most. Well, this means that the recipe is successful and we will use it to close the compote for the winter. A little, of course. Five cans, maybe more. Let's see.

On this I want to draw a line and say goodbye to you until the next issue. I wish you good luck and excellent blanks. So that not a single bank opens prematurely. Close and enjoy the result.

I hope that the article was useful for you and you found what you were looking for. Leave comments and bookmark the article so that it is always at your fingertips.

Thank you for your time. See you! Bye!

Apricot is one of the sweetest, most common and delicious fruits and has its own characteristics of harvesting for the winter. In addition to jam, marmalade and jam, excellent compotes are made from it, the main recipes of which we will now consider.

What is useful compote from apricots

Apricot contains many useful elements and vitamins. It is easier to list the substances that are not in this fruit than those that are present in it: there is a whole set of vitamins - A, C, E, H and vitamin B in most of its manifestations; trace elements with metal content - iron, sodium, magnesium, calcium; other trace elements - phosphorus, iodine.

Compote retains some important properties feedstock:
  • vitamin A perfectly supports vision, health and youthfulness of the skin, immunity;
  • potassium useful for children, pregnant women and the elderly, it helps in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • magnesium helps hypertensive patients lower blood pressure;
  • phosphorus improves brain activity.

Important! For all useful properties drink, do not abuse it - there may be problems with overweight and an overdose of sweets.

Subtleties of selection of apricots

Each degree of fruit filling has its own positive moment - they are tasty both barely turning yellow and in a state of technical maturity. For different preparations of this fruit, a different stage of its ripeness is required.

As for compote, here preference should be given to fruits that have a pronounced color, which is typical for a particular variety of apricots. Unripe, overripe, spoiled fruits are discarded - they, even in a single quantity, can spoil the contents of the entire canning container.

Sufficiently ripe fruit is slightly compressed in the palm of your hand. Ripe will be elastic and its pulp will return to its original shape. Overripe fruits will begin to be crushed in the hand, and in the compote they will boil and spoil the appearance of the drink, making it cloudy. Green fruits will not add sweetness and color saturation to the compote, so it is better to use them for jam or use them for food after ripening.

Did you know? Apricots have been known since 4000 BC. e., but scientists have not yet decided on their origin - both China and Armenia are considered the birthplace of this fruit. The prevalence of culture speaks in favor of the first version, and the European name “Armenian apples” speaks in favor of the second.


There are many recipes for preserving apricot compote. It all depends on the quality of the fruit and the preferences of the end user. But it is worth noting the main differences - compotes are cooked from whole fruits and from divided into halves; the stone is removed or remains in the apricot; the drink can be natural or with the use of additives; the product is sterilized or not.

You can cook apricot compote "on hastily without resorting to sterilization. It is only necessary to use this preservation during the winter, without leaving it for the next season.
Ingredients(based on a three-liter jar):

  • ripe fruits - from 0.5 to 0.7 kg;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • water - from 2 liters to fill the jar.
  1. The fruits are sorted and washed under cold running water.
  2. Banks are thoroughly washed with soda and steamed over steam or in the oven.
  3. Apricots are placed in jars for a third of the volume, poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and aged for about 20 minutes.
  4. Water is drained into a container, sugar is added and syrup is boiled.
  5. Boiling syrup is poured into jars of fruit, after which the containers are rolled up with lids, turned over and wrapped tightly.

Important! Wrapping is a mandatory procedure for conservation. This provides additional heat treatment and a gradual decrease in temperature without sudden changes.

Apricot compote with pits

Such a compote was prepared by our grandmothers and mothers for the future, so its components were calculated for several bottles.

Ingredients(based on 5-6 three-liter cans):

  • enumerated ripe fruit- 5-7 kg;
  • sugar - from 6 to 7 glasses;
  • citric acid - about 15 g;
  • water - up to 12 liters.
  1. Apricots are sorted and discarded, wrinkled, with various inclusions and not ripe enough.
  2. Banks are washed with baking soda and then sterilized for about 5 minutes.
  3. Fruits in containers are stacked up to half the volume or to the top (in the event that there is a desire to get a more infused compote).
  4. The syrup is boiled in water with the addition of sugar and citric acid for about 8 minutes, after which it is poured into jars.
  5. Banks covered up metal lids, placed in a pot or tank of boiling water for 20 minutes.
  6. The containers are rolled up with lids and tightly wrapped for several days.

Pitted apricot compote

IN this recipe to remove the stone, it is necessary to undress the fruit into two halves, which implies other conditions for the preparation of conservation.

Ingredients(for a three-liter jar):

  • ripe apricots - 0.6 kg;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • water - up to a full jar (about 2 liters).
  1. Washed fruits are divided in half and placed in prepared jars by about a third of the volume.
  2. Fruits are poured with boiling water and kept in water for 10-15 minutes, after which it is poured into a saucepan.
  3. Sugar is added to the strained infusion and mixed until it dissolves.
  4. The resulting syrup is brought to a boil and poured into a bottle of apricots.
  5. The containers are covered with lids, rolled up, turned upside down and tightly wrapped until cool.

Sterilization can sometimes be replaced by the use of natural remedies that will manage to keep the preservation at its best.

Ingredients(for six liter jars):

  • ripe apricots - about 3 kg;
  • sugar - about 1 kg;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • rum - 3 teaspoons.
  1. Raw materials are sorted and washed well.
  2. Several pieces in a colander are dipped in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, cooled sharply in cold water, the skin is removed from them.
  3. The fruits are carefully divided in half, the bones are removed from them, and the halves are laid out in jars.
  4. Separately, syrup is prepared, which is poured into jars with prepared fruits. Half a teaspoon of rum is added to each container.
  5. Banks are rolled up and covered until completely cooled upside down.

Apricot compote with honey

Sugar at home preparations in many cases can be replaced with honey. At the same time, taste and nutritional properties the resulting preservation can often be much better. Preparations with the addition of honey are no exception.

A simple recipe for apricot compote saves time: following it, you only need to bring the syrup to a boil. The taste of the drink can be enriched with almond kernels, clove inflorescences, a sprig of fresh mint - for an amateur - or a cinnamon stick. Spices should not be crushed: a suspension of crumbs will spoil the appearance of the compote.

Bright amber and complete vitamin composition The product is provided only by ripe fruits. transfuse hot drink jars should be carefully, trying not to crush the tender pulp of boiled apricot slices. fragrant pieces useful for filling pies.


For a 1 liter jar you will need:

  • 300 g ripe apricots
  • 100 g granulated sugar
  • 700 ml hot water


1. Purchased or picked apricots must be ripe. If they are slightly unripe, then the rate of granulated sugar should be doubled, but first of all, be guided by your taste. Rinse fruit in water and remove pits. Break into two halves and place in a container for boiling: a saucepan, a cauldron, a saucepan, etc.

2. Pour in granulated sugar. If you like sour drinks, then add citric acid or 0.5 tsp on the tip of a knife. lemon juice.

3. Pour in hot water and place the container on the stove, turning on the maximum heat.

4. Bring the compote to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for another 5 minutes. An apricot drink for the winter is also wonderful because it is not necessary to add citric acid to it - the cans do not “explode” during storage.

5. As soon as the compote is boiled, scald the jars and lids with boiling water. Pour hot compote into the jar using a ladle.

6. Cover hot lid and seal immediately with a seaming key. Turn the jar upside down and wrap it in a blanket, leaving it in it until it cools completely.

7. After that, transfer the workpiece to the cellar or basement. Take out as needed in the cool season and treat your family to delicious orange apricot compote. You can even reheat it if you like and serve it hot.

Note to the owner

1. Compote from greenish apricots will be less bright than from ripe ones, but also vitamin and tasty. Fruits preserved unripe have an important advantage: they are widely used in confectionery business. They are ideal as a filling for dumplings, pies. They can even be cut, like dried apricots, into thin slices or cubes to mix into the dough for casseroles, muffins and cottage cheese. Slices of such fruits, taken out of the drink and dried in the microwave, decorate cakes instead of candied fruits - it comes out much cheaper.

2. Into this blank so that it acquires a taste classic liqueur"Amaretto", put sweet almond. For 1 liter, 5-6 large grains or 8-9 small ones are required. However, then it will need to be consumed (if the preservation is done in July or August) until about mid-January. It is generally accepted that poison is contained only in bitter almond, but this is a delusion: hydrocyanic acid is in any variety, only in different concentrations.
