
Chocolate sausage is a simple recipe with condensed milk. Sweet chocolate sausage made from cookies with condensed milk

Remind yourself "taste from childhood", prepare a real chocolate sausage with condensed milk according to the recipes of our grandmothers. Although they are now becoming popular with such foreign names as cupcake, tiramisu, cheesecake or clafoutis, the good old days when we ate potato cakes, cheesecakes, juicers and chocolate sausage will forever remain in our memory. delicious chocolate sausage may vary slightly in ingredients, but ingredients such as biscuits, softened butter and cocoa are the basis. Step-by-step preparation of chocolate sausage from biscuits with condensed milk with a photo simplifies the process, since neither sugar nor milk needs to be added. Add, if possible, lightly toasted walnuts or peanuts, but in this case, if the chocolate dough is a bit dry, you can increase the amount of condensed milk. Chocolate sausage can be prepared for children, they will be delighted with this dessert!

Ingredients for making chocolate sausage

Step by step cooking chocolate sausage cookies with condensed milk

Chocolate sausage is cut into circles and served chilled with tea or coffee. Bon appetit!

Chocolate confectionery sausage is a taste from childhood. Those who were born in the 70-80s remember how delicious this sausage with cookies and cocoa is. See recipes for it.

Now this sweet snack is especially popular with adults and children. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to prepare a treat, you don’t even need to bake it. It is enough to melt the chocolate mass, mix the ingredients and send the formed mass to the cold.

Previously, they used the classic recipe more, since there was no such abundance of products as today in stores. Nowadays, sausages are prepared with various products and they come out very tasty. Further in detail.

Cookie Chocolate Sausage: A Simple Classic Step-by-Step Recipe from Childhood

Consider first the usual classic recipe for this sweet dish. Which, by the way, is perfectly eaten with coffee, tea. It takes about 35 minutes to cook the sausage. And for freezing - three and a half hours.


  • Milk - 75 g
  • Butter - 225 g
  • Cocoa - 65 g
  • Baked milk (cookies) - 225 g
  • Sugar - 175 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • nuts

Do not forget to prepare food film, you can also increase the number of products in the recipe depending on the number of invited guests for a tea party.


  1. Crush all cookies by hand or with a blender. Carefully carry out the process so that there are no large parts left.
  2. Take a bowl and mix cocoa with granulated sugar in it. Softened butter, milk, add to this mass.
  3. Put on the stove, heat over low heat until the mixture dissolves.
  4. When the resulting chocolate has cooled, then add a beaten egg to it.
  5. Then pour the cookies into it, stir.
  6. Spread the film, send the sausage there, wrap it and place it in the refrigerator, in the freezer.

IMPORTANT: When you treat your relatives, then let the sausage defrost a little, and only then cut it.

How to make a delicious chocolate sausage from cookies and cocoa?

The taste of this sweet dessert is hard to spoil, almost impossible. Even from the usual available products, you get a delicious chocolate sausage.


  • Cocoa - 45 g
  • Cookies - 425 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 45 ml
  • Butter - 175 g
  • Sugar - 175 g


  1. Melt the butter in a water bath. Pour all the sugar there and wait until the contents melt on the stove.
  2. Gradually add the cocoa to the milk and stir well.
  3. Beat the egg with a blender.
  4. Pour milk into the oil, let it boil in a water bath. Remove from the stove, when it cools down a bit, pour in the egg.
  5. Crumble the cookies, stir the whole mass. Wrap the sausage in cling film and refrigerate.

IMPORTANT: Use softened butter, melted butter is not suitable for cooking sausages.

How to make a delicious chocolate sausage with condensed milk?

If you don’t have milk in the refrigerator, but have condensed milk, then you can replace this drink with this product. Yes, and then sugar is not necessary to include in the recipe.


  • Cookies - 475 g
  • Condensed milk - 475 g
  • Butter - 225 g
  • Cocoa - 65 g


  1. Grind the cookies thoroughly, mix it with butter. Then pour cocoa into the sweet mixture, pour condensed milk.
  2. If the mass turned out to be too liquid due to the consistency of condensed milk, then add cookies so that the mass turns out to be of normal density.
  3. Wrap the sausage in foil and refrigerate, after a few hours you can drink tea with ready-made sweet sausages.

How to make a delicious chocolate sausage with nuts?

An easy-to-make dessert with nuts will appeal not only to your children. If you want to please your family, then stock up on food in advance and make chocolate sausage.


  • Cookies - 525 g
  • Milk - 125 g
  • Sugar - 95 g
  • Cocoa - 75 g
  • Butter - 175 g
  • Vanillin - 2 g
  • Nuts - 45 g


  1. Break the cookies, mix with nuts.
  2. In a separate container, mix sugar, cocoa, pour milk, add vanillin.
  3. Grind the butter, add to the container with cocoa, put on the stove, cook until the mass becomes dark brown.
  4. Pour over cocoa cookies, wrap in cling film and place in the freezer.

IMPORTANT: Use your favorite nuts (cashews, pecans) for this recipe. Thanks to them, you will try a new taste of dessert.

How to make a delicious chocolate sausage with chocolate?

To cook such sausages, you will need products that are of high cost. For sweets, you need to take good quality chocolate.


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - 175 g
  • Hazelnut (chopped, roasted) - 95 g
  • Cookies - 225 g
  • Milk chocolate - 125 g


  1. Melt the chocolate, add butter there.
  2. Then send the beaten egg to the still warm mixture, mix the mass.
  3. Pour hazelnuts, crushed cookies.
  4. Mix well. Spread it on a film, form sausages.
  5. Send the product to the freezer.
  6. Before serving, cut the sausages into rings.

IMPORTANT: The recipe can be adjusted. Instead of milk chocolate, add your favorite. Replace hazelnuts with walnuts.

How to make a delicious chocolate sausage with raisins?


  • Cocoa - 55 g
  • Raisins - 125 g
  • Butter - 125 g
  • Condensed milk - 425 ml
  • Puffed rice - 325 g


  1. Pour milk, slightly melted, cocoa butter into a saucepan.
  2. Then mix the ingredients and add the rest of the products.
  3. Mix everything well again.
  4. Shape into round sausages, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate.
  5. You can eat after a few hours.

How to make a delicious chocolate sausage with Snickers?

With Snickers, you get a very tasty and nutritious sausage. To prepare it, you will need the following products:

  • Chocolate - 225 g
  • Butter - 125 g
  • Snickers - 175 g
  • Cocoa - 45 g

Sweet sausages with Snickers

cooking process:

  1. Melt the chocolate and butter in the oven.
  2. Add crushed pieces of cookies, Snickers. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Cool the mixture a little and wrap it in a film in the form of a sausage, then put it in a cold place for two to three hours.

Roll in cocoa powder before serving.

How to make delicious chocolate sausage from baby formula?

Dessert with baby food will taste good, especially kids will like these sausages.


  • Butter - 175 g
  • Baby formula - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 125 g
  • Cocoa - 65 g
  • Sugar - 475 g
  • Cookies - 275 g
  • Nuts - 75 g

Sweet sausage with baby formula


  1. Grind again cookies, nuts, then add cocoa, mix everything.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix milk and sugar.
  3. Add oil to it and heat until it boils.
  4. Combine cookies with cocoa mixture.
  5. Put the mass on the foil and carefully wrap the sausages.
  6. After the chocolate sausage hardens in a cold place, cut into pieces and treat the household.

This delicacy can be prepared in various ways. Any chocolate sausages will be extraordinarily tasty. In addition to enjoyment, this dessert will remind you of the bright moments of childhood, when adults treated you to sweets prepared by their own hands in childhood.

Video: How to make a delicious lean chocolate sausage, without milk, condensed milk, butter?

Chocolate sausage with shortbread cookies and condensed milk is a real bliss, a paradise for any sweet tooth, and also bright and nostalgic memories of childhood. Despite the simple and affordable ingredients of the recipes, the chocolate delicacy turns out to be insanely chocolatey, rich and sweet. Even a child can cope with the preparation of dessert, since the oven, slow cooker and other household appliances do not participate in the process. Having prepared the sausage once, you will not be able to stop, as it turns out to be very tasty, fragrant and melting in your mouth, as well as incredibly chocolatey!

Sausage cooking technology

It will surprise you with its simplicity, originality and end result. Cooking chocolate sausage from cookies with condensed milk does not require much effort and time, so even busy, working people can handle the recipe.

Previously, sausages from cookies and condensed milk were prepared for the reason that sweets were in short supply, but resourceful creative hostesses did not give up and did not give up. Despite the fact that at present the store shelves are “bursting” with confectionery, many people prefer homemade cakes and desserts. As for the chocolate sausage with condensed milk, it turns out to be unusually tender, fragrant, satisfying and tasty. It is important to note that the product does not crumble during cutting, as the dessert has a plastic structure.


  • condensed milk - ½ can;
  • cocoa - 5-6 tablespoons, but without a slide;
  • shortbread cookies - 250 grams;
  • soft butter - 120 grams;
  • powdered sugar - for decoration.

Step by step preparation of the legendary chocolate dessert with condensed milk:

An important role in the recipe is played by cookies, namely its variety. To make the chocolate sausage tasty and match the guest, it is advisable to give preference to a shortbread cookie that melts in your mouth. You will need 250 grams of such cookies, it must be broken into small pieces, and then sent to a blender. The crushed product should resemble a crumb, but not very small, since large pieces should be present in the cut.

Then take a deep bowl, pour the sand crumb into it. Add butter, it should be softened. Mix thoroughly. Try to use good, high-quality butter in the dessert so that there is no harm to health. Therefore, forget about spreads, margarines, it is important to choose butter with a fat content of at least 73%.

In the resulting oil-sand sand mixture, add cocoa powder. Its aroma should be chocolatey, rich and a bit harsh, so beware of cheap imitations.

At the next stage, you need to pour in ½ cans of condensed milk. Carefully, gently mix the resulting substance, you should get a homogeneous mass that will be easy to sculpt.

On the working surface it is necessary to spread a food film, on which to lay out the chocolate-sand mixture. Roll the film tightly, you should get a large and appetizing candy. Roll it out a little, giving it the shape of a sausage. Send it to the refrigerator. Before serving, cut the chocolate sausage into small round pieces. Serve with tea, coffee, kefir, milk or juice.

To make the shape of the dessert round, beautiful, after a few hours roll the product on the table. Due to the fact that the chocolate mass will harden slightly, but will be plastic, you will be able to give the desired shape to the sausage.

The proposed dessert can be called legendary. He has a huge number of recipes, cooking variations, each of which is in demand and respect. The better the quality of the products, the tastier and healthier the dessert will be. It is important to note that the sausage can be stored in the freezer for several weeks, and the taste will not deteriorate at all.

Simple and delicious sweets will always perfectly complement a cup or coffee, and today I suggest you prepare the most affordable option for the well-known delicacy - a sweet sausage made from cookies and cocoa with condensed milk. Surely you have tried such a sausage at least once in your life, and if you have never cooked it, today is the time to start. The recipe will require the simplest and most affordable ingredients, a little time and patience. The basic recipe, that is, ours, consists of four main ingredients - cookies, condensed milk, butter and cocoa. I think it's not worth saying that all the components must be of high quality in order for the result to be appropriate. So let's get started with the process.

- shortbread cookies - 250-270 g;
- butter - 100 g;
- condensed milk - 200 g;
- cocoa powder - 3 tbsp.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Prepare shortbread cookies, you can use the usual one, or you can add nuts, raisins, vanilla flavor. Break the cookies with your hands and place them in a blender.

Grind the cookies with a few clicks on the "start" button, the result should be a crumb, but it is also desirable to leave small pieces of different sizes.

Pour cocoa powder into the sand crumb. If desired, you can also chop any nuts and add them to the total mass, take the amount of nuts in the amount of 100 grams.

Mix dry ingredients, pour in the indicated amount of condensed milk.

Add delicious butter. Take the butter out of the fridge and let it melt completely. The butter should be just soft, you do not need to melt it on the stove.

Now mix all the ingredients with your hands so that the result is a lump of "dough".

Divide the mass into two or three parts, roll up sausages, pack them in cling film. Send sausages to the refrigerator shelf, leave for an hour or two alone. Then cut the sausages into pieces and serve.

Enjoy your meal!

And it also turns out very tasty.

Delicious appetizing dessert - sweet sausage with cookies. A classic recipe with condensed milk and walnuts will help you prepare it. You will need the simplest products - sweet shortbread cookies ("For tea", "Chess", etc.), high-quality butter, walnuts and, of course, sweet condensed milk - condensed milk. The dessert is prepared in less than half an hour, then it will take at least 10 hours for the sausage to freeze in the refrigerator.

It will take 30 minutes to prepare, from the indicated ingredients you will get 12 servings.


  • cookies - 420 g;
  • butter - 210 g;
  • walnuts - 120 g;
  • cocoa - 30 g;
  • sweet condensed milk - 350 g;
  • cling film, foil;
  • mint leaves for serving and garnish

How to cook sweet sausage on condensed milk

Grind half of the cookies in a blender until fine crumbs are obtained, break the remaining cookies into large pieces with your hands.

My walnuts, dry in a hot frying pan without oil, cool. Then chop the nuts with a knife, add to the rest of the ingredients.

Now put softened butter in a bowl. It is not necessary to melt the butter, it is enough to leave it at room temperature for 30 minutes in advance.

Mix the oil with dry ingredients with your hands until you get a thick mass that easily gathers into a lump.

Mix the mass with sweet condensed milk. By the way, instead of condensed milk, you can heat half a glass of milk and add a glass of sugar to it, stir until completely dissolved and cool.

We lay several layers of cling film on a cutting board, put the chocolate mass on the film.

We fold a tight “candy” from the film, twist the edges with a tourniquet and tie it.

We wrap the sausage in foil, roll it with our hands several times on the board to give the mass a cylindrical shape.

We remove the sausage on the lower shelf of the refrigerator compartment for the night, and preferably for a day.

We remove the film, cut the sausage into thick slices, decorate with mint and serve dessert with tea.
