
Cocktails with blue curacao syrup vodka. Types of Curacao liqueurs

Curosao family liqueurs were born on the island of the same name in the basin caribbean. Today, different versions of Blue Curacao release several at once. alcohol companies. However, the best and one of the first liqueurs of this type was created by De Kuyper.


The composition of the liqueur is not so complicated. wine spirit High Quality insist on the peels of oranges of the "Laraha" variety. These unusual bitter oranges were brought to the exotic island of Curaçao by the Spaniards. In addition to the peel of an unusual citrus fruit, it is used nutmeg, clove and cinnamon. The resulting mixture is original even today, what can we say about the times when the drink just appeared on the market.

Unusual blue color - deep sapphire - was acquired artificially. Actually, if not for the color, then many cocktails would have done without the sensational alcohol. De Kuyper claims that this color is achieved using rare natural dyes. Well, everything is possible, although it is hard to believe.

Pure alcohol is practically not drunk, while cocktails with it are a huge success for their unusual taste and color. But beautiful for a cocktail. appearance plays an important role. What cocktails use Blue Curacao and how to prepare them - we will tell below.

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The Blue Lagoon cocktail appeared almost immediately after the release of the first version of the Blue Curacao liqueur on the American market. It was prepared by someone Andy Mac Elon - a bartender and son of the eminent American bartender Harry Mac Elon, who owned the legendary New York bar Harry "s New York bar. The cocktail has become popular not because of a complex or original recipe in its preparation. He was glorified by an unusual liquor and the ability to quickly get drunk. Today, Blue Lagoon is cooked all over the world. There are many recipes, but there are only two that are fundamentally different from each other.

The first recipe calls for Vodka, Blue Curacao and Sprite. Note that other citrus tonic, lemonade and even freshly squeezed can be used instead of sprite. lemon juice. Preparing a cocktail is quite simple. A hurricane-type glass is filled with large ice cubes. 50 ml of vodka, 20 ml of liquor are poured onto ice, and the rest of the volume is filled with sprite. The mixture is stirred with a cocktail spoon and served to the guest.

Blue Lagoon - a cocktail of gentle blue color With unusual taste and pleasant strength. We love both women and men.

The second version of the cocktail is prepared in a shaker and has a different composition. In addition to ice and Blue Curacao, Triple Sec is added to the shaker, and Pineapple juice. The proportions in the drink may be different. Most the best option- 20 ml of liquor and 40 ml of gin. The cocktail is shaken well and poured through a steiner (special strainer) into a sling glass.

decorate ready drink an abundance of umbrellas, pieces of fruit and even flowers. In general, they do everything so that the guest has a mood corresponding to the name of the cocktail.


Despite the fact that the average strength of this alcoholic drink is below 30 degrees, it is very actively used in the preparation of various shots. This is understandable, because cocktails of this type should not only give a certain effect, but also look spectacular.

Due to its unusual color and the ability to brighten up the sharp taste of some alcoholic beverages, the liquor has become simply indispensable assistant bartender. Today it is simply impossible to imagine shot cocktails without a blue layer.


In addition to the Blue Lagoon cocktail, Blue Curacao is actively used in the preparation of a number of other equally delicious long drinks.

In large volume cocktails, liquor is added more often for taste than for color. Although there are also such cocktails where Blue Curacao is needed solely for the sake of appearance. To understand how you will use it, you need to conduct a series of tests. You already have a plan for successful practice.

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Liquor (sometimes syrup) Blue Curacao is an alcoholic drink of 30-degree strength, made from wine alcohol with the addition of lemon juice, sugar and larah extract.

Larah belongs to a special variety of oranges that grow mainly on the island of Curacao. This is where the name of the world famous liquor. Unlike their counterparts, these miniature citrus fruits are absolutely inedible and have a characteristic bitter taste and amazing aroma, for which a drink made from them is valued.

Blue Cucarazo literally means blue Curacao, that is, a blue liquor. Such an unusual coloring is not due to a combination of rare tropical ingredients, but the addition of common food coloring. In addition to the most popular blue drink, there are orange, clear, red, green and white varieties.

The deep blue of Blue Curacao Syrup and its juicy tropical orange flavor with delicate sourness have made it the most common ingredient for tropical cocktails. Among the most famous are Blue Hawaii”, “Mojito Americano”, “Blue Agave”, “Blue Martini”, etc.

Bright and extraordinary cocktails will help create house party a real club atmosphere and provide all guests with a great festive mood.

Blue Hawaii Cocktail

A classic club recipe for a popular drink with blue syrup.

List of ingredients:

  • Lemon juice - 30 ml.
  • Light rum - 50 ml.
  • Blue Curacao liqueur - 20 ml.
  • Juice with pineapple pulp - 100 ml.
  • Crushed ice - 80 g.
  • Coconut milk - 30 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Place all ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake until smooth.
  2. Pour into tall glasses. Add straw and serve.

Cocktail "Ultramarine"

Sweet and sour cocktail with a well-perceived alcohol note.

List of ingredients:

  • Grape juice with sugar - 100 ml.
  • Vodka - 50 ml.
  • Apple juice natural - 100 ml.
  • Blue Curacao liqueur - 30 ml.
  • Large Green grapes seedless.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix in a shaker sweet grape juice, sour apple, vodka and blue liquor.
  2. Pour into thin-walled tall glasses. For each cocktail, serve a skewer with 3 large seedless grapes.
  3. Cocktail "Mojito Americano"

    Everyone knows the heady and refreshing taste of Mojito. Its American version is no less invigorating, with a delicate bluish tint and a well-perceived menthol aroma.

    List of ingredients:

  • Blue Curacao syrup - 40 ml.
  • Light rum - 20 ml.
  • Syrup Menthol Mojito - 20 ml.
  • Green lime juice - 20 ml.
  • Mineral water - 50 ml.
  • Lime.

Cooking method:

  1. Shake well all the components of the drink in a shaker and pour into tall wide glasses.
  2. Serve chilled with umbrella, straw and lime wedge.

Cocktail "Tropic"

A simple cocktail, most of the ingredients of which can be found on the shelves of even the smallest stores.

List of ingredients:

  • Dry white wine - 50 ml.
  • Apricot juice - 50 ml.
  • Apple juice - 50 ml.
  • Blue Curacao liqueur - 30 ml.
  • Peach - 1 pc.
  • Cooking method:

  1. Shake all ingredients of the cocktail in a shaker. Pour into glasses of Hurricane.
  2. Serve with straw, umbrella and fresh peach wedge.

Cocktail "Ice and fire"

A drink to drink slowly, enjoying every sip. It has a lot of strong alcohol and scalding cold ice.

List of ingredients:

  • Ice - 8-10 cubes.
  • Tequila (vodka) - 50 ml.
  • Blue Curacao liqueur - 50 ml.
  • Mineral water - 50 ml.
  • lime or green grapefruit- half a circle.
  • Lime juice - 30 ml.
  • honey or cane sugar- 30-50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Crush ice cubes together with honey or sugar to a state of coarse snow.
  2. Pour the mixture into glasses.
  3. In a shaker, mix tequila, liqueur, lime juice and mineral water.
  4. In a thin stream, pour the snow mass up to two-thirds of the volume.
  5. Cool slightly before serving. Garnish with a straw, lime or green grapefruit slice.

We offer you to learn more about how to make cocktails with Blue Curacao. This fragrant liqueur got its name from the island of the same name, located in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Venezuela.

More about the extraordinary drink

All cocktails with Blue Curacao liqueur are distinguished by orange flavor And unsurpassed taste main ingredient. The composition of the drink includes:

  • zest taken from bitter oranges grown on the island of Curacao;
  • a special set of herbs;
  • wine alcohol.

This amazing drink occupies a leading position among multi-colored liqueurs. It contains only 30% alcohol, but the extravagant taste and unusual color attracts not only ladies. The stronger sex does not disdain them. Most often, the following is added to the Blue Curacao cocktail:

These and other strong, alcohol-containing ingredients are perfectly combined in one glass with aromatic blue liqueur. The cooking method is no different. special difficulties. Usually the ingredients are poured in a thin stream to beautifully delimit the layers. different colors. It's easy to make Blue Curacao cocktails at home. To do this, you need to stock up on all necessary ingredients and patience.

Variety of options

Most exotic names assigned to cocktails with Blue Curacao liqueur, bartenders probably know their recipes. But you, too, have most likely heard some of the 20 most popular: "Tsunami", " Blue Lagoon"and" Flag of Russia ", etc.

In addition to alcoholic cocktails, Blue Curacao has been invented non-alcoholic recipes, for example, a combination with syrup, ice cream and fruits, tea and coffee. It is even added to milk necks (if they are not intended for children).

It should be remembered that in pure form Drinking Blue Curacao liqueur is not recommended. But if you really want to experience it refined taste, throw a few pieces of ice into a glass or dilute with juice, such as orange. But get ready for the iced liqueur to give your mouth a blue tint.

Do not forget that any liqueur is a digestif, and Blue Curacao-based cocktails are no exception. It is better to use them before taking hearty food. They improve the digestion process.

No place for restrictions

Not sure how to make your dream cocktail? Feel free to experiment. Choose from the recipes offered on our website, or create your own. Perhaps your extraordinary combinations of alcoholic drinks will appeal not only to your friends and acquaintances, but will also become popular all over the world.

Each cocktail is amazing combination flavors and aromas, a combination of burning strength and pleasant tenderness fruit juice or syrup. With their help, you can not only relax and forget about problems, but also cheer up, become more fun and sociable. Depending on alcohol preferences, you can choose less strong long drinks or shots that fight on the spot.

In conclusion, remember that alcoholic drinks render positive impact only in moderate amounts. Abuse can adversely affect well-being and health.

Blue Curacao syrup is very popular with bartenders all over the world, because. has a bright saturated blue color and perfectly repeats the natural, fresh, sweet and slightly bitter taste of orange. For the manufacture of syrup use the most best oranges grown on the island of Curacao, which differ from the usual ones in the presence of a slight bitterness. Thanks to its beautiful azure color, it is able to add showiness and layered cocktails. It is produced by pasteurization. orange juice with addition sugar syrup and absolutely harmless natural dye.
Aroma: rich, thick, with hints of ripe oranges and zest.
Taste: sweet with a slight bitterness of Curacao orange peel.
Color: rich, blue, like the azure sky over the island of Curacao.

Blue Curacao syrup is used in the preparation of various desserts, cocktails, lemonades, in the confectionery field for making cakes and pastries, sweet sauces for fruit salads, milk and chocolate mixes, ice cream toppings, etc. Can be added to tea and coffee.
Very beautiful and impressive, with bright layers, when using syrups, multi-layered cocktails look.
Cocktails with Blue Curacao Syrup:
Blue Curacao syrup + pineapple juice;
Blue Curacao syrup + soda;
Syrup Blue Curacao + Vodka;
Blue Curacao syrup + light rum;
Syrup Blue Curacao + Tequila.
See Blue Curacao Syrup Cocktails.

American Mojito is a wonderful refreshing drink that is very easy to make at home.

Blue Curacao cocktails are usually made in a shaker.

All drinks should be mixed, add ice and mix well. Pour over ready-made cocktail into a tall glass and garnish with a fresh mint leaf, if desired.

Cocktail based on "Blue Curacao" "Blue Hawaii"

Recipes for cocktails with Blue Curacao liqueur are distinguished by their simplicity and speed of preparation. One of the most popular drinks is the "Blue Hawaii" - it was this cocktail that brought fame to the blue liquor.

  • Rum light - 40 ml
  • Malibu - 20 ml
  • Blue Curacao - 20 ml
  • Pineapple juice - 100 ml
  • Lemon juice - 20 ml

Mix all the ingredients in a blender until smooth and pour into a glass with ice.

Garnish with lemon zest or a cocktail cherry if desired.

Cocktail recipe with liqueur "Curaçao" "Bull's Blood"

Cocktails with curacao liquor of other colors - green, red, orange, are no less popular than drinks of blue color. Ox's Blood is a wonderful cocktail that will add a little variety for festive table.

  • Orange (red) curacao - 20 ml
  • Rum - 20 ml
  • Brandy - 20 ml
  • Orange juice - 45 ml

In a blender mix all ingredients together. Put a few ice cubes in a tall glass, you can lightly grind in a blender and pour the resulting cocktail.

Gently peel a clean orange with a vegetable knife to make thin openwork curls and decorate the drink with it.

Making a Blue Curacao Purple Gecko Cocktail

Blue Curacao cocktail recipes can have the most different taste, thanks to additional components. If you want to make a drink with original name"Purple Gecko", you will need:

  • Tequila - 45 ml
  • Blue Curacao - 15 ml
  • Lime juice - 15 ml
  • Cranberry juice - 30 ml
  • Any sweet and sour syrup - 30 ml

This cocktail is served in a small margarita glass, garnished with a salt rim around the glass. It is very easy to make it. To prepare a drink, pour salt on one saucer, pour a little water on the other. Gently dip the rim of the glass into the water, then into the salt, and let dry a little.

Mix all the ingredients in a shaker or blender and pour the finished cocktail into a glass. You can add a slice of lime or lemon if you like.

Champagne cocktail with Blue Curacao

Cocktails based on Blue Curacao are not only tasty, but also incredibly beautiful. It is no coincidence that they often appear at the festive table. Champagne Cocktail with Blue Curacao Blue Champagne - lovely drink which is suitable for New Year's table and for other celebrations.

  • Blue Curacao - 20 ml
  • Vodka - 20 ml
  • Lime juice - 20 ml
  • Champagne
  • Cocktail cherry for garnish

Crush ice and put it in a shaker. Add liqueur, vodka, lime juice and shake well. Strain the resulting cocktail into a champagne glass through a fine strainer and top up with chilled champagne to the very top.

Decorate the finished drink with a cherry.

Cocktail with blue "Curaçao" "Lambada"

Cocktail with blue "Curaçao" "Lambada" will appeal to lovers of tropical drinks with coconut flavor.

  • Blue Curacao - 50 ml
  • Gin - 20 ml
  • Light rum - 10 ml
  • Coconut milk - 60 ml
  • Ice - 4-5 cubes
  • Cherry for decoration

Pour liqueur, gin, rum and coconut milk into a shaker.

Place a few ice cubes in a glass. Mix well and pour into a glass. Decorate with a cherry on top.

Alcoholic cocktail with "Blue Curacao" "Coral Sea"

Alcoholic cocktail with "Blue Curacao" "Coral Sea" is ideal for a treat on a summer vacation. Light romantic drink will remind you of warm summer days even in the cold season.

  • Tequila - 50 ml
  • Blue Curacao - 30 ml
  • Lemon juice - 10 ml
  • Tonic - 50 ml
  • Ice - 7-8 cubes
  • Lemon wedge and cherry for garnish

Fill glass with ice. Mix tequila, liqueur and lemon juice in a shaker.

Pour into a glass and top up the cocktail with tonic. Garnish with a slice of lemon and a cherry.

Panamanian cocktail with Blue Curacao liqueur

  • 30 ml Blue Curacao liqueur
  • 20 ml gin
  • 10 ml vodka
  • 100 ml tonic
  • 3-4 ice cubes

I put ice in a glass. Mix liqueur, gin and vodka in a shaker. Pour into a glass and top up the Panama cocktail with tonic.

The strength of the drink is about 6-8 degrees.

Cocktail with "Blue Curacao" "Pacific Ocean"

  • 40 ml tequila
  • 20 ml Blue Curacao liqueur
  • 60 ml tonic
  • 10 ml lemon juice
  • 1 strawberry
  • twist out lemon peel

I present to your attention another recipe for lovers blue cocktails – « Pacific Ocean". The cooking process is not very complicated, and will not take you much time. So, mix tequila, liquor and lemon juice in a shaker. Pour into a cocktail glass and top up with tonic. Cut the strawberries into small pieces and strung them on the edge of the glass.

We put a twist of lemon zest in a cocktail. The strength of the cocktail is about 12 degrees.
