
Restaurant and hotel business. Beautiful and unusual layered cocktails

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How nice it is to drink a glass of your favorite cocktail in the evening - alcoholic or not, it doesn't matter, it all depends on your desire and taste. I must say a huge thank you to the person who first thought of mixing several ingredients, as a result of which the first cocktail was born.

Some argue that the word "cocktail" comes from the Spanish expression cola di gallo - the tail of a rooster. So for the outward resemblance, they called the root of one of the plants with which the bartender from the town of Campeche on the Gulf of Mexico mixed the drinks he prepared. American sailors, who did not miss a single bar, liked to visit this one, in Campeche. When asked what kind of instrument he had in his hands, the polite bartender answered in English: "Cocktail" - "rooster's tail". There is another story that connects the origin of the "cocktail" with the "rooster's tail". This story belongs to James Fenimore Cooper. According to him, the first cocktail was prepared in the 70s of the 18th century by Elizabeth Flanagan, a canker of the troops of General Washington. One day, she served the officers a drink of rum, rye whiskey, and fruit juices, adorning the glasses with feathers from the tails of fighting cocks. One of the officers, a Frenchman by birth, at the sight of such decoration of glasses, exclaimed: "Vive le cog's tail!" ("Long live the cock's tail!"). Everyone liked this half-French, half-English phrase, and the drink began to be called "cocktail" - cock's tail.

To date, there are many recipes for all kinds of cocktails. But there are some among them that are 100 percent present in any bar in the world, whether it's a French restaurant or an American eatery.

The world's most popular 10 alcoholic cocktails

This cocktail was created by Monsieur Pite Petiot at the Harris Bar in Paris in 1921. The drink inherited its name, apparently, from the daughter of the English king Henry VIII, who received the nickname Bloody Mary from her cruelty.


  • 3/10 vodka
  • 6/10 tomato juice
  • 1/10 lemon juice
  • Worcestershire and Tabasco sauces
  • celery salt
  • salt, pepper to taste

What to do: Mix all ingredients in a highball glass with ice. Garnish with a slice of lemon and a sprig of celery. Served heavily chilled.


The birthplace of this cocktail is the USA. At first, the cocktail was very simple in nature - orange juice and vodka. Today, this cocktail can contain rum, whiskey, and other strong drinks instead of vodka. For example, "Mexican Screwdriver" contains tequila, "Honey Screwdriver" - honey beer, "Ginger Screwdriver" - ginger liqueur. In many countries, "screwdriver" is referred to by the English word "screwdriver" (pronounced skryudryver), which also means "screwdriver". There is a variation of this cocktail with a reverse proportion of ingredients, which is called "drivesrewer". The first written mention of the Screwdriver cocktail is found in the American magazine "Time" in the issue of October 24, 1949.


  • 50 g vodka
  • 100 g orange juice

What to do: Mix vodka with orange juice in a tall glass filled with ice. Serve with a straw.

This cocktail at one time was very fond of the famous writer Ernest Hemingway. It is prepared from lime juice, white rum, fresh mint, tonic water, sugar or syrup and crushed ice. Drink this cocktail only through a straw so that mint leaves and ice do not get into your mouth and you do not have to spit.
There are 2 types of mojito: low-alcohol and non-alcoholic. It comes from the island of Cuba, became popular in the USA in the 1980s. There are several theories about the origin of the name "mojito". One says that the word comes from Spanish. Mojo (moho, mojito - diminutive). Mojo is a sauce presumably in Cuba and the Canaries, usually it includes garlic, pepper, lemon juice, vegetable oil, herbs. Another states that mojito is a modified mojadito (Spanish: Mojadito, abbreviated from mojado), which means "slightly moist".
Mojito traditionally consists of five ingredients: rum, sugar, lime, sparkling water and mint. Its combination of sweet and refreshing citrus with mint, which may have been added to the rum to "mask" the strength of the latter, made this cocktail one of the most popular summer drinks. Some hotels in Havana also add Angostura to mojitos. In a non-alcoholic mojito, white rum is replaced with water with cane brown sugar.


  • mint 20 leaves
  • lime 2 slices
  • sugar syrup 15 ml
  • ice cubes
  • white rum 50 ml
  • soda 10 ml

What to do:
In a tall glass, put fresh mint leaves, a few lime slices and pour the whole composition with sugar syrup. Remember the pestle well. Next, crush the ice and pour it into a glass, add rum, top up the soda to the rim of the glass, stir with a cocktail spoon and finally garnish with a sprig of mint.


This cocktail of American origin is considered a classic. It is prepared from yellow chartreuse and gin, served with ice.


Gin 60 ml
yellow Chartreuse 15 ml
orange liqueur 5 ml
crushed ice

What to do:
In a mixing glass filled halfway with ice, combine gin, Chartreuse yellow liqueur, and orange liqueur. Pour into a cocktail glass and serve. Serve in a cocktail glass. Decorate with a slice of orange.

Pina colada

The Pina Colada cocktail is made from pineapple juice, Malibu liqueur, coconut cream and Bacardi rum and garnished with a cherry or pineapple wedge.
Bahia is a type of Pina Colada. It contains, in addition to the usual ingredients, the pulp of a lemon. The glass itself is decorated not with fruits and berries, but with a sprig of mint.
Traditional Caribbean alcoholic cocktail containing rum, coconut milk and pineapple juice. The name of the cocktail is translated as "filtered pineapple". Initially, this name meant fresh pineapple juice, which was served strained (colado). Unstrained was called sin colar. Then rum and sugar were included in the composition. In the middle of the 20th century, in one of the Puerto Rican bars, the piña colada recipe was born, which gained immense popularity and became the pride of Puerto Rico. The piña colada is considered the official drink of Puerto Rico.


  • 4-6 ice cubes
  • 2 parts Rum Light
  • 1 part Rum Dark
  • 3 parts Pineapple Juice
  • 2 parts Malibu liqueur
  • pineapple pieces for garnish

What to do:
Fill a shaker with crushed ice, light rum, coconut liqueur and pineapple juice. Shake lightly to mix. Strain into a large glass and garnish with a cherry and pineapple wedges.


This legendary cocktail continues to be popular all over the world, including in Russia. It is made from vermouth and gin and is always garnished with olives. The cocktail is served in special glasses.
At the beginning of the last century, "Martini" was called Italian vermouth, which in reality had nothing to do with this cocktail. However, around the middle of the 20th century. both concepts have united, and today both vermouth and a cocktail, so beloved by visitors to respectable casinos, are called so.
The cocktail is named after its creator - Martini de Anna de Toggia. The original version consisted of equal parts vermouth and gin and is now called "fifty-fifty", but now the proportions of the martini are changed until the appearance of an ultra-dry martini, when the glass is barely rinsed with vermouth before pouring the gin.


  • 4-6 crushed ice cubes
  • 3 parts gin
  • 1 tbsp dry vermouth or to taste
  • cocktail olive for garnish

What to do:
Put ice cubes in a pitcher. Pour in the gin and vermouth and stir. Pour into a chilled glass and garnish with a cocktail olive.

A cocktail of Latin American origin, the appearance dates back approximately to the interval between 1936-1948, there are many versions of its appearance, almost all of them feature a woman named Margarita. The first version is that the author of the first Margarita is the Mexican bartender Carlos Harrera. In 1938, he worked at the Rancho La Gloria bar in Tijuana, where the aspiring actress Margarita once dropped by. Her blond curls and heavenly beauty inspired Carlos to create the first glass of a cocktail - spicy and tender at the same time.
But there is another story that tells about the Texas aristocrat Margarita Sames. Allegedly, one year, somewhere in 1948, she arranged a grand reception in her villa in Acapulco. She treated her guests to a new tequila cocktail of her own invention. The guests liked it, they slowly got drunk and had fun. That's how everyone would drink and forget the creation of the hostess, but among the guests was Tommy Hilton, owner of the Hilton hotel chain. Tommy, as a pragmatic businessman, realized that good money could be made on the invention of a bohemian lady. A couple of days later, the cocktail appeared on the menu of bars and restaurants of his hotels. It is not known whether he shared the profits from sales with Madame Sames, but he secured her copyright in the name of the cocktail.


1 part Blanco tequila
1 part lime juice
1/2 part Cointreau orange liqueur

What to do: Prepared in a shaker and served chilled in a wide stemmed cocktail glass, rimmed with a salty rim (the rim of the glass is moistened with lime juice and dipped in finely crystalline salt) and garnished with a lime wedge.

Long Island

Sometimes called "Long Island Ice Tea" on the menu. This is a strong cocktail, which, contrary to its name, does not include tea. This drink is made from tequila, vodka, rum and gin. Sometimes Triple Sec is added to it. When preparing this drink, it is important to strictly observe the proportion. If you understand that the bartender mixed the cocktail by eye, then you have every right to be indignant and refuse to pay for the drink.
According to the rules, a cocktail should be made with no more than 5 different ingredients, but Long Island is an exception. It consists of 6 to 7 ingredients. A popular version is that the cocktail was first invented during the years of Prohibition, as it resembles ice tea (iced tea) in appearance and aroma. However, the cocktail is believed to have been first made in the 1970s by Chris Bendixen, a bartender at a nightclub in Smithtown, Long Island.


Vodka 30 ml.
white rum 30 ml.
Cointreau liqueur 30 ml.
tequila 30 ml.
lemon juice 30 ml.
sugar syrup 30 ml.
coca cola to taste

What to do: Put ice in the glass first. Pour in all the listed ingredients in sequence. Pour the Coca-Cola last. Garnish with a lemon wedge and mint sprig. Served with a straw.


This cocktail is currently the most popular in the casino. It was created by American bartender Dale Degrof personally for the singer Madonna. It soon became fashionable. This drink is prepared from cranberry juice, vodka, lime and liquor, and served in martini glasses.


  • lemon vodka 40 ml
  • liqueur "Cointreau" 15 ml
  • lime juice 15 ml
  • cranberry juice 30 ml

What to do: Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice. Shake well and pour into a cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon zest.

Tom Collins

This classic cocktail has its origins in the early 19th century. Although no one will tell you its exact origin, what we do know is that it was invented by a bartender named Collins at the famous Limmers Hotel in London. The original recipe used juniperberry Dutch alcohol, similar to gin. Ultimately, this ingredient was replaced by the sweeter London dry gin "Old Tom" (Old Tom) - thus the name Tom Collins. In fact, the Collins name is now used for a variety of other cocktails that are made with soda, sugar syrup, lemon juice, and an alcohol ingredient. In the US, the John Collins cocktail is made with Bourbon whiskey instead of gin. Other drinks called Collins are mixed using brandy, rum or Scotch whisky. This cocktail is refreshing, stylish, elegant, with a rich taste palette: just made to enjoy it in sophisticated society by the pool.


  • 60 ml dry London gin
  • 30 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon sugar syrup
  • 90 ml soda

What to do: Fill shaker halfway with ice. Add gin, lemon juice and sugar syrup. Shake well. Strain through a strainer into a tall, half-filled glass with ice, and carefully top up with soda. Stir gently to keep bubbles in. Garnish with a cherry in liqueur or a slice of lemon that can be placed directly into the drink or on the rim of the glass.

And one more cocktail, which also occupies a leading position in all the bars and restaurants of the world.


This cocktail is believed to be of Cuban origin. It contains lime juice, rum and syrup. In the casino, such varieties of this cocktail as "Derby daiquiri", "Peach daiquiri", "Banana daiquiri", etc. are in the greatest demand. Fruit pulp is added to them. The drink was invented in the town of Daiquiri at the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1896, a certain Jennings Cox (American mining engineer), cursing the heat, mixed the above-mentioned rum with lime juice for himself and his friends, and not just mix, but pour these ingredients on ice cubes. This is how the Daiquiri (Daiquiri) cocktail turned out. And Ernest Hemingway promoted this invention in his novels, he was a big fan of this drink. And in 1893, during the celebration of Cuban independence, an American army officer toasted a free Cuba by mixing Bacardi rum, symbolizing the free spirit of Cuba, with Coca-Cola, America's new drink. The slogan of those days - "Long live free Cuba!" forever preserved in the name of the Cuba Libre cocktail.
The popularity of the daiquiri skyrocketed when F. Scott Fitzgerald mentioned it in his book 2 Beyond Paradise, published in 1920. In an episode that warns against drinking rum in moderation, a group of characters order double daiquiris each as a harbinger of the "intoxicating evening" which ends in hallucinations.


6/10 white rum Bacardi or Havana Club
3/10 lemon or lime juice
1/10 sugar syrup

What to do:
Pour the ingredients into a shaker filled with ice and shake for 10 seconds. Strain into a cocktail glass. You can get Pink Daiquiri ("Pink Daiquiri") by adding a few drops of Grenadine.

An alcoholic cocktail is a drink in which alcoholic beverages are used as one or more ingredients. The cocktail itself is obtained by mixing several liquids, and sometimes with the addition of spices and fruits. What are the most popular cocktails?

What are cocktails? Cocktails are a mixture of several drinks (usually no more than 5 ingredients), plus additional ones used in very small quantities, such as salt, spices, bitters, etc. The composition of cocktails can be very different. Most cocktails are made with ice, so it should be given special attention. To make ice, it is better to use slightly mineralized or simply purified water. It should be completely transparent and without aftertaste.

History of the cocktail
The first legend, the most romantic, dates back to 1770. In those distant times, the owner of a bar located near New York lost his beloved rooster. The owner announced that whoever finds the loss will marry his daughter. After some time, one army officer brought his rooster to the owner of the bar, which by that time had managed to lose his tail. The owner had no choice but to announce to all the visitors of the bar about the upcoming wedding. His daughter, who worked in her father's establishment, was excited to mix different drinks, which they immediately began to call "cock tail" (cock tail) - a cock's tail.

The second legend says that in the 15th century in France, in the province of Charente, wines and spirits were already mixed, calling the mixture coquetelle (cocktail). From this subsequently came the cocktail itself.
The third legend tells that the first cocktail appeared in England. And the word "cocktail" itself is borrowed from the lexicon of racing enthusiasts, who called mixed-breed horses, that is, those with mixed blood, the nickname cock tail because of their tails sticking out like roosters.


  • 14 ml Triple Sec
  • 14 ml white rum
  • 14 ml gin
  • 14 ml vodka
  • 14 ml tequila
  • 28 ml tea
  • lemon wedge

Mix liquids in a Collins or Highball glass, add ice. Intervene. Add cola.

Cocktail "Sex on the beach"

This is a very popular alcoholic cocktail containing vodka, peach liqueur (schnapps), orange and cranberry juice. One of the official cocktails of the International Bartending Association (IBA).

  • 2 parts (40 ml) vodka
  • 1 part (20 ml) peach liqueur (Peach Schnapps)
  • 2 parts (40 ml) orange juice
  • 2 parts (40 ml) cranberry juice

Shake all ingredients in a shaker and pour into a highball glass filled with ice. The cocktail is garnished with an orange slice. Drink through a straw.
In some variations, pineapple juice is also added to the cocktail. Sometimes Hurricane Glass is used instead of a highball glass for cooking.
Also sometimes a cocktail is decorated with a slice of lime and a cherry.

Cocktail "Cuba Libre"

Cuba Libre is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It appeared during the Spanish-American War. One fine day, a group of American soldiers who were on leave entered one of the bars in Havana, one of them, perhaps missing his homeland and bourbon, ordered a rum with cola, ice and a slice of lemon. Having received his cocktail, he drank it with such pleasure that he aroused genuine interest among his colleagues and they asked the bartender to prepare the same drink for them. The fun began, in the midst of which one of the soldiers made a toast “Por Cuba Libre!” in honor of Cuba's newfound freedom, "Cuba Libre!" the crowd took...

  • half a lime
  • 60 ml white rum
  • 120 ml cola

Squeeze lime juice into Collins glass, add lime to glass, add ice. Pour in rum and cola. Mix.

And of course the famous Cocktail "Bloody Mary", which takes the first line in the top parade of the most popular cocktails in the world

This legendary cocktail is surrounded by many secrets and myths. Such famous people as Ernest Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald beat the lover and admirer of the drink.
The cocktail received worldwide recognition in New York, when at the St. Regis, who works at the Petio bar, decided to experiment with adding Tabasco sauce to the drink. At the celebration of the anniversary of the cocktail, the honorable right to say the first toast in honor of the unique "Bloody Mary" fell to the granddaughter of the legendary bartender and the creator of this cocktail, Fernand Petiot.

In New York, December 1st was declared Bloody Mary Day. In honor of the anniversary, the cocktail was offered at the price of 1933 - 99 cents.
Bloody Mary owes its birth to Fernando Petiot, a bartender who worked in the New York bar in Paris at the beginning of the last century.
Legends of the appearance of the Bloody Mary cocktail:
Legend has it that Fernand came up with the name “Red Snapper” for his cocktail, which means “Red Snapper” (there is such a fish). But one of the regular visitors to the bar called the drink "Bloody Mary", after which this name was fixed behind the cocktail. Another legend tells, on the contrary, Fernand Petio himself called the drink "Bloody Mary", but the administration of the bar "King Col" tried to rename it to "Red Snapper". Another legend tells that in Chicago there was a bar called the "Blood Bucket" and a charming girl Mary frequented it, and the Bloody Mary cocktail was named after her.

Initially, this drink was primitive, consisting only of vodka and tomato juice. But 15 years after its invention, seasonings and spices began to be added to these simple ingredients.

  • 90 ml tomato juice
  • 45 ml vodka
  • 15 ml lemon juice
  • 1 dash of Worcestershire sauce
  • Optionally, you can splash and Tabasco sauce
  • salt pepper

Pour all liquids into highball, add ice. Stir. Add salt and pepper to taste. For those who like it spicier, you can use nuclear red pepper.

There is also a Bloody Maria variant, based on tequila instead of vodka:

  • 60 ml tequila
  • 1 teaspoon horseradish
  • 3 dashes Tabasco
  • 3 dashes Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 dash of lemon juice
  • salt pepper
  • tomato juice

optionally add 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard, 1 dash of sherry or 30 ml clam juice
Put ice in a highball glass and pour in all the liquid ingredients. Top with tomato juice. Stir by pouring from one glass to another.
Especially for lovers of non-alcoholic - "Virgin Mary", a variation of a cocktail without vodka

Several countries argue about the origin of the word "cocktail", such as France, America, Spain and aristocratic England. They put forward various versions of its origin and offer their own translation, however, the most understandable option for the common man - "rooster's tail" - has become entrenched in the world. Traditionally, it includes a harmonious combination of drinks with certain additives, colorful details in the form of fruit slices, berries and even herbs. For a long time, alcoholic cocktails were associated with it, the names of which were and remain their highlight. Each of them also has certain flavors and a unique presentation that distinguishes it from many others.

As people nowadays strive to push the boundaries of taste and try unusual combinations of products, new cocktails continue to replenish the treasury of their kind. Any self-respecting bar, restaurant or club always offers a rich selection of these drinks, each of which can either invigorate, or relax, or simply bring pleasure!

Cocktail and alcohol - friends forever

At the mention of this word, one immediately imagines either a well-known drink made from milk with ice cream, or alcoholic cocktails, the names of which have long been fixed in any bar menu. It is the latter that I would like to pay attention to in this article. Isn't it interesting to know what this or that mix is, ordered from the bartender and delivered a portion of fun and euphoria? As they say, forewarned is forearmed, so classic alcoholic cocktails will follow in the article, photos with names are attached. And they are considered as such for their unquenchable popularity around the world and, of course, their bright personality.

They got their Oscar

We are talking about the famous "Mojito", "Bloody Mary", "Cosmopolitan", "Pina Colada" and "Margarita". Regardless of the characteristics of a particular country and its people, they are drunk, tasted and idolized on every continent. Considering that they are welcomed all over the world, it will not be superfluous to duplicate each name of alcoholic cocktails in English, which is known by the bulk of mankind. There is no competition among them, so acquaintance with these creations will follow in random order. We will not indicate the proportions of the ingredients in them, because a trained bartender knows the recipe of each drink better.

Make way for the ladies - "Margarita" (Margarite) in person

The name of cocktails (alcoholic, first of all) often has its own history of origin. "Margarita", for example, contains legends associated with a girl whose name is guessed. It is not surprising that in bars this drink is usually required by the weaker sex. Because women, as a rule, pay for the taste of a cocktail, while men mostly pay for strength and simplicity.

And the taste of "Margarita" remains in memory for a long time. It includes (according to the classics of the genre) tequila and lime juice, and the third component can be liquor: orange, strawberry, watermelon, juice or syrup is also added. The highlight of "Margarita" is its serving - in a glass, powdered with salt.

"Cosmopolitan" (Cosmopolitan) - a cocktail for a sultry party

This drink is one of the most frequently ordered among aperitifs. "Cosmopolitan" is able to whet the appetite and give energy to the body. It owes its scarlet hue to cranberry juice, into which lime juice is poured. After adding vodka and excellent Cointreau liqueur to it, the cocktail becomes very strong.

This fact guarantees that the party where Cosmopolitan is served will be a memorable one. It is better to drink it chilled if you plan to dance and have fun for a long time and actively!

"Bloody Mary" (Bloody Mary) is when inexpensive, tasty and simple

Usually alcoholic cocktails, the names and composition of which are both original and at the same time delight with their simplicity, acquire the status of "top". "Bloody Mary" is definitely one of those. Firstly, such an intriguing naming of the drink cannot but arouse the curiosity of people who want to drink something original.

Secondly, you have to pay a minimum for a glass of "Bloody Mary". As you know, it consists of tomato, lemon juice, to which vodka is generously added, severely seasoned with salt and pepper. And the uniqueness of the "bloody" mixture is given by a sprig of celery, which is usually piquantly stirred.

"Mojito" (Mojito) - world cocktail

It is considered one of the pioneers in the art of mixing drinks. There is no need to talk much about the features of the good old "Mojito" - it is better to feel them for yourself.

To prepare this drink, as a rule, they mix Bacardi rum with soda, put lime slices with mint sprigs in it. All this with a drop of sugar syrup and pure ice cubes is a refreshing mix that cools and invigorates the body and spirit.

(Pina Colada) - decoration of a sunny and noisy summer

Imagine a tropical landscape with tall palm trees, hammocks and a bar on a sandy beach. After all, it was in such places that "Pina Colada" was born, bearing an incomprehensible name without proper translation. A lot of alcoholic cocktails have been invented in hot countries, but it was this drink that gained the most popularity.

These two words, translated from Spanish meaning "strained pineapple", although rustic, they sound very attractive to foreigners. Tropical ingredients "Pina Colada" harmoniously complement each other: it consists of fresh pineapple juice, white rum and syrup.

The original name - and 50% of the success of the cocktail is guaranteed!

Now bars and clubs with their varied bar menu cannot but rejoice, and this is probably one of the reasons for their popularity, which is growing from year to year. At the same time, they actively practice new flavor combinations, and enthusiastically develop fresh designs for drinks. The income from cocktails is always decent, and therefore, the business in this area is doing well. Mixing drinks is also insanely interesting, because you can enjoy both the process of their preparation and the fruits of the work.

In order to attract more visitors to your institution, many different tricks are used. For example, in order for people to buy certain alcoholic cocktails more actively, the names in clubs are written on the walls or interior details (so that they attract attention to themselves). At the same time, promotions are held for drinks, and they come up with alternative bright names. Other owners of the restaurant (club) benefit from the diversity of the bar, periodically updating the menu.

So, there are a lot of people who want to try:

  • "Reanimator" of brandy and sweet vermouth.
  • "Maiden's Prayer", in which, in addition to the main gin, syrup, fresh lemon and orange juice and Cointreau, there is egg white.
  • "Slippery Nipple" - a hell of a combination of layers of grenadine, sambuca with Irish Cream liqueur.
  • "Cranial hemorrhage" - it is distinguished from the previous one by peach Schnaps instead of sambuca.
  • "Balalaika" and "Kamikaze". Their compositions are similar: vodka familiar to everyone and Cointreau, only lemon juice is added to the first, and lime juice to the second. Mostly men order them to prove that "a real Russian does not get drunk so easily."
  • The list is completed by such cool names of cocktails (alcoholic, of course) as "Annushka", "Katenka", "Natasha". Each of the listed drinks is really tasty as a selection. For their preparation, vodka is taken as the basis. The first cocktail is purple, with Creme de Mure liqueur. The second is bright and sunny, with lime juice and a sprig of mint. "Natasha" strikes with a candy taste, which is created by a mixture of strawberry and banana liqueurs with Cointreau.

Continuing the theme of names

Despite the fact that most of the mixes from the bar menus are named quite adequately, fashionably and modernly, there are no exceptions. After all, funny names of cocktails, alcoholic ones, as a rule, are remembered best of all. And this is due to the fact that they usually have a peculiar taste and have an unpredictable effect on the body.

  • Just want to mention a drink called "Death in the afternoon" - a la invigorating champagne for gentlemen.
  • It is impossible not to single out the White Russian and Black Russian cocktails-brothers, prepared from vodka with a certain coffee liqueur, only the first one still has cream.
  • "The Last Word" also surprises with its name. It is a mix of gin, green Chartreuse, lime juice and maraschino liqueur.
  • "Breast of an angel" amuses no less! It turns out that this is a mixture of the already mentioned maraschino liqueur with whipped cream, served in a graceful glass.
  • From the "Glands of the monkey" becomes uncomfortable. But the daredevils who tried this drink usually demanded to be repeated, since the taste of gin with orange, pomegranate juices and Ricard tincture is worth it.
  • Scottish tart scotch and the incomparable Drambuy liqueur give birth together. It is not recommended to hurry with it: savor its taste as long as possible.

The soul asks for a cocktail, but it's a pity for the money to go to a bar? There is an exit!

After a hard and nervous working week, do you want to get rid of the thoughts that filled your head? Would you like to relax cheaply and cheerfully, because prices in a club or bar bite? Alcoholic cocktails in stores will help out, their names are similar to restaurant ones, the taste, of course, may differ from the original, but they are really inexpensive. It will not be difficult to find such ones in any supermarket, in the departments with alcohol.

The choice will, of course, not be like in a bar, however, "Pina Colada", "Whiskey with Cola", "Bellini", "Daiquiri", the similarity of "Screwdriver", "White Russian" and "Martini" is not a problem to find.

When the desired mix is ​​purchased and is already in the refrigerator, all that remains is to pour it into a glass to make it look aesthetically pleasing, and throw a couple of ice cubes into it with a slice of some fruit and a sprig of mint. But since these alcoholic cocktails are sold in bottles (the names of some, albeit aristocratic ones), it will not be fatal to drink them directly from there.

Beginner's Guide to Bars

Surely, everyone has heard about the lists of films that everyone should see, places that must be visited. There are similar ones for books and for legendary dishes. In this case, we will talk about something similar, but the name of the cocktails (alcoholic) will appear in the main roles. The list of them is compiled for people who are just starting to discover the world of spirits and mixes from them. Still, it is worth having some information in order to know exactly what to order from the bartender, and to be aware of the effect of the desired drink.

Thus, beginners should take note of the following alcoholic cocktails. The names of the drinks, which, as mentioned above, received their "Oscar" should be remembered first, and start practicing with them.

  • "B-52" - three liqueurs: "Irish Krim", "Grand Marnier" and coffee "Kalua".
  • "Daiquiri" is desirable to try when the rum included in it, in addition to lime juice and syrup, is real Cuban.
  • "Sex on the Beach" is a fiery boom of peach liqueur, vodka, raspberry liqueur, cranberry and pineapple juices.
  • The traditional "Tequila Sunrise" of pomegranate juice, orange, tequila, soda and (blackcurrant liqueur) is great done right.
  • "Mimosa". It skillfully mixed orange fresh with sparkling champagne. It is recommended to drink with a hangover.
  • Drinking "Martini" in its many versions is also a paramount task. For example, gin is praised, dry vermouth, orange bitter and olive pickle create something in one glass.
  • Even beginners are familiar (James Bond's favorite drink, remember?). However, not everyone can withstand its strength, because vodka, gin, Lille Blanc vermouth, in which lemon peel languishes, is not easy to master in one glass.
  • With a smile, they also recall the sensations after the Lone Island East Tea. A mix of tequila, white rum, vodka with gin, lemon juice, cola and Cointreau will turn your head instantly, and the body itself will rush to the center of the dance floor.
  • You can reflect on the great with the Alexander cocktail, which is made up of cream, syrup, gin and white Creme de cocoa.
  • For the same purpose, it is ideal to order with Cointreau liqueur, gin, lemon juice and egg white.
  • "White Russian", "Black Russian" and "Screwdriver" allow you to spend the evening in a severe way.
  • "Manhattan" is added to the treasury of mandatory alcoholic beverages. Bittersweet notes are felt in it due to Angostura bitters and sweet vermouth, which are diluted by bourbon.
  • There is no point in ending the evening boring and quiet when there is a Hurricane cocktail. That's really where the storm in a glass is, brought on by dark rum, lemon juice and passion fruit syrup.
  • Finishes with his madness "Hiroshima". This shooter, except in one gulp, does not drink. This is obvious, because in it sambuca, absinthe, creamy liqueur "Irish Cream" and bitter grenadine give rise to an infernal mixture.

A curtain

Not all alcoholic cocktails are mentioned in the article, and their names can be listed for a long time. But why? After all, if there is a desire to taste something from the above, then it is easy and simple to satisfy it. Alternatively, go to a trusted club or store and leave there the required amount of money for one or another "balm for the soul." Or you can take a risk - discover a novice bartender in yourself and make a cocktail yourself. For this, there is the necessary literature in the bookstore and the supermarket is not with a meager alcohol department. This is a great hobby, because the "results of creativity" will be nice to experience for yourself. The main thing is not to choke on the creative process.

Today, few parties can pass without a cocktail, but why is your New Year's party worse? Today in our rating are the ten most popular cocktails and, of course, recipes for their preparation.

10th place. Mojito

Mojito recipe appeared in Havana, the capital Cuba, in a small cafe-restaurant " Bodeguita del Medio founded by the family Martinez V 1942 year and to this day welcomes visitors in the same bar in the colonial style in the heart of the city; it was visited by famous personalities, among them Ernest Hemingway, Adrianis Rodriguez, photos of which are stored in the restaurant.

On the origin of the name mojito There are several legends. One says that the word mojito is a modified mojadito (Spanish. Mojadito, reduce from mojado), which means "slightly moist".


White rum - 50 ml
. Sugar syrup - 20 ml
. Soda (mineral water with lemon or sprite) - 50 ml
. Mint - 15 grams
. Lime - 3 slices


1. Put lime and mint in a highball.
2. Muddle and top with crushed ice.
3. Pour in the rum, sugar syrup and club soda.
4. Stir with a bar spoon.
5. Add crushed ice.
6. Garnish with a sprig of mint.

9th place. Pina colada

The name of the cocktail translates as " filtered pineapple". Initially, this name meant fresh pineapple juice, which was served strained ( colado). Unstrained bore the name sin color. Then rum was included in the composition. IN mid-twentieth century in one of the Puerto Rican bars, the cocktail recipe " piña colada”, which gained immense popularity and became the pride of Puerto Ricopiña colada»is considered the official drink Puerto Rico.


White rum - 50 ml
. Coconut syrup - 30 ml
. Pineapple juice - 100 ml


1. Pour rum, coconut syrup and pineapple juice into a shaker.

3. Strain through a strainer into a hurricane glass with ice.
4. Garnish with a pineapple and cocktail cherry.

8th place. cosmopolitan

Initially, the cocktail was specially created for vodka. Absolute Citron which tasted like lemon. According to another version, cosmopolitan» created Cheryl Cook, a woman bartender from the shtetl South Beach, Florida. Another figure involved in the creation of the drink was Toby Cizzini With Manhattan. He made a cocktail based on the recipe Cook, while he made his own small changes. It was his recipe that became the standard of cooking " Cosmopolitan". For a long time, this cocktail has been popular among gay club goers. Only in 1998 year with the release of the series " Sex in the city", Where " cosmopolitan"became the favorite drink of the heroines, it gained wide popularity.


Orange liqueur - 10 ml
. Cranberry juice - 30 ml
. Lemon juice - 10 ml
. Vodka - 30 ml
. Orange peel essential oil - 1 slice


1. Pour vodka, orange liqueur, lemon juice and cranberry juice into a shaker.
2. Fill a shaker with ice cubes and shake.

4. Squeeze the orange peel essential oil onto the surface of the drink and plunge into the glass.

7th place. Tequila Sunrise

Cocktail " Tequila Sunrise'was invented in 30-40s years in a hotel Arizona Biltmore Hotel. The original recipe included blackcurrant liqueur and lime juice. Your name (English) sunrise - "sunrise") Cocktail received for appearance. Dense components (blackcurrant liqueur or pomegranate syrup), settling to the bottom of the glass through a mixture of juice and tequila, create a gradation of colors reminiscent of dawn.

There is a version that the cocktail became famous thanks to the group " The Rolling Stones", whose musicians preferred" Tequila Sunrise» to all other drinks during his American tour in 1972 year.


Tequila - 50 ml
. Orange juice - 150 ml
. Grenadine syrup (pomegranate syrup) - 10 ml


2. Pour tequila and orange juice
3. Top with grenadine syrup
4. Garnish with an orange slice

6th place. Daiquiri

Origin story related to patriotic Cuban motifs tells the story of a Cuban engineer Jennings Cox, which was heading for manganese development in the area Daiquiri. He had only rum at his disposal to quench the thirst of the workers. The engineer asked a peasant, whose estate bordered on mining, a basket of limes and granulated sugar, then extracting ice from the fittings that miners usually used, prepared a simple cocktail composition " Dairiki". The result was so successful that the workers spread the recipe all over the island.

Well, he brought worldwide fame to the cocktail Ernest Hemingway. He wrote about his favorite cocktails like this: My daiquiri en Floridita, my mojito en Bodeguita "(My daiquiri is in Floridita, my mojito is in Bodeguita") .


White rum - 40 ml
. Lemon juice - 20 ml
. Sugar syrup - 20 ml


1. Pour rum, lemon juice and sugar syrup into a shaker.
2. Fill a shaker with ice cubes and shake.
3. Strain through a strainer into a chilled cocktail glass.
4. Garnish with a circle of lemon.

5th place. margarita

A cocktail of Hispanic origin, the appearance dates back to about a period of 1936—1948 year, there are many versions about his appearance, in almost all of them a woman named Margarita appears. And although there are only three official versions of the origin of life on Earth, contenders for the title " creator of margarita» do not count!


Tequila - 40 ml
. Orange liqueur - 20 ml
. Lemon juice - 20 ml


1. Pour tequila, lemon juice and orange liqueur into a shaker.
2. Fill a shaker with ice cubes and shake.
3. Strain through a strainer into a margarita glass with a salty rim.
4. Garnish with a lime wedge.

4 methods. Martini Dry

Dry Martini was first presented to the public at the turn of the XX century. According to one version, it happened in a bar in a New York hotel. Knickerbocker: bartender Martini di Armadi Taggia combined in equal proportions gin and Noilly Prat and added a drop of orange bitter. According to another theory, "father" Dry Martini was from San Francisco and called him Jerry Thomas. He mixed a cocktail for a gold digger who went to seek his fortune in the city. Martinez. There is also a version according to which the cocktail got its name in honor of guns. Martini and Henry, which were in service with the British army at the beginning XX century: the allegedly stunning (in the literal sense of the word) cocktail was to the taste of the soldiers.
Cinematography brought worldwide fame to the cocktail. " Matrini Dry"appears in such cult films of American cinema as a series about the war in Vietnam M*A*S*H, where the main characters use only "dry martini".


Gin - 75 ml
. Dry vermouth - 15 ml
. Olive - 1


1. Chill the cocktail glass and mixing glass.
2. Drain the melted water from the mixing bowl.
3. Pour in the vermouth and gin and stir with a bar spoon.
4. While holding ice in a mixing glass, pour into a cocktail glass.
5. Dip an olive on a skewer to the bottom of the glass.

3rd place. Cuba Libre

First prepared in Havana V 1900 year. American soldiers mixed Cuban rum and cola while toasting a free Cuba: « Viva la Cuba libre» (« Long live free Cuba»).


White rum - 40 ml
. Cola - 120 ml
. Fresh lime - 1 wedge


1. Fill your highball glass to the top with ice cubes
2. Pour rum and cola
3. Garnish with a lime wedge

2nd place. Screwdriver

According to legend, the cocktail got its name from the habit of American oil engineers working in Iraq to mix vodka and orange juice with a screwdriver. But most likely the cocktail was invented John Martin, the man who taught me to drink all the vodka America. The first written mention of the Screwdriver cocktail (screwdriver) is found in the American magazine " Half» in the issue dated October 24, 1949.


Vodka - 50 ml
. Orange juice - 150 ml


1. Fill the highball to the top with ice cubes.
2. Pour in vodka and orange juice.
3. Garnish with an orange slice.

1 place. Bloody Mary

For the role of the inventor bloody mary Several people apply. Some sources claim that the cocktail was originally created George Jessel at about 1939 year. In the newspaper New York Herald Tribune December 2, 1939 what is believed to be the first reference to the drink was published, along with the original recipe attributed to George Jessel: « George Jessel's new anti-hangover drink, which attracted the attention of correspondents and called Bloody Mary: half tomato juice, half vodka»
The name is associated with the name of the English queen Mary I Tudor, nicknamed Bloody Mary for the massacre of Protestants.


Vodka - 50 ml
. Tomato juice - 100 ml
. Lemon juice - 10 ml
. Fresh celery - 10 g
. Wotchester sauce - 5 drops
. Tabasco - 3 drops
. Salt
. Ground pepper


1. Muddle the celery in a shaker
2. Pour in vodka, lemon juice, tomato juice, Wochester and Tabasco
3. Sprinkle salt, pepper to taste
4. Fill shaker with ice cubes and shake
5. Strain through a strainer into a highball
6. Garnish with a stalk of celery and a lemon
