
Strawberry jam with gelatin. Step-by-step preparation of thick delicious strawberry jam with gelatin

Many housewives prefer to cook delicious homemade strawberry jam with gelatin. And this is no coincidence, because such jam acquires a thick, stable consistency and does not spread, as a result of which it can be used not only as a separate sweet treat, but also added as a filling to pies, buns, rolls, etc.

In this article, we will tell you how to cook strawberry jam with gelatin, such a recipe does not differ much from the usual preparation, except that gelatin is included in its ingredients.

So, jam with gelatin from strawberries - recipe.

Required Components for cooking strawberry jam:

Ripe strawberries - one kilogram;
- granulated sugar - one glass;
- gelatin - twenty grams.

The cooking method is step by step.

Stage one. To prepare our sweet billet, as for cooking, we will select a whole, ripe, not spoiled strawberry and remove the green stalks from it.

Stage three. Then we need to turn the prepared strawberries into gruel, you can do this different ways- chop with a blender, knead with a fork or a wooden crush.

Stage four. Strawberry gruel is placed in a wide, not very deep enamel pan or a basin and fill it with plenty of one glass of granulated sugar.

Stage five. Following the sugar, add gelatin to the mashed strawberries. Mix everything together well with a wooden spatula or spoon.

Stage six. We transfer the container with strawberry raw materials to the stove, light medium fire, and slowly, not forgetting to stir, and also remove the resulting foam from the surface of the berries, bring the workpiece to a boil.

Stage seven. As soon as the jam boils, without removing it from the heat, we begin to stir it continuously for one to two minutes, bringing it to fully prepared.

Stage eight. To check whether our jam is ready for capping, we take it with a teaspoon and drip onto a plate, if the drop is tight, thick and does not spread, the workpiece is ready, if it spreads, boil the strawberries for some more time, bringing to the desired thick consistency.

Stage nine. We prepare jars for jam in advance. We make sure to wash them well. hot water with the addition of some kind of dish detergent, you can also use the usual drinking soda or laundry soap. Then we pasteurize each jar over steam for fifteen to seventeen minutes.

Stage ten. Ready jam, still hot, we pack in jars, filling them to the very top, and roll them up with tin lids, which must first be boiled for several minutes.

Stage eleven. We turn the sealed jars upside down and leave them to cool in this position.

Stage twelve. We move the cooled workpiece, as well as, to a cool pantry.

The shelf life of strawberry jam with gelatin is no more than two years.

Delicate and fragrant strawberry jam is a thicker and smoother "Western" version of our favorite winter jam. For its preparation use ripe berries, sweeteners, gelling agents, spices, additional ingredients and natural preservatives. Ready-made delicacy rich in vitamins, minerals and natural antioxidants, all year round served with cookies, buns, pancakes, biscuits, pancakes, toast and waffles. In the course of cooking delicious strawberry jam, "5-minutes" is used by other seasonal berries and fruits. Fragrant beauty from the home garden goes well with raspberries, red currants, cherries, rhubarb, plums, bananas, etc. There are many, many options for preparing vitamin treats. Further - more about each of them.

Thick strawberry jam for the winter without gelatin: the most delicious recipe with a photo

Many housewives avoid summer blanks from red currant, fearing a long and monotonous separation of the berries from the stalks. After all, each currant must be carefully removed without crushing the delicate pulp. We also offer universal recipe with a photo of strawberry and redcurrant jam, which does not require extra time. In our version, washed and dried red currants can be rubbed through a kitchen strainer without removing them from the stalks. The recipe only says berry puree, the rest can be discarded.

Essential Ingredients for Strawberry Redcurrant Jam

  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • red currant - 250 g
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
  • sugar - 700 g
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp

Step-by-step preparation of strawberry-currant jam for the winter according to a recipe with a photo

Quick 5-Minute Strawberry Jam: Video Recipe

Jams "5-minutes" from strawberries, raspberries, apricots and other fruit and berry components according to video recipes managed to earn honor and respect from every progressive housewife. They are quickly prepared, stored for a long time and do not lose the bulk useful substances. Since the period heat treatment of such preparations is close to the minimum, vitamins do not have time to decay, which means that they reliably nourish our body during the cold winter season.

See how to cook quick jam from strawberries "5-minute" in the video recipe:

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker with plums

Strawberries can be dried for cooking fragrant teas, cherries - wither for baking and desserts, cranberries - candied, and blueberries are good frozen. Alas, almost all of these harvesting methods are not applicable to strawberries. Except for freezing and boiling. Normal Strawberry jam no one is surprised anymore. But strawberry jam with plums in a slow cooker can certainly make a splash. See for yourself!

Necessary ingredients for making strawberry-plum jam in a slow cooker

  • fresh strawberries - 450 g
  • sugar - 800 g
  • purple plums - 900 g
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp

Step by step cooking strawberry jam with plums in a slow cooker

Thick and delicious strawberry jam: a recipe with gelatin

Jam is an English preparation of berries or fruits, created by boiling the main ingredients with sugar or gelling ingredients. The finished delicacy is sweet, slightly stretchy and incredibly fragrant. If during the preparation of a thick and delicious jam use gelatin, the dessert will look like confiture or concentrated berry jelly.

Essential Ingredients for Delicious Strawberry Gelatin Jam

  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 750 g
  • gelatin - 22 g
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp

Step-by-step preparation of thick delicious strawberry jam with gelatin

How to cook strawberry jam in a pan: video recipe

Strawberries, unlike apples or blackcurrants, cannot be harvested in one harvest. Every day the warm sun warms up more and more batches of ripe fragrant berries. Cooking a pot of jam from each basket is not practical and too time consuming. And since the keeping quality of strawberries is minimal, collect a large number of is unlikely to succeed. The only rescue option fast harvesting from strawberries for the winter in a pan. For this you need standard set ingredients for jam and ordinary kitchen tools. Thanks to an unusual cooking technology, the delicacy turns out to be amazingly fragrant, with a light caramel taste.

See how to cook strawberry jam in a pan in the video recipe:

Strawberry season is in full swing, and you need to have time to extract from natural pantry maximum benefit. Prepare delicious thick jam from strawberries for the winter according to the most different recipes with photos and videos - and enjoy 5-minute desserts every frosty and snowy evening.

Strawberry jam for the winter is healthy and fragrant dessert which hardly anyone can refuse.

Strawberry jam modern housewives they cook in many ways, and Gelfix comes to the rescue, and kitchen appliances- multicookers, bread makers.

Very tasty, but today Alternative option cooking this wonderful treat- strawberry jam with the addition of gelatin.

Any berries go into such a jam - not too ripe, rumpled, the main thing is that they are not spoiled, the shape is not important here, anyway they will be crushed and boiled.

All recipes for strawberry jam with gelatin are good because with this component the jam is cooked very quickly and is guaranteed to thicken.

Gelatin does not affect the taste in any way, but only gives the jam the right consistency.

You can also cook strawberry jam for the winter with gelatin by putting less sugar, because gelatin will take on the main role of the thickener.

strawberry jam recipe with gelatin


  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar
  • 20 g finely powdered gelatin

How to make strawberry jam with gelatin:

1. Rinse the berries and cut off the tails.

2. Mash with a crush or chop in a blender.

3. Pour the strawberry mass, sugar and powdered gelatin into the pan. Mix everything well.

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4. Put on slow fire and, stirring constantly, so that all the grains disperse, heat until the first signs of boiling. The foam formed during the cooking process must be removed.

5. Cook, stirring constantly, 2 minutes. Check if a drop of jam spreads on a saucer.

6. If the form holds, turn off the heat and pour the jam into sterilized jars.

7. Roll up with boiled lids and turn upside down, wrapping until cool.

It will thicken even more as it cools.

Strawberry jam recipe for the winter with gelatin is stored for about two years in a dark, cool place.

Such jam can be eaten with tea, spread on bread and cookies, as well as bake pies, sweet buns and rolls with it.

Preparing strawberry jam with gelatin sheets


  • strawberries - 5 kg
  • sugar - 4 kg
  • citric acid - to taste
  • sheet gelatin - 10 plates

Making strawberry jam for the winter:

1. Sort the strawberries, rinse and remove the tails.

2. Transfer to a basin, sprinkle with sugar and let it brew for 8 hours.

3. Boil the strawberries for 15 minutes, constantly removing the foam.

4. Drain half of the syrup and soak the gelatin in it.

5. Crush or grind the berries with a blender.

6. Add citric acid and divorced in berry syrup gelatin.

7. Stir well and simmer strawberry jam after boiling for 2-3 minutes or until desired consistency.

Hello! Summer has come and everyone's favorite berry is about to ripen. It's time to start making preparations for the winter. I bring to your attention recipes for delicious and thick strawberry jam.

This sweet delicacy in winter will delight the whole family, as if plunged into summer. If you love this berry, you can also read the recipes for cooking from it.

My sweet tooth just loves it. And I cook differently every year. I try and experiment, and I want to share the results of my experiments with you.

I present my most good options which I liked the most. And you prepare and evaluate. I am sure that at least one of the recipes will become your favorite.

First, I would like to share this recipe. Cooking it is very simple, and most importantly quickly. I like to spread this dessert on a bun and wash it down with milk. Overeating!


  • Strawberries - 600 gr
  • Sugar - 500 gr
  • Gelatin (instant) - 1 teaspoon
  • Water - 50 ml

Cooking method:

Before cooking, be sure to rinse the berries and peel the sepals.

1. Place the berries in a deep bowl, add sugar and mash with a pusher or blender.

2. Then put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Boil 20 minutes. The jam should take on a burgundy color.

3. In the meantime, pour 1 teaspoon of gelatin with water. Stir until completely dissolved.

4. Now pour the gelatin into our brew in a thin stream, stir and cook for another 5 minutes.

6. After that, remove from the stove and put everything in jars. Turn the filled jars upside down and leave to cool. Then put them away cool place before winter.

Jars and lids must first be sterilized in any way convenient for you.

How to make strawberry jam so that it is thick

This method is called a five-minute, because it is cooked three times for 5 minutes. and you can use it immediately after cooling. And you can leave it for the winter, if possible, as it turns out to be very thick, fragrant and insanely tasty.


  • Strawberries - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Citric acid - 0.5 teaspoon


1. Rinse the berries, remove the stalks and dry for paper towel. Then transfer to a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Stir and let stand for two hours to release the juice.

2. After two hours, add citric acid and grind everything with an immersion blender. Then put on fire and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes, skimming from time to time. Remove from heat after 5 minutes and leave to cool completely. Do this procedure two more times.

3. Arrange the finished jam in jars and roll up. Turn over, cover with a towel and leave to cool.

It acquires a thick consistency after complete cooling.

Very tasty and thick strawberry confiture with lemon

Try to make such a treat for tea. This delicacy will appeal to all the sweet tooth. Amazing recipe and very easy to make. Indifferent will not remain.


  • Lemons - 1.2 kg
  • Strawberries - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.3 kg
  • Pectin - 2 sachets

Cooking method:

1. Rinse all fruits and berries. Trim the ends of the lemons on both sides. Set aside one lemon, and grind the rest in a blender. Cut the remaining lemon into round slices. Put the ground fruit in a dish, add half the sugar, mix and put the chopped slices on top.

2. Puree the berries with an immersion blender. Pour in the remaining sugar and stir. Leave the berries and fruits for two hours so that the juice appears.

3. After the elapsed time, put the strawberries on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for another 3 minutes, stirring. Do the same with the lemon, only cook for 5 minutes. Then you need to put it to cool and do this procedure one more time. After the second time, leave them to cool overnight.

4. After the night, put the lemons back on the fire, add 1 sachet of pectin, stir and boil for 3 minutes. Then remove from heat and pour into jars by 1/3. Leave to cool. Then put round pieces of lemon in jars.

6. Close the jars with lids and place in a pot of water. Sterilize on the stove for about 10 minutes in boiling water. After that, you will have a very tasty delicacy.

A simple recipe for the winter without gelatin

To prepare a wonderful and tasty jam in this way will not be any difficulty even for novice housewives. he is so simple. And you will receive amazing dessert for the winter.


  • Strawberries - 1.5 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg


1. Rinse, dry and clean the berries. Then grind them in a blender or meat grinder to a state of gruel. Then pour into the bowl in which you will cook. Pour in the sugar and stir.

2. Put on fire and bring to a boil. When it boils, remove the foam. Boil for 40 minutes, stirring the sweet mass.

The removed foam, after cooling, is incredibly tasty. I love her so much.

3. Prepare sterile jars with lids, transfer the finished jam there and tighten the lid. Turn over and wrap in something warm. leave for a day until it cools down. Then put away for storage.

Video on how to make strawberry jam with pectin

As you already understood, there are many ways to prepare a wonderful delicacy. And now I want to introduce you to another recipe that uses pectin, so the cooking time will not take you more than 4 minutes.

Pectin is a confectionery food supplement, which is formed from the residues of galacturonic acid.


  • Strawberries - 500 gr
  • Sugar - 250 gr
  • Pectin - 5 gr

Check out the recipe and make up your mind on this option, but I like it very much.

To be honest, I didn’t cook this way, but I’ll definitely try it. The jam looks very appetizing and is so thick that it doesn't even run off the bun. Let's try to do.

Cooking a berry delicacy without cooking

Did you know that it is not always necessary to boil the berries? Can cook amazing delicious confiture without cooking. Here is an excellent recipe. Spend little time at all. But it will be so tasty and fresh, as if you only eat berries from the garden.


  • Strawberries - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg

Cooking method:

1. Peel the berries from the tails and remove the damaged ones. Then rinse and scald with boiling water.

2. Using a blender, grind them to a puree state.

3. Sprinkle with sugar, mix and leave for 30 minutes. Then mix again and arrange in jars. store fresh jam in a refrigerator.

Confiture with orange

Another recipe for your collection. And just as simple and fast. Very interesting combination strawberries and oranges. I really like him.


  • Strawberries - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 700 gr
  • Orange - 1 pc.


1. Rinse the berries and peel off the stalks. Then grind through a blender or meat grinder.

2. In the resulting puree, add the juice from the squeezed orange and sugar. Mix well and put on fire. Cook, stirring constantly for 40-50 minutes. Cooking time depends on how thick your jam is. At the end, add orange zest, stir and remove from heat.

3. Pour hot dessert into clean sterile jars and roll up immediately. The jam will thicken as it cools completely. Banks can be stored room temperature in a dark place.

Cooking strawberry jam in a slow cooker

For those who like to cook in a slow cooker, I also have a recipe. I picked up detailed video With step by step description making strawberry jam in this unit.


  • Strawberries - 500 gr
  • Sugar - 400 gr.

See how to cook in this video recipe.

In fact, it is really very convenient, especially for summer residents. It turns out a very thick and tasty jam, with which you will please yourself and your family in the winter.

Well, dear friends, I'm done for today. I hope you enjoy my recipes. I think your loved ones will appreciate this delicacy.

Bon appetit!
